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Omaha 1875

Post by Michael »

1875-03-14 ... 08-201.JPG
  • At 7:10 Peter McQuaid S.E.F. died on board this ship of diabetes.
1875-03-15 ... 08-202.JPG
  • At 7:00 sent the body of deceased, Peter McQuaid (S.E.F.) ashore for burial, also as escort, one company of men.
1875-03-16 ... 08-203.JPG
  • By order of the Comd'g officer and in consequence of the prisoners creating a disturbance in the brig and abusing the sentry on post, confined in double irons Gilbert Higgins (Sea), George Foster (Cox), Davison McCullough (O.S.), James Smith 2d (O.S.) and Jno Ryan (Lds). Jno Ryan (Lds) still creating a disturbance in the brig was placed, by order of the Comd'g officer, in the cell. 0920: Gilbert Higgins (Lds), still persisting in creating a disturbance in the brig and using abusive language to the sentry on post, at his own request and by order of the Comd'g officer was placed in the coal bunkers.
  • Gilbert Higgins (Lds) was, at his own request, removed from the coal bunkers and re-confined in the brig.
1875-04-28 ... 09-041.JPG
  • By order of the Comd'g Officer, and on recommendation of the Surgeon, placed Thos. Franklin (Lds) under sentries' charge, in consequence of his showing signs of insanity.
1875-05-10 ... 09-053.JPG
  • A disturbance occured on shore between Wm H. Williams (Stge Stwd) and Jno E. Jackson (W. Stwd) in which the former was badly cut with a knife. Sent on shore a reward of Ten dollars on shore for the apprehension and delivery on board of Jno E. Jackson (W Stwd).
1875-05-20 ... 09-063.JPG
  • Jno E. Jackson (W. O. Stwd) was by order of the Captain released from confinement, his term of confinement for ten days being up.
1875-06-15 ... 09-090.JPG
  • Captain E. R. Calhoun relieved Capt. P. C. Johnson of the command of this vessel, the orders of each being read. By order of Capt Johnson all men rated by him were dis-rated, and by order of Capt. Calhoun, all men dis-rated by Capt. Johnson were re-rated from this date.
1875-07-07 ... 11-112.JPG
  • At 12 o-clock (noon) of this day, Captain Edward Simpson, U.S.N. relieved Captain Edward R. Calhoun U.S. Navy of the
1875-08-19 ... 11-054.JPG
  • 8AM: Chilean Steamer Itata came in and anchored. Sent an officer to board her. From her obtained News of the death of Rear Admiral Collins, comdg this Station.
  • 1815: At 6:15 called all hands to muster and read letter from commanding officer of the U.S. Flag Ship Richmond, announcing the death of Rear Admiral Collins, and also, the following order: U.S.S. Omaha, Panama Bay, August 19th, 1875. It is with deep regret that the Commanding Officer announces to the Officers and Crew under his command, the death of Rear Admiral Napoleon Collins which occurred on board the Flag Ship Richmond in the harbor of Callao, on the 9th Instant. As a mark of respect to the Memory of the late Commander-in-chief of this Station, the Flag will be half masted tomorrow, from color hoisting to Sunset, and the Officers will wear Crepe on the left arm and on the Sword hilt for thirty days. E. Simpson, Captain, Commanding U.S.N. Force, South Pacific Station.
1875-08-23 ... 11-058.JPG
  • 1645: At 4:45 called all hands to Muster and Navy Department Special Order, unnumbered, dated August 2nd, 1875, announcing the death of ex-President Johnson, and after quoting the letter of the president, Containing the same announcement, directing that the Ensign at each Naval Station and of each Vessel of the United States Navy in Commission, be hoisted at half Mast from Sunrise to Sunset, at each Naval Station and on board of the Flag Ships of Vessels acting Singly on Tuesday, the 3rd Instant, the day of the funeral., where this order may be received in time, otherwise on the day after its receipt. The Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps will wear the usual badge of Mourning attached to the Sword hilt, and on the left arm for the period of 30 days.
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Yantic 1880

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1880-11-11 ... 7_0050.JPG
  • 1605: The Hon Secretary of the Navy, Rear Admirals Scott and Nyman and Chief Const Easby visited the ship.
1880-12-04 ... 7_0073.JPG
  • 0800: General order of Nov 19 announcing death of Brig Gen Zeiliu USMC
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Omaha 1876

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1876-07-07 ... 15-011.JPG
  • 0705: At 7:05 called all hands bury the dead. Mustered all hands aft on the quarter deck. A few appropriate remarks were made by the Captain after which the body was sent ashore, attended by escort under charge of Master Samuel Seabury. Appropriate services were held ashore at the church of which deceased was a member. Flag was half-masted while boats were going ashore.
  • 8AM ato Meridian: Funeral party returned on board having buried the body of Cornelius Minuchan (Lds) on shore according to the rites of the Catholic Church.
1876-08-12 ... 15-047.JPG
  • 1105: At 11:05 the U.S. Flagship Richmond, with the broad pennant of Commodore C. H. B. Caldwell sailed for the South Atlantic Station. Captain E. Simpson being, by order of the Navy Department, left in charge within the limits of the South Pacific Station.
1876-10-30 ... 15-127.JPG
  • 8AM: Paul Caril (Lds) fell from the main top gallant cross trees, but caught himself and slid down the top gallant backstay, injuring himself slightly. Sent him to sick bay for treatment.
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Omaha 1877

