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Northwind 1951 - Nov - Dec

Post by Michael »

1951-11-01 ... 8_0050.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0230 VIGIL, RAFAEL (N) (277-562) EN3 (P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1000 WRIGHT, HERBERT W (279-535) EM1 departed on fourteen (14) days leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 16 November 1951. BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 returned from twenty-six (26) days leave on time.
  • 1020 the following men transferred this date to report to Commanding Officer Damage Control Training Center, Treasure Island, California for temporary additional duty as per C13CGD LTR of 23 OCT.
  • 1830 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) departed on temporary additional duty to Shore Patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • 1951 file MM (P16-3/15) order #514238 and endorsements thereon: McCLAY LEROY F (278-739) EN2; MILLS, DANIEL G (293-054) SA; HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA; WRIGHT, CURTIS G. (293-408) SA; CANNON, ROBERT W. (293-165) SA; ALVAREZ, ROBERT W (276-881) SN; WHITE, RICHARD H.
  • 1300 TAETZ, ALFRED C (288-135) RD3 departed on seventeen (17) days leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 19 NOV, 1951.
  • 1310 WARD, THEODORE G. (293-001) EN3 (P) departed on nine (9) days leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 11 Nov. 1951.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1600 Effective this date the following named men changed rate as indicated: FRASER, DOUGLAS P. (276-780) from FC2 (P) to FC2; FROTHINGHAM, ALFRED C. JR.
  • "0000 to 0900: 0200 GREENE, JOHN W . (276-264) GM3 (P) returned from temporary duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0800 all hands to quarters for muster - no absentees except BROOKS, EVERETT N (266-959) CS2 absent without leave for a period of ten (10) days and twenty (20) hours."
1951-11-02 ... 8_0052.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0230 VIGIL, RAFAEL (N) (277-562) EN3 (P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1000 WRIGHT, HERBERT W (279-535) EM1 departed on fourteen (14) days leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 16 November 1951. BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 returned from twenty-six (26) days leave on time.
  • 1020 the following men transferred this date to report to Commanding Officer Damage Control Training Center, Treasure Island, California for temporary additional duty as per C13CGD LTR of 23 OCT.
  • 1951 file MM (P16-3/15) order #514238 and endorsements thereon: McCLAY LEROY F (278-739) EN2; MILLS, DANIEL G (293-054) SA; HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA; WRIGHT, CURTIS G. (293-408) SA; CANNON, ROBERT W. (293-165) SA; ALVAREZ, ROBERT W (276-881) SN; WHITE, RICHARD H.
  • 1300 TAETZ, ALFRED C (288-135) RD3 departed on seventeen (17) days leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 19 NOV, 1951.
  • 1310 WARD, THEODORE G. (293-001) EN3 (P) departed on nine (9) days leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 11 Nov. 1951.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1600 Effective this date the following named men changed rate as indicated: FRASER, DOUGLAS P. (276-780) from FC2 (P) to FC2; FROTHINGHAM, ALFRED C. JR.
  • "0000 to 0900: 0200 GREENE, JOHN W . (276-264) GM3 (P) returned from temporary duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1040 CORYELL RUSSELL T JR. (260-552) DCCA. transferred to C.O. CGC WASCHUSETTS (WPG 44) Seattle for assignment to duty. auth C13CGD/L (P) 19 October 1951 file MM/PIL-4.
  • 1115 WRIGHT LEONARD A. (287-538) EN3 reported from in-patient treatment USMH Seattle unfit for duty.
  • 1300 WRIGHT LENARD A (287-538) EN3 (P) departed on thirty days (30) sick leave to expire prior to 1200 2 December 1951 on board.
  • 1440 The following men reported aboard for assignment to duty from CG Base Seattle, Washington in accordance with order MM / 016-4. DAVIS, WILLIE JR."
  • "1830: EVDOKIMOF, JOHN JR. (276-091) BM1 (P) departed on temporary duty on shore patrol Seattle."
  • 0000 to 0900: 0200 EVDOKIMOFF JOHN JR (276-091) BM1 reported from temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle.
  • 0800 BROOKS EVERETT N (266-959) CS2 absent without leave for a period of eleven (11) days and twenty (20) hours.
1951-11-03 ... 8_0053.JPG
  • "1200: PARRISH, JACK D. (267-954) FN returned from eighteen (18) days leave and ten (10) days extension on time."
  • "1830: FRASER, DOUGLAS P. (276-780) FC2 departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0200 FRASER, DOUGLAS P. (276-780) FC2 returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • 0800 BROOKS, EVERETT N. (266-959) CS2 absent without leave for a period of twelve (12) days and twenty (20) hours."
1951-11-04 ... 8_0054.JPG
  • "1835: ANDERSON, GEORGE W. (279-196) EN2 departed on temporary additional duty at Shore Patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • "2150: YOUNG, ARCHIE A. (278-351) EN1 returned from thirty (30) days leave on time."
1951-11-05 ... 8_0055.JPG
  • "0800: 0800 BROOKS, EVERETT N (266-959) CS2 absent without leave for a period of thirteen (13) days, twenty (20) hours.
  • 0825 LCDR WILLIAM L. DEDONG (2662) USCG reported aboard from O, Cmdr. 12th Coast Guard district to assume duties of Engineering Officer Order File: #P16-4/00."
  • "0800: 0800 BROOKS, EVERETT N (266-959) CS2 absent without leave for a period of thirteen (13) days, twenty (20) hours.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1045 KIDNER THERMAN H. 279-944 ET2 reported on board from thirty (30) days leave on time.
  • 1100 DREW GEORGE S (217-694) GMC returned on time from thirty (30) days annual leave.
  • 1125 SMITH, DAVID E (279-622) SN reported on board from days leave on time. PURCELL DONNIE M (279-759) FN reported on board from days leave on time.
  • 1135 YUHASE DAVID Y (285-075) BM1 returned from twenty (20) days leave on time.
  • 1200 FOULK JOHN E (279-716) granted one (1) day extension of leave.
  • 1330 GREENE JOHN W (276-264) GM3 departed on 30 days regular annual leave to expire prior to 1200 6 December 19t51 on board.
  • 1340 MADEROS ALBERT P (208-694) DC1 reported on board for assignment to duty auth C13CGD/L 24 Oct. 1951. file MM/P16-4 1350 HUGHTO DONALD A (293-143) PA. having reported on board from in-patient treatment U.S.M.H. Seattle departed on thirteen days (13) sick leave to expire prior to 1200 19 November 1951."
  • "0800: 0800 BROOKS, EVERETT N (266-959) CS2 absent without leave for a period of thirteen (13) days, twenty (20) hours.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1045 KIDNER THERMAN H. 279-944 ET2 reported on board from thirty (30) days leave on time.
  • 1100 DREW GEORGE S (217-694) GMC returned on time from thirty (30) days annual leave.
  • 1125 SMITH, DAVID E (279-622) SN reported on board from days leave on time. PURCELL DONNIE M (279-759) FN reported on board from days leave on time.
  • 1135 YUHASE DAVID Y (285-075) BM1 returned from twenty (20) days leave on time.
  • 1200 FOULK JOHN E (279-716) granted one (1) day extension of leave.
  • 1330 GREENE JOHN W (276-264) GM3 departed on 30 days regular annual leave to expire prior to 1200 6 December 19t51 on board.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1615 DAVIS, WILLIE JR 298-281 TA transferred to CGC WACHUSETTS for assignment to duty in accordance with C13CGD/D 052325Z.
  • 1835 COLLETTE PAUL L (276-473) EM1 departed on temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle."
1951-11-06 ... 8_0056.JPG
  • 0230: COLLETTE PAUL (276-973) EM1 returned from temporary duty as shore patrol.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1040 BURLEY, ALVIN (260-832) TN transferred to C8CGD Auth: C13CGD ltr. 31 Oct., 1951 file MM/P16-4.
  • 1320 JOHNSON, RICHARD C. JR. (287-752) FA departed on twenty (20) days leave to expire prior to 1200 27 Nov. 1951.
  • 1349 The following men departed on leave. MAUCK, ELBERT V. JR (287-608) FA twenty one days (21) due to expire prior to 1200 28 Nov. 1951; WALTERS, HARRY E. JR 1200 3 Dec., 1951.
  • 1350 FOULK, JOHN E. (279-716) SN returned from fifteen days leave and one days extension in proper uniform being AWOL for one (1) hour and fifty (50) minutes.
  • 1600 CDR LEWIS L. WHITTEMORE (1693) departed on transfer to Commander, 5th CG District, in accordance with HL 8-30-51 P16-4/00"
  • "2310: The following men were received aboard from boat at Port Angeles. Dr. W. P. Taylor P.H.; Dr. H. R. Terry Jr. P.H.; Wesley Mount HM1 (P.H.), Charles J. Keim"
1951-11-17 ... 8_0072.JPG
  • "0840: BA~DY, FRANK E. (100-389) CSC placed on no duty status by reason of wound, incised right hand, ring & small finger"
1951-11-19 ... 8_0076.JPG
  • "2000: 2048 Boat from Port Angeles Air Station alongside to starboard. The following men departed ship for Port Angeles: Dr. U. C. Taylor USPHS, Dr H. R. Terry USPHS, Wesley Mount HM1 USCG and Charles Keim Associated Press.
  • 2055 Boat departed from ship."
1951-11-20 ... 8_0078.JPG
  • "0745: RYAN ROBERT, ENS reported aboard for resumption of regular duty from 13CGD."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0910 ZURCHER, JAME C. (279-925) RM3 returned aboard in status as awaiting disciplinary action, having been placed on report by Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Base, Seattle for being absent over leave from 0745, 16 NOVEMBER 1951 to 0800, 19 NOVEMBER, 1951 a period of seventy two (72) hours and fifteen (15) minutes.
  • 1156 COLLETTE, PAUL L (296-473) EM1 departed for temporary additional duty and instruction at Motion Picture Operators School, San Diego, California as per order 20 NOVEMBER 1951, file MM/P16-4.
  • 1200 BROOKS, EVERETT N. (266-959) CS2 absent over leave a period of twenty-nine (29) days.
  • 1215 HUGHTO, DONALD A. (293-143) FA departed on ten (10) days annual leave to expire on board prior to 1200, 6 December 1951. KATICH, ANTONE P. (293-436) SN departed on fifteen (15) days annual leave to expire prior 1200, 6 DECEMBER, 1951.
  • 1340 ROBERTSON, JAMES L. (287-331) EN3 departed with and in charge of DUROW, WILBER S. JR. (293-431) FA, SIMS, ERNEST L (279-996) FN and FLANAGAN, ROBERT P. (290-271) FA to report to CO. CG Detachment, Camp Gordon, Georgia for assignment to temporary duty and instruction, authority H/L 19 OCTOBER 1951 file PE2 MM P16/3/13. YUHASE, DAVID V. (285-075) BM1 departed with and in charge of the following named men to report to CO. CG. Detachment, Camp Gordon, Georgia for assignment to temporary duty and instruction: ORLAND, GABRIEL JR. (293-430) SA, TOOGOOD, ROBERT K. JR. (293-186) SA, BROWN, EARL D. JR. (287--444) SA, PROCTOR, FREEMAN A. JR (293-447) SA and SMITH, DAVID E. (279-622) SA authority H/L 19 OCTOBER 1951 file PE2 MMP16-3/13, travel order 514544. BARRETT, JERRY H. (293-429) departed with and in charge of the following named men to report to CO, CG Detachment, Camp Gordon Georgia for assignment to temporary duty and instruction: WEVERKA, ALFRED C. (293-155) SA and LARSON, VERNON L. (293-207) SN. authority H/L 19 OCTOBER 1951 file PE2 MM 016-3/13.
  • 1400 CALDERWOOD, THOMAS C. (276-895) SN transferred to CO, CG Base, Seattle, Washington for assignment to temporary duty and for further transfer to C17CGD for assignment to duty, authority C13CGC/L dated 24 OCTOBER 1951 order number 514511 file MM/P16-4.
  • 1415 TAETZ, ALFRED C. (288-135) RD3 transferred to CO CGC BERING STRAIT for assignment to duty, authority C13CGD/L dated 16 November 1951 file MM/016-4. 0910: The following named men reported aboard from leave: TAETZ, ALFRED C. (288-135) RD3, HUGHTO, DONALD A. (293-143) FA, ZURCHER, JAMES C. (279-925) RM3, WEVERKA, ALFRED C. (293-155) SA, CALDERWOOD, THOMAS C. (276-895) SN, LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-644) GM3 (p), WARD, THEODORE G. (293-001) EN3(p), ELLICOTT, BURTON E. (287-360) FN, WRIGHT, HERBERT W. (279-535) EM1, MATHIS JESSE R. (283-846) SA, EASTON, HARR S. (277-163) SN, HEAD, CHARLES E. (287-260) SA. FRANCIS G. KAY, LTJG (37846) returned aboard from leave. The following men reported aboard having completed temporary additional duty at C.G. Base, Seattle, Washington as per order )16-4/MM: DREW, GEORGE (217-694) GMC, KATICH, ANTONE P. (293-438) SN, ROBERTSON, JAMES L. (287-331) EN3, BUSCH, EDGAR D. (274-106) CS3, WOODS, ERNEST D. (276-405) SN (CS), LARSON, VERNON L. (293-207) SN, FRANKS, CONSTANTINE J. (293-126) SN, HUFF, DALE H. (279-061) QM1, FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1, WARD, THEODORE G (293-001) EN3, MURRILL, CLYDE T. (283-566) TN, LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-644) SN, ZURCHER, JAMES C. (279-925) RM3, WEVERKA, ALFRED C. (293-155) SA, CALDERWOOD, THOMAS C. ELLICOTT, BURTON E. (287-360) FN."
  • "1830: YOUNG, ARCHIE A. (278-351) EN1 (P) departed on temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0330 YOUNG, ARCHIE A (278-351) EN1 (p) returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington.
  • 0730 JOHN A DIRKS, CAPTAIN, USCG departed on twenty-eight (28) days annual leave."
1951-11-21 ... 8_0080.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0330 YOUNG, ARCHIE A (278-351) EN1 (p) returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1116 BURTON, WILLIAM H. (289-479) SA, TONNES HANS O. (293-662) SA, MAJNARICH, BRUNO (293-301) SA., SNODGRASS, RICHARD M, (293-317) SA and WARREN, ROBERT E. (293-309) SA reported aboard for duty from C.G. Base, Seattle, Wash in accordance with C13CGD ltr 5 Nov., 1951 file P MM/P-16-3/13.
  • 1400 KINKAIDE, RONALD W. (264-097) RD2 reported aboard for assignment to duty in accordance with C13CGD letter dated 16 NOV, 1951 file MM/P16-4"
  • "1745: WITHERS, JOHN W. (282-200) EN2(P) departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-11-24 ... 8_0084.JPG
  • "0225: HOWARD, SAMUEL W. (289-887) BT1 returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "1100: Liberty expired for the second section - all returned on time except FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1 (P)"
  • "1815: LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-644) GM3 (P) departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-11-25 ... 8_0085.JPG
  • "0220: LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-644) GM3 (P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "1905: MADEIROS, ALBERT P. (208-694) DC1 departed on temporary additional duty at Shore Patrol headquarters Seattle Washington."
  • "0035: MADEIROS, ALBERT P. (208-694) DC1 reported aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle."
1951-11-26 ... 8_0086.JPG
  • "0900 to 1600: 1125 Commanding Officer held mast in the case of RYAN, RICHARD R. (273-722) SN charged with shirking duty, awarded two (2) weeks deprivation of privileges.
  • 1130 ASHWORTH, CARMAN (261-693) EN1 returned aboard from thirty (30) days leave on time.
  • 1230 KIDNER, THRMON C. (279-944) advanced in rating from ET2 to ET1 (P) effective 16 November 1951 authority H/L dated 13 NOVEMBER 1951 file PE-1 M and article 561(1) CG Regulations.
  • 1325 KELLY, JOSEPH R. (285-189) advanced in rating from CS3 to CS2 (P) effective 16 NOVEMBER 1951 authority H/L 2 NOVEMBER 1951 file PE-1 MM and article 561(1) CG Regulations. MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (226-365) advanced in rating from DC2 to DC1 (P) effective 16 NOVEMBER 1951 authority H/L 15 NOVEMBER 1951 file PE-1 MM and article 12-3-23 B, CG Regulations.
  • 1533 KIDNER, THERMON C. (279-944) ET1 (p) transferred to CG Radio Station, Westport, Washington for assignment to duty, authority C13CGD letter dated 26 NOVEMBER 1951 file P16-4."
  • "1900: CAREY, JAMES D. (288-142) RM3 departed on temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0045 FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1 (p) returned aboard having been absent over leave since 1100, 24 NOVEMBER 1951, a period of two (2) days, thirteen (13) hours and forty five (45) minutes.
  • 0220 CAREY, JAMES D. (288-142) RM3 reported aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
1951-11-27 ... 8_0088.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0045 FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1 (p) returned aboard having been absent over leave since 1100, 24 NOVEMBER 1951, a period of two (2) days, thirteen (13) hours and forty five (45) minutes.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1315 WRIGHT, HERBERT W. (279-535) EM1 departed for transfer to C.O. U.S.C.G.C. KOINER (WDE-431) U.S.N.S. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA for assignment to duty. Auth: C13CGD ltr 6 Nov, 1951 file MM/P16-3/13.
  • 1330 RANDOLPH, JAYCE C. (286-725) FN (EM) departed for transfer to C.O. C.G.C. KLAMATH Seattle, Wash. for assignment to duty in accordance with C13CGD dispatch 232232Z file P16-4."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0045 FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1 (p) returned aboard having been absent over leave since 1100, 24 NOVEMBER 1951, a period of two (2) days, thirteen (13) hours and forty five (45) minutes.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1315 WRIGHT, HERBERT W. (279-535) EM1 departed for transfer to C.O. U.S.C.G.C. KOINER (WDE-431) U.S.N.S. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA for assignment to duty. Auth: C13CGD ltr 6 Nov, 1951 file MM/P16-3/13.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1745 GREEN, VERNON L. (276-806) EM2 reported aboard for assignment to duty. Ref. C13CGD dispatch 2322230Z (Nov 1951) file MM P-16-4.
  • 1830 DENTON, DENNY (N) (203-296) RM1 departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-11-28 ... 8_0089.JPG
  • "0221: DENTON, DENNY (N) (203-296) RM1 returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1120 ANDERSON, GEORGE W. (279-196) EN1 (P) returned from four (4) days leave on time.
  • 1320 FROTHINGHAM, ALFRED C. JR. (277-164) transferred to C13CGD for assignment to temporary additional duty. Authority C13CGD ltr. dated 27 November 1951 file MM P16-4 1400 Commanding Officer held mast in the case of FERRELL, AUSTIN W (266-219) RM1 (0), awarded awarded two (2) weeks loss of privileges.
  • 1500 SARNO, THOMAS N (287-953) SA returned aboard from US Public Health Service Hospital."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1900 WHALEN, KENNETH E. (266-245) RM2 departed on temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 2100 OLSON, ORVILLE O. (225-031) RMCA (P) apprehended and in custody of US NAVY SHORE PATROL after being AWOL for a period of twelve (12) days, nine (9) hours."
1951-11-29 ... 8_0090.JPG
  • "0218: WHALEN, KENNETH E. (266-245) RM2 returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1000 R.T. POHLAM aboard to work on loran equipment.
  • 1026 POHLAM ashore.
  • 1040 OLSON, Orville O. (255-031) BMCA(P) reported on board for duty from Shore Patrol Brig, Pier 91, Seattle, Washington where he had been confined for safe keeping since his arrest by Seattle Shore Patrol at 2100 28 November 1951 for being absent without leave since 1200 16 November 1951. OLSON had failed to report to the NORTHWIND or other Coast Guard authority for assignment to duty in compliance with orders contained in Commanding Officer CGC BONHAM (WSC-129) letter of 9 November 1951 File P16-4 MM. He was clean, sober, and in uniform at time of arrest. Time of absence without leave was approximately twelve (12) days and nine (9) hours.
  • 1045 Commanding Officer held mast in the case of BISCHOF Carl F.L. (287-468) SN/CS for unauthorized use of personal property of another person. Punishment awarded: extra duty for a period of two (2) weeks. He was placed on report by LTJG F.G. KAY, USCGR.
  • 1145 MURIEKES William J (266-365) DC2(P) reported aboard from five (5) days leave on time."
  • "1835: GODWIN William F. (286-214) RM3 departed on temporary additional duty as a Shore Patrolman in Seattle, Washington."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0205 GODWIN, William F. (286-214) RM3 returned aboard from temporary additional duty as shore patrolman in Seattle, Washington.
  • 0601 GRZEJKA Euqirniusz W. (273-737) EN2 returned without a liberty card."
1951-11-30 ... 8_0091.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0205 GODWIN, William F. (286-214) RM3 returned aboard from temporary additional duty as shore patrolman in Seattle, Washington.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1000 C.O. held mast in the case of OLSON, ORVILLE O. (225-031) BMC(P) for absence without leave from 1200 16 Nov., 1951 to 2400 28 Nov.
  • 1951 and awarded as punishment a summary court martial.
  • 1415 CHICA, DELPHINE (n) (267-213) TA, CHICA, CAMILO (n) ~~ (267-214) TA and TARARES, LOUIS JR (267-213) TA reported aboard for ASDU. Auth: C13CGD/L dated 26 Nov., 1951 file MM/P16-3/13"
  • "1830: WALTER, HARRY E. JR (286-645) EN3 (P) departed for T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-12-01 ... 8_0097.JPG
  • "0215: WALTER, HARRY E. JR (286-645) EM3(P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash"
  • "0900 to 1600: 1035 HUGHTO, DONALD A. (293-143) FA returned on time from ten (10) days leave.
  • 1310 WRIGHT, LEONARD A. (287-538) EN3(P) returned from thirty (30) days sick leave on time."
  • "1830: HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 departed on temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
1951-12-02 ... 8_0098.JPG
  • "0235: HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "1830: BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 departed on temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0030 BROLLIER, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0745 OVEREND, CHARLES R. (217-261) BM1 (ESG) reported aboard for assignment to duty. Auth: C13CGD letter dated 30 November, 1951 file: P16-4/mm."
1951-12-03 ... 8_0099.JPG
  • "1320: ANDERSON, GEORGE W. (279-196) EN1(P) departed on five (5) days leave to expire 1200 9 December 1951."
  • "1830: GRAFF, George R. (279-482) BM3(P) departed for shore patrol on temporary additional duty in Seattle."
1951-12-04 ... 8_0100.JPG
  • 0155: GRAFF George K. (279-482) BM3(P) completed temporary additional duty with Seattle shore patrol.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1130 HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN2 was advanced in rating to EN1 (P) effective 1 December 1951, authority H/L 15 NOVEMBER 1951, file PE-1-MM and Section 12-3-23B of Coast Guard Regulations. GRZEJKA, EUGIENIUSZ W. (273-737) EN3 was advanced in rating to EN2 (P) effective 1 DECEMBER 1951, authority H/L 15 NOVEMBER 1951 file PE-1-MM and Section 12-3-23B of Coast Guard Regulations. ATKINSON, JOHN D. (279-979) SA (SK) was advanced in rating to SN(SK) effective 1 DECEMBER 1951 authority C13CGD form 2779 dated 30 NOVEMBER 1951. WITTKE, HAROLD O. (280-974) SN (EM) was advanced in rating to EM3(P) effective 1 DECEMBER 1951, authority personnel circular 54-50.
  • 1225 CAREY, JAMES D. (288-142) RM3 departed on thirty (30) days annual leave to expire prior 1200, 4 JANUARY 1952.
  • 1313 FRANKS, CONSTANTINE J. (293-126) SN departed with and in charge of MATTHIS, JESSE R. (283-846) SA to Marine Inspection Office, Seattle, Washington for assignment to duty, authority C13CGD letter dated 29 NOVEMBER 1951 file MM, P16-3/13."
  • "1900: EVDOKIMOFF, JOHN (N) JR. (276-091) BM1(P) departed for temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
1951-12-05 ... 8_0101.JPG
  • "0213: EVDOKIMOFF, JOHN (N) JR. (276-091) BM1 (P) returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1020 OLSON, ORVILLE O. (225-031) BMC (P) tried by summary court martial No. 3-52 for absence without leave. Found guilty by plea and sentenced to be restricted to the limits of CGC NORTHWIND for a period of 30 days.
  • 1145 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 returned from thirty (30) days leave on time.
  • 1305 DENTON, DENNY (n) (203-296) RM1 departed on thirty (30) days annual leave to expire prior to 1200 5 January 1952 at Seattle, Wash.
  • 1445 LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-644) GM3 (P) was honorably discharged by reason of expiration of enlistment Auth: Art. 12-3-33 C.G. reg."
  • "1830: ASHWORTH, CARMEN (261-693) EN1 (P) departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-12-06 ... 8_0102.JPG
  • "0215: ASHWORTH, CARMEN (n) (261-693) EN1 (P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1012 KATICH Antone P (293-436) SN returned from fifteen (15) days leave on time.
  • 1015 LOFTIN, Robert P. (276-644) SN reenlisted in the rating of seaman for a period of three (3) years. He was thereupon advanced to GM3 (P) Authority Articles 1-6-52 and 1-6-57 Personnel Manual.
  • 1550 GRAFF George L. (279-482) BM3 (P) departed on nine (9) days leave to expire 1200 16 December 1951."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1012 KATICH Antone P (293-436) SN returned from fifteen (15) days leave on time.
  • 1015 LOFTIN, Robert P. (276-644) SN reenlisted in the rating of seaman for a period of three (3) years. He was thereupon advanced to GM3 (P) Authority Articles 1-6-52 and 1-6-57 Personnel Manual.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1850 FRAZER Douglass P. (276-780) FC2 departed on temporary additional duty as shore patrolman in Seattle.
  • 2000 Enlistments of WILLIAMS, Raymond L. Jr. (260-036) EMC and DOBSON Dennis L. (279-423) SN extended for a period of twelve (12) months from this date in accordance with Alcoast 25."
1951-12-07 ... 8_0103.JPG
  • 0220: FRAZER Douglass P. (276-780) FC2 returned from temporary additional duty in Seattle.
