You're going to get a lot of salutes. Every time a naval vessel arrives and/or departs someone, somewhere will fire off something.
I think I had a record of 180+ salutes in one day at a giant naval regatta. I can't remember the ship, but it was probably the Concord back in Phase III. I was sadly mistaken.
The Dockyard / Re: Concord -- Discussion: Questions and Comments
« Message by Michael on February 08, 2015, 12:50:22 am »
I count 208 guns fired in Yokohama on 18 April 1900.
At 2:30 Rear Admiral Kempff hoisted his flag on the Oregon and fired a salute of 13 guns. The Baltimore returned the salute with 13 guns. At 3: PM Rear Admiral Renney hoisted the senior Admirals flag aboard the Brooklyn and fired a salute of 13 guns. Rear Admiral Watson hauled down the senior Admirals flag and hoisted the 2nd in ranks flag. Rear Admiral Kempff hauled down the 2nd in rank flag and hoisted the Junior Admirals flag. The Baltimore and Oregon fired a salute of 13 guns respectively and and answered by the Flagship. The Russian Cruiser, Admiral Corniloff and Italian Cruiser Calabria saluted the flag of Rear Admiral Renney with 13 guns The salutes were returned gun for gun by the Brooklyn: Brooklyn fired a salute of 13 guns each with French and British flag at the fore which was returned gun for gun by the French and British Flagships
The Dockyard / Re: Concord -- Discussion: Questions and Comments
« Message by Michael on April 22, 2013, 09:18:45 pm »
I wouldn't have wanted to be living near Hampton Roads Virginia back on 19 April 1893:
At 8:30 the French Flagship Arthuse came in and anchored. She fired the following salutes: 21 guns N.S. Flag at the Main which was returned by the fort, 15 guns English at fore - returned by Blake, 13 guns N. S. Flag at fore, returned by Philadelphia. The Kaiserin Augusta, General Admiral, Van Speyk and Bausan with the French flag at the Fore, which the Arthuse returned gun for gun with the German, Russian, Dutch and Italian flgs respectively at the fore. The Jean Bart fired a salute of 13 guns.
This comes to 228 guns fired in the space of a few minutes. On the previous day there was a similar number as the British squadron came in to anchor, followed by the Dutch ship. On that day, though, the couple hundred guns were spaced over six hours.
The Dockyard / Re: Concord -- Discussion: Questions and Comments
« Message by Michael on April 23, 2013, 12:28:07 am »
Did you say, "How much longer can this go on?"
During the forenoon the Spanish ships Infanta Isabel flying the Spanish Admiral's flag, the "Raina Ragunta" and "Ninva Espana" towing the Columbus Caravels Pinta, Santa Maria and Nina respectively arrived in the Roads and anchored. The Infanta Isabel fired a salute of 21 guns U. S. Flag at the Main, answered by the fort gun for gun. The following Flagships fired a salute of 13 guns with the Spanish Flag at the fore:- Philadelphia, Van Speyk, Kaiserin Augusta, General Admiral, Artheuse and were answered gun for gun with the flags of the different nations at the fore. The Infanta Isabel fired a salute of 15 guns with the English flag at the fore, which was returned by the "Blake".
At 1:25 Spanish Flagship fired a salute of 13 guns with the Italian flag at the fore which was returned by the Italian flagship with 13 guns, Spanish flag at the fore. At 1:30 the German Flagship fired a salute of 5 guns. At 2:50 the French Flagship fired a salute of 13 guns N. S. Flag at the fore. At 3:20 the Italian flagship fired a salute of 13 guns, N. S. Flag at the fore.
I think this totals around 260 guns though if the German, French and Italian salutes last mentioned were answered by the U. S. Navy, we would have around 290 guns for the afternoon. Unfortunately, Google is dead at the moment and has been for the past 20 minutes or so, so I can't double check the spelling of the Spanish ships, nor can I see if the real Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria did visit Hampton Roads in April 1893. Certainly something is going on, with ships from the Russian, British, Italian, French, Spanish and Dutch navies all in attendance. There was a regatta a couple of days previously, and there is lots of visiting going on:
At 2:50 Chicago - Concord (wigwag) Wardroom officers will dine the Hussard officers tomorrow night. Send invitations this afternoon.
Maybe life in the Navy isn't so bad. Did they have ear protectors in those days? Hunh? what did you say?
The Dockyard / Re: Concord -- Discussion: Questions and Comments
« Message by Michael on April 23, 2013, 01:14:47 am »
A new record for salutes, I believe. I counted 703 guns, 55 guns in this total were not reported as being returned, so the total could conceivably be higher. However, being the Concord, we still had time for a Summary Court Martial in the midst of all this. ... _054_1.jpg
Dressed ship and fired a salute of 21 guns with Italian flagship Etna at 8:00 a.m.
At 9:55 the Dolphin flying the flag of the Secretary of the Navy came in and steamed through the Fleet, being saluted by the Senior ships of each nation with 17 guns. Each salute was returned gun for gun. Dolphin came to anchor at 11:05 and dressed ship. The Spanish Admiral called upon the various flagships and received salutes of 13 guns from each. The salutes were returned gun for gun by the Raina Ragunta. The Italian Admiral called upon the various Flagships and received salutes of 13 guns from each. The salutes were returned gun for gun by the "Etna".
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns Spanish flag at the Fore.
The Etna fired a salute of 13 guns, Spanish flag at the fore.
At sundown fired a salute of 21 guns with the Italian Flagship Etna.
And, to top it all off...
At 7:40 Flagship signalled fleet (Ardois) The uniform for the Secretary's dinner will be full dress without swords or chepaux.
There were flagships from the following navies (in no particular order): U. S., British, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, French and German.