1030: Captain Paul Shirley left the ship to go on board the homeward bound steamer; as he left the side, the crew without orders, gave him three hearty cheers from the fore rigging.
1200-1600: Lieut George A Baldy Navigator was suspended from duty by the Comd'g Officer for being in such a condition from the use of stimulants as to be unable to perform his duties in a proper manner
0800-1200: Followed the motions of Hawaiian authorities on shore in half-masting colors as a testimonial of respect to the memory of the late king. Sent ashore to US consul five (5) blue lights night signals one (1) White lantern + a white member for signals to be used in case of disturbance on shore
0800-1200: followed motions of Hawaiian authorities on shore in half-masting colors as a testimonial of respect to the memory of the late king
1200-1600: made all preparations for sending a party of armed men ashore to assist in preserving the peace
1600-2000: A precou~ted signal was made from the American barque Munay for assistance. Sent Company of Infantry & Marine Guard on shore in charge of Lieut Comd'r Theo F. Jewell to assist in quelling disturbance caused by the Election of new king David Kalakau. USS Portsmouth + HBMS Tenedos also sent parties of armed men.
2000-2400: Heaving firing on shore: Sent Lieut Baldy on shore to Headquarters to inquire cause of firing. Lieut Baldy returned at midnight. Everything quiet on shore
0400-0800: Lieut Geo A Norris, Ensign M. D. Hyde and Mids. W.H.H. Southerland reported on board with thirty six (36) men having been detached from special duty on shore Lieut Geo A. Baldy took command on shore of those remaining there fourteen men + nineteen marines
1000: Hi Excellency the French Commissioner paid an official visit on board & was received with usual ceremonies 1050 the Governor of Oahu visited the ship accompanied by the Prime Minister
1600-2000: Preparing ship fore evening entertainment
1900: Parties from shore and the USS Portsmouth HBMS Tenedos came on board to witness Minstrel Entertainment by the crew
2000-2400: Ladies + gentlemen from shore and Officers of HBMS Tenedos and USS Portsmouth on board witnessing entertainment given by crew
1200-1600: 1st + 2nd Cutters pulled in Regatta for Man of War boats given by USS Portsmouth. During the Regatta King Kalakaua of the Hawaiian Islands and Leliokoku Prince apparent visited the USS Portsmouth. This ships Gig came in ahead in the Gigs race and the 1st Cutter in the Cutter race the only races for which this ship's boats were entered
1200-1600: The following named destitute seamen belonging to American Whaling Barque Active were received on board for transportation to the United States Vz E. T. Silva: A J Frates: A Francis: Jack: M Simeas: David: T Ferrars
0400-0800: Ensign M.D. Hyde. Chief Engineer L J Allen P.H. Engineer J. H. Harmony + Asst Surgeon J.L. Neilson left the ship to try the height of the mountain as far as the glacier now in plain sight from the ship
2020: Mr Wagner Pilot reported on board: while steaming very slowly into the anchorage the ship answering her helm much more quickly than the Pilot anticipated ran upon a reef standing out from docks just a wash at high water; the keel striking first forward and then first abaft mid ship section. Stopped and devoted the remainder of the watch to lightening ship and making other preparations for getting off. Ran the IX Guns forward and got out shot shell and powder. Sent out kedges from Port bow and quarter and carried out Port bower anchor with chain to a position about one ships length off Port bow. Tide rising slowly. At end of watch engaged shackling Port chain. Soundings taken around ship at 2340 from the Dingy by J.L. Thatcher Carpenter
2000-2400: Lieut A.B. Carter, USN left behind on shore sick from the USS Benicia departed this life this evening at the residence of Mr. Cartright and American Merchant of Honolulu
1400: Sent body bearers ashore in charge of Mid. Southerland: At 1430 sent an Escort of 56 seamen + Marine guard of this ship; as escort for funeral of Lt. Carter
0740: Passed Asst Paymaster E H Cushing departed this life
0842: Buried Paymaster E H Cushing in Lat: 11 12S Long: 77 53W. 1st Lieut A.S. Taylor USMC took charge of the Paymasters Department by order of the Commander
1447: Acting A. Paymaster Wm S. Huddell departed this life. Lieut A.S. Taylor USMC took charge of the Paymaster's Dept by order of the Commander
1715: Called all hands to bury the dead and at 5.20 stopped the engines + committed the remains of Wm S. Huddell act'g Asst. Paymaster to the deep with funeral honors in Lat 21 58N Long 77 04W
1300: The salute of 21 guns was returned by the camp on shore, gun for gun. Sent Surgeon M Bradley + Asst Surgeon W.N. Faxon ashore with offers of assistance to a man, wounded in returning the salute at the Camp. At 1.10 Camp Flag was half masted in consequence of his death
Edmund Henry Cushing (1838 - 1869) graduated from Harvard College in 1859. He was admitted to the Bar, Charlestown, New Hampshire in 1860.
Military: Entered the U.S. Navy as Secretary to Admiral Foo'. Acting Assistant Paymaster, 30 June 1863. Passed Assistant Paymaster, 23 July 1866. Paymaster 16 September 1868. Died 11 March 1869, on board U.S.S. Tuscarora, and was buried at sea.
Edmund Henry Cushing b. 1838 d. 1869 In the U.S. service War of the Rebellion and rec'd apptmnt of Secr. to Admiral Foote which he held until the death of Adm. Foote He was made paymaster in the Navy, which office he held til his death, dying of Yellow Fever and was buried at sea. A stone ded. to his memory lies in Charlestown Village Cemetery.
0800-1200: Received on board the five Marines from the Wateree the Wateree being turned over to William Parker Esq purchased by order of Rear Admiral Turner. Ensign W. A. Morgan reported on board.