  • "0900 to 1200: 1015 JOHNSON, RICHARD C JR. (282-752) FA returned from thirty (30) days leave on time.
  • 1020 EASTON, HARRY S. (277-163) SA placed on report by GODWIN, WILLIAM F. (286-214) RM3, master at arms for sleeping in after Reveille.
  • 1045 GORDON W. BROCKWAY, 4239 LTJG, USCG departed ship in accordance with C.O. CGC WACHUSETT LETTER dated twenty Five (25) October, 1951, endorsement ten (10)."
  • "0900 to 1200: 1015 JOHNSON, RICHARD C JR. (282-752) FA returned from thirty (30) days leave on time.
  • 1020 EASTON, HARRY S. (277-163) SA placed on report by GODWIN, WILLIAM F. (286-214) RM3, master at arms for sleeping in after Reveille.
  • "1200 to 1600: 1255 BLUM, ARTHUR A. (290-196) SN departed ship for US Public Health Service Hospital for out-patient treatment.
  • 1325 ZURCHER, JAMES C. (279-925) RM3 transferred this date to Westport C.G. station, Westport, Washington. Auth: C13CGD order #131489 file MM/P16-4.
  • 1540 BLUM, ARTHUR A. (290-196) SN returned from U.S. Public Health Service Hospital."
  • "1845: OVEREND, CHARLES R. (217-261) BM1 (ESG) departed on temporary additional duty at Shore Patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0255 OVEREND, CHARLES R. (217-261) BM1 (ESG) returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0420 CHICO, CAMILO JR. (267-214) TA returned aboard from authorized liberty and reported loss of liberty card. Received treatment for head injury, acquired in automobile accident, at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.
  • 0605 STENSLAND, HOWARD M. (287-503) FN reported aboard from temporary additional duty at U.S.C.G. training detachment, Port Chicago, Calif. auth: HLPE-2, 10/5/51 file MM/P16-3 #74-555675."
1951-12-08 ... 8_0105.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0255 OVEREND, CHARLES R. (217-261) BM1 (ESG) returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0420 CHICO, CAMILO JR. (267-214) TA returned aboard from authorized liberty and reported loss of liberty card. Received treatment for head injury, acquired in automobile accident, at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1100 Liberty expired for the 1st Section with all hands having returned on time except BUSH, EDGAR (N) (274-106) CS3 who at 0100 this date was admitted to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital for treatment of injuries received in automobile accident.
  • 1120 McCLAY, LEROY F. (278-739) EN2 reported aboard for resumption of duty having completed temporary additional duty at Damage Control Training Center, Treasure Island, California and Coast Guard Training Detachment, Port Chicago, California in accordance with Order #514238, CGC NORTHWIND dated 1 NOVEMBER 1951.
  • 1245 WHITE, RICHARD H. (287-739) SN and HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA reported aboard for resumption of duties having completed training and travel under same basic order #514238 as logged for McCLAY.
  • 1400 CHICA, CAMILO JR. (267-214) TA placed in light duty status by U.S. Public Health Service Hospital pending examination of X-rays taken this date for suspected frontal skull fracture sustained in automobile accident with BUSH as previously logged.
  • 1415 LAUGHLIN, RICHARD D. (290-444) SN, MILLS, DANIEL G. (293-054) SA and CANNON, ROBERT W. (293-165) SA reported aboard for resumption of duty having completed training and travel under same basic order #514238 as previously logged for McCLAY.
  • 1515 ALVAREZ, ROBERT (N) (276-881) SN reported aboard for resumption of duty having completed training and travel under same basic order #514238 as previously logged for McCLAY."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0255 OVEREND, CHARLES R. (217-261) BM1 (ESG) returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0420 CHICO, CAMILO JR. (267-214) TA returned aboard from authorized liberty and reported loss of liberty card. Received treatment for head injury, acquired in automobile accident, at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1100 Liberty expired for the 1st Section with all hands having returned on time except BUSH, EDGAR (N) (274-106) CS3 who at 0100 this date was admitted to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital for treatment of injuries received in automobile accident.
  • 1120 McCLAY, LEROY F. (278-739) EN2 reported aboard for resumption of duty having completed temporary additional duty at Damage Control Training Center, Treasure Island, California and Coast Guard Training Detachment, Port Chicago, California in accordance with Order #514238, CGC NORTHWIND dated 1 NOVEMBER 1951.
  • 1245 WHITE, RICHARD H. (287-739) SN and HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA reported aboard for resumption of duties having completed training and travel under same basic order #514238 as logged for McCLAY.
  • 1400 CHICA, CAMILO JR. (267-214) TA placed in light duty status by U.S. Public Health Service Hospital pending examination of X-rays taken this date for suspected frontal skull fracture sustained in automobile accident with BUSH as previously logged.
  • 1415 LAUGHLIN, RICHARD D. (290-444) SN, MILLS, DANIEL G. (293-054) SA and CANNON, ROBERT W. (293-165) SA reported aboard for resumption of duty having completed training and travel under same basic order #514238 as previously logged for McCLAY.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1730 MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (226-365) DC1 (P) departed for temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington.
  • 2400 MADDOX, JAMES D. (279-597) BM3 (P) failed to report aboard having completed temporary additional duty and travel under basic order #514238 as previously logged for McCLAY, due to having been admitted to U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at 0500 this date for observation and treatment of injuries received while en route. WRIGHT, CURTIS G. (293-408) SA placed on report by LTJG. F.G. KAY, for failing to report aboard prior to 2400 this date in accordance with basic order #514238 as previously logged for McCLAY having completed temporary additional duty and travel."
1951-12-09 ... 8_0107.JPG
  • "0225: MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (226-365) DC1 (P) returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "1830: DANIELS JOE E. (274-995) SK3(P) departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0025: DANIELS, JOE E. (274-995) SK3 (P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-12-10 ... 8_0108.JPG
  • "0900 to 1600: 0940 LUIS, FILEMON M. (106-554) SD1 departed on twenty-five (25) days leave to expire 1200, 5 January 1952.
  • 0945 HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 (P) departed on ten (10) days leave to expire 1200, 21 December 1951.
  • 1130 CO held mast in the case of McCLAY, LEROY F. (278-739) EN2 awarded: Excused.
  • 1331 CO held mast in the case of BISCHOF, CARL F.L. (287-468) SN (CS). awarded: Twelve (12) hours extra duty to be completed at the rate of two (2) hours per day for a period of six (6) days.
  • 1515 LT. ROBERT D. FULLER, 4259, USCG returned from temporary additional duty at WCSTS, U.S. Fleet Sonar School, San Diego, Calif. in accordance with C13CGD order #511022 dated 19 November, 1951 file P16-4/00 ltr WC 37/60."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0940 LUIS, FILEMON M. (106-554) SD1 departed on twenty-five (25) days leave to expire 1200, 5 January 1952.
  • 0945 HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 (P) departed on ten (10) days leave to expire 1200, 21 December 1951.
  • 1130 CO held mast in the case of McCLAY, LEROY F. (278-739) EN2 awarded: Excused.
  • 1331 CO held mast in the case of BISCHOF, CARL F.L. (287-468) SN (CS). awarded: Twelve (12) hours extra duty to be completed at the rate of two (2) hours per day for a period of six (6) days.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1610 MADDOX, JAMES D (279-597) RM3 reported aboard from U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Seattle, for resumption of duties. CG hospital discharge form CG #1.
  • 1730 LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-844) GM3 (P) departed ship for temporary additional duty at shore patrol, Headquarters, Seattle."
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  • "0210: LOFTON, ROBERT P. (276-644) GM3 (P) returned from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1300 DESHONE, JAMES A. (288-717) SA departed on twenty-five (25) days annual leave to expire at 1200, 6 January 1952 1330 BUSH, EDGAR (N) (274-106) CS3 released from inpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.
  • 1400 SCHNASE, RICHARD A. (279-794) ET3 reported aboard for assignment to duty as per C13CGD/L dated 7 December 1951, file MM/P16-4.
  • 1415 SPEER, HARLAND D. (293-214) FA, transferred to CGC WHITE BUSH (WAGL-542), Astoria, Oregon for assignment to duty, authority C13CGD/L, 29 November 1951 file MM/P16-3/13 and C.O., CGC NORTHWIND letter 11 December 1951 file P16-4, order #131487."
  • "1830: WRIGHT, LEONARD A. (287-538) EN3 (P) departed for temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington"
1951-12-12 ... 8_0110.JPG
  • "0215: WRIGHT, LENARD A. (287-538) EN3 (P) returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1830 WOODS, ELMER L (276-265) ET1 (P) departed on temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle.
  • 2230 BROOKS, EVERETT N. (266-959) CS2 U.S.C.G. deserter from the U.S. Coast Guard delivered to this unit for safe keeping from Commander 2nd Coast Guard District as per orders. 10 December 1951 P16-4/MM and confined for safe-keeping."
1951-12-13 ... 8_0111.JPG
  • "0217: WOODS, ELMER L. (276-265) ET1 (P) returned from temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0910 HANKINS, IRVIN (n) (298-316) TA, SMITH, VONNIE (n) (298-268) TA and BRYANT, ALVIN (n) (298-310) TA departed for transfer to C.O. 1st CGD Boston, Mass. for assignment to duty. Auth: ltr. 27 Nov., 1951 MM/P16-4 order no. 515018.
  • 1130 GRAFF, GEORGE L. (279-482) BM3 (P) granted twenty one (21) days extension of leave to expire prior to 1200 6 Jan, 1952 on board at Seattle, Wash."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0910 HANKINS, IRVIN (n) (298-316) TA, SMITH, VONNIE (n) (298-268) TA and BRYANT, ALVIN (n) (298-310) TA departed for transfer to C.O. 1st CGD Boston, Mass. for assignment to duty. Auth: ltr. 27 Nov., 1951 MM/P16-4 order no. 515018.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1655 BROOKS, EVERETT N. (266-959) CS2 departed for C.G. Base Seattle, Wash. with MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (266-365) DC1 (P) as armed guard in compliance of CCGD13 dispatch 132345Z December 1951.
  • 1830 MADDOX, JAMES D. (279-597) BM3 (P) departed on T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0910 HANKINS, IRVIN (n) (298-316) TA, SMITH, VONNIE (n) (298-268) TA and BRYANT, ALVIN (n) (298-310) TA departed for transfer to C.O. 1st CGD Boston, Mass. for assignment to duty. Auth: ltr. 27 Nov., 1951 MM/P16-4 order no. 515018.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1655 BROOKS, EVERETT N. (266-959) CS2 departed for C.G. Base Seattle, Wash. with MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (266-365) DC1 (P) as armed guard in compliance of CCGD13 dispatch 132345Z December 1951.
  • "0000 to 0900: 0246 MADDOX, JAMES D. (279-597) BM3 (P) returned from T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • 0630 BISCHOF, CARL R.L. (287-468) SN (CS) failed to return from messman liberty."
1951-12-14 ... 8_0112.JPG
  • "1130: FRASER, DOUGLAS P. (276-780) FC2 departed ship on twenty-one (21) days annual leave to expire prior to 1200, 5 January 1952."
  • "1800: MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (266-365) DC1 (P) departed on temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle."
1951-12-15 ... 8_0113.JPG
  • "0215: MURIEKES, WILLIAM J. (266-365) DC1 (P) returned from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1815 GREEN, VERNON L (276-806) EN2 departed on temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle.
  • 1830 BISCHOF, CARL (287-468) (SN CS) returned on board in proper uniform having been absent without leave since 0630 14 December 1951 a period of thirty-six"
1951-12-16 ... 8_0114.JPG
  • "1845: McClay, LEROY F. (278-739) EN2 departed for temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0010: McCLAY, LEROY F. (278-739) EN2 returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle Washington."
1951-12-17 ... 8_0115.JPG
  • "0900 to 1600: 1035 RODRIGUES, HENRY (n) (267-729) TA reported aboard for duty in accordance with Comdr. 13th CG district letter 12 Dec., 1951 file PMM/P16-3/13 1345 Held C.O. mast in the case of BISCHOF CARL P.L. (287-468) SN(CS) and awarded C.O. non judicial punishment of two (2) weeks restriction Offense A.O.L. a period of thirty six (36) hours."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1611 HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA. departed on 30 days leave to expire 1200 17 January, 1952 on board.
  • 1625 STENSLAND, HOWARD (287-503) FN admitted to Marine Hospital 17 Dec, 1951 at 1055 diagnosis - circumcision 1840 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) departed on T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • 2130 ENS. LAMBERT J. LARSON USCG reported aboard for assignment to duty. Auth ~~~-6 HQ/L (Pa) 15 May 1951 (P16-4/00 order no 511375 Ltr dated 17 Dec, 1951 00/P16-4"
  • "1600 to 2400: 1611 HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA. departed on 30 days leave to expire 1200 17 January, 1952 on board.
  • 1625 STENSLAND, HOWARD (287-503) FN admitted to Marine Hospital 17 Dec, 1951 at 1055 diagnosis - circumcision 1840 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) departed on T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • "0000 to 0900: 0205 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) reported aboard after having completed T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • 0745 Liberty expired for the second and third sections. All returned on time except FOULK, JOHN E. (279-716) SN."
1951-12-18 ... 8_0116.JPG
  • "1600 to 2400: 1611 HURLEY, DONALD E. (291-293) SA. departed on 30 days leave to expire 1200 17 January, 1952 on board.
  • 1625 STENSLAND, HOWARD (287-503) FN admitted to Marine Hospital 17 Dec, 1951 at 1055 diagnosis - circumcision 1840 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) departed on T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • "0000 to 0900: 0205 GREENE, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) reported aboard after having completed T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • "0900 to 1600: 0905 ENS DONALD G. SMITH (4712) USCG reported aboard for temporary duty (Engineering training) auth: C13CGD ltr 17 December 1951 file oo/P16-4.
  • 1005 the following men departed on thirty (30) days leave to expire prior to 1200, 18 January 1952: ST JOHN, JAMES R (288-246) SN; CARLSON EDWARD C.
  • 1110 WOODS, ELMER L. (276-625) ET1 placed in no duty status by reason of Common Cold and elevated temperature.
  • 1130 MORTENSEN, CARL M. (26605) MACH. departed on ten (10) days leave to expire prior to 1200, 29 December, 1951.
  • 1240 MONOSKI, ROBERT J. (294-009) SN departed on thirty (30) days leave to expire prior to 1200, 18 January 1952.
  • 1410 WRIGHT, CURTIS G. (293-408) SA returned aboard in proper uniform having been AWOL for a period of nine (9) days, fourteen (14) hours, and ten (10) minutes.
  • 1413 ENS JOHN E. HOGAN JR. (39670) USCGR reported aboard for assignment to duty. Auth: Headquarters ltr dated 21 November, 1951 file: PO P16-4/00."
  • "1900: WITHERS, JOHN W. (282-200) EN2 (P) departed on temporary additional duty to shore patrol headquarters Seattle, Washington."
  • "0000 to 0900: 0145 FOULK, JOHN E. (279-716) SN reported aboard having been AWOL for a period of eighteen (18) hours.
  • 0210 WITHERS, JOHN W. (282-200) EN2 (P) returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0500 MATTHEWS, JACK E (290-402) FN departed on twenty (20) days leave to expire prior to 1200, 10 January 1952.
  • 0745 Liberty party returned on time with the exception of PARRISH, JACK D (276-954) FN and YOUNG, ARCHIE A. (278-351) EN1 (P)."
1951-12-19 ... 8_0117.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0145 FOULK, JOHN E. (279-716) SN reported aboard having been AWOL for a period of eighteen (18) hours.
  • 0210 WITHERS, JOHN W. (282-200) EN2 (P) returned aboard from temporary additional duty at shore patrol headquarters, Seattle.
  • 0500 MATTHEWS, JACK E (290-402) FN departed on twenty (20) days leave to expire prior to 1200, 10 January 1952.
  • "0900 to 1600: 0920 PARRISH, JACK D (276-954) FN returned on board having been absent without leave for a period of one (1) hour and thirty five (35) minutes.
  • 1045 Commanding Officer held mast in the case of WRIGHT Curtis A (293-408) SA for offense noted in the log of 18 December 1951 and awarded non-judicial punishment of loss of privileges for two weeks.
  • 1300 YOUNG, ARCHIE A. (278-351) EN1 (P) returned aboard having been absent without leave for a period of five (5) hours and fifteen (15) minutes. HALIW, HARRY J M. (206-711) SA departed on (30) thirty days leave to expire prior to 1200 19 January 1952.
  • 1330 WHITE, RICHARD H. (287-739) SA departed on nineteen (19) days leave to expire prior to 1200 8 January 1951."
  • "1835: SCHNASE, RICHARD A. (279-794) ET3 departed on temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle"
  • "0000 to 0900: 0005 The following men departed on twenty (20) days leave to expire prior to 1200 January 10, 1952 BLUM, ARTHUR A. (290-196) SN, MADRIERES, JEAN A.
  • 0331 SCHNASE, RICHARD A. (279-794) ET3 reported aboard from temporary duty a shore patrol Seattle."
1951-12-20 ... 8_0118.JPG
  • "0000 to 0900: 0005 The following men departed on twenty (20) days leave to expire prior to 1200 January 10, 1952 BLUM, ARTHUR A. (290-196) SN, MADRIERES, JEAN A.
  • "0900 to 1600: 1100 GSHWEND, GOTTLIB (N) (290-448) SA; LAUGHLIN, RICHARD D. (290-444) SN and NIELSEN, NORMAN C. 9290-445) SN departed for fifteen (15) days annual leave to expire prior 1200, 5 January, 1952.
  • 1250 RYAN, RICHARD D. (273-722) SN and WYCKOFF, JAMES E. (277-976) RD3 departed on thirty (30) days annual leave to expire prior 1200, 20 January 1952. ALLEN, PLINY L. (293-540) SN departed for fifteen (15) days annual leave to expire prior 5 January, 1952."
  • "1030: JOHN A. DIRKS, CAPTAIN, USCG (1251), Commanding Officer, returned aboard on time from twenty-eight (28) days annual leave."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1755 HOFFMAN, PETER A. (279-994) SN departed on twelve (12) days annual leave to expire at 1200, 2 January 1952.
  • 1815 WARD, THEODORE ~ (293-001) EN3 (P) departed for temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle Washington."
1951-12-21 ... 8_0120.JPG
  • "0200: WARD, THEODORE G. (293-001) EN3 (P) returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1159 HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 (P) returned from ten (10) days leave.
  • 1300 C.O. held mast in the cases of the following men and awarded non-judicial punishment as indicated: FOULK, JOHN E. leave - awarded five (5) days extra police duties, YOUNG, ARCHIE A. (278-351) EN1 (P) absence over leave awarded ten (10) days loss of privileges.
  • 1430 PETERSON, VERN R. (293-147) FA departed on twelve (12) days annual leave to expire 1200 3 January, 1952.
  • 1500 STENSLAND, HOWARD M. (287-503) FN reported aboard from inpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service Hospital."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1601 STENSLAND, HOWARD M. (287-503) FN departed on eight (8) days sick leave to expire 1200 29 Dec 1951 1830 DANIELS, JOE G (274-995) SK3 (P) departed on T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0000 TO 0900: 0215 DANIELS, JOE G. (274-995) SK3 (P) returned from T.A.D. as shore patrol in Seattle, Wash.
  • 0830 Ens. Jerold R. Garber departed on ten (10) days leave to expire 1200 - 2 January, 1952."
1951-12-22 ... 8_0121.JPG
  • "0930: FRY, PERCY A. (293-193) FN departed on ten (10) days annual leave to expire prior to 1200 2 January 1952."
  • "1600 to 2400: 1600 BAADY, FRANK E. (100-389) CSC departed on thirty (30) days annual leave to expire prior to 1200 22 January 1952.
  • 1800 BISHOF CARL FL. (SN CS) (287-468) completed two (2) hours extra police duties.
  • 1830 MADEIROS ALBERT P (208-694) DC1 departed on temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle"
1951-12-23 ... 8_0122.JPG
  • 0230: MADEIROS ALBERT P (208-694) DC1 returned from temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle
  • "1215: LT. ROBERT D. FULLER departed on three (3) days annual leave to expire prior 1200, 27 December 1951."
  • "1835: HOWARD, SAMUEL W. (259-887) BT1 departed on temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0030: HOWARD, SAMUEL W. (259-887) BT1 returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
1951-12-24 ... 8_0123.JPG
  • "1100: TOEPKE, CHARLES A. (279-818) FN departed on eight (8) days annual leave to expire at 1200 3 January 1952. PARRASH, JACK D. (276-954) FN completed two (2) hours extra police duty."
  • "1830: BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 departed the ship for TAD with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-12-25 ... 8_0124.JPG
  • "0220: BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 returned from TAD with shore patrol in Seattle, Washington."
  • "1840: FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1 (P) departed on T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-12-26 ... 8_0125.JPG
  • "0230: FERRELL, AUSTIN W. (266-219) RM1 (P) returned from T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1200 CAPTAIN JOHN ARMSTRONG DIRKS (1251) USCG this date executed oath of office upon acceptance of permanent appointment as CAPTAIN to rank as such from 10 February, 1950.
  • 1415 GREEN, JOHN W. (276-264) GM3 (P) transferred to CGC Clover for temporary additional duty in accordance with verbal orders CQ13CGD this date."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1200 CAPTAIN JOHN ARMSTRONG DIRKS (1251) USCG this date executed oath of office upon acceptance of permanent appointment as CAPTAIN to rank as such from 10 February, 1950.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1810 HILBY DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 departed ship for temporary additional duty with Seattle shore patrol.
  • 2000 BISCHOF, CARL F. (287-468) SN is not fit for duty for two (2) days; then fit for light duty for five (5) days (per DR. JOHNSON) at USPHS Hospital, Seattle Washington."
1951-12-27 ... 8_0126.JPG
  • "0230: HILBY, DONALD E. (279-029) EN1 returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty on shore patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0925 LT. ROBERT D. FULLER, USCG, (4295) returned aboard from three (3) days annual leave authorized by Commanding Officer, CGC Northwind.
  • 1200 DREW, GEORGE S. (217-694) GMC departed on two (2) days annual leave to expire on board 1200, 30 December 1951."
  • "0900 to 1600: 0925 LT. ROBERT D. FULLER, USCG, (4295) returned aboard from three (3) days annual leave authorized by Commanding Officer, CGC Northwind.
  • "1600 to 2400: 1810 GODWIN, WILLIAM F. (286-214) RM3 departed this vessel on TAD as shore patrol, Seattle, Washington.
  • 2000 PARRISH, JACK D. (276-954) SA completed two (2) hours extra police duty. FOULK, JOHN E. (279-716) SN completed two (2) hours extra police duty."
1951-12-28 ... 8_0127.JPG
  • "0200: GODWIN, WILLIAM F. (286-214) RM3 returned from TAD as shore patrol in Seattle Washington."
  • "0900 to 1600: 1200 SCHNASE, RICHARD A (279-794) ET3 departed on five (5) days leave to expire prior to 1200 2 January 1952.
  • 1350 CANNON, ROBERT W. (293-165) SA departed on eight (8) days leave to expire prior to 1200 5 January 1952 1440 WOODS, ELMER (276-265) ET1 admitted to inpatient treatment at USPH Hospital Seattle diagnosis Rubella 1515 TAVARES, LOUIS J. (267-228) TA placed on no duty status by reason of fainting to be under observation"
  • "1600 to 2400: 1730 DOBSON DENNIS L. (279-423) SN departed on five (5) days annual leave to expire prior to 1200 2 January 1952 1800 PARRISH JACK D (276-954) SN completed two (2) hours extra duty.
  • 1810 OVEREND, CHARLES R (217-261) BM1 departed for temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle"
  • 0000 to 0900: 0207 OVEREND CHARLES R (217-261) BM1 returned from temporary duty as shore patrol Seattle 0830 GREENE JOHN W (276-264) GM3 (P) returned from temporary duty on CLOVER (WAGL292) as per verbal orders C13CGD.
1951-12-29 ... 8_0128.JPG
  • "0900 to 1600: 1015 STENSLAND, HOWARD M. (287-503) FN returned from seven (7) days sick leave on time.
  • 1110 MORTENSEN, CARL M. (26605) MACH. returned aboard from ten (10) days leave."
  • "1910: WITTKE, HAROLD O. (280-974) EM3 departed on T.A.D. with shore patrol in Seattle, Wash."
1951-12-30 ... 8_0129.JPG
  • "0215: WITTKE, HAROLD O. (280-974) EM3 returned from T.A.D. with Shore Patrol in Seattle, Wash"
  • "1010: DREW, GEORGE S. (217-694) GMC returned aboard on time from ten (10) days leave."
  • "1840: BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 departed on temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
  • "0030: BROLLIAR, JACK L. (279-405) QM1 returned aboard having completed temporary additional duty as Shore Patrol, Seattle, Washington."
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Chelan 1934

