Old Weather Forum
Old Weather: Classic => The Dockyard => Topic started by: AvastMH on 21 October 2012, 17:44:04
Add your questions and comments to this topic.
Unalga I (1912-1945) see: Unalga I -- Discussion: Questions and
Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3342.0)
If you need help transcribing see: Unalga II -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3497.0)
If you are interested in the names of crew members see: Unalga II -- Crew Lists (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3500.0)
Let's inaugurate this thread :)
I've just finished with January 23 page (here (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_026_1.jpg)) and the first name of DILLER, Aranhyn
D, 3rd line of the 09.00-16.00 watch, does not sound me right... I've
never found a first name like this, and I've not been able to find
anything helpful on the net (Arankyn sounds perhaps a little better and
the logkeeper - H. J. Kolkebeck - writes very similar h and k, but again
nothing useful from the net).
Suggestions? (and/or corrections?) :)
I think it is an F rather than an A :-\
Frankyn ?
You're right (as always ;) ) randi! Thanks... i was searching trough
all the net for Aran- prefix in names! :-\ :-\ :D
makes out Frankyn (perhaps instead of Franklyn, with a missing l). I'll
go with this one, hoping Diller is mentioned again soon.
The same logkeeper has recorded a Franklin (Willis in the 09.00-16.00 watch of 18 January (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_021_1.jpg))
Edit: Diller Franklin is mentioned again (two times) on 25 February (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_062_1.jpg) log page
I found a pic of her when she was USS Tipton.
AK-215. I put a copy on my own site so we'll have permanent access
to it. Here tis.
Cool! Thanks, Deej. :)
That whole class of ships was built in the Midwest and sailed out through the St. Lawrence seaway.
A curious error by Lieut H. J. Kolkebeck (logkeeper for 16.00-24.00 watch of 11 Feb 1947):
He reported several extension of leave to expire on 29 February 1947 :)
Another marriage on Unalga :D
Officer Harold Kirksey
Goodbread home address changed from March to April, from the parents one
(in Florida) to the wife one (in Washington - where Unalga is
According to the informations i've been able to get on the internet, he married Gwendolyn Meta Galbreath on 9 March 1947.
Here's the page on "The Evening Independent" newspaper:
There's a photo of the couple, and some of the Unalga officers were present: R. T. Wagner, S. M. Higley and W. F. Raes
Beside the normal "instructions for keeping ship's log", present at the start of each month (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_107_1.jpg), from April on there are a couple of additional pages on each month start, comprising instructions on
- Visibility
- Cloud Definitions
- Sea Conditions
- Astronomical Signs
- What
to enter in the log (on the second page of April, the infos are covered
with a sticker - but hopefully i should be able to post a clean one
from next month)
- Common terms to use in the log
Here are the two pages at the start of April:
Another marriage on Unalga :D
Harold Kirksey Goodbread home address changed from March to April, from
the parents one (in Florida) to the wife one (in Washington - where
Unalga is operating).
According to the informations i've been able to get on the internet, he married Gwendolyn Meta Galbreath on 9 March 1947.
