Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

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Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

Post by Matteo »

Reading place names mentioned in the logbooks and locating the places can be challenging. So, we have created topics like this to help. In this topic we have links to Greenlandic place name resources on the internet. We also have a Custom Google Earth map for Greenland, an Alphabetical list of Greenlandic place names found in the logbooks and Transcriber created maps.

You can make this topic better by contributing to the Greenlandic Place Names -- Discussion!

Note: Place names include lighthouses.

Links to Greenlandic Place Name Resources

Modern Maps: Historical Maps: Books/Lists: Lighthouses:
For more general place name resources, see the Welcome topic.

Danish and Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) Geographical Terms

Brae - Glacier
Bugt, Bugten - Bay, cove, gulf, fijord
Fjord - Inlet, fijord
Gletscher - Glacier
Halvo, Halvoen - Peninsula
Havn, Havnen - Harbor, port
Kap - Cape, point
Klippe - Island, rock
Nuua - Point, cape
Oer - Islands
O - Island
Pynt - Point, cape, headland
Redden - Roadstead
Stime - Shoal
Stimer - Shoals
Straede, Straedet - Strait
Sund - Sound, marine channel
Vig - Cove

To ask for help or to contribute place name information and links to place name resources (strongly encouraged!), see Greenlandic Place Names -- Discussion

To view place names in nearby regions, see Canadian Place Names -- Reference and Atlantic Europe (except Greenland) -- Reference


Image ... _divisions
Although it is largely unpopulated, Greenland abolished its three counties in 2009 and has since been divided into four territories known as "municipalities":
The weight of the ice has depressed the central area of Greenland; the bedrock surface is near sea level over most of the interior of Greenland, but mountains occur around the periphery, confining the sheet along its margins. If the ice disappeared, Greenland would most probably appear as an archipelago, at least until isostasy lifted the land surface above sea level once again.
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Re: Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

Post by Matteo »

Custom Google Earth map

Greenlandic Place Names

For more information on Google Earth maps, see the Welcome topic.
A Google Maps Chart of this area is also available
An Excel csv file with all the placenames of this area is also available
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Re: Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

Post by Matteo »

Transcriber created maps

A Google Map covering a specific ship or area is a good example of a much appreciated contribution. We will collect them here.
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Re: Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

Post by Matteo »

Alphabetical list

The following is a list of Greenlandic place names found in logbooks. Where possible, the name contains a link to more information.

Note that latitude and longitude are given in decimal degrees.
  • A latitude with no sign (positive) is in the northern hemisphere.
  • A latitude with a negative sign is in the southern hemisphere.
  • A longitude with no sign (positive) is in the eastern hemisphere.
  • A longitude with a negative sign is in the western hemisphere.
We have done our best to locate these places correctly, but there still may be errors. Remember that the same name is sometimes used for many places, so it is possible that the place listed here is not the place you are searching for. Sometimes the name of a place has changed over time or has simply been misspelled by the log keeper. We have included the variants we have seen in the logbooks and have also tried to include the current, standard name. When there are multiple entries for the same place, the information is only included with one.

Useful hints about sorting the list of place names can be found here: How to sort a list by latitude and longitude

