A lot of text on this page - but covered by a piece of paper in part. The next page in the transcribing sequence is the log page that I expected after a weather page.
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_009_1.jpg This might need to be done again
This is not a scanning fault, this is the normal process when an insert is permanently bound into the book. The scanner must scan the butterflied book twice, with the insert covering first the right-hand page and then the left-hand page, or vice versa. There's no other way around it.
For general information, this is how to handle this particular variation of the problem:
Page 1 of 4 is a normal weather page. Transcribe it.
Page 2 of 4 is the first side of the insert - transcribe that and ignore the page proper. (blank here.)
Page 3 of 4 is the second side of the insert - transcribe that and ignore the page proper. (Barometer info here.)
Page 4 of 4 is the normal comment page. Transcribe it.
It is common to have to look at the JPEG link for the other half of the insert to finish reading it, because the folds may put it where the computer page cut separates it into 2 pieces. It is acceptable to put any transcribing you want to do entirely on one of the 2 halves.
I made a point of showing this type of pages in the Sneak Preview, but maybe the ones I have there now are not the best choice.
Any really horrible pair to use?
Once we get past these pages, I WILL update the Preview!
I could also add a comment ('come back later') after the comment on Pioneer and Yukon :-\
Stand him in a corner with the lampshade on top ;D I'm sure he would look entirely decorous - pretty gold-tassel-fringed shade atop a full set of whiskers. Excellent idea. We'll take two. ;D
What do you think of:
Jeannette has lots of inserts at the beginning. Transcribing them is not required, but they can be irritating. You may prefer to come back in a week or two. I think this hits the mark exactly..thank you
That's a good idea Janet - I'll pop something in the Editor's lounge. As you say - there's no point in hoping to find a local Chandler's Store where they are going.On it, Cap'n Joan.
Yes - the scanning is wonderful. I do recall those split RN pages - they must have been really hard work. I was surprised to even see a split page here.
Next - thermometer fun....
Stand him in a corner with the lampshade on top ;D I'm sure he would look entirely decorous - pretty gold-tassel-fringed shade atop a full set of whiskers. Excellent idea. We'll take two. ;D
What do you think of:
Jeannette has lots of inserts at the beginning. Transcribing them is not required, but they can be irritating. You may prefer to come back in a week or two. I think this hits the mark exactly..thank you
Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 3 | Col 4 |
6 box chronometers | 2 mercurial barometers | 1 lead line reel | 1 Letter Press |
3 transporting cases | 3 aneroid barometers | 3 scratch blacks | 1/4 lb. red linen thread |
2 triple class boxes | 3 hydrometers | 6 lbs. awning | 1/4 lb. blue linen thread |
3 comparing watches | 6 log books | 4 log chips | 12 shts. blotting paper |
3 liquid compasses 7 1/2" | 30 grs. log paper | 2 time glasses 14"3 | 1 box pens |
6 boat-liq. comp. | 6 Chro.comp.books | 1 time glass 28 | 1 comp. Dev. & Comp. |
1 Azimuth Circle | 2 time & position books | 20 lbs. log line | 5 Rodgers Dev. cards |
4 Superior sextants | 1 dbl burner lamp | 2 order books | 1 Reported Dangers N.P. |
1 night octant | 1 sing'l burner lamp | 6 mem. books | 1 Vancouver Isl'd Pilot |
6 artificial horizons | 6 Store room lanterns | 10 sheets D.E. paper | 2 lists Foreign L'ts |
1 Superior spy glass | 18 hand lantern | 10 yds tracing muslin | 1 Alaska Directory |
1 Superior binocular | 2 sets Army Signals | 1 Gunters scale | 1 Pacific Coast Dir. |
2 ord. binocular | 2 Am. Ensign. 10' | 3 doz. black lead pencils | 1 Gen.Ex. N.P. |
40 lbs. Sig. halliards | 1 Am. Ensign. 12' | 1/2 doz. blue lead pencils | 1 N.P.PIlot (Parts I & II) |
12 spare lamp chimneys | 1 narrow pennant 20' | 1/2 doz. red lead pencils | 1 N.P. Directory |
2 spare lamp shades | 1 narrow pennant 9' | 2 fog horns | 3 Casrella-Miller Thrs. |
2 spare lamp globes | 4 narrow pennant 6' | 1 pr. dividers | 1 Rain guage |
6 gr. ~ wick | 1 Union Jack No.7 | 11 spare lantern shades | 1 Colby's Horizon In. |
32lbs spind~ wick | 1 Union Jack No.8 | 1 tripod for Azimuth | 12 deflecting bars |
2 lamp feeders | 1 deck trumpet | 3 thermometers | 6 deck magnets |
2 trimming scissors | 5 yds red bunting 18" | 300 candles (running Lts.) | 1 Standard measure |
4 horn lamterns | 5 yds blue bunting 18" | 2 cases for Psychrometers | 2 Bliss. Taffrail logs |
12 horn lanterns shades | 5 yds white bunting 18" | Charts Portfolio 2 | 1 Gradienter |
3 hand leads 7 lbs. | 2.5 yds yellow bunting 18" | Pacific 629 to 705 in. sx 653 | 1 Pocket compass |
2 hand leads 9 lbs. | 10 yds Ravens | Charts Port. No.4 | 2 Prismatic comp. |
1 deep sea lead 80 lbs. | 5 yds white muslin | (25 to 60 inclusive) | 1 Pocket Sextant |
1 deep sea lead 100 lbs. | 3 yds Sandi cups | Charts Part. No. 5 (526.527.528.529) | 2 Current meters |
6 hand lead lines | 1 Coasting line 32 lb. | Charts Port. No. 9 (579 to 1040 in.) | 1 Pocket Prismatic Circle |
Ummm...the 25 hour boat
There's a weather entry against 'PM' plus 24 hourly weather readings. Please could the good scientists indicate how I might deal with this weird situation? Thanks in advance!
Ummm...the 25 hour boat
There's a weather entry against 'PM' plus 24 hourly weather readings. Please could the good scientists indicate how I might deal with this weird situation? Thanks in advance!
My instinct, they want TWYS so do so. List that one as Hour "PM". ;D
Navigation outfit Col 5 | Navigation Outfit Col 6 | Ordnance Col 1 | Ordnance Col 2 |
12 Rubber blankets | 1 Argus Chro. | 6 Rem. Revolvers | 10 Tower Rifles |
12 Canteens | 1 Hall Chro | 12 Rem. Rifles & sp.parts | 10 Muzzle loading rifles |
2 Side guages | 1 Sextant | 6 Revolver Cart. Boxes | 6 Vaughn Revolvers |
1 mosquito Bar | 1 Course Indicator | 6 Revolver frogs | 500 VAughn cartridges |
10 Knapsacks | 1 Aneroid Barometer | 12 Rifle Cart. Boxes | 500 Tower cartridges |
1 Anemometer | 1 Mercurial Baromoeter | 18 Waist belts | 500 muzzle cartridges |
1 Dip Circle | 1 Spyglass | 2 Padlocks & keys | 500 percussion caps |
1 Zenith Telescope and stand | 1 Binocular | 1 Copper funnel | 1 Brassgun & carriage |
1 Morse Register | 1 Port Charts. 2 loose charts | 1 powder measure | 2 whale guns |
1 Alaska Coast Patrol | 3 thermometers | 1lb match rope | 6 kegs (150lbs) Powder (Blasting) |
1 Behring's Sea Dir. | 1 Walker's Pat Log. | 1 D.E. machine | 1 kegs (50lb) Rifle Pow'd |
1 Adm. Arc, Papers 1875 | 2 time glasses 14s" | 20 Boarding Pikes | 6 bullet moulds |
1 Buchan's Meteorology | 1 clock | 20 Boarding guards | |
1 Loomes Meteorology | 250 gals sperm oil | 250 Magazine candles | |
1 Guyat's tabels | 7000 Rifle Cartridges | ||
2 hand leads 11lb | 3000 Revolver cartridges | ||
1 hand leads 7lb | 2000 S.R. Cartridges | ||
2 hand leads 15 & 30 | 6000 shot gun cartridges | ||
1 hand lead line | 2500 Winchester cartridges | ||
1 deepsea lead line | 5000 USMC Shells | ||
1 masthead light | 15000 wads No. 12 | ||
2 side lights | 2000 wads No. 10 | ||
2 bull's eye lanterns | 5000 Percussion Caps | ||
1 Copperglobe lantern | 3 Winchester Rifles | ||
1 French Mod. lamp | 4 D.B. Shotguns | ||
8 small hand lamps | 2 shotguns & S.R. | ||
2 binnacles | 470lbs shot | ||
1 standard binnacle | 50 lbs shot |
OK - thousands of rounds of cartridges...and a butter mould. Hmmmm....whatever will we find in the galley? Thanks Randi - it was bullet moulds |
Er, maybe bullet moulds ?It's good to know in advance, where the British 't' is crossed after the fact, the American 't' starts being crossed way too early. Makes reading easier. :)
Er, maybe bullet moulds ?It's good to know in advance, where the British 't' is crossed after the fact, the American 't' starts being crossed way too early. Makes reading easier. :)
I think I'm going mad - but perhaps not. The insert pages overlay record of misc event pages - but I can't see those rmep pages and the dates - just the inserts.
e.g. this sequence: The non-weather pages all overlay the 26th June (watch for the word Coppersmith bottom right of the real page
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_012_1.jpg (navigation outfit)
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_013_0.jpg (weather)
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_013_1.jpg (navigation outfit)
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_014_0.jpg (weather)
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_014_1.jpg (Engineer's stores)
this continues until page:
when the record of misc events page finally moves on one day to the 27th June. But by then the weather pages must be way out..I guess this doesn't matter too much, but it's not helpful if you're working out if a weather comment is in addition to the matching weather code page. The weather pages above should not have been scanned until the additional pages have run out.
All seems a bit odd..as I say - it won't put the scientists out - but it's not helpful to us. :( ::)
Barometer changes and CORRECTIONS required to balance readings:
Description of the Instruments used in making the
Meteorological Observations recorded in the columns of the Log Book.