Post by Michael »

1934-08-16 ... 8-0027.JPG
  • "1712: Leo Garrity, 29 years old, and under the influence of liquor, a waiter on board the S. S. Victoia, came on board thinking that the Chelan was the Victoria, walked forward and being told of his error, attempted to leave the ship forward of the secont davit. He fell overboard between the ship and the dock. G. W. Penney ( ) CSM jumped to came a distance of ~~ and W. S. Harrow () QM 1c was immediately lowered a line to him. They succeeded in passing a line around Garrity who was then hoisted to the dock. Penney grasped man as his head was under the water and held him under the waist until Harrow positioned the line. About a cupful of water was expelled from his mouth. Artificial repiration was begun, soon the patient was breathing so it was discontinued. He was removed to the sick bay for after (?) treatment. Dr. Collett of the Bureau of Indian Affairs immediately arrived and pronounced him safe but suffereing from shock. The water temperature 46oF and air temperature 54o at the time. The man had been stunned by striking his head on the camel in going overboard."
  • 1916: Lee Garrett removed to Bureau of Indian Affairs Hospital at Unalaska.
1934-09-23 ... 9-0029.JPG
  • 1530: Past Assistant Surgeon (R) L. B. Sturdevant U.S.P.S. returned on b oard from temporary duty ashore at Nome Hospital.
  • "1815: The following passengers reported on board for transportation to Seattle, Washington, being certified destitues from Nome, Alaska: Mrs. M. G. Alvey and three children, William G. Alvey, Charlene M. Alvey and Huntley D. Alvey, depentents of Melvin G. Alvey, B. M. 1 C. (L); Mrs. H. C. Cariker, wife of Henry C. Cariker, Surfmen; Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer, and Frank Rooney."
1934-09-24 ... 9-0031.JPG
  • "1110: The following certified distitutes from the Nome fire disaster came aboard for transportation to Seattle, Washington: Mrs. W. A. Neson and infant; Mrs. Richard Lee; Miss Margaret Lee; Mike Kennedy; Mr. E. E. Adams; Mr. N. M. Nixon; Mr. F. J. McCay; Mr. A. C. Grabbet; Mr. John Rogers; and, Mr Robert Baldwin."
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Chelan 1933

