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Storis (1955) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:11 am
by Randi
NARA URLJPG Link January

On the weather page, please enter: date, locations, distances, courses, and all the weather data in the columns outlined in red in the spreadsheet.
It is not necessary to record Sea Conditions or Swells from.
However, ice mentioned in the weather grid should be transcribed using the magenta Sea columns.

On the events page please enter: ice, location information, and sailing information.
Aurorae and volcanic activity should also be reported.
Other events are optional.

One person can do both weather and events (Stream 1), but the system also allows one person to do the weather page (Stream 1) and a second person to do the events page (Stream 3).
Unlike in OW3, where three transcriptions were required for each page, we are doing only one transcription per page.

Every transcriber needs to enter the date.
The date is used to organize the pages.
(If one transcriber does events and weather and they are in the same image, the date is only entered once.)

Ice hunting transcriptions were done for 9-22 June and 5 July through 5 October, so only the date and the weather need to be done now.
No transcriptions were done for 1 January through 8 June, 23 June through 4 July, and 6 October through 31 December, so a full transcription is needed.

OW web site: Storis

Direct links:

Re: Storis (1955) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:24 am
by Randi
Pommy Stuart wrote:Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:45 pm The furthermost part of that voyage crosses the one I did to Coppermine, Kugluktuk, NU, Canada from the other direction.
It looks like they ended in the vicinity of where Franklin's ships were found not long ago.
Pommy Stuart wrote:Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:01 am Busy day for the clouds in the sky.
In 17 consecutive hrs I counted 15 different cloud formations. (+ 1, 4 hrs earlier)
Pommy Stuart wrote:Sat May 02, 2020 5:05 am Well, it it a bit different to being drunk. 0000 - 0900hrs
Pommy Stuart wrote:Tue May 05, 2020 1:22 am An example of covering your tracks in case of any problem.

21 March 1955. Over three pages of tight writing.

<event><time>0000</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Location</subtype><text>Underway in Grenville Channel enroute Seattle. 137T</text></event>
<event><time>0147</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Sainty Pt Lt brg 045T 1400yds cc
<event><time>0230</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>080T
0236 cc 071T
0251 var courses coming to 48T entering Fraser Reach.
<event><time>0336</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>132T
0348 cc 134T</text></event>
<event><time>0418</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Work Is Lt brg 000T 1100yds cc 103T
0435 var to conform with channel. entering Graham Reach.
<event><time>0420</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Red Cliffs Lt brg 182T 770yds cc 131T
0435 var entering Graham Reach.</text></event>
<event><time>0505</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Griffin Pt @ port
0524 cc 175T
0557 cc 196T Standing into Tolmie Channel.
0559 Sarah Is Lt @ port</text></event>
<event><time>0607</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>187T
0613 var
0653 cc 175T</text></event>
<event><time>0700</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>153T
0707 cc 166T
0720 cc 122T
0721 cc 101T standing into Findlayson Channel.
0729 cc 168T
0734 cc 170T</text></event>
<event><time>0822</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>League Pt brg 090T 2100yds cc 211T
0830 cc 201T
0831 cc 211T
0905 Vancouver Rock Lighted whistle bouy brg 110T 2700yds cc 151T</text></event>
<event><time>0934</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Susan Rock Lt brg 225T 2000yds cc 135T
0947 Ivory Island Lt brg 021T 1700yds cc 103T
<event><time>1020</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Idol Pt Lt brg 270T cc 107T
1047 Dall Rock lighted bell buoy @ stbd cc 133T
1058 RTan Song Is brg 223T cc 151T</text></event>
<event><time>1104</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Dryad Pt Lt brg 260T 500yds cc 224T
1123 Napier Lt brg 121T 2000yds cc 168T
1128 cc 164T
1132 Napier Lt brg 245T cc128T
1145 Walker Is Lt brg 085T cc 130T
1156 cc 086T</text></event>
<event><time>1214</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Serpent Pt brg 160T 500yds cc 112T
1217 cc 115T
1220 cc 117T
1229 Pointer Is Lt brg 260T 3500yds cc 180T
1230 Stopped.
1231 underway
1244 cc 171T
1247 Fog rock lt brg 161T 2500yds
1440 Addenbroke Lt brg 094T 110yds cc 175T</text></event>
<event><time>1528</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Clark Pt Lt brg 270T 2300yds cc 185T</text></event>
<event><time>1616</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Egg is Lt brg 1ooT 2800yds cc 156T
1621 cc 163T</text></event>
<event><time>1745</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Pine Is Lt brg 045T 400yds cc 142T</text></event>
<event><time>1830</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>181T
1843 Loble Is Lt brg 247pgc 800yds cc 113T</text></event>
<event><time>1930</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>151T
1934 cc 141T</text></event>
<event><time>1940</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>131T</text></event>
<event><time>2035</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>097T</text></event>
<event><time>2100</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>120T
2140 cc 100T
2156 Broken Is Lt brg 040T 1800yds cc 104T</text></event>
<event><time>2207</time><type>Sailing Info</type><subtype>Course Change</subtype><text>Blinkhorn Is Lt brg 180T 1000yds cc 110T
2250 cc 093T</text></event>

