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Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:33 am
by Randi
DJ_59 wrote:Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:37 pm
Music is my favorite thing, and I'm always curious as to what people are listening to. What are you listening to right now? What do you like to listen to while working on a log book?

Personally, I haven't worked out what feels best, musically, while working on the log sheets, but right at this moment I'm listening to The Beatles' Revolver album. "And Your Bird Can Sing" just now.

Link to archive of this discussion from the old forum

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:13 am
by jil
Rather surprised to switch on BBC 6Music and hear a song about a ship stuck in ice (and a name check for Barrow). It was part of 3 themed records on icy seas. The third one is about a whaler (warning for Joan - there's a mention of eating penguin eggs!). The songs were:

Locked in Ice by Shirley Collins
Marooned by Wire
Little Pot Stove by Nic Jones

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 12:13 pm
by AvastMH
They sounds fascinating jil :D I'll have to catch up with those on iplayer. Well - they used to eat the penguins let alone eggs. Apparently that's why Scott (or possibly Shackleton, but I think Scott) took lots of mustard on the South Pole expedition - anything to hide the penguin flavour. :o

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:49 pm
by AvastMH
Vale Helen Reddy :cry: :cry: :cry:

I am Woman - a ready memory of Reddy from my early years :)

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:10 pm
by pommystuart
The Last Leviathan by Port Isaac Fisherman's Friends
Bert Gnomish

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:22 pm
by Morgan
This is quite a ballade! The beauty of the music and the lament of the lyrics are curiously juxtaposed. In California, Whale watching has become a big tourist business and has raised the consciousness of a great many people. A few years back, I went on a trip from Monterey and saw humpbacks and a blue whale. The most interesting thing, though, was a conversation with an older gentleman from Norway. He had been one of the last Norwegian whaling boats as a very young man. This trip was obviously very moving to him.

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 10:36 pm
by AvastMH
Morgan wrote: Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:22 pm This is quite a ballade! The beauty of the music and the lament of the lyrics are curiously juxtaposed. In California, Whale watching has become a big tourist business and has raised the consciousness of a great many people. A few years back, I went on a trip from Monterey and saw humpbacks and a blue whale. The most interesting thing, though, was a conversation with an older gentleman from Norway. He had been one of the last Norwegian whaling boats as a very young man. This trip was obviously very moving to him.
My goodness - that man must have had so much emotion in his heart. 8-)

Just listened to the Last Leviathan. Very beautiful, words and tune. Off to find a lot of tissues. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:34 pm
by AvastMH
The 25th Moby-Dick Marathon
January 8 - 10, 2021

Join us for the annual readathon of America’s most iconic novel, Moby-Dick.
An experience you don’t want to miss, you’ll relive the famous, action-packed narrative and be transported back in time on the search for the elusive white whale.


“A Wonder, a Grandeur, and a Woe”: Melville and Human Progress
with Steven Olsen-Smith
Friday, January 8 @ 7:00 pm (EST)
Reservations Required
Members $10 │ Non-members $15

Enjoy a lively presentation by Steven Olsen-Smith, current Professor at Boise State University and General Editor of Melville’s Marginalia Online. The talk will look closely at Melville’s body of work to trace his conception of our prospects for edification and advancement. Steven will explore how admirers of Herman Melville might ponder anew Melville’s conception of humanity’s capacity for individual, social, and evolutionary growth.


The 25th Moby-Dick Marathon
January 8 - 10, 2021

Join us for the annual readathon of America’s most iconic novel, Moby-Dick.
An experience you don’t want to miss, you’ll relive the famous, action-packed narrative and be transported back in time on the search for the elusive white whale.


“As for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.” – Moby-Dick

Geography and travel are no longer a barrier to enjoy the Marathon
as this year's events will be 100% virtual!

Hundreds of readers from all over sent in recordings of themselves reading passages from the book. We put them all together to give you a 25-hour, cover-to-cover reading!

On Saturday, January 9 at 11:30 a.m.
(note that it won't be live until then so early birds don't fret!)
Go to the Museum's website via the link below.
The reading will be available directly on our webpage.

“A Wonder, a Grandeur, and a Woe”: Melville and Human Progress
with Steven Olsen-Smith
Friday, January 8 @ 7:00 pm (EST)
Reservations Required
Members $10 │ Non-members $15

Enjoy a lively presentation by Steven Olsen-Smith, current Professor at Boise State University and General Editor of Melville’s Marginalia Online. The talk will look closely at Melville’s body of work to trace his conception of our prospects for edification and advancement. Steven will explore how admirers of Herman Melville might ponder anew Melville’s conception of humanity’s capacity for individual, social, and evolutionary growth.