The standard was a Mercurial Barometer made by Adie,
London, No. 1231, and was placed in the
State-room of the Commanding Officer.
For convenience of observation a Holosteric Aneroid Barometer
made by T.S. & J.D. Negus, New York (without numbers) was placed
in the open air on the outside of the Cabin bulkhead and
remained there from June 25th to 4.30 PM September 25th 1879.
The entries in the Log Book between these dates are readings
of this Baromoeter: and a general correction of one tenth of
an inch (0.1") subtractive must be applied to these to make
them agree with the Standard Mercurial at similar tempera
At 4.30 PM September 25th - 1879, the said Aneroid was
moved to within the Cabin, and set by comparison with
Mercurial Standard to a reading reduced to a temperature of
32 degrees Fahrenheit.
At 2 PM September 27th - 1879 it was set to comparison
with Mercurial Standard to a reading reduced to a tempera
ture of 46 degrees Fahrenheit. The reading of this Aneroid was
discontinued at midnight October 31st - 1879.
From 1 AM November 1st 1879 to Midnight January 9th 1880
the readings for the Log were made from Aneroid Barometer
No. 28051 which had been set by comparison with Mercurial
Standard to a reading reduced to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Ummm...the 25 hour boat
There's a weather entry against 'PM' plus 24 hourly weather readings. Please could the good scientists indicate how I might deal with this weird situation? Thanks in advance!
My instinct, they want TWYS so do so. List that one as Hour "PM". ;D
That's comforting Janet - 'cos that's exactly what I've done. The readings are not those of 12 or 1 o'clock so they must be something...it's strange though to be sure ;)
I'm utterly baffled - no idea what's going on. So all I can suggest is transcribe it and hope we can figure it out when the data become available.;D ;D ;D
To stop my software getting confused, please make doubly certain to include the hour column in all the weather observations on such pages (I suggest putting 'PM' in the hour column for the anomalous ob). Then we will get all the conventional hourly observations at the correct times, and may eventually figure out what's going on with the odd one.
Thanks, Philip
Engineer's stores col1 | Engineer's stores col2 | Engineer's stores col3 | Engineer's stores col4 |
1 Balance Spring | 1 Bulls eye lamp | 50lb iron, flat 0.75"x4" | 18lb square steel 1" |
1 Iron beck | 6 box lamps | 82lb iron, flat 0.75"x2" | 10lb square steel 0.75" |
1 hand bellows | 25lb sperm candles | 82lb iron, flat 0.5"x3" | 6lb square steel 0.5" |
1 Forge | 12lbs concentrated lye | 54lb iron, flat 0.5"x2" | 1lb Copper tacks |
3 iron blocks | 23lbs Copper bolt 1" | 18lb iron, flat 0.25"x2" | 100lb tallow |
12 flat chisels | 9lbs Copper bolt 0.75" | 47lb iron, flat sq.1" | 6 ord thermometers |
3 Callipers | 6lb Copper bolt 0.5" | 32lb iron, flat sq.0.75" | 12 thers for salinom. |
12 cape chisels | 15lb Copper bolt 1.25" drifts | 9lb iron, flat sq. 0.5" | 24 sheets tin |
2 Coal mauls | 62lb copper sheet | 34lb iron, flat Sq. r'd 0.5" | 10lb black tin |
1 Compasses | 1lb Ground Emery | 38lb iron, flat Sq. r'd 1" | 25ft rubbertubing 9/16" |
1 Pipe wrench | 0.5in Emery cloth | 16ft Pipe iron 0.75" | 50lb iron washers |
2 screw drivers | 6 sq bastard files | 30 nipples. 30 plugs | 200lb cotton waste |
2 ratchets | 24 flat bastard files | 30 elbows. 30 unoins | 5lb iron wire |
1 crank drill | 24.25 flat bastard files | 30 Tees | 5lb copper wire |
24 drills | 6 round bastard files | 5lb Plumbago~ | 5lb brass wire |
3 Prossers Ex. 2 1/2" | 3 tri saw files | 10lb iron rivets | 3gr ~screws |
1 Mounted Grindstone | 1 set firing tools | 2lb Copper rivets | 0.5lb worsted zephyr |
1 Hack Saw | 41lb sheet gum 0.5" | 10lb rosin | 1 wooden snatch block |
6 Saw Blades | 60lb sheet gum 0.25" | 2lb rotten stone | 6 doormats 1 ladle |
2 Chipping hammers | 40lb sheet gum 0.3" | 6 sail needles | 500 gals sperm oil |
3 Chipping hammers | 30lb sheet gum 0.12" | 5lb sal ammoniac | 25 official envelopes |
1 Hatchet | 17lb sheet gum 1/16" | 0.5lb sewing twine | 5 qrs paper |
1 metal hydrometer | 0.25lb ground glass | 12 steel shovels | 6 gun~ loops |
50ft hose 2.5" | 6 hammer handles | 22lb flat steel 1"x1.5" | 1 piece india ink |
50ft hose 1" | 12 hydrometers | 22lb octagon steel 1.25" | 2pts black ink |
1 Hose pipe | 6 lamp shades | 20lb flat steel 1" | 1 bot. carmine ink |
1 hydraulic jack 10 tons | 1 Indicator cord | 10lb flat steel 0.5" | 1 bot. mucilage |
2 jack screws | 70lb flat iron 1x4 | 5lb flat steel 0.5" | 6 sts~ Drawing paper |
Ummm...the 25 hour boat
There's a weather entry against 'PM' plus 24 hourly weather readings. Please could the good scientists indicate how I might deal with this weird situation? Thanks in advance!
My instinct, they want TWYS so do so. List that one as Hour "PM". ;D
That's comforting Janet - 'cos that's exactly what I've done. The readings are not those of 12 or 1 o'clock so they must be something...it's strange though to be sure ;)I'm utterly baffled - no idea what's going on. So all I can suggest is transcribe it and hope we can figure it out when the data become available.;D ;D ;D
To stop my software getting confused, please make doubly certain to include the hour column in all the weather observations on such pages (I suggest putting 'PM' in the hour column for the anomalous ob). Then we will get all the conventional hourly observations at the correct times, and may eventually figure out what's going on with the odd one.
Thanks, Philip
Perhaps though, the ditto should be written out for 1pm ?
Engineer's stores col5 | Engineer's stores col6 | Engineer's stores col7 | Engineer's stores col8 |
6 sheets blottng paper | 24 hand lanterns | 6 Packing hooks | 12 scrub brushes |
2 qrs. foolscap | 42lb lead pipe | 6 screw hooks | 6 white wash brushes |
2 qrs letter paper | 65 lb sheet lead | 2 pipe wrenches | 20 yds hemp canvas |
2 qrs note paper | 10 lb marline | 1 pr pliers | 1 Engine & boiler |
1 gr paper fastners | 10 lb nails | 1 set reamers | for steam launch |
1 dry pen holders | 2lbs Bellows nails | 1 screw punch | 1 bag pipes for same |
1 dry lead& 1 doz slate pencils | 12 squirt cans | 1 sewing palm | 2 bxs taps & dies |
4 log slates | 6 oil feeders | 1 pr Timmans shears | 1 hand saw |
1 Ve~k book 2qr. | 12lbs hemp packing | 1 pr hand shears | 12 blades for slice bars |
12 drawing tacks | 10 lbs cotton packing | 1 shoe knife | 1 tallow kettle |
1 nest ink saucers | 50 lbs tucks packing | 4 iron sledges | 1 ratchet brace |
1 gunters scale | 10 lb Seldens packing | 2 soldering irons | 3 oil measures |
1200 indicator cards | 1/2gr sandpaper | 1 kettle tallow | 12 drills |
2 log books | 50lb black paint | 1 bung borer | 2 coal hammers |
2 ink stands | 4 gal red paint | 1 screwplate & tape | 5 Cape & Cold chisels |
25 lb round iron | 0.5 gal papan (American) | 1 set gas stocks , taps +c. | 361 spanners |
25 lb round iron | 100lbs red lead | 1 bench vise | 5 packing screws |
15 lb round iron | 100lbs white lead | 1 hand vise | 18 box spanners |
7 lb round iron | 20 lb litharge lead | 2 hose spanners | 6 caulking irons |
7 lb round iron | 10 gal turpentine | 6 screw wrenches | 1 oil syringe |
28 lb sheet iron | 16ft iron pipe 1.5" | 12 glass tubes | 3 oil punches |
142 lb sheet iron | 16 ft iron pipe 1.25" | 4 oz hydrochloric acid | 1 piece iron 4x1.25 |
227 lb sheet iron | 16ft iron pipe 1" | 20 gals asphaltine | 1 pr cutting shears |
214 lb sheet iron | 1 lamp trimmers | 20lbs anti-att metal | 1 piece sheet rubber |
10lb ~swicking | 1 oil funnel | 60lbs bolts & nuts (ass't) | 1 anvil |
1 set pipe tape | 2 funnels | 1lb borax | 0.5 bar steel |
12 globe lanterns | 1 set measure | 12 Bristol bricks | 6 prs tongs |
12 bunker lanterns | 1 brass syringe | 12 Cornbrooms | 2 screw janks~ |
2 Soldering Irons | |||
3 shovels | |||
1 Salinometer | |||
1 lot rubber packing | |||
3 pieces sheet brass | |||
4 spare blades for propeller | |||
