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Title: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 18 March 2017, 09:25:20

The link above is to a high-quality albumen print from a glass plate taken on the USS Kearsarge, shortly after the battle with CSS Alabama. The print itself was made in the 1880s, and the names of the officers are written on the verso.

Who is the African-American(?) officer in the back row, third from right? What is his story?
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 10:01:57
I read the name on the back as: Charles H Danforth, Acting Master's Mate
Of course, given the neat writing, that is not a great challenge.
He is from Massachusetts.

Many mentions and duplications, but mot much information...

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 18 March 2017, 12:22:34

It doesn't look like the same person to me...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 12:52:06
According to https://books.google.com/books?id=GpVzCQAAQBAJ&dq=franklin+A+Graham+Gunner+USS+Kearsarge&q=smith+misidentified+graham#v=snippet&q=smith%20misidentified%20graham&f=false, another person in the photo was misidentified.

And, on page 143 is a second picture of Danforth - doesn't look the same to me :-\
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 13:12:29
The Encyclopedia of African American Military History (https://books.google.com/books?id=WEXj4gHHARgC&pg=PA107&dq=USS+Kearsarge+African-American&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr8Jiz0-DSAhXI5IMKHZ6QCNAQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=USS%20Kearsarge%20African-American&f=false) says 15 black crewmen, but doesn't give names.
African Americans in the Military (https://books.google.com/books?id=QF9grMa_84YC&pg=PA189&dq=USS+Kearsarge+African-American&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr8Jiz0-DSAhXI5IMKHZ6QCNAQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=USS%20Kearsarge%20African-American&f=false) mentions Robert Sweeney.

Found this some time ago http://www.blackpast.org/perspectives/eleven-years-u-s-navy-strange-saga-robert-shorter while working on Jamestown.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 13:28:18
Freedom's Journey: African American Voices of the Civil War (https://books.google.com/books?id=QwKMLC3_blkC&pg=PA169&dq=USS+Kearsarge+African-American&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr8Jiz0-DSAhXI5IMKHZ6QCNAQ6AEIKDAC#v=onepage&q=USS%20Kearsarge%20African-American&f=false)
Says "blacks would never rise very high in the ranks or become officers" and "Unlike the army, the navy did not record enlistments by race".
It also includes excerpts from the diary of a black sailor, Charles Fisher, on the USS Kearsarge.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 18 March 2017, 14:57:47
At n=1 for the moment, the muster roll of the USS Mississippi does show both race (under physical description) and by noting 'contrabands' which can be no other than escaped slaves. And this is all why that picture struck me as curious...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 16:30:38
All I can say is that none of the sources about African Americans and the USS Kearsarge that I looked at mention an African American officer :-\
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 18 March 2017, 16:48:15
What intrigues me is the numbers 1,2,3 & 4 next to some names in that back row.

You could say that they run, from left to right:
1. Wm Smith
2. Sidney Smith
3. Franklin A Graham
4. Chas Danforth
Ezra Bartlett (5)
Daniel Sargent (6)
Wm Bradlaw (7)
Henry McConnell ( 8 )
Fred Miller (9)

And it would then look like this:

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 18 March 2017, 16:56:29
Do the cap badges represent anything in particular please?  Might that narrow things down?  :-\
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 18 March 2017, 17:42:49
There is a comment indicating that there was at least one person of colour on board the Kearsarge.  P53: https://archive.org/details/alabamakearsarge00edge

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 18:22:51
The Encyclopedia of African American Military History (https://books.google.com/books?id=WEXj4gHHARgC&pg=PA107&dq=USS+Kearsarge+African-American&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr8Jiz0-DSAhXI5IMKHZ6QCNAQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=USS%20Kearsarge%20African-American&f=false) says 15 black crewmen, but doesn't give names.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2017, 20:35:24
Quote from: http://www.seadict.com/en/en/creation
beat creation, lick creation, whip creation US colloq. surpass everything.
I had never heard that expression!

OW: Next
"She'll lick creation --- she will"
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 19 March 2017, 07:18:21
The Encyclopedia of African American Military History (https://books.google.com/books?id=WEXj4gHHARgC&pg=PA107&dq=USS+Kearsarge+African-American&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr8Jiz0-DSAhXI5IMKHZ6QCNAQ6AEIIjAB#v=onepage&q=USS%20Kearsarge%20African-American&f=false) says 15 black crewmen, but doesn't give names.

Oh right..got it :)  Such a shame about the names though :(
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 19 March 2017, 07:18:37
Quote from: http://www.seadict.com/en/en/creation
beat creation, lick creation, whip creation US colloq. surpass everything.
I had never heard that expression!

OW: Next
"She'll lick creation --- she will"

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 19 March 2017, 08:35:45
Found this online. See the warrant officer's insignia. http://www.ushist.com/american_civil_war/union_us_military/uniforms/insignia_navy-officer_cw-us.shtml

Do the cap badges represent anything in particular please?  Might that narrow things down?  :-\

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 19 March 2017, 08:50:47

Have a look at No. 9 here.  William H. Badlam? Cap insignia is wrong in LoC photo...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 19 March 2017, 09:06:42

Not No. 9 according to this...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 19 March 2017, 09:34:29
Franklin A Graham.

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 19 March 2017, 10:00:44
I don't think that the guy in photo 9 matches the chap sat in the semicircle as gunner Graham. Difficult because one picture is sideways on. But the hairlines don't match to my eye, and the chap in photo 9 looks to have a hair parting on the right of his head unlike the chap in the semicircle who parts  on the left. I don't think that men swap that detail very often is ever. 

I keep looking at the cheekbones on this group. That chap at the back of the ship-deck picture has such prominent cheekbones, and the only match that I see for that is No. 9 in the assemblage of single portraits.  :-\  Knowing that Mike Healey was lucky enough, in his book, to look European, I just wonder if the portrait included some powder/makeup?

Thanks for the list of insignia - very interesting. Can't see enough details on his cap in order to work out what it is :(

Boy this is a tough one.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 19 March 2017, 15:30:07
Franklin A Graham.


My head's spinning now :)  Franklin A. Graham seems to fit the bill.

He's mentioned in this picture: http://www.reocities.com/yosemite/9304/officerpics.html  as Franklin A. Graham, Gunner. The cap badges are a little different in style, but the format is the same so I agree that his simple arches of leaves with no central symbol matches the group:
'Midshipmen, Boatswain, Carpenter, Gunner, Master's Mate (Warrant ONLY), & Sailmaker'
Not so helpful that Gunner and Mater's Mate are included together.

