Add your questions and comments to this topic.
If you need help transcribing see:
Vicksburg -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3295.0)
Guides for US logs: drawing entry boxes, transcribing and editing (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3078.0)
Getting Your Sea Legs (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=4.0)
The Logs and FAQ (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=7.0)
Handwriting Help (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=8.0)
Technical Support (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=14.0)
If you are interested in the names of crew members see:
Vicksburg -- Crew Lists (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3397.0)
Example of what a weather page might look like when transcribing the last line of data:
Page link (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_025_0.jpg)
Example of what an events page might look like after the data has been transcribed:
Page link (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_025_1.jpg)
The date is required.
You may transcribe more or less other information than is shown here.
Here is her first log. :)
3rd Rate, of Main battery - 6 Secondary battery - 6 Guns,
COMMANDED BY A.B. H. Lillie, Commander, U.S.Navy,
Commencing October 23rd, 1897,
at Portsmouth, N.H.
and ending April 20th, 1898,
at Norfolk, Virginia
List of Officers: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol003of023_jpg_clean/vol003of023_003_0.jpg
Why didn't I start this an hour and a quarter ago - the 25th October
1897 is a mere 3 years before my father was born and is also the Feast
of SS Crispin Crispianus and the anniversary of the Battle of
Agincourt! I WILL persevere with the boxes and get neater.
It's still the 25th here in N.A. , sbpj. I can do a page in your name if you want ;D
Thanks Gastcra (where is N.A. can't get New Amsterdam out of my head
- very very old b/w movie about NY before it was NY) but I am doomed to
labour on with these rectangles till I get them right! Good
night! Just dawned on me it's probably North
America????? It's late - I'll read your reply tomorrow.
I should have said Canada, but I was thinking that Janet was still
on too and she's in the US. I was too lazy to type North America.
We've still got almost 3 hours to go in 10/25 - so think you are
typing while US and Canadian clocks are marking your anniversary. :)
Why didn't I start this an hour and a quarter ago - the 25th October 1897 is a mere 3 years before my father was born and
is also the Feast of SS Crispin Crispianus and the anniversary of the
Battle of Agincourt! I WILL persevere with the boxes and get
more unto the breach, dear friend, once more....whether you get those
boxes perfect or not you're still helping to save the planet!
Joan ;D
Another script oddity:
the letter o becomes rather strange in some of the weather codes:
Looks more like a diagram of a knot of some kind .....
Actually, that's the way I was taught to write an o (as opposed to printing an o)
1) So it's really a knotty problem ;D
2) That's
interesting randi - my 'o' is similar, but does not have that lead-in
stroke from the line...it starts at the top of the letter. ;D
my script 'o' has that little loop at the top, this log keeper just
writes his single letter as if it is following a 't' instead of a 'v'.
So odd, started typing yesterday (on the 30th) the Vicksburg 's log
of the 30th October, my son's birthday, where she was moored in
clear calm weather at Portsmouth, N.H., and in front of me were the TV
pictures of the Eastern Seaboard of the USA and most particularly for me
who lived there in the '70s, New York City practically blacked out and
with water flooding everywhere. Will someone be writing about the
Bounty in 115 years? Going to bed 5 a.m. has just rung.
I found this log oddity: a cicle around the figure in "proportion of clear sky" at 7 and 8 pm:
I'm thinking they were corrections from 5 to 0. The weather
changed from bc to oclt and ocltr - overcast never leaves half the sky
blue. Very sloppy of the log keeper, not crossing out and changing
Here too:
In this case, it looks as if the number might have been erased :-\
wonder if it is connected with the weather being overcast. The number
changed to zero because the sky was completely overcast? I see zero at
least some of the time when the sky is overcast.
I don't know what the best answer is. - I see that Janet has rescued me ;D
might want to put a note in Type What You See - Questions and Comments
Oops, I didn't notice that Janet had already replied because it was on the next page ::)
I have some more information on the USS Vicksburg. In February 1904
it was a witness to one of the first actions of the Russo-Japanese war.
It was at Chemlpo, Korea with the following warships HMS Talbot, French
Pascal, Italian Elba almong with the Russian protected cruiser
Varyag,gunboat koreetz and transport Sungari. On the 8th a japanese
cruiser squadron and a number of transports showed up and the transports
started landing troops. The next day at 0900 the japanese issued an
ultamatum to all Russian and foriegn ships for the russian ships to
leave the harbor by 1200 hours or be attacked at 1600 and for all
foriegn ships to leave the scene in order to avoid danger.
captains of the varyag, Pascal, Elba, (but not the Vicksburg) met on the
talbot. As a result the commander of the Talbot Captain (later
Admiral) Lewis Bayly visted the japanese flagship with a protest from
all the ship captains,except the Vicksburg's, on behave of their
goverments against the Japanese proposed attack inside the 3 mile limit
and the violation of korean neutrality. The japanese agreed as long as
the Russians inflicted no damage on them they would not damage the
foriegn ships.
Meanwhile, The Varyag and Koreetz got ready for battle
and around 1100 got underway. As they passed the other warships the two
ships bands played the national anthems of their respective countries.
The crews of the other ships cheered and the russian crews cheered them
back and sang their national anthem "God save the Tsar". At 1145 the
japanese Armored cruiser Asama oped fire on the Varyag which returned
fire. Five shells hit the varyag in quick succestion setting the ship on
fire. The 7 other japanese warships also opened fire and soon the
varyag was hit numerous times and turned back to the harbor followed by
the koreetz which had been hit once. The ships returned to their
achorages while the japanese force broke off the action and waited
The Russian captains seeing things were hopeless
decided to scuttle their ships. Their crews were taken aboard the other
European warships. The Vicksburg picked up some survivors and transfered
them to the other ships. The Sugari was burned. The koreetz was blown
up. While the Varyag was scuttled by opening the sea cocks and explosive
charges. As the ship sank the bands on the other warships played the
Russian national anthem, the sailors cheered and thousands of civilians
on shore applauded. Offshore on the japanese ships the flagship Asama
signaled "Banzai for His Imperial Majesty" and the crews of all the
ships turned east and bowed.
Postscrpt on the battle:
When the crews of the Varyag and the
koreetz got back to Russia with the help of the other European warships
they were treated like conquering heros for their brave fight against
the odds. A campaign medal was awarded to all the members of the two
ships crews. All the officers recieved the Order of St george 4th class
from the Tsar who also gave all the members of the crew silver and
money. Members of the public gave the crewmen jewels and clothing.
Russian goverment was also somewhat upset with the Vicksburg for not
doing anything during this action like the other foriegn warships. As a
result when the US military observers arrived in the capital St
Petersburg to observe the Russo-japanese war they were excluded from the
Tsar's welcoming reception. The Captain of the varyag recieved a medal
from the Japanese after the war ended in 1907. As for the Varyag, which
was made in the US, the ship was salvaged post war put into service in
the Japanese Navy as the Soya. In 1916 during WW I when the japanese and
Russians were allies she was transfered back to the Russians under her
old name. At the outbreak of the russian revolution in 1917 the Varyag
was in England and was later taken over by the british goverment. The
varyag was wrecked in 1925 while being towed to a scrapyard.
An interesting note from the Vicksburg, Nov. 17, 1887:
4 to 8 P.M. Cloudy first hour, then clear and pleasant to
close. Gentle breeze from N.W. Discharged from this ship and
from the U.S. Naval Service by order of the Bureau of Navigation and by
reason of purchase, John J. Quirk (Lamplighter) amount of purchase
That doesn't make sense to me. Are they saying, some entity
purchased his lamplighter services? Or he purchased a voluntary
I think it means he bought out his "contract" - his enlistment
period, if you will. Now that I think about it, I wonder if that
is why it is sometimes referred to as "cashiered" when someone leaves
the service. Well, I looked up "cashiering", and that was a
punishment - the person being cashiered lost the money he paid for his
commission. I guess it is the same sort of thing, only not a
punishment, but rather a form of retirement.
Now that makes sense. Since the Bureau of Navigation said he was
"purchased", I'm guessing he bought out of finishing his
contract. I really can't see any gov't willingly paying someone to
leave them short handed. :D
Just found this!
"a complete barkentine rig that could spread more than 11,000 square feet of canvas"
April 25th, 1899: Navigating Officer started writing two values in the temperature of water at surface:
and the following day is the same:
I transcribed those values in the "temperaure of water at surface" box the following way: 63-50.
If you prefer a different way, please let me know :)
Hi Silvia, Happy New Year!
Please see "Double Entries" in http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.msg51629#msg51629
Thank you randi_2 :)
Happy New Year to you, too!! :)
Hi all -
I have working on the Vicksburg, and I just realized
that the morning and evening lat/long entries don't specify the type -
Observed or DR. What to do?
In general, all unlabeled lat/long readings are DR - except at
Noon. At noon, any unlabeled lat/longs are assumed to be observed.
ANY form of observation is considered observed.
"observed" but not "Observed"?
"observed" but not "Observed"?
had a few where a lat/long position is labeled as being determined by
observation of a landmark. These, and all other labels giving
various methods of observation, go in the "Observed" category of
lat/long locations.
Hi to all.
I just transcribed my first few pages and now I
have my first question. Sometimes there are two values for the force of
the wind separated by a point like 4.5 or 0.1. I guess this means a wind
force in between of 4 and 5 (or 0 and 1). But how should I best enter
this in the transcriptions ? I choose to TWYS and did 4.5 and 0.1. But
is that the right way or should I transcribe this differently ?
Welcome to Old Weather, Putzibram.
I am not familiar with the
Viksburg but the period in this case is likely a decimal point rather
than an indication of a range. I have seem some log keepers us a hyphen
for a range.
In any case, you have done well by entering it as you see it.
It would be helpful in the future to post a link to the page you are enquiring about. Here is a description of how to do this.
