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Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:13 pm
by arboggs


Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:44 pm
by Randi
Yum! :D

Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 3:44 pm
by jil
Happy Birthday Bob!

Who says 'as useless as a chocolate teapot'? Not me, that looks very useful!

Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 3:49 pm
by Caro
Happy birthday Bob!

Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:51 pm
by pommystuart
Have a great day Bob.

For a bit of a laugh

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:57 pm
by pommystuart ... /102942428

I wish I could just separate the picture story. :(

Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:30 pm
by Randi
Is this what you want: ?

Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:07 pm
by pommystuart
That's the one. Thanks.

Re: Chat

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:07 pm
by Morgan
Happy Birthday Bob!
The direction the conversations have bee going- you are lucky to get that great cake and pot of cocoa. You could easily gotten a can of Image

Re: Chat

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 10:08 pm
by Bob
Ha, thanks all for the birthday wishes!

Re: Chat

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:50 pm
by pommystuart
We have a planned 8hr power outage today in the village.
You will all be in bed (or close to it) when it comes back on, sleep well.

Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:32 am
by Caro

Happy birthday to us!

Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:28 am
by jil
Happy Birthday and congratulations to everyone who's worked to keep this excellent project going for so long!

Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:07 pm
by arboggs

Happy OldWeather Day to Us!

Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:15 pm
by Michael
Yes, indeed!
Happy Birthday to us!

Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:21 pm
by Randi
Happy birthday to us !


Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:01 pm
by pommystuart
Happy Birthday to us all and remember


Re: Chat

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:36 pm
by Randi


Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:58 am
by pommystuart
Whilst looking for info on the American hermaphrodite brig "Sullivan" mentioned in Kearsarge log.
I came across this book and whilst it does not mention the "Sullivan" I thought it may interest any boat builders amongst us. ... rs_of.html

Re: Chat

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:00 pm
by Randi
That link did not work for me.
It seems that ?id=qTZPsctuutwC needs to be added: ... ZPsctuutwC