Tuesday, September 4th
30 Miles South of St. Paul Island
03:15, received distress call from Japanese steamer
TAIYO MARU. Could not receive information about her position as she would send it only in Japanese.
Apparently she was not far out of Yokohama. There is an article in the N.Y. Times, but you neet to be subscriber to see it.
This article is from one of the people on the ship. Apparently the damage to the ship was caused by the great Kanto Earthquake of 5 September. The article is harrowing to read, the destruction of Yokohama and Tokyo is unimaginable.
From the wee bit you can see from the NY Times:
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4. -- The Japanese liner Taiyo Maru, credited with being the largest steamer sailing out of an American Pacific port, sent out SOS signals from a point off the coast of Japan at 4:44 A.M. today, and then held a long radio conversation in Japanese code with the steamer Korea Maru in Yokohama harbor, according to a message received by in navy radio here from its station in Cordova, Alaska.