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Yantic 1897

Post by Michael »

1897-01-16 ... 7_0221.JPG
  • 0900: Called all hands to muster Lt. Comd'r J P Gilmore U.S.N. read aloud his orders from the Navy Department detaching him from the command of the Yantic and ordering him to proceed to the United States; after which his successor Lt. Comd'r J. M. Miller read aloud his orders from the Department to command the Yantic and assumed command
1897-03-08 ... 7_0059.JPG
  • 1026: After the first shot, as the rammer was being used in ramming home the charge, the charge exploded.. J.M. Hayden, Cox., had his left hand injured at the vent. The upper half port was blown away.
1897-04-23 ... 7_0110.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sent an officer in charge of a boat to bring off a prisoner for passage to the United States. Said prisoner was by order of the Captain, duly searched and placed in solitary confinement in double irons under charge of a sentry.
1897-06-20 ... 7_0171.JPG
  • 0800: Dressed ship British Ensign at main in honor of Her Britannic Majesty's Diamond Jubilee
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Yantic 1877

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1877-02-08 ... 7_0151.JPG
  • 1145: Chas. R Rees died
  • 1815: Hove ship to and committed the body of Chas R Rees to the deep
1877-02-27 ... 7_0171.JPG
  • 1515: Hugh Clark 1st CH expired
1877-02-28 ... 7_0170.JPG
  • 1415: Called all hands to muster and a priest from shore read the funeral service over Hugh Clark ~ the body was then sent on shore for burial
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Yantic 1876

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1876-01-02 ... 7_0147.JPG
  • 1925: Chas. Bennett (~. G. M.) died of Pneumonia
1876-01-03 ... 7_0148.JPG
  • 1505: held services over the remains of Chas. Bennett (C.G.M.) Chaplain McLaren U.S.N. Officiating, immediately afterwards s~ the body ashore for burial accompanied by a funeral party
1876-04-25 ... 7_0063.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Special order of Navy Dept. relating to the death of Admiral Stringham and order of Lt. Comdr Dickens assigning him to the temporary command of this ship. Comdr RS McCook is detached from the ship and ordered to the Naval Hospital at Yokohama Japan. per str of May 1st by direction of Rear Admiral Reynolds
1876-12-22 ... 7_0103.JPG
  • 1600-2000: Received on board Jno Buckley as a distressed American Seaman
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Lackawanna 1878

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1878-12-18 ... 28-095.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Robert Lindsay (~) was placed in the brig for being drunk + noisy and for jumping overboard and attempting to swim ashore.
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Lackawanna 1879

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1879-03-17 ... 28-184.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Main topsail tie parted in hoisting and Francis Johnson (C-Top) fell from aloft + was Killed
1879-03-18 ... 28-185.JPG
  • 1725: Called all hands bury the dead, Funeral party left the ship with the remains of Francis Johnson (C-Top)
1879-07-18 ... 30-107.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sent detail of men ashore to participate in funeral ceremonies of German Man of War Bismarck
1879-08-02 ... 30-122.JPG
  • 1630: A funeral party left the German Corvette Bismarck returning at 1700
1879-08-05 ... 30-125.JPG
  • 1600-2000: Received on board from German gunboat Albatross Ma-i who was placed under sentry's charge to await trial by Consular Authorities on shore for horse stealing
1879-08-11 ... 30-131.JPG
  • 1600-2000: By order of Commanding Officer the Samoan Prisoner Mai was released and allowed to go on shore his bail bond having been filled at the US Consulate
1879-09-04 ... 30-155.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Sent Navigator to locate Whale and Grampus rocks - found their position correct as given on chart
1879-09-05 ... 30-156.JPG
  • 1820: William Highlett (armorer) died of disentery
1879-09-06 ... 30-157.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sent funeral party ashore with the remains of William Highlett late armorer of this ship
1879-09-12 ... 30-163.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Carl Bannister (CT) was confined in double irons by order of Commanding Officer for attempting to strike policeman with a belaying pin
1879-10-25 ... 30-206.JPG
  • 1238: Lieut James D'Hemilly USMC was brought on deck when he immediately jumped over-board through the starboard after pivot. Let go life buoys, lowered 2nd Whale boat, picked him up and brought him on board. Returned for life buoys and hoisted whaleboat
1879-12-17 ... 31-061.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Paid an official visit to His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands
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Lackawanna 1880