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1877-02-26 ... 17-061.JPG
  • 0600: At sunrise half masted colors in honor to the memory of the late Rear Admiral Chas Wilkes USN.
1877-02-27 ... 17-062.JPG
  • 0600: At sunrise hoisted colors and placed them at half mast in respect to the memory of Rear Admiral Jas. A. Alden U.S.N.
1877-03-12 ... 17-075.JPG
  • 0600: At sunrise hoisted and half-masted colors with the Flagship Pensacola in honor to the memory of R. Adm'l C. L. [sic] Davis U.S.N.
  • 1300: At 1 o'clock called all hands to muster and read orders ordering Rear Admiral E. H. Preble to assume command of the S. Pacific stations, and detaching Capt Edw. Simpson from command of this ship and ordering him home, and orders to Capt L. A. Kimberly to assume command of the ship. Capt. E. Simpson having turned over the command of the ship left at 2 o'clock. By order of Capt Simpson, disrated all petty officers and by order of Capt Kimberly, restored all petty officers to previous ratings. At 1:20 hoisted the flag of Rear Adm'l G. H. Preble, and saluted it with 13 guns. Pensacola fired a salute of 13 guns to Rear Adm'l G. H. Preble. At noon, Pensacola fired 13 minute guns to the memory of Rear Adm'l Cl. L. Davis, U.S.N. By order of Comd'g Officer, rated Henry Burrows Lds to Adm'l's Steward and Peter Caranan Lds to Adml's Cook, from this date.
1877-03-14 ... 17-077.JPG
  • 0600: At sunrise, half-masted colors in respect to the memory of the late Rear Adm'l T. Bailey U.S.N.
1877-09-25 ... 19-096.JPG
  • 0645: Lieut. Harber, U.S.N. was suspended while officer of the deck, by the Comd'g Officer for unofficer-like, undignified, + improper conduct, by the striking one of the watch with deck trumpet, and also was relieved by the Ex Officer who kept the remainder of the watch by my order. Signed: L. A. Kimberly, Capt.
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Ashuelot 1869

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1869-10-04 ... 6_0006.JPG
  • 0500h: At sunrise all the men of war in harbor dressed ship (grande pavoisement) with Austrian ensign at the main,
1869-10-26 ... 6_0028.JPG
  • 0500h: At sunrise dressed ship overall in anniversary of the birthday of the Mikado
1869-11-10 ... 6_0043.JPG
  • 1015h: the ex-American Minister Gen Van Valkenburg and the American Minister Mr De Long (to Japan) with attaches came on board.
1869-11-18 ... 6_0051.JPG
  • 0920h: Half masted our ensign in memory of the late Sen Rawlings Secretary of War. All the American and many of the English merchant vessels followed our motions
1869-11-25 ... 6_0058.JPG
  • 1400h: Dressed ship with Ensigns at the mastheads and Japanese Ensign at the main in honor of the arrival of the Princess of Japan at Kanagawa
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Omaha 1878

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1878-02-05 ... 20-025.JPG
  • 0715: While laying down from aloft Jril Jackson (Sea) fell overboard from main rigging & saved himself by means of a life line.
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Omaha 1885

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1885-04-30 ... 21-025.JPG
  • 0400: Boatswain's Mate J. Connell lost his call overboard in rescuing T. F. Campbell (Lds) who had fallen overboard opposite Ship House No. 3 Navy Yard.
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Yantic 1881

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1881-01-28 ... 7_0128.JPG
  • 1315 Called all hands to muster - when Comdr Woodward assumed command of this ship who is detached and placed on sick leave.
1881-01-29 ... 7_0129.JPG
  • 0800: Lieut W.C. Gibson USN reported for duty as Executive Officer of this ship.
1881-03-11 ... 7_0170.JPG
  • 1600: The remains of the late P.A. Paymaster George E. Baughman for transportation to the United States.
1881-03-22 ... 7_0181.JPG
  • 0800: Landed the remains of the late Passed Ass't Paym'er, Geo. E. Baugham USN.
1881-05-22 ... 7_0057.JPG
  • 1205: Hon W.H. Hunt Sec of the Navy and Rear admiral R.H. Wyman visited the ship.
1881-09-27 ... 7_0184.JPG
  • sunrise to sunset: Firing half hour guns during the day on acc't of funeral ceremonies of late President.
1881-10-15 ... 7_0015.JPG
  • 1030: At 0845 steamed up to Flagship.
  • 1030 received the body of the late Captain E.P. McCrea USN on board and steamed down the York River.
  • 1620: The body of the Late Capt McCrea was delivered to the persons appointed to receive it at the Boston Wharf.
1881-10-18 ... 7_0018.JPG
  • 0910: The President of the United States arrived in the Dispatch
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Omaha 1886

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1886-01-24 ... 22-108.JPG
  • 1400: At 2:00 called all hands and held funeral service over the body of W. G. Whittier, late apprentice, then sent body ashore with escort to be buried. Half masted colors, during service and while party was ashore. Bearing of grave top of hill west Village NWxW, Edge of Bay, NW, Chinese Grave NExE. Funeral party returned at 4.
1886-02-15 ... 22-130.JPG
  • Noon: Chief Engineer Geo. W. Magee USN left the ship, having been condemned by survey & detached.
1886-03-10 ... 22-153.JPG
  • 2400: A communication dated March 9th, 1886, was received from the Acting Consul General at this port stating that Ths Leaford (Lds) of this ship had been convicted in the Consular Court of the crime of robbery, & had been sentenced to confinement in the U.S. Consular Jail at Shanghai for the period of two (2) years, at hard labor, or at any other prison the authorities of the United States may designate.
1886-06-18 ... 23-068.JPG
  • 1630: At 4:30 the death of L. F. Kragh, Landsman, on board of this vessel, was reported, and the Certificate of the attending Surgeon specified the cause to be Cholera Morbus. An officer was sent on shore to make arrangements for the dispostion of the body. The sick bay was promptly fumigated and disinfected, and the immediate clothing of the deceased burned by order of the Comdg Officer.
  • 2000: At the request of the Yokohama Health Officer, gave the body of L. F. Kragh to the Japanese authorities, to prepare it for burial at the quarantine station, being deemed prudent as a matter of precaution, his death having been sudden.
1886-07-02 ... 23-082.JPG
  • 8AM: Privates Doyle and Egan were brought on board by the police of the ciry, and having possibly been exposed to the cholera while on shore, were placed under sentry's charge on quarter deck.
  • Noon: Pat Maley (CH) was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months confinement in such place as the Sec of the Navy may direct, to lose all pay due or that may become due himn during such confinement, except the sum of $2.00 per month for necessary prison expenses and a further sum of $20.00 to be paid him at the expiration of his term of confinement, total loss of pay $740.00 then to be dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Naval Service. James Sinclair, (Sea) was similarly sentenced except that the term of confinement was 3 years and corresponding loss of pay $959.00. The offenses in each of the above cases were: drunkenness on duty; resisting arrest and treating with contempt his superior officer while in the execution of his duty. The proceedings, findings and sentences were approved by the Rear Admiral Commanding.
1886-07-05 ... 23-086.JPG
  • 1015: By order of Comdg Officer released Privates Egan and Doyle from Sentry's charge.
1886-12-27 ... 24-096.JPG
  • 1700: Harry Marshall (C. Top) fell out of the starboard fore rigging, striking on the channels in his fall. Jos. H. Speer (C. F. C.) gallantly jumped overboard with a line, and sustained Marshall above water until they were picked up by the dinghy.
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Shenandoah 1872