We are not allowed to make additions or corrections, but there is some latitude in interpreting what was written.
It is sometimes hard to determine if something is a decimal point or a very short dash.
context will help. I suspect that you are right about them being ranges
of wind speed since 0.1 seems an unlikely speed. What were the
corresponding wind directions and weather codes?
As Craig said, TWYS is always correct.
Hi to all.
just transcribed my first few pages and now I have my first question.
Sometimes there are two values for the force of the wind separated by a
point like 4.5 or 0.1. I guess this means a wind force in between of 4
and 5 (or 0 and 1). But how should I best enter this in the
transcriptions ? I choose to TWYS and did 4.5 and 0.1. But is that the
right way or should I transcribe this differently ?
working on the Vicksburg too. ;D I've interpreted those numbers
as ranges: 4-5, 0-1. Occassionally they'll even show up as 3-1.
Are you blockading Cuba? My logs have me back at Rhode Island, Virginia etc. Taking on stores and new apprentices.
I've been transcribing actual miles per hour rather than codes for
such a long time on the Jeannette that a decimal sounded reasonable to
me. I agree that it probably denotes a range in your case.
ok, here is something I have not seen before:
At 7:00, Annapolis signaled uniform same as yesterday. Under scandalized foretopsail only.
http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3515.msg69002#msg69002 and
I saw that after I posted the log snippet - :P
February 1904, Vicksburg is in Chemulpho Bay.
On February 9th, 1904, the Battle of Chemulpho took place.
to Vicksburg's log book, February 9th 1904, there is a copy of the
letter signed S Uriu, Rear Admiral commanding a Squadron of the Imperial
Japanese Navy, dated Febraury 8th, informing that because of the
hostilities between the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire they will
attach the man-of war of the Russian Navy present in Chemulpho.
respectfully request the Senior American Naval Officer to keep away
from the scene of action the ships under his command and any other
merchant ships or transports of the same nationality.
Battle of Chemulpho:
Vicksbug log book pages February 9th, 1904:
Very interesting. I was nice of the Vicksburg to pick up the Russians who had abandoned ship.
lollia paolina passes the 45,000 mark!
JennyMH passes the 1500 mark!
bpb42 passes the 1000 mark!
JennyMH passes the 2000 mark!
8 Oct 1900, Ships met:
Amphitrite II (http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/a8/amphitrite-ii.htm)
Osceola II (http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/o4/osceola-ii.htm)
lollia paolina passes the 50,000 mark!
wendolk (Kathy)
welcome back !
welcome back !
JennyMH passes the 2500 mark!
bpb42 passes the 1500 mark!
That's more like it Kathy! ;)
:-* ;D
JennyMH passes the 3000 mark!
bpb42 passes the 2000 mark!
Welcome to the top 12 !
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) lollia paolina passes the 60,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
JennyMH passes the 4000 mark!
Welcome back !
Welcome back !
Again ;D
Welcome back !
bpb42 passes the 2500 mark!
JennyMH passes the 5000 mark!
bpb42 passes the 3000 mark!
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) lollia paolina passes the 70,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
Welcome to the top 12 !
Maxntopeka passes the 500 mark!
Maxntopeka passes the 1000 mark!
Welcome back !
Maxntopeka passes the 1500 mark!
Maxntopeka passes the 2000 mark!
Maxntopeka passes the 2500 mark!
JennyMH passes the 6000 mark!
Maxntopeka passes the 3000 mark!
leelaht passes the 10,000 mark!
ttrujillo passes the 500 mark!
Maxntopeka passes the 4000 mark!
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) lollia paolina passes the 80,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
Good work, admiral Silvia! 8) 8) 8)
leelaht passes the 15,000 mark!
Go leelaht go! ;D
huff huff huff huff
Maxntopeka passes the 5000 mark!
Applause, applause for Maxntopeka! :D
Thank you! The pleasure has all been mine.
leelaht passes the 20,000 mark!
Maxntopeka passes the 6000 mark!
just a few hundred more and you'll be 3rd lieutenant 8)
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) lollia paolina passes the 90,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
Oh my Sylvia! This is just so inspirational. I'll add a smiley to that too:
WOW! Great job Silvia - I wish I had that much free time!
Maxntopeka passes the 7000 mark!
what's for dinner?
Nagasaki Japan Apr 11, 1903: fresh meat, bread, potatoes, eggs
Nagasaki Japan Apr 13, 1903: veal, bread, potatoes
Nagasaki Japan Apr 14, 1903: potatoes, sausage, liver, eggs
Nagasaki Japan Apr 15, 1903: highland cream, beef, potatoes, carrots, turnips, eggs, beef
Nagasaki Japan Apr 16, 1903: bread
Nagasaki Japan Apr 17, 1903: beef, minced meat, bread, eggs, pork chops, beef, potatoes
Japan Apr 18, 1903: beef, potatoes, onions, carrot sticks, eggs, corned
beef, tomatoes, pea beans, prunes, dried apples, salt pork, salt beef,
swiss milk, sugar, hops, rice,
Nagasaki Japan Apr 19, 1903: bread, ?, liver
Nagasaki Japan Apr 21, 1903: beef, potatoes, salt
what's for dinner in Shanghai China?
Apr 24: beef, liver
25: clam chowder, minced candy, ? candy, chocolate candy, minced
chocolate, tablet soop (soap? soup?), pineapple, minced biscuit, black
and tan, sweet heat cigareets, shoe blackery, sweet supair cigarettes,
hooden pipe, mutton
Apr 26: veal, beef, eggs
Apr 27: pork chops
Apr 28: cabbage, minced meat, bread
Apr 29: beef, fish, bread, potatoes
Apr 30: cabbage, beef, bread, salt cod fish
May 1: bread, liver
May 2, beef, bread, butter, potatoes, onions
May 3: mixed candy, chocolate candy bread, roast veal, pork chops
May 4: bread, pork chops, beef, oatmeal, potatoes, minced meat
May 5: fish, bread, vegetables, roast beef, bread, onions
May 7: ox liver, beef roast, bread, beef
Those days of lots of candy puzzle me - why not spread it out?
And April 18 is the only one where I think you could pull a balanced meal out!
It might have to do with ordering different goods from various differenat chandlers?
But you would think they could save fresh veggies a day or two and certainly candy!
April 18 and 25 are Saturdays - I wonder if that has any import? Maybe that is delivery day?
Very interesting! Thank you!
I was surprised at the lack of fruits and vegetables (or maybe I
shouldn't be - "meat and potatoes" back then). Or maybe they were
coming in without the receipts being inserted into the log book.
Poultry seems to be absent. I'd have thought beef harder to come
by than poultry. They were in Shanghai for about 2 months, and now
in Chefoo. Thought a sampling would be fun. But didn't want
to belabor the info unless you're curious.
I think it is very interesting. I too would expect
poultry, especially as it was considered a Sunday treat in the US in
those days, but an everyday food in Asia. It would be especially
intriguing to see how meals changed by location in the world.
logs do not record anything like that - not even the fresh food supplies
they receive on board in most cases. I only occasionally see "50
lbs fresh bread delivered for ship's crew." So, thank you
for posting your discoveries!
You should post this in DZM's query thread for stuff to use in his Zooniverse blog:
Not sure this comment applies to 1903, but:
remember a time in my life when beef was the usual for Sunday lunch and
chicken was a once-a-year Christmas dinner treat. - Same back then.
On the other hand, maybe they had chickens on board :-\
I found this earlier:
was no refrigeration aboard ship in olden days. Foodstuffs were apt to
spoil easily, and as a result the cook's tasks were made even harder.
Fresh meat was carried only in small quantities and fresh vegetables
were almost unheard of. When ships were in foreign ports hunting parties
were organized to seek fresh meat. In larger ships and on short
passages, live beasts were carried for fresh meat, but on long voyages
oxen, like men, could get scurvy too, or at any rate thin down to
uselessness, and sheep took poorly to the sea life. In good weather hens
prospered and about the only animal to prosper at sea was the goat, and
the goats prospered always.
more dinner ingredients from Shanghai China
May 8: eggs, beef, bread
May 9: onions, potatoes, more potatoes bread, pork
May 10: eggs, bread, mutton
May 11: butter, pineapples, eggs, bread, beef
May 12: bread, pork
May 14: bread, veal
May 15: bread, fish
May 16: eggs, onions, sugar, milk, cream
May 17: bread, chicken, minced meat, potatoes, fresh eggs, oatmeal, more eggs
May 19: fresh pork (chops and roast), bread, vanilla ext, grd cinnamon, grd nutmeg
May 20: mutton chops, roast veal, fresh bread, butter (Holland)
May 21: fresh beef, fresh eggs, rolled oatmeal, fresh beef, fresh bread, onions
May 22: fresh beef, liver, canned tomatoes, pepper, turnips, carrots, candy, fresh fish, bread
May 23: fresh beef, fresh bread
May 24: pies, fresh beef, fresh bread
I think I will join them on 11 May - scrambled eggs and toast with pineapple on the side. :D
I fancy May 16th - onion custard...yummmmy! ::) :-X
dinner being served in Shanghai
May 25: butter, beef, bread, hamburger steak, onions
May 26: veal, bread, potatoes
May 27: mutton, bread
May 28: eggs, oatmeal rolled, beef, bread
May 29: ox liver, chicken, beef steak, fresh fish, bread
May 30: bread, banana, apple pies
May 31: minced meat, fresh pork, bread
June 1: beef, bread, ice, corned beef, milk cond, cabbage, beef steak
2: butter, rolled oats, salt codfish, condensed milk, macaroni, salmon,
tinned tomatoes, cocoa, mustard, pepper, salt (table), smoked ham,
dried apples, beans, canned corned beef, canned roast beef, biscuit,
sugar, flour wheat, canned ham, dried peaches, pickles, prunes, raisins,
rice, lima beans, string beans, vinegar, syrup
June 3: bread, veal, ice, pork chops, potatoes
June 4: coffee, tea, beef fresh, bread, ice
June 5: ext vanilla, stew beef, ice, fresh fish, bread, ice
June 6: sugar, milk cond, lard, mutton, ice, bread
June 7: pork chops, fresh beef, bread, ice, beets
June 8; corned beef, cabbage, leg of pork, bread, ice
June 9: beef steak, bread, ice potatoes
June 10: beef steak, veal, ice, bread
June 11: eggs, fresh beef, bread, ice
12: playing cards, chocolate candy, cigarettes (peacock), canned clam
chowder, canned oysters, biscuits assts, shoe strings, mellen's talcum
powder fish, onions, bread, ice, potatoes cabbage, beef, eggs
next stop Chefoo China
I'll pop in on the 4'th for some tea ;D
(save me a bit of condensed milk and sugar from the 2'nd ;))
I'm for the party on June 12th
What's for dinner at Chefoo, China?