1 copper hammer | |||
3 canvas buckets | |||
1 lot lamp wick | |||
1 steel yard | |||
1 piece rubber 0.5" | |||
8 pieces rubber 0.5" 10x9 |
Engineer's stores col9 | Engineer's stores col10 | Engineer's stores col11 | Engineer's stores col12 |
1 manilla towline 5" 694lbs | 4 serving boards | 2 copper hose pipes | 12lbs cotton & 15lbs flax twine |
6 chain hooks | 1 serving mallet | 1 set stencils (complete) | 1 pr 10" shears |
1 anchor, stock 500+150=650 | 15 sail needles | 15 ~squilgees 6 axes | 20 mattresses 20 covers |
1 junk axe | 1 pr cutting nippers | 1 young's galley(complete) | 20 pillows |
12 clamp & shand brushes | 1 pr pliers (for wire) | 1 cleaver 1 griddle | 9 doz loops 6p.india ink |
2 tar brushes | 1 2ft rule | 2 copper & 2 iron tea kettles | 4 pts black ink. 3 pen knives |
10 hickory brooms | 12 scrapers | 1 gridiron & 2 ladles | 3 mucilage. 63 D. paper |
1 silver call | 1 steel saw | 3 bake & 3 frying pans | 3 bx P fastners. 111 s. blotting paper |
30lbs Hemp cord'g 6th. | 15lbs Seine~ twine | 6 stew pans & 2 pokers | 2 doz penholders. 0.5 rm letter paper |
30lbs Hemp cord'g 9th. | 4lbs whipping twine | 1 iron pot & 2 shovels | 3 gr. steel pens 1gr Reg paper |
60lbs Hemp cord'g 12" | 4lbs sewing twine | 2 iron spoons & 2 tongs | 3 flat rulers. 3 porc~ slates |
70lbs Hemp cord'g 15" | 12 thimbles | 2 tinder boxes, flint &co | 96 red tape. 9 Eq. invoice |
70lbs Hemp cord'g 18" | 12lbs tallow | 2 tormentors~, 2 waffle irons | 1 conduct & 1 liberty book |
60lbs Hemp cord'g 1.75in | 0.5 bbl tar | 2 fish. 1 scouse kettle | 3 doz red & blue pencils |
70lbs Hemp cord'g 2" | 1 tank for tar | 2 36.5 tons Coal (Anc.) | 10 bd'ls official envelopes |
210lb lanyard stuff 3.25" | 1 tapeline | 0.5 ton black "~ coal | 1 set-Yeo. acc't books |
70lb Vyome~ spun yarn | 6 brad & 2 wire awls | 1 sack charcoal | 12 monthly returns |
50lb marline | 6 belaying pins | 32 campstools 9lbs beeswax | 1 balance or scale |
50lb hambroline | 3 dust brushes | 50 clothes bags. 60 coal bags | 3 pieces india rubber |
9 toggle irons | 12 bath bricks | 233 yds flax canvas Nos. | 1 vial red ink |
1 hack saw | 8 white wash brushes | 1 Commander 2 fids. | 52lbs hemp rope 3.5" 4 st. |
24 hooks & thimbles | 16 candle timer~ | 150 y'ds old canvas | 10lbs hemp rope 3.5" 3 st. |
200 fish hooks | 1 fire extinguisher | 2 sailhooks. 2 knives | 97lbs hemp rope 3.25" 4 st. |
350lbs junk | 16 charges extinguisher | 1 measuring line. 1 jackass | 161lbs hemp rope 3" 4 st. |
25 fishing lines | 1 conductor point | 47 needles (assorted) | 31lbs hemp rope 2.75" 4 st. |
1 Grams~ | 1 side pump leather | 16 palms (assorted) | 71lbs hemp rope 2.5" 4 st. |
2 Hides (4 sides) | 100ft force pump hose | 3 prickers. 1 y'd stick | 10lbs hemp rope 2.25" 3 st. |
10 marline spikes | 2 spanners | 140 f'th Boltrope (ass't) | 9 ~man books 2 P. folders |
Equipment stores col1 | Equipment stores col2 | Equipment stores col3 | Equipment stores col4 |
32lbs 2" Hemp rope 3st. | 2 upholster's twine - 2lbs | 1 old side ladder | 3 whale spears |
97lbs Ratline stuff (18 & 15th) | 4 toggles 2", 8 iron rings | 1 box ink. 1 bx cutlery | 3 davit cleats |
48lbs serging (9 & 6th) | 2 gr. Mat. tufts. 1.5lbs fish lines | 2 bark crocking | 2 spare bollards |
92lb marline 2 sides leather | 1 roll mat. binding. 64 Coal bag | 4 sledges. 2 Ice saws | 2 spare axe handles |
6 yds Flax canvas No.7 | 10 Clue irons. 30 hammocks | 1 box zinc trays | 20 round battens |
3lbs Sewing Twine | 37 thimbles. 100 y'd H. Duck | 1 cross cut saw | 1 basket scales ~ |
118lbs 4" Manila rope | 2.5 sides Bellows leather | 1 pit saw | 1 hemp towline 3.5" |
174lbs 2.75" manila rope | 88 eyelet-grommets 1" | 1 sledge cooking stove | 1 gross hawser 5" |
46lbs 3.25" manila rope | 12 0.5" eyelet-grommets | 1 bx old fishing lines | 1 gross hawser 4" |
235lbs 3" manila rope | 20 1 5/16th" eyelet-grommets | 6 life buoys 10 rowlocks | 1 tin tar oil |
882lbs 2.75"manila rope | 27lbs cod-line | 1 ship's bell 4 squilgees | 2 bbls lime |
482lbs 2.5" manila rope | 3 grapnels.3 s'ks charcoal | 1 lot old stove pipe | 1 jar chlor. lime |
415lbs 2.25" manila rope | 3 cord pine wood | 1 bag with glue | 2 cork fenders |
173lbs 2" manila rope | 12 harpoons. 6 Ice claws | 1 iron tank. 1 meat safe | 2 chain stoppers |
65lbs 1.75" manila rope | 1 ice drill. 1 ice gouge | 1 gangway ladder | 2 sets manila wheel ropes |
32lbs 1.5" manila rope | 2 choppers. 2 slicers | 2 gangway stanchions | 2 watch tackles |
10lbs white marline | 2 whale knives & 7 lances | 2 anchor ports | 1 jackass |
280yds cot.can. (Nos. 1.5.6) | 3 ice chisels. 3 pick axes | 12 spare oars | 1 suit stoned sails~ |
103 yds cot.can. (8oz) | 1 pr whale bbl slings | 2 harness casks | 2 topsails |
226yds hammock duck | 1 pr T slings | 1 wooden davit | 1 jib. 1 spanker |
18 yds bag duck | 6 boat anchors | 2 sets saw legs | 1 Forecastle awning |
96 yds light ravens~ | 3 iron tanks | 2 sets harness casks | 1 Q'r D'k awning |
1594yds Flax canvas (No | 1 bag rosin | 2 spare T. G. yards | 1 Suit boat sails |
358lbs boltrope (3.25" to 1.25") | 6 sieves | 1 bx Pat. kindling | 2 new topsails |
84lbs Manila (2" to 9th) | 2 wheel standards | 16 tent poles. 4 tents | 1 skylight cover |
46lbs Cotton twine. 17lbs beeswax | 1 spare wheel | 19 sledge battens | 4 new T.G sails |
3lbs 3/8ths" hempline. 3lb houseline | 3 dead light plugs | 1 lot cooking utensils | 1 new outer jib |
10 lbs wh.marline. 0.5 W. lin thread | 4 awning stanchions | 1 large ice pick | 1 new jib |
2 hood rods | |||
1 flagstaff | |||
1 Stand awn stanchion | |||
[Ed's Note: last 4 items for steam launch] |
Equipment stores col5 | Naturalists stores col2 | Scientific Outfit col2 | Scientific Books |
1 new sq foresail | 1lb copper wire (annealed) | 2 glass jars for hydrometers | johnson's Cyclopaedia |
1 new boomd~ foresail | 0.5lb brass wire (annealed) | 3 cold bulb thers | Blazano's Storms |
1 new boomd mainsail | 6lb iron wire (assorted) | 3 Chro watches | Flint. Human Physiology |
1 new spanker | 1lb sponges 2 gr. Corks | 2 pluriometers | Dall's Alasks |
1 new fore topm. staysail | 50 yds cotton sheeting | 1 Transit Theod. &c. | Coves American Birds |
4 boat covers | 2 tin & 1 glass funnel | 1 Reflecting circle | US Dispensatory |
1 hoisting engine cover | 100 bottles (4&2 oz.) | 4 Specimen water bottles | Ellis' Med. Formulary |
2 new tents | 50lb cotton batten | 7 deep sea thers. | Hygiene |
Naturalists Outfit | 400lb Indian meal | 4 Aneroid bar | Analysis of Urine |
2m~ ship tags. 1gr Quill pens | 1 bbl calcined plaster | 1 pocket spectroscope | Ringer's therapeutics |
12 penholders. 3 D Pencils | 100 fruit jars | 3 sets pocket Thers | Roscoe's El. Chemistry |
1 bx D pens. 6 papers pens | 50lbs Arsenic | 4 aneroid bar. | Rech's Ocean |
2m Naturalists pens. 2 Syringes | 3lbs picric acid | 1 pocket spectroscope | Manual of Mollusca |
50 sheets cork. 2 gr vials | 5lb salsylic acid | 3 sets pocket thers | Brocas Human Hybridity |
20 sheets parchment. 2 whetstones | 1lb chloroform | 6 holders for vac thers | Chauvenet's Sp P. Asst |
12 bradawls. 12 Surgeon's needles | 2lb glycerine | 12 holders for merc. Thers | Peschels Races of Man |
12 s.blk thread. 12 s. wht thread | 1lb Cyanide potass | 12 holders for min thers | Gerkin's Ice Age |
6 papers needles. 18 sable brushes | 1gal sulp. acid | 4 pocket anemometers | Bancroft's Native |
6 paint or sash brushes. 10 Scissors | Scientific Outfit | 6 sigshee's cups | Races. Pacific Coast |
2 steel scrapers. 2 tape measures | 1 pendulum (complete) | 1 large anemometer | Surgeon's outfit |
2 ebony scalpels. 2 forceps | 1 transit (complete) | 25 mer thermometers | 8 oz acacia pulvis. |
2 B. files. 50 lbs tow. | 1 Zenith Tel. (complete) | 20 min thermometers | 8 oz acid acetum |
1 marking pat. 2 brushes & ink | 1 magnetomer. | 1 Daniel's hydrometer | 4 oz Carbol. Crye~ |
1 qr. D. paper. 40lb manila paper | 1 Small clip circle | 6 small stands | 3 oz Carbol imp. |
0.5in. large shelf paper. | 1 Ozomometer. | Photographic | 8 oz Acid. Cit. |
