OW Tools

Tools for finding the names of towns, bays, points, islands, lighthouses and other landmarks

Moderator: Matteo

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Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:02 pm
Location: Prato, Italy

OW Tools

Post by Matteo »

OW Tools is a set of miscellaneous geographical tools by propriome and mapurves:


The actual set of tools includes:
  • Anchorage Bearings - Given an approximative location it will draw coloured lines for the provided bearings. Location can then be moved around. Matching one or more bearing with a known placemark allows to find unknown ones.
  • Bearing - Given a location, bearing and distance, it will draw two locations. The first one (previous) represent looking towards the given location with the given distance and bearing. The other (next) represent looking from the given location with the given distance and bearing.
  • Bearings - Given two locations and their bearings, tries to calculate ship position.
  • Bearings3 - Given three locations and their bearings, tries to calculate ship position, using a mean measure of three distinct Bearings calculations.
  • Voyage - The more complex tool. It tries to plot the ship journey using a start and ending point, and any number of intermediate points. For each point a latitude/longitude, course, patent log and speed can be entered. The voyage can be saved/loaded on local hard drive.
  • Find Places - This tool allows to query our placenames database. Searches can be made around a certain location, by portion of name, by country, and by general area.
  • Print Bearings - The tool prints the various true bearings, given the ship course and an optional number of points. It's quite useful, knowing the ship course, to determine the direction of something generically "abeam" (i.e. Broad on stbd beam / Broad on port beam).
  • Print Distance - Given two locations and two optional times, this tool calculates the distance, course and (if times are given) speed.

Additional tools:
  • Find Maps - Given an approximative location, it will show links to historical maps covering that location. The collection of links is rapidly growing, although some area are less covered due to existing optimal references (like NOAA historical charts and USGS topographic viewer for US - see specific reference threads for links)
  • OW Page Joiner - Allow to adjoin two journal pages so that central entries can be read, it shows only the central portion of the two pages.
  • OW Page Joiner Full - Allow to adjoin two journal pages so that central entries can be read, the two pages are fully shown.

  • The section contains HTML list, csv, Google Earth kmz and Google Map charts for all our areas. Except for HTML list, links found in this section are the same you can find in all reference threads here on the forum.

Don't hesitate to report us bugs, glitches, or ask for more thorough usage instructions.

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