Here's the page on "The Evening Independent" newspaper:
There's a photo of the couple, and some of the Unalga officers were present: R. T. Wagner, S. M. Higley and W. F. Raes
find! - what a handsome couple. I see she is an ex-model (and he's a
member of the Elk Club). Great dress (my mother was a huge fan of
Oh my... Trying to find out if he could be still alive, i've just
found the sad note of his death in a car accident just one year and a
half after the marriage (November 1948) :'( :'(
Beside the normal "isntruction for keeping ship's log", present at the start of each month (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_107_1.jpg), from April on there are a couple of additional pages on each month start, comprising instructions on
- Visibility
- Cloud Definitions
- Sea Conditions
- Astronomical Signs
- What
to enter in the log (on the second page of April, the infos are covered
with a sticker - but hopefully i should be able to post a clean one
from next month)
- Common terms to use in the log
Here are the two pages at the start of April:
It's interesting that they accidentally included their bridge game score. ;D
added your links to the Weather Code Chart
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=161.msg53364#msg53364) and
the Official logbook instructions
Thanks. :)
Unalga II logs are pretty full of abbreviations, I'm posting
peculiar ones here as soon as I found them (or should i report them to
the global abbreviation page?):
Letters, dispatches and various bureaucracy:
- HL, H/L: Headquarters letter
- HD, H/D: Headquarters dispatch
- CGD: Coast Guard District
- CGDL, CGD/L: Coast Guard District letter. Normally Nth CGD is mentioned
- CGDD, CGD/D: Coast Guard District dispatch. As above
- NOB: Naval Operating Base
- NAS: Naval Air Station
- NSD: Naval Supply Depot
- NAF: Naval Air Facility
- AOL: Absent over leave
- AWOL: Absent without leave
Bearings and locations
- RT, R/T: Right tangent
- LT, L/T: Left tangent
all entered JJ
Post where you please, Propriome. I'll see them. :)
On August 1947, Unalga II was part of the 10th Rescue Squadron searching for a lost aircraft.
of 9th August is the greatest group of c/c mentions I've seen so far:
The aircraft accident should be the one mentioned here: http://www.kadiak.org/navy/1947jul_sep.txt
6 August Lt. (jg) William H. Zeigler with Lt. (jg) Nave "A" Fuliehan
departed Kodiak for Dutch Harbor in a PBY-5A V34032 transporting the
Dutch Harbor Softball Team from the recent tournament at Kodiak.
The aircraft last reported 170 miles east of its destination. To
date there has been no trace of the aircraft or its twenty
occupants. A thorough search of the area by all ships and planes
in the Aleutian sector for a period of weeks failed to unveil the
mystery of the lost aircraft. Although five previously unreported
crashes were located no sign of this plane has been found.
The file is July-September, I wonder if the plane has ever been found...
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PBY/message/32187 :-\
If that's the plane, it has crashed a lot far away from where it was directed.
distance from Dutch Harbor to St. George Island is about 360 Km (223
Miles) NNW, perhaps the sea has brought there some parts of it... no
surprise it wasn't found, Unalga is searching for it all around Unalaska
and nearby islands.
Meteo conditions at Dutch Harbor on 6 August
(Unalga was moored there that day) were as usual for Aleutians,
overcast or cloudy Ns 7-10 (coverage, not clear sky) with some fog and
mist during the day. Winds were quite calm:
RIP those unfortunate 20 men.
Some peculiar cases with crew discipline (was unsure whether to post
them here or not - i had just generically addressed them in the crew
list thread):
- A long absence and an attempt to escape:
Whitney Charles W. - Absent without leave for 27 days (from 2 Mar 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_073_1.jpg) to 30 Mar 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_101_1.jpg)) while Unalga was in Seattle, Washington.
He was placed in ship's brig 31 Mar 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_102_1.jpg) and released when Unalga II was at sea, bound to Alaska (on 11 Apr 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_120_1.jpg)).
On 24 Apr 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_133_1.jpg) he attempted to leave ship at Ketchikan, Alaska, with another crew member, out of uniform and while in restriction.
Was sent in custody to Federal brig on 25 Apr 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_134_1.jpg)
- A day of absence just after being disrated:
Roher Thomas - Was disrated after deck court on 25 Nov 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_381_1.jpg) for disobedience of lawful order by superior officer.
A few days later, on 3 Dec 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_394_1.jpg) he returned aboard after 26 hours and 25 minutes absence over leave.
He was awarded 10 days solitary confinement on bread and water, with a full ration every third day.
He departed in charge of Ensign R. T. Wagner for CGOB (Coast Guard Operating Base) Seattle brig.
Both the man and the place were examined beforehand by former Unalga II Asst. Surgeon, J. M. Severson.
- Another absence just after a reduction in rating:
Henry Joseph A. - Was disrated after deck court on 25 Nov 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_381_1.jpg) for 11 days, 9 hours and 45 minutes absence over leave.
On 6 Dec 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_397_1.jpg) he returned aboard after 73 hours absence over leave.
