Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Everything from AB to ZZ from the ships' logs
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Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Post by Caro »

The following abbreviations ‒ Letters A-L and M-Z, Symbols and Numbers ‒ have been collected from the transcribed logs of US and RN vessels.
Abbreviations from RN vessels are marked (RN).

There are links for related information in More sources at the end of the list.

Please post questions and suggestions for additions or changes to this list in the discussion topic.
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Re: Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Post by Caro »

Letter abbreviations appear sometimes in upper case, sometimes in lower case, sometimes in a mixture of upper and lower,
with or without full stops/periods

Letters A-L


(a) After rating: Acting

AB: Able Seaman

AB boats: Anchorage and Boarding boats (US Coast Guard)

Abm or ab or a/b: Abeam

ABS: Armed boarding steamer (RN)

A/c: Alter(ed) course [see also C/c or cc: Change(d) course]
or account

ACS: Air Construction Service, Royal Engineers (RN)

AD: Artificer Diver (RN)

Adm: Admiral

AG or ArmGrd: Armed Guard

Ah: Ahead

Aide: Aide of Survey (USC&GS)

AMC: Armed merchant cruiser (RN)

AoF: Admiral of the Fleet (RN)

AOL: Absent over leave

AWOL: Absent without leave

AS: Apprentice Seaman

Asst: Assistant of Survey (USC&GS)

ATF : Auxiliary Ocean Tug, Fleet

AP or Asst Pay: Assistant Paymaster) (RN)

AP: Armour/armor piercing

AR: Aiming rifle (RN)

ASG: Acting Seaman Gunner (RN)

ATP: Authorised (or allowed) to proceed (RN)

ATS: Apparent time at ship (RN)


Bat or Batship: Battleship

BatRon: Battleship Squadron (RN)

Bbl: Barrel(s)

Bea or bcn: Beacon (RN)

Bgs or brg: bearing(s)

BISN: British India Steam Navigation Company (RN)

Bks or baks: Barracks

BL or BLR: Breech loading rifle

BLH: Bomb lance harpoon (launcher)

BM: Boatswain's Mate or Boatman's Mate

BMkr: Boiler Maker

BOT: Board of Trade (RN)

BP: Battle practice (RN)

Bque: Barque (RN)

BS: Battleship Squadron (RN)

BSmth: Blacksmith

BT: Boiler Technician

BT: Bathythermograph

BW: Breakwater or Both watches (RN)

BW for x: Both watches for exercise (RN)


C/c or cc: Change(d) course See also a/c

C&C, C+C: Carpenter and Caulker

Capt: Captain

CERA: Chief Engine Room Artificer (RN)

CBM: Chief Boatswain's Mate

CG: Coast Guard

CGM: Chief Gunner's Mate

CGOB: Coast Guard Operating Base

CH: Coal Heaver

C-in-C: Commander-in-Chief (RN)

CGD: Coast Guard District

CGDD or CGD/D: Coast Guard District Dispatch

CGDL or CGD/L: Coast Guard District Letter

CM: Court Martial

CM: Carpenter's Mate

Co: Course (RN)

COA and CAG: Captain of Afterguard

COF and CFC: Captain of Forecastle

COH and CHold: Captain of Hold

COLA: Cost Of Living Allowance

Cols: Columns

Comd: Commenced (RN)

Com'g: Commanding

Com's: Commences

CONUS: CONtiguous United States

CoE: Church of England (RN)

C of P or COTP: Captain of Port

Corpl or Cpl: Corporal (RMLI) (RN)

COSDPC: Commanding Officer, Southern Division, Pacific Coast
Also Division Commander, Southern Division, Pacific Coast: DCSDPC or SDPC-DC

COT: Captain of Tops

Cox or Cox'n: Coxswain

Coy: Convoy or company (RN)

CP: Coal Passer

CP: Central Pivot (gun carriage)

CPO: Chief Petty Officer

CQM: Chief Quartermaster

CS: Cruiser Squadron (RN)

CRM: Chief Radioman

CT: Coal Trimmer RN)

Cus: Course

CWT: Chief Water Tender


D: Discharged or Diver (RN)