Thanks so much for sending that larger image, it is so helpful.
Below are the two images that I think match, check the hair line of the beard, his left ear, and the way his head hair line almost comes to meet his left eyebrow. It's interesting that he wears a glove on his right hand in the portrait so we can't see the colour of that skin at all.


And now adding in Franklin Graham from the salon picture. His hand is shown in the salon picture and it's darker skin than most of the others as is his face. Bear in mind that people wore powder for photographs in those days.


I'm now going to pick each picture to bits and match up the faces according to the name lists in the hope of working this out further.  :)

Anyway - how am I doing so far? :)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 19 March 2017, 20:10:33
As usual - fast and thorough.

Here's something I found down this rabbit hole that might be useful again:

Alphabetical list of officers of the Navy to 1900.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 19 March 2017, 20:23:18
We have links to quite a few variations of that one!
It is indeed very useful.

See: Officers and Personnel in the post Helpful Links to Outside Information continued (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=1054.msg56565#msg56565)
People: Name information sources (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3900.0)

A year or two ago https://www.history.navy.mil did a major reorganization and broke a lot of out links >:(
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 20 March 2017, 17:12:47
Thank you both :)

Shame that William Smith is such a common name  ::) but it was good to see Franklin Graham turn up. No time on pictures tonight - but coming soon. I take it there's no obvious clue in the log books of the Kearsarge?

I can't seem to find the list of names that relates to the single portraits - any help available there please?  :)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 20 March 2017, 18:37:39
I saw it yesterday but can't find it at the moment >:( >:( >:(

Not the same source, but I think this is what you want: https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/OnlineLibrary/photos/images/h51000/h51114l.htm

Here are some others:

OK! I think this is the one you mean?
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 21 March 2017, 16:40:52
Well done Randi - I'd seen this page (https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/OnlineLibrary/photos/images/h51000/h51114l.htm) on the way rounds some things - and could not find it again. :)

Interesting - can't see him on this at all. http://www.navsource.org/archives/09/86/86176.htm  :-\
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 21 March 2017, 16:43:33
OK! I think this is the one you mean?

Oh yes - this one too. I think it's going to take a few days to get this sorted given the time I've got for it - but it is fun. I remember trying to sort out the crew list for the Jeannette from about 8 different sources  ::)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 27 March 2017, 16:55:02
Spotted something on this page that peeked my interest:
Is there any chance of finding this:
Bartlett Family. Papers, 1710-1931. ca. 10,000 items. Includes several letters and a diary by Ezra Bartlett. (1832-1886) written on board the U.S.S. Kearsarge

They are listed here:
Bartlett Family
Papers, 1710-1931. ca. 10,000 items.
Includes several letters and a diary by Ezra Bartlett
(1832-1886) written on board the U.S.S. Kearsarge, 1862-63,
and the U.S.S. Spiria[?], 1865; and a few letters by Ezra Bartlett
(1811-1892), concerning his work as a physician (USA) in
hospitals in Washington, D.C., and Memphis, Tenn., and at
various places in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, 1863-64.
Finding aid and microfilm copy (17 reels) available.

Any chance of accessing Ezra Bartlett's diary at all please?
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 27 March 2017, 16:57:33
Found one more person of interest:

Report of Acting Master Sumner, U.S. Navy, commending the conduct of the division under his command in
the action between the U. S. S. Kearsarge and the C. S. S. Alabama.
 Cherbourg, June 20, 1864.
 Lieutenant-Commander and Executive Officer, U. S. S Kearsarge.
 SIR: In obedience to your desire I beg leave to submit my report of the conduct of the men of the third
division, under my command, in the recent action with the rebel steamer Alabama. During the whole action entire
steadiness of conduct prevailed among the men, and no one man could be distinguished from another in courage or
fortitude. But among those showing still higher qualifications I am pleased to name Thomas Perry (boatswain's mate)
and John Hayes (coxswain), first and second captains of No. 2 gun; George E. Read, first loader of same gun; also
Robert Strahan (captain top), first captain of No. 1 gun; James H. Lee, sponger, and Joachim Pease (colored
, loader of same gun. The conduct of the latter in battle fully sustained his reputation as one of the best men
in the ship.
 I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
 Acting Master.
(Official Records, Series I, vol. 3, pp. 66-67)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 27 March 2017, 17:19:42

Got totally distracted by letters extolling the virtues of practically every member of the Kearsarge crew. Indeed their nobility of mind seems not have been met by the dastardly (English Royalist) enemy aboard the Alabama who saw an opportunity to carry on being naughty:

Letter from the Secretary of the Navy to Captain Winslow, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Kearsarge,
regarding his action in the matter of the survivors from the C. S. S. Alabama.
 NAVY DEPARTMENT, July 12, 1864.
 Captain JNO. A. WINSLOW, U. S. Navy,
 Commanding U. S. S. Kearsarge, Cherbourg, France.
 SIR: Your dispatch of the 21st ultimo is received, stating your efforts to save the lives of the survivors of the
Alabama after the battle of the 19th of June, and after the formal surrender and destruction of that vessel. Your
efforts in the cause of humanity in striving to rescue these men, most of them aliens, who have, under their ignoble
leader, himself a deserter from our service and a traitor to our flag, been for nearly two years making piratical war on
unarmed merchantmen, are rightly appreciated. It is to be regretted that the confidence and generous sympathy which
you exercised, and which would actuate all honorable minds under similar circumstances, should have been so
requited and abused by the persons on board the Deerhound, an English vessel of the Royal Yacht Squadron. That
the wretched commander of the sunken corsair should have resorted to any dishonorable means to escape after his
surrender; that he should have thrown overboard the Sword that was no longer his; that before encountering an
armed antagonist the mercenary rover should have removed the chronometers and other plunder stolen from peaceful
commerce, are not matters of surprise, for each act is characteristic of one who has been false to his country and flag.
You could not have expected, however, that gentlemen, or those claiming to be gentlemen, would on such an
occasion act in bad faith, and that having been called upon or permitted to assist in rescuing persons or property
which had been surrendered to you, would run away with either. It is now evident that your confidence in the
Deerhound and the persons connected with her was misplaced. The Department commends your efforts to save the
lives of drowning men, although they had been engaged in robbing and destroying the property of those who had
never injured them.
 In paroling the prisoners, however, you committed a grave error. The Alabama was an English-built vessel,
armed and manned by Englishmen; has never had any other than an English register; has never sailed under any
recognized national flag since she left the shores of England; has never visited any port of North America, and her
career of devastation since she went forth from England is one that does not entitle those of her crew who were
captured to be paroled. This Department expressly disavows that act. Extreme caution must be exercised that we in
no way change the character of this English-built and English-manned, if not English-owned, vessel, or relieve those
who may be implicated in sending forth this robber upon the seas from any responsibility to which they may be liable
for the outrages she has committed.
 Very respectfully, etc.,
 Secretary of Navy.
(Official Records, Series I, vol. 3, pp. 74-75)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 27 March 2017, 17:23:54

