If you want to look at similar pages for other ships go to: * * * Index - Use this to find your Ship * * * (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3210.msg52142#msg52142)
Welcome on board the USCGC Unalga II
This post covers a log page from 1946.
Unalga I (1912-1945) see: Unalga I -- Reference: Transcription Example
and Log Description
This is a picture of her when she was USS Tipton (AK-215).
Have a look around the forum, and don't hesitate to pose questions! There are lots of people who would be happy to respond. Each time you join a new ship have a look for one of these pages.
Feel free to add your own questions and comments to: Unalga II -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3343.msg53916#msg53916)
Comments on the log:
- This is not a standard log format.
- There is no column in the log corresponding to 'Ther Attached' on the Weather Observation tab, so that box should be left blank.
- There
is no box on the Weather Observation tab corresponding to the
'Clouds/Moving from' column on the log page, so any data in that column
should be skipped.
- This log shows the amount of cloud rather
than the amount of clear sky, but the number should be entered exactly
as it is in the log.
- The log has been completed by several hands with varying handwriting.
- The
date in this example is in the same order as on the Date tab (day,
month, year) following the Royal Navy format. If other pages use the US
order (month, day, year), the date should still be entered on the Date
tab in the order day, month, year.
- Note that on the RN ships we
encouraged transcribers to record the names of people, places, and ships
mentioned in the log. Now that we are in the Arctic, there are some new
items that are of interest. The scientists would appreciate your
recording sightings of sea ice on the Sea Ice tab and sightings of
animals on the Animals tab. The historians would appreciate your
recording refueling on the Refueling tab.
Links to helpful transcribing information:
- Guides for US logs (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3078.msg49657#msg49657)
- Type What You See - Yes, but ... (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.msg51625#msg51625)
- HELPFUL REFERENCE POSTS (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3301.0)
- Handwriting Help (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=8.0)
- What Does THAT mean? (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=9.0)
- Technical Support (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=14.0)
- Maps of Alaska
- http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/AlaskaViewerTable.shtml
- http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/501.shtml
- David
Rumsey excellent map of Alaska, 1924
- http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~206151~3002910:Alaska--833---inset--Western-Portio?sort=Pub_List_No_InitialSort%2CPub_Date%2CPub_List_No%2CSeries_No&qvq=w4s:/when/1948;q:alaska;sort:Pub_List_No_InitialSort%2CPub_Date%2CPub_List_No%2CSeries_No;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&mi=0&trs=12
- British
- Lighthouses: http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/lighthouse/
- Officers' names: http://www.usofficerdocuments.com/uscg/uscgg.html
Links to further info about the ship:
- http://www.naval-history.net/OWShips-USCGShipsList.htm#Unalga2
- http://www.uscg.mil/history/webcutters/Unalga_1946.pdf
- http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/t6/tipton.htm
fellow transcriber (wendolk) has created a database to help both
transcribers and historians (and contributors are welcome): Searchable
Weather Page:
Example, left-hand page: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/unalgaII001.jpg
written details are transcribed as follows, though the page you are
working on will not display a grid in this way. Note that the data in
some columns is not transcribed and that some logs do not have all the