June 17: bread, hamburger steak
June 18: eggs, fresh beef, bread, beefsteak
June 19: mutton, bread
June 20: veal, bread
June 21: bread, fresh beef, soup greens
June 22: beefsteak, cabbage, bread, beef
June 23: bread, mutton
June 24: fresh beef, bread, eggs
June 25: beefsteak, bread, fresh beef, bread
June 26: mutton, bread, hamburger steak
June 27: beef, bread
June 28: veal, bread, soup greens
June 29: mutton, bread
June 30: stew beef, roast beef, bread
A more repetitive grocery list. No pork, no liver, no fish or poultry.
and very little veggies :P
What's for dinner in Chefoo?
July 1: fresh beef, soup greens, bread
July 2: turkeys, more turkeys, veal, bread
July 3: fresh beef, ice, bread, walnuts, peaches, celery, can cranberry sauce
July 6: mutton, bread
July 7: eggs, fresh beef, bread, potatoes
July 8: pork roast, bread
July 9: beef, bread
July 10: veal, bread, potatoes
July 11: steer beef, soup greens, bread
July 13: fresh beef, cabbage, bread
July 14: veal, bread
July 15: beef, bread
July 16: stew beef, bread
July 17: fresh beef, cabbage, bread
July 18: potatoes, hamburger steak, bread
July 19: eggs, fresh beef, bread
July 20: bread, beef pot roast, soup greens, potatoes
July 21: onions
July 22: fresh beef, bread, soup greens, fresh beef, bread, potatoes
next stop: Kung Tung Tao (island in Chefoo Harbor)
Peaches, that's a nice change! ;D
I am very surprised at the amount of beef - how the heck did cattle
get to Chefoo? Are this western brokers with a network of
specialized ranchers? Are the cattle transported live and then
slaughtered to order? Produce is one thing - seeds are easily
transported and if the weather allows can be grown most anywhere with
varying success. But beef requires a significant
Any of you historians out there know how this worked?
I thought the thanksgiving-type dinner prepared for Fourth of July was interesting.
Yes - the cranberry sauce struck me too.
I think cranberries - maybe, or just our kind of cranberry - are
native to America, and not a popular export crop. They might have
just been hungry for the taste of home.
And someone had to foresee their craving for cranberries and ship
them in from North America to have on hand for those hungry Americans
when the craving struck. All rather remarkable.
What's for dinner in Kung Tung Tao, China (same supplier as Chefoo China)
July 23: cabbage, fresh beef, bread
July 24: fresh pork, bread, fresh vegetables
July 25: fresh beef, bread, eggs
July 26: fresh beef bread, soup greens
July 27: cabbage, fresh beef, bread, hamburger steak
July 28: Fresh pork, bread, stew beef
July 29: fresh beef, fresh bread, soup greens, ice
July 30: bread cabbage
July 31: fresh beef, fresh bread, sugar
Aug 1: fresh meat fresh bread, pepper
Aug 2: bread, soup greens
Aug 3: potatoes, bread, cabbage
Aug 4: sugar, fresh meat, fresh bread, eggs
Aug 5: bread, beef
Aug 6: bread, potatoes, ham
Aug 7: eggs, bacon
Aug 8: sugar, potatoes, eggs, fresh meat potatoes
Aug 9: fresh meat
Aug 10: smoked ham, potatoes, eggs, cabbage, sugar, pepper
Aug 11: fresh beef, soup greens
Aug 12: stew beef bread, baking powder
Looks like we're moving back to Chefoo next
At least they are doing a bit better on the veggies!
(lunch here is Cantonese rice with steamed cabbage ;D)
I wonder about the 'meat.' Did they not know what they were
getting, or was it a mixture of meats, or just got tired of writing beef
all the time?
I think Chinese traditionally also eat dog meat - and the sailors may be wanting to ignore that.
What's for dinner in Chefoo, China (with quantities)
Aug 13: 72 lbs bacon, 400 eggs
Aug 14: 114 1/4 lbs fresh meat, 100 lbs onions, 500 lbs potatoes
15: 80 lbs hamburger steak, 300 lbs butter (Danish), 150 lbs smoked
ham, 300 lbs can'd vegs, 300 lbs milk (cond), 300 lbs tomatoes, 125 lbs
Aug 16: 120 lbs fresh beef
Aug 17: 500 eggs, 300 lbs potatoes
Aug 18: 120 lbs fresh beef
Aug 19: 300 lbs potatoes, 149 1/2 lbs cabbages
Aug 20: 400 eggs, 120 lbs fresh meat
Aug 21: 500 lbs potatoes, 120 lbs fresh meat, 60 lbs fresh meat
Aug 22: 150 lbs sugar
Aug 23: 70 lbs hamburger steak, 50 lbs onions, 113 lb fresh meat
Aug 24: 56 1/2 lbs fresh meat
Aug 25: 100 lbs tomatoes, 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Aug 26: 500 eggs, 130 lbs veal
Aug 27: 300 lbs potatoes, 150 lbs sugar, 130 lbs roast beef
Aug 28: 300 lbs potatoes, 69 lbs hamburger steak, 100 lbs American ham (smoked), 120 lbs cabbage
Aug 30: 500 eggs, 130 lbs veal, 50 lbs onions 50 lbs salt
Aug 31: 120 lbs beef for roast
Aug 13 sounds more like breakfast ;)
I love those fractions that creep in: 114 1/4 lbs fresh meat ::)
Aug 19 cabbages was originally 150 lbs, and was corrected to 149 1/2. :o
I wonder if they weighed everything or if this was a spot check.
Aug 22: 150 lbs sugar
Healthy dinner? ;)
Maxntopeka passes the 8000 mark!
What's cooking in Chefoo China:
Sep 1: 150 lbs sugar, 300 lbs potatoes, 125 1/2 lbs fresh beef
Sep 2: 200 lbs cheese, 8 lbs pepper, 560 lbs ham, 560 lbs bacon, 70 lbs beef for roast, 60 lbs stew beef, 600 eggs
Sep 4: 600 eggs, 119 lbs veal, 100 lbs potatoes, 200 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs butter
Sep 5: 143 lbs fresh beef, 100 lbs butter, 10 lbs currie powder
Sep 6: 130 lbs fresh pork, 200 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs onions
Sep 7: 3 cases butter, 40 lbs bacon, 150 lbs cabbage
8: 300 lbs potatoes, 130 lbs fresh beef, 9 boxes cuticura soap, 1/2 box
tar soap, 1 box silicon, 1 box peacock cigs, 12 tins potted meat, 600
Sep 9: 300 lbs potatoes, 130 lbs veal, 600 eggs
Sep 10: 100 pkgs butterscotch, 1 doz looking glasses, 280 pkgs peanut candy
Sep 11: 300 lbs potatoes, 577 eggs
Sep 12: 130 lbs fresh beef, 60 lbs hamburger steak
Sep 13: 65 lbs fresh beef, 50 lbs onions
Sep 14: 85 lbs beef roast, 300 lbs potatoes, 100 lbs white beans
Sep 15: 130 lbs veal, 591 eggs
How many in the crew of Vicksburg? That is a LOT of meat.
143 crew - all of our ships have the full dimensions/armament/crew
spelled out in http://naval-history.net/OW-US/USAShipsIndex.htm along
with a terse summary of her history.
(Vicksburg, city in Mississippi, site of Union victory in Civil War)
and Characteristics - Patrol gunboat, Gunboat No.11, later PG-11,
Annapolis-class, built by Bath Iron Works, Bath, ME, laid down March
1896, launched 5 December 1896, commissioned at Portsmouth Navy Yard,
NH, 23 October 1897, 1,010 tons, 204ft long x 36ft beam x 12ft 9in beam,
12kts, armed with 6-4in, 4-6pdr rifled, 2-1pdr rifled guns and 1 Colt
machine gun 143 crew. First commanded by Cdr A B H Lillie.
100 lbs white beans
navy bean, haricot or pearl haricot bean,[citation needed] white pea
bean,[1] or pea bean,[2] is a class of the common bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris). It is particularly popular in the United Kingdom and the
United States. It is small, dry white bean which is smaller than many
other types of white beans, and has an oval, slightly flattened shape.
It features in such dishes as baked beans and even pies, as well as in
various soups such as Senate bean soup.[3] Unlike canned vegetables,
which lose much of their nutritive value in the canning process, navy
beans maintain their nutritive value when canned.[4]
The plants that produce navy beans may be either of the bush type or vining type, depending on which cultivar they are.[5]
of baked beans has been shown to lower total cholesterol levels and
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.[6][7] This might be at least partly
explained by high saponin content of navy bean. Saponins also exhibit
antibacterial and anti-fungal activity, and have been found to inhibit
cancer cell growth.[8] Furthermore, navy bean is the richest source of
ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid among the common bean varieties.[9] It is commonly known as the "Navy Bean" due to its use as a staple of United States Navy rations in the 19th century.