On 8 Dec 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_399_1.jpg) he was awarded 10 days confinement on bread and water, with a full ration every third day.
He departed for CGOB Seattle brig.
Henry was examined by US Marine Hospital and found able to accept confinement.
- 10 days bread and water for six hours absence over leave:
Dale John N. - returned aboard after 6 hours and 20 minutes absence over leave on 12 Dec 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_403_1.jpg).
He was awarded 10 days confinement on bread and water in ship brig.
Was transferred to ship brig on 15 Dec 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_406_1.jpg) after examination by medical officer.
On 25 November 1947 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0148_cr2_to_jpg/b0148_381_1.jpg), a total of 4 deck court took place on Unalga II. The following crew members were found guilty:
Yonce, Mack L. - disrated
Henry, Joseph A. - disrated
Wisby, Dewey L. - 10 days restriction and loss of 10 days pay
Roher, Thomas - disrated
Some people are slow learners ::)
These guys have it soft 'nowadays' with a full ration every third day ;)
Back in the 1890's on Concord it was a full ration every fifth day.
http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3337.msg61321#msg61321 (last quote)
These guys have it soft 'nowadays' with a full ration every third day ;)
;D ;D
Definitely so!
discipline is quite different and less strict even in comparison of the
1942 Unalga I... WWII has finished from 5 years, Unalga II is operating
for supplying Loran Stations with men and materials (more a civilian
than a military job).
The number of "excused" offences and no punishment for a couple of hours absence over leave is quite high.
Unalga has returned "home" (Seattle) from Alaska, probably the officers
decided to give some discipline examples to the crew, with those 4 deck
courts (and another bread&water sentence on 12 Dec). I've seen
offences similar to the one of Roher being excused or punished just with
some hours of extra duty ;)
It seems that just after the Unalga II 1947 year (Jan to Dec) we can
find logs of Unalga II Apr to Sep 1946:
II won't be present when the 1946 Tsunami stroke Aleutian Islands
(http://www.usc.edu/dept/tsunamis/alaska/1946/webpages/index.html), but
maybe we'll be able to see (er... to read) some of the outcomes of that
On April first (i've had a little peek ahead) she was cruising near California.
A typed crew list just on the back of log cover:
- a blessing for the crew list topic!
They went from being out at sea and not noticing the swell to San
Francisco Bay which is so completely protected I doubt much of the wave
got in.
NOTE: some dates cover 4 log pages!!!
It seems when they
wanted to write more than would fit on a single comment page, they
crossed out the next weather page and continued their comments.
The things one can find out when one goes hunting for tsunami effects observations. ;)
I'll notify Philip and Kevin.
NOTE: some dates cover 4 log pages!!!
log pages per date (with 2nd weather page empty) are quite common in
Unalga II 1947 (and, less frequent but still existing, also on Unalga I
1942 logs if i can remember well)... on the second events page (and
sometimes on the first one) a "CONTINUED" or "CONT." sentence can be
oftenly found. Sometimes the date field on the second events page is
empty, in some other cases the date is, obviously, equal to the one on
the previous page.
Sorry for not having mentioned this before in this thread..
haven't thought about when i first saw it, and then i got so used to
them that i've considered them as a "normal" behaviour :-[
From the transcribers' POV, it really doesn't matter - you're going to go on TWYS anyway.
The analysts on the other hand appreciate the heads-up. ;)
I'll pay a little more attention in the future :)
Another curious insert after the crew one...
A summary of crew member ranks here: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0180_cr2_to_jpg/b0180_003_0.jpg
The curious fact is that the paper still has printed on it USS TIPTON (AK-215), the previous USCGC Unalga (WAK-185) name.
On 11 May 1946 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0180_cr2_to_jpg/b0180_053_1.jpg), Edward Dallas had a painful accident:
DALLAS, Edward (224-161) MoMM1/C departed for inpatient treatment,
Ketchikan, Hospital after having lacerated his left leg, cutting a
tendon and exposing the bone, in a fall down the starboard ladder from
upper to lower main engine rooms.