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1933-06-28 ... 6-0038.JPG
  • 1253: Governor Tray and Senator Robinson came aboard.
  • 1615: Judge Wickersham came aboard to call on Senator Robinson.
  • 1715: Judge Harding came aboard to call on Commander Zeusler.
1933-06-30 ... 6-0041.JPG
  • "2300: Colonel Ohblson, General Manager of the Alaska Halibut and representative of Seward Chamber of Commerce called on Senator Robinson."
1933-07-03 ... 7-0007.JPG
  • "1445: Senator Robinson, Commander Maglathlin and Lt. Comdr. Bloom returned from trip to Anchorage, Alaska."
1933-07-04 ... 7-0008.JPG
  • 0905: Senator Robinson and the Commanding Officer left ship to make an official call upon government officials at Kodiak.
1933-07-06 ... 7-0011.JPG
  • "0805: Senator Robinson, Commander Zeusler, Lt. Comdr. Bloom, and C. Ph. M Dowler went ashore in motor boat."
  • 1905: Senator Robinson and the Commanding Officer made official calls on Government Officials an Unga village.
1933-07-08 ... 7-0014.JPG
  • "0815: Officers, crew and guests visited seal rookeries on St. Paul Island."
  • 1440: Commanding Officer and party left ship to visit Walrus Island
1933-07-09 ... 7-0016.JPG
  • "1300: Mr. David Alger, guest of the ward room officers left the Chelan for the Shoshone. Assistant Surgeon Jack G. Means, U.S.Ph.S., reported for duty from Shoshone in compliance with letter of Surgeon General U.S. Public Health Service 28 March, 1933. Assistant Dental Surgeon (R) Gaylor Pyle U.S. Public Health Service reported aboard for temporary duty in accordance with verbal orders, Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force."
  • "1430: Captain J. A. Alger, Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force transferred his flag from the Shoshone to the Chelan."
  • "1657: The Honorable Arthur R. Robinson, U. S. Senator from Indiana left Chelan, with honors, for Shoshone, for return voyage to Seattle, Washington."
1933-07-20 ... 7-0027.JPG
  • "1340: Sighted Russian Sea plane with James Mattern, 'Round the World flyer, aboard; the sea plane was drifting in shore, bearing 300T and about 5 miles away; Cutter Northland an Nome C. G. Station sent boats. Engines standing by throughout watch."
  • 1848: Russian plane with Mattern relief expedition took off.
1933-07-21 ... 7-0029.JPG
  • "0908: Nome CG Station boat came alongside with the following passengers to be transported to Nunivak Island by order of Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force at the request of the Interior Department: Mr. Roy Nash, Special agent, Division of Investigations, Department of the Interior; Lyman S. Brewster, General Reindeer Superintendent, Alaska Ranger Service; Wm. M. S. Ivanoff teacher from Nash Harbor, Nunivak Island (Interpreter)."
1933-07-22 ... 7-0030.JPG
  • "1350: The Motor launch with the following persons aboard left for Etolin Point: Lieutenant Commander W. G. Bloom, in charge; J. F. Mace (106-619) CMM; Eric Lapeg, BM 1c; Walter Vickery (110-619) CRM; and Department of Interior Inspecting Party consisting of: Mr. Roy Nash; Lyman S. Brewster; and Mr. M. S. Ivanoff; and Assistant Surgeon Jack G. Mearns, U.S.P.H.S. The above party left for the purpose of observing the reindeer herd and range lands; investigating local conditions in native villages at Etolin Point.; and to render medical aid to the natives."
1933-08-11 ... 8-0018.JPG
  • "1115: The following passengers came aboard from Unalaska to be transported to Unimak Island for the purpose of trapping foxes to be taken to Biorka Island for propagation purposes; by authority of the Commander, Bering Sea Patrol Force and permit No. 33-975: W. P. Zacharoff; J. A. Yatchmeneff, G. Steptin, W. Diakanoff, W. Shiashnikoff, D. Prokopief, T. Sirebrinikoff, I. Borenin, G. Yatchmenoff; P. Shemaknesky. They brought two skiff, supplies and traps."
  • "1650: Lowered Number 1 surf boat and transferred the following natives with 2 skiffs and supplies to a oint 1 mile north of Middle Point: W. P. Zacharoff; J. A. Yatchmeneff, G. Stepetin, W. Diakanoff, W. Shiashnikoff, D. Prokopief, T. Sirebrinikoff, I. Borenin, G. Yatchmenoff; P. Shemaknesky."
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Haida, 1939

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1939-02-08 ... 2-0014.JPG
  • 0745: Called away fire and rescue party 12 men and two officer sent to scene of fire Goldstein Bldg. Juneau 0800 10 more men and 2 officers departed ship for scene of fire All axes and fire hose prepared for use
  • "0930: Sent eight fire axes to scene of fire. Coupled 12 lengths of fire hose, 600 feet, to ship's hydrant for use ashore 1230 Guard detail of six men departed for scene of fire 1400 Returned fire hose and axes on board Fire extinguisher"
1939-05-14 ... 5-0018.JPG
  • "1730: Miss Bernice Waugh, 17 years of age, of Juneau Alaska, jumped from pier approximately 40 ft ahead of Haida in an attempt to commit suicide; Nosler, Earl B. (217-679) Sea 2c dived in and succeeded in keeping her afloat until arrival of ships boat. The young lady was brought aboard and placed under the care of medical officer; notified local civil authorities 1905 Miss Bernice Waugh left vessel in custody of civil authorities"
1939-07-12 ... 7-0018.JPG
  • "0045: Eli Howard, native of Juneau, heard cries for help, reported them to Little, Bruce Q.M. (116-069), who sent Ekstedt, Eugene R. Sea 2c (217-676) and Nicholson Sea 2c (217-533) to render aid. Ekstedt and Nicholson commandeered a cab and rushed to the scene of the cries, the Alaska Juneau oil Dock. In the water, clinging to a piling, was George Johnson (Clark Rooms, South Franklin Street, Juneau, AAA), who was exhausted, and unable to keep afloat any longer. The two men rescued Johnson from a skiff they found nearby, and took him on the dock. The Juneau Police car arrived on the scene and took Johnson home"
1939-08-07 ... 8-0013.JPG
  • "0845 : Received information from Juneau Chief of Police that CRAIG, Thomas P., (102-383), C.R.M. had committed suicide at his home. Medical Officer departed to investigate."
  • "1345: Assistant Surgeon C.E. Bingman, Lieutenant R.C. Foulter, and Ensign H L Morgan departed to attend coroner's inquest in case of death of Craig"
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Haida, 1941

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1941-05-12 ... 5-0019.JPG
  • 2058: Off Whitestone Hbr to remove one white woman, diagnosis psychopathic."
1941-05-13 ... 5-0021.JPG
  • Sent Jean Burgin ashore in custody of US Marshal.
1941-08-09 ... 8-0016.JPG
  • 2000: Ships company engaged in the Arctic Circle Ceremony.
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Haida 1945

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1945-04-06 ... 4-0012.JPG
  • "2045: Dougherty Joseph (609-170) Sea 2/c (R) was ~ from duty and placed on binnacle list this date, diagnosis: malnutrition"
1945-07-29 ... 7-0036.JPG
  • 1350 : Landed two (2) inflated rubber life boats for competitive race
1945-11-13 ... 1-0020.JPG
  • "1303: Effective this date Chief Machinist Robert Kirkley USCG accepted appointment to Chief Machinist for temporary service with rank as such from 1 October, 1945 appointed by the President on 1 October 1945, Authority ~ 111-45 and OCGO, 17ND dispatch 101853 (November, 1945)"
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Chelan 1936

Post by Michael »

1936-07-11 ... 7-0024.JPG
  • "1300: Mr. John H. Newman of Juneau, Alaska, came aboard to act as recorder for the Senatorial committee during the Committee's stay in Alaska."
1936-07-13 ... 7-0028.JPG
  • "0930: Stopped to contact plane and picked up the following passengers: W. A. Arnold, Ketchikan; E. E. M~~~, Kaki; and J. N. Gilbert, Seattle, witnesses for senatorial committee relative to fishing matters."
1936-07-15 ... 7-0031.JPG
  • "1305: Senator L. W. Frazier, Lt. Comdr. S. P. Sevicegood, Dr. J. A. O. Stubb, Mr. A. A. Grorund (?) and Ensign C. M. Opp departed on a fishing trip arrangements having been made to return by plane and meet vessel at a fish trap off Village Point, Icy Straits."
  • 1855 Stopped and drifted off a fish trap off Village Pt. for benefit of Senatorial Party.
1936-07-21 ... 7-0039.JPG
  • "1815: Senatorial party consisting of Senators Elmer Thomas, Lynn Frazier, Henrik Shipstead, Dr. Phillip Smith, Dr. W. B. Bull, Mr. A. A. Gromund (?), Dr. A. O Stub, Mr. John Newman and Mr. Vernon Frazier returned aboard from trip to Fairbanks, Alaska, and intermediate points."
1936-07-23 ... 7-0041.JPG
  • "1300: Mr. John H. Newman of Juneau, Alaska, recorder of the Senatorial committee, left the vessel."
1936-07-31 ... 7-0061.JPG
  • 1326: Received dispatch (8031-1323) from Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force requesting this vessel call at St. Paul Island and pick up passenger for transportation to Unalaska.
  • "1937: Stopped and drifted off East Landing, St. Paul Island. 1942. Isabel Hutchinson came aboard for transportation to Unalaska, authority, Bering Sea Patrol Force Commander dispatch 8031-1323 July."
1936-08-01 ... 8-0005.JPG
  • "1225: Senatorial Party consisting of the following, left the vessel for transportation to Seattle via the SHOSHONE: Senator Elmer Thomas of Oklahoma; Senator Lynn J. Frazier of North Dakota; D. W. B. Bell, 803 Rittenhouse Stgreet, N. W., Washington, D. C.; Mr. A. A. Grorud, 816 "E" Street, N. E. Washington, D. C.; Dr. J. A. O. Stub, 1300 4th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota; and, Mr. V. Frazier, Hoople, North Dakota."
1936-08-04 ... 8-0009.JPG
  • "1400: The following members of the U. S. Smithsonian Institute, Washington, C. C. were received aboard in obedience to the above mentioned orders: Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C. Mr Alan G. May, Wenatchee, Wash. Mr Sydney Connor, Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr Maury Osborne, University of Va. University, Va. Mr. G. W. Corner, 35 Edeton St. Rochester, N. Y."
1936-08-17 ... 8-0026.JPG
  • "0820: Under authority Commander, Bering Sea Patrol Force letter 14 August, 1936 (611-601-64) reference Headquarters dispatch 6013-1702 (August) received aboard Miss Isobel Hutchinson of Edinburgh, Scotland, a British Botanist for transportation from Unalaska to Attu and return."
1936-08-18 ... 8-0029.JPG
  • 1300: Miss Isobel Hutchinson obtained numerous botanical specimens.
1936-08-20 ... 8-0033.JPG
  • 0900: Miss Isobel Hutchinson went ashore and obtained botanical specimens.
1936-08-30 ... 8-0058.JPG
  • 115: Motor surfboat returned with all members of shore party. Miss Isobel Hutchinson brought numerous botanical specimens aboard which were obtained on Attu Island.
  • "0700: Sent into village the motor surfboat with the executive and radio officers, medical officer to make customary examination of the village and Miss Isobel Hutchinson to search for botanical specimens."
1936-08-31 ... 8-0060.JPG
  • 1330: Miss Hutchinson left the ship to obtain botanical specimens.
  • 1740: Miss Hutchinson returned to the ship with numerous botanical specimens.
1936-09-03 ... 9-0008.JPG
  • 1325: Miss Hutchinson went ashore to obtain botanical specimens.
  • 1745: Miss Isobel Hutchinson obtained several botanical specimens ashore and brought same aboard.
1936-09-05 ... 9-0012.JPG
  • 1830: Miss Isobel W. Hutchinson, British botanist, left the ship.
1936-09-18 ... 9-0026.JPG
  • 0818: While anchoring sent Monomay surfboat to whaling station, which returned at 8:45 with Mr. Kugler of the whaling station and the seaman mention in Comberseapatfor 6017-2118 as having saved himself by making his way to the whaling station at 1930 last night (Wednesday). Conferred with both these persons as to the best means of rescuing the missing man, Axel Olson. Also made arrangement to take the S. S. Westfort survivors aboard for transportation to Seattle about 29 September.

