July 24
Off Northeast end of Atavanak Island
The tale of the S. S. Golden Forest, aka sometimes just nothing goes right.
They didn't have accurate information as to the location of the wreck but, by taking a bearing on the wreck, they established it was on the northeast end of Atavanak Island. They were running courses by log reckoning on account of heavy fog. (Wouldn't Radar have been handy.) At 11:25 the fog raised slightly and they sighted Avatanak Island.
0819: Received message SS Golden Forest ashore on North East Side Tigalda Is.
0909: Took radio bearing on SS Golden Forest. Wreck bearing 212T. From line of bearing it was believed vessel had gone ashore on Avatanak Is. instead of Tigalda Is.
11:31 Sighted steamer Golden Forest, ashore, bow on among rocks on Island. Maneuvered to position off wreck on various courses and speeds.
11:52 Anchored off wreck. Commenced making preparations for lowering boats.
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Meridian to noon. Watch begins with vessel at anchor making preparations to run a hawser to the S. S. Golden Forest.
1210. Lowered launch and surfboat. Fluke of runner line in launch. Sent surfboat to S. S. Golden Forest to investigate condition of vessel O; make arrangements for pulling the vessel of rocks and to take off man suffering with injured hand. A Signalman, George M. Henson, A. S., was placed aboard the Golden Forest to handle visual communication.
12:40 Surfboat returned from the Golden Forest with the Master, Louis C. Drewson, who came aboard for conference with the Commanding Officer. * (Second Mate John. P. Ness also came aboard for treatment of injured hand.)
1:22. Surfboat left for the Golden Forest with the Master. Motor launch left vessel with coil of 4 inch line and headed into wind and swells from the Southwest to pay out line and work toward Golden Forest. On account of strong tidal currents, launch was unable to make contact with the Golden Forest at this attempt.
At 1:55 a second attempt was made to run a line using #6 thread as a running line. This line was successfully placed aboard the wreck but due to current, line drifted to leeward of wreck and fouled on rocks and in attempting to clear the line, the line parted.
2:55. Received word that Golden Forest would try and free herself under own power.
3:00. Golden Forest backed off from rocks under own power and drifted into Derbin Strait and at 3:10 anchored. Anchor failed to hold and vessel dragged thru the Strait. Haida's launch stood over toward the Golden Forest to pick up a boats crew who had abandoned their vessel. Haida's launch broke down at this time and the Whaler "Unimak", which was standing thru the Straits, picked up the men.
3:22. Weighed anchor and stood toward Golden Forest on various courses and speeds maneuvering vessel to place shot line on the Golden Forest with the assistance of Haida's launch and crew and so to end of watch. Launch encountered very strong tide rips in straits.
O Vessel lying with bow to beach at the base of a steep cliff, rocks on starboard side, #1 hold had 12 feet of water, #2 hold 10 feet of water, oil tanks leaking and vessel working in SW swell. Vessel had gone ashore in thick fog at 7:30 am this date. Ships boats and lines coated with fuel oil from leaky oil tanks of wreck.
4:00 to 8:00
Underway in Derbin Strait maneuvering vessel to a position near S. S. Golden Forest to put a line aboard, both vessels in heavy tide rips and currents, maneuvering made exceedingly hazardous owing to Golden Forest being out of control and Derbin Straits being a narrow strait with numerous obstructions.
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4:04. Succeeded in getting a running line aboard the wreck and at 4:12 hawser aboard.
4:20. Hawser made fast to Golden Forest through bow chocks, being unable to make fast to anchor chain as the wreck was setting by the head. * Master of Golden Forest requested to be towed to Dutch Harbor.
4:20. Underway at slow speed with tow, set course of 360 True, increased speed gradually to 60 r.p.m. Gentle southeast breeze, moderate N.W. swells, hoisted motor launch.
4:40. Tow took sharp shear to starboard and at 4:43 hawser parted across the stem of wreck. Made preparations for taking vessel in tow lowered launch and maneuvered to a position off the wreck favorable for running a line.
5:08. Put running line aboard wreck and at 5:23 hawser made fast and underway at slow speed on course 360 T as before, increased speed gradually to 60 r.p.m.
5:35. Received signal from tow stating they were unable to steer as their steering gear was not working properly, tow commenced to yaw badly so reduced speed to 50 r.pm.
5:50. Hawser parted, made preparations for taking vessel in tow again.
6:15. Put line aboard.
6:30. Hawser made fast and underway at 30 r.p.m., received message from tow that their steering gear was in working order increased speed to 35 r.p.m.
7:15 Changed course to 330 True and increased speed to 50 r.p.m.
