Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Post by Michael »

Great find! As the days go by, they move a bit up the coast and pick up a couple of generators and bring them back to their original position. They also mention the LORAN station and Coast Guard Units #4 and 5. On the 14th they pick up a couple of people for transfer to St. Paul and to Adak.
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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22 October
Chernofski Harbor

We're tied up along USS Avocet.

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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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24 October
En route to Chernofski Harbor

This doesn't seem like it will end well...
1006. With Ship Rock bearing 251T, set course 251T, speed 405 rpm (14 knots).
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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Does your ship rock Ship Rock :?:
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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3 November
Moored alongside USCGC Swiftsure, Icy Straits, Alaska

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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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November 9
Ketchikan, Alaska
Smith, Lawrence W. returned aboard ship by the Base shore police. Charged with being dirty and out of bounds in a restricted area.
Charged with being dirty!!! :D :D :D
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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19 NOvember

USCGC Bittersweet moored alongside.

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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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4 December
Yakutat, Alaska
1815. Recreation party of fifteen (15) enlisted men departed for Army Camp Theater, Yakutat.
2032. Recreation party returned.
I wonder what the movie was! :D
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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11 December
Root, Richard W. (238-327) RM 1/c, involuntarily extended enlistment for a period not to exceed six months beyond the termination of the present war, would have received honorable discharge had he been discharged and re-eenlisted.
I think that's the first time I've noticed that automatic extension. It's not surprising, though.
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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28 December
Noon : Lat 50° 15' 00"N, Long 129° 51' 00"W

We were dispatched from Ketchikan to deliver medical supplies to the USS Pocatello. A day or so out, we saw a Navy Patrol Plane. A few hours later, we got a dispatch saying the medical supplies were delivered to the Pocatello by that plane, and we could return to base. :roll:
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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31 December

Heading into force 9 winds, temperature 26F, lot's of freezing spray. They've been reducing their speed, but it seems to be of no avail. Not a way to spend the last day of the year.

Ship icing up badly, came about to seek safe anchorage in Wrangell Narrows.
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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15 February

0906 Underway on various courses and speeds standing out of Applegate Cove, Chuginadak Island, Islands of Four Mountains. Standing up to Kagamil Island. Conducting search around island for signs of survivors of wreckage of Army barge, reported as being ashore in this vicinity.

1411 Anchored in Applegate Cove. 1425 Army barge #1914 approached stbd side.

1600 * This unit's radio picked up distress signal from Weather Station, Chuginadak Island. Established radio communication with Weather Station and learned that three of the four men assigned to the Station are missing. Also established radio communication with Army Barge #1915. Survivor at Weather Station requested medical assistance and rescue party to locate man whom he had seen on tundra on the island. This vessel requested Army Barge, which has doctor aboard, to come alongside. 1617 Army barge moored to port side. Lowered pulling boat and secured it astern of barge. 1644 Lieut. L. L. Baker and five men, Dougherty, Francis E. ((230-948) CoM, Hartley, Weyman A (631-234) Cox (R), Davis, Robert P. (516-860) MoMM 3/c (R) Peters, John G. (501-335) RM 2/c and Smith Lawrence (227-597) Sea 1/c departed for the beach on Army Barge. 1653 Established visual communications with planes; received report that vessel had been sighted on rocks southwest corner of Chuginadak Island.

1730 Pulling boat with rescue party and doctor landed on the beach. 1750 Party arrived at Weather Station.

1820 Observed party going out of sight over hill in search of the missing men. Weather: Overcast with intermittent rain. Wind velocity 40 to 60 knots from SSW with gusts up to 80 knots.

2145 Sighted searching party's lights returning to weather station.

2230 Searching party reached weather station. Lieut. Lynn L. Baker reported by radio phone from weather station on shore that the party had found the body of Sgt. Wilfred R. Scarem, serial number (35393726), 11th Weather Squadron, U. S. Army in a gully about 4 1/2 from weather station. The body had been removed from the gully and cached by a rock on the brow of the hill overlooking the gully. Captain Julius C. Brooks, 01696517, 59th Medical Battalion, Company C U. S. Army, who accompanied the party had pronounced the man dead when the body was found. 2240 The party from the vessel and the doctor from the Army Barge N0. 1915 were directed to remain at the weather station until the morning of 16 February, 1944.

