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Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:16 pm
by sleepyowl
June and July completed, now moving on to August.

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 3:26 pm
by Randi

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:03 pm
by Michael
:) :) :)

It's quite different from the Panay, Helena and Monocacy, isn't it! I hope you're enjoying it.

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:37 pm
by sleepyowl
It's OK. It's like going back to transcribing the Bear again. ;)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:23 am
by Randi
In 1950 daylight saving time ended at 2am on September 24.
Burton Island set her clocks back.
However, the log doesn't have an extra hour of weather data. ... 9-0050.jpg

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:19 pm
by Michael

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:28 pm
by sleepyowl
August and September completed. ;)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:34 pm
by Michael
:) :) :)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:22 pm
by Randi
Well done!

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:34 am
by sleepyowl
On 14 Nov 1950 (image 29) there's an extra line of data between 1200h and 1300h ... 1-0029.jpg

Should I disregard it?

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:25 pm
by Randi
Strange... Daylight savings time was supposed to end Oct 29 that year according to ... _ends/1950, but there is nothing mentioned in the log on that date. Besides, that would normally be at 0200.

You could use the Time change instructions to enter it and add a Transcriber comment, but it may not be worth transcribing.

Wait and see what Michael says ;)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:38 pm
by Michael
I had this same problem with 1955. The log keeper sometimes gets confused with the blank line after 12 and enters something there. I can't even figure out what it is; maybe 1230? Because there is no time change, I just ignored it.

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:52 pm
by sleepyowl
OK I guess I'll do that. Thanks.

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:57 am
by sleepyowl
October and November completed. Now working on December, and hope to finish it by Christmas ...

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:47 pm
by Michael
Thank you! :) :) :)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:24 pm
by Randi
Well done!

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:39 am
by sleepyowl
December completed, so 1950 completed! :) :) :)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:44 pm
by Michael
Bravo, SleepyOwl!!! :) :) :)

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:51 am
by Michael
Barter Island
1030 Abeam Barter Island; established new record Point Barrow, Alaska to Barter Island of 20 hours.
A straight line distance of 264 miles, for an average speed just over 13 knots. They were in heavy ice for about two hours, although they didn't give a time when they cleared it.

File this under Haste Makes Waste! I predict they'll spend some time in the Mare Island dry dock when this is all over.
Note: The following structural damage was sustained during progress through heavy ice, probably on the 0 to 4 watch this date:
1. In compartment A-401-M the main stringers on both sides of the ship were sheared at frame 28;
2. frames 20 to 30 are buckled below the third deck port side form the outer bulkhead inboard approximately 10 feet;
3. the third deck plating on the port side is buckled between frames 20 and 30 from the outer bulkhead inboard approximately 10 feet.

Re: Burton Island (1950) -- Discussion: Questions, Comments and Coordination

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:34 pm
by Michael
06 December 1950
On route Port Molate to San Diego
2220 Salt water sprayed into #1 and 2 generator switchboard starting electrical fire. Fire quarters.
2223 Stopped all engines, laying to due to loss of electrical power in forward part of ship and loss of navigation lights.
2228 Fire reported extinguished, secured from fire. No. 1 distribution board out of commission casualty power cables lead out from #3 & 4 generator switchboard.
2346 Power restored by use of casualty power cables.
0000 Sounding fog signals due to reduced visibility, stopped, lying to while effecting emergency repairs to burned out forward ship's service switch board.
0006 All engines ahead 2/3 speed 6.7 knots 50 rpm on course 131 T.