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1880-01-07 ... 31-083.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Received his Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands
1880-01-12 ... 31-088.JPG
  • 0800-1200: By order of Comd'g officer Confined Ansel Keen (Sea) for five days on bread + water for telling the Corporal of Guard to go to Hell
1880-04-20 ... 31-187.JPG
  • 0400-0800: At sunrise half masted colors in respect to the memory of the late Rear Admiral H.K. Thatcher USN
  • 1200-1600: At meridian 13 minute guns were fired from battery on Navy yard in respect to the memory of the late Rear Admiral H.K. Thatcher USN
1880-06-13 ... 32-040.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sent steam launch with an officer to bring the President of Honduras from La Brea to Amapala
1880-06-30 ... 32-057.JPG
  • 1420: Josiah Nembherd (Cabin Boy) fell or jumped overboard from Capin Port. Stopped the Engines, lowered a boat and picked him up
1880-08-11 ... 32-099.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Peruvian batteries on shore firing towards the Chilean fleet
1880-08-22 ... 32-110.JPG
  • 2200: At about 10.00 PM a skirmish took place in the neighborhood of San Lorenzo and several shells were fired in that direction from one of the Callao batteries. The firing continued at intervals for about half an hour
1880-08-23 ... 32-111.JPG
  • 0920: Sent boats on shore for refugees
  • 1300: Weighed anchor and steamed out of Chorillos Harbor with refugees on board bound for Chimbote
1880-08-27 ... 32-115.JPG
  • 1000: Fired a salute of 9 guns to the Consul General of Peru to the United States of Colombia, Peruvian flag at the fore. Received several passengers on board for Callao also mail and freight
1880-08-30 ... 32-118.JPG
  • 0800-1200: An Exchange of shots took place between the Chilean Fleet and the shore batteries continuing for about half an hour
1880-09-15 ... 32-134.JPG
  • 1600: US minister to Peru came on board
1880-10-06 ... 32-155.JPG
  • 0930: American consul made an official visit to the ship 0940 Received an official visit from Chilean Officer with Compliments of Captain of Chilean War Vessel Atpau; also received official visit from Captain of English War Vessel Shannon
  • 1200-1600: Chilean Military Governor, Commanding in Arica, visited the ship. Saluted him with eleven guns. Comd'g officer, with US Minister called upon the Chilean Admiral + the Comd'g officer of HBMS Shannon
1880-10-13 ... 32-162.JPG
  • 2000-2400: Gen Adams US Minister to Bolivia and Bolivian peace commissioners came on board for passage to Arica
1880-10-18 ... 32-167.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Their Excellencies the US Ministers to Chili, Bolivia and Peru with the Commanding officer of this ship paid an official visit to HMS Shannon and French War Ship Hussard
1880-10-19 ... 32-168.JPG
  • 1215: two Bolivian peace Commissioners came on board
  • 1430: Chilean Minister of war paid an official visit to the ship and was received with customary honors
1880-10-20 ... 32-169.JPG
  • 2230: A boat from Chalaco brought official document for Bolivian Commissioner. Sent an officer on shore with same
1880-10-21 ... 32-170.JPG
  • 1430: The Peruvian Commissioners left the ship
1880-10-22 ... 32-171.JPG
  • 1155: The Chilean, Bolivian and Peruvian Peace Commissioners assembled on board
  • 1330: Peace Commissioners left the ship
1880-10-25 ... 32-174.JPG
  • 1200-1600: The Peace Commission held a conference
1880-10-27 ... 32-176.JPG
  • 1200: The Chilean Peace Commissioners and at 1230 the Peruvian and Bolivian Peace Commissioners came on board
  • 1700: The Chilean, Peruvian and Bolivian Plenipotentiaries left the ship
1880-11-01 ... 32-181.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Hon J.P. Christianey US Minister to Peru left the ship. Received Official visits from various war vessels in port
1880-11-03 ... 32-183.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Forton the Point fired two shots at the Chilean Fleet which was answered by one of the ships on the blockading squadron
  • 1600-2000: A shot was fired from the blockading squadron towards the shore and several shots were fired from the shore batteries
1880-11-04 ... 32-184.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Those battery on point fired four shots at Chilean fleet
1880-11-06 ... 32-186.JPG
  • 1130: Fire reported in fore hold caused by light being brought near open coal tar barrel. Beat to quarters and put the fire out
1880-11-12 ... 32-192.JPG
  • 0400-0800: At daylight the battery on the mole fired several shots in the direction of San Lorenzo Head
1880-11-29 ... 33-018.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Received visits from the seniors of the English French German and Italian men of war in harbor
1880-12-05 ... 33-024.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Two shots were fired from shore at three Chilean torpedo boats while passing from neutral fleet to San Lorenzo
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Lackawanna 1881