He returned on board the day after, just in time to depart with Unalga towards Seattle.
that must have been very painful to set off with! very brave! :o
It has to be more comforting to go home in your ship's sickbay than
to be stuck in the Alaska arctic until the ship came back.
An obvious mistake in the weather page of 9 Jun 1946 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0180_cr2_to_jpg/b0180_086_0.jpg)
At Midnight, the logkeeper writes clearly 13 for the wind force... and they're moored in harbor at Ketchikan, Alaska ;D ;D
Given that Unalga and Ketchikan are still in existence the next day, it does seem a bit unlikely ;D
An obvious mistake in the weather page of 9 Jun 1946 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0180_cr2_to_jpg/b0180_086_0.jpg)
At Midnight, the logkeeper writes clearly 13 for the wind force... and they're moored in harbor at Ketchikan, Alaska ;D ;D
somehow I do not doubt the analysts will pick up on that anomaly without a heads-up warning. ;D
Weather page of 11 June 1946
contains two times a weather reading for 10 pm.
The ship passed from time Zone+8 to Zone+9 at 22.00 that day.
Edit: Same happens on 29 June 1946
(two readings for 9pm) while passing from Zone+10 to Zone+11
On 25 July 1946 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0180_cr2_to_jpg/b0180_139_1.jpg), 15:15
Commanding Officer held mast for MATTHEWS, Roland J. (264-358) StM2/C
as, on 22 July, 1946, he wrote threatening and disrespectful notes to
Ensign H.K.Goodbread and Boatswain R.V.Beck, and placed them in the
staterooms of said officers. Punishment assigned - Summary Court Martial
Very fair, I think that counts as illegal harassment.
It seems after Unalga II April-September 1946 we have October-December 1946 period.
A fire while District Chief of Staff and District Commander were
about to visit the ship (or maybe they visited the ship for the fire?)
on 3 October 1946 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0181_cr2_to_jpg/b0181_006_1.jpg):
03.30 Smoke reported in number one hold. Alarm sounded.
05.30 Fire, in medical storeroom, under control.
06.15 District Chief of staff Capt. NS Fulford, came aboard.
06.30 Fire out.
06.45 District Commander, Commodore N.H. Leslie, came aboard.
07.00 Repair parties secured.
08.10 Capt N.S. Fulford and Commodore N.H. Leslie departed.
can't stop thinking to the scene... "Is everything under control
officer?", "Yes, sir!" (and a crowd of men running, with smoke and
flames on the background) ;D ;D
On November 1946, ensign H.J.Kolkebeck start using the character @ to abbreviate 'abeam':
20 Nov:
... Hid Reef lighted Whistle Buoy "2" @ to port ...
25 Nov:
... Sealion Rock @ to port ...
26 Nov:
... Cape Uyak Light @ port ...
at least that is on our keyboards. :)
Unalga II Weather and Event pages of 20-21 December 1946 are a little mixed up in the log:
In sequence we have:
- 20 December Weather page: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0181_cr2_to_jpg/b0181_101_0.jpg
- 20 December Events page: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0181_cr2_to_jpg/b0181_101_1.jpg
- 21
December Weather page (with stickers on upper and lower right corners):
- 20
December Events page (with sticker on upper and lower left corners, and
"continued" 16.00-24.00 watch):
- Blank Weather page: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0181_cr2_to_jpg/b0181_103_0.jpg
- 21 December Events page: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0181_cr2_to_jpg/b0181_103_1.jpg
A little too much of the Christmas spirits?
After Unalga (II) October-December 1946, we have logs for Unalga (I) January-April 1945 period.
We will hopefully eventually maybe get those 2 ships separated. :P
After Unalga (II) October-December 1946, we have logs for Unalga (I) January-April 1945 period.
Naturally :D
Oopsie, the rankings are a bit upside down here. jpiquard should be captain and alexav a cadet. :-\
Well... actually I should be Captain there... but i've been thrown
overboard somehow (Arfon is looking into it - if I look to "My Pages"
i've actually 0 weather reports on 672 pages done) ;D ;D ;D
Oopsie, the rankings are a bit upside down here. jpiquard should be captain and alexav a cadet. :-\
Thanks AvastMH for your gentle offer :D
I will try to stay a good Captain, but I don't how to motivate my crew !
