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Register here to join our projects

Post by Caro »

Welcome to Old Weather!

Please register on this forum in order to take part in our projects and to post comments here.
There are Register links at the top right and bottom left of the forum's index page.

To register:
  • Click the Register link.
  • Read the conditions, click to agree, fill in your details, enter the confirmation code (the odd graphics), and click Submit.
    • Your application will be acknowleged by email.
    • You will receive another email when your account has been activated.
    Applications from temporary, anonymous email accounts will be rejected.

    If you have problems with registration: using the email account that you have entered in your details, send a query with your chosen username (not password) in an email to


The Origin and Evolution of Old Weather is an excellent summary of who we are and what we do!

There are two separate projects
  • Old Weather: Federal ships (formerly Old Weather: Arctic)
    We transcribe logs from Navy & Coast Guard ships.
    USS Sacramento and USS Yantic are examples of the logs we are doing.
    More ships will be added as the current ships are completed.
    We transcribe the logs using LibreOffice spreadsheets (free software).
    It is easy to use even for people not familiar with spreadsheets.
    For a quick video introduction watch the OWA tutorial.
    For more information on this project, see the Transcribing Guide and Current ships and/or
    send Randi a PM (Private Message).
  • Old Weather: Editing
    The above project concentrates on transcribing the logs' weather data.
    However, there is also historical information in the logs.
    The goal of the Editing project is to present this information in a reader-friendly form.
    Because the rules are different, Editing is somewhat hidden away to avoid confusing new transcribers.
    When transcribing, with a few exceptions, you transcribe what is in the log even if it is incorrect.
    When editing, you edit: choosing which entries to include, correcting errors and adding historical context if you wish.
    For more information on this project, see Join us! and/or send Caro a PM (Private Message).
If you have questions, feel free to post them in the forum or to contact us.

AvastMH (Joan), Bob, Caro, Michael and Randi

Last bumped by Caro on Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:44 am.

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