Last updated: 08 Nov 2023
Name (+link) Lat Long Province Notes
Aasiaat (town)68.70981-52.86988Avannaata
Aasiaat Station68.71019-52.86996Qeqertalik
Admiral Peary Monument75.92018-66.52524Avannaata
AffirmKujalleqSee Qasigissat (2)
AfirmKujalleqSee Qasigissat (2)
AgajaruaKujalleqSee Natsek Cove
Agaliko FjordKujalleqSee Igaliku Fjord
AgpatAvannaataSee Ritenbenk
Agto (town)QeqertalikSee Attu (town)
Akia IslandKujalleqSee Akia
Alanngorsuaq Fjord60.92609-48.22655Sermersooq
Amitisuarsuk FjordKujalleqSee Amitsuarsuk
Amitsuarsuk FjordKujalleqSee Amitsuarsuk
Ammassalik Fjord65.83333-37.05000Sermersooq
AngmagssalikSermersooqSee Tasiilaq
Angmagssalik FjordSermersooqSee Ammassalik Fjord
Angujartorfik BayQeqqataSee Angujaartorfik
Angujartorfik HarborQeqqataSee Angujaartorfik
Antarctic SoundNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Antarctic Sund
Antarctic Sund73.09979-25.40808Northeast Greenland National Park
Apokatak IslandKujalleqSee Apoqattaaq
AppatAvannaataSee Saunders Island
Archer IslandsNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Archer Oer
Archer Oer72.21161-23.65354Northeast Greenland National Park
Ardencaple Fjord75.28797-20.79712Northeast Greenland National Park
Ardencaple InletNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Ardencaple Fjord
Arsanguit IslandKujalleqSee Assannguit
Arsuk Fjord61.25000-48.15000Sermersooq
Arsuk Island (1)SermersooqSee Arsuutaa
Arsuk Island (2)SermersooqSee Arsuup Uummannaa
Arsuup Uummannaa61.16750-48.66343Sermersooq
Artillery PointKujalleqSee Nuugaarsuk
Arundel IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Arundel O
Arundel O73.76198-20.08789Northeast Greenland National Park
Attu (town)67.94097-53.62365Qeqertalik
Avatdlek Island64.04015-52.18533Sermersooq
Baffin Bay74.00000-68.00000
Baie d'OrleansNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Skaerfjorden
Barclay Bugt69.24510-25.02981Sermersooq
Barklay BaySermersooqSee Barclay Bugt
Basalt IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Basalto
Basalt Point70.45866-22.25445Sermersooq
Basalto74.33456-20.38127Northeast Greenland National Park
Bass Rock74.71667-18.28333Northeast Greenland National Park
Bastian Bugt74.93581-20.07597Northeast Greenland National Park
Bastians BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Bastian Bugt
Bastion PointAvannaataSee Bastion Pynt
Bastion Pynt77.40051-70.02846Avannaata
Beacon E60.91661-45.89991Kujalleq
Beacon F60.96368-45.57041Kujalleq
Beacon Island64.16368-51.71501Sermersooq
BeadleAvannaataSee Dundas
Berg Fjord76.56923-18.94592Northeast Greenland National Park
Berry IslandAvannaataSee Kingittuarsuk
Bessel Bay76.00148-19.82895Northeast Greenland National Park
BipedSermersooqSee Ivittuut
Black CapeAvannaataSee Svartenhuk
Black HookAvannaataSee Svartenhuk
Blackwood Naes76.89701-70.95534Avannaata
Blackwood PointAvannaataSee Blackwood Naes
Blomster BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Blomsterbugt
Blomsterbugt73.32949-25.32736Northeast Greenland National Park
Bloomster BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Blomsterbugt
BluieSee Greenland
Bluie East Five (1)Northeast Greenland National ParkSee Eskimonaes Station
Bluie East Five (2)Northeast Greenland National ParkSee Myggbukta Station
Bluie East FourNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Ella Island Station
Bluie East OneKujalleqSee Prins Christians Sund (town)
Bluie East ThreeSermersooqSee Gurreholm Station
Bluie East TwoSermersooqSee Ikateq (town)
Bluie West EightQeqqataSee Kangerlussuaq Airport
Bluie West FiveQeqertalikSee Aasiaat Station
Bluie West FourSermersooqSee Teague Airfield
Bluie West NineQeqqataSee Cruncher Island Station
Bluie West OneKujalleqSee Narsarsuaq (town)
Bluie West SevenSermersooqSee Kangilinnguit (town)
Bluie West SixAvannaataSee Thule Air Base
Bluie West ThreeKujalleqSee Simiutaq Station
BodkinQeqqataSee Kangerlussuaq (town)
Bontekoe O73.12243-21.34804Northeast Greenland National Park
Brede FjordKujalleqSee Ikersuaq
BredefjordKujalleqSee Ikersuaq
Brennan Pynt66.96600-50.94770Qeqqata
Brisbane BergNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Brisbane Bjerg
Brisbane Bjerg74.20872-20.15831Northeast Greenland National Park
BumboatSermersooqSee Qajartalik
Bushnan IslandAvannaataSee Bushnan O
Bushnan O75.96899-65.06361Avannaata
Camilla ReefSermersooqSee Qeqertaarsuit
Camp Lloyd66.97266-50.92924Qeqqata
CanineKujalleqSee Torgilsbu
Cape ArendtsNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Arendts
Cape AthollAvannaataSee Kap Atholl
Cape BergendahlNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Bergendahl
Cape BerlinNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Berlin
Cape BismarckNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Bismarck
Cape BorgenNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Borgen
Cape BremenNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Bremen
Cape BuchNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Buch
Cape BuchenauNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Buchenau
Cape Carl RitterNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Carl Ritter
Cape ConstitutionAvannaataSee Kap Constitution
Cape CopelandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Copeland
Cape David GrayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap David Gray
Cape DesolationKujalleqSee Kap Desolation
Cape Dudley DiggesAvannaataSee Kap Dudley Digges
Cape Farewell59.77386-43.91184Kujalleq
Cape FarvellKujalleqSee Cape Farewell
Cape GardeSermersooqSee Kap Garde
Cape HamburgNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Hamburg
Cape HansenAvannaataSee Kap Godfred Hansen
Cape HelgolandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Helgoland
Cape Hold With HopeNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Broer Ruys
Cape Hold-with-HopeNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Broer Ruys
Cape HopperKujalleqSee Kap Hoppe
Cape HumboldtNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Humboldt
Cape JewelSermersooqSee Kap Niels Juel
