August 3 at Yokohama, Japan
The French Ironclad Belliqueuse arrived, setting of the biggest round of gun salutes I've seen yet.
French Ironclad "Belliqueuse" Admiral's Flag at the Mizzen, came in & anchored. A salute of 13 guns,
French Flag at at the fore; was fired by each of the following vessels. Viz. The French Frigate "Minerve"
H.B.M.S. "Ocean." Dutch Sloop of War "Curacoa" & the Portuguese Sloop, which was returned, gun for
gun, by the "Belliqueuse," with the Nation Flags at the fore; after which she fired a salute of 13 guns
with American Ensign at the fore, which was returned gun for gun, by the U.S. Flag Ship "Piscataqua"
with French Ensign at the fore.
If I read this correctly, 130 shots were fired. At the time Japan was in a civil war over international influence on the country and opening to international trade. I would think all this firepower on display by foreign ships just off their shore would not help the situation. ... 12-060.JPG