I'd like to know who counted the eggs...
and were they short because they were missing, or because they were broken.
What's for dinner at Chefoo China
Sep 16: 300 lbs potatoes
Sep 17: 596 eggs, 130 lbs roast beef, 100 lbs white beans, 40 lbs smoked ham, 5 lbs baking powder, 6 vials lemon extract
Sep 18: 300 lbs potatoes, 60 lbs hamburger steak
Sep 19: 130 lbs veal, 50 lbs salt
Sep 20: 595 eggs
Sep 21: 300 lbs potatoes, 100 lbs fresh beef roast
Sep 23: 600 eggs, 100 lbs roast beef, 200 lbs sweet potatoes, 100 lbs potatoes (Irish), 100 lbs white beans
Sep 24: 2 bottles tomato catsup
Sep 25: 300 lbs potatoes (sweet), 10 bottles tomato catsup, 100 lbs veal
Sep 26: 100 lbs fresh roast beef
Sep 27: 100 lbs beef roast, 80 lbs hamburger steak, 600 eggs
Sep 28: 300 lbs sweet potatoes
Sep 29: 100 lbs veal, 500 eggs
Oct 1: 7 cans choc candy, 130 lbs fresh beef, 700 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Next stop Shanghai China
medical supplies obtained at Shanghai, China:
2 lbs Hydrargi Oleas 6.00
1 Ko Hydrargri Ungt 5.00
10 lbs Magnesia Sulphas 1.25
5 lbs Absorbent Cotton 4.75
40 yds Muslin 6.00
1 lb Mustard 1.50
2 oz Protargol 8.50
10~00 Tablet bottles. Fil Hydrargri Prato-Iodide 5.00
has an entry for hydrargyri "blue pill" - a mercury based medicine used
for syphilis, TB, constipation, toothache, parasites, and pain of
childbirth. Blue pill + black draught was a standard cure for
constipation (especially on ships!). Black draught laxative is a
combination of senna + magnesia. Protargol is a silver based
astringent, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. It was used to
treat gonorrhea. The hydrargri proto-iodide was prescribed for
everything from acne to kidney disease, and syphilis.
I remember reading an article suggesting that Napoleon was killed, accidentally, by his doctors...
What's for dinner on the Yangtze River, and other Chinese ports:
Oct 3: 300 lbs fresh meat, 800 lbs ice
Oct 7: 5 doz cakes asstd, 25 lbs Cal apples, 1 doz wood pipes, 100 lbs pork chops, 100 lbs bread, 300 lbs potatoes, 600 eggs
8: 600 eggs, 100 lbs pork for roast, 100 lbs bread, 1 tin choc candy, 1
doz lemonade, 1 doz soda water, 2 doz catsup (tomato), 45 tins vienna
sausage, 2 doz arnica toothpaste, 1 doz worcestershire sauce, 2 doz
sauerkraut, 12 tins kippered herring, 12 boxes silicon, 1 doz russian
caviar, 1 doz anchovies, 4 doz pineapple, 3 doz oysters, 1 case cond
milk, 20 tins biscuit asstd, 2 doz peaches
Oct 9: 100 lbs fresh fish,
36 bottles lemonade, 4 tins choc candy, 1 doz lime juice, 6 tins
cadbury's choc 1/2 lb, 11 tins cadbury's choc 1 lb, 2 doz soda water, 38
towels, 100 lbs beans
Oct 10: 80 lbs beef roast, 5 doz lemonade, 100
lbs ice, 1 doz strawberry jam, 1 doz raspberry jam, 5 lbs Am tobacco,
25 boxes peacock cigarettes, 500 eggs
Oct 11: 700 lbs roast beef, 1000 lbs machine ice, 1300 lbs potatoes, 700 lbs sweet potatoes, 150 lbs cabbage
Oct 14: 500 eggs
Oct 20: 1200 eggs, 4 bunches carrots, 207 eggs
21: 10 tins choc biscuits, 2 doz pkgs milk choc, 5 boxes dessert
marzipan, 20 peppermint choc, 40 lbs choc candy, 4 cases cond milk, 12
doz jam, 7 tins biscuits, 10 tins chocolate (star), 300 lbs fresh beef,
300 lbs potatoes
next stop Nagasaki Japan
Those apples, peaches and pineapples must have been real treats.
Finally some real variety!
only 4 bunches of carrots. They must have been big bunches. Or put to more decorative use than as a side dish.
tried to find something about arnica toothpaste. Didn't find much, but there is this from 1899 (log is 1903).
and here's peacock cigarettes:
Oh, my - a classical western pegasus representing an asian peacock
smoking a modern cigarette for the Chinese populace. :o 8)
eikwar passes the 1000 mark!
my - a classical western pegasus representing an asian peacock smoking a
modern cigarette for the Chinese populace. :o 8)
That was manufactured in Japan!
Very American, that mix.
What's for dinner at Nagasaki Japan?
Oct 25: 100 lbs salt, 3 doz Jansan, 4 doz cakes, 50 lbs ice, 600 eggs
Oct 26: 200 lbs rice, 500 lbs potatoes, 120 lbs fresh beef, 4 pieces cake, 120 lbs beef, 100 lbs bread
27: 3 doz lemonade, 1 doz sarsaparilla, 1 doz tooth brushes. 1 doz
tooth powder, 50 pkgs matches, 120 lbs fresh beef, 200 lbs macaroni, 50
lbs ice, 3 doz lemonade
Oct 28: 100 lbs bread fresh, 50 lbs ice
Oct 29: 600 eggs, 3 doz lemonade, 1 doz sarsaparilla, 4 pieces cake
Oct 30: 100 lbs bread, 120 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 1 doz sarsaparilla, 3 doz lemonade, 4 pieces cake
Oct 31: 3 doz lemonade, 1 doz sarsaparilla, 4 pieces cake, 150 lbs cabbage, 100 lbs bread, 300 lbs potatoes
Nov 1: 97 lbs bread, 600 eggs, 100 lbs bread, 120 lbs fresh beef, 52 lbs cheese
Nov 2: 60 lbs stew beef, 90 lbs bread, 80 lbs fresh beef, 100 lbs fresh bread
Nov 3: 100 lbs bread, 90 lbs bread, 300 lbs potatoes, 100 lbs fresh beef, 4 pieces cake
Nov 4: 100 lbs bread, 4 pcs cake, 50 lbs bread, 100 lbs fresh beef
5: 75 lbs fresh bread, 60 lbs stew beef, 100 lbs onions, 50 lbs bread,
150 lbs fresh pork, 3 doz lemonade, 4 pcs cake, 562 eggs
Nov 6: 40 lbs fresh beef
Nov 7: 75 lbs bread, 75 lbs bread, 100 lbs roast beef, 50 lbs tea, 600 eggs
Nov 8: 75 lbs bread, 100 lbs vienna sausage, 50 lbs oatmeal, 100 lbs roast beef, 75 lbs bread, 2 doz sarsaparilla
Nov 9: 75 lbs bread, 100 lbs beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 2 doz sarsaparilla, 4 pcs cake
Nov 10: 75 lbs bread, 2 doz sarsaparilla, 600 eggs, 4 pcs cake, 1 doz sarsaparilla, 75 lbs bread, 100 lbs beef, 5 lbs bay leaves
The 4 pieces of cake which keep appearing sound very minimalist
compared to all these 100lbs of other things - though I suppose it does
depend on how big a 'piece' is ....
I was wondering who was getting them ;)
What's for dinner at Nagasaki Japan?
Nov 11: 204 lbs vienna
sausage, 75 lbs bread, 3 doz sarsaparilla, 300 lbs potatoes, 115 lbs
fresh pork sausage, 75 lbs bread, 75 lbs bread
Nov 12: 4 doz
sarsaparilla, 100 lbs beef, 4 pcs cake, 3 doz sarsaparilla, 75 lbs
bread, 100 lbs beef, 200 lbs beans, 5 lbs curry powder, 300 lbs
potatoes, 75 lbs bread
Nov 13: 75 lbs bread, 70 lbs stew beef, 4 doz
sarsaparilla, 600 eggs, 4 pcs cake, 4 doz sarsaparilla, 120 lbs
saurkraut, 75 lbs bread, 20 lbs pepper
Nov 14: 75 lbs bread, 100 lbs roast beef, 100 lbs salt pork, 4 doz sarsaparilla
Nov 15: 500 eggs, 4 doz sarsaparilla, 1 doz lemonade, 100 lbs bread, 100 lbs beef, 27 lbs cheese
16: 5 case milk, 10 boxes cigarettes, 4 doz sarsaparilla, 1 doz
lemonade, 4 pcs cake, 100 lbs bread, 100 lbs roast beef, 300 lbs
potatoes, 4 doz sarsaparilla, 4 pcs cake, 50 lbs butter, 50 lbs bread,
23 lbs cheese, 1 doz sarsaparilla
Nov 17: 70 lbs stew beef, 50 lbs onions, 4 doz sarsaparilla, 1 doz lemonade, 100 lbs beef, 50 lbs bread
18: 4 doz sarsaparilla, 1 doz lemonade, 4 doz towels, 1 doz tooth
paste, 6 looking glasses, 1 doz national garters, 2 pks playing cards, 4
doz tooth brushes, 6 lbs cakes, 5 lbs ginger, 100 lbs roast beef, 100
lbs bread, 300 lbs potatoes, 150 lbs cabbage, 6 doz sarsaparilla, 4 pcs
sponge cake, 20 doz jam, 600 eggs
Nov 19: 50 lbs bread, 4 doz sarsaparilla, 4 pcs cake, 100 lbs fresh bread, 100 lbs beef
Nov 20: 480 lbs pork sausage, 480 lbs saurkraut, 120 lbs chip beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs bread, 10 lbs soup greens
Nov 21: 50 lbs onions, ?00 lbs fresh beef, ?50 lbs fresh bread, 100 lbs salt pork, 62 lbs bread, 2 lbs cornstarch
Nov 22: 100 lbs fresh beef, 90 lbs fresh bread, 75 lbs bread
Nov 23: 130 lbs fresh bread, 56 lbs butter, 75 lbs bread, 100 lbs fresh beef,
Nov 24: 75 lbs fresh bread, 100 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 150 lbs bread
25: 150 lbs turkeys, 50 lbs sweet potatoes, 49 lbs cheese, 300 lbs
potatoes (white), 150 lbs beef, 50 lbs onions, 100 lbs beef, 75 lbs
bread, 600 eggs, 25 lbs apples, 25 lbs oranges, 2 lbs citron, 10 lbs eng
Nov 26: 169 lbs breads, 300 lbs beef fresh, 500 lbs vegs
fresh, 8 bouq flowers, 150 cups, 12 lbs apples, 30 apples, 2 lbs celery,
600 eggs, 5 gals ice cream, 75 lbs bread
Nov 28: 300 lbs fresh beef, 200 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs onions
Next stop: Shanghai China
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) lollia paolina passes the 100,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
Bravo Silvia !!!!