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1881-01-16 ... 33-067.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Received on board as refugees Mr Nicolas de Pierola and family
  • 1200-1600: Mr Pierola and family left in the Adams for Chancay. Sent ashore sails for refugees
  • 2000: Sent marine guard on shore for protection of foreigners. Sent two lower and topmast ~sails on shore for use of refugees
1881-01-17 ... 33-068.JPG
  • 1940: Sent landing party of ten men ashore to protect refugees
1881-01-19 ... 33-070.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Received on board refugees for passage to Callao among them Mrs Pierola + family
1881-01-20 ... 33-071.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Disembarked passengers with baggage
1881-02-12 ... 33-094.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Received on board as refugees the family of President Pierola
1881-06-04 ... 34-017.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Received on board from shore authorities for passage to US Consulate at Tahiti, Henry Lee and John Sheppard deserters from American brigantine Robert E Clayton
1881-06-13 ... 34-026.JPG
  • 1300: Received a visit from Her Majesty the Queen of Tahiti
1881-06-23 ... 34-036.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Commanding officer left the ship to make an official Visit to Malietoa King of Samoa and to the Taimua and Taipule, representatives of the Old Gov't party
1881-06-25 ... 34-038.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Several Chiefs of the Taimofaipule faction visited the ship officially to consider terms of peace
  • 1630: Party of Native Chiefs came on board to attend conference
1881-06-26 ... 34-039.JPG
  • 1100: Convention of native chiefs met on board at 11 together with German, English and US Consuls
1881-07-08 ... 34-051.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Peace Conference being held on board
  • 1330: Peace conference met
1881-08-08 ... 34-082.JPG
  • 1300: By the Right Reverend Bishop Willis, Paymaster F. H. Hinman, USN, and Miss Mary M Coleman of San Francisco, were joined in the bonds of holy matrimony on board this ship
1881-09-26 ... 34-132.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Sent officers in full dress to attend funeral observances of late President in San Francisco
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Kearsarge 1891

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1891-05-02 ... 6_0185.JPG
  • 1345: Lieut Bates USMC with Marine Guard landed to preserve order on the island during absence of the ship. Landing party was given rations for 10 days and 2000 ball cartridges.
1891-08-31 ... 6_0098.JPG
  • 1300: James Carr (Armour) died at One o'clock.
1891-09-01 ... 6_0100.JPG
  • 1400: Called All hands to bury the dead Funeral services of James Carr (Armour) was held at 1420 the funeral party left the ship, returning at 1500.
1891-10-31 ... 6_0166.JPG
  • 1230: Funeral Party left ship at 1230 for Navy yard to bury Asay Yoshikazu (Lds), Party returned later.
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Lackawanna 1882

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1882-01-20 ... 35-046.JPG
  • 1600-2000: Sent a funeral party ashore to bury the body of Peter McNeil, Seaman. Half-masted ~ colors while the funeral party pulled ashore
1882-01-29 ... 35-055.JPG
  • 1200-1600: The President of Chile visited the Triomphante (French flagship) and the USS Pensacola. All the men of war in the harbor manned yards and dressed ship with the Chilean flag at the main. The US men of War fired a salute of 21 guns each on the President's arrival and departure from the USS Pensacola
1882-03-28 ... 35-113.JPG
  • 1810: Made int. 1211. Pensacola ans'd 1307 + signalled Mr Harlbut is dead
1882-03-29 ... 35-114.JPG
  • 1630: Flagship fired 15 minute guns in respect to the memory of Mr Hurlbut, US Minister to Peru
1882-04-08 ... 35-124.JPG
  • 1500: accompanied the remains of the late Minister to Peru Mr. Hurlbut
1882-04-28 ... 35-144.JPG
  • 0400-0800: At sunrise half-masted the colors as a mark of respect to the memory of Rear Admiral G.H. Scott, deceased
1882-05-13 ... 35-159.JPG
  • 1320: Mr W.H. Trescot, Special Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; Mr Walker Blaine, 3rd Ass. Secretary of State, Messrs Trescot and Dooley Attached to the commission, came on board for passage to Panama
1882-05-29 ... 35-175.JPG
  • 0400-0800: By order of comdg' officer placed John Murphy (2nd Cl. Fire) in confinement to await trial by Court Martial for assaulting another person in the Navy with a murderous weapon, and Walter Stanley (Sea) on bread + water for striking another person in the Navy
1882-06-26 ... 36-015.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Lieut. J.S. Abbott was detached from this vessel and ordered to the Pensacola. A copy of the charges and specifications against him were delivered to John Murphy (2nd cl. F) by the Judge Advocate of the General Court Martial ordered for his trial. Lt. Comdr Kingsley and Lieut. H.M. Jacoby were ordered as members of a General Court Martial for the trial of John Murphy (2d cl fire)
1882-07-07 ... 36-026.JPG
  • 1300: Sent a funeral party to report on board the USS Alaska.
  • 1325 Funeral party left the Alaska and half masted the colors
1882-07-16 ... 36-035.JPG
  • 1200-1600: During third hour heard artillery firing in the direction of Lima
1882-08-03 ... 36-053.JPG
  • 0845: The Italian gunboat Archimede came in having on board 300 refugees from Tambo de Mora
1882-08-14 ... 36-064.JPG
  • 0900: Funeral party left the Thetis and was joined by the boats of the men-of-war in port Lt. Comdr Kingsley, Paymr Woodhull, Ch Engr. Zeigler, 1st Lt. Mercer USMC and P.A.Swig Heffenger left the ship to attend the funeral of Captain Stevens R.N. later Commander of HBMS Thetis; also sent a party of 40 sailers in charge of Master Roper. While the body was being conveyed ashore minute guns were fired by the Thetis fired nine minute guns in company with the Thetis. The Chilian Ironclad Blanco Encalada also accompanied the Thetis firing minute guns.
1882-08-27 ... 36-077.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Steam launch rescued a party of two men, one woman and two children who had capsized their boat. The people received Medical assistance on board and were sent on shore
1882-09-09 ... 36-090.JPG
  • 0400-0800: At sunrise half-masted colors with flagship in respect to the memory of the late Rear Admiral Beaumont
1882-09-10 ... 36-091.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sounds as of distant artillery firing in direction of Lima during watch
1882-10-19 ... 36-130.JPG
  • 0400-0800: At sunrise hoisted colors at half-mast in respect to the memory of Rear Admiral McDougal
1882-11-01 ... 36-143.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Drilled awkward squad
1882-11-04 ... 36-146.JPG
  • 0800: Received on board from US Consulate Wm. Peterson, a distressed American seaman for passage to the US
1882-11-05 ... 36-147.JPG
  • 0800-1200: General order announcing the death of Rear Admiral David McDougal, USN
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Lackawanna 1883