columns included on the Weather Observation tab, so, before clicking OK,
check that your data is in the correct fields. Sometimes weather
observations are not taken hourly; rows with no weather data should be
omitted. It is more important to be accurate than to be fast. Only
transcribe what is written. Ask on the forum for handwriting help if
Location | Place Name | Name = Revelligegado Channel, Alaska
| | | | Not in log | | | | | | |
Hour | | Wind Dir | | Force | | Bar Height | | Ther Attached | | Dry | | Wet | | Water | | Weather Code | | Cloud Code | | Clear Sky | |
1 | SW | 1 | 29.83 | | 49 | 49 | 51 | bc | AS | 6 |
2 | SW | 1 | 29.87 | | 48 | 48 | 50 | bc | AS | 6 |
3 | SW | 1 | 29.89 | | 50 | 50 | 52 | bc | AS | 6 |
4 | SW | 1 | 29.90 | | 48 | 48 | 51 | bc | AS | 6 |
5 | SW | 1 | 29.92 | | 50 | 51 | 51 | bc | AS | 3 |
6 | SW | 1 | 29.92 | | 49 | 50 | 50 | bc | AS | 3 |
7 | SW | 1 | 29.96 | | 48 | 50 | 50 | bc | AS | 4 |
8 | S | 1 | 29.96 | | 47 | 48 | 48 | bc | AS | 3 |
9 | S | 1 | 30.00 | | 47 | 46 | 49 | bc | AS | 3 |
10 | S | 1 | 30.00 | | 48 | 48 | 49 | bc | AS | 3 |
11 | S | 1 | 30.00 | | 51 | 50 | 49 | bc | AS | 7 |
12 | S | 1 | 30.00 | | 51 | 50 | 50 | bc | AS | 7 |
1 | S | 3 | 30.01 | | 52 | 52 | 50 | bc | AS | 6 |
2 | S | 2 | 30.01 | | 53 | 51 | 50 | bc | AS | 6 |
3 | SE | 2 | 30.00 | | 53 | 52 | 50 | bc | AS | 9 |
4 | SE | 3 | 30.01 | | 53 | 53 | 50 | bc | AS | 9 |
5 | S | 3 | 30.03 | | 53 | 53 | 50 | c | AS | 9 |
6 | S | 1 | 30.04 | | 53 | 53 | 50 | o | AS | 10 |
7 | S | 2 | 30.06 | | 51 | 51 | 52 | o | AS | 10 |
8 | S | 1 | 30.06 | | 52 | 51 | 52 | o | AS | 10 |
9 | E | 2 | 30.06 | | 50 | 50 | 54 | o | AS | 10 |
10 | S | 2 | 30.09 | | 51 | 51 | 52 | o | AS | 10 |
11 | SE | 3 | 30.09 | | 50 | 50 | 52 | o | AS | 10 |
12 | S | 3 | 30.09 | | 50 | 51 | 52 | o | AS | 10 |
Noon: Location | Dead Reckoning | Latitude = 53 26 N | Longitude = 129 27 W
8am: Location | Dead Reckoning | Latitude = 53 55.2 N | Longitude = 130 11.3 W
Noon: Location | Dead Reckoning | Latitude = 53 26 N | Longitude = 129 27 W
8pm: Location | Dead Reckoning | Latitude = 52 18 N | Longitude = 128 30 W
Notes for transcribers:
- There
are no notations indicating if the noon lat/long readings are observed
or dead reckoning. Assume they are dead reckoning readings unless
otherwise noted.
- If any of the wind directions or cloud codes
are in included in the interface drop-downs, you may choose those
instead of what is written. 'North' may be entered as 'N', and 'AS' may
be entered as 'A-Str'.
- At the bottom right of the page are
fields for Fuel oil and Coal. If the fields for 'Fuel oil Received'
and/or 'Coal Received' are filled in, the data should go on the
Refueling tab. There is no need to enter the numbers for 'Coal
Expended', 'Coal On hand', 'Fuel oil Expended' and 'Fuel oil On hand'
unless they interest you (in which case they would go on the Events
Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day:
Example, right-hand page: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/unalgaII001.jpg
page has been completely transcribed below to help new transcribers
become familiar with both the writing and the language used. Nobody is
expected to transcribe all the text! Following it are some comments
about transcribing the page.
H.E. Gray, Lt
MONDAY 7 October, 1946
0000 - 0400
Underway en route to Seattle, Wash. from Ketchikan Alaska
steering 143o T at 10.7 knots. 0011 c/c to 164o T. 0037 c/c to 168o T.
0051 c/c to 167o T. 0158 Tree Point Light abeam to port, distance
3 miles. c/c to 131o T. 0255 c/c to 120o T. 0259 c/c to 131o T.
0340 Green Island Light abeam to port, distance 1/2 mile.
c/c to 155o T.
W.F. Ra~, Ensign.
0400 - 0800
Underway as before. 0401, c/c to 165o T. 0415, c/c to 155o T. 0432, c/c to 165o T.
0520, Lucy Island light abeam to starboard, distance 0.6 miles, c/c to 146o T.
0642, Lawyer Island light abeam to port, distance 0.8 mile, c/c to 121o T.
0703, c/c to 145o T. 0722, Herbert Reef light abeam to starboard, distance
0.3 mile, c/c to 165o T.