DAMS: Defensively Armed Merchant Ship (RN)

DB: Double bottom party (RN) [possibly]

DC: Depth charge(s) (RN)

DD: Discharged dead from service (RN)

DD: Destroyer or Dishonorable Discharge, or Drydock

Dev'n: Deviation (RN)

DH: Deck hand(s) (RN)

Disemb (and variations): Disembark(ed)

DOD: Died of disease

DMB: Duty Motor Boat (RN)

Do: Ditto (RN)

DPR: Deputy Permanent Representative [probably]

DR or DR Post: Dead Reckoning or Dead Reckoning Position

DSB: Duty Steam Boat (RN)

DSM: Distinguished Service Medal

DOW: Died of wounds

DY: Dockyard (RN)


EA: Electrical Artificer (RN)

EAR: Engines as required (RN)

Emp or empd or empd: Employed (RN)

EQ: Evening quarters (RN)

ERA: Engine Room Artificer (RN)

Exd: Exercised (RN)

Exch : Exchanged (RN)

Exp: Experience, or Express (boiler)


F1C: Fireman First-class

F2C: Fireman Second-class

F: Fireman

FADM: Fleet Admiral

Fath or fms or fthms: Fathoms

FFO: Fuel furnace oil (RN)

FG: Fishing ground (RN)

FM: Fireman (merchant seaman rating) or Fleet Messenger (ship) (RN)

FW: Fresh water (RN)

Fxl or fxle or fo'c'stle: Forecastle (RN)


G: With a bearing, Green

GC: Gun Captain (RN)

GC: Guns crew (RN)

GI: Gunnery Instructor (RN)

GLs: Gunlayers (RN)

GM: Gunner's Mate or grog money (RN)

GD: Guard

GDP: Gun Director Pointer

GQ or GQs: General quarters (RN)

GOC: General Officer Commanding (RN)

GS: General service (kit and hardware) (RN)

Grt or Gr or Gt: Great

GTC: Gunnery & torpedo class or Gunnery & training class (RN)

Guns: Gunner's Mate

Gun: Gunboat or Gunner


HA: High angle (guns)(RN)

Harbr: Harbour (RN)

HBM: His/Her Britannic Majesty's (RN)

HBS: Harbor Boat Service

HD or H/D: Headquarters dispatch

HE: High explosive (shell) or His/Her Excellency (RN)

HECP: Harbor Entrance Control Post

H & G Engineer: Hydrographic and Geodetic Engineer

HIJMS: His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship (RN)

HIRMS: His Imperial Russian Majesty's Ship (RN)

HL or H/L: Headquarters letter

HMA: His/Her Majesty's Auxiliary (RFA ship) (RN)

HMAS: His/Her Majesty's Australian Ship (RN)

HMAT: His/Her Majesty's Australian Transport orHis/Her Majesty's Armed/Auxiliary Trawler (RN)

HMCS: His Majesty's Canadian Ship (RN) or His Majesty's Cable Ship (RN)

HMCTBD: His Majesty's Canadian Torpedo Boat Destroyer (RN)

HMD or HMTBD: His/Her Majesty's Destroyer (RN)

HMS: His/Her Majesty's Ship (RN)

HMHS or HS: His/Her Majesty's Hospital Ship (RN)

HMT: His/Her Majesty's Transport, or His/Her Majesty's Trawler (RN)

HMY: His/Her Majesty's Yacht (RN)

HP: Harbour patrol (boat) (RN)

HPF: Harbour Patrol Fleet (RN)

Hydros: Hydrometer


Inc: Increase(d) (RN)

Id or Is or Isdd: Island

IHP: Indicated horse power (engines) (RN)

Insp: Inspector or Inspection

Inst: Instante mense (this month)

Instn: Instruction

Instr: Instructor

Int'd: Intercepted (RN)


JoD: Jack of Dust


KAR: King's African Rifles (RN)

KHM: King's Harbourmaster (RN officer at naval port)

Kn(s) or Kt(s): Knot(s)

KR and AI: King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions (RN)


La: Larboard (port side)

L Bg: Light barge (RN)