Cape KlinkerfuesNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Klinkerfues
Cape KolthoffNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Kolthoff
Cape KolthollNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Kolthoff
Cape LookQeqqataSee Nuussuaq (4)
Cape MaryNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Mary
Cape MelvilleAvannaataSee Kap Melville
Cape MohnNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Mohn
Cape NansenSermersooqSee Kap Nansen
Cape NegriNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Negri
Cape OrsuluviakSermersooqSee Qasigissat (1)
Cape Oswald HeerNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Oswald Heer
Cape OvibosNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Ovibos
Cape PanschNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Pansch
Cape ParryAvannaataSee Kap Parry
Cape PeschelNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Peschel
Cape PetersensNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Petersens
Cape Philip BrokeNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Philip Broke
Cape RadcliffAvannaataSee Kap Radcliff
Cape RantzauKujalleqSee Kap Daniel Rantzau
Cape RinkNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Rink
Cape RitterNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Carl Ritter
Cape SeddonAvannaataSee Kap Seddon
Cape SeebachNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Seebachs
Cape ShackletonAvannaataSee Kap Shackleton
Cape TramnitzNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Tramnitz
Cape WalkerAvannaataSee Kap Walker
Cape WarrenNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Borlase Warren
Cape WijkanderNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Wijkander
Cape WynnNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kap Wynn
Cape YorkAvannaataSee Kap York
Cape York (town)AvannaataSee Perlernerit
Carey IslandsAvannaataSee Carey Oer
Carey Oer76.71013-72.82631Avannaata
Caroline Amalie HarborSermersooqSee Caroline Amalie Havn
Caroline Amalie Havn63.17298-41.31767Sermersooq
Christians HavnSermersooqSee Iterlak
Christianshaab (town)QeqertalikSee Qasigiannguit (town)
Clavering IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Clavering O
Clavering O74.28468-21.12808Northeast Greenland National Park
CockerNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Eskimonaes Station
Comanche BaySermersooqSee Igtip Kangertiva
Comanche BugtSermersooqSee Igtip Kangertiva
Conical RockAvannaataSee Igannaq
Coppermine BaySermersooqSee Alanngorsuaq Fjord
Crimson Cliffs76.05472-67.58306Avannaata
Crozier IslandAvannaataSee Crozier O
Crozier O80.49457-67.21685Avannaata
Cruncher IslandQeqqataSee Simiutaq (2)
Cruncher Island Station66.04951-53.64233Qeqqata
CurioSermersooqSee Tasiilaq
Dahl Skaer74.15485-20.30647Northeast Greenland National Park
Dahl's RockNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Dahl Skaer
Dalrymple RockAvannaataSee Iganaq
Daneborg74.30471-20.22231Northeast Greenland National Park
Danmark HarborNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Danmark Havn
Danmark Havn76.76070-18.67744Northeast Greenland National Park
Davis Strait64.00000-57.00000Between Greenland and Canada
De Dodes Fjord76.12333-66.77500Avannaata
Dead Man's BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Dodemandsbugten
Delong Pier76.54379-68.86745Avannaata
Denmark Strait65.00000-28.00000
Devil's ThumbAvannaataSee Djaevelen Tommelfinger
Devils ThumbAvannaataSee Djaevelen Tommelfinger
Disco BayQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuup Tunua
Disco BugtQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuup Tunua
Disco IslandQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (1)
Disco OerQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (1)
DisdainNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Ittoqqortoormiit
Disko BayQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuup Tunua
Disko BugtQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuup Tunua
Disko IslandQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (1)
Disko OerQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (1)
Djaevelen Tommelfinger74.60564-57.12946Avannaata
Dodemandsbugten74.11832-20.87055Northeast Greenland National Park
Dove BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Dove Bugt
Dove Bugt76.71170-20.40710Northeast Greenland National Park
Duck IslandsAvannaataSee Edderfugleoer
Dundas FjeldAvannaataSee Uummannaq (2)
Eastwind FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Ostvind Fjord
Edderfugle Oer IslandsAvannaataSee Edderfugleoer
EgedesmindeAvannaataSee Aasiaat (town)
Egedesminde HavnQeqertalikSee Aasiaat
Egg IslandKujalleqSee Itilleq
Eggers OKujalleqSee Itilleq
Eikerasak HarborQeqqataSee Fiskemesteren Havn
Ekaluit BaySermersooqSee Eqaluit
Ekaluit FjordSermersooqSee Eqaluit
Ella Island Station72.85974-25.14565Northeast Greenland National Park
Emmon Pynt66.96686-50.92246Qeqqata
Eskimonaes Station74.09847-21.27949Northeast Greenland National ParkActive up to 1943
FaeringerhavnSermersooqSee Kangerluarsoruseq (town)
FaeringerhavnenSermersooqSee Kangerluarsoruseq (town)
Far SoundNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Farsund
Farsund76.85082-19.88371Northeast Greenland National Park
Fishmasters anchorageQeqqataSee Fiskemesteren Havn
Fiskemesteren Havn66.01027-53.39561Qeqqata
FiskenaesSermersooqSee Qeqertarsuatsiaat (town)
FiskenaessetSermersooqSee Qeqertarsuatsiaat (town)
FiskernaesSermersooqSee Qeqertarsuatsiaat (town)
Fiskernaes FjordSermersooqSee Fiskenaesfjorden
Fitz Clarence Rock76.91136-70.91535Avannaata
Foulke Fjord78.30212-72.62263Avannaata
Franske IslandsNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Franske Oer
Franske Oer78.68467-18.38323Northeast Greenland National Park
FrederiksdalKujalleqSee Narsarmijit (town)
FrederikshaabSermersooqSee Paamiut
Frederikshaab IceblinkSermersooqSee Frederikshab Isblink
Frederikshaab IsblinkSermersooqSee Frederikshab Isblink
Frederikshab Isblink62.54209-50.00496Sermersooq
Frederikshabs Umanaq61.77132-49.59735Sermersooq
