Month of January, 1942
(that scan run goes through June, 1942
I've logged onto the database all the names and next of kin at the start of the log book.are you referring to Kathy's database (sodadb)?
In your commentI've logged onto the database all the names and next of kin at the start of the log book.are you referring to Kathy's database (sodadb)?
Ok, just ended January 1942... and i'm actually transcribing everything i can read (pounds of cabbages included), but what would you do with these two pages?
I was wondering wether to record every single name as a mention, just one big "event" with all names, or nothing at all... several of the crewmen were addressed during the month, but here we have the full January ship roster on hand.
an edittext instead of a normal input box, for events, perhaps would have been better for entering multi-lines text
See where a good woman can get a man? ! ;D
Jam occurred when the projectile became separated from the case as the gun was being loaded, projectile lodging in the base. The case, with powder intact was withdrawn from breech. Projectile was removed with an extension rod introduced through the muzzle and all parts of the round were thrown over the side.
Underway as before. Cleared channel leading to the Pacific Oil Company. Docks - FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS.
13.13 Received dispatch from Naval Operating Base, NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND - to go to the assistance of the American tanker 'SEABOARD' which was reported ice-bound between FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS, and Mount Hope Bridge - BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND -
13.25 Breaking ice in vicinity of SEABOARD -
14.24 SEABOARD, American tanker - cleared from ice - task completed -
14.30 Went to assistance of eight (8) ice-bound fishing trawlers.
15.50 Completed task of breaking ice for eight (8) ice-bound fishing trawlers.
15.59. Headed for assistance of American tug DUNMORE. with two (2) towes - W.F.Jones and SANGAMON which was ice-bound in channel north of Common-Fence Point - PORTSMOUTH RHODE ISLAND - coming from sea headed for FALL RIVER
MASSACHUSETTS. Watch ended in position 71o12'W - 41o12'N [wrong latitude, probably 41o42'N] - being approximately two hundred (200) yards in front of the American tug DUNMORE and her two (2) barges
16.00-20.00 -
Underway as before - proceeding up Mount Hope Bay to FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS.
16.20 BORDEN FLATS Light-house abeam to port close aboard
16.30 Reversed course - to reopen channel.
17.05 Reversed course again - now headed in direction of FALL RIVER MASSACHUSETTS with American tug Dunmore and one (1) tow and American tug Resolute - (which had come to assistance of tug Dunmore) with one tow. following -
17.28. BORDEN FLATS Lighthouse abeam to port close aboard
04.35 Unmoored ship - underway on various courses and speeds - breaking ice in MOUNT HOPE BAY.
05.20 BORDEN FLATS Lighthouse abeam to starboard, close aboard.
06.45 Hove to in vicinity of nun buoy ten (10) - Mount Hope Bay Channel -
07.55. Underway on various courses and speeds breaking ice in main channel of Mount Hope Bay,
07.57 Sunrise - secured running lights - Watch ended in position 41o 42'N 71o 10' 30"W.
Underway as before.
08.04 Passed abeam to port - close aboard. BORDEN FLATS - Lighthouse
08.20 Went to aid of American tug DUNMORE and one (1) tow.
11.11 American tug DUNMORE and tows - freed from ice into main channel.
11.40, Moored port bow to FALL RIVER LINE, Night Boat Wharf, FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS.
Moored as before.
15.00 Received dispatch from Naval Operating Base, NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND - instructing us to return to base -
18.16 All hand to muster for the half masting of Colors in honor of the death of the President of the United States.
Vessel in process of decommissioning.
Instruments being removed for
W.H.Kittell, Lt.
Navigation Officer.
10.45 Liberty party returned on time with the exception of Gemelli, Samuel J. (621-008) Sea 1/C (R) who was taken to the Marine Hospital, 30th and Remington Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland after having been struck by a passing automobile.
Gemelli, Samuel J. (621-008) Sea 1/C was struck by an automobile driven by Nick G. Kootsikas, 3570 South Hanover Street, Baltimore, Maryland, the automobile was a 1936 Plymouth Sedan License #972-882, Maryland. The accident occured on Carvel Road, Curtis Bay, Maryland shortly after midnight 30 September, 1945. Miss Mary Eder, 1509 Byrd Street, Baltimore, Maryland was walking with Gemelli at the time of the accident. Gemelli received laceration of the scalp and possible skull fracture.
*15.00 Gemelli, Samuel J. (621-008) Sea 1/C (R) transferred this date to US Coast Guard Yard, Curtis Bay, Maryland. Authority alcoast 99-44 and Personnel Bulletin 55-45. Personnel Record and Health Record transferred to Personnel Officer CG Yard, Curtis Bay, Maryland for administrative purposes. Personnal effects turned over to Master of Arms at CG Yard, for safekeeping while man is at US Marine Hospital, Baltimore, Md for inpatient treatment.
Easier to explain the alcohol to his captain than "Miss Mary Eder" at midnight to Wilma ReichelFortunately (for him) he married Wilma Reichel only in August 1946, hopefully he was not cheating on her in October 1945 ::)
Underway as before on base course 169o T at standard speed of 95 RPM.
21.40 Contact bearing 70o T range 2300 yds 20o broad. changed course to 70o T speed to 115 RPM
21.47 General quarters.
21.50 All stations manned and ready.
21.52 changed course to 300o T. *
21.57 Dropped center of four (4) charge diamond pattern two charges from racks set at 100 feet. "K" guns set for 50 yard throw (1403. charge) and "K" gun depth charges set at 150 feet. an eight second interval used between charges. Searched vicinity until 23.55 without regaining contact.
23.55 Secured from general quarters changed course to 169o T and speed to 95 RPM.
*21.57 expended four (4) MKVI depth charges approximate position L 21o-12N, l 74o-13'W.
Underway at standard speed 100 RPM on course 106o T.
16.15 Changed to various courses and various speeds entering CAPE HAITIEN HARBOR, USAT STATE OF MARYLAND aground on GRAN MOUTON SHOAL, 1100 yards, 153o T from POINT PICOLET LIGHT, CAPE HAITIEN, HAITI in 10 fathoms of water to 30 fathoms port chain.
16.55 CAPTAIN W.H.LEE, USNR and the Commanding Officer departed for USAT STATE OF MARYLAND to obtain grounding information.
18.05 CAPTAIN W.H. LEE, USNR and Commanding Officer returned with information that the USAT STATE OF MARYLAND was aground forward and along her starboard side drawing 13'6" forward normally and on an 11 foot shoal. All liquid cargo had been removed aft and 90 tons general cargo had been discharged into lighters.
18.35 Weighed port anchor altering position to pull on USAT STATE OF MARYLAND.
18.40 Anchored in 10 fathoms water to 75 fathoms starboard chain, 400 yards on port quarter of USAT STATE OF MARYLAND. 18.55 Began running line by motor launch to the grounded vessel.
Anchored as before
20.15 120 fathoms of 10" hawser run to and secured on the stern of grounded vessel
20.35 Hawser secured aboard UNALGA began working up slowly to 75 RPM with USAT State of Maryland backing full
20.50 Making 75 RPM increasing slowly to maximum speed
21.00 making maximum speed and strain on hawser
21.05 Hawser parted about 60 fathoms from stern of UNALGA engine backed two-third and then stopped began taking hawser aboard
22.15 Motor dinghy alongside with messenger from grounded vessel heaving in other half of hawser
22.40 All hawser aboard messenger left bent on to USAT MARYLAND's stern ceased operations for night preparing to splice hawser after changing in morning Result of operations STATE OF MARYLAND's stern was slewed around 5o to port no apparent drag astern
ROSARIO Francisco (500-023) M Att 2/C (R) and QUINONES Marcial (500-241) M Att 2/C (R) placed on report by FOURAKER Clarence (222-187) SC 2/C for washing clothes in galley urns
Definitely better without added dirty clothing
These readings are not in error. JHSAnd following that sentence, there are four weather readings (1am to 4am) striked through.
If a page has been filled in and then crossed out, please transcribe the entries as usual and include the crossing-out as an Event: 'page crossed out' or something similar.
(If you are really curious, see:
06 0 Reveille
0645 Serve coffee for officer of deck
0700 Set up for breakfast
0900 Secure from breakfast wash dishes and clean pantry and ice box
0945 Make up bunks in wardroom, clean floor of rooms, mirrors and once a week, SATURDAY MORNING sooge down all bulkheads and bunks. Clean wardroom generally
1100 Mess Cooks inspection
1110 Setup for Dinner
1200 Dinner
1300 Secure from dinner wash dishes and clean pantry
1345 Clean officer head and shower
1658 PYC 8 during dock trials, for which insufficient warning had been given, did so jam the bow of this vessel into the dock as to cause the following damage to number three life boat moored between dock and port bow of this vessel: port and starboard gunwhales broken, one thwart and rising on portside broken, fourteen frames cracked or broken, five strakes cracked or broken, one angle brace broken opened numerous seams.
Underway screening as before on base course 096o T at standard speed 95 RPM receiving air coverage.
15.00 Established underwater contact bearing 050o T.
15.06 General alarm sounded.
15.08 All stations manned and ready. Underway at various speeds on various courses to make attack.
15.21 Dropped pattern "C" of depth charges.
15.30 Commenced searching.
15.34 Established contact bearing 155o T.
15.40 Last contact.
15.55 Secured from general quarters but continuing search in area of first contact. charges were dropped at position fixed by following true bearings; CAPE SAN JUAN LIGHT; PUERTO RICO 204o T; LUIS PENA ISLAND 138o T.
Underway as before, continuing search in area of first contact at various courses and speeds.
19.35 Resumed regular screening position on base course 096o (T) at standard speed of 105 RPM.
Page cut out and replaced by James H. Silcox
James H. Silcox Lieut(jg)(R)
Attested to be a true copy of log under above date.
J.F.Burns Lieut. USCGR
Cutting a page would be illegal nowadays - some logs even have an included string that would supposedly show if that happened. Maybe that's the page that described the alien encounter we've been covering up for so long?
Don't laugh ::)
While doing the Reference page for Charleston I found:
USAT Delarof -
Don't laugh ::)
While doing the Reference page for Charleston I found:
USAT Delarof -
Wow ;D
I'd be curious to peek that logpage :)
Underway as before on base course 125o (T) at standard speed of 80 RPM
14.08 barge cast loose from tug.
14.10 exercised at general quarters, made ready to sink barge with gun fire and depth charge.
14.16 commenced firing #1 and #2 - 3".50 caliber guns and port and starboard "K" guns
15.29 secured from general quarters went into condition of readyness no. 2
Underway at various courses and speeds maneuvering around barge while continuing efforts to destroy it by depth charges and gun fire.
16.15 fired port "I" gun
16.30 fired starboard "I" gun
17.10 Fired three (3) rounds from 3".50 caliber #2 gun and thirty (30) rounds 20mm ammunition from starboard 20mm gun.
17.20 Attempts to sink barge by depth charges and gun fire abandoned. NOB GUANTANAMO advised of circumstances. USS UNALGA and USS MONTCALM standing by wrecked barge awaiting orders.
Expended seven (7) 28 oz. impulse charges and seven (7) depth charges Mark VI, twenty three (23) rounds of 3".50 caliber, Five (5) Anti-Aircraft and eighteen (18) common, thirty (30) rounds 20mm ammunition.
10.25 Sighted Army Bomber bearing 045o T. Identified as aircraft on mission to dispose of derelict barge in our care.
10.35 Bomber commenced making runs on barge.
11.05 Army Bomber secured from bombing derelict barge having done no appreciable damage to it.
11.15 Army bomber departed on course 135o T.
This seems unlikely if Matteo is finishedI think i'm quite far from finishing Unalga I, i've done just 1942, 1945 (the last months before decommission :'( ) and half of 1943. As Randi said, the covered period is quite huge (there are samples of WWI pages which i'm looking forward for them to show up :) ).
I will remain behind you, Matteo, so that you break waves for me (i.e. record all the mentions) ;DWill be my pleasure ;D ;D
e=Wet air, without rain.
m=Misty weather.
Name | Official Code | Unofficial code (seen on logpages) |
Cirrus | Ci | |
Cirro-cumulus | Cc | |
Cirro-stratus | Cs | |
Alto-cumulus | Ac | |
Alto-cumulus Castellatus | Acc | |
Alto-stratus | As | Ast |
Strato-cumulus | Sc | |
Stratus | St | |
Fracto-stratus | Fs | |
Nimbo-Stratus | Ns | |
Cumulus | Cu | |
Fracto-cumulus | Fc | |
Cumulo-nimbus | Ch | Cn, Cb, Nc |
Cumulo-nimbus Mammatus | Cm |
... 01.20 WATSON, CHARLES B. (234-207) Sea 1/C returned to ship by Shore Patrol, having been arrested for violation of Article 8 (1)(3) Navy Regulations.
... 03.00 The following men returned aboard in custody of Shore Patrol having been arrested for violation of Article 8 paragraph (3) Fore, Burrell (205-852) GM2/C (Pro) Neel, Sam (204-829) MM2/C (Pro), Hagen, Robert I SoM2/C (247-122)(Pro), Tullos, Lavern C. F2C, (613-620)(R), GRIMSLEY, Leonard W. (234-006) Cox (Pro), Wyman, Leslie A (111-280) CWT(a)(Pro) Micheels, William G. (550-399) Sea1/C (R) - 06.00 Liberty party returned on time with the exception of Silcio, Charles, St.M1/C (R) ...
Yep, I can move posts here on the forum... I think Craig has understood you were moving logpages from U-1 to U-2, instead of his posts in this discussion thread.
Craig, since the U-2 set has evidently not been removed from U-1, you'll have to (again :-\) undergo 1947 and 1946 from Unalga II to proceed.
While on U-2 please post on the Unalga II Discussion Thread ( if you find something interesting and/or want to discuss about her, just to let the two ships separated here in the forum.
Maybe, since U-2 has been effectively completed, you could skip all U-2 pages that are actually inside U-1, and pass directly to the U-1 1945 set that comes after (there would be a couple of years of "I've finished with this page" to do :()... i'll ask to other moderators about this.
Are these pages also showing under Unalga 2?
Now that I think about it the 1947 pages I am doing now were not in the U-2 that I transcribed, Matteo. Those log pages were only in the Caribbean and Atlantic for 1942 whereas the present ones begin in Seattle and then there is a voyage to Alaska. I will keep on transcribing until I see something that looks familiar.
P.S. We mods had already decided against asking the PTB to split Yukon I and Yukon II ;)Could not agree more ;D ;D
Welch - appointed Lt (jg)
08.00 Morning Colors.
08.30 Colors ordered to half mast; Headquarters dispatch Oct 26.
After a funeral service at West- minster Abbey on Tuesday the body of the late Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound will be cremated, and the ashes scattered at sea.
His Majesty the" King and Mr Churchill will be represented at the Abbey service, at which' the pall- bearers will include Admiral Sir An- drew Cunningham; his successor as First Sea Lord, and Chief of the Naval staff; General Sir Alan Brooke (Chief' of the Imperial General Staff), Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal (Chief of the Air Staff), and Admiral H. R. Stark (commanding US naval forces in European waters). - '
(Flags'will be flown at half-mast between sunrise and sunset today on ships Ja harbour and^at all Austra- lian' naval snore establishments.
Log Period and Areas of Service: 1946-50, Alaskan waters.
September 1943 - Transferred to Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Squadron at Melville, RI. Served as target and torpedo recovery vessel.
7 June 1945 - assigned to 5th Naval district, serving in and around Norfolk, VA.
Fate: 10 October 1945 - decommissioned and sold in 1946. Renamed Ulua, she carried Jewish refugees to Palestine, running aground on 27 February 1947.
Received notification from Captain of Port Detail, MIAMI, FLORIDA that HIRSCH, LAMAR (7006-250) Sea 2/C (R) was appreheded by Shore Patrol MIAMI, FLORIDA at 22.50, 25 NOVEMBER, 1943 and is being confined pending instructions from UNALGA.
12.21 Rounded buoy "C11" Curtis Bay Channel into Curtis Creek, speed approximately 10 knots.
12.26 lighted buoy #11 off Walnut Point abeam to port, Wheel put left standard rudder then left full when vessel failed to respond promptly. Engine telegraph was rung to stop slow astern and full astern immediately on orders of Commanding Officer, Vessel continued forward motion until it struck the bridge abutment of CURTIS BAY Highway bridge at 12.30 bow on at 12.31 having backed clear telegraph was rung slow ahead. Vessel continued through bridge draw. Soundings from buoy "C11" to bridge abutment averaged twenty two feet with least sounding twenty feet. Wind blowing 34 to 40 knots NNW Visibility
12.00-16.00 Continued
good Sea 1. Distance from lighted buoy "11" to bridge abutment three hundred and fourty yards. No visible damage caused to bridge or abutment. Vessels stern and plates breached at water line allowing water to enter forepeak tank. All other compartments inspected and found undamaged. Engines and other installations inspected and found undamaged except Radar equipment found to be out of adjustment.
12.38 Coast Guard fire boat alongside to assist in mooring.
12.46 Moored starboard side to Pier 4B, Coast Guard Yard, Curtis Bay, Maryland
09.00 to 12.00
10.20 Steering wheel jammed while right full, engine stopped.
10.25 Steering engine and cables examined, no trouble found
10.30 Steering working, ahead courses and speeds various
19.47 Full speed astern
19.48 grounded bow twenty yards west of beacon light No. 40 due to rudder failing to respond to the wheel when turned ten (10) degrees left followed by full left immediately
Hope this helps ;D
From Janet's OldWeather Encyclopedia of Answers ( Logs
"Original Logs" are the books filled out by various lieutenants who were working the different watches, recording the events of the day. These books are usually contain 2 or more months of data per volume, and all of them remain onboard the ship for the length of that voyage. Individual volumes may start at random dates in the middle of the month. Voyages go from when a crew is commissioned to sail the ship on a specific mission to when they are all paid off, usually a year or more later. These books have multiple handwritings on each page and have errors scratched out and corrected and are frequently harder to read - especially if the weather is rough. At the end of the voyage they are turned over to the Admiralty as a set. Some of the original logs have wonderful inventories of their ships, listing all the armament and all the boats as well as a detailed statement of the kinds of engines. Both times I found one of these, it was fun to transcribe.
See also "Copy Logs".
The large majority of our logs are Copies. Some of them are Originals. Sometimes when a both kinds are used for a ship, there is an overlap where some dates - or weeks - get transcribed twice. This is much liked by the climatologists and historians, because it gives them a chance to check what errors were written by the various log-keepers.QuoteCopy Logs
"Copy Logs" are volumes containing a single month's information, copied over by a "writer" or lieutenant who hopefully has good handwriting (though smaller ships may not carry a specialist). They start the first of every month, and each month the previous month's copy gets sent back to the Admiralty soonest possible. Since they can do it when the ship is NOT being tossed by heavy waves, and since there is one consistant handwriting all the way through, they are usually easier to read. And they are always neater, since the writer knows at the beginning of each day how many notes he will have to write. If the writer has gotten into the groove and not paying attention to time, they may overrun into the next month until the writer runs out of paper. These copies are why we have a detailed record from ships that were sunk and lost.
See also "Original Logs".
The large majority of our logs are Copies. Some of them are Originals. Sometimes when a both kinds are used for a ship, there is an overlap where some dates - or weeks - get transcribed twice. This is much liked by the climatologists and historians, because it gives them a chance to check what errors were written by the various log-keepers.
If he's sure it's a repeat it's OK to skip everything already done. Move on to the new stuff.
There is value in duplicate copies but it's not an efficient use of our time. So we don't need to work hard to eliminate duplicates, but if you spot them it's not necessary to enter everything again.
Thanks, PhilipFor the first time with the American ships, Unalga I has overlapping logbooks. Dec. 1 thru Dec. 15 are already transcribed by Matteo from a book that ends at that point. The next book scanned is in different handwriting, and contains the entire month of December, 1943.
My response, based on frequently overlapping RN logbooks, was to repeat the weather data but maybe not the very long comments. Given the length of the weather readings, I'm not certain about this. How do you want this handled?
They don't need all the exact links I thinkI've not peeked too much in advance, however the first set goes from (excluding journal covers and the two ending blank pages):
TULLOS, LAVERNE C. (613-620) F1/C (R) and EARNEST, GLEN D. (232-243) WT2/C put on report by Master At Arms for failure in not getting up at Reveille
12.00 COCKERHAM, Francis N. (548-480) MM3/C (R) placed on report by master-at-arms for cruel treatment of ship's mascot.
09.11 Stopped engine, hove to checking position of marker buoy "SW"
09.15 Underway on various courses at various speeds checking positions of all marker buoys.
11.30 Commenced underwater sound search for sunken PT 200 from southeast corner of probable area.
13.49 Rendezvous with ship ANTON DOHRN 233635 from WOOD'S HOLE at position 41o26' North latitude, 71o06' West longitude.
09.35 Wreck position located with signal tail in launch; dropped kedge anchor astern to hold ship directly over wreck
09.40 Commenced diving operations, first diver down
09.50 Wreck located in position Longitude 71o06'23"W Latitude 41o26'14"N; marked by buoy attached to strut
22.40 Liberty granted to married men to expire 07.30 20 April 1944
18.22 Ensign lowered to half mast for the death of Secretary of the Navy Frank L Knox.
Extended lights until 11:00 to enable officers to work on ship's papers.
Hour Wind
DirectionForce Bar
AmountAM ... 10 SE 3 29.93 74 74 bc Ci 8 11 SE 4 29.91 78 76 bc Ci 8 12 SE 4 29.90 80 77 bc Ast Cu (sic) 10 PM 1 SSE 4 29.89 78 75 bc Ac 10 2 ESE 4 29.87 75 74 o Ac 10 3 ES (sic) 4 29.83 78 74 o Ac 10 4 ES (sic) 4 29.79 76 73 o Ac 10 5 E 5 29.77 76 75 o Ac 10 6 E 5 29.70 74 73 o Ac 10 7 E 6 29.58 74 73 o Ns 10 8 E 7 29.45 74 74 o/r Ns 10 9 E 9 29.23 73 73 r Ns 10 10 E 9 28.96 71 71 r Ns 10 11 SE 10 28.60 68 67 r Ns 10 12 SE 8 28.33 67 66 r Ns 10
Hour Wind
DirectionForce Bar
AmountAM 1 SW 9 28.70 71 71 c Sc 8 2 SW 7 29.01 71 70 c Sc 8 3 SW 7 29.24 71 69 c Sc 9 4 SW 7 29.42 73 67 bc-z Cc 3 5 SW 7 29.51 73 67 bc Cc 3 6 WSW 6 29.56 71 67 bc Cc 3 7 WSW 5 29.66 72 68 bc Cc 2 8 W 4 29.68 72 68 bc Cc 3 9 W 3 29.72 78 74 bc Ac 4 10 W 3 29.76 79 75 bc Ac 3 11 SSW 3 29.77 76 72 bc Ac 4 12 SSW 3 29.79 76 72 bc Ac 4 PM 1 SSW 3 29.79 76 72 bc Ac 8 ...
02.30 JOYNER, Leon J. (220-964) MM1/C reported aboard three (3) hours away without leave. appeared to be under the influence of some sort of liquor - threw fire hose on deck and went below to berth deck.
07.00 Dock guard reported aboard and requested permission to see executive officer - informed said officer that his automobile has undergone vandalism and that the dock fence and precaution sign had been removed from the dock.
Yes Craig, the storm had lost pretty much of his force moving northward (striking Long Island as a Category 2 hurricane)... it did cause the most damage in Florida and Southern States (a total of 390 died from 9th to 16th September - 248 of them were aboard the USS Warrington in Florida).
After which you will have a breath of fresh air ;DFinally away from MTB training! ;D
07.30 Secured from turning over main engines - Bride and engine ready for getting under way
It will be nice to get up north for a change, Matteo. You might run into me in the Bear (in place if not time) ;D
1:40 USRC Bear came to anchor off Sausalito, Commanding Officer of the Unalga called on the Bear informally. Delivered Mail and telegram to Bear.
Name | Code | |
Cirrus | CI | |
Cirro-Stratus | CI-S | |
Cirro-Cumulus | CI-CU | |
Alto-Cumulus | A-CU | |
Alto-Stratus | A-S | |
Strato-Cumulus | S-CU | |
Nimbus | N | |
Cumulus | CU | |
Cumulo-Nimbus | CU-N | |
Stratus | S |
9:40, put Bliss log over (83.0)
13 Dec 1913 (
Name Hailing Port Commander Course Type Am. Str. Fashion Long Beach A.C.Malone Long Beach - San Pedro Passengers Am. Str. Tallac San Francisco L. Hansen Everett, Wn - San Pedro Lumber Am. Str. Vaguero Los Angeles Am. Str. Cabrillo Wilmington T. McFarlane Avalon - San Pedro Passengers & freight Am. Str. Falchon Wilmington Am. Str. Warrior Wilmington Am. Str. Companero Wilmington Am. Str. Santa Rosa Isl. Los Angeles
Motor Boats:
Name Hailing Port Commander Type Kensel T. Willis Passengers Edjucator Real San Pedro H.Cutter Fish Imp Onadohta San Pedro F.Helm Passengers Blanche Robert Corliss Los Angeles F.Wright Passengers & freight Florinda Lena San Pedro O.Elaisson Swing Tender
19 Dec 1913 (
Motor boats:
Name Hailing Port Commander Type Pilgrim ~ Fish Ventura Los Angeles H.Rohrberg Fish Mike San Pedro P.Porret Fish Alert San Diego H.O.~ Fish Anton Catalina Is. Fish Oh you Kid San Pedro S.Malcovich Fish Maurice San Pedro J.Baldwin ~ Mary Jane Avalon Maybella F. Avalon Garfield Nick M. Avalon
21 Dec 1913 (
Motor boats:
Name Hailing Port Commander Type Antonio San Pedro M.Esperit Fish Liato Wilmington E.L.Musseter Towing Pearl San Pedro M.Nelson Fish Sport Standard San Pedro Little Tony San Pedro Camille San Pedro W.Ray Fish Scandia San Pedro V.Pearson Fish
*About 4:30 pm. Commanding Officer was passing along the street in Sausalito and noticed a crowd hurrying to waterfront. upon inquiry learned that a man had been drowned. When he arrived at the landing he found that H.L. McManus, 18 years of age of 500 Belvedere St., San Francisco who with his father M. H. Mc Manus had attempted to pull ashore in a small skiff from a launch had been thrown into the water by the cappining of the skiff. The elder Mc Manus had been rescued and the younger had been caught with the grapple after having been under water a period estimated in one hour. Life appeared to be extinct as the body was brought ashore, but the Commanding Officer at once, assisted by ship's writer J.C. Bryan of the Unalga and privates Clark & Innis of 61st. Co. Coast Artillery, Fort Baker, who had been attracted to the spot, and later by Coxn. M.Jacobson, seaman G.L. Formugis and W. Rieforbinder, CH, Unalga's launch crew who were hailed in passing applied the service method of resuscitating the apparently drowned.And on the lower part of the page:
Dr. Mays arrived and gave the patient strychnine by hypodemically. The artificial respiration was continued for one hour without signs of life. The physician stated that death was probably caused by heart failure.
How do you ever transcribe that log? :oIt's the funniest part of transcription process... this logpage has taken a little time indeed ;D
and you can notice, with extreme horror, that he writes capital L and S with the same exact graphicBelieve me, he isn't the only one!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
4pm to mid:
8:25 intercepted radiogram wich stated that the steamer Pomo had capsized and that her crew were all safe aboard the Stmr. Adeline Smith which had a line to her.
8:30 Sent radiogram to master of Adeline Smith, asking him position and if the Unalga could be of assistance. ordered steam and made all preparation for going to sea
9:00 received radiogram from Stmr Adeline Smith as follows :- "Steamer Adeline Smith with Steamer Pomo in tow one mile north of San Francisco Light Vessel at nine pm, nothing can be done to-night, the Pomo is lying on her side, crew safe aboard hers. Olson"
9:15 belayed steam - decided to wait until morning and then proceed to assistance of Adelina Smith, if necessary
4:20 received radiogram from the Adeline Smith, stating that she had lost the Pomo at 12:25am two miles west of lightship, in fresh SSE gale; ugly sea and that she waited search for the Pomo at daylight. Made all preparations for getting underway as soon as liberty party returned.
9:10 received following radiogram from Adeline Smith. "We are endeavouring to get a line on her, she is drifting towards beach in Drake's Bay"
9:30 sailed in channel & spook tug Dauntless - informed her of the location of the Adeline Smith and Pomo and she then turned and stood for Drake's Bay.
10:30 sighted the Adeline Smith and Pomo.
11:35, stopped and lowered surf boat - sent officer and crew to render any assistance possible.
12:50 tug Dauntless took line and hung on astern
1:00, line parted. Delivered to tug message obtained from her owners.
2:00, surf boat came alongside, reporting that two lines had been run between the wreck & the A. Smith and that the boat would not be required longer as the A.Smith was about to commence towing and requested the Unalga to convoy her. Hoisted surf boat and at 2:01 underway.
2:15 allowed fires in fwd. boiler to die out. Shortly after observed wreck to have broken loose and later received radio message from A.Smith to that effect, also stating that wreck was now in shallow water and in the opinion of the master of the A.Smith nothing further could be done.
3:17, wreck took bottom solidly, and righted slowly.
12:20, received following radiogram. "Marine Exchange reports vessel in distress off Potato Patch drifting northward. Reynolds".
12:55, received additional information by Radio from Marine Ex. in reply to following radiogram "Can you give me further particulars of vessel in distress" indicating 3 masted schooner Polaris in distress in vicinity of Bolinas Bay.
1:20, underway, stood various courses and speeds from anchorage thru Golden Gate.
3:48 (42.2) SxW, hove to awaiting daylight, dead slow. So ends. in vicinity Duxbury R. Buoy keeping sharp lookout for schooner in distress or distress signal.
8:00 sighted wrecked schooner on beach near Bolinas point. Started scrubbing decks with sand. Standing in toward wreck at end.
Stood in toward Bolinas Point as close as practicable to observe schooner. A heavy sea was breaking to seaward of the schooner making operations from seaward impracticable. Stood off a safe distance to await favorable conditions standing at various speeds as necessary.
11:40 (56.0) having rec'd information that power boat from Fort Point LSS station was starting for wreck set course E1/8N for Duxbury Reef to meet power boat.