A technical journey for the Unalga on May 4th, 1946 using the Port-Hardy, BC to Prince-Rupert, BC route.
Only 'Pointer Island' has been recovered on Google Maps :-\
On the attached screenshot:
A- Pointer Island, 52.061,-127.949,
B- Ship at 8am, 52.483,-128.450,
C- Ship at Noon, 53.225,-128.758,
D- Ship at 8pm, 54.383,-130.633,
How to find intermediate points ? (Serpent Point, Camp Island, Napur Point, ... until ??)
USRC Unalga - b0180_045_1 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0180_cr2_to_jpg/b0180_045_1.jpg)
The best place to post this question would be in Canadian Place
Names -- Discussion (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3639.0)
I think Napur Point is Napier Point.
Point, Camp Island, and Napier Point can be found in: Canadian Place
Names -- Reference (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3638.0)
(Alphabetical list or Google Earth map)
See the Welcome
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3637.0) topic for general
resources and the first post in Canadian Place Names -- Reference
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3638.0) for Canada-specific
reference sources.
best place to post this question would be in Canadian Place Names --
Discussion (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3639.0)
idea was to plot all indicated point written in the logs of Unalga and
evaluate the exact route and speed of the ship during that day.
It is not easy to assume a point name transcription without references of existing ones (Hanmer Island instead of Hammer Island...).
We have spent LOTS of time trying to decipher and locate places mentioned in the log. That is why we created the Geographical Help board.
Hanmer Island is there too ;)
Have a look at propriome's map: http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3638.msg63497#msg63497
when you discover new Canadian places, please add them to Canadian
Place Names -- Discussion
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3639.0). You can also ask
for help there.
So, I suppose that British Columbia Pilot (1920) (http://archive.org/details/britishcolumbia01offigoog) has been still used to recover Canadian Place Names... :D
And I have another idea to use time of crossing interest points to have are more detailed of the Unalga route...
So, I suppose that British Columbia Pilot (1920) (http://archive.org/details/britishcolumbia01offigoog) has been still used to recover Canadian Place Names... :D
that and Volume 1 are both in "Links to Canadian Place Name Resources"
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3638.msg63496#msg63496) ;D
And I have another idea to use time of crossing interest points to have are more detailed of the Unalga route...
;D ;D ;D
Hi jpiquard,
In particular, the whole Canada (British
Columbia), the Alaska, and the western part of US placenames contained
in the Geographical Help Board have been created directly from Unalga II
voyages in 1946/47...
Therefore, almost every mentioned place
should be in those threads, and you can always cross check them with the
Google Earth Map for a visual position of the landmarks (i was planning
to add also a Google Map which can be easily obtained from the Google
Earth one). You can try it here for Canada places: http://goo.gl/Cmqru
When possible (and when the transcriber was not writing it clearly wrong) we've enlisted also aliases for existing places.
So, I suppose that British Columbia Pilot (1920) (http://archive.org/details/britishcolumbia01offigoog) has been still used to recover Canadian Place Names... :D
that and Volume 1 are both in "Links to Canadian Place Name Resources"
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3638.msg63496#msg63496) ;D
And I have another idea to use time of crossing interest points to have are more detailed of the Unalga route...
;D ;D ;D
I just added some more recent British Columbia Pilot books that seem a bit more helpful (1959-61)
almost every mentioned place should be in those threads, and you can
always cross check them with the Google Earth Map for a visual position
of the landmarks (i was planning to add also a Google Map which can be
easily obtained from the Google Earth one). You can try it here for
Canada places: http://goo.gl/Cmqru
Hi propriome,
You have done a great job by collecting points for maritime activities, vital before the use of satellites and the GPS.
Unalga is really interesting because of its speed and the non open-ocean route followed between two destinations.