Report of Captain Winslow, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Kearsarge, forwarding muster roll of that
 English Channel, July 29, 1864.
 Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
 SIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith the muster roll of the Kearsarge, comprising the names of the
officers and crew at the time of the action with the Alabama.
 The letter of the Department states that no muster roll of this vessel has been received since her departure
from the United States. I would beg leave to say that a regular quarterly pay and muster roll has been forwarded to
the Fourth Auditor at the end of each quarter, and a muster roll was dispatched immediately following the action.
 Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
 Muster roll of officers and crew of U. S. S. Kearsarge, June 19, 1864, in engagement with Alabama.
 John A. Winslow, captain.
 James S. Thornton, lieutenant-commander.
 James R. Wheeler, acting master.
 Eben M. Stoddard, acting master.
 David H. Sumner, acting master.
 Charles H. Danforth, acting master's mate.
 Ezra Bartlett, acting master's mate.
 William H. Yeaton, acting master's mate.
 Edward E. Preble, midshipman.
 John M. Browne, surgeon.
 J. Adams Smith, paymaster.
 William H. Cushman, chief engineer.
 William H. Badlam, second assistant engineer.
 Fred. L. Miller, third assistant engineer.
 Henry McConnell, third assistant engineer.
 Sidney L. Smith, third assistant engineer.
 James C. Walton, boatswain.
 Franklin A. Graham, gunner.
 Seth E. Hartwell, captain's clerk.
 [Officers, 19; crew, 144].
(Official Records, Series I, vol. 3, pp. 76-77)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 27 March 2017, 19:42:51
Getting into this are you?
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 28 March 2017, 10:44:46
Just a note: Franklin A. Graham, U.S.N. was living at 171 Duffield St., Brooklyn NY, in 1867. I'm trying to determine if that area was an African-American neighborhood at that time. He could have been stationed at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn after the war.

NOTE: I found more info:  his widow was Elizabeth L. Graham and he died 4 Sept 1873 (born 1830) buried in Springfield, Delaware County, PA
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 28 March 2017, 11:31:07

He had a short life...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 28 March 2017, 11:37:02
yep - still no indication if he was African-American, and thus the man in the picture...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 28 March 2017, 15:20:46
Getting into this are you?

Ahhh - how did you work that out - what gave the game away?  ;D ;D ;D

Just a note: Franklin A. Graham, U.S.N. was living at 171 Duffield St., Brooklyn NY, in 1867. I'm trying to determine if that area was an African-American neighborhood at that time. He could have been stationed at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn after the war.

NOTE: I found more info:  his widow was Elizabeth L. Graham and he died 4 Sept 1873 (born 1830) buried in Springfield, Delaware County, PA

Ah - that's really clever Kathy. He didn't last long did he, poor soul? So he was about 34 during that battle. Trouble is - anyone at sea is gong to look a bit chiselled by time well before the rest of us ::)

I'm still pulling pictures apart to try and match things :D
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 02 April 2017, 16:58:22
Still working on this - getting there!!  :D
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 17 April 2017, 11:18:23
Just a note: Franklin A. Graham, U.S.N. was living at 171 Duffield St., Brooklyn NY, in 1867. I'm trying to determine if that area was an African-American neighborhood at that time. He could have been stationed at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn after the war.

NOTE: I found more info:  his widow was Elizabeth L. Graham and he died 4 Sept 1873 (born 1830) buried in Springfield, Delaware County, PA

I did some work on Duffield St (formerly Johnson St) which proved fascinating. 4 of the buildings were moved and preserved:
01-DUFFIELD-ST.-HOUSES.pdf - Neighborhood Preservation Center


I also found a directory of 1867 which showed the neighbours to be clerks, engravers, gunsmiths, grocers etc which fits in well with the idea of it being essentially middle class, i.e. not quite wealthy enough off to be in Brooklyn Heights. I'm guessing that this might rule it out as an African-American neighbourhood? Am I likely to be right with this assumption? Any help from cross-pond dwellers gratefully accepted :)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 17 April 2017, 16:37:07
We don't play small here do we?
George Melville from the Jeannette became Chief Engineer of the US Navy.
Dr Browne on the Kearsarge became Surgeon General of the US Navy
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 02 May 2017, 09:21:26
Hi all - Did some checking and then this slipped my mind - after consultation with my New York born (Brooklyn Heights, if I remember correctly), New York loving husband, and some books we have, I was not able to determine of that part was an African-American neighborhood.  According to hubby, the neighborhoods of New York were not so starkly drawn at that time.  Also, being a middle class neighborhood would not mean it was not also African-American.  I'm going to contact the Brooklyn Historical Society for help - oh, they may have materials on people too....
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 02 May 2017, 09:22:22
 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 02 May 2017, 17:34:00
Thanks for keeping that thread going Kathy. I've been wandering newspapers in the hope of finding out more about that area/ Franklin Graham.

I was still wondering if the note books of Dr Browne or Ezra Bartlett might be available as they might co-incidentally mention the man's colour. Some of the 'diaries' written after the event of the Alabama have been reported as being highly unreliable, but Browne and Bartlett are reported as reliable.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 04 May 2017, 16:18:13

ok, the neighborhood in Brooklyn where Franklin A. Graham lived was predominately African-American at the time he lived there.  I have some lines of inquiry out to the Historical Society of the county where he was buried, and also the Brooklyn Navy Yard's historical archives.  Next stop: the naval personnel archives in St. Louis, and the Navy's historical command...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 04 May 2017, 16:41:12
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 04 May 2017, 17:06:50
WOW x 2  8) 8)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 04 May 2017, 17:11:48
You know, just a day or two ago I commented to Michael that what I like about this place is that I am not the only one that is crazy...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 04 May 2017, 17:56:21
Lordy, yes - you ask a question like that, and I can't help it - I have to find out! It is a form of insanity...:)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 05 May 2017, 14:21:41
Obsessive insanity!  I love it. When I was a nipper I had three favourite books - they were all encyclopedias. Dad used to do the Sunday Express crossword which was general knowledge. When I was a young teenager I used to finish it by raiding the Encyclopedia Britannica down at the local library and I've loved hunting things down ever since then :)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: jil on 06 May 2017, 06:14:53
The Sunday Express General Knowledge crossword was a traditional Sunday evening activity in my family, and we usually ended up with loads of the reference books scattered about. I remember the Pears Cyclopaedia had a useful, if slightly random, mix of facts. Although I never went as far as going to the library - obviously not dedicated enough!

