Navy miscellany

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Re: Navy miscellany

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Re: Navy miscellany

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1898 — President William McKinley orders the Navy to begin a blockade of Cuba and Spain, the beginning of the Spanish-American War. Congress responds with a formal declaration of war April 25, made retroactive to the start of the blockade.

1914 — President Woodrow Wilson orders intervention at Vera Cruz, Mexico, after the Tampico Affair where Sailors from USS Dolphin were detained. The U.S. Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Rear Adm. Frank F. Fletcher, land the first Marines and Sailors from USS Florida and USS Utah and engage in battle.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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1778 — During the American Revolution, two boats of volunteers from the sloop-of-war Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones, go ashore at Whitehaven, England, burning ships in the harbor and spiking the guns of the fort.

1898 — Rear Adm. William T. Sampson leaves Key West, Fla., with the North Atlantic Squadron to begin the blockade of the northern Cuban ports, the beginning of the Spanish-American War.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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1862 — Union Flag Officer David G. Farragut's fleet sails into New Orleans, La., after long preparation and fierce battles while passing through the Confederate defenses of Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip the previous day.

1914 — In the first use of U.S. Navy aircraft in a combat situation, Lt. j.g. P.N.L. Bellinger made a flight from USS Mississippi's aviation unit at Vera Cruz, Mexico, to observe the city and make preliminary search for mines in the harbor.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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1826 – Launch of USS Vincennes (1826), a 703-ton Boston-class sloop of war in the United States Navy from 1826 to 1865.

"Sailing on to San Francisco, California, the vessel lost 36 members of her crew to the gold fever sweeping California at the time."
How shocking! :o
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Re: Navy miscellany

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1798 — Congress establishes the Department of the Navy as a separate cabinet department. Previously, naval matters were under the cognizance of the War Department. Benjamin Stoddert is named as the first Secretary of the Navy.

1822 — USS Alligator, commanded by Lt. W.W. McKean, captures the Colombian pirate schooner Ciehqua near the Windward Islands.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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:D :D :D

Thanks! It was all the experience from winning the Civil War twice. Once on Shenandoah, and again on Yantic. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Navy miscellany

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1896 — A landing party of 15 Marines and 19 Seaman from USS Alert arrive at Corinto, Nicaragua, to protect American lives and property during a period of political unrest.
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1942 — USS Spearfish (SS 190) evacuates naval and military officers, including nurses, from Corregidor before surrendering island to Japan.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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Re: Navy miscellany

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1860 — The sloop-of-war Portsmouth, commanded by John Calhoun, captures the slaver brig Falmouth off Porto Praya.

1908 — The Great White Fleet anchors in San Francisco Bay, Calif. The fleet is delayed from its round-the-world cruise after both Rear Adm. Robley D. Evans and Rear Adm. Charles M. Thomas fall ill. On May 15, Rear Adm. Charles S. Sperry assumed command and completes the cruise ending Feb. 22, 1909.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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1934 — The frigate Constitution completes her 3-year tour of 76 port cities along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts and then returns to Boston, Mass. Prior to her journey that began July 1931, the 137-year-old frigate undergoes a refit and overhaul. Congress authorized the restoration of Constitution in March 1925.
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Re: Navy miscellany

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Great White Fleet Assists Following Messina Earthquake

Ships of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet called at Messina to render what assistance they could provide.

USS Culgoa and USS Yankton fed many hungry earthquake survivors.
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