Note: I have now understood why some logs are crossed and blank... only because there are a lot of events during 24 hours :D
My apologies to all of you who have completed hundreds of entries for Unalga II.
After the outage this afternoon (UK time), I noticed that the completed page I was waiting to send had been submitted 50 times.
I will get this fixed as soon as possible. :o :)
And I was preparing to burst in to second place tomorrow :D
By golly - the Unalga II had it sorted - to look busy they keep
swapping staff with other ships - fills pages of events...very clever.
::) ;)
I'll say! And now they're all getting Christmas leave.
One might as well capture the complete crew list once and for all and have done with it.
Hi Craig - I saw those last few pages - you're a hero to sort that
lot out, especially so quickly - it's like the mad hatter's tea party on
that boat. I just finished my last page - so Unalga II is VAL as
far as I can tell. I'll put a note into 'chat' to get someone else to
check - but it does say 100% done.
When I click transcribe for Unalga II, I get Yorktown ;D
Me, too!
Break out the rum!!
Craig - I saw those last few pages - you're a hero to sort that lot
out, especially so quickly - it's like the mad hatter's tea party on
that boat. I just finished my last page - so Unalga II is VAL as
far as I can tell. I'll put a note into 'chat' to get someone else to
check - but it does say 100% done.
have to confess that I didn't sort it out, Joan. I announced before I
began this ship that I wouldn't record mentions of persons. Matteo said
he had done them all so I boarded the ship (without a mention ;D).
Craig - I saw those last few pages - you're a hero to sort that lot
out, especially so quickly - it's like the mad hatter's tea party on
that boat. I just finished my last page - so Unalga II is VAL as
far as I can tell. I'll put a note into 'chat' to get someone else to
check - but it does say 100% done.
have to confess that I didn't sort it out, Joan. I announced before I
began this ship that I wouldn't record mentions of persons. Matteo said
he had done them all so I boarded the ship (without a mention ;D).
Well spotted then - a double tot of rum for you! Hic! ;D
Me, too!
Break out the rum!!
Wooooo Hoooooo!
The Unalga hasn't moved for over a month now, but every day
there is a slight variation in the address recorded for Todd's shipyard
in Seattle:
I think the log keeper has found a way to express his creativity ;D
Uhm... those logs are from Unalga II ??? ???
Are they still present after Unalga I 1942 set? I thought they were moved to Unalga II after the separation...
I'll move them to the right board. Clearly not all the pages were separated out.
are truly not going to ask the separate the Yukons in the interface,
leave it to the editors. Much too difficult to get right. :(
Don't you love the handwriting of ensign W.F. Raes (sp?)? I am
assuming that's "wnw" at 8 AM. It would save the navy lots of
paper if all the log keepers wrote this small ;D
moved here since it's part of Unalga II voyages
Hi Craig,
I've moved here the post, since the miniaturizer-ensign W.F. Raes is present only aboard Unalga II ;)
gave me several little troubles in event pages, when i had to
distinguish between m,n,e,c,r and more or less half of the letters in
the alphabet ;D ;D
That weather entry seems an almost-readable
(for his standards) WNW.. just wait for his ink to finish, and you'll
see worst cases ;D
Thanks for reminding me about U-II, Matteo.
Yes, I am very
glad you have done the remarks pages. Every once and a while I try
to read a line or two just so that I can appreciate your effort ;D
I am always surprised when the barometer drops below 29.00 and nothing much appears to happen. In this case it got to 28.78
winds were very light. There was some rain but no enough to warrant a
comment in the remarks. The pressure didn't get above 29 until the
following night.
Yup, that pressure is particularly low...
Looking at weather
history for Kodiak
- just found it) those low pressures on 25 Oct '47 were recorded, and
should not, therefore, be errors from logkeeper or barometer.
Interesting that they have this online Matteo. It used to bother me
to enter data that is already available but this only happens in
selected ports, I would guess, and only back to 1945 (for Kodiak, at
least). It's good to know the Unalga's barometer is working well.
I am still surprised that low barometer readings are not always accompanied by stormy weather.