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Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:01 am
by pommystuart
I have been in 50c and low humidity with no problems, at 30c and mid humidity I melt. :cry:

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:10 pm
by Morgan
Stuart, you report 14c in the evening a couple days ago; now it is 50!!!! no wonder you melted. Stay safe, that is dangerous.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:36 pm
by pommystuart
The unusually hot 50c was back in 1972 or 73 I forget, near Port Headland in Western Australia. Very dry area (usually)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:49 pm
by Michael
It looks like we might have a white Christmas.

Code: Select all

The extended forecast summary for Victoria.
Date              | Night         | Morning      | Afternoon    | Evening       | Max | Min | Prcp | Wind
Thursday 23 Dec.  |               | Mainly Sunny | Cloudy       | Cloudy        |   5 |   3 |    0 |   22
Friday 24 Dec.    | Rain          | Cloudy       | Mainly Sunny | Sleet         |   5 |   2 |    3 |   22
Saturday 25 Dec.  | Sleet         | Mainly Sunny | Mainly Sunny | Fair          |   3 |  -2 |    3 |   29
Sunday 26 Dec.    | Snow          | Light snow   | Cloudy       | Partly cloudy |  -2 |  -7 |    3 |   25
Monday 27 Dec.    | Partly cloudy | Mainly Sunny | Cloudy       | Partly cloudy |  -6 |  -7 |    0 |   36
Tuesday 28 Dec.   | Fair          | Mainly Sunny | Mainly Sunny | Fair          |  -4 |  -6 |    0 |   18
Wednesday 29 Dec. | Partly cloudy | Cloudy       | Cloudy       | Snow          |  -1 |  -6 |    1 |   14
Thursday 30 Dec.  | Snow          | Snow         | Cloudy       | Cloudy        |   2 |  -1 |    7 |   14
Friday 31 Dec.    | Cloudy        | Mainly Sunny | Mainly Sunny | Partly cloudy |   2 |  -4 |    0 |   11
Extremes          |               |              |              |               |   5 |  -7 |   17 |   36

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:13 pm
by ggordon
The forecast is for a chance of snow tonight and tomorrow. There's supposed to be a good chance of precipitation. It's just a question of whether it will be cold enough. If it does snow, it will be the first time in my life that I've seen snow falling on Christmas. I lived in Wyoming for a couple of years and there was snow on the ground for Christmas, but no snow coming down.

Very cold air is coming down from Canada and by next week high temperatures are expected to remain below freezing. This is a big change from the warm Fall here. The first frost usually comes in October, but there has still not been any frost yet this Fall/Winter.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 3:19 pm
by Randi
13C and raining here this fine Christmas morning! :lol:

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 3:39 pm
by Michael
We had 0.4 cm of snow last evening and, technically, we have a white Christmas. When the sun comes up I'll send a photo, if I can get out the door! In places the snow is piled as high, or even higher, than the soles of my shoes. :lol:

This is the official forecast from Environment Canada:
Today Periods of snow. Amount 2 cm. Wind southwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 except west
50 gusting to 70 near Juan de Fuca Strait. High plus 2.
Tonight Snow. Amount 10 cm. Wind northeast 30 km/h gusting to 50. Low minus 5. Wind
chill minus 13 overnight.
Sun, 26 Snow ending in the morning then a mix of sun and cloud. Wind northeast 40 km/h
gusting to 60. High minus 1. Wind chill minus 14 in the morning and minus 9 in
the afternoon.
Sun Night: Cloudy periods. Windy. Low minus 9.
This is the forecast from the ECMWF model.

Code: Select all

The extended forecast summary for Victoria.
Date              | Night         | Morning      | Afternoon    | Evening       | Max | Min | Prcp | Wind
Saturday 25 Dec.  |               | Cloudy       | Cloudy       | Snow          |   2 |  -2 |    3 |   29
Sunday 26 Dec.    | Light snow    | Cloudy       | Mainly Sunny | Cloudy        |  -2 |  -6 |    1 |   40
Monday 27 Dec.    | Partly cloudy | Cloudy       | Cloudy       | Cloudy        |  -2 |  -5 |    0 |   40
Tuesday 28 Dec.   | Cloudy        | Cloudy       | Cloudy       | Partly cloudy |  -1 |  -3 |    0 |   11
Wednesday 29 Dec. | Fair          | Mainly Sunny | Mainly Sunny | Light sleet   |   1 |  -3 |    1 |   14
Thursday 30 Dec.  | Sleet         | Heavy rain   | Showers      | Partly cloudy |   6 |   1 |   14 |   43
Friday 31 Dec.    | Partly cloudy | Mainly Sunny | Mainly Sunny | Partly cloudy |   3 |  -2 |    0 |   11
Saturday 1 Jan.   | Rain          | Rain         | Rain         | Partly cloudy |   6 |   1 |    8 |   22
Sunday 2 Jan.     | Partly cloudy | Cloudy       | Rain         | Rain          |   4 |   2 |    8 |   22
Extremes          |               |              |              |               |   6 |  -6 |   35 |   43

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 4:07 pm
by Michael
As promised. Notice how we have trained the snow to fall only on the grass, trees and cars. Not on sidewalks or the roads. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 4:23 pm
by Randi
Looks lovely!