H. Goodbread, Ens.
08 - 1200
Underway as before 0944 increased speed to 190 RPM 0950
decreased speed to 170 RPM 1039 c/c to 138o T.
R T Wagner, Ens
1200 - 1600
Underway as before. 1222 c/c to 119o T. 1305 c/c to 070o T.
1322 c/c to 098o T. 1347 c/c to 143o T. 1404 c/c to 131o T.
1437 c/c to 125o T. 1438 c/c to 107o T. 1455 c/c to 154o T.
1500 c/c to 145o T. 1511 c/c to 156o T. 1553 c/c to 174o T.
W.F. Ra~, Ensign.
1600 - 2000
Underway as before. 1623, c/c to 205o T. 1633, c/c to 184o T. 1714, c/c to 196o T.
1716, c/c to 186o T. 1750, maneuvering on various courses around Jane Island.
1759, c/c to 165o T. 1850, c/c to 175o. 1855, c/c to 196o T. 1911, Jorgan Point light
abeam to starboard, distance 0.8 mile. c/c to 208o T, entering Milbanke Sound.
1933, northern Gaudin Island abeam to port, distance 1 mile. c/c to 198o T.
1942, Vancouver Rock lighted buoy abeam to port, distance 1/2 mile.
1946, c/c to 143o T.
H. Goodbread, Ens.
Approved. H.E. Grey R.T. Wagner, Ens, Navigator.
Notes for transcribers:
- The date should be transcribed. Date = 07/10/1946.
- With
the exception of the date, entering any or all of the information on
this page is optional, although including the places mentioned below is
- Places sighted or traversed may be
helpful for locating the ship. Since the ship doesn't stop there, they
are entered on the Location tab as Place Names:
Location | Place Name | Name = 0158 Tree Point Light abeam to port, distance 3 miles.
Location | Place Name | Name = 0340 Green Island Light abeam to port, distance 1/2 mile.
Location | Place Name | Name = 0520, Lucy Island light abeam to starboard, distance 0.6 miles
Location | Place Name | Name = 0642, Lawyer Island light abeam to port, distance 0.8 mile
Location | Place Name | Name = 0722, Herbert Reef light abeam to starboard, distance 0.3 mile
Location | Place Name | Name = 1750, maneuvering on various courses around Jane Island.
Location | Place Name | Name = 1911, Jorgan Point light abeam to starboard, distance 0.8 mile.
Location | Place Name | Name = entered Milbanke Sound
Location | Place Name | Name = 1933, northern Gaudin Island abeam to port, distance 1 mile
Location | Place Name | Name = 1942, Vancouver Rock lighted buoy abeam to port, distance 1/2 mile.
Note: Unlike Port Name, Place Name allows bearings and other details to be included.
- The
watch from 2000 to 2400 is not recorded here, but, based on our
experience with Unalga I logs, it is probably on the following remarks
page. If that is the case, it should be transcribed on that page rather
than copied here.
- When a word or part of a word is illegible, use one or more tildes (~) to indicate this. Example: W.F. Ra~, Ensign
- Transcribing
the degree symbol here is optional, but in some cases it helps to make
the meaning clearer. Because the entry boxes will not accept a degree
symbol, we have developed the convention of using a lower-case 'o' to
represent degrees. With latitude and longitude readings, we generally
use a space between numbers.
- All the full stops (periods) used
in the log entries have been transcribed, but full stops in common
abbreviations may be omitted.
- For more information on the last
three points, see Type What You See - Yes, but ...
Log keeper's quirks:
- This is one of the most detailed accounts of course changes we have seen.
Other information and comments:
- If you are interested in locations, here are the probable
coordinates of some of the places mentioned using Google Maps' decimal
coordinates. (Do not enter these, but keeping your own Google map to
track the voyage can be fun.)
- Gaudin / Goudin Island, British Columbia: 52.37, -128.49
- Green Island, British Columbia: 54.57, -130.71
- Lucy Island, British Columbia: 54.36, -130.73
- Revillagigedo Island, Alaska: 55.56, -131.34
- north end, Vancouver Island, British Columbia: 50.91, -127.83
- Tree Point Light: http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/lighthouse/ak.htm
- Green Island Light, Lucy Islands Light, and Lawyer Islands Light: http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/lighthouse/bc.htm
- H.
Enjoy your voyage on the Unalga!