Northland -- Examples

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Northland -- Examples

Post by Randi »

Below are sample transcriptions with a few basic notes.
For a detailed explanation, see Transcribing Guide.

Example 1: In port

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You can adjust the grid alignment. It does not have to be exact!

Weather page

Entering the noon location.

It does not matter exactly where you click provided that it is in the blue box.

Completed page: Weather, Location, Date

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Events page

As is usually the case when the ship in in port, there is nothing on the events page that needs to be transcribed.

However, to help you become familiar with the writing, here is a full transcription:
Midnight to 9:00 am
Moored to north side Connecticut Street Wharf
Seattle, Wash. 7:00 crew turned to and performed
regular morning routine. 7:25 received 6 gallons milk
from the Arden Farm Co as per invoice #60766.
E. Moen, Boatswain

9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Moored as before. 10:00 Liberty party returned on time. Booker,
George D. (101-098) F1c, is now absent after liberty had expired
a period of twenty-four (24) hours. Granted liberty to the second
and third sections to expire at 8:00 am tomorrow. 10:30 Schultz,
George E. (101-544) Y1c, returned from ten (10) days leave on time.
11:15 Bennett, Charles C. (100-851) MM1c, returned from thirty (30) days
leave on time. 11:20 Received 3.5 gallons ice cream from Purity
Ice Cream Co for the general mess as per invoice. 11:25 Inspected
magazine and smokeless powder samples, conditions dry and
normal. Omitted quarters and drills, observing Sunday in
holiday routine.
I. J Stephens. Lieut (j.g.)

4:00 pm to midnight
Moored as before. 4:10 Booker, George D. (101-098) F1c, returned
aboard thirty (30) hours and ten (10) minutes absent after
liberty had expired. Crew carried out regular evening routine.
I J Stephens. Lieut (j.g.)
There is a remarkably legible list of the officer's names here.
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Re: Northland -- Examples

Post by Randi »

Example 2: Leaving port

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Weather page

Entering the 8am location.

It does not matter exactly where you click provided that it is in the blue box.

Entering the noon location.

Entering the 8pm location.

Completed weather page: Date, Course and Direction, Weather, and Locations.

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  • Nautical miles and Tenths are transcribed as a single number using a decimal point.
  • The Average revolutions and Tenths columns do not need to be transcribed. They are not saved.
  • The barometer height can be transcribed as in the log, all without the decimal point, or all with the decimal point.
    Use whatever you are most comfortable with.
    You may want to try Gordon's Pressure Data Auto-Fill (on the Setup sheet).
  • Cloud types can be transcribed as in the log, as ci s, or cis.
    Use whatever you are most comfortable with.
  • You do not need to transcribe Sea Conditions or Swells from.
    Those columns are included to because they sometimes contain ice reports.

Events pages

Only certain items on these pages are required.
However, to help you become familiar with the writing, here is a full transcription: wrote: Midnight to 9.00 am
Moored as before at Connecticut Street dock, Seattle
Wash. Crew performed usual morning routine.
8.00 Liberty party returned on time. 8.00 Received from
Golden Rule dairy, 30 gallons of milk; Received from the
Safeway stores, 100 pounds of Bread.
9.10 Mr. J. P. Anderson Botanist came aboard in accordance with instructions from Headquarters for scientific plant study on
cruise in northern waters. Received from Seattle Hardware
Co., 1 box hardware; 1 carton, camp stove; 1 Bundle electric
wire; 1 keg nails; 1 fish net for B. R. Hubbard at King
Island, Alaska.
E E Hahn Jr. Lieut

9:00 AM to 12:00 AM:
Moored as before. 10:00, Dr. A. GOODMAN, of Point Hope, Alaska and
Dr. HRDLICKA of the Smithsonian Institute came aboard as guests
of the Commanding Officer for transportation to Point Hope and
Unalaska, respectively. Mr. J. W. BOTSFORD, Mr H. W. COMPER, Mr. B. S.
LAUGHLIN, Mr. W. W. CLEMES, and Mr. A. G. MAY, all assistants to
Dr. HRDLICKA reported aboard for further transportation to Unalaska.
Mr. J RYAN of Seattle came aboard as guest of the Commanding
Officer for further transportation to Unalaska. 10:45, Held
quarters for muster and inspection. Made preparations for
geting underway. Draft 15'2" forward, 17'6" aft. 11:00, Augustin
POGODUAN (108-084) M Att1/c reported aboard for assignment to duty;
reference letter Commander Seattle Division 19 May 1938. 11:10,
Unmoored and stood out of Elliot Bay on various courses at
115 RPM, being temporarily in company with USS ATALANTA, C. G.
Inspected magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions
dry and normal. * (see following page for post entry)
J S Muzzy, Ensign

1200 AM to 4:00 P.M.
Underway as before on various courses down Puget Sound at 115 R.P.M.
1241, Apple Cove Point abeam to port distance .8 mile, changed course to 342 T,
344 p.g.c. 1:16, Point No Point abeam to port distance .7 mile, changed course to
315 T, 317 p.g.c. 1:33 Double Bluff Buoy abeam to starboard distance 1 mile, changed
course to 336 T, 338 p.g.c. 2:23 Marrowstone Point abeam to port distance .7 mile,
changed course to 315 T, 317 p.g.c. 3:25, Smith Island light bearing 12 T, 14 p.g.c
and Partridge Banks buoy 61 T, 63 p.g.c, changed course to 322 T, 324 p.g.c.
R. W. Blouin, Ensign

4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m:
Steaming as before on course 322 T, 324 p.g.c. at 115 r.p.m. 5:18
Lime Kilm Point abeam to starboard distance 1.3 miles; changed
course to 345 T, 347 p.g.c. 5:23 Decreased to 110 r.p.m. 6:19 Turn
Point bearing 115 T, distance 0.8 miles. Changed course to 61 T, 63 p.g.c.
7:17 East Point bearing 279 T, distance 2.0 miles; changed course to
0 T, 2 p.g.c. 7:35 Decreased to 100 r.p.m; changed course to 310 T, 312 p.g.c.
I J Stephens, Lieut (jg) wrote: (Continued)
8:00 PM to Midnight:
Steaming as before in Georgia Strait on course 312 pgc,
310 True at 100 RPM. 8:06, Reduced speed to 95 RPM. 10:54, Thrasher
Island Light abeam to port distance 1.20 miles. Changed course to
302 p.g.c. 11:45, Entrance Island Light abeam to port distance 1.5 miles
J S Muzzy, Ensign

* 10:30 John H. FORBING (217-573) Sea2/c and Robert M. WHITE, Jr (217-630) Sea1/c transferred to
ATALANTA; authority Seattle Division letter 19 May 1938 (73) Issued 44
night rations to deck and engineers forces. J S Muzzy, Ensign
(In 8:00 p.m. to midnight)
Entering the Sailing Information

Completed events pages

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Note: The display of the 8am, noon, and 8pm location entries overflows onto the events page.
To make the events easier to read I used the LibreOffice Format Cells... command to reduce the font size and change the color.

For the inquisitive

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