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1883-02-06 ... 37-040.JPG
  • 0000-0400: Fireworks on shore and in the harbor during the watch
1883-02-12 ... 37-046.JPG
  • 0400-0800: At sunrise dressed ship in rainbow fashion and fired a national salute in hour of the coronation of King Kalakana
1883-02-14 ... 37-048.JPG
  • 1200: Shore battery fired a salute of 21 guns on the unveiling of the statue of Kamehameha I
1883-02-17 ... 37-051.JPG
  • 1600-2000: Fireworks and illumination on shore
1883-02-19 ... 37-053.JPG
  • 1115: His Majesty King Kalakaua visited the ship and was attended with proper honors
1883-06-19 ... 37-173.JPG
  • 1805: Exchanged numbers with Pensacola + Onward at anchor near San Lorenzo on account of yellow fever in the City
1883-06-26 ... 37-180.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Quarterly board of survey condemned 565 lbs rice, put it into shore boat for use of poor in Callao; also 26 bags of condemned bread
1883-08-04 ... 38-023.JPG
  • 2000-2400: Heavy firing heard from the shore, the flashes being seen to the NNE distant by sound some 7 miles off and lasting throughout watch
1883-08-30 ... 38-049.JPG
  • 0500: William Baker (lands) was found dead in his hammock
  • 1200-1600: A postmortem examination held on the body of William Baker (lands) showed that death had been caused by the effusion of serum in the brain. At 2pm called all hands bury the dead and read the burial service. Immediately after the body was sent ashore for burial, escorted by a funeral party under the Command of Lieut J.W. Carlin USN. Half masted colours until funeral party reached the shore, all the men of war in the harbor half-masting with us
1883-10-14 ... 38-095.JPG
  • 2230: August Popp (Cooper) was found on the deck, with the artery in left arm cut. Found a razor and small penknife in his hammock, and evidence of attempted suicide
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Tuscarora 1872

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1872-12-02 ... 25-011.JPG
  • 0740: Called all hands to bury the dead. Commanding officer read funeral service over the body of Led A. Norris Chas. S. Young (CAG)
  • 0800: The funeral party with the remains of Chas S Young (Capt AG) left the ship.
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Shenandoah 1885

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1885-01-28 ... 36-107.JPG
  • 4PM to 8PM: J.H.O. Donnell by order of the Comd'g Officer confined (solitary) on bread and water for five days: Report; calling John Ford the coxswain of the first whaleboat a sucker, and applying to him other opprobrious and tantalizing epithets in ridicule of the performance of his duty.
1885-04-17 ... 36-205.JPG
  • 4am to 8am: At all hands missed Thos. Summers (B.u.), prisoner at large, and afterwards found that the catamaran was missing, also E Jansen Bayman; two of the dinghy rowlocks also missing - Sent an officer in steam cutter to search along shore for the missing catamaran.
1885-07-11 ... 37-084.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Comd'g Officer confined J.E. Carpenter (~m) in single irons to await trial by Court Martial for being asleep on post, when in charge of prisoners.
1885-07-14 ... 37-087.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Captain placed in confinement on bread and water for five days J.H. ODonnell (app.) and Chas. Bouren (I.C.F.) for insolence, demanding liberty knowing the ship is in an infected port.
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Yantic 1870

Post by Michael »

1870-04-02 ... 7_0069.JPG
  • 2145: Edwd Kelly (lds) returned on board and reported having been cut by Robt. Shaw (lds). At 10pm rec'd information that John Gibney (OSer) has been killed while on shore. Sent mate W.N. Smith with Sergeant Worth and one private to ascertain about it. At 11 they returned and reported having found the man dead and the body awaiting inquest. Sent Asst Surgeon D Dickinson to ascertain the cause of death. He reported on his return that John Gibney had died from a wound inflicted by Robt. Shaw. 1130PM received information that Robt. Shaw had been arrested for committing the deed, also that 5 other men were wounded. Sent mate W.N. Smith and Surgeon D Dickinson with 5 men to remove the body and assist the wounded if found.
1870-04-03 ... 7_0070.JPG
  • 1215: Sergt returned on board with Richard Kugan Coppersmith severely wounded and George Olden (sea Ex) 1245 Mr Smith, Dr Dickinson and Sergt returned on board with ? Webb (Oser)
  • 1600: At 4 Sent Funeral procession in charge of Master S.M. Ackley. Ord Sergt one Corpl and 6 Private Marines and 46 men to bury John Gibney (OSer)
1870-09-01 ... 7_0020.JPG
  • 1600: Received on board 15 Officers and soldiers of the Dominican Army for passage to San Domingo city.
1870-09-05 ... 7_0024.JPG
  • 0000: Death notice of Rear Admiral John A Dahlqren on 12 July 1870.
1870-09-18 ... 7_0038.JPG
  • 1000: Notice dated 15th August 1870 about the death of the Admiral of the Navy David Glascoe Farragut.
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Tuscarora 1873