1:10, received information by radio that crew of schooner had gotten safely ashore. There being no further possibility of rendering assistance, stood for San Francisco.
8:00 sighted wrecked schooner on beach near Bolinas point. Started scrubbing decks with sand.
When I read Northland I immediately thought ":o :o Oh No! Unalga I, II and now Northland all together"...
3:15 Tug Pioneer came alongside and reported that the Barkentine Jane L. Stanford was ashore in Ediz Hook, outside, having stranded during gale last night and requested our assistance at 5:00am, high tide
6:50 Cast off from wharf and stood out to Stanford.
7:15 Stopped off vessel ashore, broadside on beach with seas breaking over her. with three tugs standing by.
7:45 Sent 3" running line and ran same from tug "Pioneer" to "Stanford" and assisted in running hawser. "Unalga" standing by to assist.
8:10 Anchored in 9 1/4 fathoms water - 25 fms stbd chain. Sent officer to confer with master of the "Jane L. Stanford" and with tug boat masters and to sound around the stranded vessel. Found her to be aground close to beach with seven feet of water under bows and twelve feet under stern. Rough sea and tugs not being ready to pull it At request of masters of Tugs Pioneer, Tyee, and Prosper and of the stranded vessel, the Unalga shifted anchorage from 9:00 to 9:20 when anchored in 6 3/4 fathoms, 30 fathoms starboard chain in order to stand by and assist when necessary. The tugs Prosper and Tyee left until next higher high water, and this vessel and tug Pioneer to stand by to commence pulling at first favorable high tide. Crew engaged in running lines and boat duty.
Standing by stranded vessel. Kept steam at throttle.
6:30, Sent boat to deliver radiogram to Captain Petersen of the Jane L Stanford from his agents.
Started fires under forward boiler at mid-night.
6:15 Cut in forward boiler. * Followed morning routine. Standing by to help pull on stranded vessel if needed. Five tugs working on the Stanford at high water.
*for additional power in the event of the agents requesting this vessel to pull on the "Stanford".
Sent radio to tugs stating that "Unalga" would proceed to Ediz Hook for coal and be ready to assist them if desired.
1:00 Received radio from master of tug "Goliah" requesting assistance of this vessel in pulling on "Stanford" at high water tomorrow. Replied that "Unalga's" hawser was not strong enough for inside work to stand strain of combined pull of this vessel and tugs, but would run one hawser to tug and work ahead if he desired it. Received answer of thanks and requesting assistance of this vessel to work ahead.
6:40 Underway and stood out to stranded vessel.
7:25 Stopped and sent officer in boat to ask master of tugs what assistance was desired of "Unalga". No assistance was necessary in pulling but he requested boat officer to convoy information of his plans to "Stanford" which was done.
7:30 Stanford was floated and taken in tow by tug
7:40 Unalga's boat returned. This vessel stood by until Stanford was towed into Port Angeles.
Mid - 8am :-
Calm, foggy.
Observed day as holiday, Washington's anniversary.
Full dressed ship at 8am.
Liberty men returned.
S.S. Yeandle, 2nd Lieut
8am - 4pm :-
Light SE airs, overcast.
10:00 Granted liberty.
W. Riefsnider, fireman, left on 2 days re-enlistment leave.
At noon fired national salute of 21 guns expending 21 saluting charges.
4pm - Mid :-
Light Southerly airs, overcast.
Dynamo in use until midnight account of official paper work, making photographic prints for compilation of hydrographic data on Aleutian Islands
S.S. Yeandle.
Received from Headquarters' one copy US Coast Pilot, Alaska, Part 1And again working till late:
Dynamo in use until 12:00 account of work on official report on Aleutian hydrographic information
8am to 4pm
Liberty party returned; A. Ericksen, coxswain, being intoxicated.
4pm to Mid.
4:30, A. Ericksen, coxswain, after being refused liberty left the vessel without permission still being under the influence of liquor.
At 5:10, he returned. placed him in the brig in order to prevent him from leaving the ship, the vessel lying at a wharf.
At 7:10, at Ericksen's request he was taken to toilet and climbed through port and left the vessel.
I wonder what (or perhaps who) was the attraction on shore?Probably he was not so happy to depart for Alaska (and alcohol has added something)... but some other kind of "mandatory" attraction ashore is always possible ;D
8am to 4pm
Received Division Commander's letter of March 20, 1916, (110-11) revoking orders dated - Jan. 27, 1916, (110-11) directing Unalga to cruise along fishing banks in Alaskan Waters.
8am to Merid. :-
8:35 (27.7) Point Wilson nun buoy bearing South, 0.7 mile, course W3/8N, standing down Straits, awaiting favorable opportunity to swing ship. Keeping sharp lookout for stolen tug "Leroy".
Merid to 4:00pm
2:10 Came to at anchor in Knik Harbor, in 15 fathoms water 55 fathoms starboard chain.
Commanding Officer went ashore and conferred with Marshal Wardell and Judge Brown. It was ascertained that there were about 2000 menin stateson strike and conditions critical.
Judge Brown expected a satisfactory settlement this evening but was afraid that the presence of the "Unalga" would incite the men to riot and requested the Unalga to go to Fire Island and wait there, being in radio communication.
8am to 4pm
Ran six inch line to port quarter of Steamer "Dora"; pulled with "Bear" at high water. "Dora" floated at 1:25. 2:00 "Bear" cast off and stood out; sent international signal "Wish you a pleasant passage" (TDL); received "Thank you" (XOR) in reply.
Mid. to 8am
Halfmasted Ensign and Jack at 8:00.
8:00am to 4:00pm
Fired 21, one minute guns at noon. Sent firing squad to cemetary containing graves of service men Decorated with colors, graves of service men, and naval men, and grave of British Naval Seaman, until sundown. Fired three volleys and sounded tubes over graves. Expending 21, 6-Pdr. saluting charges. Expended 24 blank charges .30 caliber rifle cartridges. Observed memorial day.
8am to 4pm
Prepared to get underway. 3:45, up anchor and stood out. Received international signal "Wish you a pleasant voyage" (TDL) from "Manning" and "McCulloch"; answered each with international code signal "Thank You" (XOR).
8:00am to Merid :-
11:00 Underway. McCulloch sent "TDL" Wish you a pleasant voyage, we answering "XOR" thank you. Stood various courses away from dock and down Illiuliuk Bay.
8:00am to Merid :-
9:05 Underway, over log (57.5), course West.
9:40 (62.3) SW Point abeam, distant 13 miles.
10:03 (65.3) Course NNW3/4W and so to end of watch.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...] Standing NNW3/4W. entire watch.
4pm to 8pm [...] Standing NNW3/4W.
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] Moon showing throught cloud at intervals. Vessel on course NNW3/4W throughout watch.
Mid. to 4am :- [...] Standing NNW3/4W.
1:10 (89.0), in log on account of ice, slowed.
1:20, ahead course NNW3/4W.
3:00, course ESE on account of heavy ice and so ends.
4am to 8am
6:05, out of ice, cruising speed.
6:15, over log (89.0), Course NE. 6:30 (90.7) Course ENE. 6:45 (93.0) Course East.
7:55 (98.8) Course NExE.
8:00am to Merid :- [...]
8:50 (6.2) Course NNE. [...] 10:00 (12.4) Course North. 11:34 (23.3) Course NNW.
12:00 (26.4) Sighted field ice ~ on port bow, changed course to North and so watch ends.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...]
12:35 (30.4), course NNE; 1:00 (33.2), course NE.; 1:15 (35.0), course East;
2:00 (40.3), course NE; changing course to keep clear of ice.
4pm to 8pm [...]
4:20 (57.7) course NE, 60 revolutions. 4:50 (60.0) course ESE. 6:45 (71.1) stopped and sounded in 31 fathoms.
6:58 (71.1) ahead course East, 75 turns.
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] 8:00 (78.2) in log, stopped vessel to sound.
8:10 having sounded in 28 fathoms water came to an anchor 90 fathoms port chain * Vessel at anchor throughout watch, riding easily - Standing Officer watches.
*Came to an anchor in order to await until NE gale blows ice away from St. Matthews.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] Vessel at anchor throughout watch, riding easily, waiting for ice conditions in vicinity of St. Matthews Island to improve.
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] Vessel at anchor throughout watch.
4am to 8am [...] falling temperature.
4:15, underway, course NWxW1/4W, over log (78.2). 6:55 (0.6) course W1/4N.
7:10 began to see small detached and scattered pieces of ice.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 8:10 (10.5) course WxS, reduced speed.
8:20 (11.9) in log on account of ice.
8:30 slow speed on account of ice.
10:25 having encountered heavy field ice and having sighted solid heavy pack ice ahead, changed course to South.
11:05 stopped and sounded in 40 fathoms water. 11:15 ahead slow speed.
11:37 ice beginning to clear out, ahead half speed.
11:50 ran clear of ice
Merid. to 4pm :- [...] 12:15, stopped to sound.
12:30, anchored in 38 fathoms to 90 fathoms port cable, on account of ice, Standing officers' watches.
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] Vessel at anchor to await improvement in ice conditions as heavy pack ice is directly on course to St. Matthew Island.
4am to 8am [...] Ice in sight bearing from WNW to North.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 9:00 (11.9) underway, over log, course WxN. As for as the eye can see from Northward to WNW there is heavy ice. Set course WxN in hope of better conditions.
9:35 (16.1) sighted St. Matthew Island bearing NWxW1/4W.
10:00 (20.3) in log, course NxW. Ran up to see how havy ice was.
10:30 stopped Found heavy pack ice.
11:15 ahead cruising speed, course WSW. 11:55 course WxS.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...] Standing W1/2S. 12:52, course W1/2N.; 1:30, course SWxW1/4W; 1:50, course SW.
3:07, course West; 3:40, course South; 3:50, course SxE; to keep clear of heavy ice.
4pm to 8pm [...] 4:24, course SxW. 4:40, course SE. As Ice extended to the Southward and Westward a further distance from the Island came to anchor at 4:55 in 45 fathoms of water to 90 fathoms of starboard chain, in a position where the set and drift of the ice could be watched. Ice drifting about East (mag).
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] 10:00 up anchor and underway on course East on account of ice pack drifting down on the vessel. Ice going in Southwesterly direction.
10:10 (19.3) over log. 10:22 (21.2) course ExS. 10:36 (22.4) in log, slowed down to steerage way
Mid. to 4am :- [...] 1:58, course ENE, slow.
4am to 8am [...] 4:50 course NW3/4W.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 8:40 (38.6) course NW.
9:00 (41.0) having sighted ice pack, slowed to half speed and changed course to NWxN.
9:30 (44.0) in log, stopped.
9:40 Came to an anchor in 38 fathoms water, 75 fathoms starboard chain. Stopped and anchored as it was impossible to reach St Matthew Island on account of heavy pack ice, unbroken, from our starboard beam, around ahead to our port beam. Kept good watch to observe set and drift of ice. Position of anchorage, Cape Upright bearing NxW7/8W distant 14 miles. [...] Ice drifting in a WSW'ly direction.
4pm to 8pm [...] No ice seen.
8:00pm to Mid. - [...] Sighted no ice.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 8:45 (44.1) underway, over log, course NNW3/4W. 9:20 (48.1) in log, course NNW.
9:30 on account of ice slowed to half speed. Stood various courses
10:15 stopped; Cape Upright bearing NxW5/8W, distant 10.3 miles. Ice being too heavy to reach an anchorage near St. Matthew Island, stopped vessel to drift and notice set and drift of current. Men employed variously. Ice setting to the Southward ~ ~ 1.0 mile on bow.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...] Vessel stopped. [...] 2:05, ahead course SxE.
2:45, stopped clear of ice.
2:50, anchored in 38 fathoms to 75 fathoms starboard cable, Cape Upright, St. Matthew Island, bearing NxW, distant fourteen miles.
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] Cold freezing weather. No ice seen.
Mid. to 4am :- [...] 12:50, ice drifting down on vessel.
12:57, up anchor and stood SE out of path of drift ice, slowed, and so ends.
4am to 8am [...] 4:00, course ExS. [...] 7:28, course WxN. Standing slow speed.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 10:00 (67.3) course NW. 10:38 (71.3), Course NWxW, weather having cleared, increased speed to 70 RPM 11:00 fog having shut down again reduced to half speed.
11:22 (77.0) Course West and so to end of watch. [...] Sighted small quantities of ice.
Merid to 4pm :- [...] 12:05 (81.2), course SSE. 1:45 (90.6), in log, course SExE on account of drift ice.
2:00 (90.6), over log. Watch ends on course SExE.
4pm to 8pm [...] 4:25 in log 9.2, sounded in 44 fathoms.
5:35, fog lifted, saw no ice.
5:35 came to anchor in 44 fathoms of water to 90 fathoms of starboard chain.
8:00pm to Mid :- [...] Saw no ice.
4am to 8am [...] 4:20, underway, overlog (9.4), course NWxN.
5:55, sighted ice on port beam.
7:10, sighted ice ahead, half speed.
7:20, in log (31.5) stopped, the ice being too heavy to proceed. [...] 7:50, ahead slow speed Co WNW.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 8:45 increased to half speed fog clearing. 8:52 Course WxN 8:55 course West. 9:05 slow speed. 9:30 Course SE
9:35 stopped. 10:00 ahead slow. [...]
10:08 stopped. Heavy field and floe ice was sighted from the signal yard all around the ship except a small opening to the SE. Heavy ice apparently setting down from Northward and Westward to Southward and Eastward
11:50 (31.5) steamed ahead on course SE, cruising speed, over log, in order to make to the Southward and Eastward to clear ice.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...] 2:34 (53.5), course E1/2N. 3:31 (61.5), course ESE. Passing drift ice from noon to 2:15 to southwestward.
4pm to 8pm [...] 6:25, in log, (84.7). 6:30, anchored in 40 fathoms of water to 90 fathoms of starboard chain.
8:00pm to Mid. - [...] Saw no ice.
8:00am to Merid :- [...] 9:00 (84.7) up anchor and underway, over log, Course SE3/4E. Weather conditions were not improved and as there was no immediate prospect of being able to reach St. Matthew Island, set Course SE3/4E for patrol duty off Pribilof Islands.
8:00am to Merid :- [...]
Sighted USS Saturn and she set GRHP, her signal letter. Hoisted answering pennant.
8:00am to Merid :- [...]
10:00 hoisted "GVHS", this ship's signal letter. Fleet Commander had answering pennant hoisted.
Set "EL", may have permission to come to dock", received answer "C" meaning yes.
Stood various courses and speeds to dock at Unalaska where at 10:30 made fast port side to.
After January-June 1916, we have July-December 1916 set, starting at Unalaska, Alaska.
Starting scan pages: Left ( and Right ( (vessel name on start scanpage again reads "Northland", but the log are Unalga ones)
8:00am to Merid :- [...]
It was observed that St. Matthew Island as plotted and also sounding are incorrect.
Merid to 4pm [...]
Mr. G.D. Hanna and officers and men went ashore and explored South East end of St. Matthew Island and collected specimens for Department of Agriculture.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...]
12:30, stood inshore, slowed, to anchorage North of Eastern end of Saint Matthew Island.
12:50, anchored in 10 fathoms to 45 fathoms starboard cable.
While standing in sighted seven schools of walrus, approximately five hundred.
Mr. G.D. Hanna, officers and men went ashore, explored Saint Matthew Island in the vicinity of the anchorage and collected specimens for the Department of Agriculture.
Merid. to 4pm :- [...]
1:20 (12.7) at charted position of rocks shown NxW3/4W. from Cape Upright, Saint Matthew Island; slowed down, sounded in 38 fathoms. although the atmosphere was clear, nothing resembling the charted rocks C&G S Chart #83023 could be seen within a radius of fifteen miles.
4:00pm to Mid :- [...]
Mr. G.D. Hanna and party of ships' Complement went ashore to obtain specimens.
8am to 4pm [...]
Mr G.D. Hanna and party of ships complement went ashore to collect specimens.
3:55, underway standing to anchorage off beach to the eastward shifting position for purpose of picking up shore parties.
4pm to Mid [...]
Mr. Hanna, Commanding Officer and party of ships complement landed on beach and found a house which had been constructed by L.L. Lane and reported by Manning in 1913.
Evidence showed that the house had been occupied by poachers since being found by Manning in 1913.
As it was evident that this house had been constructed by trepassers on a government reservation and had been used by poachers in the past and could be used only by future poachers, it was burned down.
The following notice wasmailednailed on the door to the house " Notice, June 24, 1912. This is the property of L.L. Lane. All persons are warned against trespassing hereon or removing any property. L.L. Lane".
The door was removed and will be turned over to the Fleet Commander at Unalaska.
The following notice was mailed on the door to the house " Notice, June 24, 1912. This is the property of L.L. Lane. All persons are warned against trespassing hereon or removing any property. L.L. Lane".
The door was removed and will be turned over to the Fleet Commander at Unalaska.
(I think you have a typo here: mailed instead of nailed? ;))Yup! Definitely so :)
8am to 4pm :-
10:00, steamer "Matanuska" came alongside with 20 tons of liquor on board, all in bottles, some in cases and some in sacks but most of it loose. A guard from the US Deputy Marshall's office made a verbal request that this liquor and also about 15 tons more, which was on shore, be taken on board the "Unalga" and transported to Valdez, Alaska;
as there was no safe place to store this liquor, and no inventory showing amount, it was not received on board, the facts were cabled to Headquarters and instructions requested from proper authority.
8am to
10:40, Commanding Officer received the following radiogram "Not advisable transport liquor Valdez on Unalga. Turn same over to Marshall who should make his own arrangements concerning transportation have advised Department of Justice of this notion 11507. Bertholf".
11:30 United States Deputy Marshall Evans returned aboard with message from United States Marshall Brennerman requesting that Deputy Marshall Evans be given transportation to Seward and stating that there is no further work for this vessel in Cook Inlet.
8am to 4pm :-
11:45, received Division Commander's order of the 25th directing vessel to proceed to Astoria, Oregon, for duty in connection with regatta.
4pm to Mid :- Light West airs, partly clear, hazy, thick fog and smoke.
Granted liberty to one watch until 7:45am tomorrow.
Dense fog and thick smoke from forest fires on Sound makeing navigation dangerous.
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
Vessel remained in port on account of thick fog and smoke on sound makeing all navigation in Sound dangerous.
Welcome back !
8am to 4pm :-
Light breeze, variable to SW; partly clear, passing showers first part.
Patrolling Astoria Annual Regatta during forenoon.
Judges and other officials of races, Astoria Annual Regatta on board during forenoon. Crew variously employed.
3:20, USS "Marblehead" anchored in River. [...] Quarters and drills omitted on account of duties in connection with Astoria Annual Regatta. Commanding Officer inspected vessel.
Commanding Officer conferred with F. C. Harley, Chairman Regatta Committee.
Officers attended luncheon at Weinhard Hotel given by Regatta Committee
3:00, Governor Whithycombe of Oregon and Mayor Johnson of Astoria visited vessel.
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
Light SW airs to South breeze, partly cloudy, Officers from this vessel patrolling regatta course during forenoon. Officers attended luncheon at Weinhard Hotel given by Admiral Cronan of Astoria Regatta.[...]
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
Light East airs to West breezes, partly cloudy, smooth sea. Patrolled motor boat races during forenoon.
11:00 chairman of Regatta Committee came on board and requested that infantry section be landed from this vessel to participate in land parade this afternoon.
12:00 all races and water events were finished and Chairman of race Committee informed Commanding Officer that this vessel service was no longer needed in connection with Regatta. Commanding Officer called on Commanding Officer of USS Marblehead
1:00 landed infantry section and marched in parade on shore, taking position in line after troops from Fort Stevens. Held infantry drill on shore.
2:30 infantry section returned.[...]
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
12:00 C.M. Feddersen master at arms failed to return from 9 days leave and is absent without leave.
Commanding Officer received a telegram from C.M. Feddersen, master at arms, saying that his wife hadgiven birth tohada child at 2:40am this day and that he would reach this vessel to-morrow.
Mid to 9:00am :-
At about 2:25 (WNU) New Orleans, LA, was heard sending press and all item were copied without trouble.
This is the first time this station has been heard.
The apparatus used was a small audio detector made by the electrician on board ship, used in connection with the IP-76-model 1910 receiving set.
Without this audio detector above mentioned station could not be heard.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Received from Purchasing Officer, New York, two sets of miniature tin flags, International Code
* Commanding Officer called in Collector of Customs and conferred with him regarding helping fishermen. Left instructions in Collector officer for fishermen stating that Unalga would make her head quarters at Yakutat and medical assistance could be received then at all times when the Unalga was not cruising in the fishing banks. Received from the Collector of Customs list of seven English vessels fishing off Yakutat.
8:00am to Merid :-
Left written instructions with Deputy Collector of Customs at Wrangell that the Unalga was cruising in Alaskan water and Gulf of Alaska from Yakutat to Cape Saint Elias, Middleton Island and Portlock Banks on purpose of rendering medical and surgical aid to fishermen. Her working headquarters will be Yakutat where aid could be received at all times when not cruising on fishing banks.
4pm to Mid. :-
9:10, received following radiogram:- "Alcoast. One alcoast halfmast colors from receipt hereof until sunset twentieth account death Admiral Dewey, 15518. Bertholf."
8am to Merid. :-
Gave medical treatment to one fisherman from fishing vessel "Dakota" of Fish Egg. Boarding officer notified all fishing vessels that, should medical surgical assistance be wanted while on fishing banks to hoist international signal WO (Surgeon wanted) to this vessel.
* Commanding Officer called on Collector of Customs and conferred with him regarding halibut fishermen, left written instructions with the Collector stating that the Unalga was cruising in Alaskan waters and Gulf of Alaska from Yakutat to Cape St Elias, Middleton Island and over the Portlock Banks, for purpose of rendering Medical and surgical aid to fishermen; that her working headquarters would be Yakutat where aid could be received at all times when the vessel was not cruising on the fishing banks. Received information from the Collector that there were reports that English fishing vessels were trading whiskey in Yakutat
Merid to 4pm :-
4:00, stopped coaling for the day. Medical Officer conferred with medical authorities in Sitka relative to epidemic of measles in this place. Ascertained that there are 70 cases among the natives, 40 at the Mission school, and 12 among the people of Sitka, a total of 122 cases, and two deaths. Medical authorities of Sitka state that the situation is well under control here, and no assistance from this vessel is needed here, but that there is reported to be an epidemic of measles at Yakutat. Medical officer rendered assistance to two persons at Naval Radio Station.
9am to 4pm :-
Moderate North breeze to gale, partly clear, heavy squalls. Crew coaling ship until noon. Discontinued coaling at 12:00 on account of extreme cold and also to give crew half holiday. Inspected magazine, temperature 49o to 52o, flood cock tested. Extreme cold burst water tube on hygrometer. Granted liberty to the watch from 2:00 to 4:30pm with instructions not to enter any native houses.
Whistle pipe froze at 4:00pm and burst all drains having been open and steam shut off.
4pm to Mid. :- Moderate breeze to fresh gale, North; heavy squalls at frequent intervals.
4:30, liberty men returned.
8:45, owing to violent squalls, wind blowing hurricane force in squalls, cut another spring (30 fathoms) from 6" hawser for after spring and for two more parts over the stern.
Mid to 9am
Gentle to fresh North breeze to hurricane force in squalls, mostly clear, temperature falling. Crew performed morning duties. Fresh waterpipe in galley froze and burst; fresh water pipe in cabin froze and burst.* J.E. Stika, 3d Lieut.
*Unable to raise temperature above 50o in cabin although full head of steam turned on.
9:00am to 4:00pm -
Gentle NNE breezes, to NNE storm, heavy squalls, cold freezing weather, vapor.
4:00pm to Mid. - Gentle North breezes to moderate NNE gale, heavy squalls with wind to hurricane force, cold freezing weather.
Mid to 4:00am
Moderate NNW gale to whole NNE gale, overcast thick snow, freezing weather, rough sea, vessel all iced up and making ice rapidly.
2:35 (31.0) course NE1/2N standard compass in order to secure boats.
3:10 (33.0) Course WNW1/2W standard compass and so to end of watch.
Third Lieutenant G.W. MacLane had his toes on both feet frost bitten.
4am to 8am :-
Fresh and strong NE gale. Overcast, freezing weather. rough sea. Between 5:00 and 8:00am log up and not registering.
4:00 course NNW steering compass, reduced to 65 revolutions
8:00am, 75 revolutions, course NWxW.
All rigging and every objects and spar deck heavily iced. Anchor davit guy parted + davit swinging broke jack staff - One wire of radio aerial parted.
*See following page
8am to Merid :-
Wind NNE with force of storm, overcast, very thick fog, rough sea.
8:00, 75 revolutions, course NWxW, steering compass (41.2).
8:45 (42.0), sounded in 32 fathoms; slowed to 55 turns.
9:10 (43.0), sounded in 13 fathoms, course WxS, standard compass.
9:25 (44.1), sounded in 18 fathoms, increased to 65 turns.
9:45 (46.0), stopped to adjust steam steering gear, in log.
10:00, sounded in 47 fathoms;
Quartermaster N. Evanger relieved on account of face and fingers frozen. Drifting off shore with NNE storm, ship's head NWxW., steering compass.
10:45, sounded in 47 fathoms. Inspected magazine, temperature 52o-50o. 11:30, sounded in 36 fathoms.
Sounding fog signal.
Merid to 4:00pm -
NNE to NE storm, freezing weather, overcast partly cloudy, rough sea, dense vapor.
12:30 Sounded in 51 fathoms.
1:30 ahead on course NWxW, standard compass, 70 RPM.
2:00 Course WNW standard compass.
2:24 sounded and stopped, 70 fathoms.
Ships whistle broken by ice and out of commission. Omitted quarters on account of bad weather.
2:45 lower end of aerial carried away owing to weight of ice - unable to secure same.
3:10 heavy sea struck starboard whale boat No 1104 carrying away gripes and breaking boat up against davits.
3:15 started storm oil through ward room and crew closet drains.
3:15 stopped sounded in 65 fathoms.
3:30 N.C. Ronberg - seaman, froze his nose, reported to doctor.
Third Lieutenant G.W. MacLane has his toes frost bitten.
4 to 6pm :-
NE storm, heavy fog, rough sea, temperature falling.
4:30, sounded in 52 fathoms. Vessel drifting with off shore NE wind, force of storm.
Running oil through wardroom and crew closet drains.
6pm to 8pm
NE storm, moderating to fresh NE gale at intervals last hour. Overcast. Foggy Rough sea.
Vessel drifting to SSW estimated about 3 miles per hour.
8:00pm to Mid :-
Whole NE to fresh gale, partly cloudy, freezing weather dense vapor, rough sea. Moonlight at times.
Vessel drifting to SSW standard compass, hove to with wind on starboard beam, engines stopped. Drift estimated to be about 3.0 miles per hour.
9:00 sounded in 67 fathoms.
Heavy starboard list on account of great quantities of ice on vessel.
The following members of ship complement were frost bitten during the day: Boatswain Johnson, on chin; Seaman Bugaras, Ears; Seaman Domnick, nose; Ordinary Seaman Sarsfield, neck; Signal Quartermaster Vornberg, nose and cheeks. G.W. MacLane, 3rd Lieut
*4am to 8am :- Stateroom door of Electricians and Ship's writer's room frozen over with ice. Necessary to chop away ice to release occupants of room.
9am to Merid :- * Boris Sergius Kastrometinoff came on board at Stika at 10:00 stating that he desired to reenlist, having previously served on board the "Manning". He passed the physical examination, but owing to the vessel's unmooring immediately thereafter and putting to sea, his swearing in was postponed in order not to delay departure. Upon being asked to take the oath he refused to do so saying that he had changed his mind and did not desire to reenlist. There being no opportunity to put him ashore before the vessel's arrival in Seattle, he is carried as a passenger and requested to pay subsistence to the General Mess in order that the Government will be put to no expense.
It seems February 1917 logbook is missing.
Hi Randi,
I checked the UNALGA images we have here. We also don't have February 1917, which probably means that the logbook for that month is missing from the Archives.
For example, Matteo is (or at least was) transcribing everything in the Unalga logs. So if Hanibal and I completed the 2nd and 3rd streams we could ignore all the remarks (there is already agreement on this, I believe)....
If I may -
Kevin said in his talk last week, that hourly reports were in fact useful with regard to at least one of the projects using the data we transcribe - for the life of me, I can't remember which project, there are several going on using the US (and presumably RN) data sets.
4:00pm to Midnight :
6:05 CGC "Arcata" came alongside and delivered one shaper and accessories which had been stored by this vessel at Port Townsend on January 4, 1917. Commanding Officer of "Arcata" stated that he had on board a man under arrest, and having no place to confine him for safe keeping, requested that he be taken on board (next page)
4:00pm to Midnight, Continued :-
the "Unalga" for safe keeping; stating further that the Division Commander had authorized this procedure. Accordingly, at 6:30, Seaman Albert Clinton Warren, US Coast Guard, was received on board, together with a copy of the charges and specifications preferred [sic] against him, and was placed in the brig for safe keeping.
6:50 Arcata left.
Mid. to 9am :-
6:00, discovered that Seaman A.C. Warren, who had been confined in the brig, had escaped; a brass cutter pin being found which may have been used in picking the lock from the inside. This pin was opened and a hook formed on the end, which could have been used to pick the lock. This hook was found hooked on the ventilation grating, about a feet above the lock. The door dogs had been hammered down on the *
*outside, and could not have been opened from the inside without tools; this indicates that Warren was helped from the outside.
You may well be right, Hanibal. There is already uncertainty regarding the pressure and temperatures due to the instruments; small errors like this could make things worse. Also one might eliminate good readings that appear to be outliers or accept bad readings that are typos. So for uses that do require 24 WRs this approach would probably not work.
But keep in mind that for the Unalga, and perhaps other ships, complete 24-WR pages are sporadic so modelers must either ignore the other pages or interpolate the gaps, which are most often as big as 4 hours. From my experience with the Unalga, a sequence of more than three or four 24-WR log pages is rare. If modelers are interested in working with 24-WR data they probably wouldn't chose this ship
I don't expect that Philip would go for this idea but I would be very pleased to hear his comments.
4:00pm to Mid.
Received one copy Instructions for the US Navy, governing maritime warfare.
Wait for Matteo! ;D
Unable to raise temperature above 50 degrees in cabin although full head of steam turned on.
