If have not yet heard, our dear Joan Arthur a.k.a. AvastMH died in the early hours of July 31st in Oxford, UK after a short illness. We are sharing remembrances of her on the forum here
For those of you wondering what's to become of OW Whaling now, I can assure you that the project lives on. My name is April a.k.a. arboggs and I am taking over as the project lead for Whaling. Some of you already know me, as I've been with the project since 2019, but for those of you who don't here are some facts about me: I'm in my 30s. I currently live in Northern Virginia. I have degrees in Media Analysis & Criticism and Popular Culture Studies. I have years of experience in curation and transcription of museum archival collections. And I love to bake.

If you have any questions, you can ask on the forum or you can private message me if you like. I look forward to sailing with all of you!