Freeden BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Freeden Bugt
Freeden Bugt74.97791-17.95303Northeast Greenland National Park
Frosnebugt75.15169-17.77210Northeast Greenland National Park
Frozen BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Frosnebugt
Gabel O64.32638-40.24287Sermersooq
Gael Hamke Bugt74.01841-20.43045Northeast Greenland National Park
Gael Hamkes BugtNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Gael Hamke Bugt
GamatronKujalleqSee Qasigissat (2)
Gannet BayKujalleqSee Qinngua
Gate's HoleKujalleqSee Mathaeus Havn
Gates HoleKujalleqSee Mathaeus Havn
Germania HarborNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Germania Havn
Germania Havn74.53724-18.82748Northeast Greenland National Park
Germania Land77.12879-20.04245Northeast Greenland National Park
GodhavnQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (town)
GodthaabSermersooqSee Nuuk (town)
Godthaab FjordSermersooqSee Nuup Kangerlua
Godthaab HarbourSermersooqSee Skibshavn
GodthabsfjordSermersooqSee Nuup Kangerlua
Great Koldewey IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Store Koldewey
Green Valley HarborSermersooqSee Gronnedal
Greenland Sea75.00000-10.00000Northeast Greenland National Park
GrondalSermersooqSee Gronnedal
Grouchs Snack75.99570-19.89944Northeast Greenland National Park
Gurreholm Station71.24535-24.58372Sermersooq
Hakluyt IslandAvannaataSee Hakluyt O
Hakluyt O77.43111-72.66289Avannaata
Hancock Pynt66.92061-51.08795Qeqqata
Hare IslandAvannaataSee Hareo
Hawkins FallsNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Hawkins Vandfald
Hawkins Vandfald76.02278-20.16001Northeast Greenland National Park
Haystack75.72571-19.39156Northeast Greenland National Park
Hochstetter BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Hochstetterbugten
Hochstetter Forland75.61667-20.50000Northeast Greenland National Park
Hochstetter Forland Hunting StationNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Nanok Station
Hochstetterbugten74.99925-19.48700Northeast Greenland National Park
Hold with Hope Peninsula73.71428-21.09375Northeast Greenland National Park
Hollander IslandKujalleqSee Hollaendero
HolsteinborgQeqqataSee Sisimiut (town)
Home Forland73.83696-20.44943Northeast Greenland National Park
Horse Head73.62914-56.99364Avannaata
Hvalros O74.51347-18.76087Northeast Greenland National Park
Hvalrosodden76.90818-20.10361Northeast Greenland National Park
Igaliko AnchorageKujalleqSee Igaliku
Igaliko FjordKujalleqSee Igaliku Fjord
Igaliku (town)60.98766-45.42070Kujalleq
Igaliku Fjord60.80089-45.59910Kujalleq
Igaliku HarborKujalleqSee Igaliku
Igdlokasik Beacon60.80413-46.29421Kujalleq
Igdlokasik LightKujalleqSee Igdlokasik Beacon
IgdlorajikSermersooqSee Igdlerajik
Igtip Kangertiva65.06075-40.32217Sermersooq
IkardlugssuakQeqqataSee Ikarlussuak
IkardlugsuakQeqqataSee Ikarlussuak
Ikateq (town)65.94651-36.66756Sermersooq
Ikateq FjordSermersooqSee Ikateq (town)
Ile-de-France77.72159-17.70481Northeast Greenland National Park
Ilua FjordKujalleqSee Ilua
Ilulissat (town)69.21981-51.09861Avannaata
Indre Kitsigsut IslandsKujalleqSee Indre Kitsissut
Indre Kitsissut60.86667-48.36667Kujalleq
Ininguit BaySermersooqSee Ininguit
InnaanganeqAvannaataSee Kap York
Inner ChannelSermersooqSee Qarusulik
Inside PassageSermersooqSee Qarusulik
InsolenceSermersooqSee Paamiut
Inugsugtut IslandKujalleqSee Inussuttuut
Irminger Basin61.00000-36.00000
Isle de FranceNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Ile-de-France
IterdlakSermersooqSee Iterlak
Ittoqqortoormiit70.48456-21.96221Northeast Greenland National Park
IvanganekAvannaataSee Perlernerit
IvigtutSermersooqSee Ivittuut
Ivigtut Cryolite MineSermersooqSee Ivittuut Mine
Ivittuut Mine61.20575-48.16710Sermersooq
Jackson IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Jackson O
Jackson O73.91795-20.13285Northeast Greenland National Park
JacobshavnAvannaataSee Ilulissat (town)
JakobshavnAvannaataSee Ilulissat (town)
Joe IslandAvannaataSee Joe O
Joe O81.25120-63.52951Avannaata
JulianehaabKujalleqSee Qaqortoq (town)
Julianehaab FjordKujalleqSee Julianehabsfjord
Kaersorsuak CapeAvannaataSee Qaersoq
KagsiarsukKujalleqSee Qassiarsuk (town)
Kaiser Franz Josef FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord
Kaiser Franz Joseph FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord
KajartalikSermersooqSee Qajartalik
Kakaligatsiak Fjord60.83186-47.36069Kujalleq
KakatsiaqQeqqataSee Qaqqatsiaq
Kakortok FjordKujalleqSee Qaqortup Imaa
Kalven IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kalveno
Kalveno76.92092-20.56366Northeast Greenland National Park
Kamigtalik Point61.20822-48.19323Sermersooq
Kane Basin79.38860-70.42541Avannaata
Kangaamiut (town)65.82503-53.34279Qeqqata
Kangaamiut Kangerluarsuat65.98140-53.04397Qeqqata
KangaarsukAvannaataSee Kap Atholl
KangamiutQeqqataSee Kangaamiut (town)
Kangamiut FjordQeqqataSee Kangaamiut Kangerluarsuat
KangekSermersooqSee Kangerssuaq
Kangek IslandAvannaataSee Kangeq
Kangek Point60.99351-48.41607Sermersooq
Kangerdlugsuak Weather Station68.16501-31.75094Sermersooq
KangerdlukKujalleqSee Kangerluk
Kangerluarsoruseq (town)63.69776-51.54446Sermersooq
Kangerlussuaq (1)66.50000-52.11667Qeqqata
Kangerlussuaq (2)68.38251-32.25188Sermersooq
Kangerlussuaq (town)67.00876-50.68937Qeqqata
Kangerlussuaq Airport67.01185-50.71366Qeqqata
Kangikitsoq FjordKujalleqSee Kangikitsoq
Kangilinnguit (town)61.23238-48.09600Sermersooq
Kanissut Point70.83377-54.12790Avannaata
Kap Alexander78.16986-73.02740Avannaata
Kap Alf Trolle75.92880-18.47317Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Arendts76.08970-18.58539Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Atholl76.38278-69.63028Avannaata
Kap Bergendahl78.60426-18.36181Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Berlin74.68452-19.43069Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Bismarck76.69943-18.55333Northeast Greenland National Park
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Re: Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