I should try to discover if there's a degree in Unalgology ;D
The United States abandoned the draft in 1973 under President Richard Nixon, ended the Selective Service registration requirement in 1975 under President Gerald Ford, and then re-instated the Selective Service registration requirement in 1980 under President Jimmy Carter.
Today the Selective Service System remains as a contingency, should a military draft be re-introduced.
Under current law, all male U.S. citizens are required to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Certain male aliens residing in the U.S., including those present illegally, are also required to register if they are between 18 and 26 years of age. "Willful" failure or refusal to present oneself for registration is against the law.
The last prosecution for nonregistration was in January 1986, after which many believed the government declined to continue prosecutions when it became apparent that the trials were themselves causing a decline in registration. By 1984, 13% of 18 year old men were not registering.
Today, the most likely form of draft is a one of health care workers. In 1987, Congress ordered the Selective Service System to put in place a system capable of drafting "persons qualified for practice or employment in a health care occupation", if such a special-skills draft should be ordered by Congress. In response, Selective Service published plans for the "Health Care Personnel Delivery System" (HCPDS) in 1989 and has had them ready ever since. The concept underwent a preliminary field exercise in Fiscal Year 1998, followed by a more extensive nationwide readiness exercise in Fiscal Year 1999. The HCPDS plans include women and men age 20-54 in 57 job categories.
Mid. to 8am.
12:30 P. Arcia, fireman, E.B. Olsen, coal heaver, and B.M. Johnston, bugler, returned on board drunk and disorderly.
2:00 L.M. Van Zandt, acting Quartermaster and J.R. Gresham, 2d Class Boy *
* took clothing from person of Bugler B.M. Johnston and covered his body with fish scraps and red ink.
6pm to Mid. continued
Findings and Sentences of Deck Courts held this day:
Number 1, B.M. Johnston, Bugler, Drunkness, Sentence, to lose $10.80, extra police duties for 15 hours -
Number 2. P. Ascia fireman, drunkness, loss of pay $19.30 and extra police duties for 15 hours;
Number 3, E.B. Olsen, Coal heaver drunkness and using obscene and disrespectful language towards his superior officer, loss of pay $21.60 and 30 hours extra police duty;
Number 4 L.M. Van Zandt, Acting Quartermaster, Scandalous conduct, loss of pay $9.24,
Number 5, J.R. Gresham, 2d Cl boy, Scandalous conduct, loss of pay $1.44, ten hours extra police duty.
All of the accused man informed of the sentences.
*10:30 Apprentice Seaman Clair Edward Johnson, of the US Navy, aged 16 years, of PO Box #15, Graham, Washington, gave himself up as a deserter, stating that he had deserted from the Goat Island Training Station, at San Francisco, about nine months ago.
8am to 4pm :-
North Alaska Salmon Company, - Hales Creek Wireless Station, has repeatedly and wilfully interfered with the work of this vessel in the last four days; he has paid absolutely no attention to the requests of the operators of the Unalga to stop sending while they were trying to work Saint Paul Island station.
4pm to Mid :-
At 8, while the radio operator was receiving an "alnav" message of 1000 words from St. Paul Island, "KMT", the radio station of the North Alaska Salmon Co., at Hales Creek, began sending, making it impossible to get the "alnav" message. On being told to stop sending to let the St Paul message through, "KMT" stated that he always worked at 8:00pm, and it would be necessary for this ship to make other arrangements. "KMT" then began working with various ships and stations, with apparently no urgent business. Thirty minutes would have sufficed to get the "alnav" message through.
9:00am to 4pm :-
Sent the following message to North Alaska Salmon Co "Gwt KMT Radio Kvichak. In the future you will close all radio work when so requested by the vessel. If you refuse to comply with request it will become necessary for me to send an officer ashore to take charge of your station and close it up. Dodge".
5:55, received the following code radiogram from Unalaska: "Japanese freight steamer "Kotohira Maru" bound from Japan for San Francisco grounded on Amchitka Island July 27th. First officer's boat with crew of 20 arrived here today, Captain and 2nd Officer's boats not been seen or heard from since leaving wreck August 4th, all bound for Unalaska. From all reports vessel a total wreck now. signed Bolshanin".
8:28, sent the following radiogram in code "Coast Guard, Washington. Finish registration except Akutan August 17th. Just received wire from Unalaska, Alaska, stating Japanese steamer Kotohira Maru, from Japan for San Francisco, Cal., wrecked on Amchitka Island July 27th. First Officer's boat with 20 men arrived Unalaska, Alaska, August 16th, other boats not heard from. Will leave for Unalaska and westward as soon as registration officers return on board."
8:28, sent the following radiogram to officers taking military census at Nushugak, 75 miles away: "Lieut Torbet, Nushugak. Return to the ship as soon as possible, have to leave on very urgent duty. Dodge".
9:00am to 4pm :-
Sent the following Radio Code at 10:00 "Bolshanin, Unalaska, Alaska. Will arrive at Unalaska as soon as possible, keep me advised. Dodge".
*Steaming full speed two boilers in order to reach Unalaska as soon as possible to coal ship and go to the rescue of shipwrecked men of Japanese steamer Kotohira Maru
Merid to 4pm :-
1:00 received the following message by radio "Will ask you to come as soon as possible two boats from wreck still missing possibly landed in vicinity of Kiska or Atka. The surviving officers of wreck are very anxious to get assistance to the missing boats.
1:00 sent following Radio Code "Strauss Unalaska Expect arrival Sunday evening wish to begin coaling at once and continue until full. Have one beef ready for me on arrival."
Merid to 4pm :-
*1:00, sent following code radiogram "Strauss, Unalaska, Arrive 5pm can you have all cars full of coal ready to hoist aboard on arrival. Dodge."
4:00AM to 8:00AM :-
Sent the following radio code at 8:00AM Coast Guard Washington. Left Unalaska 7:00AM, Aug 20th for the Westward in search of ship wrecked people from Steamer Kotohira Maru.
Merid. to 4:00PM
Ships Surgeon went ashore and rendered medical assistance to two sick natives of Atka village. Chief of village and William Dirks were interviewed regarding shipwrecked men of Japanese steamer Kotohira Maru, they had seen nothing of them but said they would send boats out to search arround [sic] the Islands of Atka and Amlia.
8am to 4pm :-
Stood various courses parallel to the southern shore of Amchitka Island, keeping man at Masthead, and a bright lookout for signs of wrecked steamer Kotohira Maru. Passed reported position but saw no signs.
10:05 (16.8) sighted reef ahead, 7 to 8 miles from shore not charted and apparently extending ten miles off shore and the weather being thick and unfavorable for further search and dangerous to proceed to the southward of Amchitka Island in thick weather, with uncharted reefs & rocks showing, turned and set course SE, standard to return to Constantine Harbor.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Received orders from Division Commander detaching his vessel from the Northern Division and directing her to proceed to San Francisco, Calif, and report by wire to the Commandant 12th Naval District.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Received information from Headquarters tha [sic] William Henry Curran, ordinary seaman, recently transferred from the "McCullock" contingent to this vessel, is identical with William Henry Curran deserter from the US Navy on August 18, 1912. Under the present crisis he is to be placed on probation and upon his conduct during probation for the remainder of his enlistment will depend final action in the case. Curran was notified of the situation and warned that he was under probation.
Quality over quantity :P :P ;D
But then they broke her free and she crossed the finish line.
Three in one day! That's wonderful. So congratulations are in order for:
HMS Raleigh - Captain PeteB9, Lieutenants arlon, Hanibal94, dmaschen, randi, GeoffRoynon, apf1945, feastesp01, Carrie32, skull and crew.
HMS Dartmouth - Captain Odessa7, Lieutenants QuinQuin, dstelter, Hanibal94, kuanos, bpb42, bpb42, DennisO, ElisabethB, davidwil and crew.
HMS Temeraire - Captain stephen1989, Lieutenants kao88, studentforever, arlon, wickerwood, noel, xridonkulousx, Zovacor, SilverSeadog, bootnecksbs and crew.
Hey, I think Hanibal was a lieutenant on four of the last five ships to come in. Nice.
Mainly due to me transcribing 2305 WR in a single day (new personal record!)
...three months of weather reports in a single day?! And I thought I was fast when I occasionally managed to do a week's worth in an evening...
Take it easy Hannibal... it's not a race ;)
I used URL editing to look at all the upcoming log batches, partly for fun and partly because of my autistic obsessions.
Right now, Unalga URLs look like this:
Here's what I found out:
2567: Jan-June 1916 (where I am now)
2568: July-Dec 1916
2569: Jan-July 1917
2570: Aug-Dec 1917
2571: Jan-June 1919
2572: July-Dec 1919
2573: Jan-June 1921
2574: July-Dec 1921
2575: Mar-May 1923
2576: July-Dec 1924
I'm sure there's more after this, but the URL structure appears to have changed - when I tried entering 2577, I just got an error message.
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.
9:00AM to 4:00PM
2:00PM USS Savannah entered the harbour for Submarine Base Station, crossed inside the channel buoy and went aground
2:35 rec'd from Commandant of Submarine Base Signal message addressed to Commanding Officer of CGC Unalga requesting assistance for the USS Savannah, Ordered steam and prepaired to weigh anchor.
2:45 Asked USS Savannah to break out hawser and held ready to pass. Capt W.E. Reynolds, USCG called upon the Commanding Officer.
2:50 USS Savannah worked off bar under her own power.
2:56 rec'd message to belay work of assistance.
3:00 USS Savannah carried away channel buoy
3:02 went aground the second time on same bar.
3:10 USS Savannah backed off the Los Angeles Municipal dock bar the second time.
3:15 USS Savannah made the third run for Submarine Base dock.
3:20 USS Savannah alongside dock.
3:22 Captain W.E. Reynolds left vessel.
3:25 Commandant of Submarine Base requested the channel buoy carried away by USS Savannah be replaced by this vessel.
When the United States entered World War I on 6 April 1917, Senior Captain Reynolds was commanding the Coast Guard's southern division at San Francisco. He was directed to report to the Commander, Twelfth Naval District for assignment where he was put in charge of harbor patrols for the district but also retained his old assignment. On 11 September 1917, he was reassigned as the district chief of staff, in addition to his former assignments. He remained as district chief of staff for the remainder of the war.
the United States Navy acquired, the German vessel in 1917. "Saxonia" was renamed "Savannah" on 9 June 1917; ordered converted to a submarine tender on 20 October 1917, and commissioned into the United States Navy on 3 November 1917 at the Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton, Washington State. Her first commanding officer was Lieutenant Commander Arthur Jensen.
9:00AM to 4:00PM :-
1:10 Colors at half mast, as directed by Alnav, two.
9AM to 4PM
Complied with Alnav four. Halfmasting colors at 1:40PM
Mid to 9am
Made colors at 6:58am, half masted colors and fired first gun in compliance with Alnav seven
9am to 4pm.
Fired Mourning guns every half hour until sunset for ex president Roosevelt.
1:30 Paymaster W.B. Gale left vessel for five (5)
thousand dollars.
4:00pm to Mid :-
Received word from Commanding Officer of USS "Saturn" that influenza was epidemic in Unalaska. Sent following radiogram to Comdg officer USS "Saturn" - Cruising off Unimak Pass Period will arrive Unalaska noon tomorrow Period will render all assistance possible eighteen 18326".
Mid to 4:00am :
Received word by radio from Dr French US Bureau of Education that influenza was epidemic in Bristol Bay region that no help was available and help was needed. Received this same information from J.C. Bell. Awaiting until arrival at Unalaska to note conditions before notifying Headquarters.
4PM to Mid:
5:00 Sent following radiogram to Coast Guard Headquarters "Following received from Bristol bay quote. Captain USCG Cutter Unalga, Influenza epidemic raging through the whole Bristol bay district especially Nushagak and Koggiung probably Sixty or More deaths With With no help available for caring for Sick and burrying dead We appeal to Yours Ship for help. Doctor French US Bureau of education;" Unquote Influenza epidemic at Unalaska and Dutch
About eighty cases in last three days, four deaths all operators With their Wives and children except chief operator at Wireless Station Dutch harbor down with influenza. Doctor Newhall and all teachers at Jesse Lee home, and agent Alaska Commercial Company also down with influenza. No assistance here except that furnished by Unalga, two hospitals and Several doctors at Nushagak and head of Bristol bay. I shall remain here and do all I possibly can to aid the Sick and dying untill further orders have wired conditions at Bristol bay to Governor of Alaska and notified him that help was needed at Bristol Bay. 19527. "Dodge"
Sent following radiogram to Governor of Alaska. Influenza epidemic raging through out the whole Bristol bay district especially "Nushagak" and "Koggiung" about Sixty deaths they require help to care for the Sick and bury the dead, epidemic also raging at Unalaska and Dutch harbor, Doctor Newhall and all teachers of Jesse Lee home all Wireless operators except one With their Wives and children Sick With influenza in all about eighty cases at Unalaska and four deaths I shall remain here and do all I can to aid Sick and Suffering, 19527. "Dodge"
Sent following radiogram to Doctor French, Dillingham Alaska Yours of 26th regarding suffering from Influenza received have Wired copy of Same to Washington Also Wired Governor of Alaska informing him of conditions in Bristol bay and that help is urgently needed, there is epidemic raging at Unalaska and Dutch harbor about eighty cases four deaths No Medical assistance here except that furnished by Unalga Shall remain here untill further orders. 19527. "Dodge"
Commanding officer With Ship Surgeon consulted with Commanding Officer and Ship Surgeon of the USS "Saturn" regarding influenza at Unalaska. Commanding officer and ship surgeon then visited the Village and ascertained the conditions Number of Sick etc. and Ships Surgeon immediately Started relief Works among the Sick The Ships company and all who visited the Sick were provided with Masks Ships operators handling Naval radio Work for Naval radio station, as all are sick there except Chief operator.
9AM to 4PM
10:00 Commanding Officer together with medical Officers investigated local health conditions and found the epidemic of Influenza to be spreading rapidly, all houses effected and natives unable to cook food. Mustered crew and called for volunteers to assist in nursing and feeding sufferers.
Of those Volunteering accepted the services of the following and detached them as indicated hereafter
Captain of Engineers T.G. Lewton with following men to Jesse Lee Home: Ord. Seaman L. Straly F.K. Briggs Sea 2nd class F.E. Honeywell ord. seaman S.O. Johnson Fire 3rd class J.B. Sowell Fire 3rd class M.M. Wilson sea 2nd class
Dental Surgeon E.W. Scott with the following men to Naval Radio Station. H.O. Keiner ord sea. C.D. Meyers ship cook 2nd class M. Baugh sea 2nd class
Lieutenant C.E. Anderson with the following men to Unalaska Village with headquarters at A.C. Company's office; R.E. Robbins Yeo 2nd class R.H. Boyd sea 2nd class L.A. Ellingsen sea 2nd class.
Ships surgeon with E.S. Chase PhM 1st class actively engaged during the entire day and most of the night giving medical relief to sick people in Village and at Naval Radio station.
Omitted quarters and drills on account of ship's force being for the most part engaged on relief duty away from vessel.
Cooked and maintained a supply of meat soups and delivered portions to all natives homes where illness had the natives helpless.
Carpenter making coffins during the day, lumber furnished by village.
Boatswain S. Johnson and detail of men engaged during day digging graves and burying dead.
2:00 Received following radio from Headquarters, "Reports" indicate serious outbreak influenza on Nushagak River be most certain to invade all Bristol Bay region period northwest fisheries cannery Nushagak reports natives all sick many dead all winter men sick period Proceed with cutter investigate afford all assistance praticable report conditions. 12027 Coast Guard.
Issued rations to men engaged on detail away from vessel.
In view of Local conditions and the impossibility of leaving this port with nearly all the village ill with influenza and no food available for the sick and the report forwarded on the 27th to Headquarters relative to conditions no action is taken on their orders untill Headquarters has had opportunity to take cognizance of latter report.
4PM to Mid
6:05 Coast Guard Washington DC Seventy new cases influenza developed since yesterday and three deaths At present one hundred and fifty cases and seven deaths. Every house in Unalaska affected Several expected to die hourly Situation very serious No news from villages to the westward since last year. Men digging graves and carpenter making coffins Dental surgeon Scott and three men quartered at Naval Radio station administering to sick and dying there and at Dutch Harbor Captain Lewton and five men quartered at Jesse Lee House administering to sick and helpless there Lieutenant Anderson and two men quartered at A.C. Company's house administering to sick and Helpless there. Ship's surgeon with necessary men to assist him giving relief generally thoughout whole community all natives, and nearly all white population down and helpless Necessary to feed them as well as nurse and doctor them Am sending soup and nourishing food from ship in order to keep them alive Trust my action in furnishing food will be approved Suggest at least two hospital ships with nurses be sent at once One to Bristol Bay and one to Unalaska ship's radio plant handling Naval Radio plant work All men quartered on shore have volunteered for this duty shall remain here until further order's No. 17428
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Boarded American Gas schooner "Eunice", Seattle, Larsen, fishing - informed this vessel that this port was quarantined.
The feeding, heating, sanitation and nursing of the entire villages of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor are being carried on by volunteer crews from this vessel as follows.
Captain of Engineers T.G. Lewton, Captain E.A. Coffin and volunteer crew taking entire charge of the maintenance of the Jesse Lee Home as everyone at that place is ill.
Lieut E.A. Scott (DC) USNRF, with volunteer crew taking charge at Dutch Harbor and the naval radio station and maintaining same.
Lieut (JG) W.B. Huebner USNRF in charge of placing service hospital in condition for immediate use in case of emergency
Lieut C.E. Anderson with volunteer crew in charge of the care and maintenance of the village of Unalaska which includes the delivery of fuel - building of fires - cleaning of houses - nursing the people - placing the dead in coffins and burying them - also feeding these people. - All are sick
- Boatswain employed in digging graves and preparing for the burials.
Carpenter employed in making coffins.
Three deaths this day - all natives - buried.
Engineer force cleaning after boiler Galley force and commissary department preparing on board food to feed the entire village of Unalaska
Issued 339 rations for this purpose Feeding 11 people at Dutch Harbor - Issued 11 rations for this purpose making a total of 350 rations used in feeding population of these two villages.
Medical officer and surgeon F.H. Johnson in general charge of all care of sick
Mid to 9:00am :-
8:00 half masted colors on account of Decoration Day.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Received the following radiogram " 19527 referring over 12027 use your own discretion as to whether Unalga is most needed at Unalaska or Bristol Bay period Communicate this dipatch to Bear and advise Uberoth that there is expected to join in epidemic assistance work period keep Headquarters advised 14429. Coast Guard"
Omitted all ceremonies on account of relief work.
Captain of Engineers T.G. Lewton and Captain E.A. Coffin carrying on work at Jesse Lee Home as indicated in yesterdays log.
Lieut C.E. Anderson taking care of village as indicated in yesterdays log.
Buried five people all natives who died this day.
Lieut E.A. Scott (DC) carring on work at Dutch Harbor as indicated in yesterdays log
Medical officer, Asst. surgeon F.H. Johnson in charge of care of sick.
Lieut (JG) W.B. Huebner in charge of work at service hospital
Commissary department of this vessel feeding the entire population of Unalaska and a portion of that of Dutch Harbor - The food being prepared on board ship. Issued 350 rations for this purpose
All small children whose parents are dying or dead are being placed in one building which is under direct charge of P. Bugaras, master-at-arms, who is under general charge of Lieut (JG) W.B. Huebner. A detail from this ship cleaned the house bathed the children and clothed them and is caring for them
Received radiogram from Governor of Alaska informing the Commanding Officer that $500.00 are available for relief work and that the Commissioner here had also $150.00 for the same purpose.
Boatswain superintending preparation of graves, carpenter building coffins.
[Side Note]
Sent following radiogram to Headquarters. "Conditions at Eight pm Unalaska 350 cases 12 deaths total Dutch Harbor and Naval Radio Station total cases 12 no deaths Am cooking and distributing food to entire population Maintaining heat and saintation [sic] in all homes doing all nursing and burying the dead Officers and men detached to Jesse Lee Home Dutch Harbor Naval radio station and village of Unalaska all volunteers issuing 350 cooked rations daily and request approval as population is helpless. carrying out prophylactis treatment on vessel and health excellent. 21230 Dodge
9:00am to 4:00pm
Relief work being carried on as indicated in previous logs.
Commissary department preparing food to feed village as indicated in previous log
Issued 350 rations for this purpose
Commanding Officer inspected vessel
Buried seven natives this day
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Relief work being carried on as indicated in previous log. Commissary department preparing food on board to feed village. Issued 350 rations for this purpose. Received authorization by radio from Headquarters for the expenditure of these rations for the feeding of this village, daily
Buried 8 people this day.
4:00pm to Mid :-
Boarded American Gas. Sc. "Marzhovoi", Seattle, Daves, cannery tender. Informed him that this port was quarantined and his vessel left port.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Relief work being carried on as indicated in previous log Commissary department preparing food on board and feeding the entire village Issued 300 rations for this purpose
Buried four people this day
Engineers force cleaning after boiler.
Detailed C. Grognet, Coal heaver, a volunteer to duty at Dutch Harbor on relief work.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Relief work being carried on as noted in previous logs. Commissary department feeding the village of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor, food being prepared on board ship. Issued 300 rations for relief work. Engineer force cleaning after boiler
3:10 USCGC Bear anchored in port
Buried 5 people this day
Commanding officer sent note to Commanding officer of the "Bear" asking if that vessel was coming to the dock so that the Commanding officer might call or if the "Bear" were to remain at anchor so that the Commanding officer might go off and call. Received the following message in reply "Bear will not come to dock today would suggest that all calling be suspended for the present until surgeon of "Bear" submits a report to me you could confer with me from boat alongside or by wireless in urgent cases. Uberoth."
4:00pm to Mid :-
Sent confirmation copy of radiogram Coast Guard #14429 - May, to Commanding Officer of the "Bear". Men employed on relief work. Issued 20 night rations for this purpose
Completed service hospital making it ready for occupancy. having completed the following work: wired building with interior wiring one drop light in each room; ran wiring extension from building to ship, about 500 yards; excavated trench and laid sewer connections to creek, about 50 feet of sewer; - Connected up and installed cooking range; connected up and installed hot water tank; connected up sink with all water attachments; connected up bath tub and installed with all water connections; connected up and installed toilet; shellacked decks in all rooms; connected up house with water supply to main from reservoir, about three hundred feet of piping; manufactured and installed six hospital carts.
Mid to 9:00am.
Men employed on relief work.
8:20 USS "Bear" moored alongside north face of dock.
1st Lieut. G.W. MacLane called officially on the Commanding Officer of the "Bear" and presented the Compliments of the Commanding Officer of this vessel, who was ill with influenza. Gave information to the Commanding Officer of the "Bear" as to the methods of procedure that had been instituted by this vessel in order to combat the epidemic and requested assistance, which was granted
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Relief work being carried on as noted in previous logs. Commissary department feeding villages of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor, food being prepared on board ship. Issued 250 rations for this purpose. Engineer force cleaning after boiler Medical officer and 12 men USS "Bear" cooperating in relief work.
Buried 4 people this day.
The older children that were being taken care of by P. Bugaras, master at arms, in his orphanage on shore were transferred to the care of the US Deputy Marshal of Unalaska. These childern, ten in number, are to be fed and cared for by the Deputy US Marshal. Three men from the Unalga detached and quartered at the jail with US Deputy Marshal, cooking, nursing and caring for these children
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Relief work being carried on as noted in previous logs. Commissary department of this vessel preparing food and feeding the village. Issued 150 rations for this purpose. Engineer force cleaning after boiler
Commanding Officer called on Commanding Officer of the "Bear" and conferred with him relative to influenza epidemic in Unalaska and Bristol Bay District.
Gave Commanding Officer of "Bear" copies of all messages, from the files of this vessel, sent or received with reference to the influenza epidemic in Unalaska and Bristol Bay district Buried one person this day.
Commanding officer has been confined to the vessel with inflluenza since the 29th ultimo but did not consider it of sufficient gravity to report his illness to Headquarters for the reason that he was in constant touch with the entire situation in this district, was receiving and sending out reports and going over the situation here daily, with the executive and medical officers of this vessel
His condition is so improved now that he is actively taking part in the situation on shore
4:00pm to Mid :-
Made written report to senior office present giving influenza conditions at Unalaska and Dutch Harbor and number of cases of influenza on USS Unalga.
9am to 4pm -
Crew engaged in relief work as previously noted. Withdrew all men from the Jesse Lee House, as the superintendent stated that the inmates had recovered sufficently to carry on. No deaths this day. Engineer force cleaning after boiler.
Commissary department preparing food and feeding the village; issued 90 rations for this purpose.
Surgeons from the "Bear" and twelve men of her crew cooperating in relief work.
Commanding officer visited Jesse Lee Home, US Deputy Marshal at the jail, hospital, A.C. Company's house and principal houses in the village where relief is being administered. After going over the situation thoroughly and conferring with the medical officer of this vessel called on senior officer present, on board USS Bear, #
4pm to Mid -
Made written report to Senior officer present relative to situation in Unalaska and number of influenza cases on board USS Unalga.
# conferred with him and gave him all information in the premises.
9AM to 4PM.
Crew employed with relief work as previously stated
Commissary department feeding village issued 70 rations, Enginering force cleaning after boiler
Commanding officer made personal inspection of Unalaska village Dutch Harbor and Naval Radio Station inquired into conditions of Health, sanitation ect. also called on Senior Officer present on board USS Bear and gave him all information in the premises One person buried this day.
4PM to Mid
2 Deaths village of Unalaska
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Commissary department feeding destitutes in village. Issued 70 rations for this purpose.
Withdrew detail from Dutch Harbor except C. Meyers, S.Cook 2nd cl., who is cooking at naval radio station.
All people at Dutch Harbor and US Naval Radio Station are up and convalesing.
Buried one person this day.
9am to 4pm -
Men employed in relief work. Commissary department feeding destitutes and sick in the village; expended 60 rations for this purpose.
Boarded the American schooner "Lettie" (No. 206,409) of Unalaska, A.C. Gass captain and owner, from Attu and Atka with furs, and ascertained from the master that there was no disease on the islands to the westward of Unalaska, that the winter had been severe but that everyone was doing well.
The senior officer present called on the commanding officer.
Commanding Officer made a personal inspection on the village of Unalaska and ascertained that all relief work was being properly conducted and that the conditions were rapidly improving, all that is necessary now is careful nursing and feeding those natives who are sick, helpless and destitute. No deaths today.
9AM to 4PM
Men employed in relief work. Commissary department feeding destitutes expended 50 rations for this purpose
2:15 Opened bids for sale of whale boat #888 now stowed at Dutch Harbor, notice's having been posted at Post Office in Unalaska and the North American Commercial Company's Store at Dutch Harbor. But one bid recieved that of Reverend D.A. Hotovitsky of Unalaska Alaska and the boat is sold to that bidder for the sum of ten dollars.
Commanding Officer made personal inspection of village of Unalaska and ascertained that all relief work was being properly conducted and that conditions were rapidly improving. All that being necessary is careful nursing and feeding those natives that are sick helpless and destituted
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Men employed in relief work. Commissary department feeding destitute natives. Expended 40 rations for this purpose.
Withdrew two and left one of the men that were nursing and caring for people at jail, Unalaska.
Commanding officer made a personal inspection of Unalaska, Dutch Harbor, and Naval Radio Station and found all people convalesing and that they now needed only careful nursing and the feeding of the destitutes.
Three of the men from the "Bear" were withdrawn from duty on shore, leaving three on relief work
4:00pm to Mid :-
Discontinued feeding out the people of Unalaska this day as they were sufficently recovered to provide themselves with food. The only ones to whom a ration will now be issued are the orphans, six (6) in number who are under the direct care of this vessel. One person died this day
[side note]
Removed eight of the fourteen small children from the improvised orphans house, where they had been taken care of by detail from this vessel, those whose parents were living and sufficently recovered to care for them were returned to their homes, those whose parents were died were later brought other native families in the village, under the direction of the Reverend D.A. Hotovitsky.
Mid to 9:00am :
8:00 took the remaining six small children from the improvised orphans home, where they had been taken care of by detail from this vessel, those whose parents were living and recovered sufficently to care for them were returned to their homes, those whose parents were dead were taken by other natives families in the village, under the directions of the Reverend Father D.A. Hotovitsky
Cleaned out and closed improvised orphanage and detail of men returned to ship.
9AM to 4PM.
11:00 Removed last patient from Service hospital and closed up same, as there was no further use for same at present time and detail of men returned to ship
4:00 USS Vicksburg anchored in Unalaska harbor.
Buried one native this day.
Submitted bills for ration Issued to the Village of Unalaska, to Miss Agnes Danford, representative of the Bureau of Education, by authority Headquarters radiogram 15304
4pm To Mid.
4:45 Commanding officer USS Vicksburg called official on Commanding of this vessel
6:35 Left wharf at Unalaska, to let USS Vicksburg in to take coal.
7:30 Commanding officer of this vessel called official on Commanding officer USS Vicksburg
7:00 USS Vicksburg made fast at Unalaska
9AM to 4PM.
Died one native this day
Three details on shore, ships Surgeon and so many men from the ship as necessary employed during the day on relief work.
Commanding Officer inspected the village
Mid to 9AM
7:17 USS Vicksburg under way leaving Unalaska dock.
7:22 USS Vicksburg Anchored out in Unalaska Harbor.
8:20am USS Vicksburg under way and standing out to sea
8:50 Up anchor and under way.
9am to 4pm -
At 9:10 made fast to west side of Unalaska dock. Scrubbed decks with sand and washed paint work.
Details of men at the jail, the Alaska Commercial Company's house and at Naval Radio Station, Dutch Harbor, all recalled to the ship as the people at the places named are now sufficently recovered to manage their own affairs.
Necessary relief work being carried on in the village. Commanding officer inspected village.
Mid to 9am
8:55 USS Bear cast off and stood out.
9:00am to 4:00pm
Ships surgeon visited all houses in the village, where natives were still confined with influenza and administered relief where needed. Commanding Officer inspected the village of Unalaska. Ships surgeon visited and inspected the villages of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor and US Naval Radio Station.
9AM to 4PM.
11:00 Commanding Officer returned to vessel after having With Ships Surgeon inspected the village of Unalaska.