LCDR or LtCom: Lieutenant Commander

LCS: Light Cruiser Squadron (RN)

LCT: Lower conning tower (RN)

LCVP: Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel

Ldg Sig: Leading Signalman (RN)

LDS: Landsman

LT or L/T: Left tangent

Lt: Lieutenant

Lt or Lt Ho: Light or lighthouse

Lt (jg): Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

Lt: Little (geographical) (RN)

LTO: Leading Torpedo Man (RN)

LV or Lt V: Light vessel

LVA: Leading Victualling Assistant

LW: Low water
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Re: Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Post by Caro »

Letters M-Z


(M): Following a bearing, Magnetic

m: Minutes

MA or MAA or MaA: Master at Arms

Mag: Magnetic

MC: Medical Corps

Mess or Messrs: plural of Mr (can look like Mefs or Mep in older logs)

Mid: Midshipman

MM: Machinist, Machinist Mate

MMR: Mercantile Marine Reserve

MV or M/V: Merchant Vessel or Motor Vessel


(N): Navigating Officer

NAF: Naval Air Facility

NAS: Naval Air Station

NAO: North Atlantic Ocean

Nav: Navy or naval or navigation(al)

Navig: Navigation or navigator

NDS: Night Defence Station (RN)

Nite: Night

NOB: Naval Operating Base

Nor or Norw: Norwegian (RN)

NPO: North Pacific Ocean

NSD: Naval Supply Depot

NSO: Naval Stores Office (RN)

NUC: Not under control (RN)


OB: Operating Base or Operational Base

Obs: Observed

OCONUS: Outside the CONtiguous United States

OD: Officer-of-the-Day

O-F: Oil fuel (RN)

OG: Officer-of-the-Guard

OHMS: On His/Her Majesty's Service (RN)

OIC or O-in-C: Officer-in-Charge

OOD: Officer-of-the-Deck

OOG or O of G: Officer of Guard (RN)

OOQ: Officer of Quarters (RN)

OOW: Officer of (the) watch (RN)

Ord: Ordnance

OS: Ordinary Seaman (RN)


P or pbd or pt: Port side of ship

Patt: Pattern (RN)

PB: Port bower (anchor) or Patrol Boat

PC: Civilian Personnel Division or Patrol Craft

PC or PClk: Pay Clerk

PC: Per compass

PCE: Patrol Craft, Escort

PD: Physical drill (RN)

Pdts or pndts: Pendants (RN)

PG: Patrol Vessel, Gunboat

PGC: Per gyrocompass

(PH): After a wind direction, Pilot House compass

PL: Patent log

PLA : Port of London Authority (RN)

PM: Private Marine

PNTO: Principal Naval Transport Officer (RN)

PO: Petty Officer or Port Officer or Post Office

P&O: Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company

POD: Place of Discharge

POFE: Place of First Enlistment

(Pro): After a rating, Provisional

Proc'd: Proceeded (RN)

PSNC: Pacific Steam Navigation Company

PSC: Per standard compass

PSTC: Per steering compass

PT: Patrol Vessel, Motor Torpedo Boat

Pts: Privates (RN)

PTB: Powers That Be

Pty: Party (RN)

PV: Paravane (RN)

PW: Port watch (RN)

PY: Patrol Vessel, Yacht

PZ: Code for fleet exercises (RN)


QG: Quarter-Gunner

QM or Quart: Quartermaster

Qtr(s): Quarter(s)


R: With a bearing, Red (RN)

R or RM or RT: Radioman or Radio Technician

RA or Rear Adm: Rear Admiral

RAR: Radio Acoustic Ranging

RC: Roman Catholic (RN)

Rds: Rounds (of ammunition) (RN)

RE: Royal Engineer (RN)

Recd: Received

Red : Reduced

Remd: Remainder (RN)

Reqte: Requisite (RN)

Revs or rev or revns: Revolutions

RFA: Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RN)

RFE: Range finding exercise (RN)

RFR: Royal Fleet Reserve (RN)

RIM: Royal Indian Marine (RN)

RIMS: Royal Indian Marine Ship (RN)

Rk: Rock (RN)