Post by Matteo »

Name (+link) Lat Long Province Notes
Kap Borgen75.42467-18.05946Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Borlase Warren74.26584-19.37233Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Bremen74.98197-19.96426Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Breusing74.21296-20.11047Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Brewster70.15151-22.05957Sermersooq
Kap Broer Ruys73.53127-20.37895Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Buch75.13814-20.50169Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Buchenau74.72378-18.56020Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Carl Ritter76.12239-19.73986Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Constitution80.55945-66.70186Avannaata
Kap Copeland75.33318-18.92052Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Cort Adelaer61.83579-42.08569Kujalleq
Kap Dan65.51440-37.15442Sermersooq
Kap Daniel Rantzau61.77201-42.11785Kujalleq
Kap David Gray74.96581-18.46458Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Desolation60.73164-48.18189Kujalleq
Kap Dudley Digges76.16053-68.79512Avannaata
Kap Egede60.17382-45.42420Kujalleq
Kap Garde68.27785-29.20425Sermersooq
Kap Godfred Hansen80.88339-65.18165Avannaata
Kap Hamburg74.70717-20.05563Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Hammer68.08530-31.60803Sermersooq
Kap Helgoland76.72515-19.10728Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap HensonAvannaataSee Igdlernarssuk
Kap Herluf Trolle61.18461-42.56249Kujalleq
Kap Hoppe59.92808-43.22870Kujalleq
Kap Humboldt73.09354-23.01788Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap JuelSermersooqSee Kap Niels Juel
Kap Kenrick78.24931-72.78315Avannaata
Kap Klinkerfues75.28867-20.63473Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Kolthoff73.72471-24.04098Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Leiningen77.06772-71.31947Avannaata
Kap Maechel72.39561-25.26116Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Mary74.16173-20.19686Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Melville76.04634-64.00938Avannaata
Kap Mohn73.19478-25.75828Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Morris Jesup83.64972-33.38222Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Nansen68.22983-29.42042Sermersooq
Kap Negri75.05195-20.62580Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Niels Juel63.19802-41.10080Sermersooq
Kap Oswald Heer75.55110-19.39156Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Ovibos73.55223-24.39667Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Pansch75.15776-17.39016Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Parry77.01223-71.36324Avannaata
Kap Peschel76.24720-19.95581Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Petersens72.42450-24.61660Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Philip Broke74.92947-17.61469Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Powell77.90540-71.97740Avannaata
Kap Radcliff77.13356-71.15364Avannaata
Kap Rink75.13003-19.60854Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Robertson77.79939-71.42498Avannaata
Kap Saumarez77.85855-71.59409Avannaata
Kap Seddon75.34880-58.67136Avannaata
Kap Seebachs75.81146-19.61660Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Shackleton73.78485-56.77411Avannaata
Kap Sussi75.31895-17.79912Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Thorvaldsen60.67139-47.89764Kujalleq
Kap Tobin70.40861-21.94377Sermersooq
Kap Tramnitz75.01009-18.89168Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Walker75.79627-59.68515Avannaata
Kap Wijkander73.15992-22.86918Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap Wynn74.48269-18.97339Northeast Greenland National Park
Kap York75.90972-66.45139Avannaata
KapisilikSermersooqSee Kapisillit (town)
Kapisillit (town)64.43518-50.27130Sermersooq
Karajak FjordAvannaataSee Qarajaq Isfjord
Karajak GlacierAvannaataSee Qarajaq Isfjord
Karmak IslandKujalleqSee Qarmat
Karrat Fjord71.38333-53.66667Avannaata
Karrats FjordAvannaataSee Karrat Fjord
Karrit Akornat61.78950-42.12976Kujalleq
Kasanartok Havn61.78988-42.27897Kujalleq
Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord73.40190-23.60135Northeast Greenland National Park
Kekertarssuak (1)SermersooqSee Qeqertarsuaq (2)
Kekertarssuak (2)QeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (1)
Kekertarsuak (1)QeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (town)
Kekertarsuak (2)AvannaataSee Qeqertarsuaq (3)
Kekertarsuak IslandAvannaataSee Qeqertarsuaq (3)
KekertatKujalleqSee Qeqertaq
Kekertat IslandKujalleqSee Kekertat Oerne
Kekertat Oerne60.58333-47.56667Kujalleq
Kempers FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kempes Fjord
Kempes Fjord72.80250-25.80886Northeast Greenland National Park
KikertarsuakQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (1)
King Oscar FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kong Oscar Fjord
Kingigtanguak IslandAvannaataSee Kanginguaq
Kioke (1)65.99872-53.53183Qeqqata
Kioke (2)KujalleqSee Qiioqe
Kioke (3)SermersooqSee Vardeo
Kioke (4)SermersooqSee Qiioqi
Kipisako BaySermersooqSee Qipisaqqu