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1872-01-01 ... 21-130.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer released Patrick McCarthy (Sea) Alex Marshall (Sea) and James Donovan
  • Meridian to 4PM: 1:00 Rear Admiral Chas S. Boggs hauled down his flag on the Brooklyn and turned over the command of the squadron to Rear Admiral James Alden, the Brooklyn saluting Rear Admiral Bogg's flag with 18 guns, and the Flagship Wabash saluting Rear Admiral Alden's flag with 18 guns. 1:30 the flagship saluted the American consul with 7 guns, with American flag at the fore. By order of Com'd'g officer disrated Alex Marshall (C.H.) and John Henderson (C.S.C.) from this date to seaman.
  • 4PM to 8PM: In obedience to Squadron Gen. order No. 1, issued by Rear Admiral Alden, the following prisoners were released. Frank Upton (Sea) Pat Conway (Sea) James Collins (o.s.) Thomas Landry (o.s.) P.J. Fitzgerald (Lds) and Colman Conway (Lds) A.J. Berry (o.s.) is this day rated Captain of the Hold by order of Com'd'g officer.
1872-01-02 ... 21-131.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer placed Thomas Mallary (Sea.) in double irons for disrespect too superior officer.
1872-01-03 ... 21-132.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: 1:30 Rear Admiral James Alden Com'd'g U.S. European Fleet paid a visit to the ship. He was received by the officers and crew with the usual honors. 2:00 Rear Admiral Alden left the ship.
1872-01-04 ... 21-133.JPG
  • 8PM to Mid: John Mahoney (Lds) was placed under sentry's charge for safe keeping.
1872-01-05 ... 21-134.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer placed John C. Mahoney (Lds) in confinement for being drunk. By same authority placed Alfred Young (1st.C.B.) under sentry's charge for stealing.
1872-01-07 ... 21-136.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: By order of Com'd'g officer placed Chas. Owens (Lds) and Oscar Crocker (Lds) in double irons for neglect of duty.
1872-01-08 ... 21-137.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Alfred Young (1st.C.B.) was placed in double irons by order of Com'd'g officer for stealing.
  • 8PM to Mid: By order of Comd'g officer placed James McQuade (Cox.) and John O'Brien (Lds) in double irons for fighting.
1872-01-09 ... 21-138.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: By order of Com'd'g officer released Thomas Mallady (Sea.) from confinement and restored him to duty.
1872-01-10 ... 21-139.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer placed Alf. Chenny (Lds) Thomas McKenny (Lds) and Chas. McDonald (o.s.) in double iron for neglect of duty aloft.
1872-01-11 ... 21-140.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer released Alf. Cherry (Lds) Thomas McKendry (Lds), and Chas McDonald (o.s.) from confinement.
  • Meridian to 4PM: By order of Com'd'g officer released John C. Maloney (Lds) James McQueen (Cox) and John O'Brien (Lds) from confinement.
1872-01-12 ... 21-141.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Confined Chas McDonald (o.s.) and Thomas McKenny (Lds) in double irons, by order of Com'd'g officer for negelect of duty aloft.
1872-01-13 ... 21-142.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Thomas McKenny (Lds) and Chas McDonald (o.s) were released from confinement by order of Com'd'g officer. F W Bark (o.s.) was placed in double irons for not obeying orders. Jeremiah Grogan (o.s.) reported the expiration of his term of service.
  • Meridian to 4PM: Manuel Raffo (o.s.) was transferred from the Juniata to this ship.
1872-01-14 ... 21-143.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Ensign Dennis W. Mahan U.S.N. and Ensign J.H.C. Coffin U.S.N. reported for duty on board this vessel.
1872-01-15 ... 21-144.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: James Stamitt (Cop. Smith) absent without leave. Peter Daley (S. Cook) returned from liberty.
  • Meridian to 4PM: Placed James Stamitt (C. Smith) under sentry charge by order of Com'd'g officer for overstaying liberty.
1872-01-16 ... 21-146.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Released Chas Owens (1st C.B.) and Oscar Crocker (1stC.B.) from confinement by order of Com'd'g officer. By order of Com'd'g officer placed C.S. Jaquito (S.W) F. W. Crocker under sentry's charge for cursing.
  • Meridian to 4PM: By order of Com'd'g officer released C. S. Jauito (S.W.) from sentry's charge.
1872-01-17 ... 21-147.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Rear Admiral Alden and staff came on board to inspect the ship. fired a salute of 13 guns. Expended 13, 7 lb saluting charges.
  • Meridian to 4PM: Master E.W. Veny was detached from this ship and ordered to the Wachusett
1872-01-19 ... 21-149.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Thomas Mills (Lds) absent without leave.
  • 4PM to 8PM: Thomas Mills (Lds) returned on board, and was placed under sentry's charge by order of Com'd'g officer.
1872-01-20 ... 21-150.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Minister Washburne visited the ship. Henry Meyer (Sea.) Thomas Shea (Lds) and Jas. Donovan (Lds) were confined in double irons by order of Com'd'g officer for neglect of duty aloft.
1872-01-21 ... 21-151.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Lieut. Thoms Perry left the ship for Marseilles, France in obedience to his orders for the purpose of enlisting twenty five (25) men for this ship.
1872-01-22 ... 21-152.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: Released Alfred Cherry (Lds) from solitary confinement by order of Com'd'g officer. The following Landsmen were sent into the fireroom, viz: James Donovan, Frank Mitchell, Daniel Cooney, Edward Murray, John Desmond, Alfred Cherry, Pat Crowley.
  • 8AM to Meridian: Chas. Seymour (2nd Gr) reported that his term of enlistment expired yesterday.
1872-01-24 ... 21-154.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: Placed J. B. Sapp (C.F.) in double irons by order of Com'd'g officer for neglect of duty.
1872-01-25 ... 21-155.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer placed John Lyons (2nd M) W. Crocker under sentry's charge for being drunk on duty and absent witout leave.
  • Meridian to 4PM: Placed A. J. Berry (o.s.) and Geo Lane (o.s.) in double irons by order of com'd'g officer for neglect of duty.
1872-01-26 ... 21-156.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer releasing A.J. Berry (o.s.) & Geo Laru (o.s.) from confinement.
  • Meridian to 4PM: The following Landsmen were discharged from the fireroom January 26th 1872 James Donovan, Frank Mitchell, Donald Cooney, Edward Murray, John Dessinon, Alfred Cherry and Paul Crowley.
1872-01-27 ... 21-158.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Com'd'g officer released J.B. Sapp (C.F.) from confinement.
1872-01-28 ... 21-159.JPG
  • 10:10AM: called all hands to muster and read an order from the Hon. Secretary of the Navy, relating to the cases of E.W. Watson (Sea) and Thomas Mallady (Sea.).
1872-01-29 ... 21-160.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: John Lyons (2nd Mr) and John Desmond (Lds) were released from sentry's charge.
1872-01-30 ... 21-161.JPG
  • 4PM to 8PM: Lieut. Perry and Surgeon Wolverton returned from Marseilles with 18 men who shipped in Marseilles, The following named men shipped in Marseilles for the cruise of the Shenandoah. Ludwid Ludwigsen O.S. January 24th William Alison Sea January 24th Daniel Roach Sea January 24th Edward Olsen Lds January 24th Frank Assis Lds January 24th William Copeland Sea January 26th William Dobell Lds January 26th John Larson Sea January 26th Carl Garrvaldstram O.S. January 27th Charles Gorman Sea January 27th Henry Oa'Neil O.S. January 29th William Hornby Sea January 29th Theodor Andersen O.S. January 29th Joseph Hearn O.S. January 29th Peter Johnson O.S. January 29th
1872-01-31 ... 21-163.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Daniel Cooney (Lds) was placed in single irons for using profane language in boat, by order of Com'd'g officer.
1872-02-01 ... 21-164.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Shipped Jacard Shaw as Landsman for the cruise.
  • 8PM to Mid: By order of Com'd'g officer disrated Chas Blow (C.F.~.) to Sea. and rated Patrick Conway (Sea) to Captain of Top.
1872-02-02 ... 21-166.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Robert Jameson (O.S. Ex.) is rated to Sea. Ex. from this date by order of Com'd'g officer.
  • 4PM to 8PM: By order of Com'd'g officer discharged the following men from the Naval service. John Grady (O.S. Ex.) F.K. Downing (O.S.) Albert Hallicott (Lds) and Jeremiah Grogan (O.S.), their term of service having expired.
1872-02-09 ... 21-173.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: Released Isaac Sapp (O.S.) from confinement by order of Com'd'g officer.
  • 4:30PM: called all hands to muster and read a letter from the Navy Department in regard to a medal of honor to Isaac Sapp (O.S. Ex.)
1872-03-28 ... 21-223.JPG
  • 4:05PM: called all hands to muster and read a letter from the Secretary of the Navy to Isaac Sapp (Sea. Ex.) accompanying a medal prize for meritorious conduct while serving on board this ship.
1872-10-08 ... 23-206.JPG
  • 1:20PM: Captain C. H. Wells, placed under arrest by the Commander in Chief, turned over the Command of the ship to Lt. Commdr F.G. Higgesson, the Executive officer of the ship.
1872-10-09 ... 23-207.JPG
  • 4:30PM: Captain Wells was released from arrest by order of Rear Admiral James Alden and assumed Command of the ship.
1872-12-04 ... 24-057.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Found the following men stowed away in the ship from Malta, Wm O'Brien, David Carroll, Francis O'Reilly, Wm Donohue, John Howley & Wm Cruikshank supposed to be deserters from the British Army.
  • 4PM: By order of Commdg Officer placed Wm Robinson (osEx) in double irons for harbouring English deserters.
1872-12-08 ... 24-061.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Frank Charles (Lds) released from double irons & confined in double irons again by order of Comdg Officer. offense disobedience of orders.
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Yantic 1882