I think that and the Skeleton cryptic crossword (you had to fill in the black squares yourself!) was the only reason we bought the paper!
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 06 May 2017, 15:32:58
I think that and the Skeleton cryptic crossword (you had to fill in the black squares yourself!) was the only reason we bought the paper!

Oh gosh, jil I had forgotten about that crossword - that was my speciality - Dad didn't bother with it much so it was mine to play with :D  Happy memories  :D
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 12 May 2017, 12:21:29
I'm not sure that Franklin A. Graham is who seem to think he is - Graham also served on the Frolic (per wife's application for pension after his death) and I can't find anything that mentions African-American officers on the Frolic...
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 12 May 2017, 12:36:48
Or perhaps our assumption that he is African-American is incorrect :-\

In any case, we have uncovered all sorts of interesting information ;)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 12 May 2017, 17:44:04
Kevin asked me to post the following since he is traveling and has only an iPhone.

Here is an authoritative response to the first 'research challenge' and a note of caution. This morning Mark and I met Dr. Joseph Reidy of Howard University, a leading scholar in this area (see link) - I presented the problem to him and he graciously agreed to provide his interpretation to post on the forum.

I was intrigued by the mystery you raised, Kevin, regarding the possibility of a man of African ancestry serving as an officer aboard Kearsarge at the time of her encounter with CSS Alabama. After we met, I decided to take a quick look at Fold3 to see if either of the names you referenced had pension records. As it turns out, both did.
Franklin A. Graham's pension record clearly indicated that his color was white. Moreover, his prewar occupation was machinist and his home was Philadelphia. That raises as many questions at it seems to answer, one of which might be that one of his parents or grandparents was of African descent (or at least dark complexioned), and he managed to slip into the navy as a white man in order to qualify for a warrant either unbeknownst to officials or with their tacit consent. Another possibility is that the existing photo is a flimsy piece of evidence on which to base speculation about his ancestry (or any of the other officers for that matter). Either way, we can add his case to the pile of others that we have where the existing evidence points in two or more directions to the point where it becomes impossible to know for sure. Knowing as I do how hidebound the naval officer corps was and how protective of its membership and privileges, if the man in the photo is indeed Graham, he would have had to adduce a convincing, and perhaps even exotic, explanation -- such as a Fiji-Island mother -- to allow him membership into the exclusive club, which would have been impossible if he were suspected of having any African blood.
Charles H. Danforth (note that the caption for the photo you showed me lists his middle initial as "C." but the crew list published in the Navy Official Records lists the initial as "H." as does the pension record) was an acting master's mate in 1864 and later an acting ensign. Although my quick perusal of the pension documents did not give a clear indication of his color, it is extremely unlikely that he was black. Apart from the fact that he was from Colorado, there is no record of a black man being commissioned in the U.S. Navy until World War II and the evidence is just too flimsy that he might be the exception to the rule. The case for Danforth is even flimsier than that for Graham.
 Through every one of these exercises, I am reminded of discussions I have had with anthropologist colleagues (and historians too) who caution about the inherent risks in trying to "race" someone on the basis of such evidence as photographs and physical descriptions collected by third parties. It's tricky business to say the least.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 12 May 2017, 18:10:51
Well how did Roarin Mike Heeley manage? He was sent to NY for his education because he had a black slave mother and a white Irish father. In the Southern States he could not have had an education leading to the privileged life he led. His sister became the first black abbess in the USA, his brother the first black head of a university (?Ivy League). Sorry these details are a bit rushed - I recall reading more about them a year or so ago. They were highly accomplished siblings. :-\
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 12 May 2017, 18:35:06
Possibly because he was in the United States Revenue Cutter Service rather than the United States Navy.
(It says: "At the time, his African-American ancestry was not generally known; he was of majority-white ancestry and had identified with white Catholic and maritime communities."
It also says that his mother was "African-American mixed-race".)

Have a look at http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=4652.msg140499#msg140499 and http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=4652.msg140501#msg140501

Quote from: https://media.defense.gov/2018/May/30/2001924348/-1/-1/0/AFRICANAMERICANHISTORYCHRONOLOGY.PDF
1865 -- Abraham Lincoln commissioned Michael A. Healy as a Third Lieutenant in the Revenue Service of the United States. He signed the commission on 4 March 1865. Healy was the first African-American commissioned into the Revenue Service, the forerunner of today's Coast Guard. However, during his lifetime he was never "recognized as a person of color."
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kathy on 12 May 2017, 20:04:04
I thought I read at the beginning of this thread that there were African-American officers on the Kearsarge - my lesson learned is to re-read something.  The hunt has been enjoyable though, and I did find a Franklin Graham, in the Navy who was described as having a dark complexion.

Addendum: Well, I found the marriage certificate for the son of Franklin A. Graham, George B. Graham, and he is listed as white.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 19 July 2019, 15:03:46
Here are a few recent finds:

Black History Month: Honoring the service of African American Guardians (https://coastguard.dodlive.mil/2010/02/black-history-month-honoring-the-service-of-african-american-guardians/)

The Long Blue Line: African-Americans in the U.S. Coast Guard (Part 1) (https://coastguard.dodlive.mil/2017/02/the-long-blue-line-african-americans-in-the-u-s-coast-guard-part-1/)
The Long Blue Line: African-Americans in the U.S. Coast Guard (Part 2) (https://coastguard.dodlive.mil/2017/02/tlbl-african-american-history2/)

The Long Blue Line: Cutters Sea Cloud and Hoquiam?Barrier-breaking ships in U.S. Desegregation (https://coastguard.dodlive.mil/2017/10/tlbl-sea-cloud-and-hoquiam/)

The Long Blue Line: Clarence Samuels -- Coast Guard trailblazer (https://coastguard.dodlive.mil/2016/02/the-long-blue-line-clarence-samuels-coast-guard-trailblazer/)

African-Americans in Coast Guard History -- Historical Chronology (https://media.defense.gov/2018/May/30/2001924348/-1/-1/0/AFRICANAMERICANHISTORYCHRONOLOGY.PDF)

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: AvastMH on 07 October 2019, 14:05:06
I think my head just went wobbly with the most unbelievable connection yet, in my book anyway. Today I was reminded of this thread. Coincidentally I could not recall the name of the officer from the Rodgers who suffered a terrible fate. It was Charles F Putnam who was out searching for the crew of the Jeannette, got lost, and ended up on an ice floe that floated out to sea. I looked up his history, and he served on the USS Kearsarge in the Far East.
The world is a small place at times :)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 13 October 2019, 11:22:09
C.F. Putnam (from Wikipedia):

Born in Freeport, Illinois, Putnam entered the United States Naval Academy at the age of 14. Upon his request at graduation in 1873, he was ordered to the Far East on USS Kearsarge, serving in that vessel with the Asiatic Squadron until 1875. Master Putnam was stationed at San Francisco, California, in 1876 and was attached to schoolship USS Jamestown from 1877 to 1878.