KitsigsutKujalleqSee Kitsissut
Kjoge BaySermersooqSee Pikiutdleq
Kobbermine BugtSermersooqSee Alanngorsuaq Fjord
Kok IslandsSermersooqSee Kookoerne
Kong Oscar Fjord72.36098-23.93473Northeast Greenland National Park
Kong Oscar Havn65.61329-37.62769Sermersooq
Kong Oscars HavnSermersooqSee Kong Oscar Havn
Kornok PassageSermersooqSee Qoornup Sullua
Kraemer IslandSermersooqSee Kraemer O
Kraemer O68.20354-31.84946Sermersooq
Kramer's IslandSermersooqSee Kraemer O
KraulshavnAvannaataSee Nuussuaq (2)
Kraulshavn InletAvannaataSee Nuussuaq Inlet
KugssuakQeqqataSee Qernertuarssup Qula
Kugssuak BayQeqqataSee Sarfartooq
Kugssuk FjordSermersooqSee Qussuk
Kuhn IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Kuhn O
Kuhn O74.85103-20.26703Northeast Greenland National Park
Kungnait BaySermersooqSee Eqaluit
Kusanartok HarborKujalleqSee Kasanartok Havn
KutdlisatQeqertalikSee Qullissat
Light EKujalleqSee Beacon E
Light FKujalleqSee Beacon F
Lille Koldewey76.67282-18.72266Northeast Greenland National Park
Lille Koldewey IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Lille Koldewey
Lille Pendulum74.66546-18.45085Northeast Greenland National Park
Littleton IslandAvannaataSee Littleton O
Littleton O78.36645-72.85096Avannaata
Mackenzie BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Mackenzie Bugt
Mackenzie Bugt73.44721-21.46866Northeast Greenland National Park
MalaccaSermersooqSee Nuuk (town)
Malenefjeld MountainKujalleqSee Malenefjeld
MaligiakAvannaataSee Svartenhavn
MaligiaqAvannaataSee Svartenhavn
Maniitsoq (1)65.41506-52.89822Qeqqata
Maniitsoq (2)61.13221-48.45280Sermersooq
Maniitsoq IslandSermersooqSee Maniitsoq (2)
Marrak Point AirfieldSermersooqSee Teague Airfield
Mathaeus Havn60.80054-46.31514Kujalleq
Melville Monument75.64098-58.52211Avannaata
MerkuitsokSermersooqSee Evqitsut
MerquitsoqSermersooqSee Evqitsut
Meteorite OAvannaataSee Meteorito
Miki Fjord68.14893-31.49869Sermersooq
Morkefjord Station76.92869-20.32110Northeast Greenland National Park
Moskusoksefjord73.64411-23.21424Northeast Greenland National Park
Mount BrisbaneNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Brisbane Bjerg
Mount DundasAvannaataSee Uummannaq (2)
Mount Saint Petersburg76.14939-18.66789Northeast Greenland National Park
Munargo PointKujalleqSee Narsaq Pynt
Munargo PyntKujalleqSee Narsaq Pynt
Musk Ox FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Moskusoksefjord
Myggbukta Station73.49083-21.55194Northeast Greenland National Park
Naajat Kangerluat60.03673-43.14434Kujalleq
Nanok Station75.14571-19.76440Northeast Greenland National Park
Napasorsuaq Fjord61.71235-42.57614Kujalleq
NarrsakSermersooqSee Narsaq (town) (2)
NarsakKujalleqSee Narsaq (town) (3)
Narsak PassageKujalleqSee Narsaq Sund
Narsak Peak60.91546-46.00867Kujalleq
Narsaq (town) (1)KujalleqSee Narsarmijit (town)
Narsaq (town) (2)64.00167-51.63378Sermersooq
Narsaq (town) (3)60.91298-46.05055Kujalleq
Narsaq Pynt60.89329-46.02557Kujalleq
Narsaq Sund60.91667-46.11667Kujalleq
Narsarmijit (town)60.00488-44.66531Kujalleq
NarsarssuakKujalleqSee Narsarsuaq (town)
Narsarsuaq (town)61.15667-45.42536Kujalleq
Narsarsuaq Flashing White Light61.13471-45.43376Kujalleq
Narsarsuaq Main Dock61.14474-45.43482Kujalleq
Narsarsuaq Mooring Buoy61.15870-45.46498Kujalleq
Narsarsuaq Pier Flashing White Light61.14415-45.43459Kujalleq
Narsarsuaq RiverKujalleqSee Narsarsuaq
Narsarsuaq Small Boat Pier61.15006-45.43881Kujalleq
NasarssukAvannaataSee Nasarssuak
Natsek Cove60.05859-43.17724Kujalleq
Natsek CoveKujalleqSee Naajat Kangerluat
NaujatKujalleqSee Naajat
Naujat Ikerasagdlit59.88849-44.85130Kujalleq
NekeAvannaataSee Neqi
Niakornak PointKujalleqSee Niaqornaq
Nordlysets LobKujalleqSee Ikerasaitsiak
Nordre Sermilik61.09199-45.82896Kujalleq
North Star Bay76.53826-69.28391Avannaata
Northcumberland IslandAvannaataSee Kiatak
Northern Sermilik FjordKujalleqSee Nordre Sermilik
Northumberland IslandAvannaataSee Kiatak
NugatsiakAvannaataSee Nuugaatsiaq (town)
Nugsuak HalvoAvannaataSee Nuussuaq (1)
Nuluk Point61.22403-48.22469Sermersooq
NunarsuakKujalleqSee Nunarsuaq (1)
Nunarsuaq (1)60.70410-46.91059Kujalleq
Nunarsuaq (2)59.95572-44.55729Kujalleq
Nunasarnak PointKujalleqSee Nunasarnaq Point
Nunasarnaq Point60.94245-45.82997Kujalleq
NunasarnukKujalleqSee Nunasarnaq
Nusak PointAvannaataSee Nussaq
Nussaq (town)70.43828-54.05355Avannaata
Nuugaatsiaq (town)71.53563-53.21240Avannaata
Nuuk (town)64.18347-51.72157Sermersooq
Nuup Kangerlua64.50000-51.38333Sermersooq
Nuussuaq (1)70.41667-52.50000Avannaata
Nuussuaq (2)74.11117-57.05962Avannaata
Nuussuaq (3)59.98355-44.66619Kujalleq
Nuussuaq (4)66.62570-51.91782Qeqqata
Nuussuaq Inlet74.11661-57.11140Avannaata
OnotoKujalleqSee Narsarsuaq (town)
Orientiring IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Sondre Orienteringso
OrsuluviakSermersooqSee Qasigissat (1)
Ostvind Fjord76.30402-20.60074Northeast Greenland National Park
Paarliit IslandKujalleqSee Paarliit
Pandora HarborAvannaataSee Pandora Havn
Pandora HarbourAvannaataSee Pandora Havn
Pandora Havn78.23576-72.73318Avannaata
Pandora ReefQeqqataSee Qilangat
Pardtlet IslandKujalleqSee Paarliit