RKO: Range Keeper Operator

RMA: Royal Marine Artillery (RN)

RMAB: Royal Marine Artillery Barracks (RN)

RMLI: Royal Marines Light Infantry (RN)

RMS: Royal Mail Ship (RN)

RMSP: Royal Mail Steam Packet (RN)

RN: Royal Navy (RN)

RNAS: Royal Naval Air Service (RN)

RNASBR: Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve (RN)

RNB: Royal Navy Barracks (RN)

RNH: Royal Naval Hospital (RN)

RNO: Resident Naval Officer (RN)

RNR: Royal Naval Reserve (RN)

RNR(T): Royal Naval Reserve Trawler Section (RN)

RNSQ: Royal Navy Sick Quarters (RN)

RNVR: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RN)

RNV(W)R: Royal Naval Volunteer (Wireless) Reserve (RN)

ROBE: Rung off both engines

RSP: Red Sea Patrol (RN)

RT or R/T: Right tangent

RV: Rendezvous (RN)


S1BL: Starboard 1 Breech-Loading (gun) (RN)

S or SN: Seaman

SA: Small arms (RN)

SA: Special Artificer

SAA: Small Arms Ammunition

SAT: Ship's apparent time; also appears as ATS (RN)

SB: Starboard bower (anchor)

SBA: Sick Berth Attendant (RN)

SBC: Signal Books Correct or Set bridge chronometer (RN)

S/C: Set course

Sch: Schooner

SEO: Squadron Engineer Officer (RN)

SG: Seaman Gunner

Sh or Shkl(s): Shackle(s)

S'l : sail
Incorporated in tops'l, tgs'l (topgallant sail), st'ys'l (staysail), mains'l, etc

S/m: Submarine

SMM: Sailmaker's Mate

SMS: Seiner Majestat Schiff (RN)

SNO: Senior Naval Officer (RN)

SOP: Standard operating procedure or Senior Officer Present

SOPA: Senior Officer Present Afloat

SOP(A): Senior Officer Present (Ashore)

SP: Steam pinnace (RN)

SQMS: Senior Quartermaster-Sergeant (RN)

SSs: Sightsetters (RN)

SS: Steamship (single-screw)

SSO: Squadron Signal Officer or Senior Supply Officer (RN)

ST or S/T: Steam Trawler or Steam Tug or Seaman Torpedo Man (RN)

Stbd or Stbd: Starboard

Stn or stns: station(s) (RN)

Sto or Stokr: Stoker (RN)

SV or S/V: Sailing vessel (RN)

SW: Starboard watch (RN)

SY: Steam Yacht (RN)


(T): Following a bearing, True

(T): Following rank, Temporary

TB: Torpedo Boat

TBD: Torpedo Boat Destroyer (RN)

TC: Training Class

TC: Torpedo Coxswain (RN)

Tel: Telegraphist (RN)

TG: Topgallant sail

TGM: Torpedo Gunner's Mate (RN)

TM: Torpedoman's Mate

TME: Torpedoman's Mate (Electrical)

Torp: Torpedo or Torpedoman

Treas'y: Treasury

TS: Transmitting station (RN)


USAHS: United States Army Hospital Ship

USAT: United States Army Transport

USCG: United States Coast Guard

USCGC: United States Coast Guard Cutter

USMC: United States Marine Corps

USN: United States Navy

USRC: United States Revenue Cutter

USRCS: United States Revenue Cutter Service

USS: United States Ship


V or Vol: Volunteer

VA: Vice Admiral

VA: Victualling Assistant (RN)

Var or vble: Variable (wind direction) or various (course)

Vsl: Vessel


WBC: Wound Bridge Chronometer (RN)
Also: Wireless Books Correct, sometimes S&WBC: Signal & Wireless Books Correct

WIR: West India Regiment (RN)

WO: Warrant Officer (RN)

WP: Work party (RN)

Wr: Weather (RN)

WR: Ward Room

WRC: Wardroom Cook

WRS: Wardroom Steward

WSS or WSSt: War signal station (RN)

WT or W/T: Water tight (doors) or Warrant Telegraphist or Wireless Telegraphy (RN)