WOW! And that's the second time too, after the Bear!
Incredible work, Silvia - I am very impressed by your dedication!
Wow! Silvia deserves one of those "4 pieces of cake" the Vicksburg has been receiving.
But save one for me...I'm only 92,000 behind and closing slowly.
leelaht passes the 40,000 mark!
What's for dinner at Shanghai China?
Dec 1: 600 eggs
Dec 2: 125 lbs bread, 100 lbs fresh beef, 200 lbs salt, 100 lbs beans, 300 lbs potatoes
Dec 3: 150 lbs fresh pork, 125 lbs fresh bread, 50 lbs fresh tea, 1000 lbs flour, 60 lbs stew beef, 30 lbs bread, 600 eggs
Dec 4: 125 lbs fresh fish, 100 lbs fresh bread, 100 lbs onions, 150 lbs potatoes, 40 lbs bread, 10 lbs hops, 600 eggs
Dec 6: 300 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs fresh beef, 100 lbs salt pork
Dec 7: 100 lbs fresh meat, 70 lbs stew beef, 600 eggs
Dec 8: 200 lbs beans, 300 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs cheese, 100 lbs rice, 150 lbs cabbage
Dec 9: 125 fresh beef, 600 eggs
Dec 10: 100 lbs macaroni, 300 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs pork fresh, 175 lbs coffee, 600 eggs
Dec 11: 125 lbs fresh fish, 70 lbs hamburger steak
Dec 12: 300 lbs potatoes, 100 lbs onions, 10 lbs soup greens, 600 eggs
Dec 13: 150 lbs bread, 125 lbs beef roast, 70 lbs stew beef
14: 90 lbs pork chops, 10 lbs mustard, 150 lbs cabbage, 125 lbs bread
fresh, 200 lbs fruit canned, 150 lbs bread, 100 lbs beef roast, 200 lbs
white beans, 500 lbs biscuits, 600 eggs, 2 lbs ginger, 1 lbs spice, 1 lb
Dec 15: 50 lbs fresh bread, 125 lbs pork roast, 75 lbs bread, 300 lbs potatoes
What's for dinner at Shanghai China?
Dec 16: 250 lbs Am milk, 600 eggs,
Dec 17: 65 lbs mince meat, 200 lbs oatmeal, 125 lbs fresh meat (beef), 125 lbs fresh bread, 500 eggs
Dec 18: 200 lbs salmon tinned, 300 lbs potatoes, 65 lbs stew beef, 125 lbs fresh fish, 125 lbs fresh bread
Dec 19: 125 lbs bread fresh
Dec 20: 54 1/3 lbs Am cheese, 65 lbs stew beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs roast beef, 125 lbs bread, 500 eggs
Dec 21: 125 lbs roast beef, 125 lbs bread
Dec 22: 300 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs bread, 200 lbs flour, 600 eggs, 5 lbs citron, 5 lbs currents
Dec 23: 125 lbs beef roast, 150 lbs bread, 300 lbs flour
24: 140 lbs turkey, 10 lbs celery, 50 lbs turnips, 5 lbs ox suet, 50
lbs onions, 300 lbs potatoes, 60 lbs mince meat, 110 lbs beef steak, 1
case cream, 100 lbs onions, 25 lbs prunes, 50 lbs Cal apples, 50 lbs
oranges, 20 lbs Eng walnuts, 15 lbs choc candy, 15 lbs mixed candy, 2
lbs citron, 2 lbs currents, 20 tins cranberry sauce
Dec 25: 125 lbs bread, 50 lbs sweet potatoes, 600 eggs
Next stop Chemulpho Corea
Here's an interesting list from Chemulpho Korea:
Feb 23, 1904
Equipment Department
1 set awnings ship
1 set awnings bridge
8 doz dish cloths
12 doz dish towels
2 catcher's protector
1 set boxing gloves
8 mask, broadswords
6 gloves, broadswords
1 catcher's mit
8 coaling bags
Maxntopeka passes the 9000 mark!
What's for dinner at Chemlpho Korea:
Dec 31: 120 lbs fresh beef, 125 lbs fresh beef
Jan 1: 80 lbs stew beef, 300 oranges
Jan 2: 125 lbs fresh meat (beef), 600 eggs
Jan 3: 125 lbs fresh beef
Jan 4: 80 lbs stew beef
Jan 5: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 6: 125 lbs fresh beef
Jan 8: 80 lbs stew beef, 600 eggs
Jan 9: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 10: 600 eggs, 125 lbs fresh beef
Jan 11: 125 lbs fresh beef (roast), 600 eggs
Jan 12: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 13: 300 lbs potatoes, 600 eggs, 30 bags flour, 71 boxes tinned meats, 1 bail undershirts light
Jan 14: 500 eggs
Jan 15: 300 lbs potatoes, 75 lbs stew beef, 600 eggs
What's for dinner at Chemulpho Korea:
Jan 16: 50 lbs onions, 125 lbs fresh beef, 500 eggs
Jan 17: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 18: 500 eggs
Jan 19: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 20: 75 lbs stew beef, 500 eggs
Jan 21: 500 eggs
Jan 23: 300 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs onions, 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 24: 125 lbs fresh beef, 500 eggs
Jan 25: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 26: 600 eggs, 125 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes
Jan 27: 125 lbs fresh beef, 600 eggs
Jan 28: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 lbs coffee, 392 lbs butter, 500 eggs
Jan 29: 500 eggs
Jan 31: 125 lbs fresh beef, 500 eggs
What's for dinner at Chemulpho Korea
Feb 1: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Feb 2: 125 lbs fresh beef, 133 lbs sugar
Feb 3: 500 eggs, 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 4: 50 lbs onions, 500 eggs
Feb 5: 600 eggs, 300 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs fresh beef
Feb 6: 130 lbs chicken, 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 7: 600 eggs, 120 lbs fresh beef
Feb 8: 500 eggs, 125 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 10: 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 11: 300 lbs potatoes, 75 lbs stew beef
Feb 12: 125 lbs fresh beef
13: 2 cases canned vegetables, 2 cases lard, 1 bbl smkd ham, 3 cases
tomatoes, 5 cases canned fruit, 4 bbls sugar (631 lbs), 1 bbl beans, 1
bbl salt beef, 1 case prunes, 4 cases condensed milk, 600 lbs potatoes
Feb 15: 600 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs fresh beef (roast)
What's for dinner at Chemulpho Korea:
Feb 17: 60 lbs stew beef, 50 lbs onions
Feb 18: 125 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 21: 600 eggs, 10 lbs barley, 283 lbs fresh meat, 360 lbs fresh vegetables, 48 lbs cheese
23: 4 cases butter, 2 cases cocoa, 4 cases coffee, 1 case dried fruit, 4
bbls salt pork, 5 bbls sugar, 2 bbls beans, 1 bbl ham smkd, 6 cases
canned vegetables, 3 cases salt, 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 25: 125 lbs fresh beef (roast), 300 lbs fresh vegetables
Feb 26: 300 lbs potatoes
Feb 27: 250 lbs fresh beef (roast), 300 lbs potatoes
Mar 1: 300 lbs potatoes, 125 lbs fresh beef (roast)
2: 300 lbs potatoes, 30 sacks flour, 1 case mustard, 3 cases cocoa, 5
cases milk, 22 bbls sugar, 1 bbl pork salt, 5 cases lard, 10 cases
canned fruit, 10 cases dried fruit, 2 cases prunes, 10 cases tinned ham,
2 bbls rice, 10 cases canned vegetables, 3 cases coffee, 2 cases
butter, 1 bbl ham smoked, 1 case tomatoes
Mar 3: 600 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs onions, 500 eggs
Mar 4: 125 lbs fresh beef
Mar 5: 150 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes
Mar 8: 125 lbs fresh beef, 150 lbs potatoes, 600 eggs
Mar 9: 150 lbs potatoes,
I guess it isn't the ideal season for fruits and vegetables, but that sounds pretty awful.
I guess vegetarianism wasn't very popular in the US back then.
(I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't normally eat a lot of meat.)
I noticed no bread showing up in Chemulpho. Receipts are pretty repetitive.
What's for dinner at Chemulpho, Korea:
Mar 10: 600 lbs potatoes, 600 eggs
Mar 11: 125 lbs fresh beef
Mar 12: 300 lbs potatoes, 50 lbs onions
Mar 14: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Mar 15: 1 bbl pork, 6 bbl sugar, 1 bbl ham, 1 bbl vinegar, 1 case vegetable tinned, 125 lbs fresh beef roast, 600 eggs
Mar 16: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Mar 17: 125 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
18: 5 lbs milk condensed, 15 lbs tomatoes tinned, 8 lbs fruit canned, 2
2/3 lbs vegetable tinned, 24 lbs meat tinned, 125 lbs fresh beef, 300
lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Mar 19: 125 lbs fresh beef
Mar 20: 600 eggs
Mar 21: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Mar 22: 600 eggs
Mar 23: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs, 5 lbs (stops?)