1:05 USS Marblehead came to anchor in outer harbor of Unalaska bay,
1:10 Commanding officer left vessel to call official on Commanding Officer of the USS Marblehead. #
# Commanding Officer conferred with Senior Officer Present and gave him report in duplicate of the operations of this vessel from May 26th to June 16th also full detailed report of everything in connection with the epidemic of influenza in this region
9AM to 4PM
9:30 Commanding Officer of USS Marblehead made Official call on Commanding officer this vessel.
Commanding Officer inspected village of Unalaska
Commanding Officer this vessel with Senior Officer present inspected Dutch Harbor and US Naval Radio Station
By orders of Senior Officer present, the following medical units numbers 2 and 4 were transfered to this vessel for service at Nushagak with standard medical outfit and personal baggage and food supplies.
Medical unit number 2 consisting of the following personnel Lieut H.D. Hubbard Medical Surgeon USN Doctor V.T. McGillicuddy acting US public health service Miss J. Locker, Nurse Mrs C.B. Warden, Nurse E.D. Moehl Ph Mate 2nd class USN H.W. Finchley Ph mate 1st class USN.
Medical unit number 4 consisting of the following personnel Doctor F.W. Carpenter acting US public Health service, Miss L. Wilbur Nurse Miss McKinnon Nurse, J.W. Miller Ph mate 2nd class USN.
Received from postmaster Unalaska on board 2 parcels of mail for postmaster Nushagak
Steamed out of Unalaska and set course for Nushagak in accordance with instructions from Senior Officer present getting under way three PM
All small children whose parents are dying or dead are being placed in one building which is under direct charge of P. Bugaras, master-at-arms, who is under general charge of Lieut (JG) W.B. Huebner. A detail from this ship cleaned the house bathed the children and clothed them and is caring for themterribly sad and very touching - and I must admit the image of the Lieut, the MAA and ship's crew babysitting was amusing.
Mid to 9:00am :-
7:30 ship surgeon went ashore to inspect Dillingham and to find out conditions with reference to the influenza epidemic
9am to 4PM.
11:30 Ship's Surgeon accompanied by Doctor French of of the Bureau of Education, returned to ship and reported to the Commanding Officer that there were thirty Sick in hospital at Dillingham and several sick in different houses, also that there were about one hundred orphans in the village, arrangment were made to send one hospital unit consisting of one Doctor two trained Nurses, and one hospital corps Men, ashore at Dillingham, the Ship's Surgeon also reported that there were about 300 sick in the outlying districts.
12:15 Ship's Surgeon accompained by Doctor French Bureau of Education, Doctor Hubbard, US Navy Doctor McGillicuddy acting Surgeon US Public Health, Doctor E.W. Scott Ships Dental Surgeon and pharmacist Mate 1st class E Chase left vessel to inspect the outlying settlements,
At the same time sent following named six men in charge of Lieutenant (jg) W.B. Huebner, Ellingsen L.A. Seman 2nd class, Baugh M.M. Seaman 2nd class, Gibson G. Seaman, Miller M.M. Ordinary Seaman) Martinez A.B. Seaman 2nd class # ashore with shovels, guns and ammunition to bury dead and shoot dogs, that are eating the dead bodies.
12:50 Sent following radiogram to USS Marblehead about three hundred sick here, all natives, one hundred orphans, many unburied dead, bodies being eaten by dogs, have sent detail ashore to bury dead and shoot dogs, one Medical Unit landed at Dillingham, doctors making inspection of outlying district and othre villages, no sick on board, one hundred ninety three tons coal
#Wilson M.W. Seaman.
2500 Gallons fresh Water, drinking. 12550. Signed Dodge;
4pm to Mid:
At 4:30 commanding Officer left vessel on high tide, and proceeded to Nushagak, inspected village, learned that practically all adult Natives were dead, three needed Medical attention, and twelve orphan children required to be cared for and and a home provided for them elsewhere. There was no Medicine of any kind in village
6:30 Ship's Surgeon and party returned to vessel, after having inspected village at Coffe point. Found ten dead bodies in bad state of decomposition Same had faces eaten off by dogs, Buried the boides and shoot stray dogs, rendered Medical aid to three sick Natives
8:30 One Medical Unit consisiting of following Members Doctor F.W. Carpenter, acting Surgeon US Public Health Service, Miss E. McKinnon Nurse, Miss L Wilbur Nurse and J.W. Miller Pharmacist Mate 2nd class left vessel with Medical and food supplies to take up their quarters at Dillingham for purpose of rendering relief to sick and dying at this place.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
10:00 received the following radiogram "Situation at Egegik and Naknek vicinity will probably be cleared up by Monday Period what is your estimate of situation in your vicinity 09421 USS Marblehead"
At the request of Dr. Carpenter, acting US Public Health Surgeon, stationed at Dillingham with one medical unit, the following men were sent from this ship to aid in work at the hospital: F.K. Briggs, sea 2 class, and K. Kramer, ordinary seaman.
Ships surgeon inspected the village of Dillingham. #
It was the intention to send a party to Nushagak but on account of the strong wind and later on on account of the strong tide this was impossible.
2:05 sent the following radiogram to USS Marblehead "Will probably require from seven to ten days to clear up situation here five outlying villages where there is sickness and unburied dead to be visited yet. Can only be visited by boat at high tide in the river. Medical unit required in Dillingham until these outlying villages are visited. 10421 Dodge
4:00pm to Mid :-
4:20 received the following radiogram: " 10521 perid two medical units were landed at Naknek Thursday and are looking out for the sick and Burying the dead in the vicinity of Kvichak River 19521. USS Marblehead".
7:00 boat carrying medical officer returned on board having been administrating to the sick and giving food in outlying districts
[side note]
#At 12:00 Ships surgeon returned from inspection of Dillingham;
at 1:00pm, on high water, ship's surgeon, Dr. Hubbard, US Navy, Dr. McGillycuddy, acting US PH Surgeon, and Dental surgeon E.W. Scott, with detail of three men from ship with medical and food supplies, left the vessel to administer relief to sick and destitute natives at Coffee Point and outlying districts.
Mid to 9:00am :
7:30 ships surgeon, Dr. H.D. Hubbard, USN, and medical unit left vessel with medical and food supplies for relief of sick and destitute natives in outlying districts. Detail of four men accompanied ships surgeon for purpose of burying dead.
9am to 4pm -
11:00 F.K. Briggs, seaman 2nd class, returned from hospital at Dillingham. All those not engaged in relief work observed Sunday.
4pm to Mid -
Relief party which left this morning still away from the vessel at midnight.
9:00am to 4:00pm.
9:20 received the following radiogram " At Libbys Saltery on Igushik River arrived here seven PM could not finish work to be done here till tomorrow will be back tomorrow evening. F.H. Johnson, ships surgeon"
4:00pm to Mid.
4:40 K. Kramer, ordinary seaman, returned on board from duty at hospital at Dillingham there being no further use for him there.
4:40 Miss E. McKinnon and Miss Lorraine Wilbur, returned on board from duty at hospital at Dillingham, as two nurses had arrived at this hospital from Valdez having come over land from Iliamna, as their services were no longer needed
8:20 ships surgeon, medical unit, and detail of men returned, having administered medical relief and distributed food to destitute natives in five outlying districts.
Buried five bodies.
In the accomplishment of this work they were constantly on duty for thirty-seven hours.
9:00 sent following radiogram to USS Marblehead " Expect situation here will be cleared up so that I can leave Friday in the noon tide. Have one case of influenza on board. 21223. Dodge"
9AM to 4PM.
12:35 Ships Surgeon accompanied by Dr Hubbard USN Dr Scott Dental Surgeon USNRF Dr French Bureau of Education Dr McGillicuddy acting Surgeon US Public Health and detail of four men left vessel with Medical and food supplies to stop at Nushagak and deliver Medicines at that place. Also to visit and inspect the villages of Shaguiak, Ekuk and other outlying places on the east side of Nushagak bay. for the purpose of adminstering Medical aid and distributing food to sick and destitute Natives.
1PM Sent following radiogram to USS Marblehead. conditions improving, expect to be able to leave here noon Friday. One case of influenza on board. Convalescent. Coal one hundred and eighty tons, drinking water fourteen hundred gallons. Signed Dodge.
4PM to Mid:
10:50 Ship's Surgeon and party returned to vessel after having administered Medical aid. and distributed food to sick and destitued Natives at all outlying places on east side of Nushagak bay; transfered three sick Natives to hospital at Dillingham Also brought all orphan children from the village of Nushagak to be under the care of Doctor French, Bureau of Education, at Dillingham untill the sailing of this vessel
Mid to 9AM.
8:45 Commanding Officer left vessel for Scandinavian Cannery to Inspect Same place and to confer with Superintendant as to the condition and health of the Natives at the village
9AM to 4PM
10:35 Tug boat Attu alongside, taking on board the following Officers Dr. Hubbard USN Dr Scott Dental Surgeon Dr Gillicuddy acting Surgeon public Health service, Dr Johnson ships surgeon Captain Coffin USCG Lieutenant Anderson USNRF and Chase Ph.mate 1st class to inspect and give relief to outlying villages on West side of Nushagak and Wood Rivers.
4PM To Mid
4:05 Tug boat Attu returned to ship with relief party
4:35 Tug boat Ibis came alongside with Commanding Officer this vessel.
7:45 Ships Surgeon Dr Johnson, accompanied by Dr H.D. Hubbard USN Dr. V.T. McGillicuddy public Health Service Dr E.W. Scott Dental Surgeon Captain E. Coffin, E.S. Chase Ph.mate 1st class P.A. Wisdom Boatswain mate 2nd class H.M. Miller Ord. seaman, Left on flood tide for outlying districts on Wood river 40 miles away will be busy all night and all day tomorrow on relief cases.
11:10 Sent following Radio to Commanding Officer USS Marblehead Have several bodies to bury and a number of sick to attend about forty miles up Wood River which will delay me until about ten AM Saturday everything else in this vicinity cleared up (20025)
9AM to 4PM
9:00 Recieved following radiogram from Christoffer, Bureau Fisheries. Washington office instructs me, request you intercept Victoria which vessel left Nome eight AM Monday, and procure four Funsten aboard that vessel and take them to Pribilofs when convenient. Signed Christoffer Bureau Fisheries.
9:10 Sent following radiogram to Christoffer Bureau of Fisheries Seattle Washington. "Unalga at Dillingham on receipt of your radio and Victoria through the pass to late to intercept her." Signed Dodge.
9:40 Received following radiogram from USS Vicksburg "Request information when you expect to leave Nushagak 13126" Signed Vicksburg.
9:52 Sent following radiogram to USS Vicksburg 13126 "Expect to leave for Unalaska 10AM Saturday 13226" Signed Dodge
4PM to Mid
5:30 Ship's Surgeon, Doctor Hubbard USN Doctor McGillicuddy USPHS and detail from this vessel returned on board, haven given Medical aid and food supplies to the sick and destitute Natives, in all the Settlements on Wood river. the bones of Seven Natives were buried the dogs having eaten on the flesh, all dogs were shot
8:00 Sent following radiogram to USS Marblehead: Doctor French representative of the Bureau of Education at Dillingham has Seventy three orphan children to care for at his station, he is short of blankets and can not obtain any here. request twenty four blankets. doctor Hubbard joins me in requesting your authority, in the premises. I shall turn over remainder of food supplies to Doctor French. for use of orphans and destitute Natives 17426. Dodge
8:30 Received following radiogram from USS Marblehead. 17427. Issue of twenty four blankets authorized 20126 USS Marblehead.
10:40PM Received following radiogram. "Steamer Victoria Sailed from Nome for Seattle June twenty third and has on board four employes Bureau of Fisheries period, Unalga Intercept Victoria take these employes on board and land them at Pribilof islands. Coast Guard Cutter Unalga USS Marblehead, Commandant 12th Naval district acknowledge 093826." Signed OP.Nav.
Unalga at Dillingham 450 Miles from Unimak pass. On receipt of this Message, Victoria about 320 Miles, to Southward of pass, in the Pacific Ocean, and cannot be overtaken or intercepted by this vessel.
9:00am to 4:00pm
9:38 received the following radiogram "I have not been able to get steamer Victoria to answer call period Dutch Harbor think she is about 300 miles south of Unimak Pass Period apparentyl she did not stop at Bristol Bay Points period what do you think 13127 Marblehead."
10:05 sent following radiogram to USS Marblehead "Victoria reported to have left Nome eight AM June twenty third Does not came within 300 miles of Bristol Bay she should be 450 miles south of Unimak Pass now 10027 Dodge"
Ships surgeon and medical officers employed during day affording medical relief to sick and destitute natives at Nushagak and Dillingham.
Received from Nushagak one box to be delivered to the Alaska Commercial Company at Unalaska and two sacks of mail to be delivered to the Postmaster at Unalaska.
4:00pm to Mid :-
6:40 ships Surgeon medical officer and relief party returned on board.
9am to Merid -
Dr. H.D. Hubbard, USN, in charge of naval food supplies turned over remaining articles of food to Dr. French, representative of the Bureau of Education, to be distributed amongst destitute natives.
10:40 Dr. Carpenter, acting Public Health srugeon, and J.W. Miller, pharmacists mate 2nd class, returned on board from hospital at Dillingham, togheter with C. Kramer, ordinary seaman, influenza cases being under control and their services being no longer required.
10:40 Took aboard the following named destitute persons for transportation from Nushagak to Unalaska at no expense to the Government, there being no other means of transportation: Mrs. A. Kashaveroff, Ina Kashaveroff, 9 years old, George Hopen, 19 years old (crippled).
Merid to 4PM
At meridian sent following radiogram "USS Marblehead Noon off Ekuk Spit, Nushagak River, sailed from Dillingham at eleven AM. Coal one hundred and sixty five tons, drinking water three thousand gallons. One sick influenza. Dodge."
Sang to the kids in the evening, at their earnest solicitation - they were highly amused.
4:00am to 9:00am
7:05 anchored in 9 fathoms water, 45 fathoms port chain outside of Port Heiden, very close to shoals and breaks, to wait for tender to bring off destitute orphan children.
9am to 4pm.
1:30 Commanding Officer left vessel for Port Heiden to confer with Mr George Alberts as to transportation to Nushagak of destitute native orphan children
4pm to 6pm -
5:10 Commanding officer returned aboard; received on board for transportation to Nushagak River, there to be placed in charge of Doctor French, representative of Bureau of Education, the following destitute orphan native children from Port Heiden: boys, C. Kisiminy, age 5 years; C. Thomanti, age 16 years: D. Earcti, age 8 years; E. Trankis, age 4 years; D. Duanche, age 10 years; girls, B. Kisiminy, age 6 years; P. Punche, age 3 years and A. Stephanof, age 4 years.
Merid to 4pm.
12:35 Gas boat Attu came alongside. Doctor French of the Bureau of Education came aboard, and following named destitude Native orphan children from Port Heiden were given to his charge. Boys. C. Kisiminy age 5 years. C. Thomanty age 16 years, D. Earcti age 8 years E. Trankis age 4 years D. Duanche age 10 years. Girls B. Kisiminy age 6 years P. Punche age 3 years A. Stephanof age 4 years.
1:35 Gas boat Attu left. Up anchor and underway.
4PM to 6PM
At 4:40PM received following radio grams from US Deputy Marshal Casler at Naknek.
"Captain Dodge USS Unalga. If possible come to Naknek first as have large bunch of prisoners here answer. Casler. Note: please answer quick."
"Captain Dodge USS Unalga. Our department is in communication with your department now we have about twenty five prisoners for Valdez".
At 4:55 Sent following reply "Casler Naknek. " Will arrive at Naknek tonight bring prisoners off in the morning, will have to leave them at Unalaska while I make trip to Westward. Captain Dodge"
9am to Merid
10:00 Tug boat Auk came alongside and brought US Deputy Marshal S.O. Casler, Mr G.W. Rutherford, and Mr. A. Moore Guards. and the following named prisoners for transportation to Unalaska, there being no other means of transportation.
Henry Pfeiffer, William Martin, Jack Green, Simian George, Arcenio Vergares, Macedonia Flores, Manuel Alvarez, Rafael Garcia, E. Vargas, William Brady, John Anderson, Jesus Redrigez, Arturo Benz, Sabas Dumtana, Manuel Diaz. the four last named being insane; Subsistence of the above named people being paid by Department of Justice.
8pm to Mid:
Stood various courses to anchorage at entrance of Ugashik river. #
8:45 Came to anchor, at Mouth of Ugashik river, 14 fathoms of water to 75 fathoms port chain. to await informations from Cannery Superintendent, relative to transportation to Nushagak of 29 destituted Native orphan children reported to be at Ugashik.
(on weather page)
# At 8:20PM Sent following radiogram to Superintendant Alaska Packers Association at Naknek. "Can you transport the orphan children from Pilot Station Ugashik and Naknek to Nushagak and turn them over to Doctor H. French, Sometime before you leave Bristol bay it is desired to have all orphans turned over to Doctor French to be placed in the orphanage to be built near Dillingham. I dont like to delay now with the prisoners i have on board, please answer at once" Signed Dodge.
8:00am to Merid :-
At 9:00am received the following radiogram from Superintendent Alaska Packers Association at Naknek. "Will transport orphans from pilot station Ugashik and Naknek to Nushagak at first opportunity. Heinbockel"
4pm to Mid -
7:00 confined Arthur and Peter Sitzoff, imbecile prisoners, in the forward coal bunker for stealing pies from the cabin mess.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
3:25 Received following radiogram "Proceed soon as possible to Kvichak and take such action as circumstances warrant to assist cannery people reestablish order and move catch acknowledge 11103. Coast Guard"
4:00pm to Mid :-
11:58 sent following radiogram "Coast Guard, Washington. 11103 - 16103. Dodge"
9am to Merid.
9:10 Left wharf at Unalaska and stood various courses out Unalaska bay.
9:30 Sent following radiogram to Coast Guard headquarters Washington DC "Unalga Sailed for Kvichak Bay 9am Sept 4th" Signed Dodge
8am to 4pm -
Stood various courses up Kvichak Bay to mouth of Naknek River where at 12:46 anchored ...
1:05 Tug "Arnold G" came alongside and a board consisting of Senior Captain F.G. Dodge, Captain W.K. Thompson, Lieutenant G.W. MacLane and Lieutenant C.E. Anderson proceeded to the ship "Abner Coburn", of San Francisco, anchored nearby, for the purpose of surveying her to determine her seaworthlyness.
2:30 board returned; the results of the survey of the "Coburn" were as follows: Rigging and running gear, all right; ground tackle and head gear, all right; frames timbers and beams, sound; fore peak and bilges dry, showed no appearance of having ever been wet; pumps washed by either gas engine, or steam engine, at will; last pumped out fuly 15th, pumps sucked at 7 1/2 inches; at 2:05pm on September 6th, 9 inches of water in the bilges; she carrys 8 boats with a capacity of 43 men each and 3 boats with a capacity of 10 each, making a total boat capacity of 374 men; total number of crew and passengers, 320 souls.
4pm to Mid - ...
6:30 Senior Captain F.G. Dodge and Captain W.K. Thompson accompained by Lieutenant C.E. Anderson went ashore to interview fishermen, cannery workers and the crew of the "Abner Coburn".
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
11:50 Commanding officer and other officers returned having interviewed fishermen, leaving Lieutenant C.E. Anderson at the cannery to keep the commanding Officer informed by radio as to conditions. It was ascertained at a mass meeting of the fishermen and a major portion of the Orientals gang that these men would not leave for the states, except on a steamer and upon their own assertion that they would submit to arrest and imprisonment rather than proceed otherwise than indicated above. Furthermore, that, to date, these men have committed no overt act against the cannery, except in that they refused to proceed aboard the "Abner Coburn".
4PM to Mid
6:20 Received following radiogram Coast Guard Headquarters. Radio Coast Guard Cutter Unalga Cordova Alaska. 14007 Headquarters concurs your opinion and has taken matter up with Libbyville company along these lines in Manintaining [sic] order and do anything within reason to clear situation 13008. Coast Guard.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
10:40 two members of the Board for Survey of the "Abner Coburn", repaired on board that vessel and sounded bilges. There were 9 3/4 inches of water, a gain of one quarter of one inch since 2:05pm September 6, 1919, the pumps not having been used between these dates. The vessel during this time has been anchored in a tideway and a South East gale blowing with choppy weather.
Commanding Officer went ashore to investigate condition at Libbyville.
9AM to 4PM
4:00 Commanding officer this vessel returned on board. Sent following Radiogram Coast Guard Headquarters. Coast Guard, Washington. Conditions at Libbyville the same. Have had three more conferences with crew of Coburn and cannery hands offered to tow Coburn to Unalaska and take sixty of the men on the Unalga all I could take if balance of them would go aboard Coburn as for as Unalaska and then to be taken from Unalaska to Seattle by steamer, but they Absolutely refused the men are quiet and orderly but firm in their decision not to go on board the Coburn and not to leave here except on a steamer shall await further instructions #17311
4pm to Mid -
4:45 Cannery tender "Haller" came alongside and the commanding officer went ashore to investigate conditions at Libbyville.
A wicker fender, which had been placed between the ship's side and the "Haller" rolled over the wardroom airport between frames numbers 66 and 67 on the starboard side, breaking the airport glass and pushing in the upper part of the plate about 1/2 or 3/4 of an inch; lost the fender over board.
4:00pm to Mid :-
Commanding Officer returned on board at 6:20 after 23 hours conference with disaffected sailors and cannery employees of Libby, McNeil & Libby, at Libbyville.
The following men composed of crew of "Abner Coburn", fishermen, and beachgang men, employed by Libby, McNeil and Libby, at Libbyville, came on board for passage to Unalaska
Paul Molino - F. Aliano - P. Algere - P. Patterson - J. Sisto - P. Santamarie -
J. Molino - A. Sangiomino - J. Locastro - Paul Pappas - E. Johnson - J. Kekois - J. Janson
F. Camba - B. Roublado - S. Pulicano - D. Pugliese - F. Elo - J. Lagus - J. Jackson
E. Imeroni - S. Colombo - D. Severaie - G. Campagna - A. Enoksen - E. Madsen - J. Winthis
R. Lo Porto - L. Manescalco - G. Hendrison - J. Bassani - J. Felice - H. Selenius - A. Anderson
G. Fantero - A. Fisio - A. Lazzro - M. Iannuzzi - F. Norberg - F. Naki - G. Mirmi -
Ch. Alia - P. Mondello - F. Binisimis - J. Iannuzzi - J. Hanhela - H. Wuodila - C. Oster -
N. Bertino - L. Montablano - A. Olsen - J. Bellege - G. Johnson - R. Lae - J. Johnson
E. Angelo - J. Zammaritano - J. Wilson - J. Schovler - G. Helin - F. Martin - C. Nelson
S. Rappa - J. Meno - S. Karas - E. Pappas - P. Baclurina - K. Baclurina -
O. Demiano - A. Lucedo - G. Palas - P. Pappas - J. Mint - A. Balsted - M. Konvidsos
J. Vaccarino - J. Giamboni - B. Johnson - S. Pappas - J. Pahis - M. Frank - C. Kolas
J. Bulgario - P. Velliotis - G. Puhakka - A. Mimen - J. Urjale - J. Amglio - L. Castello -
G. Tenison - G. Stralnak - Jim Granourey -
The balance of men were placed on board of the "Abner Coburn", this vessel to tow "Abner Coburn" to Unalaska.
All except monthly men to be sent to Seattle from Unalaska at expense of Libby, McNeil & Libby.
Lieutenant C.E. Anderson detailed for duty on "Abner Coburn" until arrival at Unalaska to represent Commanding Officer and to preserve order.
Mid to 9:00am :-
waiting for "Abner Coburn" to clear her chains and get her anchors
9AM to 4PM
Naknek, Alaska. Sept 14, 1919. Unalga. From: Medical Officer To: Commanding Officer. Subject: Report, Sickness of Captain T.G. Lewton, (Chief Engineer). 1. Captain T.G. Lewton has been partially incapacitated from performing his daily duties as Chief Engineer since September, 2 1919 account of arthritis of joints in right foot and great toe. 2. probable will be partially incapacitated for the next four or five days. F.H. Johnson Ass't Surgeon, USPHS.
Waiting for Coburn to single up her anchor and recieve tow line.
Mid to 8AM
6:30 Up anchor and under way standing various courses for ship Abner Coburn, standing to wind ward to pass ten inch hawser which when passed made fast to her starboard cable
7:45 droped [sic] anchor to let Abner Coburn get in her port anchor
8am to Merid -
8:20 underway with "Abner Coburn" in tow, standing various courses down Kvichak Bay; order steam on after boiler as full speed on one boiler barely afforded steerage way.
8:40 steam formed in after boiler;
9:10 cut in after boiler; full speed on both boilers, not to exceed 20 tons of coal per day.
There follows a copy of a letter: "Naknek, Alaska, September 15, 1919. From: Medical Officer. To: Commanding Officer. Subject: Report Captain T.G. Lewton (CE), to duty. 1. Captain T.G. Lewton having recovered sufficiently from an attack of Arthritis is this date taken from the sick list and report him for active duty. F.H. Johnson".
Watch ends standing various courses down Kvichak Bay, full speed both boilers, "Abner Coburn" in tow.
8PM to Mid
Stood various courses into Iliuliuk Bay with Abner Coburn in tow
6:15 Slowed down Abner Coburn droping her port anchor then unshackled this vessel towing hawser this vessel then proceeding to an anchorage
6:50 came to anchor in Unalaska harbor in 10 fathoms of water to 30 fathoms port chain.
7:40 Lieut. C.E. Anderson came aboard and resumed his duties.
9am to 4pm -
J. Wilson, one of the passengers from Libbyville, sick with bronchitis; opened up hospital building and installed him therein.
Ship's surgeon furnished medical assistance to one of the crew of the cannery tender "George F. Haller" which anchored in the harbor at 3:15.
4pm to Mid -
Crew of "Abner Coburn" and beach gang kept on board this vessel until arrangements can be made to quarter them on shore.
9am to 4pm.
11:00 Commanding Officer called Official on Commanding Officer USS Saturn. #
# and confered with him in regards to moving naval personel and employees Quartered in hotel at Dutch harbor, So that crew of "Coburn" fishermen and beach gang on this vessel might be moved there
the Commanding Officer agreed to have naval employees aboard by 5pm.
So that transport of Men could be made from this vessel tomorrow.
* 9:30 Transfered 92 men, employes of Libby, McNeil & Libby, Transported on this vessel from Libbyville, to Hotel at Dutch Harbor with all their baggage and quartered them there at the expense of Libby McNeil & Libby
9am to 4pm -
1:00 The executive officer and the ship's surgeon made an inspection of the mexican and chinese quarters on the "Abner Coburn" to determine the state of the sanitation, food supply, messing facilities and the alleged back of washing facilities.
4pm to Mid -
7:00 Lieutenant C.E. Anderson went aboard the "Abner Coburn" as the representative of the commanding officer, to preserve order among the men quartered on the vessel.
9AM to 4PM
12:30 Commanding officer this vessel left for Dutch Harbor to adjust difficulties of men on board Abner Coburn of Libby, McNeil & Libby
2:50 Commanding Officer this vessel returned on board having adjusted difficulties of the men on board Abner-Coburn
4:00pm to Mid :-
4:50 Captain Thompson accompanied by Gunner Greene and eight men from this vessel, all armed with automatic pistols and provided with irons, left for ship "Abner Coburn" to suppress, and investigate an uprising among those on board, to arrest all instigators and participants in the uprising and to search for and confiscate all weapons on board.
7:45 Captain Thompson, Gunner Greene and party of eight men returned to the ship from "Abner Coburn". Amado Casarez, of the "Abner Coburn", was placed in custody of US Deputy Marshal, Unalaska, for assault, with a dangerous weapon, upon the body of a Mexican fisherman.
9AM to 4PM
Ramon Garcia arrested on board Abner Coburn for assault with dangerous weapon, taken to jail at Unalaska and put in custody of US Deputy Marshal Unalaska.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
Delivered to Superintendent Libby, McNeill and Libby all butcher knives, cleavers, hatchets, hammers, (the property of the Company) also all pocket-knives and razors, the pocket-knives and razors to be given to those from whom they were taken on arrival at Seattle, Washington.
The balance of articles taken from these men came under section No. 1997, Laws of the Territory of Alaska, and were confiscated and thrown overboard.
9AM to 4PM
At 2:00PM Steamer Victoria came to anchor in Dutch Harbor.
Commanding Officer went on board and arranged with master of Victoria for transportation of extra passengers to Seattle Washington, found that all 1st class passenger accomodations were full, only steerage and intermediate could be obtained which were unsuitable for Dr Johnson, in his present condition, so he could not be sent South.
Placed 183 dissafected cannery employes who had been quartered at Dutch Harbor and on the ship Abner Coburn on board the Victoria for passage to Seattle, Washington, their passage to be paid by Libby McNeil and Libby, all of these men absolutely refused to proceed to Seattle on the Abner Coburn
First Lieutenant G.W. McLane left the vessel and went on board Steamer Victoria for passage to Seattle Washington. Authority Headquarters radiogram #14406 dated October 9th 1919.
9am to 4pm -
2:00. Lieutenant C.E. Anderson recalled from duty on ship "Abner Coburn" and resumed his duties on this vessel as all people now on board the "Coburn" are quiet and orderly and there is no further necessity of keeping an officer on board that vessel.
9AM to Merid
At 9:30AM the following people came on board for transportation to Seattle Wash. at no expense to the Government there being no other means of transportation.
Mr S. Applegate as guest of Commanding Officer.
At thier own request and at the request of the agent of the Alaska Commercial Company Mrs. P. Kashaveroff, Chester Kashaveroff age 8 years, Victor Kashaveroff age 6 years, Ethel Kashaveroff age 5 years, Mildred Kashaveroff age 4 years, Elinor Kashaveroff age 9 years;
Mrs Lucy Rosenberg, Miss Katy Rosenberg and Miss Sarah Morton, these people are going to Seattle, Wash. to better their condition as there is no means of support for them at Unalaska, their natural protectors having passed away during the epidemic of influenza.
The following from the ship Abner Coburn as there was no accommodations for them on the Victoria.
Dr Howard Blake, Mr G.J. Smith, Mr Ludwig Thormodsater, Mr G.W. Coombe, Mrs Coombe.
R. Martinez, N. Pierce, H. Miller, John Rodriguez, J. Gonzales and A Dominges
John P. Sousa (Insane) was received on board from the US Deputy Marshal his subsistance to be paid by the Department of Justic.
