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Making your first post

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:35 am
by Caro
Click = tap
Right click = tap and hold

You can find answers to most questions about using this forum by clicking the FAQ link at the top left of each page.

To post a new topic, click New Topic.
To post a reply to a topic, click Post Reply.

The function of any button becomes visible when a cursor is moved over it.
You can type the codes instead of using the buttons.

You can edit or delete your own posts using the buttons to the left of your avatar.
A post cannot be deleted after replies have been made to it.

Edit post [pencil]
Make changes to your own post.

Delete post [x]
Delete your own post.

On other users' posts you will see these buttons:

Report this post [!]
Report offensive posts or spam to the moderators.

Reply with quote ["]
The post you are replying to will be quoted.

Use the buttons above the posting box for the usual things like bold, italic and underline.
Font size can be changed by using the drop-down box showing 'Normal' .
The button to the left of that is for Font colour.

The default font is Lucida Grande.
Some of the fonts available are Ariel, Courier, and Impact.
Click the 'font' button and add =[font name].
For example:
[font=Times New Roman]This is Times New Roman[/font]
This is Times New Roman
Advice for adding links and images can be found here.

Insert URL