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1882-07-27 ... 7_0111.JPG
  • 1730: John Veara (Lds) sent from USFS Tennessee for passage to Chelsea, Mass died at 17:30.
1882-08-19 ... 7_0135.JPG
  • 1100: Half masted colors with flagship on honor of the deceased R.A. David, McDouglas USN
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Omaha 1887

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1887-01-26 ... 24-126.JPG
  • 8AM: Oscar A. Bailey (C.H.) was placed in solitary confinement on bread and water for three days, for continued roaming on decks at night.
1887-11-26 ... 26-054.JPG
  • 0830: It was reported from the shore about 8:30 that the unidentified remains of a man dressed in a sailor's clothes was lying in the water near the shore in charge of local police. A Board of which Surgeon Kershner was senior member & Lt. McCarteney & P. Asst. Engr Ransom were members, was ordered by the Comdg Officer to investigate and report. They visited the shore & reported on their return that the remains were those of one M. Maloney, a Carpenter's Mate on board of this vessel, who has been reported absent without leave since Nov. 21st.
  • 1615: At 4:15 funeral party with remains of M. Maloney, late Carpenter's Mate of this vessel, left the ship in charge of Ensign Dresel for interment in the cemetery on shore. Fired the usual volleys & half masted colors. Men of war in harbor half masted also. Observed regulations in regard to the colors.
1887-11-27 ... 26-055.JPG
  • 1320: At 1:20 the Municipal Police reported that the body of a man, dressed in sailor's clothes, had been found in the lower part of the bay. Sent the master-at-arms and two petty officers, who identified the body as that of Frank Jacobs, late quarter gunner on board the Omaha. The following officers were sent as a board to hold an inquest on the body: Ensign H. G. Dresel, Senior member, Asst. Engr. W. D. Ransom, Asst. Surg J. S. Sayre.
  • 1600: Board of Inquest returned. The body was identified as that of Frank Jacobs, quarter gunner, and the opinion of the Board was that Jacobs was drowned while on liberty.
1887-11-28 ... 26-056.JPG
  • 0900: At 9 o'clock, sent funeral party ashore to bury the body of the late Frank Jacobs (Qr. Gr.) Funeral party returned at 1020.
1887-12-25 ... 26-084.JPG
  • 2000: J. Walsh (app) attempted to jump ship while under the influence of liquor. He fell overboard, was picked up, brought on board and placed in double irons for safe-keeping by order of Comdg. Officer.
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McCulloch 1899

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1899-07-04 ... 2_0040.JPG
  • 1345: Landed Senator Fairbanks and party (at Kasaan Village.) Party returned at 1435.
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Yantic 1873

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1873-01-06 ... 7_0152.JPG
  • 0720: George Files (CM) died of disease of the heart.
  • 1510: Called all hands to bury the dead and sent the body of George Files (CM) on shore for burial.
1873-05-18 ... 7_0091.JPG
  • 1530: Two stowaways were found on board.
1873-06-18 ... 7_0122.JPG
  • 1015: By order of Rear Admiral Thornton, A Jenkins, Commander Byron Wilson was suspended from command of this vessel and Lieut Comd'r G.W. Pigman assumed temporary command.
1873-06-21 ... 7_0125.JPG
  • 0955: Comd'r Wilson left the ship to appear before a General Court Martial. At 1135 he returned. At 1000 General Court Martial assembled on board Lackawanna and at 1130 adjourned.
1873-06-26 ... 7_0130.JPG
  • 1114: Commander Byron Wilson USN was detached and ordered home by Admiral Jenkins.
1873-06-27 ... 7_0131.JPG
  • 1115: Comd'r O.F. Stanton assumed command of the vessel.
  • 2000: The resignation of Pay Clerk WW Smith was accepted and he left the ship.
1873-09-13 ... 7_0022.JPG
  • 0900: Having on board the Japanese Embassy from China all the 'men of war' in the harbor dressed mastheads and salutes of 19 guns were fired by the Nymph, Garibaldi, Cosmas and two of the Japanese men of war.
  • 1030 Hauled down in company with the Japanese flagship. Received visit from a Japanese officer with thanks from his admiral.
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Re: Yantic 1873

Post by Randi »

Michael wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 3:05 pm 1873-06-21 ... 7_0125.JPG
0955: Comd'r Wilson left the ship to appear before a General Court Martial. At 1135 he returned. At 1000 General Court Martial assembled on board Lackawanna and at 1130 adjourned.
Lackawanna log page
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Yantic 1867

Post by Michael »

