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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Randi »

Gave myself another haircut :roll:
This time my knuckles escaped unscathed ;)
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by jil »

:D :D :D
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by AvastMH »

:o :D :D :D
Well done - saves a lot of money on skin plasters ;)
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Randi » Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote:Vegas officials hold pop-up vaccine clinic at strip club
The Associated Press
LAS VEGAS — Wearing a French maid-inspired lingerie costume and high heels, dancer JoJo Hamner waited patiently to get her COVID-19 vaccine in a line that snaked past a glittery hostess stand under a redlight chandelier. When it was her turn, Ms. Hamner sat in a chair
and held onto a small feather duster that completed her costume while a nurse administered the shot into her already-exposed arm.
Ms. Hamner then waited nearby for the required 15 minutes of observation, sitting with other vaccine recipients in leather chairs between plush purple booths, vacant stages and empty poles at this strip club in Las Vegas. “This is just the most Vegas thing I’ve ever
seen,” she said of the experience. Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, with a spinning disco ball casting rainbow colors on the walls but more
lights turned on than usual, was an unconventional site for a walk-in vaccination clinic. But as government officials and health workers try to address the slowing demand for COVID-19 vaccines, they’re increasingly turning to creative ways to incentivize people to show up
and get a shot. “This is just another way to access our population,” said JoAnn Rupiper, the chief nurse of the Southern Nevada Health
District, who monitored the walk-in clinic. “It might attract some people who like the novelty of it, I suppose.” The clinic opened for
several hours Friday night, administering shots to about 100 people before the strip club opened for its usual business. Several
workers at the club, including Ms. Hamner, a dancer at a topless revenue, got their shots at the clinic along with members of the public.
Some people who showed up to get shots admitted they were reluctant to get the vaccine but decided to go for it if it meant
visiting a strip club. Roberto Montti, who lives near the club, said he had been putting off getting his shot but realized he should get it in order to resume his love of traveling. Mr. Montti said he probably would have gotten his shot at a more humdrum venue but decided to go to the Hustler Club because it felt familiar. “I’ve been here so many — I’ve been here a few times. ... Maybe 10 times, give or take,” he said with a laugh. “I was going to wait, I tell you that,” said Las Vegas resident Michael Myers as he stood between a full-length picture of a naked woman and a sign promoting social distancing and other behaviors to mitigate the virus spread. Mr. Myers’ wife, Lisa
Harper, said he changed his mind when she told him they could both get it at the Hustler club. “I said, ‘Flynt’s Hustler?’ She said ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘Oh! Let me consider,’ ” Mr. Myers said with a laugh. “A lot of people that wouldn’t ordinarily do it, a lot of guys, they said, they
came here because it’s Hustler,” his wife Ms. Harper said. “To take away the stodginess of it, to make it Hustler, it’s very clever.”
“Nothing says vaccinations like a stripper pole,” said the couple’s friend George Stoecklin, who joined them to get his shot.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by AvastMH »

When I went for my jabs I noticed folks taking a long time to take off layers. I guess, in a strip club, that's not such a problem ;)
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Michael »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Hanibal94 »

A lot of interesting new German words have come into being because of the pandemic:

Coronafrisur - corona haircut (Some of my colleagues had really good ones - one went from looking like a salesman to looking like a lumberjack, and another started rocking the samurai topknot!)

Overzoomed - stressed by too many video calls (been there, felt that)

Impfneid - envy of those who have been vaccinated

Kuschelkontakt - "cuddle contact", the specific person you meet for cuddles

Abstandsbier - "distance beer", drinking with friends at a safe distance

Balkonsänger - someone who sings to people from their balcony

Hamsteritis - The urge to stockpile food and TP

Maskentrottel - "mask idiot", someone who doesn't wear their mask properly

CoronaFußGruß - "corona foot greeting", a way to greet others while keeping your distance.

And, of course:

Coronamüde - tired of the pandemic and everything that has come with it
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Re: Coronavirus

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by jil »

I especially like hamsteritis and have needed maskentrottel (if only to shout in my head!) quite a few times.

Had my second jab yesterday. They had completely changed the system as they are giving first shots of Moderna to the young people in the same place as second shots of AstraZeneca for the less young people. To avoid any confusion you are issued with a small laminated card in green (AZ) or purple (Moderna) at the begining and everything is colour coded. It worked pretty well, the only disadvantage was that the green queue was longer.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Michael »

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by studentforever »

When I left to go on holiday and visit my brother Renfrewshire, where I live, had a Covid rate in the 20s but rising. It is now, some 2 weeks later, near the 100 although as of Friday my local district was below 10. Most of the increase seems to be concentrated in a few areas but fortunately the rate of serious cases isn't rising as fast. I think the predominant strain is the one first identified in India.

I'm fortunate in that I had my 2nd jab more than 2 weeks ago so I should have reasonable protection but I'm avoiding crowds just in case. If the rate goes on rising they'll put us into level 4 which closes down hospitality, limits travel and meeting people even outside. Morayshire dropped its rate but Glasgow, our local city, still has some hot areas where the current outbreak started.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Randi »

Glad you at least had a chance to see your brother.
And glad you are OK!
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by AvastMH »

Glad you got to see your brother!

Love the new German words. I haven't seen anyone trying CoronaFußGruß over here. I've got no sense of balance so they'd have to invent another term for 'footgreeting concusion'. I guess I could wear a bike helmet so it didn't hurt so much as I connected with the pavement - head first :lol:
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by ggordon »

I went to the local Safeway yesterday and there were two new signs.


Despite a vaccination rate around 50% locally and mask requirements being lifted, I did not see a single person in the store without a mask. Back when mask requirements were first imposed, it seemed like usually a quarter to a third did not have masks. Now people seem to be afraid to not wear them.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Michael »

Good! :)
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Morgan »

In talking with friends, all vaccinated, it seems they will keep wearing their mask for a while, particularly in indoor locations- shopping etc. Then there are the folks who were reluctant to wear masks and similarly reluctant to be vaccinated. SO we may end up with vaccinated people with masks and unvaccinated folks without?
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by AvastMH »

I agree with you Morgan. I can also see a situation where there's a real pressure to show that you are part of the community by wearing a mask. Peer pressure?! ;)
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Randi »

People are pretty careful in this area. Many still wear masks outdoors even though that is not required except where people gather. Those not wearing a mask generally will either put one on as soon as they approach or will leave plenty of space when they pass.
The local farmer's market has started up. It is outdoors with masks and social distancing. I really missed it last year!!!
Masks are still required indoors, but that is also changing.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by AvastMH »

That's impressive- very impressive indeed. Well done the first nations! :)
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