50 slats Bristol board 22x28 | 3 Ther. For. Ter. Rad. | 30 doz dry plates | 16 oz acid mur. |
25 slats Bristol board medium | 3 B.B. Thers in vacuo | 1 camera | 16 oz acid nit. |
3lb, iron wire (annealed) | 3 hydrometers | 1 complete outfit Chemicals | |
1 incomplete outfit chemicals | |||
1 incomplete outfit small apparatus | |||
1 complete apparatus | |||
2 doz dry plates | |||
1 camera (old) |
Surgeon's Store's & c. col2 | Surgeon's Store's & c. col3 | Surgeon's Store's & c. col4 | Surgical Instruments col2 |
16oz acid sulphur | 4 oz Cupric Sulphas. | 16 oz potass.bitart | 1 pocket case |
4oz acid salisyl. | 4 oz digitalis tinctura | 80 oz Et soda tart. | 1 urinary case |
4oz acid tan. | 4 oz ergotae ext fluid | 4 oz permanganas. | 6 cupping glasses |
12oz Aconiti rad | 16 oz ferri chloride tinc. | 16 oz potassi iodidum | 1 Pal. battery |
32oz acid adipes cerat. ben | 8 oz ferri sulph liq. | 8 oz potass bromidum | 2 thumb lancets |
16oz acid Oether 10oz Aloe | 4 oz glycerigae ext | 16 oz pruni~ring ext. fluid | 1 razor. 1 strop |
8 oz Oethers spir. comp | 32 oz Glycerinea | 8 oz Quinae sulphas. | 1 microscope |
48 oz alumen | 2 oz gentianae ext. | 16 oz Resinae ceratum | 2 p rubber syringes |
48 oz aqua am. | 8 oz Hydrag. chlor. unte~ | 4 oz Rhei. ext. fluid | 1 spec anal |
4 oz Am. Carbonas. | 8 ox iodinium | 64 oz saponisliminatum | 1 spec aural |
4 oz am. Chloridum | 4 oz hydrag. pilul. | 8 oz scillae syrupus. | 1 urinometer |
1 oz Antimonial potass tart | 2 oz Idoform~ | 8 oz senegoe ext fliud | 2 hypodermic syr. |
1 oz argentic nitras | 8 oz Ippecacuana. Ex. flu. | 4 oz simapis~ pulvis | 1 self adj. syringe |
1 oz argentic fusa | 16 oz Ippecacuana pul. comp | 32 oz bicarb sodii | 4 sets clinical ther. |
8 oz arnical rad. ext.flu. | 1 oz Jalapae ext. | 64 oz sodae chlor. liq | 2 field & 2 screw tourniquets |
1 dr. attropae sulphas | 10 lbs lime juice~ | 16 oz sulphur | Surgical appliances |
10 oz belladonna ext.alc | 128 oz sulphate of magnesia | 8 pts terebinth oleum | 6 suspension bandages |
8 oz Bizmuth sub carb | 1 oz menth. pip. el. | 1 oz tiglii oleum | 3 binders boards |
8 oz Camphora | 4dr. morphia sulphas. | 80 oz vaseline | 2 buckskins. 3lb cotton batten |
2 oz Cantharidis tinct | 12 pts morrhax~ oleum | 8 oz zinci carb proecip. | 5lbs gypsum. 5lb lint |
16 oz caprici ext. fluid | 8 oz myrrh | 2 oz zinci sulphur | 0.5 oz ligature silk |
16 oz chlor purificat. | 8 oz opei pulvis. | 16 oz tinc. Kramina~ | 3 yds ligature wire |
8 oz chlor hydras. | 1 oz uncio vomicae ex. fluid | Surgical Instruments | 6 yds oiled muslin |
16 oz Chinchona ex.f comp. | 2 lbs opei tinctura | 1 aspirator, 1 atomizer | 2 sets needles. thimbles &c. |
4 oz Colchini Sem ext. flui. | 8 oz pilul cath. comp. | 10 p bougie . 10 p catheter | 12 hair pencils. 20 yds ad. plant~ |
4 oz Colodian | 8 oz Plumbi acetas. | 1 dental case 1 Eye & earcase | 1lb bath sponge. 2 Isinglass plant~ |
4 oz Colocynth | 0.5 podophyl resina | 1 ex. and boat~ case | 0.5 lb surgical sponge 0.25 lb Yel. wax |
8 oz Creta preparta. | 4 oz potass. arsenet liq. | 1 general op case | 1 tape line |
8 oz potass. bicarb. | 6 pieces tape |
~ apparatus stand | 1lbs glass tubing | Miscellaneous Stores | 1 rubber sponge |
~ apparatus atmospheric | 0.25lb twine | 29 yds tracing cloth | 50 Copperrecord cyl. |
~ gr bottles & 1 gr. veal corks | 4 doz assorted vials | 1 three leg dividers | 4 cards Crowquill pens |
~ cork screw & cork extractor | Hospital Furniture | 12 sticks India ink | Set sketch blocks |
~ glass and 1 gutta percha funnel | 2 bed pans | 24 rubber erasers | China white and |
~ nutmeg grater. 1 Acessory~ lamp | 2 feeding cups | 24 drawing pencils | wash pencils |
~ bot. red litmus paper. | 4 medicine spoons | 24 camel's hair brushes | 1 lot carpenter's tools |
~ bot blue litmus paper | 2 tumblers | 2 box water colours | 1 Crow's nest |
~ glass measure 8 oz | 2 glass urinals | 4 parallel rulers | 1 melodeon~ |
~ glass measure 4 0z | 2 wine glasses | 6 Brass dividers | 12 cabin chairs |
~ glass measure 2 oz | Stationary | 6 qts David's ink | 5 stoves (complete) |
~ glass measure 1 oz | 2 medical journals | 6 qts Stephen's ink | 1 cabin mess outfit |
~ glass measure 1 dr | 2 bat. mucilage | 12 bot. red ink. | 1 forecastle mess outfit |
mortar and pestle, glass | 0.25qr blotting paper | 6 safety ink stands | 2 doz snow knives |
mortar & pestle Wedgewood | 4 qr filtering paper | 6 qts mucilage | 4 skinning knives |
percolator | 1 penknife | 300 paper fastners | 1 cook knives |
~ doz wood pill boxes | 1 portfolio | 2 T squares | 4 doz harness swivels |
~ doz tile pill boxes | 1 ruler | 6 doz lead pencils | 6 basins. 6 slop jars |
Apothecary's scale | Miscellaneous | 1 magnifier | 6 water cans |
~ pre. scissors | 1 leather medical case | 1 case instruments | 1 ratchet bitt brace |
~ sheepskins | 32 gal. whiskey | 1 copy Burts Solar Compass | 300 gals alcohol |
~ spatula 6" | 30 gal brandy | 5 doz sheets linted paper | Additonal Surgeons Outfit |
~ spatula 5" | 20 gal sherry | 3 bxs crayons 24.36.18 | 6 pts alcohol |
~ spatula 4" | 20 gal ale | 2 triangles. 1 protractor | 1lbs Potass Chloras |
~ spatula 3" | 20 gal porter | 1 dot pen. 4 offsetts | 18 pts brandy |
~ spirit lamp | 48 gal extract of malt | 2 Nautical Almanacs 1879.1880 | 24 pts whiskey |
~ test case | 10 gal rum | 50 ft metal tape | 18 pts sherry wine |
~2 test tubes | 50 ft Payne's tape | 50lbs ferri suphas. |
8 oz Ferri et qui citras. | 1400lb cornmeal | 60 lbs beets | 100 lbs dried apples |
2 oz hydr. ox.flav. | 3000 lbs pilot bread | 300 lbs split peas | 50 lbs dried pears |
1lb hydr victras ungt. | 3000 lbs pork | 300 lbs rice | 920 lbs Lime juice (3 bbl~ |
3 Trusses | 2500 lbs roast beef | 100 lbs barley | 360 lbs S.W. evap |
1 India rubber urinal | 2500 lbsroast mutton | 1500 lbs Rio Coffee | 25 lbs Essence coffee |
12 Pipettes | 1000 lbs corned beef | 1000 lbs Java coffee | 50 lbs Ass't crackers |
6 clamps for tubing | 1000 lbs beef soup | 50 lbs cocoa | 25 lbs mixed candies |
1 box litmus paper | 250 lbs turkey | 3300 Ex C. sugar | 300 lbs ass't fruits |
2 yds black silk | 250 lbs chicken | 550 lent loaf sugar | 100 lbs Rye flour |
2 qr wrap paper | 100 lbs roast veal | 1000 Condensed milk | 200 lbs Graham flour |
0.25 qr blotting paper | 100 lbs tongue | 1500lbs pickles. 5 Bbls~ | 100 lbs Buckwheat |
1 set weights | 100 lbs boneless ham | 1500 lbs vinegar (5Bbls) | 175 lbs Ground rice |
124 bottle clasps | 100 lbs oxtail soup | 2100 lbs syrup (7bbls) | 20 lbs Farina |
12 bottles Linct. pint | 125 lbs mock turtle soup | 600 lbs molasses (2 bbls) | 10 lbs Arrowroot |
16 bottles Linct.0.5 pint | 1400 lbs oatmeal | 300 lbs salt | 20 lbs Pearl sago |
4 bottles Linct. 4 pint | 900 lbs hominy | 160 lbs raisins | 30 lbs Corn Starch |
12 bottles Saltmouth~ 1 pt | 800 lbs mutton soup | 500 lbs tea | 20 lbs tapioca |
16 bottles Saltmouth~ 8 oz | 1000 lbs dessicated potatoes | 50 lbs gound ginger | 25 lbs vermicelli |
15 bottles Saltmouth~ 4 oz | 2100 lbs tomatoes | 100 lbs mustard | 5 lbs ground cloves |
1 old medicine chest | 500 lbs green corn | 70 lbs pepper | 10 lbs ground allspice |
500 lbs succotash | 100 lbs cheese | 5 lbs ground cinnamon | |
250 lbs green peas | 10 lbs hops | 3 lbs ground mace | |
250 lbs turnips | 15 lbs yeast pow'd | 10 lbs citron | |
100 lbs onions | 160 lbs prunes | 100 lbs salmon | |
30 lbs pumpkin | 200 lbs apple butter | 100 lbs mackerel | |
100 lbs carrotts | 200 lbs Quince butter | ||
200 lbs Peach butter |
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 |
~ lbs codfish | 50 lbs apples | 100 lbs haddock | 67 prs mitts |
~00 lbs Finan Haddies | 50 lbs greengages | 100 lbs peaches | 12 Sou'westers |
~50 lbs lobster | 50 lbs damsons | 6300 lbs pemmican | 50 prs drawers |
~50 lbs spiced salmon | 25 lbs currant jelly | 1106 lbs Pemmican | 151 prs. woolen stockings |
~50 lbs oysters | 25 lbs apple jelly | 200 lbs pork | 48 single blankets |
~0 lbs clam chowder | 50 lbs cranberries | 1 half bbl vinegar | 4 Duffle coats |