1867-02-22 ... 7_0028.JPG
  • 1340: Actg Master James Birtwistle Actg Ensign Chas Boyer Actg Asst-Surgeon C.W. Knight and 3d Asst Engineer Morgan went ashore to attend the funeral of late Charles A Davis Chaplain US Navy
1867-03-05 ... 7_0039.JPG
  • 0820: Confined in double irons by order of Comdg. Office John Williams (OS) for spitting on firemen while on duty
1867-03-08 ... 7_0042.JPG
  • 0800-1200: John Williams (OS) by order of Comd'g Officer was confined in double irons for fighting
1867-03-14 ... 7_0049.JPG
  • 0450: Mustered the crew and found the following named men were absent without leave, James Watters (os) Michael Jordan (Lds) James Perry (os) Neil Hawkins (Lds) William Ryan (~ Boy) John Williams (os) Matthew Robinson (os) Agustus Johnson (Sea) Geo. Woods (os) George McCafferty (2d C~)
1867-03-16 ... 7_0051.JPG
  • 1500: Hearry Eres (os) and Joseph Noolen (1.c. Boy) confined in double irons for assaulting and striking a Petty Officer by order of Comdg Officer
1867-05-14 ... 7_0110.JPG
  • 0445: Heard musketry firing in the city. Sent 25 armed men on shore in charge of Acting Ensign A.P. Bashford aided by Mate W. S. Baldwin with orders to protect the Plaza.
  • 0630: Firing being on the increase and bullets whizzing over and past the ship. Fired a Blank Cartridge from after Port 1 X inch Guns the side off the town loaded starboard 1 X inch guns with Shrapnell
  • 0730: All firing having ceased closed magazine.
  • 0735 Launch with our 25 armed men in charge of Acting Ensign A.P. Bashford returned Act. Ensign Chas. Boyer went to the Fort with a message from the Comdg. Officer.
  • 2000-2400: Loaded the forward Pivot with 5'' shell and the 12 pder with percussion in Consequence of a suspicious looking Steamer with a large number of men on bard hovering around the ship
1867-05-16 ... 7_0112.JPG
  • 1315: Mate W.S. Baldwin and 3d Asst Engineer C. J. Morgan in charge of 2nd cutters crew left the ship by order of Executive Officer
1867-05-19 ... 7_0115.JPG
  • 1515: brought on board the following liberty men. John Long (Bm) Sober + in good order John Kelly (Lds) D. Drunk John Lafferty Sober + in good order. James Smith (~) Sober + in good order John W T~way (Pnts.) Sober + in good order Alfred Soper (Sea) Drunk dirty and behaved Scandalously while on shore
1867-05-23 ... 7_0119.JPG
  • 2230: Heard firing a short distance down the river 12 or 15 shots from great guns and a great many musket shots. Juarez party seemingly attempting to capture the Steamer Maria which was patrolling the river. At 2300 ceased firing
1867-05-24 ... 7_0120.JPG
  • 1800: Exercised the Company selected to lad for protection of the American Consulate and American Citizens on shore in case of fighting between the opposing parties on the shore
1867-05-27 ... 7_0123.JPG
  • 1045: Mr. F Chase United States Consul General to Mexico came on board
  • 1115: Mr F Chase left the ship
1867-06-04 ... 7_0131.JPG
  • 1000: Mr Chase United States Consul General to Tampico came on board 1030 the American Consul left the Ship Sent the 2nd Cutter with an Officer to convery from the Consulate a commission from General Gomez to General Parsons at Puable virgo and bring one over to Tampico
  • 2000-2400: Heard Volleys of Musketry discharged near the Fort to the Westward of Tampico
1867-06-08 ... 7_0135.JPG
  • 1840: the Prussia Consul Mr. Clawson came on board
1867-06-10 ... 7_0137.JPG
  • 0400-0800: The troops of General Pavon of Juarez Government crossed the river from Puabla Viejo and took possession of the City of Tampico. Those of Gomez party evacuating according to a recent contract in favor of Pavon
1867-06-11 ... 7_0138.JPG
  • 1200-1600: All officers returned having made a visit of courtesy to Gen Pavon
1867-06-13 ... 7_0140.JPG
  • 0915: Fired a blank Catridge (9lbs) from the Starboard after 1X inch Gun for the purpose of raising the Body of Captain McDowell of the English Schooner Jessie Forrest who accidentally fell overboard last evening and was Drowned
1867-06-18 ... 7_0145.JPG
  • 1045: General Parrone and Staff visited the ship officially Hoisted Mexican Flag at the fore
  • 1135: General Parrone and Staff left the ship. Hauled Down the Mexican Flag
1867-06-26 ... 7_0153.JPG
  • 2300: Gig came off with the (Cox) Dead Drunk so that had to send anchor watch to bring him on board
1867-06-27 ... 7_0154.JPG
  • 2200: the Bells of the Town were singing and the Casemate fired a salute. Learned subsequently that the City of Mexico had been taken by the Liberals
1867-06-30 ... 7_0157.JPG
  • 1600-2000: At 6 U.S. Consul General Franklin Chase came on board. At 6.40 Mr Chase left the ship and went onboard U.S.S. Yucca
1867-07-01 ... 7_0158.JPG
  • 0800: Franklin Chase US Consul General came on board
1867-07-12 ... 7_0169.JPG
  • 2145: G. ~ Taylor Captains Clerk attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat
1867-07-13 ... 7_0170.JPG
  • 1600-2000: G. Y. Taylor captains clerk died (from the effects of cutting his throat) in the presence of acting Asst Surgeon C. N. Knight Last night. laid him out and prepared for the internment of his remains