In 1879, he joined the Coast Survey steamer Hassler in the North Pacific. Putnam volunteered in 1881 for service in USS Rodgers, fitted out to search for USS Jeannette, which had been lost in the Arctic on an expedition to reach the North Pole. When Rodgers burned at Saint Lawrence Bay, Chukotka, on 30 November 1881, Putnam took supplies to the survivors on dog sledges.

On his return to his depot at Cape Serdze, he missed his way in a blinding snow storm 10 January 1882, drifted out to sea on an ice-floe and was never heard from again.


We have imaged all of the ships Mr. Putnam served on, and transcribed 3 of them.
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Michael on 13 October 2019, 12:54:48
I'm always curious about the weather data we're collecting. Cloud amounts usually have what's called a U distribution, i.e. cloud amounts of 0-2 and 8-10 tenths are more frequently reported than 3-7 tenths. "How do our ships do?" I wondered. Also, the Gulf of Alaska and the North Pacific Ocean are very cloudy a lot of the time. Is this reflected in the observations?


The ships and years used for this study:
Bear        1899 1900 1902 1905 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1923 1925
Corwin     1881 1882 1884
Northland 1927
Thetis      1899

Usually the middle amounts are reported during a transition from Sunny to Cloudy or back. When I was forecasting, I would use only Sunny (0), Mainly Sunny (1-3), Mostly Cloudy (7-9) or Overcast (10). (At night, Sunny => Clear and Mainly Sunny => A few clouds). There would also be transition terms: Clearing, or Increasing Cloud etc. Sadly, for me, the current crop of forecasters use just "A mix of sun and cloud" hour after hour, day after day, month after month, which says basically nothing.  ::)
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Helen J on 14 October 2019, 06:36:16
Nice bit of research, Michael.  There seems no end to what we can find out from our ships!
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 14 October 2019, 11:31:44
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 14 October 2019, 15:22:21
Very cool.

Another thing that might be up your alley, Michael, might the frequency and intensity of storms our ships encountered. There is a lot of interest in the influence of these systems on the ice -- in the springtime Bering Sea and in the summer leading to annual ice-minimum ~15 Sept. -- and wrt coastal inundation and erosion (e.g. Nome).
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Michael on 14 October 2019, 16:03:09
Distribution of Beaufort Wind Force for areas between 53 and 65oN for the months April to July inclusive.


Distribution of Beaufort Wind Force for areas north of 65oN for the months Aug-Oct inclusive.

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Kevin on 17 October 2019, 18:16:02
Conversion to a list of ship, dates w/ F > = 7 (moderate gale) would give us an idea of how many systems were seen, would it not? Then we could pick the top 5 and see what is resolved in 20CR3.

For reference, the three storms we flew with NOAA 56 this summer were all 7-8 max. The first 2 in July were locally formed and relatively small-scale, while the September one originated in the NW Bering Sea and was huge -- true extra-tropical cyclone.

Distribution of Beaufort Wind Force for areas between 53 and 65oN for the months April to July inclusive.


Distribution of Beaufort Wind Force for areas north of 65oN for the months Aug-Oct inclusive.

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Michael on 17 October 2019, 19:31:58
Conversion to a list of ship, dates w/ F > = 7 (moderate gale) would give us an idea of how many systems were seen, would it not? Then we could pick the top 5 and see what is resolved in 20CR3.