~0 lbs fish | 100 lbs nuts | 1 half bbl molasses | 1 pr Duffle pants |
~0 lbs tripe | 10 lbs curry pow'd | 2 bxs Yellow soap (150lbs) | 25 prs Duffle boots |
~0 lbs kidneys | 12 lbs capers | Clothing | 8 Duffle blankets |
~0 lbs sardines | 12 lbs olive oil | 33 prs sea boots | 98 skull caps |
~0 lbs sausage | 10 lbs yeast | 33 D. Blankets | 27 helmet caps |
~5 lbs chicken soup | 5 lbs Saleratus | 20 lbs blk. lin. thread | 36 seal skin caps |
~0 lbs dried peaches | 20 lbs triple extract | 20 lbs wht. lin. thread | 6 deer skin frocks |
~0 lbs figs | 166 lbs stearine candles | 50 sp. sewing cotton | 18 whitw wool frocks |
~0 lbs dates | 10 lbs pow'd herbs | 50 sp. black sewing silk | 24 seal skin mitts |
~0 lbs okra | 1500 lbs medium beans | 40 p needles | 26 prs moccasins |
~0 lbs string beans | 1400 lbs butter | 25 prs scissors | 13 comforters |
~0 lbs lima beans | 10 lbs lemon peel | 3 doz fine combs | 4 rubber blankets |
~0 lbs asparagus | 10 lbs orange peel | 3 doz course combs | 23 haversacks |
~0 lbs strawberries | 1000 lbs mutton broth | 16 rubber water bottles | 9 leather jackets |
~0 lbs raspberries | 400 lbs mutton soup | 16 rubber water bottles | 8 hammocks |
~0 lbs lard | 50 lbs Hotch Potch | 33 oil skin suits | 1 bale white flannel |
~0 lbs Pickled Cabbage | 100 lbs Pigsfeet | 18 Hard Times suits | 14 berth mattresses |
~0 lbs assorted pickles | 1800 lbs Plug tobacco | 6 Hard Times ulsters | 1 lot old hammock mattresses |
~0 lbs Olives | 100 lbs Smoking tobacco | 6 Hard Times Quilts | 1 lot old hammock pillows |
~5 lbs Catsup | 400 lbs Chocolate | 5 prs Sat. trousers | |
~2 lbs Chutney | 600 lbs Cider vinegar (2 bbls) | 2 caps | |
~2 bot R. India Sauce | 70 lbs Pipes (300) | 10 cap ribbons | |
20 mock seal skin caps |
Keep an eye on those 2100 lbs of tomato. And by the way, did anyone see bottles of mercury (Hg) come on board? It could be for an 'artificial horizon' (navigation) or to fill barometers. In many published accounts from British ships one finds that someone ends up doing something silly with it - like boiling it on the cabin stove - which is why today our President sits at a desk made out of the HMS Resolute.
SuccotashHmmm..interesting - perhaps another tasty thing that's gone out of fashion..like pig's feet and tripe :-\ :D
I know it as lima beans and corn.
You could buy it frozen in Pennsylvania in the sixties.
Keep an eye on those 2100 lbs of tomato. And by the way, did anyone see bottles of mercury (Hg) come on board? It could be for an 'artificial horizon' (navigation) or to fill barometers. In many published accounts from British ships one finds that someone ends up doing something silly with it - like boiling it on the cabin stove - which is why today our President sits at a desk made out of the HMS Resolute.
:o ;D I shouldn't laugh - but I did - lots. And yes - there's a bottle of mercury on board! and a stove, and stove lighters, and kindling, and fuel and.... ::)
I never heard that word growing up and didn't know what it was, but as soon as I saw the Wiki picture of a corn and kidney bean succotash, it felt like one of the layers of the casseroles that showed up at church potluck dinners. Definitely comfort food. (Lots of people don't like lima beans, potluck casseroles in the Chicago/Milwaukee area always used some kind of brown/black beans or peas.)
Hominy grits is the low tech no-refrigeration method of preserving corn (maize) for the winter by soaking in lye, a native American trick; it also breaks down the kernel skins so the corn is more easily digestible. It has not caught on in the north, but when I can find it, it is delicious. Very bland to the taste when without additives, one of those things that provides a nutritious base for a good cook to add flavoring to.
Oh no - fetch my hat - I'll eat that just before I settle down to some humble pie. I didn't spot that the weather pages were the same.After transcribing the first appearance of the weather page, I'm going to ignore the repeats. Let me know if that's a problem.
I better check the weather pages that I did - and cancel one. Tra la la la - nothing is ever that simple.
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 |
2 sets hatch battens | 1 Copper measure | 1 monkey wrench | 20 lbs litharge |
4 copper funnels | 1 set socket guages | 8 ring bolts | 10 gals turpentine |
1 sounding rod | 1 adze | 2 split boxes | 2 gals. Demar varnish |
1 doz door knobs #2 | 1 set augers | 6 boat buckets | 30 lbs putty |
1 doz door knobs #2.5 | 3 wood axes | 12 deck buckets | 50 lbs yellow ochre |
1 broad axe | 1 set bitts | 1 brass cock | 20 lbs Venitian red |
6 paint brushes | 6 chisel sockets | 2 wood axe handles | 1 bevel |
2 varnish brushes | 1 compasses | 5 brass padlocks | 9 prs. drawer pull |
2 seam brushes | 1 clawhammer | 3lbs Copper burrs | 1 Riveting hammer |
6 cross cut files | 1 tack hammer | 6 sheets Copper | 1 Cooper's hammer |
4 fine saw files | 1 glass cutter | 6 yds fearnaught | 1 set gimlets bitts |
12 hand saw files | 6 gainlets | 6 airport lenses | 1 pr. cut nippers |
2 rat tail files | 1 set Calking irons | 6 glass lights | 1 pr hand shears |
1 half round file | 1 drawing knife | 2lbs glue | |
1 horsing iron | 1 glue kettle | 50 lbs sheet lead | |
1 putty knife | 1 oil stone | 200 lbs nails | |
1 pitch ladle | 12 Carpenter's pencils | 50 lbs copper nails | |
1 calking mallet | 2 nail punches | 10 lbs copper tacks | |
1 horsing mallet | 1 rasp | 200 lbs oakum | |
1 Carpenter's mallet | 1 compass saw | 50 shts sand paper | |
1 beading plane | 1 dovetail saw | 0.5 bbl Pitch | |
1 jack plane | 1 panel saw | 6 gr.screws | |
1 rabbit plane | 3 wood saw | 20 lbs iron spikes | |
1 smoothing plane | 2 saw setts | 100 lbs 10d. nails | |
1 wooden clamp screws | 1 steel square | 250 lbs white lead | |
1 screwdriver | 1 tool chest | 100 lbs black lead | |
1 measuring tape | 1 iron bench vise | 1 gal japan (drying) varnish | |
1 mess chest | 1 iron thumb vise | 20 gal linseed oil |
Just saying, the Jack, Rabbit and Smoothing have dittos under xx plane, making them all planes. And I can't put Jack and Rabbit together like that without laughing. ;D
You have: "500 lbs tea"HOW did I miss that? Well - there were a few other things on the list I suppose ;) ;)
(milk and sugar please ;))
There is a note at the top of the page (025): "ship lying between wind and tide" - a rather poetic turn of phrase that describes the sometimes uncomfortable situation when a ship won't tend easily to the anchor because the wind and current are crosswise. So, for example, you end up rolling scuppers under in the chop, but facing into the current. Makes sailors grumpy and landsmen boot (chunder?).
The food stores lists are surprisingly interesting - and much more diverse than I would have expected. I wonder how some things are preserved? Tinned, dried, salted... Is it segregated between the wardroom and the fo'c'sl (officers and ordinary sailors)? How does the fare compare to other ships on more regular government service? I don't think scurvy was a big problem on this voyage (though we may find out more as we go) whereas it was on the British Arctic Expedition just a few years before (1875-76).
10 lbs lime juice~Clearly not fresh. I'm guessing the '~' is some abbreviation of tinned or jarred.
920 lbs Lime juice (3 bbl~:o
It is generally thought that lime juice alone was an effective cure back in the day but it was not. See here:
Quoting: "Indeed, a 1918 animal experiment using representative samples of the Navy and Merchant Marine's lime juice showed that it had virtually no antiscorbutic power at all."
Many polar expeditions had lime juice AND scurvy, alas. The process of handing and bottling the juice destroyed the vitamin C (incidentally not identified until the 1930s).
28 July 1881:
Commenced serving out lime juice to Each man aboard ship. Each man to take daily one ounce. To be taken in the presence of the officer of the deck. By order of the Comdg. officer.