1867-07-14 ... 7_0171.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Funeral Party consisting of Acting Master W. J. Buck Acting Ensign A. P. Bashford Acting 3d Asst Engineer J. H. Nash Mater W. S. Baldwin and 12 Petty Officers & Seamen left the ship with the remains of the Later Captains Clerk James G. Taylor for internment on shore in the Burying Ground
1867-07-16 ... 7_0173.JPG
  • 0330: Charles Jones (S.M.M.) was reported dead by the watch stationed over him He died of exhaustion resulting from intermittent fever
  • 1745: the remains of Chas Jones (S.M.M.) was taken on shore for interment the Funeral party consisting of Acting Master W. ~. Buck. Acting Ensign A. P. Bashford 1st Asst Engineer S. W. Cragg. Asst. Paymaster W.W. Woodhall and 12 Petty Officers & Seamen
1867-07-19 ... 7_0176.JPG
  • 0900: Lieut Commander James G. Maxwell died at 9 am of Pritonitis
  • 2115: Received the Coffin for the late Lieut Commander James G. Maxwell on board
1867-07-20 ... 7_0177.JPG
  • Top of Page: No on Sick List 25
  • 1630: the remains of the Late Lieut Commander James G. Maxwell was taken on shore for internment accompanied by the Officers of the vessel with thirty (30) Petty officers and men. On the Dock they were met by General Pavone with a Military Guard and the Citizens who escorted the body to the Grave. Seven (7) minute Guns of 10 lbs charges each were fired as the funeral party left the ship
1867-07-21 ... 7_0178.JPG
  • Top of Page: No on Sick List 24
1867-07-22 ... 7_0179.JPG
  • Top of Page: No on Sick List 24
1867-07-23 ... 7_0180.JPG
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1867-07-24 ... 7_0181.JPG
  • Top of Page: No on Sick List 25
1867-07-25 ... 7_0182.JPG
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1867-07-26 ... 7_0183.JPG
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1867-07-27 ... 7_0184.JPG
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1867-07-28 ... 7_0185.JPG
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1867-07-29 ... 7_0186.JPG
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1867-07-30 ... 7_0010.JPG
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1867-07-31 ... 7_0011.JPG
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1867-08-01 ... 7_0012.JPG
  • Top of Page: No on Sick List 28
1867-08-03 ... 7_0014.JPG
  • 1000: Cmdg Officer returned Confined in Double irons by order of Cmdg Officer John Dillon (CH) for insolence
1867-09-29 ... 7_0071.JPG
  • 1700: At 5 Mr Adler Acting Ensign returned in Company with Lieut Commander John N. Quackenbush In dropping the Gig astern she capsized throwing the Crew in the water and owing to the swift running of the current they could not be rescued until two of them John Kelly (Lds) and William H Wright (Lds) were drowned
1867-09-30 ... 7_0072.JPG
  • 1030: Lieut Commander John N Quackenbush took Command of this ship and inspected her
1867-10-01 ... 7_0073.JPG
  • 1200-1600: Paymaster served out Grog money to the crew
1867-10-06 ... 7_0078.JPG
  • 1145: General Pavon Commanding General of Tampico and Governor of the state of Tamalipas visited the ship Received him with Due honors and hoisted the Mexican Flag at the fore
  • 1600-2000: Confined in single irons by order of Comdg Officer, John Lafferty (1st CF) for smuggling liquor on board
  • 1830: Detected Frank McCarty (2d CF) in the attempt to release John Lafferty (1st CF) by cutting his irons with a cold chisel Confined both John Lafferty (1st CF) & Frank McCarty (2d CF) in Double irons
1867-10-09 ... 7_0081.JPG
  • 2155: Discovered James Harrington (Ships Corporal) out of irons lying on the Top Gallant Forecastle Awning. Reported the circumstances to the Executive Officer and by his order confined James Harrington (Ships Corporal) within Bath Room in Double irons hand and feed irons locked together Cause Prisoner threatened that if he was not so confined he would get liberated
1867-11-01 ... 7_0104.JPG
  • 0930: Run all guns including Howitzers as far forward as possible as also other weighty articles from Aft in order to reduce the ships draught as much as possible
1867-11-23 ... 7_0126.JPG
  • 1452: Acting 3d Asst Engineer J. H. Nash died of Typhoid remittent fever in the presence of Acting Asst Surgeon C. W. Knight
  • 2200: Mr Buck returned from Tampico without Daniel McCarty (Sea) one of the Boats Crew, who deserted from the boat while Mr Buck was making arrangements for the Burial of Mr Nash
1867-11-24 ... 7_0127.JPG
  • 0545: Received on board a Coffin for the remains of Mr. Nash
  • 1300: Called all hands to bury the dead, lowered the remains of the late James H Nash Acting 3rd Asst Engineer U.S. Navy into the Launch, and half masted the colors of the ship and boats. At 1305 Funeral Procession ~ Launch & 2d Cutter occupied by the Corpse and the following named Officers Acting Master W. T. Buck Passed Asst Paymaster W. W. Woodhull Acting Asst Surgeon C. W. Knight 2d Asst Engineer J. H. Perry and Mate W.S. Baldwin as also 20 Petty Officers Firemen Seamen etc. left the ship
  • 1530: Hoised colors at full mast
  • 1800: Launch and 2d Cutter containing all Officers and men of the Funeral party returned
1867-12-23 ... 7_0156.JPG
  • 0800-1200: Doctor reported Michael Campbell (CH) for feigning sickness confined him in fire room to do double duty for 24 hours
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Shenandoah 1879