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1873-01-18 ... 25-058.JPG
  • 1600-2000: also a large quantity of Darien stores and ~ balsa for Darien Expedition
1873-01-28 ... 25-068.JPG
  • 1050: Stopped ship and disembarked the canoe full of Indians and family of guide in Solano Bay. Sent Quartermaster in boat to take some dings
1873-01-29 ... 25-069.JPG
  • 1150: The remainder of the Indians left the ship at 1150 to establish a station on shore
1873-01-30 ... 25-070.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sent party ashore to cut wood for ships use. Flood tide during whole of watch. Put Darien balsa overboard
1873-01-31 ... 25-071.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Sent a quantity of Darien Expedition stores on shore
1873-02-03 ... 25-074.JPG
  • 0445: Comdr Selfridge left the ship in 2d Cutter for Cupica Bay. Lt Sullivan left the ship to make a reconnaissance over the Chiri-chiri Trail
  • 1200-1600: Comdr Selfridge returned with 2nd Cutter
1873-02-04 ... 25-075.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Sent part of six (6) men ashore in charge of Mr Thatcher, with axes to cut wood for ships use.
1873-02-11 ... 25-082.JPG
  • 1415: The death of Richard Gooley (Lds) was reported. Sent a party of men ashore in charge of Boatswain to dig a grave
1873-02-12 ... 25-083.JPG
  • 0730: surveying party consisting of Geo Derrick (CMT) and William Low (CFT) left the ship in charge of Comdr Selfridge Lieut Sullivan and Midm Leyth
  • 0930: Called all hand bury the dead and after the Comdg Officer had read the burial service conveyed the remains of Richard Gooley (Lds) ashore for internment
1873-02-14 ... 25-085.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Sent party of wood choppers on shore and party to carry stores for expedition
  • 1600-2000: Negro from the Atrato came on board with letters for Comdr Selfridge
1873-02-15 ... 25-086.JPG
  • 0720: Sent a quantity of Darien stores up to Lieut Collins. Sent Midu Cott~sur and Malcolm Bell (CM1) on surveying duty
  • 0800-1200: A canoe came from Capico with letter for Comdr Selfridge
1873-02-17 ... 25-088.JPG
  • 0830: Lieut Comdr Jewell and Lieut Norris left the ship with party for hydrographic survey
1873-02-22 ... 25-093.JPG
  • 1100: Midu Lyeth with six men of the part detailed to carry provisions, returned to the ship and reported that James turner (Sea Ex) had been left on the trail last night and had not reached the main party at 6.30 this morning and it was feared that he had lost the trail. Michael Burke (Sea Ex) and James Clain (OS Ex) under charge of Midue V.L. Cottman were sent to search for him
  • 1700: Lieut S. Hubbard returned on board with the remainder of the party except James Tenner (Sea Ex). Lieut Hubbard reported that a party of six men had been sent to look for Turner early this morning, but after a search of five hours had been unable to find him. A part of four Indians with provisions were sent at 1730 to continue the search. James Clain (OS Ex) also returned to the ship having become exhausted on the road
1873-02-23 ... 25-094.JPG
  • 1600-2000: A Macheteman from Lieut Collins part of the Lima river came on board to sea Comdr Selfridge
1873-02-24 ... 25-095.JPG
  • 1200: Midu R. ~ Galt and a macheteman of Mr Collins party came on board reporting having seen Geo Derrick and party beyond Camp 2 and having left R Mullen and F Part~ on the trail to aide Michael Burke (Sea Ex)
1873-02-27 ... 25-098.JPG
  • 0800-1200: A surgical operation was performed on the person of James Smith (OS) his right leg being cut off just above the ankle
1873-02-28 ... 25-099.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Send 3d and 4th Cutters and Balsa belonging to the expedition off in charge of Mr Jewell and Mr Norris
  • 1200-1600: Mr Thatcher (Carpenter) Midu La~th and Midu Cattmann returned on board not having found any trace of the missing man James Turner (Sea Ex) for whom they had been searching sing the 22d
1873-03-01 ... 25-100.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Mr Galt left in charge of 2d Cutter to skirt along the coast as far as Limon Bay in search of James Turner (Sea Ex). Mr Southerland left in the 1st Cutter for Solano Bay to convey three Machetemen belonging to the Expedition
  • 1820: 2d Cutter returned not having found any trace of the missing man James Turner (Sea Ex)
1873-03-03 ... 25-102.JPG
  • 0735: Midus Souther~ and Cottman left the ship in charge of party of three men to search for the missing man James Turner (Sea Ex)
1873-03-05 ... 25-104.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Medic Cottman, Southerland and party returned to the ship having found no trace of the missing man James Turner (Sea Ex)
1873-03-06 ... 25-105.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Comdr Belknap and Midu Cottman went to the Me~ida River on a tour of inspection
1873-03-09 ... 25-108.JPG
  • 1600-2000: Midu Cottman and Mr Kimball returned from the Memida River
1873-03-18 ... 25-117.JPG
  • 1900: George Hale (Apothecary) died
  • 2200: Asst Surgeon J L Neilson held a postmortem examination on the body of George Hale (Apothecary) suddenly deceased.
1873-03-19 ... 25-118.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Sent a boat in charge of an officer to Flamingo Island to prepare a grave for George Hale (Apoth)
  • 1800: called all hands bury the dead and read the funeral service over the remains of George Hale (Apothecary)
1873-03-24 ... 25-123.JPG
  • 0910: The two Indians who were on board left the ship at 9.10 with mail and dispatches for Lt Eatons Party
1873-03-29 ... 25-128.JPG