That was in Surgeon's Stores. http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_019_1.jpg
I wonder if it really says juice :-\
In Provisions. http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_021_0.jpgQuote920 lbs Lime juice (3 bbl~:o
From Rodgers' Log28 July 1881:
Commenced serving out lime juice to Each man aboard ship. Each man to take daily one ounce. To be taken in the presence of the officer of the deck. By order of the Comdg. officer.
The food stores lists are surprisingly interesting - and much more diverse than I would have expected. I wonder how some things are preserved? Tinned, dried, salted... Is it segregated between the wardroom and the fo'c'sl (officers and ordinary sailors)? How does the fare compare to other ships on more regular government service? I don't think scurvy was a big problem on this voyage (though we may find out more as we go) whereas it was on the British Arctic Expedition just a few years before (1875-76).Hi Kevin
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mock_turtle_soupSounds like it might be middle class or peasant food. :)
Mock turtle soup is an English soup that was created in the mid-18th century as a cheaper imitation of green turtle soup.[1] It often uses brains and organ meats such as calf's head or a calf's foot[2] to duplicate the texture and flavour of the original's turtle meat.
Hardtack (or hard tack) is a simple type of cracker or biscuit, made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. Inexpensive and long-lasting, it was and is used for sustenance in the absence of perishable foods, commonly during long sea voyages and military campaigns.[1] The name derives from the British sailor slang for food, "tack". It is known by other names such as pilot bread (as rations for ship's pilots[2]), ship's biscuit, shipbiscuit, sea biscuit, sea bread (as rations for sailors) or pejoratively "dog biscuits", "tooth dullers", "sheet iron", "worm castles" or "molar breakers".[3] Australian military personnel know them as ANZAC wafers.
Joan, if you want, just "quote" it and paste it (sans quoting codes) into a post of your own. I don't mind.
There are the artificial horizons. Here is a short article (with a picture) describing their use: http://www.longcamp.com/horizon.html.Thanks for this Kevin. There are a few intriguing articles aboard. I've almost got time to sift through them now - but I could do with a version of the Sears Roebuck catalogue for boat chandler to sort out some of them. Mind you - they used to say you could buy everything from S/R...now which page to they have deck trumpets on?? :D
Joan, if you want, just "quote" it and paste it (sans quoting codes) into a post of your own. I don't mind.
oh no- it was the Gradientor/Gradientor that gave it away - somehow I've ended up circling past this page twice - it was in reply#27. I am sorry Janet - after all your help - but I think that it would be better if this list got deleted. Ouch - I AM SORRY! I better check through all these pages to make sure there's not one that got missed out when I made this goof.
J :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
There are the artificial horizons. Here is a short article (with a picture) describing their use: http://www.longcamp.com/horizon.html.Thanks for this Kevin. There are a few intriguing articles aboard. I've almost got time to sift through them now - but I could do with a version of the Sears Roebuck catalogue for boat chandler to sort out some of them. Mind you - they used to say you could buy everything from S/R...now which page to they have deck trumpets on?? :D
There are the artificial horizons. Here is a short article (with a picture) describing their use: http://www.longcamp.com/horizon.html.Thanks for this Kevin. There are a few intriguing articles aboard. I've almost got time to sift through them now - but I could do with a version of the Sears Roebuck catalogue for boat chandler to sort out some of them. Mind you - they used to say you could buy everything from S/R...now which page to they have deck trumpets on?? :D
We have the very beginnings of an online reference bibliography on the Rediscovery site. Our librarian and one or two information school students are going to be working on this soon. That would be a good place to collate the gathering resource generated here.
I just got an email from Kevin - he wrote the Navy Bureau of Medicine about Joan's inventory, saying they could get a full list of his supplies at our forum. He replied to Kevin, sending him a couple of photos of the memorial plaque they have at the bureau for Jeanette's doctor James Ambler.
Now we know what he looked like. :)
A quick google also found me a photo of his gravestone marker, in an Episcopalian church yard in Leeds, VA.
Oopsie! - that was really unfortunate Janet. I'll fix those missing items.
Sssshhhhhh! (whispered) check out this one:
Well I guess she's on a details collecting mission...practice practice practice.... ;D
I still get the thermometer page (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_011_0.jpg) when I go in as a new transcriber.
Thanks so much jil. I think you might well be number 3 - I think Janet went through the others. I'll ask Randi to try transcribing to see what she comes up with.I'll be staying on board, just splitting time between this and editing.
Are you staying on board - or jumping back to another ship?
Col1 | Col 2 | Col 3 | Col 4 |
~ c. Cornmeal | 7 c. Split peas | 1 c. Kidneys | 1 c. Julienne soup |
~5 bbls flour | 3 c. Carolina Rice | 7 c. Sausage | 1 c. fresh apples |
~2 ~bls Pilot bread | 1 c. Barley | 1 c. chicken soup | 0.5 bbl Lard |
~9 c. Roast Beef | 19 c. Gr. Rio Coffee | 1 c. dried peaches | 100 tons coal |
~1 c. Roast Mutton | 16 c. Ro. Rio Coffee | 1 c. tomatoes (special) | |
~4 c. Corned beef | 1 bx chocolate | 1 c. Okra | |
~6 c. Beef soup | 20 c. Ex C. Sugar | 1 c. String beans | |
~1 c. turkey | 7 c. Catloaf sugar | 13 c. mutton broth | |
~~ chicken | 1 SK Salt | 1 c. vegetable soup | |
~2 Roast veal | 1 c. raisins | 1 c. each of almonds, vermicelli, groceries | |
~~ tongue | 11 ch. tea | 1 c. each of oatmeal, split peas | |
~~ bacon | 1 bx mustard & pepper | 7 c. macaroni | |
~~ " boneless ham | 4 bx cheese | 1 c. each of Graham flour, Barley | |
~~ " oxtail soup | 1 c. prunes | 1 c. lima beans | |
~~ bls mutton suet | 1 hf bbl Apple butter | 1 c. peaches | |
~~ c.mock turtle soup | 1 hf bbl Peach butter | 1 c. raspberries | |
~~ " oatmeal | 1 hf bbl Quince butter | 1 c. pickles | |
~~ " hominy | 1 c. Dried apples | 3 c. chutney | |
~~ " D. Potatoes | 1 c. dried pears | 1 c. greengages | |
~~ " tomatoes | 9 bx SW soap | 2 c. damsons | |
~~ " Corn | 3 c. Ext Beef | 1 c. currant jelly | |
~~ " succotash | 1 c. Salmon | 1 c. olive oil | |
~~ " Green peas | 3 c. mackerel | 1 c. medium beans | |
~~ " turnips | 4 c. haddock | 27 kegs butter | |
~~ " Onions | 1 c. codfish | 3 c. Bartlett Pears | |
~~ " pumpkins | 2 c. Finnan Haddies | 4 c. gooseberries | |
~~ " Carrotts | 1 c. lobster | 1 c. apple jelly | |
~4 " Beets | 1 c. clam chowder |
Regardless, however, of all his arguments and his persua-http://archive.org/stream/hellonicethesaga010772mbp/hellonicethesaga010772mbp_djvu.txt
sions, De Long was unable to get the commandant at Mare
Island to approve the detail of any naval vessel for this duty;
nor, with Bennett unfortunately abroad, did he have, in spite
of his most urgent telegrams, any better luck in forcing the
Navy Department itself to order one. In this dilemma, at the
last minute Bennett saved the situation by a cable from Paris,
authorizing the charter of a schooner, the Fanny A. Hyde,
to carry the coal north. De Long, relieved of his worry but
exasperated beyond measure by the controversy, eased his
mind by wiring back to the Herald,
"Thank God, I have a man at my back to see me through
when countries fail!"
Yes, the schooner is carrying extra supplies and more coal I think. They may carry on with the coal beyond St. Michaels - the JEANNETTE being overloaded. At least that's what I remember from 'Hell on Ice' which is good reading but not absolutely authoritative.
Yes, the schooner is carrying extra supplies and more coal I think. They may carry on with the coal beyond St. Michaels - the JEANNETTE being overloaded. At least that's what I remember from 'Hell on Ice' which is good reading but not absolutely authoritative.
Com & until 4 A.m. Moderate breezes from S.S.W. and snowing at times. At 1.50 a meteor was seen about 1/4 of a mile from the ship in the S.W. quarter of the horizon. It was very brilliant and remained in sight for about 7 minutes appearing like a ball of fire. At 3 the weather cleared. There was a fine aurora during watch. William Dunbar
New kid on the block here. There's is a strange meteor sighting report on 25. Sept. 1879:QuoteCom & until 4 A.m. Moderate breezes from S.S.W. and snowing at times. At 1.50 a meteor was seen about 1/4 of a mile from the ship in the S.W. quarter of the horizon. It was very brilliant and remained in sight for about 7 minutes appearing like a ball of fire. At 3 the weather cleared. There was a fine aurora during watch. William Dunbar
Errrrrr.......a meteor, 7 minutes, below the cloud ceiling, right next to the ship?
Aneroid bar. was moved at 4.30 and fell 29.51. The aneroid was moved from the outside of the Cabin Bulkhead to a place on the fore and aft-bulkhead in the cabin near the starboard door. on account of the thermometer attached which is not graduated below 10?
As for the barometer, I had already added this to the events tab. Don't worry about that. Wasn't quite sure how important that is. Okay, quite important, I guess. Again, 25.9.1879:QuoteAneroid bar. was moved at 4.30 and fell 29.51. The aneroid was moved from the outside of the Cabin Bulkhead to a place on the fore and aft-bulkhead in the cabin near the starboard door. on account of the thermometer attached which is not graduated below 10?
Link (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_120_0.jpg)
You can add that here: http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3456.0
Welcome Captain Clewi! I was very impressed by how you came up and passed me in the Jeannette logs. I thought it was a meteor that went by me ;D
List of provisions condemned as unfit for use during Quarter Ending Sept. 30th 1879
Flour 40 lbs
Roast Beef 666 "
Roast-Mutton 9 "
Beef Soup 152 "
Mutton Soup 8 "
Turnips 1 1/2 "
Chutney 1 bot.