Post by Michael »

1879-11-06 ... 29-071.JPG
  • 1010: At 10.10 called all hands witness punishment, and read proceedings of Summary Court Martial in the case of John Williams (Lds), accused of assaulting a sentry while in the Execution of his duty. Found guilty and sentenced to Solitary confinement for thirty days in double irons and bread + water, with full rations every fourth day and to the placed under sentry's charge on deck After which extra police duty for three months. Findings and sentence approved and sentence ordered to be carried into effect by the Executive Officer.
1879-11-26 ... 29-091.JPG
  • 2000: Wm Osterman Private marine was made A prisoner at large to await trial by Court Martial for being asleep while on post
1879-12-04 ... 29-099.JPG
  • 0800: Sail maker J.C. Herburt was placed under suspension for being under the influence of liquor
  • 0945: general court martial in the case of Private Wm Osterman US.M.C. Tried for sleeping on post while sentry over prisoner. Found guilty and sentenced to be placed in solitary confinement on bread and water on board US Flag Ship Shenandoah for the period of two months. Every fourth day to be placed in double irons and allowed to air on the spar deck under a sentry's charge from 8 am until sunset and on that day to be furnished with full rations, To lose all pay which may become due him during the period of his confinement, amounting to twenty six dollars, and to be deprived of liberty on shore for the period of one year. Sentence in the above case is approved by the Comdr in Chief. That part of sentence relating to loss of pay is hereby remitted as are also nine of the twelve months deprivation of liberty on shore.
1879-12-05 ... 29-100.JPG
  • 1600: By Order of Comdg Officer dis-rated George M Sheppard (2r Mr) to Seaman for being asleep while on watch.
1879-12-10 ... 29-105.JPG
  • 0800: Sail maker J.C. Herburt was released from suspension and restored to duty.
1879-12-11 ... 29-106.JPG
  • 0800: Paul Schultze P.M was made a prisoner at large by order of Comg'd Officer.
1879-12-17 ... 29-112.JPG
  • 1015: call all hands to muster and read the findings and sentence of a Summary Court Martial in the case of Paul Schultze Private U.S.M.C. accused with deserting post. Specifications not proven and the accused not guilty. He was then restored to duty.
1879-12-25 ... 29-120.JPG
  • 1600: Lt. G.M. Graydon was by order of Comd'g Officer suspended from duty for being under the influence of liquor
  • 0000: By order of Comd'g Officer gave John Harris (Lds) extra duty during the Watch
1879-12-27 ... 29-122.JPG
  • 0800: By order of Comd'g Officer T.M. Carpenter (P.M) was given extra duty for ten days for assaulting Private Young.
1879-12-28 ... 29-123.JPG
  • 0000: James Williams (Lds) and Wilfred Clendenen (Lds) an extra duty during the watch, by order of the Captain
1879-12-29 ... 29-124.JPG
  • 1600: Private Scott. Was given one week of extra duty by order of Comdg Officer for neglect of duty
1879-12-30 ... 29-125.JPG
  • 0000: By order of Comd'g Officer gave Wilfred B. Clendenen (Lds) J.S Harris (Lds) and James Williams (Lds) extra duty during watch
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Omaha 1888

Post by Michael »

