Location | Place Name | Name = Making Passage to Cape York
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry | Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 NE 3 29.58 38 26 26 bc Cir 4 2 " 3 29.59 37 25 25 " " 9 3 " 2 29.53 38 27 27 " " 9 4 NExN 2 29.51 38 27 27 " " 9 5 NNE 1-2 29.48 38 32 32 " " 8 6 " 2 29.47 40 34 34 " " 9 7 " 2 29.46 42 38 38 " " 9 8 " 1-2 29.41 48 37 37 " " 9 9 " 1-2 29.37 52 48 48 " " 10 10 NExN 1-2 29.35 52 41 41 " " 10 11 NNE 1-2 29.32 52 40 40 " " 10 Noon NE 3-4 29.28 52 39 39 " " 10
Location | Observed | Latitude = 75 01 N | Longitude = 59 46 W
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry | Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 NE 3 29.24 54 42 42 bc none 10 2 NxE 3 29.20 54 40 40 " " 10 3 " 3 29.17 52 38 38 " Cir 9 4 " 2 29.12 50 35 35 " none 10 5 NE 2 29.10 50 34 34 " " 10 6 " 3 29.07 48 33 33 " " 10 7 " 3 29.06 48 32 32 " Cir 9 8 " 3-4 29.02 46 32 32 " " 8 9 " 3-4 29.01 44 32 32 " " 7 10 Calm 0 29.00 44 32 32 " " 9 11 NxE 1 29.01 45 35 35 " " 9 Mid. West 1 29.00 49 33 33 " " 7
Location | Observed | Latitude = 75 32 | Longitude = 62 15 W
Lat - by moon at horizon at midnight 75 o 32The lat/long at midnight are both "Observed" because they are based on measurements. Note that the "N" was not indicated in the latitude so it should not be added.
Longitude Bearings of ~ Hill at midnight 62 o 15 W
Commander Winfield S. Schley
Sunday: June 15, 1884
Commences and until 4 A.M
Clear and pleasant; bright sunshine. Light breeze from NE'ly. Working
through lead to N.E'ly until 2 when meeting impenetrable ice, made fast to floes near Whalers
Arctic and Wolf; Bear following, 3:30 sighted a Whaler to SW'd. At end of watch Mercurial
Barometer 29.59; attached thermometer 52.
Sam. C. Lemly,
4 to 8 A.M.
Bright, sunny weather. Wind light from N.N.E. At 6:20 lead opened near Arctic. Arctic
and Wolf passed through. Got underway at 6:40 and stood up NExN (p.c) for 1 1/2 miles
and again made fast to floe. The Whaler Aurora came up at 7. Bearings at moorings:
Hoisted Yacht flags at 8. Barom 29.46
U. Sebree
8 A.M. to Meridian.
Clear, pleasant weather. Light breeze from N'd & E'd. At 9:30 called all hands
to Muster and held Divine Service. Mercurial Barom 29.28 at end of watch.
E.H. Taunt
Meridian to 4 P.M.
Clear and pleasant. Light N.E'ly wind veering to N'ly. Filled out a sled for ser-
vice with provisions and supplies for four men and eight dogs for 10 days as follows: 60
lbs. pemmican for men, 40 lbs. pemmican for dogs, 20 lbs. bread, 1 1/4 lbs. tea, 2 1/2 lbs sugar,
1 1/2 pts. beef extract, 2 gals alcohol, 1 rubber blanket, 1 tarpaulin, 1 alcohol stove, 4
boxes matches, 4 sleeping bags, 7 fms one inch lashing stuff, 1 strand rope yarn, 2
paddles, 2 gaffs, 1 small grapnel & heaving line, 1 double barrell shot gun, 1 rifle
100 round shot gun and 100 round rifle ammunition, also 2 galls water. Sled alone
weighed 66 lbs; gross weight when loaded 457 lbs. At 2:05 Whaler Wolf got under
way and at 2:35 Thetis, Bear and Whalers Arctic and Aurora got underway and
All stood to NE'd through a lead. Until end of watch forcing way. Commander
Conning ship from crow's nest. At 4 Mercurial Barometer 29.16. Attached Thermometer 50
Sam. C. Lemly,
4 to 6 P.M.