Pendulum IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Lille Pendulum
Pendulum StraitNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Pendulumstraedet
Pendulumstraedet74.64973-18.65258Northeast Greenland National Park
Peter BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Peter Bugt
Peter Bugt75.31411-20.21347Northeast Greenland National Park
Pladen IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Pladeno
Pladeno76.85457-20.08987Northeast Greenland National Park
Point Brainard66.90280-50.98977Qeqqata
Point BrennanQeqqataSee Brennan Pynt
Point EmmonQeqqataSee Emmon Pynt
Point EmmonsQeqqataSee Emmon Pynt
Point HancockQeqqataSee Hancock Pynt
Point KantekSermersooqSee Kangek Point
Prince Christian SoundKujalleqSee Prins Christian Sund
Prins Christian Sund60.11667-43.63333Kujalleq
Prins Christians Sund (town)60.05587-43.15923Kujalleq
Proven IslandAvannaataSee Kangerssuatsiaq
PutuguatSermersooqSee Putugua
PutulikSermersooqSee Gabel O
Putulik IslandSermersooqSee Gabel O
Putulik PointSermersooqSee Putuli
Qaarsorsuak IslandAvannaataSee Qaarsorsuaq
Qaersok CapeAvannaataSee Qaersoq
Qaqaligatsiaq FjordKujalleqSee Kakaligatsiak Fjord
Qaqortoq (town)60.71839-46.03561Kujalleq
Qaqortup FjordKujalleqSee Qaqortup Imaa
Qaqortup Imaa60.77911-45.97984Kujalleq
Qarajaq GlacierAvannaataSee Qarajaq Isfjord
Qarajaq Isfjord70.42001-51.14513Avannaata
Qasigiannguit (town)68.81926-51.19221Qeqertalik
Qasigissat (1)65.56634-37.69183Sermersooq
Qasigissat (2)60.67175-46.44513Kujalleq
Qassiarsuk (town)61.14958-45.51452Kujalleq
Qeqertaarsuit RocksSermersooqSee Qeqertaarsuit
Qeqertarsuaq (1)69.82586-53.44012Qeqertalik
Qeqertarsuaq (2)61.06543-48.55820Sermersooq
Qeqertarsuaq (3)71.61846-53.21915Avannaata
Qeqertarsuaq (4)77.42405-70.74811Avannaata
Qeqertarsuaq (town)69.24721-53.53682Qeqertalik
Qeqertarsuatsiaat (town)63.08815-50.67767Sermersooq
Qeqertarsuup Tunua69.00000-52.00000Qeqertalik
Qernertuarssup Qula66.46539-52.01769Qeqqata
QioqeSermersooqSee Vardeo
Qoornup Sullua64.39516-51.21380Sermersooq
RancidSee Greenland
Raritan PointKujalleqSee Nuussuaq (3)
Ravens StoroSermersooqSee Ravn Storo
Ravn Storo62.71667-50.36667Sermersooq
Rens IslandSermersooqSee Renso
Robert Peary MonumentAvannaataSee Admiral Peary Monument
Roon BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Roonbugt
Roonbugt76.29084-20.16815Northeast Greenland National Park
Roseneath BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Roseneathbugt
Roseneathbugt75.71830-19.50449Northeast Greenland National Park
Sabine IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Sabine O
Sabine O74.59485-18.94455Northeast Greenland National Park
Saint Finschoya IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Store Finsch
SanchoKujalleqSee Simiutaq Station
Sanderson HopeAvannaataSee Qaarsorsuaq
SandoddenNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Daneborg
SandottenNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Daneborg
SanerutSermersooqSee Sannerut
SaqqisikuikSermersooqSee Skjoldungen (town)
Saunders Island76.56923-69.74808Avannaata
Scoresby SoundSermersooqSee Scoresby Sund
Scoresby Sund70.47631-24.38690Sermersooq
Scoresbysund (1)Northeast Greenland National ParkSee Ittoqqortoormiit
Scoresbysund (2)SermersooqSee Scoresby Sund
Segelsallskapets Fjord72.42884-24.97275Northeast Greenland National Park
SemersutSermersooqSee Sermersuut
Semersut PointSermersooqSee Sermersuut Point
Sengstacke Bugt75.35149-18.27850Northeast Greenland National Park
Sengstake BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Sengstacke Bugt
Sermersut UmanarssukSermersooqSee Umanarssuk
Sermersuut Point61.24303-48.95113Sermersooq
Sermilik FjordKujalleqSee Sermilik
Shannon IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Shannon O
Shannon O75.14641-18.40485Northeast Greenland National Park
ShekelSermersooqSee Kangerluarsoruseq (town)
SimituatSermersooqSee Simiuttat
Simiutak (1)KujalleqSee Simiutaq (1)
Simiutak (2)QeqqataSee Simiutaq (2)
Simiutak StationKujalleqSee Simiutaq Station
Simiutaq (1)60.69033-46.58152Kujalleq
Simiutaq (2)66.06208-53.57071Qeqqata
Simiutaq Station60.68337-46.59675Kujalleq
Simpson Passage61.05579-48.43151Sermersooq
Singarnak IslandAvannaataSee Singarnaq
SiorakAvannaataSee Sioraq
Sisimiut (town)66.93946-53.67350Qeqqata
Skaer FjordNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Skaerfjorden
Skaerfjorden77.43739-19.19449Northeast Greenland National Park
Skalo IslandAvannaataSee Skalo
Skjoldungen (town)63.21955-41.40284Sermersooq
Skjoldungen IslandSermersooqSee Skjoldungen
Skjoldungen Weather Station63.22150-41.40563Sermersooq
SkovfjordKujalleqSee Skovfjorden
Sofia SoundNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Sofia Sund
Sofia Sund73.02910-23.93730Northeast Greenland National Park
Sondre Orienteringso76.70097-19.80148Northeast Greenland National Park
Sondre StromfjordQeqqataSee Kangerlussuaq (1)
Sondre Stromfjord (town)QeqqataSee Kangerlussuaq (town)
Sondrestrom Air BaseQeqqataSee Kangerlussuaq Airport
Sondrestromfjord (town)QeqqataSee Kangerlussuaq (town)
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Re: Greenlandic Place Names -- Reference