  • 1000: James Turner (Sea Ex) was brought to the ship by the natives in a canoe from Capico having been absent 35 days. 21 days were passed in the woods attempting to reach the beach when he was picked up by the natives of Capico. The remainder of the time was passed at the house of the native recuperating. Upon his return to the ship a reward of $20 was paid for his finding and bringing him on board
1873-04-10 ... 25-140.JPG
  • 1030: the 3d Cutter while landing in the surf was capsized, thrown on the rocks and stove in.
  • 1600-2000: Mr Fa~t having communicated with the Atrato River Surveying Party under Lieut Eaton, reports the death of Albert Brooks (~ox), drowned in the Atrato River on the morning of the 2n of April while bathing
1873-04-13 ... 25-143.JPG
  • 1540: One of liberty men made signal (~N Code) One of men fell off of tree, is hurt answered and sent 1st Cutter ashore
  • 1600-1800: 1st Cutter returned with William Davies (Sea) who fell from a tree while ashore on liberty. He was not seriously hurt
1873-04-18 ... 25-148.JPG
  • 1200: Mr Lyeth in the Gig returned to the ship, reporting that the 2nd Cutter with surveying party under Messrs Taunt and Galt, had been capsized in the heavy surf at Chiri Chiri and all the surveying parties provisions lost, in consequence of which Messrs Taunt, Galt and party had determined to return to the ship 1215: Ensign Taunt, Midu Galt and party returned in 2d Cutter, having been capsized while landing at Chiri Chiri, and having lost all their provisions, also one (1) pistol one (1) 13 lb lead and line, two (2) knapsacks, two (2) hammocks) and some camp gear also one (1) iron tiller. Lt Eaton, Lt Sullivan Midu Miles and party except Albert Brooks (Cox) who was drowned while bathing in the Atrato river returned to the ship
1873-04-24 ... 25-154.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Comdr Thos O. Selfridge and Chief Engineer David Smith left the ship to take passage in New York steamer
1873-05-07 ... 25-167.JPG
  • 1230: Firing commenced at the fort ashore 1200-1600: Irregular firing with musket continuing ashore at end of watch. Made preparations for sending party of men and marines ashore
  • 1600-2000: At 1642 Flag ship made signal army code. Have your boats with men ready to go ashore when ~ come. At 1700 Flag ship made signal, army code, Force will not land until further orders. At 1715 We made signal, army code Ala~ flag is up ashore At 1720 Flag ship made signal, army code Stand by to go ashore at once.
  • 1745 Sent a party of ashore consisting of ten (10) men, twelve (12) marines one (1) Orderly Sergeant, in charge of Lt. Comdr Jewell and Misu Southerland. Two boats with armed men were sent from the Flagship.
  • 1845 Flag Ship made signal, army code, Prepare to send howitzers and twenty (20) men ashore at 10 o'clock Detached twenty (20) men and made preparations to send howitzers and armed crew ashore in Launch. Constant fire of musketry and cannon on shore during entire watch
  • 2000-2400: At 2200 sent one Launch ashore, in tow of Pensacola's steam Launch, with howitzers and twenty (20) men. Sent Lt. Hubbard (in charge) and Mister Galt. Constant fire of musketry on shore during entire watch
  • 0000-0400: A constant fire of musketry kept up on shore during watch
1873-05-08 ... 25-168.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Constant fire of musketry on shore during entire watch
  • 0800-1200: At 0849 Flag Ship made signal (GSC) Have three marines ready to go ashore at ten At 1000 sent three marines ashore in Flagship's steam Launch. Constant fire of musketry on shore during watch
  • 1200-1600: 1310 Making preparations to send a party of men on shore.
  • 1350 Flag Ship made signal (GSC) Have men ready to go ashore at once 1410 sent the following party ashore under command of Ensign E H Taunt and Mister Miles Frank Pe~ (Sea) Patrick McDermott (OS) Chas Brown (OS) John Wall (Boy) Thos Smith (Boy) John Brown (Sea Ex) William Davis (Sea) Willis H Bursial (Lds) Julian Delory (CHold) Carl Amolt (Carp) Fred D. Sprague (OS) Michael Burke (Sea Ex) Thomas Murray (OS) Geo M Kraft (S Corp) Alfred F OLeary (Lds) Thos Wilson (Sea) Henry Brown (CTC) Chas H Wilford (OS) James Ritchie (OS Ex) Chas Blaisdell (Lds) Henry Dioux (Sea) Andrew Gilliam (Sea) and Dennis Hayer (OS) Matthew Green (Tailor) and Isaac L. Schwartz (SMMt) men brought on board from the part on shore by order of the Officer Commanding force ashore for disobedience of orders. Confined Matthew Green (Tailor) and Isaac L Schwartz (SMMt) in double irons by order of Comdg Officer.
  • 1600-2000: 1630 Flag Ship made signal (GSC) Four prisoners are coming. At 1700 Oliver Fales (PM) Benj Maxwell (PM) and Peter Jackson (PM) returned on board. Confined them in double irons by order of Comdg Officer
  • 2000-2400: Very quiet on shore during the watch
1873-05-09 ... 25-169.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Very quiet on shore during the watch
1873-05-10 ... 25-170.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Michael Burke (Sea Ex) was sent on board by Lt Comdr Jewell from ashore in double irons for being drunk and insubordinate. Sent six sets of irons on shore to Lt Comdr Jewell
1873-05-12 ... 25-172.JPG
  • 1430: all the officers and men from this ship on shore returned on board in the steamer Panama. From marines, Corporal Wall Privates Barnes, Craig and McCaubrey remained with the Flagship forces. William Baxter (Sea) and Chas Brown (OS) returned in double irons
1873-09-02 ... 28-103.JPG
  • 1230: Delivered Geo A Dall alias Geo Dover (Lds) to civil authorities on a writ of Habeus Corpus
1873-09-09 ... 28-110.JPG
  • 1030: Indians came alongside in a Canoe
1873-10-16 ... 28-147.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Mrs Gibson with three children came on board having been tendered a passage to Neah Bay
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Re: Tuscarora 1873