9:40 Disconnected fresh water hose all tanks filled.
9:45 Cast off and under way standing various courses out of Unalaska Harbor, called for ordinary full speed one boiler so as to get Dr F.H. Johnson to Seattle with out unnecessary delay
Sent following radiogram Coast Guard. Washington. Unalga sailed for Seattle ten AM October fifteenth #10415 Dodge.
Sept. 4 Pulled out for Kuichak Bay to survey some bleeding cannery ship that is leaking 3 feet of water an hour - crew refused to bring her down.
Sept. 13 Been lying off Makuck for a hundred years more or less - tomorrow we will leave for Unalaska with the "Abner Coburn" in tow, and a hundred fishermen on the Unalga. 7 P M the "Haller" came alongside with a scow load of men and we took aboard 92 Bolsheviks with their bags and bedding - some gang of cut throats!
Sept. 14 Standing by all day waiting for the "Abner Coburn" to take the turns out of her anchor chains.
Sept. 15 Picked up the "Coburn" at 8 A M and at last got started for Unalaska - ship jammed to the rails with men - heaven be praised that the Mexs and Chinks are on the "Coburn" - Andy on board her to represent U.S., don't envy him.
Sept. 22 Arrived Unalaska on 17th after a fine passage down - have got to stay here until passenger boats can take these damned Bolsheviks down to the States as they positively refuse to go on the "Coburn". We might have been well on out way home now but for them. Got night letter from Peggy last night - oh boy! Both the "Manshan" and "Saturn" in port - former is going to Seal Islands today.
Oct. 12 Some weary wait, but looks like something is going to happen at last. "Victoria" got in today and took 183 of the Bolsheviks on board - also MacLane, ordered to Washington.
Oct. 13 "Victoria" left at 4 A M - rumors of our going soon.
Oct. 15 Thank the good Lord! At last we pulled out of Unalaska at 10 A M, bound East - straight across for Flattery - coal in Seattle and get paid, then home to Frisco. Took on board furs, Kashaverof and her five kids, Applegate, the three Rosenberg girls, the two mates and the blacksmith, Coombe and his wife from the "Haller", one insane coon and six "wobblies". Fine clear day - most of the town down to see us off.
Perfectly correct, they were so verbose on November 1st they needed a second page. The editor will figure that out too. :)
9am to 4:00pm.
In compliance with HT 9907-1110 Jan, to conserve fuel the use of the power launch for liberty parties was suspended & the whale boat used instead.
Hi Kimma001, and welcome aboard! :D
A curious statement about an Headquarter Telegram on 8 Jan 1921 ( page:Quote9am to 4:00pm.
In compliance with HT 9907-1110 Jan, to conserve fuel the use of the power launch for liberty parties was suspended & the whale boat used instead.
The Great Depression of '30s has yet to come... i wonder if this could be an outcome of Harding victory at 1920 Presidential Election. Never had found mentions to preserve fuel before.
Mid to 9am.:o :o
Because of bad weather conditions & the necessity of making 2 trips with whale boat the liberty party except R.W. Dally, sea, returned at 9:00am.
9:00 Lowered power launch & operated same with gasoline & oil purchased by contributions from crew & officer. This necessary on account of impraticability of using whale boat.
Mid to 9am.
At 1:00am the quartermaster on watch reported the whale boat missing from the boat boom.
An investigation showed that the boat was willfully taken and at 1:20 the launch was dispatched to search for it.
The boat was found secured to a small wharf directly opposite the ship.
At 2:15am the whale boat was secured for the night.
A search of the vessel disclosed that W.S. Nowlin, Sea 2c, and W. Vann, AS, had left the vessel without permission with intentions of deserting.
They left no clothing on board & the bag of W.S. Nowlin was missing.
Accordingly, they have been declared deserters as of this date.
9AM to 4PM.
3:50 While Lou Chong Wardroom Steward was cleaning damper of galley range using ~ saturated in kerosene the flame backfired and ignited his clothing, he was badly burned * Medical Officer rendered treatment to Lou Chong *The fire alarm was sounded; the crew responded promptly & the flames in galley were extinguished before any damage was done to the vessel.
4PM to Mid.
4:35-5:00 Unmoored ship and stood accross Oakland Creek to City Wharf, Oakland, Cal in order to facilitate the transfer of Lou Chong Wardroom Steward to the Hospital.
6:15 Lou Chong was sent to Marine Hospital San Francisco in a private ambulance as no public ambulance was available.
By the way, can someone read what was saturated with kerosene by the poor Lou Chong?
The word newspaper has been crossed out, and replaced with something i've not managed to read or imagine... it seems ending with ter or te, but i'm not totally sure...
9am to 4:00pm.
10:00, Received notice from Division Commander, Southern Division, of the death of Lou Chong, Ward Room Steward, for the effects of burns received on 23rd instant. He died at the Marine Hospital, San Francisco, yesterday evening.
9am to 4:00pm.
9:00, Commanding Officer left vessel to attend funeral services of Lou Chong Ward Room Steward, who died at the Marine Hospital at 8:55pm Feb 26, 1921. *
1:00, Board of Investigation of which Lieut Comdr (E) W.M. Prall is president met to inquire into cause of fire in galley on Feb 23, 1921.
2:00, Board adjourned.
3:00, Commanding officer returned from funeral services of Lou Chong.
*10:30, Board of Investigation of which Lieut Comdr (E) W.M. Prall is president met to inquire into the cause of death of Loug Chong, WR Stew.
11:15, Board adjourned.
4:00pm to Mid :-
6:10 Chief Electrician J.J. Dolan of "Bear" brought aboard Arthur Gumprecht, F 2c, a deserter from the "Golden Gate", who was sent to this vessel for safekeeping until further orders.
As vessel is alongside dock in shipyard, confined Gumprecht for the night for safe-keeping.
4:00pm to Mid :-
At about 7:30 A. Gumprecht, F 2c, a deserter from "Golden Gate", who has been on board under guard since 16th, could not be found, although he was seen below decks but a short time before.
Careful search of ship and dock was made atonce, but evidently Gumprecht sneaked over ship's side to dock in working clothes without attracting attention of quartermaster on watch;
his blue uniform clothing having been taken up when he was first brought on board.
Sent A.B. Erikson CBM to search places in San Francisco where he might be found, but without result.
About 11:40, having learned that a man answering description of Gumprecht had been seen on an Oakland street car, telephoned Oakland Police Station, requesting they hold this man if found.
4:00pm to Mid.
4:25, A. Gumprecht, F 2c, a deserter from the "Golden Gate" who absented himself without permission since about 7:30pm yesterday, returned aboard.
He stated that he had some important business to attend to & had requested the Commanding Officer for permission to go ashore.
When refused permission he went on his own accord. He was placed in the brig for safe keeping.
4:00pm to Mid :-
8:00 released A. Gumprecht, F 2c from leg irons and placed him in confinement for safe keeping for the night.
At about 8:45 W. Nowlin, Sea 2c, who is restricted to vessel, awaiting court action, found absent without permission.
About 10:30 it was found that lock of prison door was unlocked and that A. Gumprecht, F 2c, was absent; thorough search failed to locate him.
9am to 4:00pm.
At about 2:30 permission was given H. V. West, Ph 3c, to take his civilian clothing ashore.
At 3:30, ACC Std P. Bugaras reported that his last pay check and sixty five dollars in cash had been stolen probably by West. The police was notified. It is evident West intends to desert and he is declared a deserter this date.
Ferguson Amos L. Seaman A.B. Shipped and rated 7 Apr 1924. Discharged 23 June 1924 and turned over to USCG for having deserted USGC Unalga in 1922.
4:00pm to Mid :-
7:00 granted liberty to as many of crew as could be spared until 1:30am tomorrow in order to attend dance given by inhabitants of Unga.
4:00pm to mid.
7:00, Granted liberty to as many of crew as could be spared to attend dance at Unga until 1:00am to-morrow.
4pm to mid.
Standing up Isanotski Straits until 4:40 when vessel was moored to Cannery wharf of P.E. Harris & Co.
8:00, The Commanding Officer, acting in his capacity of US Commissioner, performed the marriage ceremony of Willie Vereskin and Fedosia Konkoff. The ceremony was performed ashore.
Mid. to 9:00am :-
8:00 half masted colors in observance of funeral of Late Chief Justice White of US Supreme Court as directed in telegram of Commander, Bering Sea Patrol (1020-2135) May 1921.
4:00pm to Mid.
4:10, Granted permission to Boatswain H. Hanson, CBM A.B. Ericksen and W.A. Seppanen, seaman, to use dinghy for hunting
At 5:15, Hunting party returned, W.A. Seppanen, accidentally fell, the piece discharged and he shot off part of his left index finger.
The launch was dispatched for the medical officer who returned immediately having just completed rendering aid to the people of the village.
At 8:00 the medical officer performed the amputation of the left index finger of W.A. Seppanen, seaman
4:00pm to Mid :-
Stood various courses and speeds into Unalaska Bay and harbor, where at 4:50 moored at NW face Unalaska dock, with "Bear" moored close by.
5:40 received from "Bear", L.T. Williams, F 2c, who had been left behind in hospital at San Francisco, Calif. with illness due to his own misconduct.
7:00 granted liberty to crew until midnight in order to attend dance given by crew of "Unalga" in honor of "Bear".
4:00pm to Mid :-
6:00 granted liberty to crew until 1:00am tomorrow to attend dance given on shore by "Bear".
By the way, Linda has provided a set of 1200 dpi scans which I will pass on to the Coast Guard as soon as the curator comes back from leave.
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
1:40 Commanding Officer, in the capacity of US Commissioner, performed marriage ceremony for Pete Carlson and Lucy Phillips; both of Chignik.
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
Executive Officer obtaining local knowledge, from Cannery officials, regarding Hook Bay and Alitak Bay;
2:50 barge to be used for handling reindeer, brought alongside.
3:10 cast off from dock and proceeded across Chignik Bay toward Hook Bay with barge in tow.
Mr. W.G. Culver of Bureau of Education, came aboard to take charge of transportation of reindeer.
6:00pm to Mid :-
6:45 sent barge, in tow of launch, to anchorage inside sand spit.
Made preparations for bringing aboard reindeer as soon as weather permits.
Mid to 9am.
6:20, Dispatched launch with party of 15 men in charge of Gunner H.C. Herman to tow barge ashore and assist in loading reindeer.
8:55, Launch returned towing barge carrying first load of 15 reindeer. Hoisting deer in cockpit at end of watch.
9am to 4pm -
9:20 barge returned to beach.
2:05 second barge load of 20 reindeer alongside; barge left at 12:40.
Crew engaged herding and tiling reindeer on beach, loading and unloading barge and handling deer on board.
2:15 barge alongside with last load of reindeer, 28.
Omitted quarters on account of handling reindeer.
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
11:30 sent Mr. W.G. Culver ashore in launch to arrange for unloading of reindeer;
1:20 launch returned.
1:40 began lowering reindeer over ship's side, from where they swam ashore.
2:30 finished unloading reindeer.
Crew employed unloading reindeer and cleaning ship afterwards.
and cleaning ship afterwards.
8:00am to Merid :-
Fresh to moderate South to gentle SE breezes; overcast; moderate sea with ground swell greater part of watch.
9:55 underway, weather conditions having materially improved; stood at 80 rpm on course 307 degrees (psc) for St. Paul Island, at request of A.H. Proctor, Superintendent US Bureau of Fisheries, Pribilof Islands; he having forgotten to bring certain important papers upon leaving St. Paul Island on 20th instant.
Merid to 4:00pm.
Gentle ESE breeze to moderate ESE gale; overcast; squally; rain latter half; confused rough sea.
1:54 (log 13.4) Changed course to 320 degrees (psc) for East Landing, St. Paul.
2:07, Slowed down to slow speed & observed that it was impossible to land at East Landing.
2:08, Full speed ahead on course 264 degrees (psc) (log 14.5) for Village Cove Anchorage.
2:29 (log 18.2) Changed course to 315 degrees (psc)
2:38 (log 19.4) Observed that it was impossible to land at Village Cove and having made every possible effort to land on St. Paul & because of the rapidly approaching storm vessel was headed to sea on course 281 degrees (psc).
Received radio then from Agent ashore at St. Paul that it was impracticable to land anywhere on the island.
3:00 (log 22.7) Changed course to 228 degrees (psc)
Omitted quarters & drills on account of inclement weather.
4pm to 6pm -
Moderate to fresh East gale; overcast with mist, drizzling rain and violent squalls; rough sea; vessel pitching and rolling deeply.
At 5:30 turned and hove to, head to sea, on course 90 degrees psc, slowed to 55 rpm - and so till end of watch
6:00pm to 8:00pm :-
Strong SE gale, increasing at intervals to whole gale; overcast with drizzling rain; rough sea, vessel rolling and pitching easily. Hove to, on course 90 degrees (psc) at 55 rpm, throughout.
8:00pm to mid.
Strong to fresh gale SE to SSE; generally overcast; moon showing thru occasionally latter part, drizzling rain, vessel rolling & pitching easily.
8:00, Hauled in log reading (47.7) as it was not registering properly.
Hove to at 55 RPM keeping head to wind.
8:00, Changed course to 135 degrees (psc)
9:30, Changed course to 146 degrees (psc).
10:30, Changed course to 157 degrees (psc).
Mid to 4am -
Moderate to strong SSE gale; mostly cloudy with violent squalls; sea rough and vessel pitching deeply but easily.
2:00 received Headquarter's radiogram 9920-1430 directing the vessel to proceed to Kodiak in search of missing ship "Santa Clara".
Vessel hove to, head to sea, on course 159 degrees psc, at 55 rpm, throughout watch.
4:00am to 8:00am :-
Whole SSE to SxE gale, increasing at times to Storm; partly cloudy to overcast with frequent rain squalls; rough, rolling head sea; vessel pitching and rolling deeply but easily.
Hove to throughout watch on course 159 degrees (psc) at 55 rpm.
6:30 began using storm oil through crew's toilet and oil bag over starboard bow.
8am to merid
Whole SxE gale, increasing to storm at frequent intervals; overcast; rain rough irregular sea Vessel rolling & pitching deeply.
Hove to throughout keeping head to sea on course 169 degrees (psc) at 55 RPM.
Storm oil being used through crew's toilet & oil bag over starboard bow.
11:25, Vessel was caught by cross sea & heeled to port dipping boats. The after fall of 24' Surfboat Monomoy #1067 came adrift & boat was lost. Lee Loy, Ward Room Steward was thrown out of galley & struck his head against ship's side. He was treated by Medical Officer & placed off duty.
Merid to 4pm -
Strong South gale to storm; overcast with rain and violend squalls; sea very rough and confused; vessel pitching and rolling, laboring heavily, slipping seas fore and aft.
1:30 received Headquarters radiogram 9921-0925 stating that "Santa Clara" has arrived at San Francisco October twentieth.
Using storm oil. Vessel hove to head to sea on course 180 degrees psc, at 55 rpm, throughout watch.
4:00pm - 6:00pm :-
South storm, increasing to hurricane force at intervals; overcast, passing rain squalls first hour; rough head sea.
Vessel hove to using storm oil; head to sea on course 180 degrees (psc) at 55 rpm.
6:00pm to 8:00pm.
South Storm increasing to hurricane in squalls; overcast; rain, very rough sea, vessel pitching & rolling heavily.
Hove to, head to sea on course 180 degrees (psc) at 55 RPM.
Using storm oil.
8pm to Mid -
South by west Storm; overcast with rain and violent squalls; sea very rough; vessel pitching and rolling deeply.
Using storm oil continuously.
Vessel hove to, head to sea on course 190 degrees psc, at 55 rpm, throughout watch.
Mid to 4:00am.
SSW to WSW Storm, moderating at intervals to whole gale; overcast with violent rain squalls greeater part; rough and confused head sea; vessel pitching and rolling deeply.
Hove to head to sea, throughout watch, changing course as follows :- 12:30, 201 degrees; 2:00, 213 degrees and 3:00, 225 degrees.
Using storm oil continuously; speed about 55 rpm.
4am to 8am.
Whole gale WSW to West increasing to storm in squalls; overcast; misty; rough confused sea.
Hove to at 55 RPM keeping head to sea.
Vessel headed as follows: 4:45 - 236 degrees; 6:00 - 248 degrees; 7:00 - 259 degrees; 8:00 changed to 270 degrees psc.
Using storm oil.
8am to Merid -
WxN storm; overcast with rain and violent squalls; sea rough, vessel pitching and rolling deeply.
Using storm oil.
Vessel hove to, head to sea on course 280 degrees psc, at 55 rpm, throughout the watch.
Merid to 4:00pm :-
Storm to whole gale WxN; overcast to mostly cloudy with occasional rain squalls; rough head sea; vessel rolling and pitching deeply.
Hove to at 55 rpm head to sea, course changed at 1:30 to 292 degrees (psc).
Omitted quarters & drills on account of motion of vessel.
3:50 sounded; no bottom at 100 fathoms.
4:00pm to 6:00pm.
Strong to fresh WNW gale; overcast; rough sea, vessel pitching & rolling deeply at times.
Hove to at 55 RPM on course 292 degrees (psc).
6pm to 8pm -
Strong to fresh WNW breeze; mostly to partly cloudy; sea rough; vessel rolling and pitching easily.
On course 292 degrees psc at 55 rpm throughout watch.
8:00pm to Mid :-
Moderate to light WNW breezes to calm; mostly cloudy; broken and irregular to moderate sea.
On course 292 degrees (psc) at 55 rpm throughout.
8:05 over log (47.2)
Lifeboats, Lifeboat Equipment and Rafts
[As taught to U.S. Maritime Service Trainees in World War II]
General Equipment Of A Lifeboat
One gallon of storm oil -- to calm the seas.
(ff) Storm oil. One container holding 1 gallon of vegetable or animal oil so constructed that the oil can be easily distributed on the water, and so arranged that it can be attached to the sea anchor.
It messes with the surface tension and prevents the waves from curling over and breaking.
It means the waves don't crash on your deck and you have a chance of riding over them.
It only takes a very thin film of oil too.
Yes, storm oil is used to keep the seas from breaking. Usually you would think of it as a small-boat measure -- for example a cutter might deploy storm oil when trying to pick up survivors in heavy weather. I've never read about trying to use it protect a larger ship like this. In the shallow seas around the Pribilof Island it must have been really quite horrifying. They're running the oil through the crew toilets (which dumped right into the sea in those days) in order to avoid going on deck, which likely would've been ridiculously dangerous.
9am to 4pm.
Received Headquarters letter (601) of December 15, 1921, detaching the "Unalga" from the Southern Division and assigning her to the Northern Division, with headquarters at Juneau, Alaska.
Hello, Unalga, we have someone who belongs to you - Pioneer has just discharged a certain Amos Ferguson (not sure of the middle initial) - and handed him over to Unalga, who claim he deserted from them in 1922. It seems a bit foolish to sign on to another ship in the same service ....,%201924/IMG_8651_0.jpg
Oh, good grief - the Pioneer had only 22 deserters from April 1922 to December 1935, and 2 more who turned out to have deserted from elsewhere!
One of them was from the Unalga - keep an eye out for him, Matteo!QuoteFerguson Amos L. Seaman A.B. Shipped and rated 7 Apr 1924. Discharged 23 June 1924 and turned over to USCG for having deserted USGC Unalga in 1922.
9:00am - 4:00pm :-
10:30, General Coast Guard Court met in case of A.L. Ferguson, sea 2c.
11:30, General Coast Guard Court adjourned *.
*to wait action of convening authority, having completed case pending.
Midnight to 8:00AM :-
7:50 Up anchor, slow ahead, starting through Wrangell Narrows.
8:00AM to Meridian :-
10:00 Commanding vessel inspected vessel throughout.
4PM to 6PM.
Moderate Easterly to moderately SE breeze; overcast, rain.
Meridian to 4PM.
12:42 observed in Stephens Passage off Cape Fanshaw a capsized sailing boat, apparently a Navy 26 foot whale boat, with two men sitting on bottom; sent boat to them and maneuvered vessel accordingly.
1:15 boat returned with the two men, and with capsized boat in tow.
John R. Laane of Elkhart Nevada, and E.P. Wheeler of New York, prospectors enroute to Juneau, the men taken aboard, were issued ration
On account of strong breeze, choppy sea, and strong tidal current efforts to save boat before same drifted among shoal waters off Five Finger Islands, failed and boat was abandoned.
Mid. to 9:00am :-
5:00, A.P. Lopez, M.Att 2c failed to turn out when called in accordance with ship's regular routine.
5:10, A.P. Lopez, M.Att 2c, having failed to turn out when called at 5:00, was again called by QM 2c J.A. Anderson and used obscene and abusive language toward that petty officer in the execution of the duties of his office and attempted to strike Anderson with a butcher knife concealed near his hammock.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
12:00 Commanding officer ordered Amado P. Lopez M.Att 2c, confined to the ship without irons for 10 days, the first three to be on bread and water, as a punishment for threatening James A. Anderson QM 2c with a knife while the latter was in the performance of his duty this day; confined in brig this day in accordance with above.
Mid to 9am :-
8:00, as directed by Northern Division Dispatch 1027-1202 half masted colors on account of death of Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace.
9:00am to 4:00pm .-
Barometer and thermometer readings omitted from columns of the log for today on account of fresh paint on bridge deck, making those instruments inaccessable.
9:00am to 4:00pm.
At 9:45 a party in motor launch left ship to search for two minors, who had failed to return from a fishing trip.
At 11:00 searching party in motor launch returned, having located missing persons, it was found that their failure to return had been grossly exaggerated.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
2:10 motor sailer left the ship with mines for demolition of schooner Everett Hayes.
3:23 first mine set off carried away fore mast.
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
At 4:50 mine party returned with motor launch, having blown up the wreck of the schooner "Everett Hayes", at entrance of Nikolski Harbor
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
2:00 Children came on board and were entertained in the wardroom at the third annual tea party.
Midnight to 8:00am :-
At 6:00 US Deputy Marshall Dan Ross of Unalaska came aboard for transportation to Makushin.
8:00am to meridian :- ...
Off entrance of Makushin Bay at end of watch.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
Steaming on various courses at various speeds searching for entrance to Makushin Bay.
12:12 fog clearing and position ascertained, changed course and headed for entrance of Makushin Bay.
1:25 Medical Officer left the ship with party to exhume body of one Charley Rose for autopsy under direction of US Deputy Marshall Dan Ross.
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
At 5:40 the exhuming party having completed their labors returned aboard.
At 5:50 up anchor and stood out Makushin anchorage for Makushin Bay Cannery on various courses and various speeds
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
At 7:15 anchored off Makushin Bay Cannery
At 7:20 US Deputy Marshall Dan Ross went ashore to obtain additional evidence in the murder case of Charley Rose, deceased.
8:00pm to midnight :-
At 8:30 US Deputy Marshal returned, hoisted boat
At 8:35 heaved up anchor and steamed on various courses out of South Arm of Makushin Bay and to anchorage off Makushin Village at full speed of 100 rpm.
At 9:25 stopped and anchored in Makushin Harbor
Midnight to 8:00am :-
Anchored off Makushin village in 7 fathoms of water, riding to 30 fathoms of chain.
At 4:35 up anchor and stood out Makushin Bay on various courses, at full speed of 100 rpm.
8:00am to 4:00pm :-
At 10:25 Moored to the west face of the Alaska Commercial Company's dock at Unalaska.
At 10:30 US Deputy Marshal Dan Ross, and the passengers who came aboard at Makushin this morning, left the ship.
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
* 5:10, received radio message to the effect that the schooner Eurus of Juneau was in distress twenty miles north of Cape Spencer.
6:35, let go from dock and stood down Taiya Inlet at full speed 100 RPM on various courses.
8:00 Lowe Point Light abeam distance 0.3 miles.
*4:30, granted liberty to one watch of crew to two am tomorrow morning.
5:15, sounded general recall
5:45, all liberty party returned.
8:00PM to Midnight.
On various courses through Lynn Canal at full speed of 100 rpm.
8:20 off Battery Point.
9:16 off Seduction Point.
10:08 off Eldred Rock.
10:56 Pt Sherman, bearing 64o true 1.0 mile off.
Midnight to 4:00am :-
On various southerly courses through Lynn Canal at full speed of 100 rpm.
2:00, passed Point Retreat light bearing 89o true, distant 3.0 miles.
3:50, rounded Rocky Island light, 1/2 mile off, into Icy Strait.
Off Entrance Island at end of watch.
4:00am to 8:00am :-
6:16 (99.5) Point Adolphus abeam, distance 1.3 miles, changed course to 253o psc.
At end off Point Dundass.
8:00am to meridian
On various courses through Icy Strait and Cross Sound at full speed of 100 rpm.
9:00 slow and various speeds to speak to fishing vessels "Addington" of Seattle and Havana of Ketchikan regarding whereabouts of the fishing vessel Areous [sic] of Juneau.
9:35 Cape Spencer bearing 317o true 2.0 miles off.
Meridian to 4:00pm :-
12:10 spoke the "Anna J." of Ketchikan, obtained no information regarding vessel in distress so steered various courses for Dixon Harbor.
1:25, Sugarloaf Island abeam, took in log (56.4).
1:45, stopped and anchored in Dixon Harbor in 16 fathoms of water to 45 fathoms of chain on the starboard anchor. Anchorage bearings: Sugarloaf Peak 186o true, West Entrance Point 208o true, Rocky Point 276o true.
1:50 Motorboat "Eurus" of Juneau came alongside; ascertained that this is the vessel reported in distress and arranged to tow her to Juneau tomorrow morning as her engines are undipendable.
Midnight to 8:00am :-
Anchored in Dixons Harbor, Southeast Alaska in 16 fathoms of water to 60 fathoms of chain on the starboard anchor.
6:10, made preparations for getting underway.
7:25, sent motor-sailer to the inner harbor for the "Eurus".
7:50, motor-sailer returned and hoisted; passed towing hawser to the "Eurus"
8:00, commenced heaving up anchor.
8:00am to meridian.
8:15 anchor aweigh, various courses and speeds standing out of Dixon Harbor with Eurus in tow.
10:59 Cape Spencer abeam changed course to 61o psc.
11:53 parted towline, slow and various speeds to pick up Eurus.
12:00 off Cape Spencer.
Meridian to 4:00pm :-
12:05 while maneuvering to pass a line to the Eurus rammed her on her starboard side, aft, breaking her guard and springing planking.
12:10, Eurus in tow at slow speed prepared to take her alongside and keep her afloat with wrecking pump.
12:18, Sent surf boat to stand by Eurus, taking collision mat and working party to stop leaks if possible.
12:23, Eurus filling rapidly, surfboat took off the crew of that vessel; Paul Kegal, 45 (Master) and Walter McCormick, 20.
12:29, Eurus sank.
12:35, hoisted surfboat and proceeded through Cross Sound on various Northeasterly courses at 3/4 speed of 45 rpm. Issued two rations from the general mess, to the survivors of the Eurus.
1:42, rounded North Inian light 1/2 mile off and steered various courses through Icy Strait.
At end of watch Point Adolphus bearing 265o true, distant 2.0 miles.
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
On course 79o psc at speed 110 RPM through Icy Strait.
6:05, (39.8) Rocky Island abeam distance 1 mile, changed course to 40o psc.
7:28, (52.8) Point Retreat Light abeam, distance 0.8 miles. Stood various channel courses into Saginaw Channel.
At end approaching Favorite Reef Light.
8:00PM to Midnight.
On various courses through Saginaw Channel, Stephens Passage and Gastineau Channel at full speed of 110 rpm.
11:20 stopped and moored to the Juneau Cold Storage dock at Juneau, Alaska. *
11:30 Paul Kegel and Walter McCormick left the ship.
4:00pm to midnight :-
Sent shore patrol ashore.
4:00pm to midnight :-
12:00, ascertained that AA Surgeon G.A. Lurie, USPHS, had been placed under arrest by the civil authorities of Juneau, charged with dispensing narcotics illegally.
Dumb Compass (pelorus) a device for measuring in degrees the relative bearings of observed objects. -[
Midnight to 4:00am:
1:00am, received the following message from DCO Cordova
quote 1930 halibut boat Defense picked up man adrift seven days in boat by name John Matson seventy three years old comma Defence landed Matson at Soapstone Point in very exhausted condition period
Station reports does not believe Matson will live unless medical attention is immediately available period
have asked governor send boat from Juneau but no action from that point as yet period
Matson belongs in Sitka and has no known relatives as far as can be ascertained due his condition
2200 unquote.
1:00am recalled liberty party. Ordered steam both boilers. Sent message to Commander Bering Sea Patrol.
1:30am received following message from Commander Bering Sea Patrol
quote 9901 pick up man and render such medical assistance as possible 0020 unquote.
2:00am liberty party returned, no absentees.
2:25 underway from Alaska Railway Company Dock, steering various courses through Resurrection Bay at full speed of 110 RPM.
8AM to Meridian:
At 8:35AM Anchored off Soapstone point in 22 fathoms of water with port anchor and 65 fathoms of chain.
8:40 Motor sailor left ship with Commanding Officer, Medical Officer and working party for naval Radio Station, Soapstone Point to hold inquest over the body of one John Matson, and to bury him after completion of inquest and autopsy.
Meridian to 4:00pm:
3:20pm motor sailer returned to ship, with Commanding Officer, *
3:55pm up anchor and underway on various courses at three quarter speed of 85 RPM from anchorage off Soapstone Point.
*Medical Officer and working party, having completed the inquest, autopsy and burial of the body of one John Matson.
Omitted quarters and drills on account of officers and working party absent from ship in connection with inquest.
Cutter Loses In Race To Save Life Of Lone Mariner
CORDOVA, Alaska. May 2. ~ The Coast Guard cutter Unalga lost its race to save the life of John Matson, 73 years of age, territorial pensioner, who drifted in an open boat off the coast of Alaska for seven days. Matson died at the Soapstone Point radio station Monday night just after the cutter had arrived to remove him to a hospital in Juneau where he might have medical attention for his exhausted condition. The aged man left his cabin on Thimble Berry Bay for a short trip to sea in his little boat but he was carried away from the shore to Lisianski Straits, where he was picked up by the halibut schooner Defense.
9:00pm to Midnight:
11:30pm received information that the STAR OF FALKLAND was aground at Akun Head. Ordered steam both boilers and made preparation to get underway immediately. Recalled liberty party.