7:27. Steering gear on tow out of order, reduced speed to 30 r.p.m., tow yawing badly.
7:45. Hawser parted. Master of S.S. Golden Forest sent message that he would try making way under his own power, requested Haida to proceed ahead and set the course. Golden Forest had settled so deeply by the head her forward hatches were awash and it was impossible to tow her from his bow.
7:55. Underway 1/3 speed on course 291 True and so ends the watch with Golden Forest making fair progress under he own power. Visual communication maintained throughout by Haida's signalman aboard the Golden Forest. Visibility fair during watch. Sent C.+G.S. Chart "8860" to Golden Forest they having no chart of this locality.
They proceed as before, with Haida about 1/2 mile ahead, and in visual contact.
11:50. Akun Head abeam to port. Received information from Golden Forest that she was settling badly at the head with her forward decks awash and a request that an attempt be made to beach her in Akutan Harbor.
July 25
Midnight to 4:00 a.m.
Cruising as before on course 270 True at 1/3 speed in convoy with S.S. Golden Forest stopping at intervals in order not to get too far ahead of Golden Forest.
12:30. Hauled in log and maneuvered toward Golden Forest.
1:05.Received word from the Master of the Golden Forest that he desired to lay to until morning with stern of vessel toward the swells. Fog setting in with visibility poor. On account of poor visibility it was decided to lay to until day break.
1:15. Received work for the Golden Forest that water was beginning to creep in fire room and request that a boat come alongside for personal effects of crew and also requested cutter to stand by to take off crew.
1:25. Sent motor launch to the Golden Forest for personal effects of crew and made preparations for lowering life boats to be ready in case of abandonment of the Golden Forest by personnel. Played search light on Golden Forest to determine her condition.
1:36 Sent message to the Golden Forest and suggested she stand to the Southward and proceed to Lost Harbor. The master of the Golden Forest requested Haida to pilot her into Lost Harbor.
1:55. Underway at slow speed on course 196 True.
2:00. Motor launch returned with personal effects of personnel of the Golden Forest. Launch hoisted.
3:16. Fog set in thick. Bearing of Golden Forest 50 True. Stopped to await better visibility.
3:19. Fog lifted and so underway at 1/3 speed on course 180 True.
3:23. Sighted fire in motor launch; sounded general alarm and used fire extinguishers immediately.
3:25. Lowered launch to water.
3:26 First water.
3:30 Fire out, launch hoisted. Fire caused by a spray of gasoline in contact with lantern in after cockpit of launch while filling tanks. Due to the conditions prevailing, lantern was not removed from launch upon return trip from the Golden Forest with crew's personal effects as it was desired to have boats ready in case of emergency. Rolling of vessel at time of filling tank cause a spray to strike lantern. No damage was done by fire in launch other than paint burned in spots. The following articles were lost from the launch while launch was in the water: 1 boat box; 1 water breaker; 2 oars; 4 life jackets; 1 light standard, and 1 section of the bottom boards.
3:50. Resumed course of 180 true at 1/3 speed and so to end. Darkness with dense fog first part which made maneuvering difficult.
4:00 to 8:00 a.m.
Underway as before on course 180 True at 1/3 speed piloting the S.S. Golden Forest, visibility improving, fixed position of vessel as being off Lost Harbor but owing to heavy swell making into Lost Harbor the commanding Officer advised the Master of the Golden Forest that Akutan Harbor would be a better shelter for his vessel. Master of Golden Forest sent message top Haida stating he would
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leave the selection of a place his vessel be taken to to the commanding officer of the Cutter and believed he could hold on till they reached Akutan if the swell did not increase.
5:00. Steering gear of Golden Forest disabled, requested they be taken in tow again as they could make very little headway. Made preparations for taking vessel in tow, maneuvered to a convenient position of the post quarter of Golden Forest and at 5:35 shot a line aboard, using shoulder gun.
5:55. Hawser made fast and proceeded at slow speed towing Golden Forest stern first towards Akutan Harbor entrance making various courses as the yawing of tow made frequent changes of course necessary and varying speed to meet the situation. So ends the watch.
8:00 a.m. to Meridian
Watch began with vessel proceeding at slow speed for Akutan Harbor with S. S. Golden Forest in tow, stern first, steering various courses in order to counteract effect of yawing of tow.
8:30. Golden Forest commencing to yaw badly to port, setting Haida in position dangerously close to rocks at entrance to Akutan Harbor. Increased speed in endeavour to haul clear.