I could have just put.
0000 Grenville Channel
0251 Entered Fraser Reach
0435 Graham Reach
0557 Tolmie Channel
0721 Finlayson Channel.

And we have only just entered Johnstone Strait

I hope after all that effort and time we did not hit dry land. ???
More of the same for the next day.
Randi wrote:Tue May 05, 2020 2:01 am

Re: Storis (1955) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:31 am
by Randi
Pommy Stuart wrote:Wed May 06, 2020 8:57 am Things are looking up for the crew now we are back in Seattle Wash.
Just got a batch of supplies from 'Golden Glaze' donut company. ;D
Pommy Stuart wrote:Fri May 08, 2020 8:12 pm Mutter, Mutter.
Two log days after I changed the Gamma on my screen, we are now using Green ink in the log. :o.
Well it makes a change and is still readable. ;)
Pommy Stuart wrote:Sat May 09, 2020 11:01 pm It does not seem to make any difference how many CCs I log, they still managed to run aground. 14 June 1955. :o >:( ???
56 37 40n, 132 57 13W

The 2 inch by 14 foot Opps happens here

damage report here

Look at the number of CCs here

Now we are on the way back home again. :(
Pommy Stuart wrote:Tue May 12, 2020 3:38 am Now we have hit the USS Burton Island whilst trying to go alongside.
Our anchor tore a hole 5ft x 2in in the Burtons port he a eling tank.
Randi wrote:Tue May 12, 2020 4:31 am wrote:either of two lateral ballast tanks permitting an icebreaker to heel and crush ice to either side.

Re: Storis (1955) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:34 am
by Randi
Pommy Stuart wrote:Thu May 14, 2020 5:07 am The Storis has just reached Jenny Lind Island.
Who on earth named this desolate flat island after such a lovely singer. :o

I walked from embarkation at the island towards the DEW line base and gave up after an hour, it never got any closer so i/we gave up, returned to the ship and had a few whiskeys.
We did see a few Musk Ox at a sociable accepted distance.

Link to video of NW Passage by the professional onboard. Jenny Lind
Jenny Lind Is is at 14:30min
Pommy Stuart wrote:Thu May 14, 2020 9:00 pm At one point the Storis was within about 60km of where the Terror and Erebus were eventually found.
Pommy Stuart wrote:Thu May 14, 2020 11:00 pm Now within 40km.
Michael wrote:Fri May 15, 2020 12:30 am Stick your head below the surface when you get close, you could get credit for discovering the wrecks. ;)

I enjoyed the video. Jenny Lind didn't have much to recommend it.
Pommy Stuart wrote:Fri May 22, 2020 2:47 am Just got back to Juneau.
Next day force 9 wind.
Following day (Christmas Day) 5F (0F wet)
Pommy Stuart wrote:Fri May 22, 2020 6:01 am Storis returned safe and sound to Juneau Dec 31st 1955.

Re: Storis (1955) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:37 am
by Randi
Michael wrote:Fri May 22, 2020 7:52 pm Storis sets the new record for the number of course changes in one hour. In the hour between 1100-1200 on January 5th they logged nine course changes, for a total of ten courses in one hour. ::)

They had so many they ran out of room on the page.
Michael wrote:Sun May 24, 2020 12:03 am The longest cloud entry for 1955 occurred September 13 at 2000: acassc/nsac. Mind you, it was really over two hours because there was a time change. ;)
Michael wrote:Fri May 29, 2020 7:46 pm Here's the disabled aircraft we went and rescued on November 11. N4772C


See here for details of this aircraft: Grumman G-21A Goose C/N B-131

Re: Storis (1955) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:40 am
by Randi
Michael wrote:Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:41 pm The voyage for 1955 has been done. Many thanks to Stuart who persevered through the many course changes. But, on the bright side, he ventured into places seldom travelled!

You can see the voyage here and, if you like, you can download the full KML file for the voyage here. Loading the KML file into Google Earth will provide you with lots of detail.
Randi wrote:Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:17 pm
Stuart & Michael