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1600-2000: Negro from the ~trato came on board with letters for Comdr Selfridge

Probably Atrato, a municipality and town in Columbia.
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Sacramento 1923

Post by Michael »

1923-09-01 ... 23_001.jpg
  • 08-18-1923: Name: Fletcher, Frank Jack. Detachment Or Transfer: Commanding Officer
  • Reporting for duty, detachment, transfer, or death, from 1923-09-01 to 1923-09-30. Name: Harlow, Hamilton. Detachment Or Transfer: Executive Officer 1923-06-12: Name: Duhigg, T.F.. Detachment or Transfer: Medical Officer 1922-05-22: Name: Bryce, John. Detachment or Transfer: Engineer 1920-09-21: Name: Mattox, R.H.. Detachment or Transfer: Supply Officer 1923-06-07: Name: Glascock, T.A.. Detachment of Transfer: Ordnance Officer 1922-05-18: Name: Roswall, P.E.. Detachment of Transfer: Communication Officer 1922-05-09: Name: Courts, J.. Detachment of Transfer: W & D Officer 1923-09-04: Name: Murrell, T.G.. Detachment or Transfer: W & D Officer 1922-05-17: Name: Webb, N.C.. Detachment or Transfer: Asst Supply Officer 1923-08-23: Name: Inman O.A. . Detachment or Transfer: Comdg. Marine Detachment
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Sacramento 1864

Post by Michael »

1864-03-28 ... 02-036.JPG
  • 1300: At 1, commenced firing a salute. At the 11th gun, No. 5 port side, by a premature discharge while loading, carried away the right hand of Michael Mclanas (Sea) and the left arm of James Wilson (Sea), both men fell overboard. Pasani (Sea) jumped overboard and supported them until a boat came alongside. Sent a boat to the English and Brazilian Flagship for medical officer and also to the USS Onward. Sent both men to the Hospital on shore in the 1st and 2nd cutters.
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Sacramento 1866

Post by Michael »

1866-10-20 ... 04-042.JPG
  • 2300: At 11 P. M. Samuel Hill (Sergt) died of constipation of the bowels.
1866-10-21 ... 04-043.JPG
  • 1700: At 5:00 P. M. called all hands to attend burial of Sergt. Samuel Hill. At 5:10 committed his body to the deep, the Marine Guard firing three volleys over him.
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Tuscarora 1876

Post by Michael »

1876-08-01 ... 34-041.JPG
  • 0915: Transferred Major Welling (Qr. Gr.) to US Naval Asylum.
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Kearsarge 1880

Post by Michael »