11:45 liberty party returned aboard.
Midnight to 4:00am:
Preparing vessel to get underway.
12:45am underway steering various courses out of Unalaska Bay at all speed possible.
1:00am streamed log reading (99.5)
2:25am Cape Kalekta bearing 136o true distance (1.5) miles log (8.1), set course 44o true.
4:00am changed course to 69o true log (22.7).
Watch ended off North Head.
4:00am to 8:00am :-
Steaming on various courses through the Bering Sea making all possible speed to the assistance of the stranded ship "Star of Falkland" off Akun Head.
At 5:50 stopped and came up to stranded vessel "Star of Falkland" at various speeds and courses.
6:05 lowered surfboat and sent it alongside stranded vessel to pick up survivors. Vessel was found to be hard and fast, settling by the head and pounding violently in a heavy off shore sea, possibility of floating her seemed improbable.
6:15 anchored in 20 fathoms of water off wreck using 75 fathoms chain, port anchor.
6:30 surfboat returned with five survivors all of San Francisco, California: Andrew Myland, Antonio S. Ericksen, Olaf J. Anderson, Gus Schroder, Jolmer Poysky.
7:15 up anchor and maneuvered around wreck under various bells and courses.
7:30 having received orders by radio from Commanding Officer Haida, returned survivors picked up by this vessel to Haida. Howard C. Tennyson, Sea 1c fell overboard when he attempted to come up the fall from surfboat, he was picked up and placed on the binnacle list by ships medical officer. Lost one life buoy in rescuing Tennyson.
Watch ended off Akun Head.
8AM to Meridian:
Steaming on various courses and speeds in the neighborhood of the stranded "Star of Falkland"
9:00 Motor sailer left ship for Star of Falkland to ascertain whether there were any more survivors aboard.
9:30 Motor Sailor returned without any survivors and was hoisted aboard.
10:30 Anchored off Akun Head in 15 fathoms of water and 45 fathoms chain. Round head bearing 140o true. Aiktak Island 105o true.
Meridian to 4PM:
Anchored as above.
At 12:20 Motor sailer left ship for stranded Star of Falkland with working party to slaughter some live pigs that were aboard.
3:55 Motor Sailer and working party returned to ship having slaughtered all the pigs.
Quarters and drills omitted on account of all hands working in conection with wreck of Star of Falkland.
Midnight to 9AM:
Anchored off Akun Head Alaska in 15 fathoms of water and 45 fathoms of chain.
8:00 Motor Sailer and working party left ship for Star of Falkland to throw over board the pigs that were slaughtered yesterday.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
10:15 working party returned in motor launch, having thrown overboard dead pigs.
10:45 Commanding Officer and working party left for "Star of Falkland" to bury one dead, who had been found aboard that vessel.
11:50 buried one dead unidentified Hawaian, at sea, one half mile off Akun Head.
1:00pm Commanding Officer and working party returned to ship.
The United States Revenue Cutter Service was established by an act of Congress on 4 August 1790 as the Revenue-Marine upon the recommendation of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton to serve as an armed customs enforcement service. As time passed, the service gradually gained missions either voluntarily or by legislation, including those of a military nature. It was generally referred to as the Revenue-Marine until July 1894, when it was officially renamed as the Revenue Cutter Service.
The Revenue Cutter Service operated under the authority of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. On 28 January 1915, the service was merged by an act of Congress with the United States Life-Saving Service to form the United States Coast Guard.
4:00pm to Midnight:
4:30pm Charles R. Miller SC 2c returned to vessel with the information that Joseph P. Manifold RM 3c with whom he had been hiking, had fallen off Pyramid Mountain and was seriously injured. Rescue party in charge of medical officer left vessel to bring injured man aboard.
8:20pm rescue party returned with Joseph P. Manifold RM 3c, and was taken to the dental office ashore for treatment by ships' medical officer. His injuries were ascertained as follows: fracture compound comminuted, of tibia, left, upper third, and fibula left; wounds, multiple, especially numerous and deep over scalp, less numerous and small over face, upper and lower limbs; and concussion of brain; all accidentally incurred at Pyramid Peak near Unalaska Alaska this date, while man was in authorized liberty and when he fell over a cliff about 100 feet in broken falls.
8AM to Meridian:
8:35 Anchored in Malga Bay, Unalga Island in 12 1/2 fathoms of water and 45 fathoms of starboard chain. #
8:55 Motor sailor left ship with Radio experts and working party to explore the island for a location for Radio compass station.
9:23 Motor sailor returned having left party ashore.
Meridian to 4:00pm
3:00pm up anchor and underway on various courses at full speed of 100 RPM through Akutan Pass for the purpose of making radio tests.
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
Steaming as before through Akutan Pass on various courses at full speed of 100 rpm making tests on Unalga Island for radio compass.
4:15 slow speed.
4:30 increased to three quarter speed of 85 rpm.
Stood various courses back to anchorage at Malga Bay where anchored at 5:05 in 12 fathoms water 45 fathoms chain, port anchor.
7:35 radio shore party returned to ship, having completed tests. Made preparations to get undeway.
7:55 up anchor and stood out Malga Bay and Akutan Pass on various courses, full speed 100 rpm.
4:00pm to 8:00pm :-
4:15 held annual party for native children of Atka aboard ship followed by dental treatment.
7:40 all native children left ship having been entertained and completed all dental treatment.
Meridian to 4PM:
Quarters and drills omitted in order to offer recreation for the crew by initiations of those members who had not previously crossed the 180o Meridian.
The Domain of the Golden Dragon is an unofficial United States Navy award. It is given to crew members of ships which cross the International Date Line.(You enter the dragon's empire when you cross the International Date Line by sailing west (say some), or sailing east (say others). With the extensive Navy operations In the Far East since (and before) World War II, this passage has become so common that few initiation ceremonies are actually held. But the certificate, decorated with Chinese-style dragon, will still find its way to a place on the wall of a sailor's den.
The annual children party (and dental care ;D) takes place at AtkaI know some people don't like clowns but a dentist instead? :( ;)
9:00am to 4:00pm
3:30pm received information from the Collector of Customs, Juneau, Alaska that the halibut schooners Brunvoll and Imperial are over-due at Ketchikan Alaska.
8:00am to Meridian:
9:50am Commanding Officer left vessel to confer with United States Commissioner Axelson, regarding the lost halibut schooners Brunvold [sic] and Imperial.
Meridian to 4:00pm :-
1:30pm Commanding officer returned from conference with officers ashore, having caused US Commissioner Axelson to send a search party for missing schooners Brunvoll and Imperial to Icy Bay and return.
USRC "Unalga" entered port and at 12:20 moored to wharf. Commanding and Wardroom officers of this vessel and Unalga exchanged calls.
9AM to 4:00pm.
Deck Court #27 of which Lieutenant (T) L.O. Hammarstrom is deck court officer met in the case of Harry Edward Joyce F 1c for drunkeness on february 16-1929 and sentenced to forfeit $10.00 from his pay and to perform 5 hours extra police duties.
Deck Court #29 of which Lieutenant (T) L.O. Hammarstrom is deck court officer met in the case of Harry Edward Joyce F 1c, absent without leave from 10:30am february the 17-1929 to 12:00 Midnight february the 19-1929 a period of 61 hours and 30 minutes, sentenced to forfeit $20.00 of his pay and to perform 15 hours extra police duties.
4:00pm to midnight :-
At 9:15 Leroy Smith, Sea 2c who was confined in single irons awaiting Headquarters action as to his status, was found to have escaped by sawing through the single irons by means of a hacksaw blade, he is therefore declared a deserter as of this date.
Expended one (1) pair of leg irons.
Expended one (1) pair of leg irons.
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
9:00am received information that Leroy Smith, Sea 2c who deserted from this vessel on March 10, 1929 had been apprehended at the Strand Dance Hall, Seattle, Wn by John J. Mahi, QM 1c attached to Arcata and delivered to the city jail for safekeeping. Further information disclosed that he had been turned over to the Naval Provost Guard who in turn had released the prisoner.
12:30pm sent patrol ashore to search for Leroy Smith, deserter.
At 3:30pm Leroy Smith, deserter was delivered aboard by Michael Maher, Patrolman of the Seattle Police force, who had apprehended him at about 3:30pm.
Leroy Smith, Sea 2c was placed in double irons for safekeeping. At the time of apprehension he wore a uniform stolen from Charles H. Saar, Cox.
...apprehended at the Strand Dance Hall...
9:00am to 4:00pm.
9:30 Curtis W. Tansey QM 2c and Charles E. Workman F 2c left ship having been ordered by Commanding Officer to search Seattle and apprehend Leroy Smith Sea 2c, who has been absent without leave since 8:00AM Feb. 23-1929, and return him to the ship.
10:20 Leroy Smith Sea 2c who has been absent without leave since 8:00am Feb. 23 1929 delivered onboard by Curtis W. Tansey QM 2c, * having been apprehended in the Owl Pool-room in Seattle Washington at about 10:00am and was placed in single irons for safe keeping.
*And Charles E. Workman F 2c.
9:00am to 4:00pm:No hint on the leg irons he sawed off ::)
12:10 Elmer Edward Laudenslager, alias Leroy Smith, Sea 2c delivered to Arcata for transportation to Naval Disciplinary Barracks, Bremerton, Wash. for confinement and safekeeping pending disciplinary action by Headquarters.
9:00AM to 4:00PM:
1:15 Admiral Frederick C. Billard, Commandant of the Coast Guard accompanied by Captain John G. Berry Northwestern Division Commander, came aboard and made an official inspection of ship and crew.
1:15 Held general muster.
3:00 Admiral Frederick C. Billard and party left the ship.
Meridian to 4:00PM:
3:12 When crossing the 180th, meridian Neptunus Rex with his royal staff appeared aboard and all were welcomed by the Commanding Officer; 32 candidates were initiated into the Solemn Mysteries of the Ancient Order of the Deep, with appropriate ceremony.
Midnight to 9:00am.
6:00 Boatswain Anton B. Eriksen was found dead in his berth, having been dead for about 4 hours. Acting Assistant Surgeon W.P. Rice, USPHS pronounced him dead and gave apoplexy as the cause of death.
8:30 Body of Boatswain Eriksen removed to Juneau - Young Undertaking Company for preparation for burial.
9:00am to 4:00pm.
10:15 Color guard, firing squad, and all available men left ship to attend the funeral of the late Boatswain A.B. Eriksen.
10:30 Half-masted colors in respect of the late Boatswain Eriksen.
11:45 Funeral party returned.
9:00am to 4:00pm.
9:15 George A. Parks Governor of the Territory of Alaska and party came on board. Extended courtesies as required by regulations.
9:20 unmoored and underway in Juneau Harbor.
9:25 stopped. Fired salute of seventeen (17) guns. Did not fire salute at dock on account of proximity of buildings.
9:30 underway on various midchannel courses and full speed through Gastineau Channel, Stephens Passage and Taku Inlet.
11:30 proceeding to Taku Glacier at slow speed on soundings.
12:00 stopped off Taku Glacier.
1:35 while proceeding at half speed off Taku Point, touched lightly and lay broadside to an uncharted silt bar with 2 fathoms on port side. Worked engine at various speeds and maneuvered vessel undamaged into deep water with the aid of a 3" line from the Am. Gas Screw North Light ...
By the way, the Coast Guard Historian's Office has followed up today on the Unalga gallery put together by Propriome (and with the original owner of the images). I will let everyone know what transpires.
8:00pm to midnight:-
11:00 Passed towing hawser to USBFS Eider...
9:00AM to 4:00PM:
12:00 Got underway on various courses and full speed of 100 RPM and stood down Gastineau Channel.
1:00 Abeam Marmion Island.
1:22 Abeam Arden point distance 1 mile.
1:10 Received word that Land of Soviets plane was located and crew safe - reversed course and stood back for Juneau.
2:50 Moored to Government Wharf at Juneau, Alaska.
Richard Surratt of the United Press was aboard from time of departure, 12:00 midday to 3:00PM.
( | ( |
( | ( | ( |
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
10:30 Relieved Pay Clerk (T) H.C. Scholl of all disbursement duties, sealed and placed his disbursement records in wardroom safe and restricted him to limits of vessel until further orders, authority Northwestern Division dispatch 9916-1020.
9:00am to 4:00pm:
Relieved Pay Clerk (T) H.C. Scholl of all duties, Northwestern Division dispatch 9916-2300, October 1929.
4:00pm to Midnight:
11:30 Chief Pay Clerk T.L. Ryan reported on board in compliance with letter Commander Northwestern Division 16 October 1929 (72-531).
4:00pm to Midnight.
8:00 Shore patrol in charge of Pay Clerk (T) H.C. Scholl left the ship.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
12:20 Pay Clerk (T) Paul H. Portteus reported aboard for duty, Authority Headquarters letter 31, October, 1929, (72-531).
4:00pm to Mid.
10:00 Pay Clerk (T) H.C. Scholl, left vessel having been detached and transferred to Northwestern Division, Seattle, Washington; Authority, Headquarters letter of 31 October, 1929 (72-531); Transportation Requests No's (..... [sic]
4:00am to 8:00am.Things get serious in the afternoon when she's forced to take shelter in Inian Cove (weather page ( shows a force 12 at 5pm and 6pm):
Unmoored ship and stood out into Gastineau Channel. Thence various courses and speeds standing down Gastineau Channel and through Stephens Passage, enroute to Gulf of Alaska on annual patrol of halibut banks.
Meridian to 4:00pm:
1:00 various courses and speeds steaming through South Passage and North Inian Pass.
2:30 standing into Inian Cove.
2:50 anchored in Inian Cove, Inian Island ...
4:00 to 8:00pm.
4:45 Wind shifted to NW, blowing with hurricane force.
5:00 Ship commenced dragging anchor. Steamed ahead at various speeds to keep off shore and began heaving in anchor.
5:05 Anchor aweigh; maneuvering for new anchorage.
5:11 Anchored in 9 fathoms with 60 fathoms of chain.
5:50 Ship dragging anchor again. Hove up anchor and maneuvered for better anchorage.
6:05 Anchored again.
7:00 Wind moderated with heavy squalls.
7:05 Hove up anchor and shifted to more secure anchorage in outer of Inian Cove.
8:00AM to Meridian
8:20 Dory left ship to search for boat cover lost overboard.
9:55 Dory returned to ship.
4:00pm to 8:00pm.
4:00 Sighted halibut schooner displaying signal of distress and changed course to 150? T.
4:40 Spoke halibut schooner "Chelsea" of Ketchikan. Had a broken crankshaft in engine and requested assistance.
5:15 First shot line fall across "Chelsea". Strong SW wind with heavy sea.
6:05 Towing line made fast. Steaming ahead on course 95? T at 50 RPM heading for Cross Sound.
7:18 Received distress call from SS Depere, ashore near Cape Decision.
Watch ended 3 miles SW of Cape Spencer light.
Midnight to 4:00am.Later, while cruising in Chatham Strait she receives notice her assistance is no more needed, and turn back.
Steaming as before on various courses and speeds through South Passage with halibut schooner Chelsea in tow.
12:10 stopped in Mud Bay.
12:25 let go towing hawser from Chelsea. Lost one projectile for the shoulder line throwing gun. Requested Northland to tow her to Juneau, Alaska.
12:45 underway on various courses out of Mud Bay at fullspeed of 100 RPM. Steaming through Icy Strait. Proceeding to assistance of the SS Depere.
Meridian to 4:00pmAt night she met Northland:
Steaming as before on midchannel courses at full speed of 110 RPM through Chatham Strait.
1:30 received message from Cygan stating that crew had been taken off and that the SS Depere did not need Unalga's assistance, came about, steering northerly courses through Chatham Strait.
Watch ended off Point Wilson.
8:00PM to Midnight:
Steaming as before on various courses and full speed of 100 RPM through Chatham Strait and Icy Strait.
Watch ended off Pt. Adolphus.
10:00 Passed USCGC Northland.
Midnight to 4:00am:After these operations, Unalga return back to Juneau, arriving in port on 18 November.
12:50 various courses standing into Mud Bay.
1:35 stopped in Mud Bay. Halibut schooner Chelsea not sighted, evidently having been taken in tow by a passing fisherman.
9:00am to 4:00pm.
1:30 Received telegraphic orders from Northwestern Division to proceed and make search for the halibut schooner Seabird and Kanatak which are overdue. Recalled liberty party, and made preparations for getting underway.
4:00am to 8:00amInformation from Katalla about the other stranded vessel aren't got.
Steaming as before on course 314 true, 285 psc, speed 50 Rpm in vicinity of Cape St Elias.
7:20 (48.) Sighted vessels lights on starboard bow, proceeded to investigate; found to be steamer bound to westward.
8:00am to Meridian:
10:20 Sighted smoke on beach, southern end of Wingham Island & stopped. took in log; Sent surfboat ashore to investigate.
11:05 Surfboat returned and reported crew of halibut schooner "Seabird" was on the beach, southern end of Wingham Island and that one of the crew was in need of medical assistance.
11:30 Sent motor sailer ashore with medical officer to bring back stranded crew of "Seabird".
Meridian to 4:00pm:
Stopped as before off Wingham Island.
1:35 motor sailer returned with the following members of the halibut schooner "Seabird": Holton Reitan; Joan Horn, Marten Carlson, Olaf Korsnas, and Alfred Dyb, seriously injured; Two members of the crew, Louis Dyb and Elias Dyb were lost at sea.
1:55 underway at various courses and speeds standing towards Katalla Bay.
2:50 stopped off Katalla Alaska.
2:55 motor dinghy left vessel for Katalla to obtain information regarding stranded vessel on Castlebar Copper River.
3:40 underway slow speed standing to anchorage.
3:50 motor dinghy returned to ship unable to make landing at Katalla.
3:30 omitted quarters and drills because of bringing survivors of stranded "Seabird" on board.
9:00am to 4:00pm:
10:50 Willard J. Laughlin Sea 1c, slipped on gangway, and fell overboard.
10:52 man overboard recovered.
Some people do that kind of thing on purpose these days ('polar bear swims')... ::)
8:00am to Meridian :-
11:30 off Neva Point reduced to slow speed of 50 rpm as the glare of the sun which was directly ahead made it difficult to recognize the entrance to Olga Strait.
11:35 struck sunken reef between Olga Point and Sound Islands. Full speed astern until headway was lost, then stopped engine. Upon examination it was found that vessel was not leaking and being clear of reef proceeded to Sitka at 11:45 at various speeds.
Watch ended off Halleck Point.
Meridian to 4:00pm :-
1:45 moored to City Dock, Sitka Alaska.
The following damage was found to have been done to the hull after striking reef: The vessel evidently struck reef under main hold space on port side, about six feet from keel, denting garboard strake somewhat from frame number 17 to frame number 26; frame numbers 22 to 26 were slightly bent and cement in these spaces was cracked. A few small leaks were found in these spaces either from seams or strained rivets. The following number of rivets fastening frames to floors were found to have been sheared off: frame 21, two rivets; frame 22, four rivets; frame 23, four rivets; frame 24 two rivets; and frame 25, one rivet. The forward bulkhead of port drinking water tank was bulged out and four fastening rivets in tank bulkhead were sheared off. Frame number 26, and plate between frames 25 and 26 on port side about six feet from keel had a large dent which would indicate that this was principal point of impact. The vessel appears to be leaking (over)
about three buckets per hour.
4:00pm to Midnight.
Condition of vessel at place of impact remaining unchanged.
4:00 to 8:00am.
6:00am sunrise, firing half hour gun in compliance with "FOUR AlCOAST" [sic] 9910-1550 throughout remaind [sic] of watch with colors at half mast.
8:00AM to Meridian:
Continued firing half hour guns throughout the watch.
Meridian to 4:00PM:
12:25 Moored to Cannery dock at Yakutat, Alaska. #
#12:25 Discontinued firing half hour guns on account of being alongside Cannery
9:00AM to 4:00PM:
Harry E. Joyce, F 1c reported aboard from the Arcata in compliance with Commander Northwestern Division verbal orders; having been absent without proper authority since March 7, 1929.
4:00PM - Mid:
22:30 Harry Joyce F 1c declared a deserter as of this date, an inspection of his locker having disclosed that he had removed all of his clothing and personal effects from the vessel.
Great picture, Joan!
I love how it fits his expression: "Who put this thing on my head, and why does it look so crude?" ;D
9:00am to 4:00pm.
The Commanding Officer called on the US Collector of Customs, the US District Attorney, the US Marshall and the Chief of Police of Juneau, with reference to Headquarters letter, 6 May 1930, concerning conduct of crew of the UNALGA at Juneau.
4:00pm to Midnight.
1930 Received Northwestern Division radiogram 6009-1412 directing vessel to proceede as soon as practicable to Depot Curtis Bay, Md. to arrive between September one and fifteen and that the UNALGA probably will not return to Juneau.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
1510 Fire and Rescue party left vessel to assist Depot force and local Fire Department to estinguish fire outside the Depot gate.
1730 Fire and Rescue party returned to ship.
9:00 to 4:00PM.
Received Headquarters letter 3 November 1930 73-701 directing transfer of crew to Tallapoosa.
Commanding Officer confered with Commandant Depot and was directed to postpone the transfers until the return of Unalga from dry dock due to a lack of berthing facilities at the Depot.
4:00PM to Midnight.
Held ship's dance at Recreation Hall, Depot.
9:00am to Meridian
1200 Placed vessel out of commission by verbal authority of Commandant Depot.
1200 Chief Machinist Horace B. Deets left ship to report to Commandant Depot for duty, authority Headquarters letter 13 September 1930 (72)
1200 Lieutenant (jg) C.W. Thompson left vessel to report to Commandant Depot for duty authority Headquarters letter 12 February 1931 (CO 71)
1200 The following named men were this day transferred to Depot authority Headquarters letter 13 February 1931 (601-701) :- Walter C. Moyer (107-653) CY; Paul T. Kennedy (105-668) BM 1c; Leo F. Legault (106-262) PhM 1c; Boyde S. Putman (108-597) GM 2c; Stanley Jankowski (105-324) SC 2c Aubin A. Galjour (103-812) Cox; Paul E. Richart (108-817) Sea 1c; George McKay (107-071) Sea 1c James F. Smith (109-675) Sea 1c; Bill Snead (109-729) Sea 1c; Albert L. Tackett (110-125) Sea 1c Nathan A. Swicord (110-105) F 1c; Nicholas A. Theisen (110-490) Sea 2c; Chester E. Golaszewski (104-081) Sea 2c; Swen S. Rhodes (108-782) Sea 2c; John Dockins (102-932) F 2c; Robert E. Melvin (107-182) F 2c; E.M. Michaelis (107-238) F 2c; C.E. McGoldrick (107-182) F 3c Howard A. Haynes (104-718) F 3c; Pedro E. Santos (109-170) Off Std 1c; Edward E. Thomas (110-237) Off Std 2c; Robert Woldon (111-185) Off Std 3c; Charles Lawson (106-210) M.Att 1c; William A. Pope (108-479) M.Att 1c; Anthony Smith (109-628) M.Att 2c; Archie M. Clark (102-052) CBM; Paul Peplinski (104-684) BM 1c; Otis Wright (111-267) Eng 1c; Walter Lauer (106-175) Y 1c; Robert Hancock (100-450) SC 1c; Vincent Janick (105-323) WT 2c; Marion W. Wood (111-206) WT 2c; Arthur C. Crouch (102-452) F 1c;
1000 to 1600 1000, ... Commander W.N. Derby, representing Captain J.F. Hottel, Commandant, DEPOT, reported on board to place ship in commission. Officers and crew were mustered; the national colors and commissioning flags were hoisted, and the ship was placed in commission in accordance with Article 753(1), Regulations. Commander Leo C. Mueller read his orders, assigning him as Commanding Officer, UNALGA, reference H/L, dated 6 July, 1931 (CO-71-531); the muster was dismissed and a watch set.
... Lieutenant J.P. Crowley reported for duty as Executive Officer, in accord with H/L, dated 12 August, 1931 (CO-71-531) and 5th indorsement thereto by Commandant, DEPOT, dated 23 April, 1932
... Lieutenant C. McP. Anderson reported for line duty in accordance with H/L, dated 11 January, 1932 (CO-71-531) and 6th indorsement thereto by Commandant, DEPOT, dated 23 April, 1932.
... Ensign E.E. Fahey reported for line duty in accordance with H/L, dated 14 March, 1932 (CO-71-531) and 4th indorsement thereto by Commandant, DEPOT, dated 23 April, 1932.
... Ensign T.G. Miller reported for line duty in accordance with H/L dated 11 January, 1932 (CO-71-531) and 5th indorsement thereto by Commandant, DEPOT, dated 23 April 1932.
... Chief Machinist Horace B Deets reported for duty as Engineer Officer in accordance with H/L dated 18 April, 1932 and 3rd indorsement thereto by Commandant, DEPOT, dated 23 April, 1932.
... Boatswain P.M. Pedersen, reported for duty in accordance with H/L dated 14 January, 1932 (72-531) and indorsement thereto by Commandant, Depot, dated 23 April 1932
... Machinist Leonard S Southall, reported for duty in accordance with H/L dated 5 February, 1932 (72-531) and 4th indorsement thereto by Commandant, Depot, dated 23 April, 1932.
... The following named enlisted men reported for duty in accordance with the authorities set opposite their names :-
F.J. Gable (103-787), CBM, Letter, Commander, Base 9, dated 22 Oct, 1931 (73-701-531).
H.C. Waters (110-778), CGM, Letter, CO, TUCKER, dated 1 Dec., 1931 (73-531).
W.E. Smith (109-131), CMM, verbal orders, Commandant, Depot, this date.
T. Rosso (109-011), CRM(a), Letter, Commandant Depot, dated 25 Feb. 1932 (73-701).
W. Lauer (106-175), CY(a), verbal orders, Commandant, Depot, this date
M.L. Smith (109-700) CC Std, Letter, CO, TUCKER, dated 18 April, 1932 (73-701-531).
E.P. Hadlock (104-430) BM 1c, letter, Commander, Base 9, dated 8 Jan, 1932 (73-701).
P. Peplinski (104-684) BM 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date.
F.H. Barnett (100-561) GM 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date.
R.W. Brown (101-389) MM 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date.
G.P. Duane (103-079) MM 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
A.J. Carr (101-806), MM 1c, letter, Commander, Base 2, dated 1 Feb. 1932 (73-701-531)
J.W. Garthright (105-786), WT 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date.
E.E. Brown (101-348), CM 1c letter, Commander, Base 5, dated 4 April, 1932 (73-701-531)
G.H. Weddell, jr (110-652), EM 1c, letter, CO, SEBAGO, dated 1 Febr. 1932 (73-701-531)
1000 to 1600, continued -
L.F. Lequalt, (106-262), PhM 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
R. Hancock, (100-450), SC 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
J.H. Patterson, (108-200), SC 1c, H/L, dated 7-January, 1932 (73-701-531).
B.S. Putman, (108-597), GM 2c verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
J.S. Fugate, (103-743), MM 2c verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
G.J. Fritz, (103-727) MM 2c, Letter CO, SENECA, dated 13 April, 1932 (73-701-531).
V. Janik, (105-323) WT 2c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
M.W. Wood, (111-206) WT 2c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
G.C. Arnett (100-283) Cox., Letter, CO, CHAMPLAIN, dated 13 April, 1932 (73-531)
F. Bobowiec, (103-220) Cox., Letter, CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated 13 April, 1932 (73-701-531)
H.A.A. Fitzpatrick (103-542) Cox., letter Comdr. Base 5, dated 9 April, 1932 (73-701-531)
W. Fernstrom, (103-487) QM 3c, letter, CO, SEBAGO, dated 6 April, 1932 (73-701-531).
H.H. Peyton, (108-365) QM 3c, letter, CO, MASCOUTIN, dated 4 April, 1932 (73-701-531)
M.C. Lewis, (106-359) QM 3c, letter, CO TUCKER, dated 4 April, 1932 (73-531)
E.S. Shankle (201-159) Y 3c, letter CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated 2 Feb. 1932 (73-701).
B. Kinnard (105-836) RM 3c, letter Comdr., Base 5, dated, 14 Apr. 1932 (73-701)
D.O. Darnell (102-642) Sea 1c, letter, CO, OSSIPIE, dated 8 April, 1932 (73-701-531).
C. Davies (201-047) Sea 1c, letter, Comdr., Base 5, dated 9 April, 1932 (73-701-531).
C.S. Edelin (103-193) Sea 1c, letter, CO, APACHE, dated 13 April, 1932 (73)
C. Grossett (117-042) Sea 1c, letter, CO, CHAMPLAIN, dated 13 April, 1932 (73-531).
H.T. Harlee (201-053) Sea 1c, letter, Comdr. Base 2, dated 12 April, 1932 (73-701-531).
J.J. Tautrus (110-161) Sea 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date.
R.T. Chalk (101-197) Sea 1c, letter, CO, CASSIN, dated 15 - Feb. 1932 (73-701)
F.E. Kirk (105-855) Sea 1c, letter, CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated, 2 Feb. 1932 (73-701).
H.J. Smith (unknown) Sea 1c, letter, CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated, 2 Feb. 1932 (73-701).
A.C. Crouch (102-452) F 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
J.L. Floyd (103-577) F 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
H.W. Garity (121-156) F 1c, letter, CO OSSIPIE, dated 8 April, 1932 (73-701-531)
W.S. Hass, (104-422) F 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
H.J. McCaffrey, (106-926) F 1c, letter, CO, SEBAGO, dated 11 April 1932 (73-701-531).