Sort of the Bering Sea

Code: [Select]
1899-07-31 04 63.48 -161.97 7
1899-07-31 06 63.48 -161.97 7
1899-07-31 14 63.60 -161.74 7
1899-07-31 16 63.60 -161.74 7
1900-06-01 10 59.01 -167.54 7
1900-06-01 11 59.15 -167.56 7
1900-06-01 12 59.28 -167.58 7
1900-06-08 05 64.49 -165.44 7
1900-06-08 06 64.49 -165.44 8
1900-06-08 07 64.49 -165.44 8
1900-06-08 08 64.49 -165.44 8
1900-06-08 09 64.50 -165.43 8
1900-06-08 10 64.44 -165.49 8
1900-06-08 11 64.39 -165.53 8
1900-06-08 12 64.33 -165.58 8
1900-06-08 13 64.30 -165.66 8
1900-06-08 14 64.26 -165.72 7
1900-06-08 15 64.21 -165.76 7
1900-06-08 16 64.15 -165.81 7
1900-06-08 17 64.11 -165.85 7
1900-06-08 18 64.07 -165.88 7
1900-06-08 19 64.03 -165.96 7
1900-06-08 24 63.90 -165.99 7
1900-06-09 02 63.82 -165.94 8
1900-06-09 04 63.74 -165.89 8
1900-06-09 06 63.65 -165.83 8
1900-06-09 08 63.57 -165.78 7
1900-06-20 02 63.93 -165.50 7
1902-06-03 22 53.99 -167.03 7
1902-06-18 22 53.01  161.71 8
1902-06-18 24 53.04  161.64 9
1902-06-19 02 53.03  161.66 8
1902-06-19 04 53.03  161.72 8
1902-06-19 06 53.02  161.78 8
1902-06-19 08 53.02  161.83 8
1902-06-19 10 53.08  161.75 8
1902-06-19 12 53.12  161.67 9
1902-06-19 14 53.27  161.50 8
1902-06-19 16 53.41  161.34 8
1902-06-19 18 53.57  161.18 9
1902-06-19 20 53.67  161.08 10
1902-06-19 22 53.63  161.11 10
1902-06-19 24 53.60  161.12 10
1902-06-20 02 53.58  161.15 9
1902-06-20 04 53.56  161.19 9
1902-06-20 06 53.53  161.18 9
1902-06-20 08 53.50  161.17 9
1902-06-20 10 53.46  161.19 9
1902-06-20 12 53.42  161.20 9
1902-06-20 14 53.38  161.23 7
1902-06-20 16 53.35  161.27 7
1902-06-20 18 53.33  161.31 7
1912-07-30 11 64.36 -165.95 7
1912-07-30 12 64.42 -166.13 7
1914-05-26 06 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 08 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 10 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 12 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 14 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 16 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 18 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 20 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 22 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-26 24 53.88 -166.53 7
1914-05-27 09 53.93 -166.49 7
1914-05-27 10 53.97 -166.55 7
1914-05-27 11 54.00 -166.59 7
1914-05-27 12 54.04 -166.64 7
1914-06-17 01 64.88 -168.24 7
1914-06-17 02 64.93 -168.44 7
1914-06-17 03 64.97 -168.62 7
1914-07-25 10 63.77 -171.77 7
1914-07-25 12 63.77 -171.77 8
1914-07-25 14 63.77 -171.77 7
1915-06-17 06 63.49 -161.99 7
1915-06-17 08 63.49 -161.99 7
1916-05-18 16 53.63 -144.39 7
1916-05-18 17 53.66 -144.58 7
1916-05-19 17 53.99 -147.59 7
1916-05-19 18 53.99 -147.60 7
1916-05-19 19 54.00 -147.61 7
1916-05-19 20 54.00 -147.62 7
1916-05-19 21 53.98 -147.60 7
1916-05-19 24 53.94 -147.55 8
1916-05-23 15 55.36 -160.23 7
1916-05-23 16 55.39 -160.45 7
1916-05-24 16 54.70 -162.91 7
1917-07-22 07 64.48 -165.63 7
1917-07-22 08 64.47 -165.74 7
1917-07-22 09 64.47 -165.82 7
1917-07-22 10 64.47 -165.88 7
1917-07-22 11 64.46 -165.98 7
1923-06-04 20 58.87 -168.03 7
1923-06-04 21 58.92 -168.04 7
1923-06-04 22 58.98 -168.04 7
1923-06-04 23 59.03 -168.04 7
1923-06-04 24 59.10 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 01 59.16 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 02 59.20 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 03 59.24 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 04 59.28 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 05 59.31 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 06 59.35 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 07 59.38 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 08 59.42 -168.03 7
1923-06-05 09 59.45 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 10 59.48 -168.05 7
1923-06-05 11 59.51 -168.06 7
1923-06-05 12 59.53 -168.07 7
1923-06-05 13 59.56 -168.06 7
1923-06-05 14 59.60 -168.06 7
1923-06-05 15 59.63 -168.06 7
1923-06-05 16 59.66 -168.06 7
1923-06-05 17 59.67 -168.05 7
1923-06-05 18 59.69 -168.05 7
1923-06-05 19 59.70 -168.04 7
1923-06-05 20 59.72 -168.03 7
1923-06-05 21 59.73 -168.04 7
1923-06-09 11 63.51 -161.98 7
1923-06-09 12 63.47 -162.04 7
1923-06-09 14 63.47 -162.04 7
1923-06-09 16 63.47 -162.04 7
1923-06-09 18 63.50 -161.90 7
1923-06-09 19 63.55 -161.96 7
1923-06-09 20 63.62 -162.10 7
1923-07-11 01 64.36 -164.42 7
1923-07-11 02 64.35 -164.22 7
1923-07-11 03 64.35 -164.00 7
1923-07-11 04 64.34 -163.78 7
1923-07-11 05 64.35 -163.54 7
1923-07-11 06 64.37 -163.30 7
1923-07-22 02 64.33 -179.67 7
1923-07-22 08 64.33 -179.67 7
1923-07-22 10 64.33 -179.67 7
1923-07-22 12 64.33 -179.67 7
1923-07-22 14 64.33 -179.67 7
1923-07-25 10 64.75  177.53 8
1923-07-27 01 64.47 -177.25 8
1923-07-27 02 64.47 -177.12 8
1923-07-27 03 64.45 -177.07 8
1923-07-27 04 64.43 -177.02 8
1923-07-27 05 64.42 -176.98 8
1923-07-27 06 64.42 -176.94 8
1923-07-27 07 64.41 -176.91 8
1923-07-27 08 64.40 -176.87 8
1923-07-27 09 64.40 -176.90 8
1923-07-27 10 64.42 -176.90 8
1923-07-27 11 64.43 -176.90 8
1923-07-27 12 64.45 -176.90 8
1923-07-27 13 64.47 -176.82 8
1923-07-27 14 64.48 -176.77 8
1923-07-27 15 64.49 -176.72 8
1923-07-27 16 64.51 -176.66 8
1923-07-28 01 64.50 -175.86 7
1923-07-28 02 64.48 -175.71 7
1923-07-28 03 64.47 -175.55 7
1923-07-28 04 64.45 -175.40 7
1925-05-22 18 53.60 -148.20 7
1925-05-22 19 53.62 -148.43 7
1925-05-22 20 53.63 -148.65 7
1925-05-22 21 53.65 -148.88 7
1925-05-22 22 53.68 -149.10 8
1925-05-22 23 53.70 -149.33 8
1925-05-22 24 53.72 -149.56 8
1925-05-23 01 53.73 -149.78 7
1925-05-23 02 53.75 -149.99 7
1925-05-23 03 53.76 -150.20 7
1925-07-15 09 64.40 -162.85 7
1925-07-15 10 64.40 -162.82 8
1925-07-15 11 64.40 -162.82 8
1925-07-15 12 64.40 -162.82 8
1925-07-15 13 64.40 -162.82 7
1925-07-15 14 64.40 -162.82 8
1925-07-15 15 64.40 -162.82 7
1925-07-15 16 64.40 -162.82 7
1925-07-15 22 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-15 23 64.42 -163.09 8
1925-07-15 24 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 01 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 02 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 03 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 04 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 05 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 06 64.42 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 07 64.40 -163.08 7
1925-07-16 08 64.40 -163.07 7
1925-07-16 09 64.40 -163.07 7
1925-07-16 11 64.40 -163.09 7
1925-07-16 12 64.38 -163.10 7
1925-07-16 13 64.37 -163.12 7
1925-07-16 18 64.36 -163.24 7
1925-07-16 19 64.34 -163.26 7
1925-07-16 20 64.32 -163.27 7
1925-07-16 21 64.33 -163.14 7
1925-07-16 22 64.35 -163.04 8
1925-07-16 23 64.37 -163.10 7
1925-07-18 10 64.39 -162.87 7
1925-07-18 11 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-18 12 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-18 23 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-18 24 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 03 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 04 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 05 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 06 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 07 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 08 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 09 64.38 -162.82 8
1925-07-19 10 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 11 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 12 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 13 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 14 64.38 -162.82 8
1925-07-19 15 64.38 -162.82 8
1925-07-19 16 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 17 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 18 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 19 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 20 64.38 -162.82 7
1925-07-19 21 64.39 -162.85 7
1925-07-19 22 64.40 -162.96 8
1925-07-19 23 64.42 -163.07 7
1925-07-23 22 63.48 -162.00 7
1925-07-23 23 63.48 -162.00 7
1925-07-25 01 64.19 -163.32 7
1925-07-25 02 64.20 -163.47 8
1925-07-25 03 64.21 -163.62 7
1925-07-25 04 64.22 -163.76 7

