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Log Pages for Transcribing - apply here!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:23 pm
by arboggs
Welcome to the log book of the Narwhal 1894

(Steam bark) of San Francisco, mastered by H.P. Smith, on voyage from 12 Mar. 1892 - 24 Oct. Nov. 1894.

If you would like to work on a section of the log please
  • leave a note in the next available reply section of this board below
  • remember to say which section you would like to work on
  • a link to the workbook, for your transcriptions, will be provided to you by personal message
  • let us know if you would rather work in Excel, LibreCalc, or Google Sheets
  • each section of the log must be transcribed by three different transcribers
Where to start once I have my log section and workbook?
Please ensure that you read these information pages before transcribing
  1. Transcribing: capturing the log details, and information resources
  2. Transcribing: managing your recording workbook
Dates are in the format YYYYMMDD. Links to log book pages are shown in blue
Journey section
/ Users
Date from Date to General Position Comments
Stream A: arboggs
Stream B: marmaduke
Stream C: kkhunter
18940101 18940705 Pauline Cove Herschel Island Stuck in ice; crewman death and surgery; sports day
Stream A: arboggs
Stream B: marmaduke
Stream C:
18940706 18940902 Pauline Cove; Canadian islands Lots of ice
Stream A: arboggs
Stream B: marmaduke
Stream C:
18940903 18941019 Herschel to Ounimak Pass Some ice

The ship is working on civil time

Thank you for your help :D

Re: Log Pages for Transcribing - apply here!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 7:42 pm
by jkizzie
Hello! Signing up to take Sections A for the PPL transcribe-a-thon (NBWM is joining us!) please! Google Sheets, please!

Re: Log Pages for Transcribing - apply here!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 8:58 pm
by AvastMH
Hello Jkizzie! Google sheets it is then! Ah - I've got two transcribers already here (arboggs and marmaduke). I just spotted that you're all interested in a few others - I'll rattle around those for you now :)