Mar 24: 125 lbs fresh beef, 500 eggs
Mar 25: 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Mar 26: 125 lbs fresh beef
Mar 27: 125 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes, 500 eggs
Mar 28: 300 lbs potatoes, 600 eggs
Mar 29: 125 lbs fresh beef, 300 lbs potatoes
What's for dinner en route and at Shanghai China?
Apr 1 (from
USNC Pompey): 5 bbls salt pork, 5 bbls salt beef, 5 bbls rice, 5 bbls
beans, 10 bbls butter, 20 bbls canned fruit, 10 bbls canned vegetables, 5
bbls dried fruit (prunes), 5 bbls hard bread, 3 bbls tomatoes tinned,
10 bbls coffee, 4000 lbs flour, 10 cased canned corned beef, 1 case tea,
2 bbls smoked ham, 5 cases lard, 9 cases condensed milk, 16 gals
vinegar, 5 cases salt
Apr 7: 50 lbs onions, 80 lbs beef roast, 80 lbs beef liver, 150 lbs cabbage, 300 lbs potatoes
Apr 8: 150 lbs fresh fish, 125 lbs fresh bread, 300 lbs potatoes, 550 eggs
Apr 9: 100 lbs fresh meats, 100 lbs fresh bread, 10 lbs fresh vegetables
Apr 10: 125 lbs fresh meats, 125 lbs fresh bread, 500 eggs
And en route and around Nimrod Sound?
11: 2000 lbs potatoes, 200 lbs beefsteak, 500 lbs roast beef, 150 lbs
onions, 250 lbs bread, 50 lbs carrots, 1500 fresh eggs, 500 lbs ice, 12
lbs cheese, 10 pkgs cornstarch
Apr 17: 150 lbs fresh beef, 125 lbs fresh bread, 500 eggs
Apr 20: 500 eggs
Apr 21: 300 lbs fresh beef, 250 lbs bread
Apr 22: 500 eggs
Apr 24: 1000 eggs, 500 eggs
Apr 25: 325 lbs fresh beef, 1000 lbs tomatoes, 450 lbs fresh bread, 198 lbs onions, 196 lbs cabbage
26: 300 lbs bread, 307 lbs beef, (and from USNC Ajax:) 20 cases bacon,
75 cases corned beef, 6 bbl salt, 2 cases cheese, 10 cases coffee, 6
cases canned fruit, 2 cases smoked ham, 4 cases lard, 10 cases milk, 16
cases pease, 4 bbl pickles, 5 bbl rice, 4 cases salt, 10 bbl sugar, 2
bbl vinegar, 4 cases corn meal, 5 bbl beans, 50 cases roast beef, 7
cases butter, 1 case cocoa, 12 bags flour, 8 cases dried fruit, 5
cases tinned ham, 2 cases macaroni, 2 cases mustard, 1 case pepper, 4
bbl salt pork, 5 cases salmon, 2 bbl sirup, 10 cases tomatoes, 3 cases
oatmeal, 1 bag split pease
May 1: 140 lbs fresh bread, 78 lbs fresh meat, 640 eggs
May 2: 180 eggs, 3 bottles curry powder, 10 lbs hops, 5 lbs baking powder, 420 eggs
May 3: 260 lbs fresh beef, 200 lbs fresh bread
May 4: 200 lbs fresh bread, 160 lbs fresh beef
May 5: 500 eggs, 600 eggs, 200 lbs fresh bread, 150 lbs roast beef
6: 600 lbs fresh bread, 1300 lbs potatoes, 130 lbs onions, 335 lbs
roast beef, 11 bottles lemon extract, 12 bottles spices, (and from USNC
Ajax:) 1 box tobacco
Next stop Cavite PI
JennyMH passes the 7000 mark!
What's for dinner in Manila?
May 15: 400 lbs potatoes, 200 lbs bread, 200 lbs ice, 346 lbs fresh beef
May 16: 2400 eggs
May 17: 800 lbs ice, 1078 lbs fresh beef, 2000 lbs potatoes, 300 lbs onions, 100 lbs salt codfish
18: 200 lbs bacon, 288 lbs butter, 40 lbs cocoa, 250 lbs coffee, 1000
lbs flour, 480 lbs canned fruit, 507 lbs smoked ham, 120 lbs tinned ham,
480 lbs milk, 100 lbs rice, 100 lbs salt, 839 lbs sugar, 126 lbs tea,
505 lbs tomatoes, 600 lbs tinned vegetables, 400 lbs fresh bread
May 23: 1000 lbs fresh beef, 500 lbs fresh beef, 1500 lbs ice, 1000 eggs
What's for dinner in Woosung China?
May 28: 500 eggs, 150 lbs fresh bread, 150 lbs fresh beef
May 29: 150 lbs fresh bread, 150 lbs fresh meat
May 30: 300 lbs potatoes, 100 lbs onions, 150 lbs bread, 150 lbs fresh beef, 1000 eggs
31: 2000 lbs ice, 5000 lbs potatoes, 1000 lbs fresh beef, 500 lbs
onions, 300 lbs bread, 250 lbs sausage vienna, 510 lb codfish, 240 lbs
cream, 500 lbs saurkraut, 90 lbs roast beef, 80 lbs beefsteak, 125 lbs
bread, 5000 eggs, 500 lbs ice, 150 lbs cheese, 6 doz tomato sauce
last stop... Yokohama Japan
What's for dinner at Yokohama Japan?
???? no receipts. :(
Vicksburg then goes to Mare Island California when the log ends. Picks up again 5 years later, 1909.
I sure hope they have a better appreciation for fruits and vegetables in the diet ;)
leelaht passes the 50,000 mark!
Welcome to the top 12 !
50% Complete!
Great job Silvia and leelaht - this ship has made a lot of progress thanks to you two!
Feb 27, 1910
At about 9:30 pm F.B. Henderson C.P. fell
overboard from the Monticello SS Co's steamer General Frisbie near the
entrance to Mare Island Strait and was drowned. He was returning
from San Francisco, having been on liberty.
Can anyone help me read this?
Kim, the names and context you transcribed looked perfect.
"Admirals compliments to Capt. Barry allow Lt. Anderson to spend night
on shore if he wishes to". It makes me curious as to how Lt.
Anderson got to the admiral to get that authorization, but he has
clearly been given unusual and individual leave of absence.
else did you want to read? On such a tightly packed page, I'm not
sure where else to look. And all those very many codes being sent
to the fleet - I think we are seeing the reason most ships keep a
separate signals log!! For anyone at all lacking that exact signal
book, it is pure gobbledy-gook numerical soup. There are
references for the mystery of signals in our Helpful Links to Outside Information
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=1054.0). The best
choice to see how bad it can get (and which might let you look up the
meaning of some of those numbers) is
Telegraphic Dictionary and Seamen's Signal Book, adapted to Signals by
Flags or Other Semaphores and Arranged for Secret Correspondence,
through Morse's Electro-Magnetic Telegraph: for the use of Commanders of
Vessels, Merchants, &c. -
(http://books.google.com.au/books?id=4FIpAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=subject:%22Cipher+and+telegraph+codes%22&hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false)By act of Congress, approved by Samuel B. Morse in 1845. The 1868 version
is also online.
url everyone can read:
If your question is because of the insert...
The following image is without the insert.
See: Faulty scanned and duplicate pages (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3383.0)
leelaht passes the 60,000 mark!
That calls for a drink: 40 lbs cocoa, ..., 480 lbs milk, ..., 839 lbs sugar ;)
That calls for a drink: 40 lbs cocoa, ..., 480 lbs milk, ..., 839 lbs sugar ;)
2:1 ratio sugar to milk, I'll get a sugar buzzzzz :o
That calls for a drink: 40 lbs cocoa, ..., 480 lbs milk, ..., 839 lbs sugar ;)
2:1 ratio sugar to milk, I'll get a sugar buzzzzz :o
But that should improve your transcribing speed, yes?
And great job passing 60.000, by the way!
That calls for a drink: 40 lbs cocoa, ..., 480 lbs milk, ..., 839 lbs sugar ;)
2:1 ratio sugar to milk, I'll get a sugar buzzzzz :o
But that should improve your transcribing speed, yes?
And great job passing 60.000, by the way!
Speed yes, before the sugar crash. Accuracy is another matter. Enjoyment, yummm.
October 9, 1902 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_185_1.jpg)
Chefoo, China
to 4 P.M. At 3:15, Joseph Leonard Lagreen, App. 1 Class,
while working on the Gig, hanging to the starboard quarter davits, was
accidentally wounded by a Krag-Jorgensen bullet fired from a rifle in
the hands of Karl ~~~sorg, Asst. Surg. N.P.N. The bullet, fired from the
deck, passed through the bilge and after thwart of the Gig, then
through the left knee of Lagreen, entering on the inside and passing
directly through, partially shattering the bone. An operation was
immediately performed and is so far successful.
Karl Ohnesorg
http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AMH/USN/Naval_Registers/1902.pdf page 50
(from http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AMH/USN/Naval_Registers/)
I think N.P.N. is really U.S.N. ;D
I wonder if he is the one who performed the operation ;)
PS: Krag?Jorgensen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krag%E2%80%93J%C3%B8rgensen)
I wonder if he is the one who performed the operation ;)
I'm not sure I would want that, I'd guess him to be quite excited/agitated after all this!
made the fixes to my event entry (thanks!), although I'm tempted to
leave the 'N.P.N.' as TWYS and let the editors deal with it. It's a
pretty unclear rendition. :D
two true ;D
I'm pretty sure it's USN, though - look at how the guy writes USN at the end of each paragraph. Close enough for me, it is.