1888-04-14 ... 26-196.JPG
  • 8AM: John Thompson (Lds) discharged from this ship and the Naval Service by reason of expiration of enlistment. He is a British Subject and not entitled to U.S. Consular Aid or Transportation at Government Expense, having enlisted for Special Service.
1888-05-19 ... 27-024.JPG
  • 1415: At 2:15 called All hands Bury the Dead. Read the funeral service over Jno. Campbell (C. Hold) and sent the body ashore for burial escorted by a funeral party. Half masted the colors and the marine guard fired three volleys when the body left the ship.
1888-06-10 ... 27-046.JPG
  • 1515: At 3.15 recd intelligence that one of our men had been shot on shore. Sent boat with P. Asst Surgeon Means, instruments and stretcher. Boat returned with man, John Christopher Coin, at 3:50. The surgeon reported that he was insensible, the result of several bad cuts on head from a blunt instrument. Not shot as reported. No particulars as to occurrence.
1888-06-11 ... 27-047.JPG
  • 1505: At 3.05 August Gretsahn (O.S.) died on board from the effects of sunstroke; commenced preparations for his burial.
1888-06-12 ... 27-049.JPG
  • 0900: At 9:00 called all hands bury the dead and read services over the remains of August Gretsahn (O.S.). At 9:12 the funeral cortege shoved off from the ship and three volleys were fired over the boats from the poop by a corporal's guard of Marines. At 9:50 the funeral party returned to the ship, having buried the body.
1888-07-21 ... 27-096.JPG
  • 0015: At 12.13 the police authorities of Honolulu informed us that J. F. Flannelly, Private U.S.M.C. had been shot and sent to the hospital on shore. Sent 1st Lieut. Turner and Asst Surgeon Means ashore to investigate the case and found out that Flannelly had been shot in the arm by a citizen of Honolulu.
1888-07-22 ... 27-097.JPG
  • 1645: At 4.45 Flagship made signal: What was the full name of the man who was shot. Answered by: John F. Flannelly.
1888-07-23 ... 27-098.JPG
  • 1000: A board of Survey composed of Surgeon Brush, 1st Lieutenants Elliot and W. E. Turner left the ship to hold an inquest on the body of J. F. Flannelly.
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Shenandoah 1873

Post by Michael »

1873-05-31 ... 26-031.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Released from confinement James Phoenix (Lds) Daniel Roach (sea) and Oscar Crocker. (Lds) in Pursuance of an order of Rear Admiral Alden declaring a general amnesty in the squadron to those who are now. under charges, and directing that all unexpired sentences of imprisonment - and forfeiture of pay should be remitted
1873-07-19 ... 26-085.JPG
  • 8PM to Mid: Between the hours of 9 & 10 o'clock Ludwig Ludwigson (sea) was accidentally drowned while on shore. He was hauled out almost immediately after he went down A doctor from shore was on hand and tried every possible means to resuscitate him but to no avail. Ludwigson was on duty as boat keeper of one of the ship's boats.
1873-08-01 ... 26-098.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: By order of Comdg officer confined in double irons Alfred Cherry (Lds) for insolence to his superior officer and Louis Waller (Lds) for smoking after tattoo.
1873-11-29 ... 28-016.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Engaged dressing ship. 10:00 Lieutenant W H Reeder was married to Miss Ella Wells, the ceremony performed on the Quarter Deck by the Rev McNickers 10:30 the Prefect of Nice accompanied by the US Consul came on board. 11:30 the Prefect of Nice left the ship & was saluted with 13 guns French flag at the fore. Lieut W H Reeder was detached from this ship by order of The Department and granted leave
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Omaha 1889

Post by Michael »

1889-01-08 ... 28-078.JPG
  • 2108: At 9:08 PM, heard a pistol-shot and found it to be a shot fired by Chief Engineer Edwin Wells, shooting himself in the head, on the lower platform of the starboard gangway, and found him holding the revolver in his right hand. Had the body brought on the port side of the quarter deck and Surgeon G. R. Brush pronounced him dead. Sent an officer to report the circumstances to the Comd'r-in-Chief.
1889-01-09 ... 28-079.JPG
  • 1228: At 12:55 PM, a board of inquest composed of Surgeon Geo. R. Brush, Lieut. J. B. Murdock and P. Asst Engr A. V. Zane convened, by order of Comdr-in-Chief, to inquire into the circumstances of the death of Chief Engineer Edwin Wells, and held a postmortem on body of deceased.
1889-01-10 ... 28-080.JPG
  • 8 Am to Meridian: Received on board in Medical Dept one casket for the burial of Chief Engr Edwin Wells U.S.N.
  • 1345: At 1:45 PM, the funeral escort and pall bearers came alongside form flagship. At 1:50, Manned boats and called all hands bury the dead and half-masted colors. At 2 P.M. the remains of Chief Engr Edwin Wells were piped over the side and the funeral escort and pall bearers left the ship. Board took inventory of the effects of the late Edwin Wells Chief Engr U. S. Navy. At 3:45 funeral party returned on board the ship and masted colors and hoisted all boats.
1889-04-09 ... 28-177.JPG
  • 0930: E Osterberg (O. Sea.) was brought on board by a policeman and a reward of 25 cents paid for his arrest.
1889-06-06 ... 29-054.JPG
  • 1630: J. Johanson (Lds) fell overboard from starboard mizzen rigging. He was safely rescued and found to have suffered only a slight bruise, having struck on his side against the mizzen channels.
1889-10-20 ... 29-210.JPG
  • 8AM: By order of Commanding Officer, James McGonigle (O.S.) is to be called every morning at 4 o'clock until further orders for stowing himself away on berth deck, and not coming aft to clean poop when word was passed.
1889-12-05 ... 30-051.JPG
  • 1000: At 10 a funeral escort consisting of the band, a firing party of Marines, 8 pall bearers and 16 blue-jackets commanded by Naval Cadet Koester, left the ship under the command of Lieutenant Bowyer, to bury Louis P. Miller (2 class App.) who died at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Yokohama, Dec. 4, 1889.
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