Log pages for transcribing - apply here!

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Log pages for transcribing - apply here!

Post by AvastMH »

Welcome to the log book of the Mary and Helen 1879-1880

If you would like to work on a section of the log please
  • leave a note in the next available reply section of this board below
  • remember to say which section you would like to work on
  • a link to the workbook, for your transcriptions, will be provided to you by personal message
  • let us know if you would rather work in Excel, LibreCalc, or Google Sheets
  • each section of the log must be transcribed by three different transcribers
Where to start once I have my log section and workbook?
Please ensure that you read these information pages before transcribing
  1. Transcribing: capturing the log details, and information resources
  2. Transcribing: managing your recording workbook
Dates are in the format YYYYMMDD. Links to log book pages are shown in blue

Journey section/Users (3) Date from Date to General Position Comments
A** AvastMH (StrmA); (Stream B - not yet done); (Stream C - not yet done) 18790909 18800102 Southern Pacific Ocean Ship just turned about to head from Lat 50 S to the Arctic Ocean
B AvastMH (StrmA); (Streams B, & C - not yet done) 18800103 18800323 Mid Pacific Ocean Crossing the equator heading northwards
C SPHolmes (Strm A); AvastMH (Strm B); (?CATPerrault - Strm C) 18800403* 18800530 North Pacific Ocean Raised the ice 18800429
D SPHolmes (Strm A); Thursday Next (Strm B), jil (Strm C); 18800531 18800730 Arctic Ocean (Chukchi Sea) June and July 1880
E arboggs (Strm A), hannahggorton (Strm B)/Browndogger, AvastMH (Strm C) 18800731 18801012 Arctic Ocean to San Francisco Harbor At 18800930 south of Latitude 50 degrees North
1. *The dates 24th March to 2nd April 1880 are missing, the hand entered page numbers jump from 47 to 51
2. **Journey section A will be worked on after the other sections are complete to allow us to provide ice information in the first instance

Thank you for your help :D
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