1882-05-04 14 53.88 -166.53 7
1882-05-04 15 53.88 -166.53 8
1882-05-04 16 53.88 -166.53 9
1882-05-06 01 53.88 -166.53 7
1882-05-06 02 53.88 -166.53 7
1882-05-06 03 53.88 -166.53 7
1882-05-06 04 53.88 -166.53 7
1882-05-31 21 57.01 -144.03 8
1882-05-31 22 57.08 -143.96 8
1882-05-31 23 57.15 -143.89 8
1882-05-31 24 57.27 -143.77 8
1882-06-01 01 57.31 -143.72 8
1882-06-01 02 57.34 -143.65 7
1882-06-01 03 57.35 -143.56 7
1882-06-01 04 57.35 -143.45 7
1882-06-01 05 57.35 -143.32 7
1882-06-01 06 57.35 -143.20 7
1884-05-26 17 53.88 -166.53 7

Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Michael on 17 October 2019, 19:55:07
For the Arctic Ocean

Code: [Select]
1899-08-31 18 66.31 -169.74 7
1899-08-31 20 66.17 -169.81 7
1899-09-24 20 65.61 -168.10 7
1902-08-04 06 68.31 -166.96 8
1902-08-04 08 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-04 10 68.33 -166.63 9
1902-08-04 14 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-04 16 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-04 18 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-04 20 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-04 22 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-04 24 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-05 02 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-05 04 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-05 14 68.34 -166.73 7
1902-08-05 16 68.33 -166.81 8
1902-08-05 18 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-05 20 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-05 22 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-05 24 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-06 02 68.33 -166.63 8
1902-08-06 04 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-06 06 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-06 08 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-06 10 68.33 -166.63 7
1902-08-06 12 68.33 -166.63 7
1913-08-19 15 68.98 -166.40 7
1913-08-19 16 68.81 -166.42 7
1913-08-19 17 68.65 -166.56 7
1913-08-19 18 68.50 -166.69 7
1913-08-19 19 68.35 -166.81 7
1913-08-19 20 68.34 -166.80 7
1914-08-26 13 70.74 -174.92 7
1914-08-26 14 70.70 -174.91 7
1914-08-26 15 70.65 -174.89 7
1914-08-26 16 70.61 -174.88 7
1914-08-27 01 70.27 -174.52 7
1914-08-27 02 70.24 -174.49 7
1914-08-27 03 70.20 -174.47 7
1914-08-27 04 70.16 -174.44 7
1914-08-27 05 70.08 -174.41 7
1914-08-27 06 69.96 -174.36 7
1914-08-27 07 69.85 -174.30 7
1914-08-27 08 69.73 -174.25 7
1914-08-27 09 69.62 -174.16 7
1914-08-27 10 69.51 -174.08 7
1914-09-21 17 65.07 -167.74 7
1914-09-21 18 65.12 -167.74 7
1914-09-21 19 65.18 -167.73 7
1915-08-01 11 66.53 -162.50 7
1915-08-01 12 66.47 -162.40 7
1915-08-01 13 66.41 -162.38 7
1915-08-01 14 66.36 -162.43 7
1915-08-01 15 66.32 -162.48 7
1915-08-01 16 66.28 -162.58 7
1915-08-01 17 66.24 -162.68 7
1915-08-01 18 66.20 -162.78 7
1915-08-06 07 70.19 -162.92 7
1915-08-06 08 70.24 -162.73 7
1915-08-06 09 70.27 -162.59 7
1915-08-06 10 70.30 -162.44 7
1915-08-06 11 70.32 -162.26 7
1915-08-06 12 70.35 -162.06 7
1915-08-06 13 70.44 -162.30 7
1915-08-06 14 70.52 -162.53 7
1915-08-06 16 70.53 -162.14 7
1915-08-06 17 70.53 -162.07 7
1915-08-06 18 70.52 -161.97 7
1915-08-06 19 70.52 -161.88 7
1915-08-06 20 70.52 -161.80 7
1915-08-06 21 70.54 -161.71 7
1915-08-06 22 70.57 -161.62 7
1915-08-06 23 70.60 -161.55 7
1915-08-06 24 70.63 -161.45 7
1915-08-07 01 70.65 -161.34 7
1915-08-07 02 70.68 -161.23 7
1915-08-07 03 70.71 -161.10 7
1915-08-07 04 70.73 -160.98 7
1915-08-07 05 70.75 -160.84 7
1915-08-07 06 70.76 -160.69 7
1915-08-07 07 70.76 -160.52 7
1915-08-07 08 70.73 -160.36 7
1915-08-12 04 68.69 -166.66 8
1915-08-12 05 68.58 -166.71 8
1915-08-12 06 68.48 -166.74 7
1915-08-12 07 68.38 -166.83 7
1915-08-12 08 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 10 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 12 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 14 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 16 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 18 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 20 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 22 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-12 24 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-13 02 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-13 04 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-13 06 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-13 08 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-13 10 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-13 12 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-13 14 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-13 16 68.33 -166.74 8
1915-08-13 22 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-13 24 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-14 02 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-14 04 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-14 06 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-14 08 68.33 -166.74 7
1915-08-14 10 68.34 -166.74 7
1915-08-14 13 68.33 -166.68 7
1915-08-14 16 67.99 -166.06 7
1915-08-14 17 67.95 -165.69 7
1915-08-14 18 67.92 -165.34 7
1915-08-19 10 66.76 -165.92 7
1915-08-19 11 66.77 -166.09 7
1915-08-19 12 66.77 -166.25 7
1915-08-19 13 66.78 -166.42 7
1915-08-19 14 66.79 -166.59 8
1915-08-19 15 66.79 -166.77 8
1915-08-19 16 66.80 -166.97 8
1915-08-19 17 66.81 -167.17 8
1915-08-19 18 66.82 -167.37 7
1915-08-19 20 66.83 -167.75 56
1915-08-24 15 65.02 -167.60 7
1915-08-24 16 65.08 -167.62 7
1915-10-09 21 65.53 -168.13 7
1915-10-09 22 65.49 -168.04 7
1915-10-09 23 65.45 -167.96 7
1915-10-09 24 65.41 -167.86 7
1916-08-11 24 68.69 -166.74 7
1916-08-12 01 68.73 -166.79 7
1917-08-19 19 66.68 -166.32 7
1917-08-19 20 66.72 -166.38 8
1917-08-19 21 66.73 -166.48 8
1917-08-19 22 66.73 -166.57 8
1917-08-19 23 66.73 -166.65 8
1917-08-20 01 66.74 -166.82 8
1917-08-20 02 66.74 -166.90 8
1917-08-20 03 66.74 -166.99 8
1917-08-20 04 66.75 -167.09 8
1917-08-20 05 66.76 -167.19 8
1917-08-20 06 66.77 -167.28 7
1917-08-20 07 66.78 -167.37 7
1917-08-20 08 66.78 -167.47 7
1917-08-20 09 66.82 -167.52 7
1917-08-20 10 66.84 -167.56 7
1917-08-20 11 66.87 -167.60 7
1917-08-20 12 66.90 -167.63 7
1917-08-20 13 66.91 -167.76 7
1917-08-20 14 66.93 -167.89 7
1917-08-20 15 66.94 -168.02 7
1917-08-20 16 66.94 -168.12 7
1917-08-20 17 66.95 -168.22 7
1917-08-20 23 66.38 -168.99 7
1917-08-20 24 66.26 -169.09 7
1917-08-21 01 66.12 -169.08 7
1917-08-21 02 65.99 -169.07 8
1917-08-21 03 66.02 -169.18 8
1917-08-21 04 66.01 -169.21 8
1917-08-21 05 65.95 -169.42 8
1917-08-21 06 65.98 -169.61 8
1917-08-21 07 65.95 -169.80 8
1917-08-21 10 66.02 -169.89 8
1917-08-21 12 66.02 -169.89 8
1917-08-21 14 66.02 -169.89 8
1917-08-21 16 66.02 -169.89 8
1917-08-21 18 66.02 -169.89 7
1917-08-21 20 66.02 -169.89 7
1918-08-21 16 66.71 -162.72 7
1918-08-24 02 66.71 -162.72 7
1918-08-24 04 66.71 -162.72 7
1918-08-24 06 66.71 -162.72 7
1918-08-24 08 66.71 -162.72 7
1918-08-24 10 66.71 -162.72 7
1918-08-24 12 66.71 -162.72 7
1923-08-17 18 66.16 -169.81 7
1923-08-17 20 66.16 -169.81 7
1923-08-17 22 66.16 -169.81 7
1923-08-17 24 66.16 -169.81 7
1923-08-18 08 66.16 -169.81 7
1923-08-18 10 66.16 -169.81 7
1923-08-18 12 66.16 -169.81 7
1925-08-07 13 70.62 -160.26 0
1925-08-11 21 65.61 -168.12 7
1925-08-11 22 65.61 -168.12 7
1925-08-11 23 65.61 -168.12 7
1925-08-12 01 65.61 -168.12 7
1925-08-12 03 65.61 -168.12 7
1925-08-12 04 65.62 -168.13 7
1925-08-12 05 65.61 -168.13 7
1925-08-12 06 65.61 -168.13 7
1925-09-08 24 65.27 -167.37 8
1925-09-09 09 65.28 -166.81 7
1925-09-09 23 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-09 24 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 08 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 09 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 10 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-10 11 65.27 -166.79 9
1925-09-10 12 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-10 13 65.27 -166.79 9
1925-09-10 14 65.27 -166.79 10
1925-09-10 15 65.27 -166.79 9
1925-09-10 16 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-10 17 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 18 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 19 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 20 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-10 21 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-10 22 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-10 23 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-10 24 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 01 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 02 65.27 -166.79 9
1925-09-11 03 65.27 -166.79 9
1925-09-11 04 65.27 -166.79 9
1925-09-11 05 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 06 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 07 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 08 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 09 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 10 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 11 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 12 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 13 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 14 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 15 65.27 -166.79 8
1925-09-11 16 65.27 -166.79 7
1925-09-11 17 65.27 -166.79 7