Currant Jelly 2 glasses
Inserted page on 30. Sept. 1879:QuoteList of provisions condemned as unfit for use during Quarter Ending Sept. 30th 1879
Flour 40 lbs
Roast Beef 666 "
Roast-Mutton 9 "
Beef Soup 152 "
Mutton Soup 8 "
Turnips 1 1/2 "
Chutney 1 bot.
Currant Jelly 2 glasses
13 Fur seal blankets } Case 1 | 1/2 doz wisp brooms} | 3 snow shovels 1 pkg |
19 Fur seal skins } | 18 lb whale sinew } Case 5 | 5 c coal oil 50 gals |
10 Fur seal blankets Case 2 | 1/2 doz claw hatchets } | 1/2 doz fox traps |
16 marmot robes } | 5 reindeer coats } | 2 tins matches 10gr. |
1 squirrel coat } Case 3 | 3 reindeer bags } 1 Bdle | 4 prs snow shoes |
1 musquash coat } | 1 reindeer skin } | 3 bars O iron 7/8 inch 92 pound |
25 Intestine shirts } | 15 reindeer bags 1 Bdle | 3 sheets Gal'vd iron 7/8 inch 36pounds |
9 pr. Buffalo overshoes } Case 4 | 39 reindeer skins 6 Bdles | 20 p'd iron tacks |
1 clothes line } | 17 Bundles Walrushide rope | 1/6 doz rim knob locks |
1 pc scarlet flannel 34 yds } | 12 brooms 1 pkge | 1 keg nails 8s |
347 ft spruce board | 30 ft T & G | 60 gallons cranberries |
1000 ft RW Rustic | 12 student lamp chimneys | 1 sheep |
500 ft 2 X 3 | 84 ft plank 3 x 12 | 11 850 lbs dried fish |
131 tons 1083 lbs Nanaimmo coal | 30 prs reindeer mitts (1 case) | |
26 Squirrel coats (3 cases) |
What an evocative list! I think I may have managed to read a few of your question marks - try these:
1/2 doz wisp brooms
1/2 doz claw hatchets
12 standard lamp chimneys
1/2 doz fox traps
3 sheets Galv'd iron (ie galvanized)
Definition of STUDENT LAMPhttp://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/student%20lamp
: a desk reading lamp with a tubular shaft, one or two arms for a shaded light, and originally an oil reservoir
First Known Use of STUDENT LAMP
I'm assuming that "stardust" means "frosted" glass? Many of them look extremely appropriate, and I must think that the crew of a sailing ship is good enough at sewing seams to make use of the smaller furs. I do want to ask what the following items might be:
1000 ft RW Rustic
500 ft 2 X 3
30 ft T & G
I found a page with pics of modern Inuit clothing, with captions detailed enough to explain how they put them on, in how many layers. http://www.johntyman.com/arctic/inuit201.html
A rather curious use of ditto in the weather code column at 9 AM. I presume it stands for the single letter "c" in this case.
This is not the first occurrance. It goes without saying that I T"d WI S(aw)
I think he is sometimes showing sub-hourly conditions. So the "Cum, Strat" was earlier in the hour and the "Stratus" was later in the hour. This will be messy for the science team to sort out.
Bright moonlight and starlight. At 4.30 PM an Auroral arch of streamers in N by E magnetic. The crown of the arch having an altitude of 20?. At 7 faint aurora to Northward. At 8 brilliant Aurora in an arch from E to W ( ~ magnetic) passing through zenith, with bright bows ~ up occasionally from Northern horizon. At 9 double Auroral arch from W to to NE x E (~ magnetic), crown at North (magnetic) 60? in altitude. Faint auroral patches under moon S x E (mag.) At 11 auroral Streamers beginning at NW (mag) arching to 30? altitude at N (mag) and returning at NNE (mag) in an ellipse to beginning.
from WF & T Co... would this be Wells Fargo & Telegraph Co.? Wells Fargo were pretty big in San Francisco weren't they? Just a thought.
Not much help, but I did find this:Well!! That is nice, and there clearly is a shipping company of sorts known as W F & T Co. I added that California news site to the Newspaper search sites on the Helpful Links post (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=1054.msg56565#msg56565).
"W F & T Co." - note space for searching
I wouldn't think there would be much connection between a 'metallic life boat' and Wells Fargo or Telegraphs :-\
'Condemned to dog food 66lbs roast beef marked "Eric".'I must admit - dog's guts are quite strong, but they do have quite a few lbs of condemned food allotted to them by now - glad I don't have to muck them out frankly. I love the idea that it might be for Eric the Dog (he's gonna have LOTS of friends soon). But it does look like Erie. I noticed that they were logging names on faulty products. I don't know if they intended to seek refunds at some time. Certainly the Daily Alta newspaper seems to contain similar types of reporting as these 'lost goods'. I might go back and see if there is any report brought back by the St Paul's.
Did I read that right? Is there a dog on board named Eric? ???
More stores, picked up at St. Michaels Alaska and some crew changes 21st August 1879.
30 neck comforters 40 sets dog harness
36 drill jumpers 5 sleds
20 prs wollen gloves 20 cakes = 2290lbs compressed dog food
4 dressed beaver skins 5 budles thongs
5 tanned seal skins (Maklak) 4 peices whale bone
5 tanned seal skins small (Suntak) 10 gal. coal oil
60 Mink skins (Mr Ketchum) 1 coal oil lamp
10 pieces = 400yds cotton drill 2 illuminators
10 pieces = 504yds calico (prints) 2 shades
3 Bbls. salt salmon 3 doz wicks
40 prs snow shoes 5 prs wollen pant
2 Bidaikics (canoes) 1 pr Hardtime pants
1 Bidara (skin boat) 5 woolen overshirts
40 dogs
(They've also just loaded up the stores from the Fanny A. Hyde, where are they putting all this stuff?)
Two natives, named respectively Alexey and Aniguin were received on board to accompany the ship on her voyage to the Arctic Ocean, as dog drivers, hunters and trappers, upon the following terms of agreement between them and the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant DeLong U.S. Navy: viz. Alexey is to receive Twenty ($20.00) per month and a proper outfit which amounts to $50.00 and at the completion of his service a breach loading rifle and 1000 cartridges, his wife shall receive provisions during his absence amounting to $5.00 per month.
Aniguin receives fifteen ($15.00) per month and a proper outfit amounting to $50.00 and his mother shall receive provisions during his absence ammounting to $5.00 per month.
Both men shall be clothed and found in the necessaries of life until their return to St Michael Alaska Territory.
Ah Sing (Seaman) was this day discharged from the ship and the Naval Service, and a passage provided for him in the Schooner "Fanny A. Hyde" to San Francisco, California
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_084_0.jpg (for reverse of inserted page)
More stores, picked up at St. Michaels Alaska and some crew changes 21st August 1879.
60 Mink skins (Mr Ketchum)
"Redoubt St. Michael" was founded in 1833 by traders of the Russian-American Company, as a trading post for trade with the Yupik people of the area. The trading settlement and the island were named after the archangel Michael.and
Fort St. Michael, a U.S. military post, was established in 1897. During the gold rush of 1897, it was a major gateway to the Alaskan interior via the Yukon River Delta (located about 40 miles to the southwest). As many as 10,000 persons were said to live in St. Michael during the gold rush. St. Michael was also a popular trading post for Eskimos to trade their goods for Western supplies. Centralization of many Yup'iks from the surrounding villages intensified after the measles epidemic of 1900 and the influenza epidemic of 1918.[5]
St. Michael's population today is largely Yup'ik. Many residents are descendants of Russian traders.
But from the 1820s onwards the profits from the fur trade began to decline. Already in 1818 the Russian government had taken control of the Russian-American Company from the merchants who held the charter. The explorer and Naval Officer, Baron Wrangel, who had been administrator of Russian government interests in Russian America a decade before, was the first president of the company during the government period. The company ceased its commercial activities in 1881. In 1867, the Alaska Purchase transferred control of Alaska to the United States and the commercial interests of the Russian American Company were sold to Hutchinson, Kohl & Company of San Francisco, California, who then renamed their company to the Alaska Commercial Company.
I'd go with the pairs and singles in the drop-down, as we can change those to match, as much as possible. Either that, or type exactly with his punctuation. Both are within the TWYS standards.
At 12.30 a meteor, very brilliant, fell in a curved line from S to SE, and in exploding showed red, yellow and blue color like a ~.http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_222_1.jpg
At 10.30 remarkable meteoric light to Southward illuminating the floe with a brilliant green flash.http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_223_1.jpg
Faint auroral arches were observed until 6 am, a meteor in S~ falling to SW, and another meteor in East falling to SE. Moon just above SE horizon at 7. During forenoon land was seen between SSE and SSW (magnetic) and recognized as the same land as was sighted on October 29th. & Seq. The land was much raised by refraction, and an inverted image presented over the real one. The outline of the real land much obscured. Appearances of land in direction of the bearing of Herald Island.[PM]
At 2 PM the land outline was much plainer. A meteor was observed, at 4 and another at 9. Auroral arches from 5 to Midnight. The remarkable ones being a bright curtain at 9 forming an ellipse; two arches at 11. Starting from a point in NE and ending respectively in NNW and W. Coronas being 20? and 90? in altitude; and a four arch fan at midnight from the same point. Coronas 30?, 60?, 75? and 90? in Altitude, ~ at NNW, NW, NW x W and WNW. Twilight arch 10? at 4 PM.http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol001of004/vol001_224_1.jpg
Several shocks to ship up to 7 o'clock from ice movement and pressure, but she retained the same heel, 2 1/2o to Starboard. At 10 an Auroral Arch was visible to the SSW. At 11 there were four auroral arches: one 15o in altitude with its crown in the N, one 25o in alt with its crown in NW x W, one 15o in altitude with its arch in SW, and one 10o in alt with its crown in South. The amount of sky included by these arches was from NE around by N to SE. The beginning of the Second arch was alongside of its ending of the first, and so on. From these intermediate points Streamers ran upward toward the zenith. At midnight there were three arches to the Sd, 12o, 15o and 18o respectively in Altitude, and extending from ESE to WNW. Through the middle one there were continued pulsations of light from E to W, and at intervals of a few seconds only, globes of light showing prismatic colors (red and green principally) rolled across from E to W against the wind and ended at about 5o from the horizon. Three of these globes in Transit were in sight at one time. This display lasted five minutes when the pulsations of light recommenced. Two arches were also visible in the N 15o and 20o in alt respectively with bands of light crossing them horizontally like chords. Northern and Southern Sets both originated in the ESE and ended in WNW while from both Sets there radiated faint arches through zenith.