* NOTE - The first call indicating distress at the weather station on Chuginadak Island was heard by this vessel's radio at 1545, this date, on C. W. Radiophone. Communications were established at 1552, this date. For details of the operation see Commanding Officer, Atalanta, letter dated 21 February, 1944, file 601-65 CONFIDENTIAL.

16 February

Search party consisting of six men reported safe; five at weather station on Chuginadak Island, one on board Army Tug 1915. Awaiting daylight to investigate barge and men reported on beach on Southwest end of island opposite Herbert Island. Very strong winds blowing shifting from south to southwest and becoming gusty.

0830 Lieut Lynn L. Baker, Captain Julius C.Brooks, Army Doctor, and Davis, Robert P. (516-860) were directed to return to their respective vessels. The following members of the crew of this vessel were left at the weather station on duty, Peters, John G. (501-335) R. M. 2/c (R), Dougherty, Francis E. (230-948) Cox, and Smith, Lawrence (227-597) Sea 1/c (R) to await relief by Arm personnel when they are to return to this vessel.

1100 U.S. Army Barge No 1915 along our port side. Mr Baker and two men from searching party reported back aboard this vessel. 1105 Army Barge No 1915 departed from along port side. 1109 Pulling boat hoisted and secured. 1125 Underway on various courses and speeds standing out of Applegate Cove. 1130 Standing through Carlisle Pass in search for Army Barge reported on rocks in this vicinity. 1150 Standing through Chuginadak Pass.

1200 Underway as before various courses and speeds searching SW side Chuginadak for Army barge reported on beach in this vicinity. 1210 Sighted barge and men on beach in Chuginadak Pass approx. position 169o58'07"W Long. 52o47'09"N Lat. 1220 Army barge #1915 sent small boat ashore. 1251 Boat party arrived safely.

1400 Lowered pulling boat in water. 1404 Lieut Lynn L. Baker in charge departed the ship with pulling boat for the beach. 1420 Pulling boat arrived safely on the beach.

1555 Pulling boat returned to ship, hoisted and secured same. No injuries were received by members of grounded barge crew. The crew of wrecked Army barge remained on shore. 1558 Underway on various courses and speeds.

1700 Anchored in Applegate Cove. 1707 U. S. Navy Patrol plane overhead, signalling. Signals not understood. 1708 Plane crash-landed on beach of Applegate Cove. 1710 Contacted Army Barge 1915, which was standing out of Applegate Cove, and requested that they return to render possible medical assistance to personnel of downed plane. 1715 Pilot from downed plane reported via weather station that he had made safe landing but that a second plane was down on Northeast corner of Chudinadak Island. 1717 Requested Army Barge to proceed to second downed plane to render medical assistance. 1734 Underway on various courses and speeds out of Applegate Cove en route northwest Corner of island to search for personnel of downed plane.

1814 sighted two red flares and the two crew members of downed plane. 1828 Army Barge proceeding toward beach to take off the two men - this vessel standing by. 1849 Army Barge standing away from beach having picked up men. 1850 One of men rescued reported to have sustained only slight injury; the other, none. 1855 Underway on various courses and speeds en route Applegate Cove.
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Post by Michael »

October 20

Looking for a submarine, reportedly seen near the spot marked. We raced out with USS Sausalito at 1330, but it was to no avail.

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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Post by Michael »

The voyage for 1944 has been done, with many thanks to Anita for her great work! You can see a plot of the voyage here and, for more detail, you can download the KML file and view it with Google Earth. There were a few people mentioned here.

These are the weather statistics for this voyage:

Weather ElementRecords

Atalanta travelled a total of 30249 miles.
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Re: Atalanta (1944) — Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Post by Randi »

Great Job
Anita and Michael !
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