    The following information was obtained as to the case at hand: Armand Gicquel, an alien French fisherman, residing generally in Seattle, and Axel Olson, whose only known address is care of Union Fish Company, San Francisco, members of the crew of the American Schooner Louise, left that vessel in Bristol Bay, Bering Sea, 19 August, 1936. The approximate position of the schooner at that time was 35 miles north of Bechevin Bay. Gicquel stated that they bought an 18 ft dory from the master, and with about two week's supply of food and water, two outboard motors and 27 gallons of gasoline, a small box of tools, and a steamship folder for a map they stated in good weather for Unalaska. When asked why they had no obtained aid from the cutter which they said had given them mail, the day before Gicquel replies that they didn't want to bother the cutter commander. The weather was smooth and they believed they could do better in the dory than by remaining on the schooner until reaching the pass. Thus lowered and equipped, they left the schooner on a SSW course. Two or three days later, the wind came up from the SE and it became necessary to dump over the gasoline to lighten the craft. They also lost other gear, including their compass, matches and the steamship folder map. After nineteen days they sighted, at 5:00 in the morning of 7 September, an island to the eastward, which fits the description of Tostok Island. They sighted the island and finally landed on the southern side. Here they found a few berries, but no water. By this time all food had been consumed except a little flour that had grown moldy and a strip of bacon. Realizing that they must leave or starve thirst they waited three days for the sea to moderate, then pushed off for land which they could see to the northwestward. After twenty four hours of pulling and sailing with sails improvised from flour sacks and old canvas, they landed through a bad surf at Green Bight, Akutan Island, stoving in the dory as they beached. They were in ignorance of the name of the island or of the part of the island upon which they landed. They found berries in quantity and drinking water. The country seemed to them impassable except to the northward, and so their best chance appeared to be along the sea coast rather than inland they decided to get away when the weather permitted. After a week of delay and after several unsuccessful attempts to launch the dory they became disheartened. Olson had become lethargic and had to be assisted to his feet in the mornings; Gicquel still had hope. A dead flouncie (?) was found on the beach - each at half. Finally, on the afternoon of 14 September, Gicquel stated he was going inland, that there was a lake he had seen and from which he might get either fish of duck. His companion would neither accompany him nor answer him, but turned his back to collect a few berries. Gicquel did not see him again. After a while, the Frenchman discovered a trail which led him to a grave and shortly to a small shack near the lake. He hastened back to give the good news to his companion, and although he was gone but two or three hours, Olson could not be found. Gicquel returned to the shack, coming back the next morning to search for Olson, but without success. And so Gicquel lived until 17 September, when he happened to climb a nearby hill and sight the beacon light of Akutan harbor. He now, for the first time, knew his position, for he had often entered the harbor on fishing vessels. With tremendous exertion for one so weakened he made the whaling station at 1930 the same day. He arrived in an exhausted and incoherent state. As a result of the conference, decided to land a searching party as near Akun Strait as possible, to be gone until 1600 tomorrow, Friday, in charge of Enssign Opp. Put over the motor surfboat, equipped with portable radio and in charge of Boatswain Van de Ventu. Equipped the party with two days rations, emergent camping equipment, and whistles and guns for attracting attention. The native village chief and the doctor belonging to the whaling station accompanied the party as volunteers, being well acquainted with the locality. Enlisted personnel of shore detail were Carl Emerson, BM2c, Leonard Campbell, Coxswain; and Charles Chiswell, E.M. 3c. Boat left ship at 10:20 and returned after landing them at 11:40. Received as a destitute and shipman and seaman Armand Gicquel, generally residing in Seattle, and issued him a ration under authority Article 21354, Regulations.
  • "1800: Motor surfboat returned with the whaling station doctor and native from the searching party, and were sent ashore. The search party of which Ensign C. M. Opp is in charge remained on the Island one night in order to renew search in morning for the missing fisherman Olson."
1936-09-19 ... 9-0030.JPG
  • "0710: Search party of four men, Ensign J. P. White in charge left the ship in motor surfboat to resume search for the missing fisherman Axel Olson. Armand Gicquel, the fisherman received on board, accompanied the party. The Enlisted men of the party were De Loyd Oliphant (107-954) Y 2c, Bill Wainwright (110-666), MM 2c and Fred E. Sindars (217-339) Sea 2c."
  • 1545: Motor surf boat departed with Boatswain Van de Vander in charge to pick up searching parties.
  • "1640: Received message from the motor surfboat that the searching party had found the body of Axel Olsen, had picked up the searching party consisting of Ensign J. P. White, De Loyd C. Oliphant (107-954) Y 2c, Bill Wainwright (110-666) MM 2c, Fred E. Sindars (217-339( Sea 2c, Dr. T. Darling and native Chief, Mark Petikof from the whaling station and one other native from Akutan Village; also Armand Gicquel. The party consisting of Ensign C. M. Opp, Carl Ericsson (103-330) BM 2c, Leonard Campbell (101-707) Cox and Charles C. Chiswell (217-100) EM 3c were left ashore with the body of Olsen as surf conditions made landing impossible."
  • "1700: The motor surfboat returned to the ship and was hoisted. Mr. Kugler of the whaling station came aboard at the request of the Commanding Officer for a conference. The following facts of today's search were learned: on leaving the ship this morning, the party picked up Dr. Darling and Mark Petikof, native Chief, at the whaling station, and one other native at the village. On landing, the party proceeded to the position of the beached dory in Green Bight, then searched the beach in the general vicinity. Ensign Opp was contacted and it was learned that his party had found the rubber boat belonging to Olsen, about 1/4 mile inland from the dory. Armand Gicquel identified the boat as belonging to Olsen. The two parties then combined, and totaling 12 men radiated out in all directions from the spot where the boats were found. Olsen's body was discovered by Dr. T. Darling about 1/4 mile further inland, or about 1/2 mile inland from the beached dory. It was the opinion of the doctor that the man had been dead from exposure for about two days. The position of the finding of the body as shown on Chart 8860, C.&G.S. is 54o 06' 45''North latitude and 165o 41' 00" West longitude. The personal belongings of Olsen consisting of clothing and an outboard motor will be picked up by tomorrow's party which will conduct the burial of Olsen's body in the vicinity where he was found. Dr. T. Darling issued the death certificate in the case of Axel Olsen. Issued one ration of medicinal liquor to boat crew and to search party. "
  • "2200: During the night constructed a grave marker of oak in the form of a cross with the following inscription punched on a brass plate: quote, AXEL OLSEN late of the American Schooner San Francisco, died September 18, 1936."
1936-09-20 ... 9-0033.JPG
  • "0855: Motor surfboat left ship to land party consisting of Ensign J. P. White, Hypolite J. Bocny (101-146), CQM, Loyd R. Graham (217-259) Sea 1c, Lester C. Morris (217-344) Sea 2c, George F. Bettis (217-337) Sea 2c, Robert Isaacs (115-710) Sea 1c., Victor Allison (217-166) Sea 1c., Lester L. Smith, Sea 2c. and Armand Gicquel (civilian). Party was equipped with articles necessary to perform burial of Axel Olsen, deceased, including grave marker of oak with brass inscription plate. Party to be landed on southern side of Akutan Harbor."
  • 1530: Motor surfboat departed to get members of searching party with Boatswain Van de Vanter in charge.
  • "1645: Motor surfboat returned to the ship with all the members of the party which left the ship this morning, also Ensign C. M. Opp; Carl Ericsson (103-330) BM 2c; Leonard Campbell (101-707) Cox and Charles C. Chiswell (217-100) EM 3c who were on the island since Friday, 18 September, 1936. The following events relating to the burial of Axel Olsen occurred ashore: the party dug a grave in the vicinity of the spot where the body was found in the position Latitude 54[sup[]o[/sup] 06' 43"N, longitude 165o 41' 00" West as noted in the log for September 18. Carl Colleen, BM 2c sewed the body in a canvas shroud as it was impossible to pack a coffin over the rugged terrain. Ensign Opp held burial services for the deceased. The grave marker constructed on board the ship last night was placed at the head of the grave. The pary then returned to the ship with the personal belongings of both Armand Gicquel and the late Olsen. The following personal property of Olsen was received aboard preceding disposition: 1 sheepskin coat, 1 out board motor, 1 cheap pocket watch (westclox), 1 shirt (combray), 1 pr woolen socks, 1 pr shoes, 1 oilskin pants. The motor surfboat left six life preservers ashore at the landing which will be picked up tomorrow. Issued one ration of medicinal liquor to boat crew and to the parties who were ashore in connection with the burial. "
1936-09-24 ... 9-0039.JPG
  • "1630: Armand Gicquel, a French alien, left the vessel."
1936-09-26 ... 9-0041.JPG
  • "1430: Sent to DAPHNE for further transfer to San Francisco Division, two (2) boxes of effects of AXEL OLSON, deceased, on Government Bill of Lading #T-221614."
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Re: People Mentioned

Post by Randi »

Dr. Ales Hrdlicka was also on Northland ;)
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Chelan 1931

Post by Michael »

1931-05-25 ... 5-0032.JPG
  • 1100: Marcos Sison, Matt 2c, confined in brig for safekeeping pending on charge of theft
1931-07-10 ... 7-0020.JPG
  • 0820: Congressman Robert G. Simmons U.S. Representative from Nebraska, his wife Mr.s R. G. Simmons and three children: Masters Robert Jr. and Ray and Miss Jean, came on board as guests of the Commanding Officer
1931-08-10 ... 8-0017.JPG
  • 1350: Arranged with U.S. Naval Radio Station at St. Paul to send weather reports from Chelan anchored off Attu Island each four hours for benefit of Colonel Lindbergh flight. Sent first report
1931-08-14 ... 8-0024.JPG
  • 1224: In communication with Colonel Lindbergh's plane receiving position reports which were transmitted to Commander B.S.P.F. Commander N.W.Div. and Headquarters
  • 1950: Colonel Lindbergh's plane reported that it was landing in Lozhnikh Vyester Bay Karaginski Island Siberia; Closed Communication until 1000 tomorrow
1931-08-15 ... 8-0025.JPG
  • 1600: Received information that Col. Lindbergh's plane was completing passage to Petropanlovsk, Kamchatka
  • 1852: received radio information that Col. Lindbergh's Plane landed at Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka
1931-08-23 ... 8-0033.JPG
  • 1403: American Gas Sc. EIDER alongside with Mr + Mrs G. R. Gardner Superintendent and Teacher respectively of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, who returned after completing official business at Kanakanak, Bristol Bay, Alaska. Medical Officer and Dr. C.E. Smith Dental Surgeon, U.S.P.H.S. returned aboard after completing investigation into source of the scarlet fever epidemic at Kanakanak, Bristol Bay, Alaska and rendering medical and dental aid to the natives who were stricken. Medical officer treated 10 Alaskan native' Dental Surgeon treated 22 Alaskan natives
  • 1740: Motor launch departed with the following passengers: Medical Officer and Mrs. G. R. Gardner. Teacher Bureau of Indian affairs who went ashore to render medical aid to scarlet fever patients at Egegik, Alaska
1931-08-24 ... 8-0035.JPG
  • 0125: Motor launch returned to ship with Mrs. G. R. Gardner teacher Bureau of Indian Affairs; Lieut Comdr. P.K. Perry, Lieut. M. C. Jones, Medical Officer; A.R. Taylor (110-167) C. Ph. M. and E.L. Means (107-139) R.M. 3c Medical Officer reported having rendered medical aid to 36 Scarlet fever patient at Egegik, Alaska
1931-09-15 ... 9-0021.JPG
  • 0445: Enroute Unimak Island to search for Aviators Moyle and Allen, missing on a flight from Tokyo to Seattle. Search to be conducted in accordance with verbal adress, Commander, Bering Sea Patrol Force, 14 September, 1931
1931-09-16 ... 9-0022.JPG
  • 0400: Received information via radio that Aviators Moyle and Allen had landed on an inhabited island (probably Karaginski Island) in Olyutorski Gulf, Siberia, and that they were now on board the Russian S.S. Buriat
  • 0800: Received further information indicating that the island on which Aviators Moyle and Allen landed was Maino Pilga Island, Siberia.
1931-09-27 ... 9-0035.JPG
  • 1030: Received radio information that a small boat from Nome, Alaska, to Unalaska, Alaska went ashore 18 miles north East Cape Sarichef, Alaska on 26 September and that two of the men are now at Cape Sarichef Light House
1931-09-28 ... 9-0037.JPG
  • 0611: Communicated with light keeper by radio telephone and found that 2 of the crew of the wrecked Amer. gas sc. GLADIATOR were at the lighthouse and that the third member of the crew was still at the wreck about 14 miles northeast of Cape Sarichef. Lighthouse keeper stated that the beach in front of the keeper's house was sheltered enough to permit landing a boat 0615 sent No.1 surfboat in charge of Lieut. Comdr. P. K. Perry to bring off the 2 members of the GLADIATOR's crew 0645 Boat returned bringing 2 shipwrecked men: E. Webster, master and owner, 1219 Aloha St., Seattle, Wash and Fred Shirley, Seattle, Washington. Master stated that Amer. gas. sc. GLADIATOR of Seattle, Wash., went ashore about 4 miles south of Cove Point, Alaska, at 2/15, 22 September, 1931. The carrying away of the tiller blocks with the consequent jamming of the rudder in a strong Northerly gale was given as the cause of the grounding. The GLADIATOR was ~t high and dry on the sandy beach and sustained little damage. No one was injured. The crew remained with the beached vessel until 26 September when 2 of them proceeded to Cape Sarichef leaving P. Whynaster, San Francisco, Cal., with the GLADIATOR. 0646 Found GLADIATOR In approximately the position given above; worked in to a point 0.6 miles to windward of wreck to observe surf and prepared to send in boat
  • 0820: Boat anchored just outside of surf.
  • 0824 Boat dropped in through surf on anchor line and landed three men from boat's crew, but almost immediately broached to was swamped turned bottom up and was seen no more. The last member of boat's crew was thrown into the water and was rescued by the member of the boat's crew on the beach 0840 Lt. Comdr. P.K. Perry communicated with vessel, reporting all men safe and loss of all oars.
  • 0855 Commanding officers directed party ashore to pick shelter on board wrecked schooner GLADIATOR until sea moderates.
1931-09-29 ... 9-0039.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Unable to see that vessel on beach 0600 Communicated with keeper of Cape Sarichef Light by radio telephone who offered to send a man to the scene of the wreck to guide the CHELAN's party of 1 officer and 8 men and 2 men from the GLADIATOR's crew to Cape Sarichef Light where food and quarters would be available for them. Inasmuch as the high seas almost certainly made the wreck of the GLADIATOR unsafe for further use as a shelter, this offer was accepted. The keeper stated that a man would depart immediately and that he believed the party at the wreck of the GLADIATOR could arrive at Cape Sarichef about 1900 this date.
  • 1715: Received word from the keeper of Sarichef Light that Lieut. Comdr. Perry, 6 men of the CHELAN's boats crew, and the master of the GLADIATOR arrived at Sarichef Light at 1700 and that the other 2 men of the CHELAN's boats crew together with the disabled third member of the GLADIATOR's crew were left with food and fuel at a barabra 3 miles east of the wreck since the man was too weak to make the trip to Sarichef Light. Directed Lieut. Comdr. Perry to collect all of the party at Cape Sarichef Light as soon as practicable. Information was received from Lieut. Comd. Perry that the disabled man from Gladiator crew would have to be carried 20 miles by litter over rough trail but that he expected to have man at Sarichef L.H. by Thursday evening
1931-09-30 ... 9-0040.JPG
  • 0600: Communicated with keeper of Sarichef Light by radio telephone requesting that CHELAN be informed as soon as Lieut. Comdr. P.K. Perry's party was assembled at Cape Sarichef and conditions at that place were such as to make landing a boat feaseable.
  • 0840: Received word that all of boat's crew at Sarichef Lighthouse except Lieut. Comdr P.K. Perry and one man. Party left this morning for barabra to carry disabled GLADIATOR member of crew back to light station; party expected to return tomorrow evening.
  • 1645: Received information by radio from Lieut. Comdr. P.K. Perry at Cape Sarichef that the party of five CHELAN men sent out by him this morning from Cape Sarichef to bring in the third member of the GLADIATOR's crew, left with two CHELAN men in a barabra near the wreck, had met the two men with the disabled man from the GLADIATOR. All of the CHELAN party and the three men from the GLADIATOR are now at Cape Sarichef Light ready to be brought off. Keeper of Cape Sarichef Light advised that a very heavy surf is still running in the NW gale
1931-10-01 ... 0-0005.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Anchored as before in whole NW to W gale awaiting moderation of weather to bring off Lieut. Comdr. P.K. Perry and 8 men from CHELAN boat's crew together with 3 men from wrecked GLADIATOR now at Cape Sarichef Light
1931-10-02 ... 0-0006.JPG
  • 0400-0800: Anchored as before awaiting favorable weather to bring off Lieut. Comdr. P.K. Perry, 8 CHELAN men and 3 men from GLADIATOR from Cape Sarichef
  • 0820: Received information from keeper at Cape Sarichef Light that a heavy surf was still breaking on the beach at that place and that a boad landing was impossible.
1931-10-03 ... 0-0007.JPG
  • 0600: Received information by radio telephone from the keeper of Cape Sarichef Light that surf had subsided somewhat though it was still too heavy for a small boat landing
  • 0930: Surf appeared to be low enough to land a boat safely, sent motor launch in charge of chief boatswain's mate to lay to outside of breakers. Sent general mess food stuff in the amount og $40.00 in motor launch for Cape Sarichef Light Station personnel to replace food eaten by CHELAN and GLADIATOR parties 1000 Stores were landed on the beach and Lieut. Comdr. P.K. Perry, 1 man from CHELAN boat's crew and seaman Peter P. Whynant from San Francisco California of the GLADIATOR crew were taken out to the motor launch one by one using a small dory from Cape Sarichef Light Station. the surf became to rough to transfer more men. Motor Launch returned to ship
  • 1030: Commanding officer accompanied by the Commander, Bering Sea Patrol Force, made weekly inspection of vessel The Commander, Bering Sea Patrol Force, observed the condition of the various compartments as a part of the Annual inspection of the CHELAN.
  • 1145 Surf subsided enough to make possible the transfer of the remainder of the CHELAN and GLADIATOR crews. Sent motor launch in charge of chief boatswain's mate to lay to outside breakers.
  • 1250: All men in motor launch 1258 Motor launch returned to ship with Edward Webster master of the GLADIATOR and the remaining seven CHELAN men, accounting for the entire shipwrecked crew of the GLADIATOR and Lieut. Comd'r P.K. Perry's party. GLADIATOR's crew (3) furnished quarters and rations as destitute seamen
1931-10-04 ... 0-0009.JPG
  • 0900: Intercepted message from a False Pass, Alaska, amateur radio station that Clyde Paugborn and High Herndon, American flyers, attempting a non-stop flight from Samushiro, Japan to Seattle, Washington, were flying low over False Pass at 0855 (165th meridian time) heading eastward through dense fog.
  • 0930 School teacher from Squaw Harbor Alaska aboard with 15 children fro medical and dental aid
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Chelan 1929

Post by Michael »

1929-06-24 ... 6-0031.JPG
  • 1915: Received message to proceed to St Paul Is at once to assist Medical officer. Urgent.
1929-06-25 ... 6-0032.JPG
  • 1715: Received message from Commander Bering Sea Patrol force.
1929-06-26 ... 6-0033.JPG
  • 0915: Sick mans condition had improved and Chelan ordered back to Unalaska.
  • 1407: Making way to Ugashik River to render medical to sick mate on SS International.
1929-06-28 ... 6-0035.JPG
  • 0450: Launch arrived to transport Doctor to SS International to render medical assistance.
  • 1210: Doctor and patient arrived on board.
1929-07-01 ... 7-0005.JPG
  • 0430: Sent landing party ashore for insane light keeper from Sarichef Lighthouse.
  • 0530 W.W. Hashti (? spelling) second assistant light keeper, Cape Sarichef light, brought on board for transportation to U.S. Court at Seward. Hashti is alleged to be insane and was confined to ships prison for safe keeping.
1929-07-12 ... 7-0017.JPG
  • 1200: received word of the death of Captain J.G. Berry, Commander North Western Division.
1929-07-13 ... 7-0018.JPG
  • 2300: Loaned grappling hooks and used searchlight in aiding search for a small native boy who was thought to have fallen off south side of pier and drowned.
1929-07-14 ... 7-0019.JPG
  • 1200: Received word that the native boy believed to be drowned has been located in the village.
1929-08-14 ... 8-0018.JPG
  • 2000: Received dispatch from San Francisco Examiner that Russian Solviet plane LAND OF THE SOVIETS made a forced landing 170 miles from IRKUTSK.
1929-08-16 ... 8-0020.JPG
  • 1810: Landing party reported no indication of habitatation on the island.
1929-08-18 ... 8-0022.JPG
  • 1515: D. Brown, Sea 1c, whilst attempting to secure gripes on #1 surfboat fell overboard, wearing heavy clothes and heavy sweater. A life ring was thrown immediately, landing about 3 feet from him. Brown although a fair swimmer upon coming to the surface was apparently dazed by the shock and treading water, making no move for the life ring. Upon perceiving this B. Delgado, Off Std 2c, at 15:16 dived overboard, shoving the life ring over to Brown, and then stood by.
  • 1517 surfboat #1 lowered and Brown, assisted by Delgado came onboard ship, apparantly all right, and were sent to the sick bay for examination.
1929-09-05 ... 9-0009.JPG
  • 0815: Medical officer left for Atka village.
  • 1115 Officers returned and reported the child had died at 0200 this morning of Cerebro spinal meningitis aged 4yrs.
1929-09-28 ... 9-0038.JPG
  • 1430: Captain C.S. Cochran, Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force reported on board for transportation to Seattle.
1929-09-29 ... 9-0039.JPG
  • 1207: Hove to while medical office performed a minor operation on E.F. Lovelace SC 3c, in which he made a spinal puncture, drawing off 30cc spinal fluid and injecting 30cc antimeningococic serum.
  • 1400 Increased speed to 120RPM in order to make all possible speed to get E.F. Lovelace SC3c to a hospital.
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Burton Island 1947