WT: Water Tender (vessel)

WTO: Wireless Telegraphy Operator (RN)


##x: Yard(s) (distance)


YN: Yeoman or Ship's Yeoman

YP: Yard patrol


ZZ: Zigzag
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Re: Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Post by Caro »


27o 7′ 0″ S, 109o 22′ 0″ W
Transcribed with spaces replacing the symbols: 27 7 0S, 109 22 0W

o Degrees of arc
The circumference of the Earth is divided into 360o, in units of length that vary depending on global position
' Minutes of arc
There are 60 minutes in one degree of arc
" Seconds of arc
There are 60 seconds in one minute of arc

See Wikipedia's Geographic Coordinate System for details.

Latitude/longitude may also appear in decimal form, eg: -27.11, -109.36.
See Wikipedia's Decimal degrees article for more information.

' Nautical mile
The nautical mile is a unit of length that is about one minute of arc of longitude along any meridian.

x Yard
A unit of length equal to 3 feet or 0.9144 metres

Image: Abeam
Transcribed as "abeam"
Image: Abeam port
Transcribed as "abeam port"

Image: Abeam starboard
Transcribed as "abeam starboard"

Image: Anchor
(two examples shown)
Transcribed as "anchor"

Image: Double anchored
Ship anchored with both port and starboard anchors (two examples shown)
Transcribed as "double anchored"

Image+"age": Anchorage
(two examples shown)
Transcribed as "anchorage"

Image: Port bower anchor
Transcribed as "port bower anchor"

Image: Starboard bower anchor
Transcribed as "starboard bower anchor"

Image: in range
Transcribed as "in range"
A navigation term: "Juxtaposed like a gun-sight such that you know the ship is on a particular line of position. A common piloting technique." (per Kevin Wood)
Example: "a/c SxW1/2W with bluff and stream in oo"

Φ or φ: Greek letter phi
Aligned with
When one landmark stands in front of another

Average or mean position of sighting multiple or elongated objects
Example: "Aasvogel's Kop φ 4404 feet mountain N3W"

In cartography and navigation, phi denotes latitude

Λ or λ: Greek letter lambda
In cartography and navigation, lambda denotes longitude

Image: Moon, rise or set location
Usually used to identify a bearings point
Transcribed as "moon"
The same symbol is used morning and evening

Image: Sun, rise or set location
Usually used to identify a bearings point.
Transcribed as "sun"
The same symbol is used morning and evening
The dotted circle (without the horizon line) sometimes replaces the word 'sun'; for example: "Darken the ship at 'sun' set"

Example of morning reading (sunrise):


Example of evening reading (sunset):


Image: Star
Usually used to identify a method of obtaining observed Lat/Long
Transcribed as "star/stellar"
May also be shorthand for "starboard" as in "let go starboard anchor"

Image: Triangulation point
Usually used to identify a ship's position and attitude while at anchor
Transcribed as "triangulation point"
There is a definition here in the forum

NB Editors
~ (tilde): OW transcriber's mark
Indicates an indecipherable letter or number
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Re: Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Post by Caro »


1C: First Class
1CWT is 1st class Water Tender

2C: Second Class
2CWT is 2nd class Water Tender

3C: Third Class
3CWT is 3rd class Water Tender

4C: Fourth Class
Lowest conduct class

.303 AR: .303 aiming rounds

3 pdr: 3 pounder (gun)

6 pdr: 6 pounder (gun)
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Re: Abbreviations A-Z, symbols and numbers

Post by Caro »

More sources

The following sites also offer information on abbreviations:

Abbreviations Used for Navy Enlisted Ratings, US Navy

Research Resources Miscellaneous
RN abbreviations also appear, thanks to Maikel, on the Journey Plotter website.

Abbreviations in World War One Medal Cards pdf file
All branches of British and other armed forces.

Abbreviations used by British armed forces
Mostly WWI.

Signal Flags
International Code of Signals.

WWII USN abbreviations

Ranks and Rates of the US Navy
US Coast Guard ranks and rates are generally similar.

NHN compendium

Navy Rank Abbreviations US

Last bumped by Caro on Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:11 pm.

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