Special Features and Bonus Activities

Cousin Hosea’s Chowder Hall and the Decanter Taproom
If you are local and live in Dartmouth, New Bedford, Acushnet, or Fairhaven, Mass., Moby Dick Brewing Co. and delivery service Gotchew have partnered with us to bring you warm chowder, cold brews, and more!

Moby-Dick Marathon Trivia!
Are you a Moby-Dick wiz?
Put your knowledge to the test with a trivia game created by Melville Scholars from the Melville Society Cultural Project.

Chat with the Melville Scholars
Saturday, January 9 at 2:30 pm (EST) via Zoom.
Enjoy exclusive access to Melville Scholars to ask them anything and everything Melville.

Visualizing Melville: An exhibition of Words, Ideas, Images, and Objects
Sunday, January 10 at 10 am (EST) via Zoom.
Join Michael P. Dyer, the Museum’s Curator of Maritime History, as he parallels the text of Moby-Dick and of other Melville books with artworks that bring the text into a more interpretive, more subjective, visual experience.
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New Bedford Whaling Museum | 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford, MA 02740-6398


Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:24 pm
by arboggs
Thought everyone (who somehow hasn't heard yet) might get a kick out of this: ... ained.html

Thanks to TikTok, a video service that lets you "duet" with other people or add on to their videos, sea shanties and other sea songs are in the spotlight. The article above gets into a bit of the how and why, but really it's about a communal music style bringing people together. "Wellerman" is the break out hit at the moment, but I've been seeing videos going around the internet with various other songs. And just in the last few days some other folk music people have been bringing things like waulking songs into the mix, too. It's pretty neat to see this kind of folk music bringing people together when we're all so isolated.

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:57 pm
by AvastMH
Nice find April :) I saw this chap on the BBC news the other night. I'm delighted for him :) Sea Shanties take a lot of beating in my book. They caught a snippet of another of his songs and I knew the chorus words. Found myself instantly singing out at the TV :D

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:06 pm
by AvastMH
I'm listening to the Little Pot Stove by Nic Jones, recommended by my good friend Katie. I could not trace 'Leigh Harbor' but here's a picture of the, now abandoned, Leith Harbor on South Georgia.

Leith then

and now

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:38 am
by Morgan
AHHH, from a CD labeled "Penguin Eggs" . Nice listen- with or without the Penguins! I particularly appreciate folk music; it always seems to have more heart to it. Both the lyrics and the tune.
I wonder what fresh penguin eggs are like- not enough to try one though.
Thanks for something new.

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:29 am
by AvastMH
Glad you enjoyed it Morgan. I like folk music too :D

I'm also a moderator for the Zooniverse's Penguin Watch. I'm endlessly glad that it does not come with smell-o-rama or taste-o-rama. :)

Apparently the reason why Scott took so much mustard to the Antarctic was to make penguin meat more palatable (?!? :shock: :? :roll: ). I'm guessing that the eggs are likely to be very fishy flavoured too. I read that the French explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot's group ate penguin eggs when they were ill, for the high protein levels. History does not record how the eggs tasted without a good dollop of mustard :lol:

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 9:26 am
by AvastMH
Currently doing some Kathryn Tickell music. Love those Northumbrian Bagpipes :)
Kathryn Tickell, 'Lads of Alnwick'

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 9:24 pm
by Morgan
Thanks for sharing. I read British murder mysteries set in Northumbria, (US author Martha Grimmes) so my point of view is limited- glad to see this. There is always a beautiful red headed woman. I also have to laugh when Americans are cast in British TV murder mysteries- they are on of 3 types wealthy Texans, from New York City, or from Hollywood.

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:30 pm
by Hanibal94
Morgan wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 9:24 pm I also have to laugh when Americans are cast in British TV murder mysteries- they are on of 3 types wealthy Texans, from New York City, or from Hollywood.
I'm sure us Yankees return the favor when casting Brits in American TV murder mysteries ;)

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:06 pm
by AvastMH
Hanibal94 wrote: Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:30 pm
Morgan wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 9:24 pm I also have to laugh when Americans are cast in British TV murder mysteries- they are on of 3 types wealthy Texans, from New York City, or from Hollywood.
I'm sure us Yankees return the favor when casting Brits in American TV murder mysteries ;)
That's so true Chris. There was an episode of NCIS which involved a dastardly English Rose/Murderer. They mentioned that she worked in the St Cross Building in Oxford. That pricked my ears up because I worked there at the time. She turned out to be a teacher in the English Dept at the University. I wondered who they based her on? (It can't have been me) :shock: :lol:

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:02 am
by Michael
Are you sure about that??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:04 pm
by AvastMH
I think so but then again... :o
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Whatcha listening to?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:46 pm
by pommystuart
"Great big sea" band from Newfoundland
on ... -radio.php