No record of the results, maybe on a later date?9:40 Deck Court of which Lieut. Comdr. L.E. Wells is sole member convened to try the case of Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c. ... 9-0030.JPG
No record of the results, maybe on a later date?9:40 Deck Court of which Lieut. Comdr. L.E. Wells is sole member convened to try the case of Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c. ... 1-0009.JPGSudden wind and rain squall set in from southwest reaching gale force. Vessel driven broadside onto wharf, the surging therefrom damaging two piles and a stringer piece to probable extent of $500.00. ... 1-0014.JPG1:40 Sighted halibut boat flying a blanket & hove to.
2:00 Observed vessel to be the MARMOT of Ketchican in distress with a disabled rudder and requesting assistance. Made preparations for towing and getting line to vessel.
2:40 Line placed aboard Marmot.
3:05 Line secure. Ahead 1/3 speed.
3:10 Standard speed 60 R.P.M. with MARMOT in tow.
8PM to Mid3:56 Sudden parting of starboard towline bindle caused towline to whip across deck, throwing Fred L. Shelton Sea 2c, overboard. Commanding Officer took charge of vessel. Sounded alarm. Sounded whistle. Dropped Franklin buoy. Towed vessel cut towline. Lowered port surf boat, picking up man in six minutes after alarm; man found clinging to buoy thrown over by towed vessel.
4:15 Hoisted surf boat.
4:25 Replaced towline aboard MARMOT
4:33 Got underway at 40 r.p.m. on course 20 degrees p.s.c. with MARMOT in tow.
7:45 Secured 'MARMOT' alongside on starboard quarter. ... 1-0015.JPGEngineers force engaged attempting repairs to rudder of MARMOT. ... 1-0020.JPG2:55 Lookout reported that he had seen what appeared to be a green rocket bearing two points abaft starboard beam.
Changed course to 270 degrees true to head in general direction of reported rocket and increased speed to 80 r.p.m.
Cruised area of possible distress signal throughout remainder of watch.
4:15 No trace of any vessel found in area - light believed to be falling meteorite.
4AM to 8AMWhole gale blowing with heavy snow.
8AM to MeridianWhole gale with snow and heavy sea.
Barometer falling throughout watch, wind diminishing slowly in intensity, sea mountainous as watch ends. ... 1-0026.JPGStrong NE gale with mountainous sea. Barometer falling slowly. Vessel rolling & pitching heavily, shipping considerable water.