1880-01-10 ... 6_0051.JPG
  • 0810: Commanding Officer of U.S.C.S. Steamer Blake came aboard.. General Boarding officer from Spanish flagship came on board.
1880-01-21 ... 6_0062.JPG
  • 1800: Sent one corporal and two privates, marines, on shore on duty. Comdg officer with four commissioned officers went on shore to assist at the reception of the Ex-President of the United States [Ulysses S. Grant according to sites on the world wide internet web.].
1880-01-28 ... 6_0069.JPG
  • 00: [During the 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. watch] Sunrise half-masted colors in memory of the late Rear-Admiral [Cornelius] Stribling, U.S.N.
1880-02-12 ... 6_0084.JPG
  • 0930: Commanding Officer left ship in steam launch on duty. Navigator engaged in examining the harbor and adjacent shores.
1880-05-02 ... 6_0164.JPG
  • 1200: The Political Judge of Boca del Toro came aboard.
1880-05-17 ... 6_0179.JPG
  • 0400: Commanding officer left the ship to visit the Admiral.
  • 1000: Admiral Wyman and Comdg. officer came alongside and left the Shepherd's Harbor in Tennessee's launch at 10.30.
  • 1615: Rear Admiral Wyman returned from Shepherd's Harbor..
  • 1800 [Rear Admiral Wyman] left for the Tennessee at 6.00.
1880-05-27 ... 6_0189.JPG
  • 1600: Comdg. officer of USCS Str. Bache came on board.
1880-06-22 ... 6_0027.JPG
  • 0800: Commanding officer made an official visit of courtesy to USS Vandalia.
1880-08-13 ... 6_0086.JPG
  • 0800: Comdg. officer paid an official visit to the USS Tennessee.
1880-08-14 ... 6_0087.JPG
  • 1200: Comdg. officer paid an official visit to flagship.
1880-09-14 ... 6_0118.JPG
  • 0800: Col. G. W. Setty, 3rd Artillery, and staff made an official visit to this ship.
1880-09-29 ... 6_0133.JPG
  • 0800: Capt. Meade, of the Vandalia, officially visited Commanding Officer.
1880-10-02 ... 6_0136.JPG
  • 1200: Capt. Meade, USS Vandalia, visited ship officially.
1880-10-09 ... 6_0143.JPG
  • 1500: Commanding officer of the Vandalia paid an official visit to the ship.
1880-10-24 ... 6_0158.JPG
  • 0950: Called all hands to muster and read letters from the Navy Department, Captain R. W. Meade, U.S. Navy, and the Mayor of Baltimore concerning the part taken by the Navy during the sesqui-centennial of Baltimore.
1880-11-08 ... 6_0173.JPG
  • 1000: Admiral Wyman and staff came on board to inspect this ship.
  • 1335: Admiral and staff left the ship and returned to flagship. [This is an entry in the log for the 8 am to Meridian watch.].
  • 1350 the Admiral left the ship. [This is an entry in the log for the Meridian to 4 pm watch.]
1880-11-10 ... 6_0175.JPG
  • 0800: [USS] Despatch came in flying the U.S. flag at main and Tallapoosa flying Commodore's pennant. Fleet manned yards. Sent boat flying guard flag to both vessels. Commander-in-chief [President Rutherford B. Hayes] and Comd'g officers assembled aboard Despatch to pay respects to President Hayes. The President inspected Tennessee and Minnesota. [President Hayes had decided not run for reelection on November 2, 1880 (eight days earlier). He was thus the outgoing president; James A. Garfield, Republican of Ohio, had won the election..
  • 1420: The President of the United States left the Despatch and was received on the wharf by a detachment from the U.S. Army: a salute of 21 guns being fired from Fortress Monroe.
1880-11-11 ... 6_0176.JPG
  • 0800: The President of the United States [Rutherford B. Hayes] visited the Tennessee and the Minnesota. 0845: Sent all the Apprentice Boys to the Tennessee to witness presentation of medals, returning at 10.30.
  • 1245: The President and party left Constitution and returned to Despatch.
  • 1625: The Honorable Secretary of the Navy and Rear Admiral Wyman visited the ship.
  • 1900: The Tallapoosa, Despatch and Speedwell left the Roads, all the vessels of the fleet burning Costen signals from yard arms and manning the rigging on their departure, and the fort firing a salute.
1880-11-26 ... 6_0191.JPG
  • 0800: $21.95 Proceeds of sale of effects of John Peters, cox. [coxswain] drowned 22 inst [instant - 22nd of current month].
1880-12-18 ... 6_0016.JPG
  • 1240: Health Officer came alongside and placed the ship in quarantine. Hoisted the quarantine flag at the fore.
  • 1600: Hoisted quarantine light (White) at main truck.
1880-12-20 ... 6_0018.JPG
  • 1045: The Admiral visited military authorities on shore and was saluted with 13 guns.
1880-12-29 ... 6_0027.JPG
  • 0800: The U.S. Vice Consul visited the ship. The Commanding officer made an offical call on the Governor.
  • 1200: The Governor's aid [aide] made an official visit to Commanding officer.
1880-12-30 ... 6_0028.JPG
  • 0900: The Governor of Curacoa [Curacao] made an official visit to the Comdg officer.
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