H.F. Wheeler, (110-939), F 1c, letter, Commandant, DEPOT, dated 26 Oct, 1931 (73-701)
W.H. LaGrange, (204-074), Sea 2c, letter, CO, RECEIVING UNIT, dated 13 Apr. 1932 (73-701-531)
J.M. Moore, (107-476), Sea 2c, letter, CO, RECEIVING UNIT, dated 2 Feb 1932 (73-701)
A. Banyas, (201-155), Sea 2c, letter, CO, RECEIVING UNIT, dated 2 Feb, 1932 (73-701)
W.B. DeVeny, (102-849), F 2c, letter CO, RECEIVING UNIT, dated 13 Apr. 1932 (73-701-531)
L.W. Knight, (201-078), F 2c, letter, Commandant, DEPOT, dated 17 March, 1932 (73-701)
J.R. Daniels (102-627), AS, letter CO, RECEIVING UNIT, dated 2 Febr. 1932, (73-701)
H.B. Lake, (206-137) AS, letter, CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated, 2 Febr 1932 (73-701)
C.L. Mandick (206-142) AS, letter CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated, 2 Febr 1932 (73-701)
B.P. Quinn (202-080) AS, letter, CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated, 2 Febr 1932 (73-701)
J. Stetz (206-135), AS, letter CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated, 2 Febr 1932 (73-701)
W.P. Stewart (206-141), F 3c, letter CO RECEIVING UNIT, dated 2 Febr 1932 (73-701)
B. Gearheart, (201-229) F 3c letter, Recruiting Officer, Baltimore, 15 Apr. 1932 (73)
E.M. Thomas, (110-237), Off Std 2c verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
R. Wolden, (111-185), Off Std 3c verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
1000 to 1600, continued -
C.W. Nagle, (107-728) Off Std 3c, letter Comdt, 7th dist, 28 Dec - 1931 (73-701-531)
C. Lawson (106-210) M.Att.1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
I.C. Dickey (102-881) M.Att 1c, letter, Comdt, 7th dist, 28 Dec, 1931 (73-701-531)
W.A. Pope (108-479) M.Att 1c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot, this date
A. Smith (109-628) M Att, 2c, verbal orders, Commandant Depot this date
... P.T. Kennedy (105-668) BM 1c assigned to this ship by authority of verbal orders, Commandant, Depot, this date, absent undergoing treatment at USPHS Hospital #1, Baltimore, Md., since 2000, 31 March 1932, reference form 2599, dated 1 April, 1932, in his case.
... L. Solomon, (204-081) AS assigned to this ship by authority of orders contained in letter, RECEIVING UNIT, dated 2 February 1932 (73-701) is absent on leave, expiring at noon, 26 April, 1932, authority, Art. 519, Regulations
... Due to the facts that no dry stores for ship's use are on board and that the berthdeck is not ready for occupancy, the crew are being temporarily subsisted at the Depot and berthed on board the ALEXANDER HAMILTON. The detail of J.R. Daniels (102-627) AS as messman in the Depot Mess, is continued.
1030... Commanding Officer held mast in the case of John W. Garthright, (105-786) WT 1c for being overleave from duty in connection with the re-commissioning of the UNALGA, on 20 April, 1932, without leave from proper authority after liberty had expired, for a period of ten (10) hours. Excuse accepted and duly warned.
1045... Commanding Officer inspected vessel
1100... Commander W.N. Derby left ship.
1200... Granted liberty to the first and third sections until 1000 tomorrow.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
1600 to 2400
1710 Commander Leo C Mueller, left ship in accordance with H/L, dated 13 April, 1932 (CO-71-531) and admendment thereto by H/L, dated 20 April, 1932 (CO-71-531) for temporary duty at Wilmington, North Carolina.
Held night signal drill on blinkers for quartermasters (over)
1600 to 2400, continued
Tested out all searchlights and navigational electric circuits Maintained usual watches and routine throughout night.
Chester McP. Anderson Lieut.
4:00PM to 6:00PM.
4:46 Frying Pan Shoals Lightvessel bearing four points on starboard bow, log reading 86.8.
5:00 Received signal from lightvessel requesting that the Unalga take their mail, slowed to one-third speed and notified Commanding Officer; took in log reading 87.5.
5:04 Answered signal from lightvessel affirmatively and maneuvered till close aboard her.
5:06 Two men from lightvessel alongside with mail, took mail and gave them some newspapers.
8:00PM to Midnight
9:11 Received fifteen Alcoast, 8018-1645; relative to the death of Rear Admiral F.C. Billard.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
8:45 Landing force ashore to participate in Memorial Day parade in company with Base 6 landing force
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
11:00 Landing force returned from Memorial Day Parade in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
12:00 Fired twenty one (21) gun salute in accordance with article 2322 (3) Regulations, United States Coast Guard.
4:00PM to Midnight 8:00
8:15 Seventy five (75) foot patrol boat stood in and moored at north dock, and transferred a sick man to waiting ambulance from Fort Lauderdale. The man was removed from an unidentified steamer outside the breakwater at the entrance of Port Everglades, Florida.
6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
On course 70o p.g.c. at 60 r.p.m., throughout. Revolutions varied occasionally to give appropriate speed to hold course into wind * 7:15, Heavy rains with poor visability. Sounded proscribed signals. Vessel pitching violently at times and rolling. *Machinist L. S. Southall relieved of duty on account of acute chronic seasickness.
8:00 P.M. to Midnight
On course 70o pgc; speed as necessary to keep into the wind. 9:37 Turnbuckle on steering quadrant unscrewed and steering gear out of commission. 10:58 Steering gear repaired; continued on course 70o pgc ? Little apparent change in weather. Vessel pitching and rolling heavily at times.
I'm not sure, of course, but I think the weather map displayed on the Wiki was probably for 12Z on 30 August, which would make it 7 A.M. for Unalga. Her position was 27 09N 79 30W at 8 A.M. and her weather was ESE 6 (30 knots) 29.82 inches (1010 mb) 82F which puts her pretty close to the ship marked Dixie! :) Dixie reported ESE 30, pressure 1011 mb and 82F! Nice comparison, I would say.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
11:10 Directors of the Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce aboard to officially welcome the Unalga to Fort Lauderdale and pay respect to the Commanding Officer.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
11:00 Members of the City Commission of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, paid visit to the ship to officially welcome the UNALGA to it's present station and pay their respects to the Commanding Officer.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
8:42 Commander Florida East Coast Patrol Area, * came on board in connection with Cuba Day celebration. *Captain C.F. Howell
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
9:08 Cuban cruiser "PATRIA" and gunboat "JUAN BRUNO ZAYAS" stood in to Port Everglades, Florida.
* 9:33 Cuban cruiser "PATRIA" fired (21) twenty-one gun salute.
9:37 Returned salute in accordance with article 2222, Regulations US Coast Guard.
9:55 Captain Rufus Zogbaum, Commandant, US Naval Station Pensacola, Florida, paid official call.
10:02 Captain C.F. Howell USCG, Captain Rufus Zogbaum, US Navy, Colonel T.G. Roberts, US Army, and Commander L.C. Mueller, US Coast Guard, left ship officially to pay official call on General Alberto Herrera, Chief of Staff of the Cuban Army, aboard the Cuban gunboat, "JUAN BRUNO ZAYAS".
10:35 The Commanding Officer returned aboard.
1:50 Commander Eugenio Urquiaga, Commanding Cruiser "PATRIA", aboard officially, rendered side honors.
2:15 Commanding Officer, "PATRIA" ashore.
2:40 Captain Armando Castellanos, Aide to General Herrera, returned morning call, rendered side honors.
3:00 Captain Armando Castellanos ashore.
*9:30 Colonel T.G. Roberts, US Army, paid official call.
4:00PM to Midnight
7:00 William A. Pope (108-479), MA 1c, arrested by civil authorities, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for reckless driving, released in custody of Executive Officer pending trial.
4:00PM to Midnight
7:45 Received, Alcoast, message, eighteen, 0214-1540, that Harry G. Hamlet was sworn in and assumed duty as, Read Admiral, Commandant of the Coast Guard.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
9:30 Held quarters followed by general quarters and gun drill.
10:05 Sounded collision alarm. - 10:09 Collision mat in place.
10:14 Sounded fire alarm. - 10:15 Water on all hoses.
10:16 Sounded fire alarm for fire in fireroom. 10:17 Fire smothered in fireroom.
* 1:00 Hull board convened to test boat-hoisting bolts in accordance with Headquarters letter 6 June, 1932, (230). -
1:30 Held boat drill.
3:30 Hull board adjourned for the day.
Crew employed preparing boats for Hull Board inspection and in chipping and painting waterways, and in cleaning boiler No. 1.
*11:55 Ensign T.G. Miller returned from duty at Base SIX.
Received commissary stores, as per invoices, from Southern Dairies, Blue Ribbon Bakery, and the Great A&P Tea Co.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
6:30 After a thorough search of the ship, Corliss L. Fitzgerald, (103-534), Y 2c, who was restricted to the ship and in leg irons for safekeeping was found to be missing. Made an additional search for the leg irons but they were not found. Sent a party of three men in charge of Harold J. Waters, (110-778), CGM, ashore to look for Fitzgerald.
9:00AM to 4:00pm.
12:15 Patrol in charge of HAROLD C. WATERS, (110-778), CGM, sent ashore to search for CORLISS L. FITZGERALD, (103-534), Y 2c, unable to locate same.
4:00PM to Midnight.
9:42 CORLISS L. FITZGERALD, (103-534), Y 2c, surrendered himself onboard ship.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
10:10 Fire broke out in accumulated fuel oil under galley range; sounded fire alarm and fought fire with hand extinguishers.
10:17 Fire out, no damage to vessel; refilled fire extinguishers.
Ok... who has jumped in the third stream of Unalga? I've just lost 7 logpages.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida.
Time zone description, plus five.
Ship's force carried out Sunday morning routine
9:00, Liberty party all returned on time except
Henry H. Peyton, (108-365), QM 3c.
Chester McP Anderson, Lieut
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected Magazine and smokeless powder samples
condition dry and normal. 9:30 Ensign T.G. Miller
reported on board from (27) twenty seven days
legislative furlough, having been granted thirty (30)
days, by Headquarters, (June 22, 1932). 9:35, Gerald C.
Arnett, (100-283), Cox; left vessel for Memorial Hospital,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to be examined for injuries
received in automobile accident on August 20, 1932.
10:00 Granted liberty to starboard watch until 8:00am
tomorrow. 11:20 Gerald C. Arnett, (100-283), Cox; and
George H. Waddell, (110-652), EM 1c; both injured in
accident mentioned above, reported on board
from Memorial Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
with the information thath both be placed on the
binnacle list and that a Doctor would call
on board ship tomorrow. 11:55 Henry H. Peyton, (108-365),
QM 3c; reported on board, 2 hours and 55 minutes
absent over-leave.
P.M. Pedersen. Btsw.
4:00PM to Midnight.
Performed routine duties.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades,
Florida. Time zone +5.
Carried out Morning orders.
8:00 Liberty party returned on time. Held boat
drill for special ratings, (under oars).
8:40 Doctor E.M. Hendricks came on board and held
sick call.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected Magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry
and normal.
9:30 Held quarters followed by signal drill and general quarters, collision
and fire drills.
10:15 Tested forward and after hand steering gear and found same in
good operating condition.
10:45 Vincent Janik, (105-323), WT 2c, and William H. La Grange, (204-
074), Sea 2c, returned on board from twenty (20) days' leave of
absence each.
Crew employed cleaning and painting ship's side and in painting
19 foot surfboat.
3:00 Commenced winding ship.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
4:00PM to Midnight.
4:00 Hoisted motor launch.
4:15 Completed winding ship.
4:30 Granted liberty to port watch until 8:00AM tomorrow.
Received commissary stores, as per invoices, from A. and P.
Tea Co.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time zone description
plus five (+5).
4:00 Lighted off No. 2 boiler.
6:00 Carried out morning routine
8:00 All liberty party returned on time - Held boat drill.
Crew employed preparing vessel for getting underway
8:40 John H. Patterson, (108-200), SC 1c, reported on board from twenty (20)
days' leave of absence.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
9:00AM to Meridian.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry
and normal. * 9:45, Unmoored and underway; stood out of Port Ever-
glades on various courses and speeds 10:10; Port EVERGLADES ENTRANCE
BUOY close aboard; set course at 174o pgc at 93 rpm 10:08,
Sounded alarm for man-overboard drill 10:05 Stopped and maneuvered on various bells 10:10 Boat in water,
10:13 Buoy recovered. 10:20 Boat hoisted 10:22, Secured from man
overboard drill. Underway on course 165o pgc at 93 rpm
10:30 Held quarters, followed by signal and gun drills. 11:00, Reduced
speed and stood about on various courses to calibrate radio
compass, with assistance of the PERRY, as radio target.
11:48, Completed radio compass calibration, and stood in towards
PORT EVERGLADES ENTRANCE BUOY on course 260o pgc at various speeds.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
As before on various courses at various speeds. 12:05 Stopped
and lowered 19 foot surfboat to transfer Radio Electrician (T) Louis
F. Donner to PERRY. 12:17 Anchored in five fathoms of water to forty-
five fathoms of starboard chain on the following bearings: Port Everglades
range (rear) 264o pgc, New River jetty light 320o pgc. 12:22 19
foot surfboat returned and made fast astern. 1:18 Hoisted 19
foot surfboat. 1:28 Underway at various speeds standing into Port
Everglades. 2:10 Moored starboard side to in regular berth in
Port Everglades. 2:45 Radio Electrician (T) Louis F. Donner completed
calibration of radio direction Finder in accordance with verbal
orders Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area, and left vessel.
3:00 Francis Bobowiec, (103-220), Cox., reported on board having received
in-patient treatment at US Marine Hospital No. 20 at Savannah,
Georgia. 3:35 Boyde S. Putnam, (108-597), GM 2c, left on five
(5) days' leave of absence granted by Commanding Officer. 3:50
Howard F. Wheeler, (110-939), F 1c, returned from five (5) days' leave
of absence on account of sickness. - (continued on next page)
*9:40 Radio Electrician Louis F. Donner, reported on board for temporary
duty in connection with calibration of radio compass, authority verbal orders,
Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area.
Meridian to 4:00PM. (continued)
3:59 George H. Waddel, Jr., (110-652), EM 1c, and Gerald C. Arnett,
(100-283), Cox, left on five (5) days' leave of absence on account
of sickness granted by Commanding Officer.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
4:00pm to 6:00pm.
4:05 Pay Clerk (T) P.A. Krugler left vessel on
five (5) days legislative furlough granted by
Commanding Officer. 4:12 Lieutenant J.P. Crowley
left vessel on five (5) days legislative furlough
granted by Commanding Officer.
4:17 Unmoored and stood out to sea, draft
on heaving, 12'3" forward, 14'5" Aft
4:31 Set standard speed at 100 rpm.
4:34 Port Everglades Sea Buoy close aboard
to port, set course 162o pgc streamed log (0)
6:00 Reduced speed to 43 rpm.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
6:00PM to 8:00PM.
On course 162o pgc at 43 rpm. 6:05, c/c to 165o pgc.
7:20, (19.5) c/c to 183o pgc. Log found greatly under recording at
this speed and distance given by revolutions.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 183o pgc; speed 43 rpm. 10:00 Changed course to 180o pgc
(30.6). And so to end. Issued 15 night rations to engineer's force.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 180o pgc, at 43 rpm.
1:00 Log foul, hauled in and cleaned same.
Distance given for that hour according to
rpm. Watch ends on course 180o pgc.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
4:00AM to 8:00AM.
On course 180o pgc at 43 rpm. 5:00 (56.6) Increased speed to
78 rpm. 6:00, All hands; ships force carried out morning routine
Chester McP Anderson, Lieut.
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 180o pgc; speed 43 rpm. 8:52 Changed course to 102o pgc
and increased speed to 93 rpm. 11:45 Changed course to 112o pgc.
And so to end. Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples;
conditions dry and normal.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 112o pgc at 93 rpm.
12:30 (19.1) changed course to 180o pgc.
1:00 Held Quarters followed by Resuscitation drill.
2:00 (33.8) Gun Key Light house abeam to port, distance
6.5 Miles. Changed course to 155o pgc.
2:00 Secured from drill. 2:36 (40.3) Changed course
to 335o pgc reduced speed to 78 rpm.
2:58 (43.2) Gun Key Light House abeam to starboard
distance 6.5 Miles. Changed course to 0o pgc.
And so to end of watch.
Crew variously employed about deck.
P.M. Pedersen. Btsw.
4:00PM to 6:00PM.
On course 0o pgc; speed 78 rpm. And so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
6:00PM to 8:PM.
On course 0o pgc at 78 rpm. 6:28 (73.9) GREAT ISAAC LIGHTHOUSE
bore 115o True, distance, 18 miles 6:33 (74.2) c/c to 199o pgc. 6:42 (75.7) c/c
to 0o pgc.
Chester McP Anderson, Lieut
8:00PM to Midnight.
On course 0o pgc at 78 rpm. And so to end of watch.
Issued 15 Night rations to Engineer force.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 0o pgc; speed 78 rpm. Time zone description plus five (+5).
2:00 Changed course to 345o pgc, (34.4). And so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
4:00AM to 8:00PM.
On course 345o pgc at 78 rpm. Log continually fouled with
sea weed from 5:00am to 7:00am and distances for these
hours noted by revolutions. 6:00, All hands; ship's force carried out
morning routine
Chester McP. Anderson Lieut
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 345o pgc at 78 rpm. Inspected
Magazine and smokeless powder samples, condition
dry and normal. Distance given for the hours 9:00 and
10:00 am according to RPM due to fouling of
log. Crew engaged in scrubbing canvas, and
painting about deck. 11:50 (0.1) Changed course
to 218o pgc and so to end.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 218o pgc speed 78 rpm. 1:00 Held quarters followed by
infantry drill and seamanship instruction. 2:00 (16.4) Log fouled;
distance for two o'clock by rpm. - And so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
4:00PM to 6:00PM.
On course 218o pgc at 78 rpm. 4:45 (40.1) changed
course to 190o pgc. 5:43 (48.0) Hetzel Shoal gas buoy
abeam to starboard, distance one (1) Mile, changed
course to 167o pgc and so ends the watch.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
6:00PM to 8:PM.
On course 167o pgc throughout, at 78 rpm.
6:37, (55.9) CAPE CANAVERAL LIGHTHOUSE, abeam, distance 11.6.
Chester McP Anderson, Lieut.
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 167o pgc; speed 78 rpm. 8:10 (68.0) Changed course to 164o pgc.
10:14 (87.7) Changed course to 21o pgc and increased speed to 108 rpm,
having received word that a man had been lost over board from
the S.S. "Morro Castle" in Latitude 29o15' N, Longitude 79o41' W. - And
so to end. Issued 15 night rations to engineers' force.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 21o pgc at 108 rpm and so to
end of watch
P.M. Pedersen. Btsw.
4:00AM to 8:00AM.
On course 21o pgc at 108 rpm 5:15 (60.0), c/c to 0o pgc
and maintained sharp lookout for trace of man lost from S/S "Morro Castle".
6:00, All hands; ships force carried out morning routine 7:00 (85.1) c/c
to 270o pgc. 7:10 (87.1), changed course to 180o pgc.
8:00, (96.9) c/c to 90o pgc.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 90o pgc; speed 108 rpm. 8:21 (101.7) Changed course to 0o pgc.
9:30 (14.6) Changed course to 270o pgc. 9:56 (19.8) Changed course to 180o pgc.
Continued search for man lost from S.S. "MORRO CASTLE" through-
out watch. - Inspected magazine and smokeless powder sample; con-
ditions dry and normal. Tested magazine flood cocks and Franklin life
buoys and found same in satisfactory condition.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 180o pgc at 180o rpm. 12:01 (42.6)
changed course to 203o pgc, and discontinued
search for man lost from S.S. Morro Castle.
12:27 (47.9) Changed course to 199o pgc.
1:00 Held Quarters followed by Gun and Signal
drill. 1:30 Secured from drill. Crew engaged
in sewing canvas, painting and variously
employed about deck. Watch ends on course
199o pgc.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
4:00PM to 6:00PM.
On course 199o pgc; speed 108 rpm throughout watch.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
6:00PM to 8:PM.
On course 199o pgc at 108 rpm. 7:41, (32.2) c/c to 187o pgc.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 187o pgc at 108 rpm. 8:17 (39.1) Hetzel Shoal
gas buoy abeam to starboard, distance 14.5 Miles. Watch ends on course
165o pgc. Issued 15 night rations to Engineer force.
P.M. Pedersen. Btsw.
4:00PM to 8PM.
7:35 In accordance with Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area Radio Message. 9907-1000, the Commanding Officer, Commander L.C. Mueller, was relieved of Command and placed in his quarters under arrest, and the command carried over to Lieutenant J.P. Crowley
4:00PM to Midnight
5:30 Lieutenant J.P. Crowley in accordance with, instructions from The Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area, delivered to Commander, L.C. Mueller a communication marked "confidential"
5:31 In accordance with Letter of September 17 - 1932 from Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area, Commander L.C. Mueller was released from arrest and resumed duty as Commanding Officer of this vessel.
Meridian to 4:00pm.
2:19 Fire broke out in galley, caused by overflowing carburator, sounded fire alarm.
2:20:30 Fire extinguished, by use of Fire Extinguisher, secured from Fire Quarters
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
4:00 The Board of Investigation of which Commander L.C. Mueller is sole member adjourned for the day
*9:15 A board of investigation consisting of Commander L.C. Mueller, sole member, convened to investigate the alleged firing upon a fishing vessel by the PERRY off Cape Canaveral, Florida, on or about 12 October, 1932.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
9:15 A board of investigation of which Commander L.C. Mueller is sole member met to investigate the alleged firing, upon a fishing vessel, of the Perry of Cape Canaveral, on or about 12 October, 1932.
11:35 The board of investigation of which Commander L.C. Mueller is sole member adjourned.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
5:45 Commander L.C. Mueller and Walter Lauer, CY(a), departed by privately owned conveyance for Orlando, Florida, in connection with the examining of witnesses relative to a board of investigation being held to inquire into and report upon the alleged firing upon a fishing boat by the Coast Guard Patrol Boat Perry, on or about 12 October, 1932, in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral, in accordance with letter Commander, FECPA, 28 October, 1932 (601-123); Commander L.C. Mueller departed from his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
12:30* Walter Lauer, (106-175), CY(a), returned on board having completed duty relative to investigation at Orlando, Florida, concerning alleged firing on fishing boat by PERRY.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
9:01 Commander L.C. Mueller came on board, he having arrived at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., at 12:00, midnight from Orlando, Fla., at which place the board of which he is sole member to investigate into alleged firing on a fishing craft by the PERRY had re-convened yesterday. The same board again re-convened on board this vessel.
11:45, The board of investigation, of which Commander L.C. Mueller is sole member adjourned for the day.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
3:40 (53.8) Carysfort Reef Light abeam to starboard, distant 1.9 miles; started checking Fathometer readings with depths on chart, for a distance of 5.3 miles, from Carysfort Reef to The Elbow; found readings to agree with chart.
4:00PM to 6:00PM.
Checking Fathometer as in previous watch.
4:24 (59.3) The Elbow abeam to starboard, distance two Miles, Changed course to 220 pgc. Discontinued checking of fathometer.
Another interesting reference is this one ( to OWpedia ;)
4:00PM to Midnight
5:28 Intercepted information that the Coast Guard plane ARCTURUS was down on water ten miles north of Bethel Shoals and needing immediate assistance.
8:05 Received orders by dispatch 6001-2005 from Commander Florida East Coast Patrol Area to prepare to depart immediately to the assistance of the ARCTURUS. - Preparations were started at once and all hands made preparations for sea. Men on liberty were recalled to the ship whenever they could be located.
Boatswain P.M. Pedersen was recalled from 13 1/2 days' legislative furlough.
Joseph L. St.Pierre, (109-104), Cox., recalled from nineteen (19) days' leave of absence.
The following came on board as guests of the Commanding Officer Mr. Barrington White and Mr. L.H. Brown.
Mr. W.A. Fredrickson came on board as the guest of Ensign E.E. Fahey.
8:38 Received orders by dispatch 6001-2038, from the Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area, to proceed immediately to the assistance of the Coast Guard plane ARCTURUS, forced down in the vicinity of Bethel Shoals.
10:05 Unmoored and stood out of Port Everglades on channel courses.
The following men could not be located and were left ashore:
Harold C. Water, (110-778), CGM,
Walter Lauer, (106-175), CY(a),
Max L. Smith, (109-700), CC Std,
Paul Peplinski, (104-684), BM 1c.
4:00PM to Midnight (continued)
Roger W. Brown, (101-389), MM 1c,
Leo F. Legault, (106-262), PhM 1c,
Boyde S. Putman, (108-597), GM 2c,
Marion W. Wood, (111-552), WT 2c,
Henry H. Peyton, (108-365), QM 3c,
Raymond G. Thomason, (110-260), Y 3c,
Charles S. Edelin, (103-193), Sea 1c,
Frances E. Kirk, (105-855), Sea 1c,
William H. LaGrange, (204-074), Sea 1c,
Jessie M. Moore, (107-476), Sea 1c,
Arthur C. Crouch, (102-452), F 1c,
William G. Stewart, (200-077), Sea 2c,
Swen S. Rhodes, (108-782), Sea 2c,
Bernard Gearheart, (201-229), F 2c,
Robert Woldon, (111-185), Off. Std. 3c.
10:20 Port Everglades entrance buoy close aboard to starboard, changed course to 19o pgc and streamed the log reading 70.0. Set standard speed at 114 rpm.
11:10 (79.1) Hillsboro Inlet light abeam to port distant 3 miles, changed course to 7o pgc. And so to end.
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 7o pgc at 114 rpm proceeding to the assistance of CG Seaplane "Arcturus" forced down 10 Miles North of Bethel Shoal gas buoy. Time zone description plus five.
12:22 (93.7) Changed course to 0o pgc.
1:18 (4.5) Lake Worth gas buoy abeam to port, distance 2 3/4 Miles, Changed course to 351o pgc.
4:00 Reduced speed to 90 rpm, as the following message from Tropical Radio, Miami, Florida was intercepted. "Coast Guard Plane Arcturus located, All hands safe".
4:00AM to 8:00AM.
On course 351o pgc at 90 rpm.
4:40 Received despatch 6002-0410, Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area; log 44.5, changed course to 173o pgc; above despatch directing the "Unalga" return to base as her assistance would not be needed by the "Arcturus".
Midnight to 9:00AM.
8:00 Walter P. Lauer, (106-179), CY, left to pick up Commander L.C. Mueller and then to proceed to Miami to sit on a board of inquiry relative to the damaging of the Coast Guard seaplane ARCTURUS. Authority telephonic orders from the Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
12:23 H.M. (Silent Signal) was broadcasted, all stations were manned, in accordance with Communication Instructions, untill 1:13 at which time U.O. (All clear) Signal was broadcast, secured from Emergency Stations.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.Mentioned President should be Franklin Delano Roosevelt (, who won elections in November 1932, even if he is sworn in only on March 1933.
11:00 Lieutenant Chester M. Anderson returned on board having completed temporary duty in connection guarding and protecting the President of the United States in accordance with Commander, Florida East Coast Patrol Area letter of 19 December, 1932, (71).
4:00PM to MidnightColors are half-masted on 6 January 1933 (
7:14 Received Three Alcoast relative to the death of Ex-President Coolidge and directing a thirty day period of mourning.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.Ex president is saluted half-hourly, sunrise to sunset, on 7 January 1933 (
3:45 Half Masted Colors in accordance with following Message received from Coast Guard Headquarters via Telephone from Division Communication Center. "0206 Four Allcoast Ref Allcoast Three period Funeral Ex President Coolidge will be held Saturday seven January Period Three Allcoast Amended to include Vessels half Masting Colours for thirty (30) Days 1202."
Midnight to 9:00AM.
7:09 Sunrise, Commenced firing half hourly guns according to Headquarters Despatch 0205-1720 of January, 5 - 1933, with reference to the Death of Ex President Calvin Coolidge.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Continued half-hourly gun in accordance with dispatch 0205-1720 and Art 2331, Regulations
4:00PM to Midnight
5:44, Completed half hourly gun at sunset. Expended 22 rounds saluting charges throughout day.
8:00am to 4:00pm
10:08 moored at Government Dock, Mobile.
The Commanding Officer left to make an official visit to Commander, Southern Area.
11:20 Commanding Officer returned from official visit.
12:30 a landing force of 34 men and two officers was put ashore to participate with platoon of infantry from the cutter Gresham in a parade through the city of Mobile.
1:40 landing force returned.
2:30 granted liberty to the starboard watch until 8:00am tomorrow.
Observed half-holiday as a courtesy to the local Mardi Gras celebration
3:56 Secured the radio watch, having been relieved of the guard by the "Gresham", in accordance with article 1129, Communication Instructions, US Coast Guard.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time
zone description plus five.
6:30, All hands; ship's force carried out morning routine
8:00 Liberty party all returned on time.
Chester McP. Anderson, Lieut.
9:00AM to 4:00PM
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder sample; conditions dry and normal.
10:30 Commanding Officer conducted weekly inspection of vessel.
1:00 John C. Nutting, (107-907), RM 3c, detached from the UNALGA this date
and directed to report to the Commander of Base Six, for trans-
portation via patrol boat to Base Twenty at which place he
is to be assigned to duty on the PATRIOT.
Granted liberty to the starboard watch until 9:00AM tomorrow.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00PM to Midnight
Performed routine duties.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
The following entry was omitted from the 9:00AM to 4:00PM watch on
26 January, 1933, due to this information not having been received at
that time:
11:55am - Ensign E. E. Fahey reported on board the TUCKER
at New London, Connecticut, from eighteen (18) days' legislative furlough
and for assignment to duty on that vessel in accordance with
Headquarters' letter of 16 January, 1933, (P-71).
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Received from the Great A. & P. Tea Company, the Table Supply Company,
and the Southern Dairies, all of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, subsistence
stores for the general mess, as per invoices.
T.G. Miller, Ensign, Commissary Officer.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time zone description
plus five.
7:00 Called all hands and carried out Sunday morning routine.
9:00 All liberty party returned on time.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected Magazine and smokeless powder samples,
condition dry and normal. 10:00 Granted Liberty to one
watch until 8:00AM tomorrow. Crew observing the Sabbath.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00PM to Midnight.
4:00PM Machinist L.S. Southall reported on
board from US Marine Hospital at Savannah, Georgia, having
received inpatient treatment at that place. Performed
usual routine duties.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida.
Time zone description plus five. 5:29 HM. (Silent Signal) was
broadcasted, manned all Emergency Stations, in accordance with
Communication Instructions, until 5:58, at which time UO. (All
Clear) Signal was broadcasted. Carried out Morning orders.
8:00 liberty party returned on time.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples;
conditions dry and normal.