Clear and pleasant. Gentle N.E. breeze. Steering through the floe; N.E. in general di-
rection, under charge of Commanding Officer. At end of watch Melville's (~) Monument bore S55E
(p.c.); Ship's head N.64E. Arctic, Wolf, Aurora and Bear in Company. Barometer falling. Mercu-
rial Barometer at 6. 29.07 -
C.H. Harlow,
6 to 8 P.M.
Clear and pleasant. Moderate breeze from N'd & E'd. Mercurial Barometer 29.05. Commanding
Officer conning from Crow's nest -
E.H. Taunt
8 P.M. to Midnight -
Clear and pleasant with light variable winds and calms. Standing along edge
of land ice. Commander conning ship from Cro' Nest. Whalers Wolf, Arctic and Aurora
and Bear ahead. At end of watch Mercurial Barometer 29.02; attached thermometer 55. Set both
jibs, & main topmast and top gallant staysails at 11:30.
Sam. C. Lemly,
U. Sebree
Lt -U
Journal of the U.S.S. "Thetis".
San Francisco, Cal.
Monday, Nov. 12, 1900.
Mid. - 9 A.M.
Light breeze N.W. and partly clear.
At 8.00 A.M. contractors force resumed work
on repairs. Relieved H. Smith, master at arms,
from duty as night watchman and detailed
A. Isaakson, sea. as night watchman.
F.G. Dodge, 2nd. Lieut.
9 A.M. - Mid.
Light breeze, W.N.W., and clear.
Contractors force employed covering deck
over ward room with felt and #3 canvass,
fitting hand steerer, calking outside of hull,
fitting rail around forecastle deck, painting
galley, deck over ward room and canvass on
deck, restowing ballast, etc.
Ships force variously employed.
Twelve (12) men employed during the day
on woodwork, three (3) painters, two (2)
plumbers and seven (7) calkers.
F.G. Dodge, 2nd. Lieut.
Hrs. at Anchor 24.00
Officers 1
P.O. + Crew 6
Rations 188
" Cont'd. 1
Coal 9200
Location | Place Name | Name = Bering Sea
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud code | Clear Sky | 1 N 7 29.28 50 50 oc Nim 10 2 N 7 29.32 50 50 51 oc Nim 10 3 N 6 29.33 49 49 oc Nim 10 4 N 5 29.35 49 48 51 oc Cum-Nim 10 5 NNW 4 29.38 48 47 bc Cum-Str 8 6 NxW 4 29.41 47 48 52 bc Cum-Str 7 7 N 3 29.44 48 48 bc Cum-Str 7 8 N 3 29.45 48 47 52 bc Cum-Str 6 9 NxE 3 29.46 50 50 bc Cum-Str 6 10 NxE 3 29.48 50 50 52 bc Cir-Cum 4 11 WNW 3 29.48 52 52 bc Cir-Cum 5 Noon. SW 2 29.49 56 56 54 bc Cir-Cum 4
Location | Place Name | Name = Position at noon: Sledge Isld, South tangent W 3/4 S, 11 miles
Location | Dead Reckoning | Latitude = 64 15 00 N | Longitude = 168 10 00 W
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud code | Clear Sky | 1 WNW 7 29.49 54 53 bc Cum 4 2 NWxW 8 29.52 50 50 50 bc Cum 4 3 NW 8 29.54 48 48 bc Cum-Nim 9 4 NW 8 29.56 48 48 47 oc Cum-Nim 10 5 NW 7 29.57 47 46 oc Nim 10 6 NW 7 29.59 47 47 47 bc Cum-Nim 9 7 WNW 6 29.61 46 46 ocr Cum-Nim 10 8 WNW 6 29.62 45 45 44 oc Cum-Nim 10 9 WNW 6 29.65 42 42 oc Cum-Nim 10 10 WNW 5 29.66 41 41 37 bcq Cum-Nim 9 11 WNW 5 29.67 40 40 bcq Cum-Nim 8 Mid. WNW 5 29.68 41 41 44 bcq Cum-Nim 8
A. J. Henderson Captain
Thursday, August 22, 1907
Mid. to 4 a.m.:
Moderate gale to fresh breeze, North; overcast; choppy sea. 1-30, took in gaff
topsail and jib. 3-20, (58.0), Cape Nome abeam, 6.8 miles. At end, vessel on course,
W3/4N., under steam and fore topmast and main topmast staysails and
Le Roy Reinburg, 2'd Lieut.
