I'm with Matteo about the growth in and dangers from AI.
As for intentionally using AI, I've asked ChatGPT just three or four questions. Two were to see if it could write a simple script in awk for me. It couldn't give me a working script. The other two questions were to see what it had to say about climate change. One I posted, the other was to ask how many peer reviewed articles have been published since 1970 to show that CO
2 causes climate change. It said there were too many, and it would have to troll a number of databases. It also suggested I search the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change database and added that if I wanted, it would show me how. I wasn't interested.
My son, who uses it at his work to generate complex powershell scripts, said you can fool AI by saying something like although climate change is real, what references would a person use to show that it wasn't. Because he uses it to write powershell scripts, I was curious to see how it work writing a simple awk script for me.
In some ways, I liked the Deep Seek answer, although the last paragraph should have been at the top. The answer gave me a sense of how these climate deniers can use "science" to refute the idea of climate change.
In any case, I plan to use AI as much as I use Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and all those other similar apps. I realize, of course, that my searches on Google are driven by AI, but I can't avoid that. Mind you, I do get a spam email every two or three days telling me that someone is trying to log into my Facebook account. I guess the spammer needs to use AI to check to see if I even have a Facebook account: I don't!