Old Weather Forum
Old Weather: Classic => The Dockyard => Topic started by: AvastMH on 21 October 2012, 17:49:38
Add your questions and comments to this topic.
For Yukon I (1873-1894) see: Yukon I -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3346.0)
If you need help transcribing see: Yukon II -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3474.0)
If you are interested in the names of crew members see: Yukon II -- Crew Lists (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3616.0)
About Yukon II, it is a very tiny number of pages - only 5% of the
total completeness number. This should be easy to finish. :)
I do note they do not record weather in port in 1915, only wind direction and cloudy, etc., on the comment page.
Please could someone help with the position in the first events entry? It seems to have the name John stuck in there somewhere.
Eek Island: http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/usaname.php?uni=1401669&fid=usageo_1302
Apokak: http://mapcarta.com/24104838
No luck with the rest :-[
Thanks Randi - terrible writing this -looks good, but odd words are
scrawled. Also the baro readings are just shown as one full set of
figures, then just the changes to the decimal points. But it's only
about 70 odd pages so I don't think it's worth writing a lot down about
it. I don't think this is real Yukon II - I think it's the
dog end of YI. What do you reckon?
According to the year (1915), it is Yukon II - though there doesn't seem to be much of it :-\
I agree, for our labeling purposes I want to group these few pages
with Yukon I - Gordon will pull it out and the editors of any additional
logs can be fed this chunk. If Philip pulls it out as completed,
we are more likely to get any new logs as Yukon II as a separate vessel.
I don't think this is real Yukon II - I think it's the dog end of YI. What do you reckon?
Characteristics: Schooner, built at Kennebunk, ME, 101 tons, 84ft long x 22ft beam x 9ft draft.
Log Period and Areas of Service: 1873-1894, Alaskan waters, Bering Sea, western Aleutians
Summary of Service - one of the first vessels to survey the waters of Alaska.
- Surveyed western half of Aleutians under Acting Assistant William
Dall (right). USC&GSS Humboldt had surveyed the eastern half in
1874 - Departing from Sitka, she cruised west along
the Gulf of Alaska coast to Unalaska, visited the Nunivak and Pribiloff
Islands, and returned to Sitka.
1877-78 - Hydrographic survey of upper Puget Sound, leading to recommendation to establish the Naval Station at Bremerton.
- Repeated much of the 1874 cruise, but included visits to Plover Bay
on Siberian coast, Diomede Islands and Port Belcher, Alaska. Much of the
work included correcting the positions of various bays and islands, as
well as measuring compass variations, calibrating chronometers, and
collecting biological specimens. The 1873, 1874 and 1880 cruises, all
under Asst Dall, led to the publication in 1883 of the "Pacific Coast
Pilot - Alaska".
Fate: Sold at Tacoma, WA in 1894 and probably broken up at that time.