1730: At 5:30 PM F. A. Wardwell (O.S.) fell overboard from the Launch; immediately let go the life buoy, and cleared away the Life Boat and braced aback the Main Yards, took in studding sail, Mainsail and shanker. The man got hold of the Life buoy just on our quarter, and the 2nd Cutter in charge of Actg. Master's Mate W. H. Omey picked him up, safe and sound, also the life buoy. At 5:45 squared away again on our course.
0730: Surgeon Edward H. Ware, USN, died on board, - cause of death, accidental overdose of Morphine, Chloral Hydrate and Bromide of Potassium
0930: Transferred the body of the late Edward H. Ware, Surgeon U.S.N., to the shore for embalment and the necessary preparations for shipment to San Francisco by the next P.M. Steamer
0800-1200: Sent Carpenter and gang and Medical Officer with assistants on shore with coffin, to prepare the remains of the late Surgeon E. H. Ware, U.S.N., for transportation
1600: The remains of the late Surg. E.H. Ware, U.S.N., were transferred from the shore to the PM Store Ship Moses Taylor
1635: Came up to a Honolulu brig flying signal of distress. Shortened & furled all sail, stopped engines and sent a boat aboard in charge of W.P. Ray Master U.S.N. Ascertained her name to be the Violet 30 hours out from San Francisco bound to Honolulu, and that she was on fire and needed help.
1800-2000: Working party still at work at the Brigantine Violet endeavouring to extinguish fire in her. Came on board from the Violet 11 passengers. 5 Europeans, and 6 Chinamen. Recd United States Mail from Violet. Also charts, books and chronometers
2000-2400: Sent 1st Cutter to land Captain's Clerk. Sent with dispatches to brig's owners in San Francisco. During first part of watch boats returned from brig Violet all possible aid having been rendered
1700: Wm. Wilson (O Sea), whilst laying down from aloft fell from the topmast rigging striking the shear ratline iron, of the port lower rigging and then struck the water; The following men jumped overboard and did their utmost to save him. [Names listed].. Commenced to drag, and sent Native diver down who found the body but failed to bring it to the surface, after dragging sometime recovered the body and brought it on board - finding that the skull had been fractured.
1430: Rev Mr McIntosh came on board: Called all hands bury the dead: Performed a portion of the burial service, and sent 8 marines and 51 mariners, with 8 Commissioned and Warrant Officers as funeral procession to accompany the body of William Wilson (O Sea), to the grave..
1115: The Prince {Leleiohoku} visited the Portsmouth. All the men of war in the harbor manning the yards and the Portsmouth firing a salute of 21 guns with the Hawaiian Royal standard on the main.
1100: Fired a salute of 13 guns in honor of Col. A. B. Steinberger U.S. Commissioner, who was to deliver a sealed letter from the President of the U.S. to the King of Samoa.
0010: Andrew Gilliam, SM Mate, was found to be dead having died of heart disease between 11 and 12 o'clock. Brought his body up and laid it on the quarter deck. At 1335 called all hands bury the dead: The funeral service was read over the body of Andrew Gilliam (SM Mate) by the Executive Officer: At 1350 the boat carrying the remains and escort shoved off; The escort consisted of 17 men & 5 Officers. At 1455 the party returned.
1600: Placed Thos. Francis (Sea) in double irons in charge of sentry (for safe keeping) for stabbing with a knife Edward McGinty (Sea) taken on board at Honolulu for passage to San Francisco.
1200-1600: A warrant having been sent on board by the Civil Authorities of Vallejo for the arrest of Thos Powers (1st Cl F) he was taken ashore by police. Owen Holland (CFC) was subpoenaed as witness and also taken ashore.
0400-0800: Sent Master W.P. Ray ashore to obtain permission to dig a grave. Sent working part ashore to dig grave.
1540: The body of the late Thomas Carey (Carpenter and Caulker) was sent ashore for burial. A funeral party accompanied by Comd'g officer and a corporal's guard attending. Issued three blank cartridges to each man of guard.
0707: A man fell overboard from port side of forecastle but catching the sea painter of lifeboat was hauled on board. The starboard lifebuoy having been let go, lowered a boat to pick it up.
1515: At 3:15 P. M. 100 Pdr Parrott gun burst at the 37th fire killing the following men, viz: Ludwick E. Witt (Sea), John Hill (Sea), James Cormick (Sea), James T. Duffy (Lds), James T. Ward (Lds), Chas. G. Stiles (Ord sea), James W. M. Miller (Lds) and wounding Edward R. Borman (Qr Mr), Chas Brown 3rd (Sea), William Jones (Ord sea), James Williams (Ord Sea), Wm. H. Milliken (Ord Sea), L. G. Vassallo (Act Vol Lieut), Shultz B. Martin (Lds), Jacob Holt (Lds), Cornelius Collins (Private Marines), William Sinton (2nd class boy) and Phineas B. Snyder (Ord Sea).
1900: Discovered what appeared to be a ship on fire outside of harbor, bearing (pc) W by N dist about 16 miles. Sent the 3rd cutter, in charge of Lt Comds B.H. McCalla, Executive Officer to ascertain what it was + render assistance if necessary
2000-2400: The fire seen last watch gradually died out + disappeared about 10, bearing (pc) W by S 1/2 S
0800-1200: 0950 signalled by Army Code from Ajax Wish to send a sick man on board you + get one in his place We then signalled to Ajax, "Who is sick?". She answered Stuart. At 10 signalled Ajax Mobile Light beam about North. At 1025 Boat returned from Ajax with the dead body of Hugh Stuart (Sea)
1330: Comdr read funeral service + consigned the body of Hugh Stuart (Sea) to the deep in Lat 30 07, Long 88 13