Each log writer is likely to have a peculiar writing style and spelling system. In the most exaggerated cases the spelling of one word may vary even in the entry for one day.
If you find oddities please do post them here to help other viewers working with this project.
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Handwriting help, and spelling
Re: Handwriting help, and spelling
AvastMH wrote:Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:48 pm Jan 21st 1885:
Pintacks and Sulphur Bottoms:
Ah - got it. It's 'finbacks'
That's a very floral capital 'F'
Re: Handwriting help, and spelling
AvastMH wrote:Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:51 pm The numbers '5' and '8' are very similar. However the log-keeper makes a distinct effort to ensure that the curve at the top of the '8' is there:
February 19th 1883
He even goes back to place another line at the top of the '8' to ensure that the '8' of the longitude is complete and different to the '5' (105,,08 W)