Good system. I wonder if you could train the log keepers ;)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 4:45 pm
by jil
Very pretty. I'm staying near Keswick in the English Lake District for Christmas and there's a light dusting of snow of the top of the hills now (and a yellow weather warning for snow and wind tomorrow!)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:05 pm
by ggordon
The snow hasn't made it down this far yet. It's been raining this morning with a low of 2.4 C. Winds are still out of the Southwest. They are still forecasting lowering temperatures later today with snow. So we should just barely have a white Christmas. They expect the winds to shift to the North tomorrow, bringing down the extreme cold from Canada.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 3:39 pm
by Michael
It's -6 here, the lowest temperature for 2021.

We went to our friends' place for supper last night. They live about 15 km from here. When we left, the police were blocking the road that goes from their house down a steep hill about 200 metres to the highway back to Victoria. They said the road was sheer ice, and the highway was blocked from the intersection at the bottom of the hill to Royal Oak, about 4 km south. They said that the highway crews would be out in about an hour. This was at 10:00 PM. They did say we could take the road in the other direction and work our way east and then south to Royal Oak at which point we could get back to the highway.

The roads were covered in black ice with a light dusting of snow. Even walking on them was treacherous. The road we had to take had two major hills, one with a 20% grade and both hills and several curves! :shock: Needless to say, we inched our way down both hills at about 3 kmh. Before we started, I had let a car go ahead of me, and he was just as careful as we were. :D However there were two cars behind us who thought we should be going a lot faster. :roll: We did make the 7 km detour with no issues, other than white knuckles, and once we got onto Royal Oak near the highway, the two cars behind us passed us on the right (wrong side in this country) and went zooming off. (By that time the road had been salted and it was just wet pavement.) But, I thought, better to take a few extra minutes on a dangerous road than spend a couple of hours piled up in the ditch at the bottom of a hill.

As for the forecast of 10 cm of snow, they overestimated by a factor of 10! The view outside is about the same as it was yesterday at this time. Just a trace of snow on the grass, parked cars and gardens. The little bit of snow that had fallen on the roads and sidewalks yesterday had melted and then frozen, hence the sheen of black ice.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:32 pm
by Randi
Black ice is how I broke my wrist a few years ago.

Christmas temperatures (F):
High ................................. 58
Normal high .......................... 38
Year ago ............................. 23
Record high .......................... 67 (1895)
Low .................................. 53
Normal low ........................... 25
Year ago ............................. 14
Record low ........................... -12 (1983)

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:31 pm
by Michael

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:36 pm
by ggordon
Michael wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 3:39 pm As for the forecast of 10 cm of snow, they overestimated by a factor of 10! The view outside is about the same as it was yesterday at this time. Just a trace of snow on the grass, parked cars and gardens. The little bit of snow that had fallen on the roads and sidewalks yesterday had melted and then frozen, hence the sheen of black ice.
Your snow came down here instead. The straight line distance between Michael's house and mine is 143 km. They had forecast 1-3 inches for the entire day today. As of 11 AM there is 7 inches (18 cm) on the ground and still heavy snow coming down.

I don't think the forecasters are looking out their windows. The latest forecast calls for a slight chance of snow today with 1 inch accumulation.

It started as a very fine misty snow at 11 PM last night. So we barely had a white Christmas.

I haven't gone over to check yet, but I'm guessing the steep four lane street a half block from my house is closed and the kids are going down it with their sleds.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:48 pm
by Michael
We have some light snow here. It started about two hours ago. These isn't much accumulation though.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:29 pm
by Michael
We recorded -9.2C this morning. It's the coldest morning since we've been here. Our weather station became operational in May, 2015. The lowest temperature it recorded up until today was -7.4. Using the data from U Vic, the lowest temperature since we arrived here in April, 2012, was -7.8. That was set 08 December 2013. Mind you, for all that, -9.2 C is still 40 degrees Celsius above what I experienced in Whitehorse. :D

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 5:08 pm
by Randi

4C and cloudy here just after noon.

12:19 Raining - again

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:59 pm
by Michael
So far we've had 68 hours with temperatures below zero. I was curious about what were the most hours with temperatures below zero. The date shows the Year, Month, Day and Hour that the sequence was broken.

Code: Select all

 90 2016 12 17 20
107 2020 01 15 13
143 2021 03 02 07
148 2019 02 11 23
172 2017 01 24 00
Depending on which forecast you believe, we could have another 45 hours or so until we get to zero or above.

Re: Transcriber Weather

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:43 pm
by Michael
We got up to +0.1C at 1 AM this morning, so our spell of consecutive hours below 0C ended at 101 hours. We had 7 cm of snow overnight.