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1947-02-09 ... 2-0020.jpg
  • 2340: Pursuant to BuPers orders Pers- 3176-DM-2B, of 20 June 1946, Commander C. R. BEAMAN (SC), USN, was detached from this vessel to report to USS MOUNT OLYMPUS for duty in staff, CTF-68, transportation completed.
1947-02-12 ... 2-0026.jpg
  • 1515: USCGC NORTHWIND came along side to starboard to transfer passengers.
  • 1545 Following names passengers reported aboard for transportation to USS MOUNT OLYMPUS, Jack PERKINS, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Robert E. NICHOLS, New York Herald Tribune; Lee VAN ATTA, International News Service; Thomas R. HENRY, North American Newspaper Alliance; Dr Arthur D. HOWARD, U.S. Geological Survey; and Grady Beasley, STML 978 76 65 USN.
  • 2050: Transferred passengers to USS MOUNT OLYMPUS (Passengers received from USCGC NORTHWIND at 1545 this date).
  • 2200: The folliwing passengers reported aboard for transportation to USCGC NORTHWIND (WAG-282). W. G. Lieutenant, USN, SHELBY, PHOM1, USN,
1947-02-13 ... 2-0028.jpg
  • 1240: Following passengers were transferred to USCGC NORTHWIND; METCALF, W.G. Lt, USN, SHELBY, PHOM1, USN, BOWEN, W. Civilian, LESLIE, D. Civilian.
  • 1325: CTF 68 Rear Admiral R. H. CRUZEN shifted his flag from USCGC NORTHWIND to this vessel, accompanied by Commander J. H. MINI, operations officer, and the following staff personnel; HOLCOMB, R. H, AERM3, 379 93 59, USN; BEASLEY, G. (n), STM1, 978 76 65, USN, and WELCH, J. L. Jr. STM2, 301 86 79, USN.
1947-02-27 ... 2-0056.jpg
  • 1511: Rear Admiral, R. H. CRUZEN, Commander Task Force 68 shifter his flag to USS MOUNT OLYMPUS. Rear Admiral (Ret), R. E. BYRD left the ship for USS MOUNT OLYMPUS.
1947-04-01 ... 4-0004.jpg
  • 0800: 0815 Quarters for muster. Absentees: Simpson, R.D. QM2, 351 01 81, USN, absent over liberty since 0745.
  • 1120 Helicopter took off for Naval Air Station, Terminal Island, California, LCDR C. FINK pilot. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokless powder samples conditions normal.
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Chelan 1930

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1930-03-10 ... 3-0016.JPG
  • 1600: Received Four Alcoast, direction on March 11, day of funeral late Ex President William Howard Taft, that ensign be half-masted and one gun be fired half-hourly, sunrise-sunset, also that all officers when in uniform wear the mourning badge until April 7th.
1930-06-10 ... 6-0015.JPG
  • 0435: Commander RW Dempwolf notified Commander Stanley of the Haida by radio that he, Commander Dempwolf had relieved him as Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force.
1930-06-21 ... 6-0028.JPG
  • 0815: Cannery tender 'Starling came alongside with ten aliens to be naturalized by the Court.
  • 0915 Cannery tender Starling left the ship, the District Court having completed its business.
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Onondaga 1942

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1942-06-13 ... 2_0249.JPG
  • 1635: Rec'd dispatch from Comalsce directing Onondagsa to assist Oriole in evacuating residents from Pribilof Islands
1942-06-15 ... 2_0252.JPG
  • 1225: Sighted vessel bearing 90 T heading approximately NNW. Vessel identified as Delarof - sent message to be relayed by us to St. George regarding evacuees
1942-06-19 ... 2_0259.JPG
  • 2220: Received orders from Commander Alaskan Sector to proceed Seattle by way of Shelikof Strait and Cross Sound, leaving Delarof passengers at Wrangell
1942-06-22 ... 2_0264.JPG
  • 0050: Various courses and speeds maneuvering to lower 4 boat to depart for U.S. Army Doctor aboard U.S.A.F. Delarof 0055 4 Boat departed. The Pharmacists mate Corbin ( ) fell and injured his head 0107 4 Boat returned with U.S. Army Doctor for treatment of injured man
1942-06-24 ... 2_0268.JPG
  • 0936: Lowered boats 3 and 4 to assist debarking passengers from Delarof
  • 1205: Boat 4 returned with Captain Downing of USAT DELAROF
  • 1725: No 4 boat departed to assist DELAROF in transferring natives to beach
1942-08-13 ... 2_0348.JPG
  • 2030: Irwin, Lawrence M. (225-040) ~T 1/c + Barton, Sam M. (230-705) F 1/c returned to ship by police escort Barton taken to hospital for first aid treatment 2140 Barton, Sam M. (230-705) F 1/c returned from hospital
1942-11-04 ... 2_0468.JPG
  • 1330: Upon receipt of message from Navy patrol plane that a sub is reported in vicinity, increased speed 135 R.P.M. and commenced zig-zagging 1000 yards ahead of convoy
1942-11-22 ... 2_0493.JPG
  • 1003: Maneuvering at various courses and speeds putting confidential message aboard each ship of convoy with shoulder line throwing gun
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Chelan 1935

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1935-07-19 ... 7-0032.JPG
  • 0905: Lieut. Comdr. S. P. Swicegood, and Ensign Wl. L. David and party left ship to apprehend and arrest one John Pate Olson and his wife Katie Olson for felony. 9:45 Lieut. Comdr. S. P. Swicegood, and party returned with John Pate Olson and wife as prisoners and their son Johnie Olson age nine years, in compliance with orders Commander Patrol Force, Bering Sea.
  • 1430: Lieut Comdr S. P. Swicegaard, U.S. Deputy Marshal delivered the persons of John Pete Olsen and his wife Katy Olsen to U. S. Commander Martin at Unalaska. The couples' child, Johnnie Olsen was released to Mrs. Katy Olsen.
1935-07-20 ... 7-0034.JPG
  • 0915: Lieutenant Commander S. P. Swicegood departed to perform duty as United States Deputy Marshal in the trial of J. P. Olsen at Unalaska, Alaska. 1100 Lieutenant Commander S. P. Swicegood returned.
1935-08-13 ... 8-0023.JPG
  • 1215: Informed by Wawona that master had died and requested body be removed by CHELAN. Referred request to ComBerSeaPatForce.
  • 1345: Received the following message from Commander, Bering Sea Patrol Force : Inform Wawona every practical consideration dictates master buried at sea period. If burial desired Unalaska, Wawona will bring body comma incur necessary expense and conduct funeral by ship master but Chelan will not transport body which robs ceremony of all sentiment period. While not necessary Chelan, if so desired, will contact Wawona and furnish death certificate.
  • 1502: Maneuvered on various courses at various speeds approaching anchorage in Lost Harbor to contact Wawona for the purpose of furnishing a death certificate to her.
  • 2050: Boarded the American sailing schooner, Wawona of Anacortes, Washington, of which the Robinson Fisheries Co of Anacortes is owner and M. Sandanger is temporarily master bound from Bristol Bay, Alaska, to Anacortes, Washington, with a cargo of 500 tons of cod fish valued at $90,000. No violations reported. Medical officer examined the body of Charles Foss of 1545 12th Ave. So. Seattle, Washington, late master of the Wawona, and decided that this death was apparently due to coronary thrombosis. A death certificate was issued to the master of the Wawona.
1935-08-14 ... 8-0025.JPG
  • 0400: Observed working party from Schr. Wawona depart for beach to prepare grave.
  • 0600: Observed funeral procession ashore. The Wawona's crew buried the body of the late Captain Foss.
1935-09-07 ... 9-0011.JPG
  • 1300: Chief PhM Kenneth K Brown assisted in the embalming of the body of Nilores Mac Scott, niece of CRM Henry A Scott attached to the Navel Radio Station at Dutch Harbor. Embalming fluid was supplied by the Chelan.
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Haida 1930

Post by Michael »