1881-09-01 01 71.03 -175.18 9
1881-09-01 02 71.02 -175.15 9
1881-09-01 03 71.00 -175.13 9
1881-09-01 04 70.99 -175.10 9
1881-09-01 05 70.98 -175.07 9
1881-09-01 06 70.96 -175.04 10
1881-09-01 07 70.95 -175.02 10
1881-09-01 08 70.94 -174.99 10
1881-09-01 09 70.92 -174.94 10
1881-09-01 10 70.91 -174.89 10
1881-09-01 11 70.90 -174.86 10
1881-09-01 12 70.88 -174.83 10
1881-09-01 13 70.87 -174.82 9
1881-09-01 14 70.86 -174.80 9
1881-09-01 15 70.84 -174.78 9
1881-09-01 16 70.83 -174.76 9
1881-09-01 17 70.82 -174.75 9
1881-09-01 18 70.80 -174.73 9
1881-09-01 19 70.79 -174.71 9
1881-09-01 20 70.77 -174.69 9
1881-09-01 21 70.76 -174.70 9
1881-09-01 22 70.75 -174.71 9
1881-09-01 23 70.74 -174.71 9
1881-09-01 24 70.73 -174.72 9
1881-09-02 01 70.71 -174.71 9
1881-09-02 02 70.69 -174.70 9
1881-09-02 03 70.67 -174.68 9
1881-09-02 04 70.65 -174.67 9
1881-09-02 05 70.64 -174.68 9
1881-09-02 06 70.62 -174.69 8
1881-09-02 07 70.61 -174.70 8
1881-09-02 08 70.59 -174.71 8
1881-09-02 09 70.58 -174.72 8
1881-09-02 10 70.56 -174.73 8
1881-09-02 11 70.55 -174.74 8
1881-09-02 12 70.53 -174.75 8
1881-09-02 13 70.53 -174.72 7
1881-09-02 14 70.53 -174.69 7
1881-09-02 15 70.53 -174.66 7
1881-09-02 16 70.49 -174.50 7
1881-09-02 17 70.43 -174.30 7
1881-09-02 18 70.36 -174.11 7
1881-09-02 19 70.29 -173.90 7
1881-09-02 20 70.22 -173.69 7
1881-09-02 21 70.15 -173.49 7
1881-09-02 22 70.09 -173.29 7
1882-08-08 04 65.55 -170.55 7
1882-08-08 05 65.62 -170.30 7
1882-08-08 06 65.68 -170.04 7
1882-08-08 07 65.74 -169.78 7
1882-08-08 08 65.81 -169.52 7
1882-08-08 09 65.87 -169.26 7
1882-08-08 10 66.00 -169.13 7
1882-08-08 11 66.14 -168.99 7
1882-08-08 12 66.28 -168.85 7
Title: Re: Research challenge
Post by: Randi on 21 October 2019, 11:15:40
Just read these - very interesting!

Racial Identity and the Case of Captain Michael Healy, USRCS