G.C. Carmine | 2nd Lieutenant |
C.S. Craig | 3rd Lieutenant |
E.V.D. Johnson | 3rd Lieutenant |
Geo. C. De Reamer | Chief Engr. Left the vessel at San F. to await orders from the Dept. |
H.U. Butler | 2nd Asst. Engr. |
Geo. M. De Reamer | 3rd Asst. Engr. |
A.J. Mitchell | Surgeon. |
J.R. Dally | Chief Engr. Reported on board July 26, 1895. |
G.C. Carmine | 2nd Lt. Returned from Atta Id. Sept 5, 1895. |
E.P. Webber | 1st Asst Engr. Reported for temporary duty July 3, 1895. |
G.M. De Reamer | 2nd Asst Engr, Returned for duty Sept 16, 1895. |
E.G. Schwartz | Chf. Engr. Reported for duty Sept 16, 1895. |
Geo.C. De Reamer | Chief Engineer | May 15,1895. Retired from Active Service, ordered home. |
G.C. Carmine | 2nd Lt. | Landed at Attu July 20, 1895, to act as Custom's Officer. |
E.V.D. Johnson | 2nd Lt. | Left vessel Sept 6, 1895 for temporary duty on St George Id. |
J.R. Dally | Chief Engineer | Detatched Sept 16 and ordered to the "Bear". |
Geo.M. De Reamer | 2nd Asst Engineer. | Transferred to Corwin temporarily, July 3, 1895. |
E.P. Webber | 1st Asst Engineer. | Transferred to Corwin temporarily, Sept 6, 1895. |
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Broadbent, Howard M. | First Lieutenant |
Failing, Walstein A. | Captain |
Hawley, R. Newton | Surgeon |
Jones, H. B. | Pilot |
Lewton, Theodore G. | 2d Ass't Engineer |
Maker, George B. | Chief Engineer |
Malloy, Thomas M. | Third Lieutenant |
Spencer, Henry K. | 1st Ass't Engineer |
Wiley, Walter A. | Second Lieutenant |