1930-04-20 ... 4-0025.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Albert C. Truewell, Sea 1c placed on non-duty status this date because of disease resulting from his own misconduct.
1930-04-21 ... 4-0026.JPG
  • 11:55AM: The following named men, forming the crew of the grounded schooner were taken on board as destitute seamen for transportation to Kodiak: Oswald Olson, Captain, Pete Johnson, Engineer, John Nordvick, Arne Overland, Svene Ringdahl, Matt Jeffs, Art Rowik, Chris Skodje, Carl Borstad, and John Johnson.
1930-04-22 ... 4-0027.JPG
  • 3:45AM: Received orders to confine John Michael Busk, F/C pending action on charges of desertion and fraudulent enlistment (7921 - 1656), Headquarters dispatch. Did not confine Busk account of him being ill with paralytic stroke.
1930-04-23 ... 4-0029.JPG
  • 10:10AM: No 2 Surfboat shoved off with Lieut Comdr. R. B. Hall, and boarding officer to investigate conditions ashore and to board vessels at Kodiak.
  • Meridian to 4PM: 12:45 Surf boat No. 2 with Lieut-Comdr. R. B. Hall and party returned to ship. 3:15 Mortorboat Kay Dee alongside with William Bennett of Long Island for medical aid. 3:50 Motorboat Kay Dee with Bennett departed for Kodiak with P. A. Surg. (R) L. B. Sturdwand on board to visit patient in Kodiak.
  • 7:30PM: P.A.S.(R) L. B. Sturdwand returned to ship.
  • 8:30PM: Lieut. R.L. Randy made an official call on N.S. Commissioner, Judge Stowe. The Deputy U.S. Marshall at Kodiak was found to be away on duty. Conditions at Kodiak were reported by Judge Stowe as being satisfactory
1930-04-24 ... 4-0031.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Commanding Officer held mast: Absence of Aquilino B. Caldrow, M Att A., from 8:00 a.m. April 7, to 12:50 p.m. April 8, 1930 ~~ ~~~~d as unavoidable.
1930-04-25 ... 4-0032.JPG
  • 3:00PM: Commanding Officer communicated with Judge Driffield, U.S. Commissioner at Unga.
1930-04-26 ... 4-0033.JPG
  • 1:20PM: Commanding Officer held mast in case of Ralph A Young, B. M. U. for failure to perform duty. Awarded him punishment by Deck Court.
  • 7:10PM: At request of U.S. Marshal Sulliven, Commander T.A. Sharley and Lt. Comd'. R. B. Hall, in their capacity as U.S. Commissioner, and Deputy U.S. Marshal, respectively, went ashore to investigate charges against a native, one John Holunberg.
  • 8:52PM: Surfboat returned to ship with Commanding Officer and party together with native prisoner, John Holunberg, for transportation to and incarceration at Unalaska.
1930-04-27 ... 4-0035.JPG
  • 6PM to 8PM: Commander T. A. Shanley, U.S. Commissioner, Third District, Alaska, sentenced John Holmberg of Sanak Island to serve 10 months in Alaska jail for drunkenness and disorderly conduct.
1930-04-28 ... 4-0036.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Robert A. Young B.M.1c tried by Deck Court, consisting of Lieut. J. W. Kelliker and was sentenced to be reduced to the next inferior rating, that of B.M.2c. Sentence approved by Convening Authority.
  • 6PM to 8PM: 6:30 Delivered John Holmberg to U.S. Marshall Dan Ross of Unalaska for confinement in Unalaska jail. Mr. A.C. Allingham, of Western Pacific Livestock Company, left the ship having received transportation from Seattle to Unalaska by permission from Headquarters. Robert A. Young, B.M.1c, changed in rating to B.M.2c, account sentence of Deck Court.
1930-04-30 ... 4-0038.JPG
  • 9:40AM: Lt.- Comdr. R. B Hall, Lt.(jg) E.A. Holtz, and P.A. Surg. (R) L. B. Steudwant left ship in surf-boat to examine conditions on and board the fishing schooner
  • 11:00AM: Lt.- Comdr. Hall and party returned, bringing on board Wesley E. Goss, 5447 Fotthill Blvd., Oakland, Cal. aged 24 yrs., a deserter from the fishing schooner Enlistment of Stephen K. Emerson, C.R.M., which expired this date is extended for one year, authority Dispatch, Northwestern Division, 7021-0915
1930-05-01 ... 5-0005.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following named men were detailed as messmen the month of May: Richard L Marvin, F3c., Virgil H. Lowery, A.S., Donald M. Whitcomb, A.S., second watch; and Amade J. LaChance, Sea 2c.,; relieving Lloyd L. Ludvigson, Sea 2c. 1:00 Officers and crew paid for month of April by Special Disbursing Agent A.C. Humphreys. Crew assisted Assistant Dental Surgeon David Cooper in opening Dental Clinic on shore. Wesley Goss, merchant seaman, diserter from schooner Louise was released and sent ashore. Walter B. Thausno, F2c., advanced in rating to F.1.c., and Alvah C. Schultz, F.3c., advanced to F.2c., authority article 406(2), Regulations.
1930-05-07 ... 5-0011.JPG
  • 6AM: 6:00 Following natives came on board for transportation to St. Paul Island: Jack FUTRAKOFF, Philip GALTONOF, Simon PETERHOFF, John PETERHOFF, PETER PETERHOFF, Jack PETERHOFF, DOSOFEY MERCULIEFF, Mike HODEN, John BORNIN, NICK HUKNON, ELE BORNIN and N. J. ORLOFF. Mrs N.J. Orloff came on board for transportation to St. Paul, said transportation to be at no expense to the government. 6:30 Dr. David Cooper, Asst. Dental Surgeon, U.S.P.H.S., left the ship to take quarters on shore.
  • 8AM to Meridian: Floyd E. Lockler, A.S., detailed as messman this date relieving Richard L. Marvin, F3c.
1930-05-08 ... 5-0013.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Delivered the following natives to shore boat, St. Paul Island: Jack Futrakoff, Philip Galtonof, Simon Peterhoff, John Peterhoff, Peter Peterhoff, Jack Peterhoff, Dosofey Merculief, Mike Hoden, John Bosmin, Nick Huknon, Ela Bosmin and M.J. Osloff. Delivered Mrs. N.J. Osloff to shore boat. The following persons came aboard for transportation from St. Paul to St. George Island: Rt. Rev. John Zlobin and Nicolai Kozloff.
  • 5:20PM: ~~st Asst. Surgeon (R) L. B. Steudwant left ship to attend sick person on shore. John Hobin and Nicholai Kozloff, passengers from St. Paul is. to St. George is. left ship.
1930-05-10 ... 5-0016.JPG
  • 8:25PM: Got underway for Unimak Pass and Cordova to put Lawrence A. Bach F1C in hospital for acute appendicitus.
1930-05-11 ... 5-0017.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: Enroute to Cordova with Lawrence S. Beck, F.1c.
1930-05-12 ... 5-0018.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: Albert C. Gruwell, S. 1c., restored to duty having been on a non duty, non pay status since April 20, 1930.
1930-05-16 ... 5-0022.JPG
  • 1:00PM: Transferred for in-patient treatment at Relief Station U.S. Public Health Service Cordova, Alaska, the following men: John M. Burke, F1c and Lawrence s. Beck, F1c.
1930-05-17 ... 5-0023.JPG
  • Noon: Commanding Officer held mast: Aquilino B. Calderon, Matt 2c., to perform six hours extra police duty for refusing duty.
1930-05-21 ... 5-0028.JPG
  • 1:30PM: Commanding Officer awarded George R. Angell, A.S. one hour extra duty for failure to muster at quarters.
1930-05-23 ... 5-0031.JPG
  • 4:00PM: Sent working party under Lieut j.g. (T) E. W. Holtz with diving equipment and diver to Unalaska, Alaska to perform some diving work on S.S. STARR.
1930-05-24 ... 5-0032.JPG
  • 6:30AM: Diving party in charge of Liuet (j.g.) (T) Holtz continued submarine work on propeller of S.S. STARR.
  • 9AM to 4PM: Fred L. Shelton A.S. detailed on mess duty this date relieving Virgil H. Lowrey A.S.
1930-05-25 ... 5-0033.JPG
  • 11:15AM: Dwain S.J. ~arrow, Q.M. 3c., given deck court by Commanding Officer for smoking while on watch; this in violation of order issued by Commanding Officer.
1930-05-26 ... 5-0034.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 2:15 Commanding Officer held mast in the case of Edward Borg, M.M.1c and gave him a warning for smoking in Motor Launch. 2:30 A Board of Investigation consisting Lieut. Comdr. R.E. Wells, Lieut j.g. (T) EW Holtz and Ensign Perry S Lyons met to investigate fire in No. 1 surfboat on 24 May. 3:30 Deck Court of which Lieut. R.L. Raney is Deck Court Officer, convened to try case of Dwain S. Harrow, Q.M.3c on charge of smoking while on watch.
  • Mid to 9AM: 2:00 George r. Angell, A.S. asigned to the 2 to 4 anchor watch, refused to get up and stand his watch, when called and ordered to do so. 8:00 Confined George R. Angell, A.S., in ship's prison for safety of personnel on board.
1930-05-28 ... 5-0036.JPG
  • 1:30PM: A Board of Medical Survey consisting of P.A.S. (R) D.B. Steudwant U.S.P.H.S., Senior Member, and P.A.S. R.C.E. Bingman U.S.P.H.S. additional member, met in the case of George R. Augell, A.S.
1930-05-29 ... 5-0037.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Received advice that John Michael Burke, F1c., had been transferred from Cordova to U.S. Marine Hospital, Port Townsend, Wash.
1930-05-30 ... 5-0038.JPG
  • 2:00PM: Transferred George R. Angell, A.S. to U.S.S. SWALLOW for further transportation to Seattle, Wash., Angell being instructed to report to the Commander Northwestern Division for assignment to duty. Auth. Headquarters dispatch 7028-1631 May.
1930-06-01 ... 6-0005.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following men detailed as messmen this date: Swen E. Carlson, Sea. 2c, to relieve Donald M. Whitcomb, A.S.; Arade J. LaChance, Sea 2c.; Floyd E. Lockhart, A.S.; and Fred L. Shelton, A.S., for second month. By order of Commanding Officer, Cox. Anthony Fillo was disrated for incompetency to Sea 1c., authority Art. 408 (c) Regulations. Records and pay accounts of John Michael Burke, F1c., transferred to office Commander, Northwestern Division, this date, Authority H.D. 7031-1645 (May).
1930-06-04 ... 6-0009.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: Edward Morrison advanced in rating from S.C.2c to S.C.1c this date - Auth. HD 7004-1211 (May).
1930-06-05 ... 6-0010.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: 9:20 Boarding officer and Surgeon left ship in starboard surf boat to board fishing schooner Fanny Dutard. 10:43 Surf boat with boarding party returned. 11:05 Carl McGee of Centralia, Wash., next of kin, wife, Katherine McGee of Centralia, Wn. taken aboard from schooner Fannie Dutard for transportation to Unalaska, Alaska; suffering from chronic appendicitis. Transportation furnished at request of master and patient. Albert C. Gruwell, Sea 1c, placed on off-duty status 9:00 A.M. by reason of disease incurred not incident to service and due to the man's own misconduct.
1930-06-08 ... 6-0014.JPG
  • 4:30PM: Edward Borg M.M.1c. returned aboard from hunting trip and reported that Colt's Automatic Pistol No. 527250-Cal. 45, 1 holster, and 1 belt, pistol - Which had been issued to him , had been lost.
1930-06-09 ... 6-0015.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Robert A. Young B.M. 2c received outpatient treatment at Public Health Service dental office. 2:00 Lawrence S. Beck F.1c, reported aboard from UNALGA, having been transported by that vessel from Marine Hospital, Cordova, Alaska. 2:15 Virgil H. Lowery A.S. received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental office. Edward Borg M.M.1c reported finding of Colts Automatic Pistol # 527250, holster and belt.
  • 4PM to Mid: Commander T. A. Shanley, Commanding Officer HAIDA, this date relieved as Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force by Commander R. W. Dempwolf, Commanding Officer CHELAN. Authority Commanding Officer CHELAN dispatch (6009-1920).
1930-06-10 ... 6-0016.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: J.N.E. Seaton, Sea 1c., Walter W. Ford, A.S., Robert A. Young B.M. 2c.; George D. Atkinson Sea 1c; and Richard L. Marvin, F 3c, received outpatient dental treatment at U.S.P.H.S. Dental clinic.
1930-06-11 ... 6-0017.JPG
  • 10:00AM: Commanding Officer held mast in the cases of the following named men and awarded them punishment as set forth: Stephen K. Emerson, C.R.M. for neglect of Duty; - Given warning. John P. Moore R.M. 1c for neglect of duty - excused. Justin E. Clantler R.M. 2c. for neglect of duty - awarded Deck Court. Maynard M. Marven - R.M. 3c - for neglect of duty - awarded Deck Court.
  • 4PM to Mid: Carl McGee, fisherman from schooner Fanny Dutard found to be missing from the sick bay without permission from port authority. His present whereabouts unknown.
1930-06-12 ... 6-0018.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 9:30 Walter M. Ford A.S. received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health dental clinic. 1:00 Donald M McLeod, cox, and Evanisto Domingo M.ATT. 2c received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health dental clinic.
1930-06-13 ... 6-0019.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 11:15 Walter M. Ford, A.S. received dental treatment (outpatient) at U.S. Public Health dental clinic. 11:30 Donald M. McLeod, Cox, received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health dental clinic. 1:00 The deck court of which Lt. R.L. Raney is deck court officer convened in the case of Justin E. Chantler R.M. 2c. 2:15 Earl L. Ruff Eng 2c and James O'Neill, F3c, received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic. 3:10 Richard L. Marvin, F3c, received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic.
  • 8:00PM: Charles H. White and Savine L. Craft, Local Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers, U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service, and James Trail, clerk, came aboard for transportation - Authority: Headquarters letter 12 March, 1930 (60-611).
1930-06-15 ... 6-0021.JPG
  • 10:00AM: Commanding Officer held mast in the case of Paul R. Roberts, Sea. 1c, for failure to muster at anchor watch, and sentenced him to be tried by Deck Court.
1930-06-16 ... 6-0022.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 11:00 Maynard M. Marvin R.M. 3c and Paul R. Roberts SEA 1c tried by Deck Court Officer Lieutenant R. L. Raney. The following men received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health dental clinic: Walter M. Ford A.S., Richard L. Marvin F3c, Jack Ruffner cox., and Paul R. Roberts, SEA 1c. 2:00 Convening Authority of approved deck courts in the following cases: Justin E. Chantler, R.M. 2c, neglect of duty, sentenced to forfeit five days pay, total amount $13.20. Maynard M. Marvin R.M. 3c neglect of duty, sentenced to forfeit two days pay amounting to $4.40 and to perform five hours extra police duty. Paul R. Roberts, SEA 1c, neglect of duty, sentenced to forfeit two days pay amounting to $3.96 and to perform five hours extra police. duty.
1930-06-17 ... 6-0023.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following named men were given outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic: George D. Atkinson, Sea 1c; James O'Neill, F3c; Donald M. McLeod, Cox; Fred L. Shelton, A.S.; Dwain S Harrow, QM 3c.
1930-06-18 ... 6-0024.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following men received dental treatment at U.S. Public Health clinic: Thor A Ronstad, Sea 2c., George D. Alkinson, Sea 1c., Virgil H. Lowery, A.S., and Dwain S. Harrow, QM. 3c.
1930-06-19 ... 6-0025.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 12:30 John H.N. Seaton, Sea. 1c transferred to Unalga for temporary duty. Swan E. Carlson, Sea 2c transferred to Unalga for temporary duty. Authority - Dispatch Commander, Bering Sea. Patrol Force - 7019-1343 Glen Lauphian, A.S., detailed as messman this date, relieving Swan E. Carlson, Sea 2c.
1930-06-24 ... 6-0030.JPG
  • 3:35PM: Surf boat from Nome C.G. Station in charge of Chief Boatswain Tom Ross alongside.
  • 4:05PM: Nome Station boat shoved off taking with her Charles H. White, Savine L. Draft and James Trail of M.S. Steamboat Inspection Service, the latter men having completed transportation from Unalaska.
  • 6PM to 8PM: Delivered to Carl McGee, destitute fisherman from Fannie Dutard, his personal effects left on Haida on June 11 when he left ship without permission.
1930-06-29 ... 6-0037.JPG
  • 9:30AM: The following named men reported for duty in accordance with verbal orders Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force: Glen P. Henry, WT1c; Herman H. Lucke, F3c; Swan C. Carlson, Sea2c; John N. Seaton Sea1c.
1930-07-01 ... 7-0005.JPG
  • 9AM: The following named men detailed as messmen this date: Sea. 2c. George M. Hanson, to relieve A.S. Floyd E. Lockhart; A.S. Harold E. Major to relieve Sea. 2c. Arade J. LaClance; F. 2c. Alval C. Schultz to relieve A.S. Glen Lamphear. A.S. Fred L Shelton on for second month. Modesto Ladero M.Att.1c. disrated to M.Att.2c this date by reason of incompetency Auth. Art. 406(2) Regulations. Albert C. Gruenall, Sea. 1c. returned to duty status.
  • 4PM to Mid: Asst. Dental Surgeon David Cooper U.S.P.H.S. reported to Commanding Officer in accordance with orders of Commander Bearing Sea Patrol Force. 10:00 Asst. Dental Surgeon David Cooper, U.S.P.H.S. left ship to take up quarters on shore.
1930-07-02 ... 7-0006.JPG
  • Top of Page: I have this day boarded unamed motor boat belonging to Dan Ross of Unalaska, Alaska and found said boat to be running without lights in violation of Motor Boat Law.
  • 9AM to 4PM: Following men received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental office: Richard L. Marvin F. 3c, George D. Atkinson Sea 1c, and Alvah C. Schultz F2c.
1930-07-03 ... 7-0007.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following men were given out-patient treatment of U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic: Paul Anderson, F3c; George O. Atkinson Sea 1c; Richard L. Marvin F3c; Homer M. Dean Sea 1c.
1930-07-04 ... 7-0008.JPG
  • 9:55PM: Deputy U.S. Marshal Dan Ross of Unalaska reported to the Commanding Officer that four or five of the Haida's crew were drunk and disorderly, and requested that these men be brought back to the ship before it became necessary for him to arrest them. Lieutenant Commander R.B. Hall, Lieut. R.L. Raney, and Lieut. R.H. Fury left the ship immediately, but after making a thorough search of the village were unable to find a single case of drunkenness or disorderly conduct on the part of the crew. The marshal was then visited and was requested to produce the men whom he had reported. This he was unable to do nor was he willing to go through the village to search for them. His only action was a vague statement that My whole town is drunk, and that some sailors had been talking as if they were drunk. During the investigation made by the ship's officers, two pool halls, a soda fountain and lunch room, and the dance hall were visited. Those are the only public places in town and at none of them was there found to be the least bit of trouble.
1930-07-07 ... 7-0011.JPG
  • 10:40AM: Act. Asst. Dental Surgeon D. Cooper reported aboard for duty in accordance with orders of Commander Bering Sea Patrol Force.
1930-07-16 ... 7-0020.JPG
  • 8PM to Mid: Following men advanced in rating this date: Arno E. Bixengman, PH.M 3c, to Ph.M. 2c, Authority Article 406(11), Regulations; Thor A. Romstad, Sea. 2c, to Sea 1c, Authority H. L. 6/26/30 (73-701).
1930-07-17 ... 7-0022.JPG
  • 1:00PM: Act. Asst. Dental Surgeon David Cooper left vessel for Unalaska, having completed temporary assignment with HAIDA.
1930-07-18 ... 7-0023.JPG
  • 10:00AM: Sent working party under supervision of Lieut jg (T) E. W. Holtz with diving apparatus to continue removal of sunken piling from alongside wharf.
1930-07-19 ... 7-0024.JPG
  • 5:50AM: Medical officer brought John W. Larsen, seaman from S.S. Starr to ship for transportation to Seward. Larson is in critical condition on account of self inflicted wound on throat.
1930-07-21 ... 7-0027.JPG
  • 6:45PM: Sent John W. Larson, merchant seaman, transported from Unalaska, and Everett C. Savage, Eng. 1c. to U.S.P.H.S. Contract Hospital - at Seward, for inpatient treatment.
1930-07-23 ... 7-0030.JPG
  • 8:00AM: Syndey G. Burton S.C. 3c was found to be absent without leave with manifest intention of deserting, his personal effects being missing from the ship.
  • 9AM to 4PM: Sydney G. Burton S.C. 3c is declared a deserter as of this date. Sailing delayed on account of waiting for mail steamer due today and waiting for Wilson P. Boyd, Chief Radioman (a), due for discharging from hospital tomorrow.
1930-07-24 ... 7-0031.JPG
  • 8:48AM: WILSON P. Boyd, Chief Radioman (a) reported on board for transportation to Chelan at Unalaska, having been discharged from the hospital.
1930-07-31 ... 7-0041.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 9:30 Earl L. Ruff Eng 2c and Ivan E. Carlson Sea 2c left ship for out-patient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic. 10:08 Wilson P. Boyd, Chief Radioman (a), passenger from Seward, was transferred to Chelan.
  • 2400: Liberty party returned on time exept George M. Heuson Sea 2c.
1930-08-01 ... 8-0005.JPG
  • 5:00AM: George M. Heuson, Sea 2c, returned from liberty having been absent overleave for a period of about 5 hours.
  • 9AM to 4PM: Sub board Lieutenant J. W. Kelleher began examination of Robert E. Ayua S.C. 1c. for advancement to C.C. std (a), authority H.L. By authority of Article 406(s) Regulations the following named men were advanced in rating effective this date: Walter W. Ford A.S., to Sea 2c; Glen Lamphiar, A.S., to Sea 2c., Floyd E. Lockhart, A.S., to Sea 2c; Virgil H. Lowery, A.S., to Sea 2c.; Harold E. Major, A.S., to Sea 2c; Fred L. Shelton, A.S., to Sea 2c.; William Blaurs, F3c., to F2c; and James O'Neill, F3c to F2c. The following men detailed as messmen this date: John M. Rud, Sea 1c., to relieve Fred L. Shelton, Sea 2c; Glen Lamphiar, Sea 2c., Harold E. Major, Sea 2c., and Hiryuan N. Lucke, F 3c., for second month. C.C.M. (a) Arthur W. Clovis issued permanent appointment as C.C.M., effective as of 26 June, 1930, authority of H.L. June 27, 1930 (P.R. 73-701).
1930-08-07 ... 8-0011.JPG
  • 10:50AM: George D. Atkinson SEA 1C received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic
1930-08-08 ... 8-0012.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following named men were given out-patient dental treatment at U.S. Public Health Service Dental Clinic: Clyde L. Browning C~~~~; Swan E. Carlson, Sea 2c; Richard L. Marvin F 3c.
1930-08-09 ... 8-0013.JPG
  • 8:05AM: Rt. Rev. John Zlobin embarked as a passenger for St. Paul Island.
1930-08-10 ... 8-0014.JPG
  • 6PM to 8PM: Delivered effects of Rev. John Zlobin to agent, St. Paul.
  • 8:00PM: Rev. John Zlobin left the ship.
1930-08-11 ... 8-0016.JPG
  • 8:30PM: Whale boat returned with workmen from Bremerton Navy yard who had been engaged in work on St. Paul Island. W.F. Reed, W. I. Gilbert and L. Mickelson, Navy Department workmen, were received aboard for transportation to Dutch Harbor Alaska
1930-08-12 ... 8-0018.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Off. Std. 2c. Leoncion Zamora reduced in rating to Off. St. 3c this date for incompetency. Authority Art. 406(2). Regulations.
  • 5:10PM: The following named men, passengers from St. Paul Island left ship: W.F. Reed, W.C. Gilbert, L. Mickelson.
1930-08-13 ... 8-0019.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Lt. (jg) (T) E. W. Holtz appeared before U.S. Commissioner as witness against Utopian Fisheries Co.
1930-08-16 ... 8-0022.JPG
  • 6:40PM: Everett C. Savage, Eng 1c, returned aboard from treatment for appendicitis at contract hospital, Seward, Alaska.
1930-08-23 ... 8-0029.JPG
  • 1:00PM: Commanding Officer held mast and awarded the following punishment: Glen Lamphiear SEA 2c, Throwing lighted cigarette on deck, awarded 8 hours extra duty.
1930-08-25 ... 8-0031.JPG
  • 9:17AM: Observing party headed by Lieut. Commander R. B. Hall left to observe Chelan's Short Range Battle Practice.
1930-08-27 ... 8-0033.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Following men received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service Dental Clinic: - Ames E. Bixeman Ph.M 2c, Edward Morrison, S.C. 1c, George D. Atkinson SEA. 1c, and George I. Schlatterbeck SEA 1c.
1930-08-28 ... 8-0034.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following named men received out-patient treatment at the U.S. Public Health Dental Clinic: Homer M. Dean, Sea 1c; George I. Schlotterbeck Sea 1c. William Blanes, F3c.
1930-08-31 ... 8-0037.JPG
  • Mid to 9AM: The following named men detailed as messmen this date: Virgil H. Lowery, Sea 2c, to relieve Harold E. Major, Sea 2c. Glen Lamphiear, Sea 2c, second month. Herman G. Lucke, F. 3c, second month. John M. Reed, Sea 1c, second month.
1930-09-01 ... 9-0005.JPG
  • Noon: Boarding party returned accompanied by D. Hondo, master of the Japanese steamer.
1930-09-02 ... 9-0006.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 9:00 Armed guard consisting of Lieut (j.g.) (T) EW Holtz and five men left for Dutch Harbor to relieve Ensign P.S. Lyons and guard, on duty since midnight in detaining Japanese S.S. Kokusai Maru #100. 12:00 Leiut. JM Kelliher and five men relieved the guard on the Kokusai Maru #100. Enlistment of Anthony Fillo, Sea 1c., which expired this date, is extended until Haida reaches Seattle, authority H.D. 7002-1245 (August).
  • 4PM to Mid: Officers and crew paid for month of August by Special Disbursing Agent C.C. Humphreys.
1930-09-04 ... 9-0008.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Following men received out patient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service Dental Clinic: - Reinhold E. Larsson C.B.M. (a) and George D. Atkinson SEA. 1c. Aquilius B. Calderon, M att 2c, awarded Deck Court by Commanding Officer for disobeying lawful order of senior officer.
1930-09-05 ... 9-0009.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: The following named men were given out-patient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service Dental Clinic: George D. Atkinson Sea 1c and John C. Lee Sea 1c.
  • 4PM to Mid: Deck court, Lieut. Comd. L. E. Wells tried Aquilino B. Calderon, Matt 2c., for offense of 4 September.
1930-09-07 ... 9-0011.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Enlistment of Leroy V. Hendricksen C. 1. was extended this date until arrival of vessel at a port within the United States.
1930-09-08 ... 9-0012.JPG
  • Noon: Rt. Rev. J. Zlobin came aboard for passage to St Paul Island, Alaska
1930-09-09 ... 9-0014.JPG
  • 1:20PM: Rt. Rev. J. Zlobin, a passenger for St. Paul, left ship in small boat.
  • 6PM to 8PM: Convening authority approved Deck Court in case of Aquilino B. Calderon Matt 2c., but mitigated sentence to loss of ten dollars of his pay.
1930-09-10 ... 9-0016.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: 6:25 Sent boat ashore for sick wife of navy radioman. 7:10 Boat returned with Paul H. Hall, R.M. 2c, U.S.N., Mrs. P.H. Hall, and Mrs. H.J. Moore for transportation to Unalaska, Authority A.D.C.O. dispatch 9 September, 1930.
1930-09-11 ... 9-0017.JPG
  • 7:55AM: Sent boat ashore with Paul H. Hall, R.M. 2c, U.S.N., Mrs. Paul H. Hall, and Mrs. H.J. Moore.
1930-09-12 ... 9-0019.JPG
  • 1:00PM: Commanding Officer held mast and awarded the following punishment: Oliver Hall Q.M. 1c for Scandalous conduct tending to the destruction of good morals; (Striking Herman H. Lucke, F. 3c over head with mess bowl.), awarded deck court. Enlistment of Michael A. Saulter, B.M. 2c extended this date until arrival of vessel at Unalaska, Alaska. Authority article 446(2), Regulations.
1930-09-13 ... 9-0020.JPG
  • 4PM to Mid: Enlistment of Edward Borg, M.M. 1c., which expired 25 July, 1931 is extended for one year to expire on 25 July, 1931, Authority H.L. 19 July, 1930 (73-701).
1930-09-16 ... 9-0023.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: 11:17 Working party under Lieut j.g. (T) E. W. Holtz ashore to repair tennis court. Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c tried by deck court Lieut. Cmdr. L. E. Wells for Scandalous conduct tending to destruction of good morals, and sentenced to forfeit
1930-09-18 ... 9-0025.JPG
  • 9AM to 4PM: Working party under Lieut. (jg) (T) E. W. Holtz ashore working on tennis court. 11:00 Commanding Officer held mast: awarded Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c, a deck court for neglect of duty.
1930-09-20 ... 9-0027.JPG
  • 10:00AM: Hugh E. Pounds SEA. 1c. received outpatient treatment at U.S. Public Health Service dental clinic.
1930-09-23 ... 9-0030.JPG
  • 9:40AM: Deck Court of which Lieut. Comdr. L.E. Wells is sole member convened to try the case of Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c.
1930-09-30 ... 9-0038.JPG
  • 8AM to Meridian: Commanding Officer held mast and awarded following punishments: Paul R. Roberto, S. 1c., Hugh E. Rounds, S. 1c., Swan E. Carlson, S. 2c., and Horace I. Nordstrum, S. 1c., deck court for stealing herring at Dutch Harbor, Alaska; John H.A. Seaton, S. 1c., and Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c., deck court for neglect of duty on about 22 September, 1930.
  • 2:00PM: Lieutenant Robert L. Raney, Deck Court tried the following cases: Paul R. Roberts, Sea 1c, stealing herring at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, acquitted; Hugh E. Rounds, Sea 1c, stealing herring at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, acquitted; Swan E. Carlson, Sea 2c, stealing herring at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, acquitted; Horace I. Nordstrom, Sea 1c, stealing herring at Dutch Harbor, Alaska, acquitted; John H.N. Seaton, Sea 1c, neglect of duty, acquitted; Oliver Hall, Q.M. 1c, neglect of duty , acquitted.
1930-11-04 ... 1-0009.JPG
  • 11:00AM: Jack Ruffner; Cox. left ship on 14 days leave granted by Commanding Officer.
1930-11-06 ... 1-0011.JPG
  • 4AM to 8AM: John H.N. Seaton, Sea 1c, declared a deserter this date as of 27 October 1930, having been absent after leave had expired since 8:00 am 27 October 1930. - Auth. Art. 477, Regulations.
1930-11-08 ... 1-0014.JPG
  • Meridian to 4PM: The enlistment of Arthur W. Clover, C.C.M. extended this date until arrival of vessel at a port in the United States. Auth. Art. 446(2) Regulations.
1930-11-12 ... 1-0020.JPG
  • 4PM to Mid: Glen T. Henry W.T 1c left vessel for U.S. Public Health Relief station for out patient treatment. 6:00 Glen T. Henry W-T. 2c returned to ship.
1930-11-17 ... 1-0025.JPG
  • 2:00PM: Jack Ruffner Cox returned aboard having used 13 of the 14 days leave granted him.
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Re: Haida 1930