I'm pretty sure it's USN, though - look at how the guy writes USN at the end of each paragraph. Close enough for me, it is.
Ah, I see those now, but still... Anyway, back to the Jamestown!
leelaht passes the 70,000 mark!
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) lollia paolina passes the 125,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
Another first for Silvia - WOW!
Welcome to the top 12 !
leelaht passes the 80,000 mark!
oh my! that's just amazing! congrats Leelaht!
Very well done, leelaht!
Your work on the Vicksburg has made me
consider her a potential target for the future - once you, me and Silvia
have done all we could on this ship, she should have reached 100%!
But first, I must get the Alb84 and Concord done.
Vicksburg will be there for a while. The logs keep coming and the % completed seems to be moving so slowly.
I have completed Vicksburg weather logs transcription. It has been a long and interesting voyage :)
I wanted to report that both weather logs and remarks pages fro 20/07/1919 are missing.
Also, volumes have mixed up and after April 29th, 1913 the log books sequence is the following:
Volume 1 of 4 from 12/29/1915 to 12/31/1916
Volume 20 of 23 from 4/30/1913 to 12/27/1913
Volume 21 of 23 from 12/29/1913 to8/27/1914
Volume 22 of 23 from 8/28/1914 to 4/29/1915
Volume 23 of 23 from 4/30/1915 to 12/28/1915
Volume 2 of 4 from January 1st 1917 to December 31st, 1917
Volume 4 of 4 ends October 16th, 1919 when Vicksburg was decommissioned.
Congratulations !
Wow, congratulations Silvia! That's amazing - such a huge ship, and
you stayed with her all the way to the end. I am very impressed.
You are such a great transcriber, and we are extremely lucky to have you on the team.
Excellent work, Silvia! 8) 8) 8)
leelaht passes the 90,000 mark!
Very good work, leelaht!
You're about to become the 3rd person ever to break the local 100.000 mark on any ship!
Christmas day 1913 at the Navy Yard in Puget Sound
at 6:42 felt light earthquake shock
USGS records
the time differently - two different epicenters with exactly the same
time of day - 14.40, 2 hours earlier than the ship. I'm thinking
there were duplicate old records that disagreed with each other, and
they just recorded them both and left it history to decide what really
Date Earthquake Parameters Felt Report Parameters Data Source
Year Mo Dy Hr Mn Sec UTC
Conv Latitude Longitude Focal
Depth Mag U/G MMI City
Name State
Code Country Latitude Longitude Epicentral
1913 12 25 14 40 8 5 EDMONDS WA USA 47.810 -122.370 H
1913 12 25 14 40 8 5 SEATTLE WA USA 47.600 -122.330 H
I have decided to make this ship my new secondary target: Every day,
I will do at least 5 dates (weather and events pages) on her.
The Patterson, my secondary target until today, is no longer suitable because she has stopped doing 24 WR/day.
Perhaps I will eventually make this vessel a primary target, as I did with the Concord. But it'll be a while until that happens.
Cool. :)
(http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-060.gif) leelaht passes the 100,000 mark! (http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Respect/respect-061.gif)
Welcome to the top 12 !
Wow! Nice job, leelaht - that makes you the 3rd person to achieve this feat!
and I just discovered the following: In late January 1903, there are
lengthy lists on the comments pages - the kind that are glued in and
have to be rolled up.
So please be on your guard, and try not to transcribe the same weather page twice.
Vicksburg will be there for a while. The logs keep coming and the % completed seems to be moving so slowly.
guessing my completion date, looks like I'll be working into mid-November [unless I jump ship into the new fleet ;D]
Bravo, Leelaht! 8) 8) 8)
Hanibal94 passes the 1000 mark!
kimma001 (Bob)
Welcome to the top 12 !
On this page, the 8 am longitude is measured "by sight".
Not sure if that counts as Obs, but I transcribed it as such.
That is my understanding.
Philip was clear - observation of any astronomical of earthly object
is 'observed' - D.R. happens in the chart house, calculating and
Hanibal94 passes the 3000 mark!
Got an insert here that blocks part of the WR - and there's no scan where it got moved out of the way! >:(
75% complete!
think I will do this ship next after the Patterson and Albatross 1890 -
it'll be nice to bring another giant to the finishing line.
Got some odd thermometer measurements here - they start out close to
Dry and Wet, but suddenly get much larger, then shrink again at the end
of the day!
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol013of023_jpg_clean/vol013of023_015_0.jpg - Dec 3rd 1903
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol013of023_jpg_clean/vol013of023_017_0.jpg - Dec 4th
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol013of023_jpg_clean/vol013of023_023_0.jpg - Dec 6th
Could be more days, I didn't check everything.
Guess the thermometer was just in a bad spot.
weird isn't it? I remember one ship (was it the Rodgers?) where the
temp was huge as the evening wore on - clearly near a cosy wardroom. But
to be so high during the day on the Vicksburg - has it got the sun
shining on it? oh well - we'll just have to wonder about it I
guess :D
Here's an interesting event (March 17, 1918)
At 12:25 sighted
auxilary yawl "Alexander Agassiz" standing out of Mazatlan
Harbor. At 12:31 got underway and stood out toward "Alexander
Agassiz" at full speed. At 12:34 called crew to general
quarters. At 12:50 sighted USS Brutus and USS SC302 standing in
from southward. At 12:49 fires shot from #1 one-pounder across bow
of "Alexander Agassiz." At 12:50 "Alexander Agassiz" hove
to. At 12:51 sent away armed boarding party with Lieutenant (JG)
FW Dorr, NNV to board "Alexander Agassiz." At 1:31 sub chaser #302 came
within hail and was sent to Mazatlan to get US Consul. At 1:46
Lieutenant (JG) FW Dorr, NNV returned to ship bringing a German Flag,
two rifles, three pistols, ammunition, and many papers found on the
"Alexander Agassiz" and the following named prisoners from the
"Alexander Agassiz:" Brandt, Richard; Boston, Charles F; Madden, Arthur;
Copalla, Henrick; Falpat, Frank; Heintz, Cornelius A; Heintz, Mrs CA;
Lochrane, Maude M; all of whom, except the last two named, were
handcuffed and all put under guard. Took the vessel as a prize on
account of having attempted escape, having no proper papers, and
evidence at hand and found aboard that she was outfitting as German
The Captain of the Port demanded return of the
"Alexander Agassiz" on the ground that she had not properly
cleared. This was refused. At 7:50 the Captain of the Port,
the US Consul and Vice Consul and British Vice Consul left the
ship. Six Mexicans in crew of "Alexander Agassiz" were turned
overe to the Captain of the Port to be landed ashore.
Quite an adventure!
I found this about the captured ship
Alexander Agassiz (Auxiliary Schooner, in service 1918)
Agassiz, a small civilian auxiliary schooner, was active along the west
coast of Mexico during the World War I era. On 17 March 1918 she was
captured off Mazatlan by USS Vicksburg, whose Commanding Officer
believed that she might be used by the enemy for hostile purposes. Among
the fourteen people on board were five German civilians and some small
arms and ammunition. Taken to San Diego for adjudication, Alexander
Agassiz' seizure was disallowed by a prize court, which ordered that
restitution be made to her owner.
There are a couple of photos relating to the incident as well.
Not a happy ending to the story for Vicksburg!
Neat you find out more. I'm still logging trip back to San Diego with prize.
In Feb 1904, the Vicksburg recieved a letter from the Japanese
rear-admiral, asking her and all other US ships to leave the area so
they don't get damaged in the coming Russia VS Japan battle.
to the Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Chemulpo_Bay), the
same letter was sent to the HMS Talbot, the French ship Pascal, and the
Italian ship Elba.
How chivalrous!
They are wanting a war on a single front with the Russians - the
thought of creating a war on 5 fronts must have terrified the Japanese
admirals. Not chivalrous at all - serious protection of their own
self interests.
The price of littering...
Oct 9, 1918, Pichilinque Mexico
Horn R.F. (E3c-G), eating candy on quarter deck and throwing papers over starboard side, 4 hours extra duty.
I wonder which was the worst offence, the littering or the candy? ;D
This page has mercurial barometer and extra thermometer readings:
All transcribed, of course - I did the extra temperatures as Ther Attached.
EDIT: This page and some following ones have it too!
I haven't gotten the Event page of April 18th 1910 or the pages for
April 19th - 21st - after doing the weather page of the 18th, the
interface skipped straight ahead to the weather page of the 22nd.
But URL editing shows the pages still exist - Dunno what happened here, so I'll just keep going.
A while back, I tried to access log 18 via URL editing, but was unable to do so.
Now that I got to said log in the interface, I know why: A typo in all the URLs of this particular book!
O and P are right next to each other on the keyboard - that's where it must have come from.
Thanks fpr opsting that! ;D
What do they pay the crew in?
Issued monthly pay to crew.
Received in Pay Dept. 93 lb of apples.
If the order of the lines was changed, well..... ;D
Well - it WILL keep the doctor away. ;)
The pages for June 12th 1916 were apparently never scanned:
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol01of04_cr2_to_jpg/vol01of04_202_1.jpg -> June 11th 1916
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol01of04_cr2_to_jpg/vol01of04_203_1.jpg -> June 13th 1916
As can be seen from the page numbers (upper right corner), the log keepers didn't skip a day by mistake.
And the ship's staying still in Puget Sound, so it ain't the International Date Line.
The pages for June 12th 1916 were apparently never scanned:
I think you are correct:
If you go to http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/rediscover/us-navy-logbooks, you can see the ships that have been (will be?) scanned.
Click on Metadata RG 24.xlsx to download the spread sheet with the links.
