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Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:54 pm
by Michael

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:59 pm
by Michael
October has been very warm, for here. We had three days, the 1st, 2nd and 8th that exceeded the previous record for the highest temperature in October. It is most unusual to see a monthly max temperature broken in the second week of the month for October. It has also been very dry. Normally we get about 75 mm of precipitation in October; so far we've had only 0.2 mm, and that was probably a heavy dew. The ten day forecast is for continued warm and dry weather.

Code: Select all

Weather summary for Fernwood
Date             High    Low  Gust  Precip Solar
Fri Sep 30 2022  21.3    8.0    13     0.0    26
Sat Oct 01 2022  23.7*   8.8    16     0.0    23
Sun Oct 02 2022  25.1*   9.3    13     0.0    25
Mon Oct 03 2022  21.9    9.5    13*    0.0    25
Tue Oct 04 2022  18.9    8.6    14     0.0    22
Wed Oct 05 2022  19.4    9.9    11     0.0    25
Thu Oct 06 2022  23.1*   8.5    14     0.2    22
Fri Oct 07 2022  22.6*   9.9    11     0.0    22
Sat Oct 08 2022  23.8*   8.0    13     0.0    24
Sun Oct 09 2022  22.7*   7.7    13*    0.0    24
Daily Average    22.2    8.8
Extremes/Totals  25.1    7.7   16.1    0.2   238
Normal Values    15.0    7.3          30.2

A * indicates this is a new record.
(Based on data from the UVic weather station.)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 7:29 am
by jil
Further analysis of the data from the UK's heatwave this summer shows that more than half the oldest weather stations had their hottest day ever and that the records were often broken by several degrees. Including the one nearest to me (Preston) which was about 3C higher than the previous maximum.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:41 pm
by Morgan
Stuart, We are seeing stories of flooding in NSW; is everything alright with you? (We had an un-measurable amount in the early hours this morning.)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:31 pm
by pommystuart
There are a number of areas that are experiencing big floods up to the second floor of some houses.
Fortunately we are not in one of those affected by floods caused by river risings or dam discharging.
Some areas have been flooded a few times in the last few years.
If you build a town near a river or downstream of a dam, you have to expect some flooding.

See link for examples of the flood. ... /101539124

also ... /101539188

Worst we have had in the last 3 years was water over the road and it hemmed us in for a day.

Thank you for asking.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:09 pm
by Michael
The normal maximum temperature for today: 14.4.
The record maximum temperature for today: 18.6.
The current maximum temperature for today, as of 4 P.M.: 23.0

The previous record max temperature for the month was 23.5. So, to be 0.5 degrees off that mark on the 14th of October is astonishing. Yesterday's max temperature was 23.1!

Still no rain this month, other than 0.2 mm of dew. Normally we get 77 mm in the month.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:21 am
by Michael
23.1C again today. 9.2 degrees above the normal max temperature for the day, 5.4 degrees above the record max for the day, and only 0.4 degrees below the previous monthly max temperature. We have 51 fewer minutes of daylight now that we did at the start of the month, which is why it is so surprising to see it so warm now.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:43 pm
by Michael
Our normal maximum temperature for today is 14.9, These are the temperatures since midnight. All of them, except for the 3 AM temperature were above that value!

Code: Select all

16 00 |  133/ 16.3/ 11.1/000/000G010  71   0.0   0.0
16 01 |  136/ 16.7/ 10.1/360/002      65   0.0   0.0
16 02 |  137/ 16.3/  9.7/068/002G010  65   0.0   0.0
16 03 |  137/ 14.7/  9.1/000/000      69   0.0   0.0
16 04 |  133/ 16.1/  9.2/023/002G011  64   0.0   0.0
16 05 |  132/ 16.4/  8.8/338/002G011  61   0.0   0.0
16 06 |  133/ 16.3/  8.8/045/002G011  61   0.0   0.0
16 07 |  135/ 16.0/  8.5/023/002G010  61   0.0   0.0

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:15 pm
by Randi
Temperature readings from the Pittsburgh Int’l. Airport Oct 1 to 15

Normal highs ...................................... 64 to 69
Record high .......................... 91 (1879 and 1884)

Normal lows ....................................... 44 to 49
Record low ............................ 26 (1964 and 1988)

Because of the newspaper schedule, 'days' are 5 p.m. to 5 p.m. (3 p.m. on weekends).

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:46 pm
by ggordon
It's been very warm this side of Puget Sound too.

Yesterday the forecast high was 28C, but it only got up to 25C because thick smoke blew in from the wild fires, blocking out the sun.

Today the winds shifted. With less smoke today it is already 31C as of 3:30 PM. Seattle will likely be a degree or two cooler than here in Kent, but will probably be a record high for October.

Relief comes tomorrow with a forecast high of 20C. Then Friday finally get some rain; almost two months late this year.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:53 pm
by Michael
We have set 12 daily maximum temperature records in the first 16 days of October!!! Four of those records beat the previous monthly maximum temperature. One of those was reached today, with a current maximum of 24.0, beating the previous monthly maximum record of 23.5. Only the maximum of 25.1 set on the second of this October was higher than today's value. You have to go back a full two months to see normal values that are similar to those today. We are running 9-10 degrees above values normal for this time of year. Amazing... especially considering that we have almost one hour less daylight now that we did at the start of the month and about 2/12 hours less than we get in mid-August.

Your smoke came here, Gordon. It was very smelly on our walk downtown. :twisted:

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 9:14 am
by pommystuart

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 8:15 pm
by pommystuart
Not a good day predicted for parts of Queensland and New South Wales. ... /101552418

Fortunatly we live just north of Gosford (Which is just north of Sydney)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:10 pm
by Morgan
That cloud looks outright scary!

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 7:59 pm
by pommystuart
More interesting weather facts from the good old ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, NOT the American one).
The video may help early OWs to understand the rain cycles and factors about unusual rainfall. ... /101562826

Sydney is 100km south of us.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 8:09 pm
by Randi
Strange weather here — the sky is solid blue.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:27 pm
by pommystuart
:o Oh dear. What next?

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:36 pm
by Michael
Here is the probability of rain at Victoria International airport, for SE wind for various wind speeds in knots:


You can see that rain is four times more likely with a wind speed over 15 knots than in the range of 1-4..

Oh yes, these stats are for the months Sep-Oct-Nov.

Ooops. I over-wrote the original post. :oops: :oops: :oops:

But, you get the idea.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:22 pm
by Randi
8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:33 am
by Caro