4 a.m. to 8 a.m.:
Moderate to gentle breeze, NNW to North; partly cloudy. 4-30, took in all sail,
changed course to N x W 1/2 W., (66.8). 5-20, slow speed, took in patent log (72.2),
and stood in for anchorage. 5-35, came to anchor, 8 fathoms water, 30
fathoms starboard chain. Life Saving Station, N x W 1/2 W., 1.5 miles distant.
Sent boat ashore to notify Dr. E.O. Campbell of ships arrival. Dr. A.S. Derbyshire left vessel.
P.W. Lauriat, 2'd Lieut.
8 a.m. to Merid.:
Gentle to light breeze, N x E to SW.; partly cloudy. Omitted quarters and drills on
account of running boats. Received mail for ship and for St. Lawrence Island.
Received on board for passage to St. Lawrence Island, Dr. E.O. Campbell, Government
School Teacher, Mrs. E.O. Campbell, Miss Anna C. Anderson, Assistant school teacher,
and two native children, one boy and one girl, together with their baggage.
10-50, got underway and stood SW x W., over log (72.2). Set all fore and aft sail.
12-00, took in fore and aft sail. At end, vessel on course SW x W., under steam
M.S. Hay, 2'd Lieut.
Merid. to 4 pm :-
Moderate to strong gale, WNW. to NW,; partly clear to overcast; rough sea. 12-30, set
fore topmast and main topmast staysails and spanker. 1-20, Sledge Island abeam,
(88.9), 3.4 miles. 2-00, stood SW x W 3/4 W., (93.4), Sledge Island bearing N x E 1/4 E., (magnetic).
Crew cleaning steam launch and making sea anchor. At end, vessel on course, SW x
W 3/4 W., under steam, and fore topmast and main topmast staysails and spanker.
Le Roy Reinburg, 2'd Lieut.
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.:-
Moderate NW gale; overcast to partly cloudy. 4-00, changed course to W x S 1/2 S. 5-00,
South tangent of Sledge Island, N E 1/4 E., (magnetic), 25 miles distant, 18 fathoms water,
fine black sand. 6-00, 19 fathoms water. Watch ends, ship on course W x S 1/2 S., under steam
and fore and main topmast staysails and spanker.
P.W. Lauriat, 2'd Lieut.
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.:
Strong WNW breeze; overcast. Vessel on course WSW 1/2 W., under steam, fore and main
topmast staysails and spanker. 8-00, Kings Island, bearing NNW., (standard compass).
M.S. Hay, 2'd Lieut.
8 p.m. to Mid.:
Strong to fresh WNW breeze; mostly overcast and squally; choppy sea moderating.
10-00, set jib. At end, vessel on course, WSW 1/2 W., under steam, and all fore and
aft sail except flying jib and gaff topsail.
Le Roy Reinburg, 2'd Lieut.
Sick report:- Off duty, P. Sander, coxswain.
In sick bay:- Native girl passenger, with tuberculosis.
On request of Mr. Cross, Govt School teacher at Cape Prince of Wales, left a small packet of medical
supplies with Collector of Customs at Nome, to be forwarded to him. J.R. Sturley
Asst. Surgeon.
P.H. + M.H.S.