After doing many months in 1916 I have been kicked back to April 1913.
2 pages mid April, next is 1 May
Any ideas why?
Coincidently we are also in dry dock where I left off in 1916.
(Hanibal would have finished the last log in 1916.)
(I do not want to be doing repeat pages.)
The logs are slightly out of order, as Silvia reported:
Also, volumes have mixed up and after April 29th, 1913 the log books sequence is the following:
Volume 1 of 4 from 12/29/1915 to 12/31/1916
Volume 20 of 23 from 4/30/1913 to 12/27/1913
Volume 21 of 23 from 12/29/1913 to 8/27/1914
Volume 22 of 23 from 8/28/1914 to 4/29/1915
Volume 23 of 23 from 4/30/1915 to 12/28/1915
Volume 2 of 4 from January 1st 1917 to December 31st, 1917
Volume 4 of 4 ends October 16th, 1919 when Vicksburg was decommissioned.
I just finished off Volume 1 of 4, so now it's back to 20 of 23. But we are not doing repeat pages - Volume 20 starts exactly where Volume 19 ended. Everything's fine.
Thank you.
Thank you.
you were an ardent fan of Doctor Who, like me, you would find these
sudden jumps in time and space quite understandable and even
expected! ;D
I used to like Dr Who and then ............ :-\
Four more yrs on the Vicksburg not one. ???
I have been working on the Vicksburg and there have been several
stretches where the remarks page has not been presented for transcribing
- I'm confused ???
Which log book are you working in? Can you get the skipped pages by direct URL in a browser window?
have been working on the Vicksburg and there have been several
stretches where the remarks page has not been presented for transcribing
- I'm confused ???
have been working on the Vicksburg and there have been several
stretches where the remarks page has not been presented for transcribing
- I'm confused ???
This is most likely caused by there only being the third stream left to transcribe - and Stuart and I are working on it.
already skipped a weather or events page every now and then - because
someone else accidentally transcribed that particular page twice, so it
was removed from the interface.
I don't mean to be rude/evil
here, but could you please work on a different ship, Kathy? Stuart and I
have worked out a schedule of shifts so we don't transcribe at the same
time, and it's working really well.
Hi, Hanibal -
Could you let us know what time blocks are
available so anyone who wanted to contribute to the effort could do so
without overlapping the work you and Stuart are doing?
- Bob
Or, you could jump ship to Patterson, where all help will be very
gratefully received. It's an enormous log, I think I'm the only
person working on her, and she's been at 74% pretty much for ever ....
Well... it's rather complicated, actually.
For now, all I can give is this (all times in UTC):
21:00 Monday - 17:00 Tuesday
21:00 Tuesday - 17:00 Wednesday
These are the only times for which I can guarantee that neither Stuart nor me will be working.
I'll talk to him about this when he gets back from his Easter break.
(Or you could join Helen on the Patterson - I would very much like that!)
I don't mean to evil or vile but no - I'm working on the Vicksburg
for personal reasons - if that interferes with a "schedule" then I am
sorry...I stopped working on Old Weather for several months precisely
because of this sort of thing - perhaps the nature of the project has
changed so much that I'd better serve Old Weather by bowing out again.
Thanks, Hanibal, that's very helpful! :D
It's nice to know that so we can avoid duplicated efforts in the event someone else wants to share in contributing to the Ship.
Sorry Kathy - I didn't mean to upset you!
I hate to admit it, but with only ten ships left the nature actually has changed a bit.
And it's just gonna get worse as more ships get completed - scheduling is sadly becoming a necessity.
Here's an idea - I don't really care what ship I'm working on, so I will switch to the Jamestown 1879.
That way, you'll have more opportunities to work on the Vicksburg.
please, do contact Stuart about it. He's away right now, but he'll get
back on Tuesday - so until then, you can have the Big V all to yourself.
Does that sound good?
Hi, all -
You are absolutely welcome to work on any ship you
would like to, at any time. However, with the Vicksburg in its final
transcribing stream, with other active transcribers, you will get gaps
in the page sequence. Working out a schedule is one way to minimize the
impact of this.
As Hanibal also mentioned, as the number of
active ships decreases (a good thing), we're going to get more of this
kind of situation, so I think we should be flexible on the matter.
Thanks, all, for keeping the peace on the good ship OW3!
Well, please don't leave her on MY account -
Scuse me, Kathy, but now I'm feeling a little confused.
Would you
rather have me stay on the Vicksburg? I really am willing to switch to
another ship and let you have the V, if that's what you want.
But if you don't want to work on OW anymore because of the scheduling, that's fine too.
Which option would you prefer? It's up to you.
I'm going to work on the Vicksburg - I started on
her when this phase of Old Weather began. If you want to work on
the Vicksburg, then please do so - I don't really care (and I don't mean
that in a bad way).
I'm confused as to the purpose that is
served by what seems to be ship assignments and then scheduling
transcription times - if it is to avoid missing pages, well, nothing can
stop that - I only posted on the Forum because I was curious about the
block of missing Remarks pages - if I had not done so, I would never
have known that you and Pommy had some sort arrangement regarding
her. I simply do not remember this level of angst? control? (I'm
not sure what is the proper word to use) regarding the final stages of
the RN ships. Is this scheduling thing now the way Old Weather
works? If so, then I will bid you all a fond farewell - I cannot
commit to a specific transcription schedule.
I'm even more
confused because you, yourself, have said that you are that interested
in the Remarks - which is the only reason to want to have all pages
presented for transcription that I can see.
Hi, Kathy -
Nobody is assigning ships. There are situations
like this late in the 'life' of the log set where everyone is working
off the same stream, and some folks have chosen to work out informal
cooperative schedules to avoid things like double-transcribing pages.
By all means, transcribe Vicksburg pages if you have interest in them,
just be aware that there will be gaps in the page sequence as others get
to them before you do.
Please feel free to PM me directly to discuss, as well.
- Bob
Actually, the main reason (I think) is to avoid having people unnecessarily transcribe the same page twice.
But yes, Bob is correct. It's all informal, just between transcribers.
I think I will let you have the Vicksburg, Kathy. Have fun!
I will also look for another ship to save overlapping entries.
Maybe Hanibal and I can find another ship to work with as we were doing entries for about 16 hrs or more between us.
Thanks, Stuart!
Idea: Since I'm 6 hours ahead of Kathy, I should be able to work on
the Vicksburg on Saturdays and Sundays from 8 am to 2 pm without any
That would be 2 am to 8 am Eastern US time, and I very much
doubt she'll be transcribing then (Please correct me if I'm wrong,
But during the week, I can only transcribe in the
evenings (my time). So I'll stick with the Jamestown 1879 for those
times, just to be safe.
;D I didn't even work on the Foxglove at 2:00 am!
I'll take that as a Yes, then - thanks a bunch, Kathy!
You folks are SO organised I thought that you should be awarded a clock to assist/reward your efforts...
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
I have that clock on my desk, only it is square instead of being round. :)
;D ;D ;D
I have that clock on my desk, only it is square instead of being round. :)
Really?! Whatever! ;) ;) ;D
;D ;D ;D
I have that clock on my desk, only it is square instead of being round. :)
Really?! Whatever! ;) ;) ;D
The proper Valley Talk response, I believe, is Meh! ;D
The only proper response I have to that is...
;D ;D ;D
To all and sundry -
I will be coming across the pond on
Tuesday and will be there for a week - I'll not be working on the
Vicksburg during this time.
If she is still available, I start working on her when I get back. ;D
Have a great time over here, Kathy - hope you get to everywhere you hope to visit.
Thanks for letting us know that you'll be away, Kathy - I really appreciate that!
Thanks Helen -
3 trips to Europe, and I'm finally going to
spend more than 2 days in a country where I can read the signs in the
train stations - I'm bound for the Emerald Isle...
You are most welcome Hanibal -
Not sure what the superscripted 2 at 1 and 2 am means, but I'm
pretty sure it isn't "Thermometer showed temperature of 3969 degrees"!
From my memory of manual typewriters it's quite tricky to do a superscript so you'd think it must mean something, but ???
Perhaps they were teasing us? ;D
It seems that I will once again be going on Shore Leave - this
weekend, for our anniversary / Mother's Day, I will spend 42 hours on a
train to spend roughly 6 hours in Chicago. I count the train time
as well worth it, because I'll be spending most of the 6 hours at
Wrigley Field, watching the Nationals beat the Cubs - ;D
That sounds like a serious addiction, Kathy - one to rival OW!
I'm a recent fan of baseball - since the Nats came to town...
there are a few baseball and football stadia I wish to visit, and
Wrigley Field is on the list (as is Soldier Field, also in Chicago) -
and the Nationals and the Cubs are the two best teams in all of baseball
right now - I do enjoy trains, but I have to say that is Peter's
primary addiction ;D
This trip is a great combination of several interests! (Not as addictive as OW though ;D )
On 11 and 12 pm on this page, the weather code is "Blue" and there's no cloud data at all - anybody know what that means?
I assume that it means the sky is blue (no clouds).
And now she's down to the very last logbook - Jan 1st to Oct 16th, 1919.
The end is near!
Lucky you!
I did it! I completed the very last logbook of all, and thus finished this vessel off for good! Woohoo!
Great work! What's next?
What's next?
sure if you mean "Which ship will get finished off next?" or "Which
ship are you gonna work on next?", but I'm pretty sure the answer to both those questions is Jamestown 1879. ;)
Could someone please change this ship to VAL? She's overdue!
Will do.
Adam has updated Vicksburg.
Well done all. 8)
This link should show a photo of Vicksburg Sailors in 1911
It seems to show the back of the postcard with the picture :-\
:-[ This is the one (I hope)
(http://www.desismileys.com/smileys/desismileys_3266.gif) (http://www.desismileys.com/)
Good find!