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Re: Shipopoly

Post by AvastMH »

Morgan wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 1:23 am Lighthouse at Intrepid
Roll2+3=5>>> Anyone ever heard of a Dry Dock with a lighthouse??? Move over Stuart- I'm joining you.
Modern times, Morgan, modern times :lol: Don't forget to get the kettle on - I left some custard creams in the Drydock Store. I think the tea is either Darjeeling or Earl Grey :)

Dog's go 6+3 = 9 so onward from Alacrity to Dutch Harbor (ooo - time for a bit of cod fishing) which I would like to buy please, Mr CFO :)
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by pommystuart »

Will pay $50 to get out before all property is sold.
Now rolled
5+6=11 to Halifax which I will buy, Thanks.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by leelaht »

1+3 (I don't know what this is with these low numbers I keep getting) takes me to Chance
13 (well that's not low...) Hit by lightning, compass goes wacko, well at least it's not the barometer! Get a free throw-
5+3 ('bout time to get some big numbers) Pass Go and Yikes, Naval Fines Office. Well easy come easy go....
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Michael »

I hope they cleaned it up after my stay. I did trash the place before I left. :lol:
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Morgan »

Lighthouse here in Dry Dock munching through the stash of goodies. Thanks for the custards and old reliable favorite teas. I will leave a little bit of rum for the next folks.
So, like Stuart, I want to be out buying property- so Mr CFO please pay my M50 fine.

Roll 6+1=7 >>Community chest.
Roll 9 > USS Patterson. I, too, must pay for weather lessons. Another M75, Mr CFO, if you please.
Enjoy the rum whoever is next.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by AvastMH »

Michael wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 11:23 pm I hope they cleaned it up after my stay. I did trash the place before I left. :lol:
I wonder if I can make that into a future Community Chest card? 'Go direct to the Naval Fines Office to find it trashed by the previous player. Pay no fine, and receive M200 compensation from the Bank' :lol:
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Randi »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Hanibal94 »

New round!

Result of the dice: 2 + 3 = 5
You landed on Los Angeles
I claim this land as well.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Michael »

Michael's move
From Community Chest E: Throwing 3 + 2 = 5 => Ship's Refit
Please, Chief Financial Officer, pay the Treasury $100.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by AvastMH »

Woof! Dog on the move.
5+3 = 8 so I move from Dutch Harbor to Chance North
I throw 12 so I Cross the Line. I advance to the Crow's Nest to watch for Neptune's arrival and collect M200 as I pass Go (and collect anything in the Crow's Nest) Thank you Mr CFO :)

Well that was a dizzy round - very quick circuit of the board :o :lol:
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by leelaht »

Place was a pig's sty.
1+3 (again with the low numbers) lands me in Ilolio, which is still available. So I'll purchase it and change the spelling to Iloilo.

Iloilo City is known for its old churches and for jusi (raw silk) and piña (pineapple fibre) fabrics.
I'll think I'll fill up my hold with some of these finds and see where I go next.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by pommystuart »

4 and 2 puts me from Halifax to Pearl Hbr, please pay Leelaht M22.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Morgan »

Lighthouse on Community Chest
roll 1+4=5>> Chance (Not buying property at this rate.)
Roll 13 Hit by Lightening- well that can't be good for a lighthouse- but I would suppose it happens regularly, considering how they are positioned.
Because of compass malfunction, I get another roll.
1+3>> all the way to Sidney which Joan owns. (How did you folks buy up everything so quickly?)
Please Mr CFO, pay the berthing fee M22 before she makes improvements or something.
Safe sailing All,
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Hanibal94 »


Result of the dice: 5 + 5 = 10
You got a double!
You went around Go!
You landed on Naval Fines Office - pay 200!

Result of the dice: 6 + 1 = 7
You landed on Ketchikan
Well, at least I'm in my own port.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by AvastMH »

Boom! Here I go then! Dog on the move - woof :D

5+6=11 so I move to New York, New York, She's a wonderful tooooooown! Which I would like to buy please Mr CFO :)
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Michael »

Michael's move
From Ship's Refit: Throwing 1 + 5 = 6 => Naval Fines Office
Get your $200 for passing GO!!!
Please, Chief Financial Officer, pay the Treasury $200.

I suppose that's what I get for trashing the place the last time I was here. The wheels of justice grind slowly! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by leelaht »

1+6 takes me to Base Ship Tamar, which is not taken, so I'll snatch her up.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by pommystuart »

2 and 5 takes me to LA which means I have to pay Chris M28.

Is there no end to the pain of payment. :(
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Morgan »

Lighthouse at Sidney
Roll 5+1>> San Francisco, How convenient, I am currently in Oaklandon the East side of the Bay!
Please pay my fee to Leelath M26.Thanks.
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Re: Shipopoly

Post by Michael »

Michael's move
From Naval Fines Office: Throwing 6 + 3 = 9 => Sitka
The cost for Sitka is $140.

I will buy it, please, Mr. C. F. O.
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