9:30, Held quarters, followed by emergency drills. 9:32
Sounded General Alarm and held General Quarters. 9:37, Sounded
Collision drill alarm. 9:40 1/2, Mat in place. 9:45, Sounded Fire
alarm 9:45:40, First Water 9:46:10, Water on all hoses 9:53 Seure
9:55, Held boat drill for first division.
10:15, Paul T. Kennedy, (105-668), BM 1c reported on board
from in-patient treatment at the US Marine Hospital, Savannah
11:15, Charles S. Edelin, (103-193) Sea 1c reported on board
from two (2) days leave of absence granted by Commanding
Officer and expiring at noon, this date.
Ship's force employed in painting variously about
decks on chocks, bitts and covering boards, bridge and in
wardroom staterooms.
3:10, Held training drill for ship's raceboat crew.
Chester McP. Anderson Lieut.
4:00PM to Midnight
Performed usual routine
4:30, Granted liberty to the starboard watch until 8:00
am, tomorrow
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time zone
description plus five.
6:30, All hands. Ship's force carried out morning routine.
8:00, Liberty party all returned on time.
8:00, Held training drill for ship's race boat crew.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry and
9:30 Held quarters followed by gun, pistol, and signal drills.
10:00 Held boat drill under oars.
Ship's force employed variously about the ship, painting, cleaning, etc.
3:00 Ship's race boat crew held boat drill under oars.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00PM to Midnight.
4:30 Granted liberty to the port watch until 8:00AM tomorrow.
Performed routine duties.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time zone description
plus five.
6:30 Called all hands and carried out morning routine.
8:00 All liberty party returned on time.
8:30 Lieutenant Chester M. Anderson left on one (1) day's legislative
furlough granted by the Commanding Officer.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected Magazine and smokeless powder samples,
condition dry and normal. 9:30 Held quarters followed by Resuscitation
drill, boat drill and instruction in first aid. 10:30 Secured
from all drills. 10:35 Returned one (1) Set of Colors and
Coast Guard Standard, to Division Head Quarters, also
one bundle of Life Preservers (borrowed from Base six) to Base six,
via truck from that place. 10:35 Received on board from
Coast Guard Store at Brooklyn, New York, one box of uniform clothing
invoice number 6179-11, also one box of cabin and wardroom
china vase, invoice number 5344. 11:15 Swen S. Rhodes,
(108-782), Sea 2c; reported on board from twenty-five (25) days'
leave of absence, granted by Commanding Officer. 1:55 USS
Vences, CG stod in from sea and moored to dock on south side
of ship. 3:00 Ship Race boat crew held boat drill under oars.
Crew engaged in restowing Main hold, painting in wardroom
and variously employed about deck.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00PM to Midnight
4:30 Granted liberty to one watch until 8:00AM
tomorrow. 5:20 USS Perry CG stod in from sea and
moored at regular berth. 7:00 Louis L. Grumaldi, (104-385), F 2c,
reported on board for duty from the USS Wainwright CG
at Boston, Massachusetts, - authority, Headquarters letter of 25
January, 1933. (P-73-701). Performed Routine duties.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
Received from the Great A.&P. Tea Company, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
subsistence stores for the general mess, as per invoice.
T.G. Miller, Ensign, Commissary Officer.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time zone plus five.
6:30 Called all hands and carried out morning routine preparing
vessel for getting underway. *
8:00 All liberty party returned on time.
*7:40 "Perry" stood in and moored; having successfully floated the yacht
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
9:00am to Meridian.
Inspected magazines and smokeless powder samples; condition dry and
normal. 9:15, Mr. A.J. Hesler, Mr. L.H. Brown and Mr. T.F. Fleming came on board as guests for trip to Miami.
9:38, Cast off from mooring and maneuvered to clear berth.
9:47, stood out Port Everglades dredged channel, speed 11 knots enroute to Miami to fuel.
9:50 sea buoy abeam, close, set course 178o pgc. 9:52 held quarters
followed by general quarters, and gun drill. 10:06 sounded alarm for collision
drill. 10:08 collision mat in place. 10:12:30 Sounded alarm for fire drill.
10:13:05, first water. 10:13:45, water on all hoses. 10:24, secured from all
drills. 10:55, course 175o pgc. 11:35, course 180o pgc. 11:50, Miami entrance
lighted whistle buoy abeam to port, close, entered the dredged channel to
Miami, steering various courses.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg).
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On channel courses at various speeds entering Miami harbor. 12:28 Moored
at Belcher Oil Company dock in Miami, Florida. Mrs. L.C. Mueller, Mrs. L.H. Brown,
Mrs. T.F. Fleming, and Mrs. J.D. Camp came on board as guests of the Com-
manding Officer. 1:00 Commenced fueling, draft forward, 10 ft. 10 in; aft,
13 ft. 10 in. 2:30 Finished fueling having received 26,655 gallons of
Bunker "A" fuel oil from the Belcher Oil Company. Draft forward 12 ft. 6 in,
aft 14 ft. 6 in. 3:00 Jessie M. Moore, (104-476), Sea 1c, left on three (3) days
leave of absence granted by the Commanding Officer. 3:02 Unmoored and
stood out of Miami harbor at various speeds on channel courses. 3:38
Miami Entrance buoy close aboard to starboard set course of 4o pgc and stan-
dard speed at 101 rpm. And so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00PM to Midnight.
On course 4o pgc at 101 rpm. 5:16 Port Everglades Entrance buoy close
aboard; stood into Bay Mabel on various courses and speeds. 5:40, Moored at
regular berth, Port Everglades, Florida. 5:45, guests of Commanding Officer
left ship :- Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Flemming, Mr and Mrs L.H. Brown, Mrs. J.D. Camp and Mrs
L.C. Mueller. Mr. A.J. Hesler, guest of Lieutenant (jg) Hesler left ship. 6:00 granted liberty
to the port watch until 8:00am tomorrow. 5:55, Paul T. Kennedy (105-668) BM 1c
left ship on (7) seven days' leave of absence granted by Commanding
Officer, to expire before noon, 21 March, 1933.
6:15, Boyde S Putman (108-597), GM 1c reported on board from
Section Base Six at which unit he had been temporarily assigned
4:00AM to Midnight - continued
by the Commander, Jacksonville Division, upon reporting
at the Division office from leave of absence ex-
piring at noon this date, and at which time the UNALGA
way away from Port Everglades.
7:39, Received distress signal "S.O.S" Manned radio compass
and distress watch. Information received indicated
steamer afire at position 13o43'N, 73o21'W.
8:23 Received "UO" signal from Division radio station.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida; Time
zone, plus five.
6:30, All hands; ships force carried out morning orders.
8:00, Liberty party all returned on time.
8:10, Commenced winding ship.
8:45, Completed winding ship
Chester McP. Anderson Lieut.
9:00am to 4:00pm -
Inspected magazines and smokeless powder samples; condition dry
and normal
9:30, held quarters, followed by gun, signal, and boat drills, and instruction
in seamanship.
10:50, Boatswain P.M. Pederson returned from 6 1/2 days legislative furlough.
Crew engaged during day in painting out wardroom staterooms, and general
cleaning about the vessel.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg)
4:00pm to Midnight -
4:30, granted liberty to the starboard watch until 8:00am tomorrow.
Evening reports and inspections made.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
Midnight to 9:00am -
Moored at Port Everglades, Florida, using #2 boiler for auxiliary purposes.
Morning routine performed.
8:00, liberty party returned on time, no absentees.
Plus five time zone.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg).
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry and normal.
9:30 Held quarters followed by resuscitation and boat drills.
2:00 Dwight W. Wall, (107-494), CBM left on four (4) days' leave of absence
granted by the Commanding Officer.
Crew employed in holystoning the spar deck and in painting wardroom.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00PM to Midnight
4:30 Granted liberty to the port watch until 8:00AM tomorrow.
Performed routine duties.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Received from the Blue Ribbon Bakery, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, subsist-
ence stores for the general mess, as per invoice.
T.G. Miller, Ensign, Commissary Officer.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before, at Port Everlgades, Florida. Time zone description
plus five.
2:00 D.D. Hesler, Lieutenant (jg), left on five (5) days' legislative
furlough granted by the Commanding Officer.
6:30 Called all hands and carried out morning routine.
8:00 All liberty party returned on time
8:15 Landing force left ship for infantry drill on shore.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples;
conditions dry and normal.
9:15, Landing force returned to ship.
9:30, Quarters, followed by clothing inspection.
10:30, Held boat drill.
Seaman branch employed in setting out awnings and in
painting out wardroom.
Chester McP. Anderson Lieut
4:00PM to Midnight.
4:30, Granted liberty to the starboard watch until 8:00am,
Usual routine performed.
Chester McP. Anderson, Lieut.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida, Time zone
description plus five
6:30, All hands, ship's force carried out morning orders
8:00, Liberty party all returned on time.
Chester McP. Anderson Lieut.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected Magazine and smokeless
powder samples, condition dry and normal. Tested Magazine
flood cocks and Franklin Life Buoy, condition satisfactory
10:00 Held Quarters followed by Gun Signal and
Boat drill under oars for the third Division.
10:35 Louis F. Masney, (204-018), Sea 1c; returned on board
from thirty (30) Days leave of absence, granted by
Commanding Officer. 11:20 Secured from all Drills.
12:00 Jessie M. Moore, (107-476), Sea 1c; returned on
board from three (3) days leave of absence, granted
by Commanding Officer. 12:25, CG 244 stood in from
sea and moored at north side of slip. 1:30
Received on board one box of Stationery on
Government Bill of Lading T-214023, via Baltimore
and Carolina Steam ship lines. 1:30 CG 244 left slip
and stood towards Base 6. Crew engaged in painting
in wardroom, spreading awnings and in general field
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
4:00PM to Midnight
4:30 Granted liberty to port watch until 8:00AM
tomorrow. Performed routine Duties.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades,
Florida. Time zone description plus five. Carried
out Morning orders. 8:00 Liberty party returned on
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry and
10:30 Commanding Officer made weekly inspection of vessel.
10:40 VINCES stood in and moored in berth astern of UNALGA.
1:00 Granted liberty to the starboard watch until 9:00AM tomorrow.
2:00 Lowered motor launch and secured same astern.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00PM to Midnight
Performed routine duties.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Midnigh to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida, Time zone plus five.
Performed routine duties.
9:00 Liberty party returned on time.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples;
conditions dry and normal.
10:00, granted liberty to the port watch until 8:00am,
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
4:00PM to Midnight
Usual routine performed.
Chester McP Anderson Lieut
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida Time zone
description, plus five
1:30, Pay Clerk (T) P.A. Krugler left ship on (4) four days
legislative furlough granted by Commanding Officer.
6:30, All hands; ship's force carried out morning routine.
8:00, Liberty party all returned on time
Chester McP Anderson Lieut.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected Magazine and smokeless powder
samples, condition Dry and normal. 9:30, Held quarters
followed by General Quarters. 9:40 Secured from general quarters,
sounded fire quarters. 9:41 First water. 9:42 All streams.
9:47 Secured from fire quarters and sounded collision
quarters. 9:49 Mat in place. 9:50 Secured from collision
quarters and held boat drill under oars and sail
for the second Division. 10:30 Secured from all drills.
11:25 George J. Fritz, (103-727), F 1c; reported on board
from fifteen (15) leave of absence granted by Commanding
Officer. 11:35 Dwight W. Wall, (107-494), CBM; reported
on board from four (4) Days leave of absence granted
by Commanding Officer. Crew engaged in painting
wardroom and variously employed about decks.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00PM to Midnight.
4:30 Granted liberty to starboard
watch until 8:00AM tomorrow. Routine Duties
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port
Everglades, Florida. Time zone description plus five.
Carried out Morning orders. 7:55 Machinist L.S. Southall
left vessel on five (5) Days legislative furlough, granted
by Commanding Officer. 8:00 Liberty party returned on
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
9:00AM to 4:00PM.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry
and normal.
9:30 Held quarters followed by signal and gun drills and seamanship
11:10 Paul T. Kennedy, (105-668), BM 1c; returned from seven (7) days'
leave of absence.
1:15 Machinist L.S. Southall returned on board his legislative furlough
having been cancelled.
Crew employed painting in wardroom and variously about the
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00PM to Midnight
4:00 Lieutenant (jg) D.D. Hesler returned on board having used three and
one half (3 1/2) days of the five (5) days' legislative furlough
granted him by the Commanding.
4:30 Granted liberty to the port watch until 8:00AM tomorrow.
Performed routine duties.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Received from the Great A.&P. Tea Co., Table Supply Co., and Blue Ribbon Bakery,
all of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, subsistence stores for the general mess,
as per invoices.
T.G. Miller, Ensign, Commissary Officer.
Midnight to 9:00AM.
Moored as before at Port Everglades, Florida. Time zone description plus five.
6:30 Called all hands and carried out regular morning routine preparing
vessel for getting underway.
7:00 John Stetz, (206-135), Sea 2c, returned from nine (9) days' leave of
8:00 All liberty party returned on time. Pay Clerk (T) P.A. Krugler returned
on board having used one (1) day's legislative furlough of the five days
granted by the Commanding Officer. He was recalled in order to
go on patrol.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
9:00AM to Meridian
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions dry and normal.
9:50 Lieutenant J.P. Crowley left vessel to report at the office of the Commander Jacksonville
Division for temporary duty in accordance with letter Commander, Jack-
sonville Division, 21 March, 1933, (CO-71).
The following men left on leave of absence, as indicated, granted by
the Commanding Officer: Harold C. Waters, (110-778), CGM, ten (10) days,
Joseph L. St. Pierre, (109-104), Cox., ten (10) days, Henry T. Harllee, (201-053),
Sea 1c, ten (10) days, Edward E. Brown, (101-348), CM 1c, ten (10) days,
Edward P. Overstreet, (105-050), F 1c, ten (10) days; Merle A. Anderson, (204-025),
Sea 1c, granted five (5) days' extension of leave of absence.
10:05 Unmoored and stood out of Port Everglades, Florida, proceeding on patrol
in accordance with instructions contained in letter of Commander,
Jacksonville Division, 21 March, 1933, (601).
10:10 Port Everglades entrance buoy close aboard to port set standard speed
at 93 rpm and course 178o pgc.
10:15 Held quarters followed by resuscitation drill.
10:45 Reduced standard speed to 75 rpm. 10:30 Streamed log reading 13.0.
And so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 178o pgc at 75 rpm. 1:30 (39.8) Miami Sea buoy abeam
to starboard, Distance 1 Mile, Changed course to 179o pgc.
2:55 (52.8) Fowey Rock Light abeam to starboard, Distance 1 Mile
Changed course to 188o pgc. So ends the watch.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00pm to 8:00pm -
On course 188o gyro (true), at 8 1/2 knots speed. 4:40, Course 10o gyro (68.2). 5:45, reduced
speed to 5 knots, course 188o gyro Fowey Rocks Light abeam to port, 1.4 miles distant. (77.7)
6:36 Course 0o gyro (true) log 81.7, and so to end.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 0o pgc at 43 rpm. Issued 15 night rations to engineer's force. 11:47 (4.2) Port Everglades entrance buoy abeam
to port, distant 3/4 mile, changed course to 178o pgc, and so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 178o pgc at 43 rpm.
Time zone description plus five. 3:30 (20.7) Changed course to 0o pgc.
And so to end.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00am to 8:00am -
On course 0o gyro (true) at 5 knots speed. 5:18, (28.6) changed course to
178o gyro, Port Everglades entrance lighted bell buoy abeam to port, one mile.
6:00, all hands; deck force performed work in accordance with morning orders.
7:00, changed course to 0o gyro. 7:43, stopped off Port Everglades entrance buoy, CG 244
came alongside and took George P. Duane, MM 1c, who was granted 15 days leave of
absence by the Commanding Officer, as emergent. 7:50, (38.3) underway on course
134o gyro, at 8 1/2 knots speed, and so to end.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 134o pgc at 75 rpm. 10:10 (50.7) Changed course to 170o pgc to avoid
crossing steamer. 10:20 (51.4) Changed course back to 134o pgc having cleared crossing vessel.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder sample; conditions dry and normal. And so
to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 134o pgc at 75 rpm. 1:00 Held quarters
followed by Infantry Drill without arms, Pistol Drill and
Sighting and Aiming Drill. 1:30 Secured from all drills.
2:25 Reduced speed to 43 rpm. 2:35 (96.5) North Bimini Light
bearing 117o pgc, distance 5 Miles, changed course to
184o pgc and so to end. Crew engaged in splicing
wire and painting about decks.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00pm to 8:00pm -
On course 184o gyro, 183o true, at 5 knots. 4:45, (5.2) Course 190o gyro. 6:50, Gun Key
Light abeam to port 5 1/2 miles distant, course 157o gyro. 7:20 Course 160o gyro, and so to end.
D.D. Hesler, Leiut (jg).
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 160o pgc at 43 rpm. 11:00 Changed course to 320o pgc; and
so to end. Issued 15 night rations to engineer's force.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 320o pgc at 43 rpm.
Time zone description plus five. 1:35 Gun Key Light abeam to
starboard, distance 8.5 miles, changed course to 0o pgc. And so
to end of watch.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
4:00am to 8:00pm -
Cruising as before, on routine patrol duty, course 0o gyro, 359o true, at
5 knots speed. 4:42 changed course to 180o gyro, 178o true. Deck force
performed morning work. On course 180o gyro at end.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg).
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 180o pgc at 43 rpm. 11:26 Gun Cay Lighthouse abeam to port
distant 9 1/4 miles; changed course to 151o pgc. Inspected magazine and
smokeless powder sample; conditions dry and normal. - And so to end.
Conducted following tests: Fortnightly powder test, flood cock (magazine), and Franklin lifebuoy releasing gear; conditions satisfactory.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 151o pgc at 43 rpm. 12:55 Changed
course to 60o pgc.
1:00 Held quarters followed by Gun and Signal drill and
Instructions in Seamanship. 1:04 Sounded alarm for
Man overboard, full astern on engine. 1:05 Stopped engine
1:06:30 Starboard life boat in water same left ship.
1:09 Buoy recovered. 1:13:30 Boat alongside of ship,
hoisted and secured same. 1:17 Underway on course
60o pgc at 43 rpm. 1:30 Secured from all drills.
1:51 Changed course to 161o pgc and so to end
of watch. Crew engaged in general field day on lower
decks and painting on spar deck.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00pm to 8:00pm -
On course 161o gyro, (true) at 5 knots speed. 7:20, South Riding Rock
sighted, bearing 104o true. 7:25, Course 165o gyro. 7:49, South Riding Rock Light abeam
to port, 5 miles, changed course to 325o gyro, and so to end. On azimuth of Polaris
showed the gyro-compass to have zero error.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 325o pgc at 43 rpm throughout watch. Issued 15 night rations
to engineers force.
T.G. Miller, Ensign
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 325o gpc at 43 rpm.
Time zone description plus five. 12:53 Gun Key Light bearing
90o pgc, distance 11.5 Miles, changed course to 358o pgc.
And so to end.
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00am to 8:00am -
On course 358o gyro, at 5 knots. 4:20, changed course to 180o gyro, and so to
end. Morning work performed. 6:00, all hands. Moderate to fresh north east
breeze throughout the watch.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 180o pgc at 43 rpm throughout watch. 10:30 Commanding
Officer held weekly inspection of vessel. Inspected magazine and smokeless powder
sample; conditions dry and normal.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 180o pgc. 12:39 Gun Key
Light bearing 106o pgc, Distance 14 Miles, changed course
to 122o pgc. 2:41 Gun Key Light bearing 117o pgc, Distance 5 Miles,
Changed course to 162o pgc. So ends the watch.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
4:00pm to 8:00pm -
On course 162o gyro, at 5 knots speed. 4:00, course 252o gyro. 4:17 Gun Key Light
bearing 70o true, 5 miles distant, changed course to 159o gyro. 6:45 Course 180o gyro (true)
7:56 Course 165o gyro, and so to end. South Riding Rock Light bore 128o true, 10 miles distant,
at end of watch.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 165o pgc at 43 rpm. 9:35 South Riding Rock light bore 87o pgc, distant
6 1/2 miles; changed course to 320o pgc. And so to end. Issued 15 night rations to
engineer's force.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Midnight to 4:00AM.
On course 320o pgc at 43 rpm.
Time zone description plus five. 1:55 Gun Key Light bearing 90o pgc
Distance 10 Miles, changed course to 357o pgc, and so ends the
P.M. Pedersen, Btsw.
4:00am to 8:00am -
Cruising on course 357o gyro (true), at 5 knots speed, engaged in routine
patrol duty. 4:50, course 20o gyro to avoid steamer crossing ahead. 5:00,
resumed course 357o. 5:03, course 185o gyro, and so to end. Cirrus haze
prevailing in the sky; light southerly breeze.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg).
8:00AM to Meridian
On course 185o pgc at 43 rpm. 8:02 Changed course to 326o pgc. And
so to end. 9:10 Ran through slight rain squall moving from the westward.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder sample; conditions dry and normal.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
Meridian to 4:00PM.
On course 326o pgc at 43 rpm. 2:42 Changed course to 270o pgc. 3:00 Increased speed to
75 rpm and so to end. Crew observing the Sabbath.
P.M. Pedersen Btsw.
4:00PM to 6:00PM.
On course 270o pgc at 75 rpm. 4:05, changed course to 354o pgc
and reduced speed to 43 rpm. 4:18, changed course to 352o pgc.
5:20, LAKE WORTH ENTRANCE BUOY bore 271o pgc, distance 3 miles.
Chester McP Anderson, Lieut.
6:00pm to 8:00pm -
On course 352o gyro (true) throughout at 5 knots speed.
7:17, Jupiter Inlet Light abeam to port, 4 1/2 miles distant.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg).
8:00PM to Midnight
On course 352o pgc at 43 rpm throughout watch. Issued 15 night rations to
engineer's force. And so to end.
T.G. Miller, Ensign.
4:00pm to Midnight
6:20, Gerald C. Arnett, (100-283) BM 2c, taken to Fort Lauderdale Hospital for inpatient treatment due to bone broken in foot, incurred in playing baseball on ship's team at West Side Municipal Park.
4:00PM to Midnight.
10:00, Performed first aid treatment for civilian, Mr. B. Singer, who was fishing off dock by removal of fish hook from finger.
... by removal of fish hook from finger.
Merid to 4:00pm.
Crew engaged taking crated stores and equipment onboard from Base 21 to be transported to Base 6, USCG.
Mid to 9:00am.
Crew engaged in taking on crated stores and equipment for US Coast Guard Base 6.
9:00am to 4:00pm -
Loading equipment and supplies in connection with dismantling Base 21.
4:00pm to Midnight -
Loading supplies from Base 21, as before.
5:00, discontinued loading; ...
9:00am to 4:00pm.
Crew engaged in loading equipment from Base 21 to be transported to Base 6.
4:00pm to Midnight 5:00
Discontinued work of loading equipment for the day.
Midnight to 9:00am.
8:00 Hauled ship astern under shearlegs in preparation for taking aboard heavy equipment.
9:00am to 4:00pm
Loading equipment & supplies.
10:45 Picket boats CG-997 & CG-9147 with 26 surfboat in tow of CG-997 left for Base 6 at Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Base of shaper, No C-50, Crate #F-23 received in cracked condition.
Midnight to 9:00am.
7:00 Crew engaged in securing cargo taken aboard from Base 21. Preparations made for getting underway.
8:05 Tested engine telegraph and steering engine; found to be in working order.
8:35 Dock trial. Draft: fwd 12'2", aft 14'4"
*9:30am Completed loading and stowing materials and supplies from Base 21 for transportation to Base 6, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; weights and contents unknown, and by ship's check, as follows:
12 pcs uncrated machinery
17 pcs uncrated furniture
1 only uncrated safe
147 pcs; cases, crates, Bales, and drums of miscellaneous materials
8 cases small arms ammunition
2 Gun carriages
187 pcs. total.
Midnight to 9:00am -
Morning work performed.
8:00, liberty party returned on time; no absentees.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut (jg)
9:00am to 4:00pm.
Inspected magazine and smokeless powder
samples; conditions dry and normal
9:30 Held quarters followed by infantry drill on
board and instructions on beach apparatus drill.
10:15 Lieut. J.P. Crowley left the ship for assignment
to temporary duty at office, Commander Jacksonville
Division - Letter Commander Jacksonville Division 22 June,
1933 (71)
11:15 Crew assisted in dismantling sheer legs which were
placed aboard the Patrol Boat Woodbury, CG for
transportation to St. Petersburg, Fla., and engaged in cleaning up ship.
11:40 Charles Lawson (106-210) M Att 2c, returned from 2 days
leave on time.
1:00 Frank H. Barnett (100-561) GM 2c transferred to USCGC
Saukee at St. Petersburg, Fla. and granted five (5) days leave
enroute. Granted liberty to port watch to expire at 8:00 to morrow.
1:30 Millard A. Carnes (100-050) Sea 1c reported on board from Base 6 with
bags and necessary papers for assignment to duty D/L 10 June 1933 (73-701-531)
2:00 Melfred W. McGeorge (203-155) Sea 2c transferred to
Patrol Boat Woodbury, CG for transportation to Marine
Hospital #10 at Key West, Fla for inpatient treatment.
Charles Lawson (106-210) M Att 2c, transferred to Patrol Boat Woodbury
CG for transportation to St. Petersburg, Fla. to report for
duty aboard USCGC Tuscarora, letter, Comdr. Jacksonville
Division 10 June, 1933 (73-701-531)
S.A. Hill, Ensign
4:00pm to midnight.
Performed usual routine
S.A. Hill Ensign.
Midnight to 9:00am.
* Moored as before to South sea wall at
Port Everglades, Florida. Zone time description
plus five.
6:30 Commenced holystoning forward
8:00 Liberty party returned on time.
Crew engaged in cleaning ship and holystoning
spar deck.
S.A. Hill, Ensign.
*12:20, received telegraphic orders from Coast Guard Headquarters, via Commander
Jacksonville Division, detaching Pay Clerk (T) P.A. Krugler from the Coast Guard
and assigning him to duty with the War Department as of 22 June 1933,
for duty with the Civilian Conservation Corps.
9:00am to 4:00pm.
Inspected magazines and smokeless powder samples; condition
dry and normal.
9:30 Held quarters; drills omitted on account of necessary field day work
9:30 Delivered Commander Jacksonville Division despatch 7023-0020 to Pay Clerk (T)
P.A. Krugler and he is detached from the Coast Guard and attached to the War Department
as of 22 June 1933.
Rudolph Bjorge, Ensign
4:00pm to Midnight
4:00 Boatswain (T) Frank Bronski reported aboard for duty
from Saukee in accordance with Jacskonville Division
letter 10 June, 1933 (73-701) and Jacksonville Division
despatch 7021-1115, June 1933.
4:30 Granted liberty to starboard watch of crew until 8:00am
Evening reports and inspections made
Rudolph Bjorge, Ensign
Midnight to 9:00am.
Moored as before at Port Everglades Florida, zone plus five
6:00 All hands, crew engaged in preparing ship for inspection
8:00 Liberty party returned on time.
Rudolph Bjorge, Ensign.
9:00AM - 4:00PM.
Gentle south to southwest breeze & partly cloudy.
Inspected magazine & powder sample. Condition dry
and normal.
Crew engaged preparing vessel for inspection
10:30AM Held general muster, crew inspected by Commanding
10:40AM Dismissed from quarters. Vessel inspected by
Commanding Officer.
1:00PM Granted liberty to port watch to expire at 10:00AM
1:15PM Millard A. Carnes, (100-050) sea 1c; left on one
days leave granted by Commanding Officer.
All unnecessary ship work secured for day.
F. Bronski
Bos'n (T)
4:00PM - Mid.
Light SE to gentle ESE breeze and partly cloudy.
6:25PM USCGC Saranac in sight standing in toward
sea buoy. 6:30PM Picket boat CG 2282 arrived from
Base 6 to transport ammunition to CG Saranac. Officer-in-charge
of CG 2282 reported boat unable to make trip due to
broken starter. Other means of transportation requested from
Base 6.
6:53PM CG 2247 arrived from Base 6. Tooked
20 rounds of 6 pdr. target practice ammunition on board
in two containers for delivery to CG Saranac to be
transported to Naval Ammunition Depot, St. Juliens Creek,
7:30PM CG 2247 returned and took CG 2282 in tow to
Base 6.
8:00PM Watch mustered and compartments secured.
9:00PM Lights out in crews quarters. Piped down.
F. Bronski
Bos'n (T)
Mid - 9:00AM.
Moderate SE breeze & partly cloudy.
7:00AM Called all hands. Carried out morning orders.
8:00AM Colors. Turned to. Performed usual Sunday routine.
F. Bronski
Bos'n (T)
9:00am to 4:00pm
Inspected magazines and smokeless powder samples; condition dry and
10:00, liberty party returned on time, no absentees.
10:15, granted liberty to the starboard watch until 8:00am tomorrow.
Observed Sunday.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg)
4:00pm to Midnight -
Evening reports and inspections made.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg)
Midnight to 9:00am -
Morning work performed.
8:00, liberty party returned on time, no absentees. Stanley P. Tyburski, F 1c,
(110-460) reported to be at his home on account of sickness.
D.D. Hesler, Lieut. (jg).
9:00am to 4:00pm.
Inspected magazine and smokeless
powder samples; conditions dry and normal.
9:30 Held quarters.
9:33 Mustered fire & rescue party for fire drill
9:38 Secure from fire drill
9:39 Held general quarters and gun drill
9:50 Secure from general quarters
9:50 Held collision drill - port bow.
9:53 Mat in place.
9:57 Secure from collision drill
9:59 Secured from quarters and all drills.
11:25 Millard A. Carnes (100-050) Sea 1c returned
aboard from one (1) days leave on time.
Crew engaged in clean up work and
holystoning spar deck.
Stanley P. Tyburski (100-460) F 1c rec'd medical treatment from Dr. Hendricks, USPHS
at his home
S.A. Hill, Ensign
4:00pm to midnight:
4:30 Granted liberty to port watch to
expire at 0800 to-morrow.
Usual evening routine performed.
S.A. Hill, Ensign
Now how will you spend your time? ;)
How about helping to beta test Bob's new OW? ;DI'd be delighted... it is something i've been very curious about, but i've had to save all the scarce spare time (the kid is growing up fast and, unlike me and my wife, has a lot of energies) for finishing up Unalga and maintain the Geog Help Board and our OWTools (which, of course, i'll continue to do).