8:50. Chopped hawser free and stood away from rocks on various courses and speeds. S. S. Golden Forest drifting in centre of entrance to harbor. Received communication from Golden Forest that they were again able to proceed under own power. Stood about on various courses and speeds ant at 9:18 assumed a position astern of wreck, maintaining communication and directing her master as to the proper safe manner for navigating channel.
10:00. Golden Forest again became unmanageable and veered off to starboard in a complete circle. Haida brought about and stood clear of track of wreck.
10:20. Wreck again under control and standing towards head of bay with the intention of beaching.
10:50. S. S. Golden Forest beached at end of Akutan Harbor.
11:17. Anchored vessel.
11:40 Surfboat shoved off for Wreck with officer to investigate present condition on board wreck and so to end.
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Meridian to 4:00 p.m.
Anchored as before in Akutan Harbor.
12:40. Surfboat returned with boarding officer who reported that the Golden Forest was aground with bow about 50 feet from the beach with bow in 8 fathoms of water (high tide) 10 fathoms amidship and 10 1/2 fathoms aft; that forward well deck was dry as water had receded. Part of Cargo consisted of 110,000 gals of kerosene and 10,000 gals gasoline, all cased. This cargo was stowed just forward of fireroom bulkhead and is believed to have prevented pressure from breaking in the fireroom bulkhead. The crew of the vessel intended to remain aboard. There were 6,496 long tons of cargo aboard. The master desired that the Haida stand by in the event that the vessel worked off beach at high water as our assistance might be necessary. * Quarters and drills omitted on account of necessary work in connection with the wrecked vessel. John P. Ness, 2nd. mate of the Golden Forest returned to his vessel, the ship's Surgeon having lacerated wound on right firearm caused by a nail on 18 July, 1929. George M. Henson, A.S. returned from the Golden Forest.
2:00. Commenced transporting crew's personal effects, by surfboat, to the Golden Forest.
3:30. Intercepted radio dispatch from operators to master of Golden Forest stating that the Salvage King of Vancouver, B.C. would be chartered and sent to Akutan to handle vessel.
4:00 to 8:00
Anchored as before.
5:45. S. S. Golden Forest working her engines ahead to work herself higher on the beach.
5:55 Stopped engines.
7:30. Nicholas Schmitt, civilian from whaling station, came aboard and took oath and made application for his final citizenship papers. Maintaining sea watches in case S. S. Golden Forest needed assistance.
July 26
6:00. Sent boat over to S. S. Golden Forest with running line to bend on Haida's hawser.
6:30. Commenced heaving hawser aboard.
7:10. Hawser aboard.
9:20. Master of S. S. Golden Forest came aboard to confer with Commanding Officer.
11:00. Received word that an oiler from the Golden Forest had been badly injured on shore. Sent boat ashore to pick up man.
11:50. Took aboard Adrian P. Leeuw, an oiler on the S. S. Golden Forest, and placed him in ship's hospital for treatment at request of Master of S. S. Golden Forest. Man suffering from badly incised wound in lower left leg.
1:45. The Commanding Officer left vessel to inspect the condition of the Golden Forest. Crew employed holystoning aftrr deck to remove oil caused by hawser used in towing the Golden Forest.
4:00 Commanding officer returned aboard having ascertained that Haida's assistance was no longer required by Master of S. S. Golden Forest.
Saltwater People Historical Society
The 5,658 t steamship GOLDEN FOREST stranded and was lost at Cape Ilktugitak on 5 September 1929. The ship had departed Akutan 30 August, bound for Victoria, BC, with 34 crew and 6,413 tons or $300,000 worth of cargo. Fog and strong currents were blamed for the casualty.
Master L.C. Drewson:
"Vessel struck rock at Avatak Island, AK on 24 July 1929, when bound from San Fran, CA to Yokohama, Japan. Had diverted course of ship to meet USS HAIDA at Unimak Pass on account of sick member of crew. Vessel was badly damaged and was being convoyed by steamer SALVAGE KING that had been sent up from Victoria for repairs. We were proceeding along the coast via Seward and Cape Spencer and thence via inside passage." SALVAGE KING and motor vessel took off crew of GOLDEN FOREST and took us to Kukak AK."
The GOLDEN FOREST, valued at $300,000, was a total loss, as was her cargo. The vessel can still be seen on the rocks slowly rusting away at Cape Ilktugitak on the west side of the Shelikof Straits. Insurance was unknown by the master at the time of this casualty but another report was filed by the owners in San Francisco in October.
The Golden Forest, on the rocks at Cape Ilktugitak.

The journey of Haida and Golden Forest. She radioed her position to Haida as being on the NE end of Tigalda Island. You can see how far off course she was.