Post by Matteo »

Name (+link) Lat Long Province Notes
SpiritedSermersooqSee Ivittuut
Stephensen's HavnKujalleqSee Stephensens Havn
Stephensens Havn60.92030-46.19880Kujalleq
SternumQeqertalikSee Qeqertarsuaq (town)
SternwalkNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Mackenzie Bugt
Store Finsch74.04467-20.89050Northeast Greenland National Park
Store Finschoya IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Store Finsch
Store Koldewey76.36356-18.81958Northeast Greenland National Park
Storm BayNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Stormbugt
Stormbugt76.78819-18.95142Northeast Greenland National Park
StoroSermersooqSee Qeqertarsuaq (2)
Storo IslandSermersooqSee Qeqertarsuaq (2)
SugartoppenQeqqataSee Maniitsoq (1)
SukkertoppenQeqqataSee Maniitsoq (1)
Sunrise PointAvannaataSee Sunrise Pynt
Sunrise Pynt78.32002-72.84879Avannaata
Susanne IslandsQeqertalikSee Susanneoer
Svartenhuks HalvoAvannaataSee Svartenhuk
TangoddenNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Morkefjord Station
Tasissarssik Beacon65.62111-37.40056Sermersooq
Tasiusaq (town)73.36902-56.05755Avannaata
Tatsip Ata BayQeqqataSee Tatsip Ataa
Tatsip Ata InletQeqqataSee Tatsip Ataa
Tatsip Ataa66.84610-51.12505Qeqqata
TavdlorutitSermersooqSee Tallorutit
Taylors Havn61.16129-48.18578Sermersooq
Teague Airfield63.43194-51.15234Sermersooq
Tellplatte75.02030-18.42529Northeast Greenland National Park
Tellplatte Hunting Hut74.98371-18.39296Northeast Greenland National Park
Tellplatte HutNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Tellplatte Hunting Hut
Tern IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Terneholm
Terneholm73.46840-21.52184Northeast Greenland National Park
TessiusakAvannaataSee Tasiusaq (town)
The Deadhs FjordAvannaataSee De Dodes Fjord
The VaigatAvannaataSee Vaigat
ThuleAvannaataSee Dundas
Thule Air Base76.53111-68.70167Avannaata
Thule Air Force BaseAvannaataSee Thule Air Base
Thule Berth N-3176.56000-68.94000Avannaata
TorssukatakSermersooqSee Torsukattak (1)
Torssukatak Narrows61.17292-48.27689Sermersooq
Torssukatak SnaeveringSermersooqSee Torssukatak Narrows
Torstein IslandsKujalleqSee Ydre Kitsissut
Torsukatak FjordSermersooqSee Torsukattak (1)
Torsukattak (1)61.17193-48.37280Sermersooq
Torsukattak (2)60.80340-48.14037Kujalleq
Torsukattak (3)60.06122-44.48973Kujalleq
Torsukattak FjordKujalleqSee Torsukattak (3)
Torve IslandAvannaataSee Avalleq
Tugdlarunat Beacon60.96738-46.24361Kujalleq
Tugtutok IslandKujalleqSee Tuttutooq
Tukingasok IslandAvannaataSee Tukingasoq
Tunugdliarfik FjordKujalleqSee Tunulliarfik
Tunulliarfik FjordKujalleqSee Tunulliarfik
TvillengreneNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Tvillingerne
Tvillingerne76.30353-20.74425Northeast Greenland National Park
UjarasugssukQeqertalikSee Ujarasussuk
UmanakAvannaataSee Uummannaq (town)
Umanak FjordAvannaataSee Uummannaq Fjord
Umanak Island (1)SermersooqSee Arsuup Uummannaa
Umanak Island (2)SermersooqSee Frederikshabs Umanaq
Umanak Island (3)KujalleqSee Uummannaq (3)
Umanak Island (4)SermersooqSee Uummannaq (4)
Umanak Island (5)QeqertalikSee Rifkol
Umanarsuk IslandSermersooqSee Umanarsuk
Uminak FjordAvannaataSee Uummannaq Fjord
Upernavik (town)72.78720-56.14436Avannaata
Upernivik (1)AvannaataSee Upernavik (town)
Upernivik (2)60.76733-47.00071Kujalleq
Upernivik Island (1)AvannaataSee Upernavik
Upernivik Island (2)KujalleqSee Upernivik (2)
Uttental Sund68.21930-31.77329Sermersooq
Uummannaq (1)AvannaataSee Dundas
Uummannaq (2)76.55974-68.87784Avannaata
Uummannaq (3)60.58545-46.13780Kujalleq
Uummannaq (4)64.04914-51.88143Sermersooq
Uummannaq (town)70.67442-52.12545Avannaata
Uummannaq Fjord70.92472-52.96783Avannaata
Vaigat ChannelAvannaataSee Vaigat
Vaigat StraitAvannaataSee Vaigat
Vester Ejland68.62456-53.53406Qeqertalik
Vester IjlandQeqertalikSee Vester Ejland
VinegarQeqqataSee Cruncher Island Station
Walrus BaySermersooqSee Hvalrosbugt
Walrus IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Hvalros O
Watkins Fjord68.26289-31.81086Sermersooq
Webers Havn61.17594-48.20792Sermersooq
Wedge IslandNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Wedge O
Wedge O82.23814-51.89665Northeast Greenland National Park
West IslandQeqertalikSee Vester Ejland
Westbrook CairnNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Westbrook Varde
Westbrook Varde76.55750-19.04250Northeast Greenland National Park
Wilcox Head74.48805-57.51293Avannaata
Wollaston Forland74.47584-19.86053Northeast Greenland National Park
Wolstenholme FiordAvannaataSee Wolstenholme Fjord
Wolstenholme Fjord76.62764-68.65013Avannaata
Wolstenholme Island76.43267-70.03235Avannaata
Wolstenholme OAvannaataSee Wolstenholme Island
Ydre Kitsissut60.74480-48.41691Kujalleq
Young Sund74.29589-20.32878Northeast Greenland National Park
Young's SoundNortheast Greenland National ParkSee Young Sund

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