Post by Randi »

8AM to Meridian: Commanding Officer held mast: Absence of Aquilino B. Caldrow, M Att A., from 8:00 a.m. April 7, to 12:50 p.m. April 8, 1930 ~~ ~~~~d as unavoidable.

5:20PM: ~~st Asst. Surgeon (R) L. B. Steudwant left ship to attend sick person on shore.
Probably meant Passed: Having passed an examination for promotion, and awaiting a vacancy in the senior grade

Surgeon L.B. Sturdevant mentioned in ... nt&f=false
and ... 929-31.htm
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Ashuelot 1866

Post by Michael »

1866-04-04 ... 6_0009.JPG
  • 0100: Commander Clitx placed the ship in commission. Officers, New master and Commander John C. Febiger took formal command having read his orders from the Department.
1866-04-05 ... 6_0010.JPG
  • 1000: Crew came onboard.
  • 1700: Confined Privates Hayes and Kenny in double irons for passing the Sentry and leaving the ship.
1866-04-09 ... 6_0014.JPG
  • Noon: Rec'd from Rec'g ship Ohio John T Collins (OS) in place of John Wright (OS) who has assumed the name of Collins and returned Wright.
1866-05-30 ... 6_0067.JPG
  • 1155: Mr G. V. Fox, Assistant Secretary US Navy and Captain Bythesea of the British Royal Navy came aboard for passage to St Johns, Newfoundland.
1866-06-03 ... 6_0071.JPG
  • 1330: G.V.Fox S.A. of the Navy & Captain Bythesea left the ship
1866-06-20 ... 6_0093.JPG
  • 0800: Dressed ship with flags in honor of the Queens Coronation.
  • Noon: All English Men of War fired a Salute of 21 guns in Honor of the Queens Coronation.
1866-06-25 ... 6_0098.JPG
  • 2015: Patrick Dilmore Private Marine of this vessel was accidentally run over by a railway train at Cork. At 4pm today he having been absent from the ship without leave.
1866-06-26 ... 6_0099.JPG
  • 1110: Act'g Master G.F. Wilkins left the ship on duty to attend the burial of Partick Dilmore (Private Marine) of this ship who was killed in a railway train in the city
1866-07-13 ... 6_0116.JPG
  • 1015: The Portuguese Capt of the Port paid an Official visit to this vessel.
1866-08-18 ... 6_0152.JPG
  • 0800: Set Ensign at half mast in honor of the death of Gen Lewis Cass
1866-11-10 ... 6_0051.JPG
  • 0720: Charles H Wye (Lands) was reported missing. After a strict search it became evident that Wye had fallen overboard during the night.
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Shoshone 1931

Post by Michael »

1931-05-04 ... 9_0148.JPG
  • 0327: Following men completed inoculation against typhoid fever as required by Articles 2161 and 2162 Regulations; Oscar Hanson, M.M. 1c; Norman L. Bold, Sea, 1 c and Thomas R. Nordman, Sea, 1c.
1931-05-09 ... 9_0153.JPG
  • 1800: Acting assistant surgeon H. M. Elarbee incapacitated for duty. Dr. A. W. Wilson examined M. Elarbee at the request of the Commanding Officer. 1830: At 1830 it was reported that Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M. Elarbee U.S.P.H.S was acting abnormally, apparently under the influence of stimulant or drug. Called in the assistance of a physician from ashore, Dr. A. W. Wilson, of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Dr. Wilson reported that A.A. Surgeon H. M. Elarbee was not ill. He stated that A. A. Surgeon Elarbee had a normal temperature and a slightly increased pulse and that he had taken a considerable dose of a sleep producing drug. Dr. Wilson advised keeping A. A. Surgeon Elarbee under surveillance for the night. This was done. An investigation of alcoholic stimulants was taken and showed the loss of following articles since 24 April 1931:- 5 1/3 bottle Scotch Whiskey, 7 quarts of grain alcohol. The remaining alcoholic stimulants were removed from the sick bay and locked up in the cabin.
1931-05-26 ... 9_0170.JPG
  • 1337: Dr. Elarbee went ashore to examine patient prior to performing operation.
1931-05-27 ... 9_0171.JPG
  • 1330: Acting Assistant Surgeon Elarbee performed a Cholecustotomy operation on a native woman on St. Paul Island this date. Ch Ph M. Christensen was left ashore to care for the patient and take care of post surgical work.
1931-05-31 ... 9_0175.JPG
  • 1344: 1248. Acting Assistant Surgeon Elarbee left ship in otter boat. Otter boat returned with Act. Asst. Surgeon Elarbee and Christensen Ph. M having found patient Mrs. Nellie Krukoff doing well.
1931-06-10 ... 9_0194.JPG
  • 1000: Milse S. Hochikoff and his daughter Marry Hochikoff age 7 years of Attu came on board to receive medical aid for the child. At the parents request Assistant Surgeon H. N. Hand of the Tallapoosa assisted by assistant surgeon H. M. Elarbee, Chief Pharmacists Mate Cyril B. Christenson and Doctor Wilson (Bureau of Indian Affairs) of Unalaska performed a tonsillotomy operation, the results of which proved fatal. 12:30 Marry Hochikoff was removed from the ship for internment in the local cemetery. Milse S. Hochikoff taking full charge there from. Death was reported to the local authorities.
1931-07-11 ... 9_0231.JPG
  • 1700: Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M. Elarbee suspended from duty.
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Burton Island 1946

Post by Michael »

1946-12-28 ... 2-0004.jpg
  • 0800-1200: Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • GATES, Roy S. Jr., S2, 755-06-62, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-13 of 12-17-46;
  • GOODRICH, Joseph A., CY, 341-03-48, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., Authority, BuPers spdltr. Pers-632-GAC-1 of 11-1-46;
  • GRANGER, Arthur H., CMOMM, 328-44-68, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-ESJ-1 or 10-8-46;
  • HACKER, Robert (n), CML, 635-19-01, from Rec. Sta. Term Island, San Pedro, Califo., authority BuPers. ltr. Pers-634-MEB-3 of 10-7-46;
  • HALL, Stuart G., SML, 321-66-45, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. OP-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • HARPER, Thomas D., CMOMM, 272-12-00, From Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-EJS-6 of 10-4-46;
  • HARRELL, Henry C. Jr., F2 296-51-61, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAG-1 of 10-15-46;
  • HART, Fred W., EM2, 662-43-55, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Cali., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • HILTON, William L., Fl, 625-87-02, from Rec. Sta. San Diego, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-4 of 12-18-46;
  • HOUCK, Charles E., EM2, 604-61-76, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-WIS-1 of 10-4-46;
  • HUDDLESTON, James E., CMOMM, 346-64-50, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-EJS-4 of 10-7-46;
  • HUMMEL, Wesley F. F2, 317-66-83, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • HULSEY, James (n), Fl, 553-71-95, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • JETT, Carl L. Sl, 671-67-40, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-7 of 12-17-46;
  • JOHNSON, John M. Sl, 830-09-23, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif.,authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DWSer. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • KABRICH, Harry L. , Sl, 568-16-25, from Rec. Sta. term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-7 of 12-17-46;
  • KELLY, William E., MOMM2, 244-01-49, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authoriy, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-ESJ-4 of 10-7-46;
  • KERR, Rex J., S1ETM, 294-37-59, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers spdltr. Pers-6366-BPW of 10-31-46;
  • KING, Wayne (n), SC2, 358-24-21, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-MEB-2 of 10-31-46;
  • LASTER, William W., STML, 357-70-35, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers634-TRW-4 of 12-18-46;
  • LEE, Joseph L., Sl. 939-44-92, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calf., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-7 of 12-17-46;
  • LUCAS, Edward (n), F2, 339-72-71, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco ,Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • LYONS, Maurice B., RM2, 617-84-95, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Per-634-MEB-5 of 10-17-46;
  • MARLAR, Olin D. Jr., SK1, 670-43-71, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., Bupers ltr. Pers-634-MEB-1 of 10-8-46;
  • MCCLELLAN, Johnie J. Fl.,671-17-13, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-8 of 12-18-46;
  • MCCOY, Kenneth R., SK3, 566-06-19, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • MEALHOUSE, Mile D., Sl, 329-64-36, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, California, authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • MIROVSKY, Robert F., GM3, 314-49-17, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6361-HA-4 of 11-14-46;
  • MYERS, Stanley N., CMOMM, 321-10-51; from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Per-6363-EJD-7 of 11-20-46;
  • NOVAK, Louis A., SC3, 247-27-23, from Rec. Sta. Term. I. San Pedro, Calif., authority, BePers ltr. Pers-634-MEB-1 of 10-22-46;
  • OGLE, Theordone O., Sl. 553-24-88, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-Dw. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • OLSEN, Norman G. Jr., MOMM2, 575-27-55, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • PAPURT, ASrnold R., EM2, 381-48-71, from Rec. Sta Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • PEEL, Rollie V., CPX, 301-39-11, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • PERRY, Edmund J., Sl, 377-97-13, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island San Pedro, California, authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • POPE, Robert B., BM2, 385-98-91, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-MEB-2 of 10-9-46;
  • POWELSON, Charles A., QM2, 392-87-32 of 10-3-46;
  • RANKERT, Edward H., CQM, 385-49-51, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. pers-634-MEB-2 of 10-21-46;
  • REVELES, Gilbert (n), EM3, 577-23-22, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • RIGBY, Daniel K., DEMN, 328-21-62, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Califo., authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser.5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • ROSS, Victor V., BM2, 316-67-39, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif.,authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • ROY Henry R. F1MOMM, 604-02-97, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-MAH-13 of 11-12-46;
  • SANER, George J., COX, 555-93-22, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. Op414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • SAYLOR, John C., FCL, 632-08-46;
  • SCHAUVLIEGE, Clifford R., Y3, 957-50-86, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P414 of 9-27-46;
  • SCHMIDT, Billy E., RM3, 755-16-87, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority CWSF, Ser. 1-1578-pf of 11-6-46;
  • SCOTT, Clyde (n), FLMOMM, 634-01-66, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-MAH-13 of 12-11-46;
  • SISKA, Andrew F., RDM2, 654-97-14, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., Authority, BuPers. ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • SMITH, John L., CBM, 355-72-66, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority BuPers ltr. Pers-634-MEB-2 of 10-3-46;
  • STEINBERG, Robert (n), S2, 568-16-23, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, California, authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-534-TRW-7 of 12-17-46;
  • AITANO, Leoncio T. CK2, 421-05-18, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-18, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • TAYLOR, William A. CMOMM, 286-94-26, from Rec. Sta. Term Island, San Pedro, California, Authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-ESJ-3 of 10-14-46;
  • THAXTON, Kelly R. CMOMM, 380-56-74, from Rec. Sta. San Diego, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-EJS-9 of 12-20-46;
  • THORSEN, Robert M, Sl, 882-90-44, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. OP-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P-414 of 9-27-46;
  • TOWLE, George E., Sl, 312-00-96, from RecSta. Term. Isl. San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-TRW-7 of 12-17-46;
  • ULRICH, Dean H., Sl, 343-28-17, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P-414 of 9-27-46;
  • VEITH, Albert J., Sl, 225-27-69, from RecSta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P-414 of 9-27-46;
  • YEARWOOD, David L., F2, 986-93-70, from Rec. Sta. Treasure Island, San Fransisco, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-634-GAC-1 of 10-15-46;
  • ZIMMERMAN, Michael J., CMOMM, 214-89-99, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., authority, BuPers ltr. Pers-6363-EJD-6 of 11-18-46;
  • COPE, Harley F. Jr.,PHOM3, 891-31-19, from Rec. Sta. Term. Island, San Pedro, Calif., for duty in staff, Commander Task Force SIXTY-EIGHT. Authority, CNO ltr. Op-414-A12-DW. Ser. 5557P-414 of 9-27-46;
  • NICE, Bernard C., AMM1, 201-93-30, from Helicopter Development Squadron Three (VX-3) Lakehurst, N.J., for duty in Commander Task Force SIXTY-EIGHT Helicopter Unit. Authority, BuPers conf. ltr. Pers-6320-cgs-1 of 13 November 1946;
  • PENNINGTON, Lloyd G. AMM2, 279-81-70, from Helicopter Development Squadron Three (VX-3), Lakehurst N.J., for duty in Commander Task Force SIXTY-EIGHT Helicopter Unit. Authority, BuPers conf. ltr. Pers-6320-cgs-1 of 13 November 1946.

    F.A. WOODKE, Lieutenant, USN.
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Re: People Mentioned

Post by Michael »

1934-09-16 ... 2_0021.JPG
  • 2243 Members of crew of SHOSHONE rescued man with a line. Man was identified as Bill Helge, a fisherman of Unalaska, Alaska.
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