BTW, how am I supposed to properly transcribe directions - I think it is Nd or Sd (it is a "d", is it?)
Besides, I think they have encountered the Dalek invasion fleet:
16.1.1880 PMQuoteSeveral shocks to ship up to 7 o'clock from ice movement and pressure, but she retained the same heel, 2 1/2o to Starboard. At 10 an Auroral Arch was visible to the SSW. At 11 there were four auroral arches: one 15o in altitude with its crown in the N, one 25o in alt with its crown in NW x W, one 15o in altitude with its arch in SW, and one 10o in alt with its crown in South. The amount of sky included by these arches was from NE around by N to SE. The beginning of the Second arch was alongside of its ending of the first, and so on. From these intermediate points Streamers ran upward toward the zenith. At midnight there were three arches to the Sd, 12o, 15o and 18o respectively in Altitude, and extending from ESE to WNW. Through the middle one there were continued pulsations of light from E to W, and at intervals of a few seconds only, globes of light showing prismatic colors (red and green principally) rolled across from E to W against the wind and ended at about 5o from the horizon. Three of these globes in Transit were in sight at one time. This display lasted five minutes when the pulsations of light recommenced. Two arches were also visible in the N 15o and 20o in alt respectively with bands of light crossing them horizontally like chords. Northern and Southern Sets both originated in the ESE and ended in WNW while from both Sets there radiated faint arches through zenith.
Very slow progress here because of these War-And-Peace-like entries. But they're cool! ;D
I transcribe that kind of superscript abbreviation by using an apostrophe. Nd gets written N'd
It's astonishing what all gets logged when the crew's mission is to be observant scientists. These sailors are very intelligent.
Wondering about how much was understood of the Aurore in those days I stumbled upon this quote:
"We will make it run the dynamos to supply our houses and streets with electric light;... and it shall develop the brains of our statesmen and legislators, to make them wiser and better and of more practical use than they are at present. Wonderful things will be done when we get the electricity of the aurora under our control."
~ Thomas W. Knox, The Voyage of the Vivian, 1884
Hmmmm..not quite there yet! ::) ;D
Nd / N'd is noted in http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.msg51631#msg51631 ;)
Don't forget that transcribing the remarks is optional, but we are delighted you are willing to do it!
That kind of total mystery would have added a good measure of awe and fear to the sky show. No wonder they tracked the various displays so carefully.
I've never transcribed complete pages, only the interesting parts. And it was never an issue until DeLong. Even then it wouldn't be a problem if it were easier to read like the entries of the other officers. :( I'm in mid January 1880 now. And I think I will change my modus operandi from now on. There's not only the Jeanette. Sorry, George!
@gastcra: wait until you are in late December! Then we talk! ;)
It's harder to read, I agree, but it's like Times New Roman compared the Blenheim - the first ship I transcribed. I will certainly be selective in what I record.;D ;D ;D
2 cases corn meal | 2 c pumpkin | 4 c haddock | 1 c currant jelly |
35lbs flour | 3 c carrots | 1 c cod fish | 1 c olive oil |
45lbs Pilot bread | 4 c beets | 2c Finan Haddies | 1 c medium beans |
71 c roast mutton | 3 c Carolina rice | 1 c clam chowder | 3 c Bartlett pears |
1 c barley | |||
14 c corn beef | 19 c Gr. Rio. coffee | 1 c kidneys | 4 c gooseberries |
26 c beef soup | 16 c Ra. Rio coffee | 7 c sausage | 1 c apple jelly |
11 c turkey | 1 box chocolate | 1 c chicken soup | 1 c julienne soup |
10 c chicken | 20 c extra C. Sugar | 1 c dried peaches | 1 c fresh apples |
2 c roast veal | 7 c cut loaf sugar | 1 c tomatoes (special) | 1/2 bbl lard |
3 c tongue | 1 sack salt | 1 c okra | 100 tons coal |
2 c bacon | 1 c raisins | 1 c string beans | |
4 c boneless ham | 11 chests tea (1/2 ch) | 13 c mutton broth | |
3 c oxtail soup | 1 bx mustard,pepper | 1 c vegetable soup | |
2 bbls mutton suet | 4 bx cheese | 1 c almonds, vermicelli, groceries | |
3 c mock turtle soup | 1 c prunes | 1 c oatmeal, split peas | |
14 c oatmeal | 1 hlf bbl apple butter | 7 c macaroni | |
10 c hominy | 1 hlf bbl peach butter | 1 c Graham flour, Barley | |
13 c dessicated potatoes | 1 hlf bbl quince butter | 1 c lima beans | |
40 c tomatoes | 1 c dried apples | 1 c peaches | |
13 c corn | 1 c dried peas | 1 c raspberries | |
14 c succotash | 9 bx S.W. soap | 1 c pickles | |
6 c green peas | 3 c Ex. beef | 3 c chutney | |
7 c turnips | 1 c Salmon | 1 c greengages | |
1 c onions | 3 c mackerel | 2 c damsons |
Yes, the weather reports are the top priority here. How much or how little you do of the events is up to you. The official word is: "Do what interests you" - though we do ask for sea ice, animals, ships, people, places, and refueling ;)
At noon the ice cracked within 20 feet of the starboard Side of the Ship, causing her to move one eighth of a point in azimuth. The opening increased to ~ feet in width, and extended around the bow and ahead of the ship in one direction, and in the other around the stem at the distance of 100 yards. By 3 PM the opening was eight feet in width on the Starboard Side, with a crack on the port side indicating an opening which occured at 6 PM. General direction of ice movement to East and South.http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_014_1.jpg
At 2.30 the opening in the floe on the Starboard Side of the ship began to close, the newly formed ice breaking with ~, and the usual grinding noise as the two floe edges came together. No movement to the ship except repeated jars and tremblings as the pressure caught her under water body. At 3 the ice was again in motion; and frequent shocks were experienced during the forenoon.
Scary indeed.
This brings up the perennially unanswered question of what the science team really wants from this type of information. I can understand them wanting reports on the ice as they sail in open waters from place to place. This can give some idea of the extent of ice in that vicinity. But are the very local conditions of a ship "beset" in ice as the floe drifts slowly NW of Herald Is. of any real interest, other than the threat it holds for the Jeannette and crew? In other words, this is possibly interesting to historians but perhaps not so much to the scientists?
It's exactly the same problem as with the auroras. Perhaps one of the pros could chime in here. Until then I will continue transcribing this stuff, better safe than sorry. Again, this isn't about taking shortcuts, but setting priorities.
As far as I know, no one has mentioned a special interest in auroras.
If they are happening very frequently I wouldn't record everything.
You could record only the really spectacular cases and/or just pick out one sentence to indicate that there were auroras.
It is very hard to say - though ultimately none of the detail is wasted effort - even here we see remarks about the ice being in motion and the direction. This can tell us a lot about the regional state of the ice in light of now fairly well understood physics. There will be some entries I imagine that describe the thickness of the upturned blocks of ice during ridging events or the formation of melt pools etc. The color of the ice tells us something about its age... I guess I'd offer that we're excited to get as much detail as possible, but if it isn't fun for a person then anything from 'there is ice here' on would be fine. Be assured though that there is so little information accessible now that every bit is interesting.
At 7 there was a slight movement to the ice ahead of the ship. Early daylight at 6.55 am. Measurement of portions of the ice floe broken off and turned up in the last pressure gave a thickness of 46 inches and this is the result of direct freezing since November 28th. 1879.
Hmmmm...so what do I do now? Seems like it will go on like this until it gets warmer again.
It's not just the four readings. Since a while they measured water temp again at noon and with the four dry (?) readings they enter it as an extra entry.
At 1.30 AM there was a loud noise as of the cracking of the ships frame by great ice pressure. The noise was very loud in two places; abreast the mizen mast on the starboard side and forward of the foremast. Examination of the ice surrounding the ship showed no movement to have occasioned it, and it was supposed by the Commanding officer that the noises might have been caused by the drawing of some of the ship's fastenings on account of the intense cold. At 7.45 Am the wind having shifted from NNW to West, the pack commenced to move with the usual grinding noise. The greatest pressure was on the line of an old break running across the ships bow from W to E. The floe on the port side of the ship (to the E'd) was bulged up and broken in many places and the floe on the edge of the old break was piled up against the ships Stem, causing a great longitudinal pressure. At 10.30 AM water was discovered in the fire room flowing from forward. An immediate examination showed two streams of water about an inch in diameter entering the forw peak through the solid filling placed in the bows at the Mare Island Navy Yard. The forward deck pumps were immediately rigged and manned, and steam raised in the port boiler to work the steam pump. There was a depth of 18 inches of water in the fore peak, 24 inches of water in the Store rooms next abaft it, and 36 inches in the forehold.
While one watch worked the bilge pump, the other watch broke out the fore peak, the floor room, and the forehold; being able to hold their own with the water by steady pumping. Difficulty was found in filling the boiler, the sea cocks being frozen fast; but it was done by pouring water from the bilge (then 15 inches deep) through the man hole plates in the top of the boiler. The temperature of the Engine room being -25o Fah. a long time was required to get the pump in condition to take water. At 3 PM the pump being ready, the flood gates in the forward water tight bulkhead were opened and a flow of water permitted. The limbers under the coal bunkers seemed to be frozen, or choked in some other way for but little water would pass through. Such as did came through was pumped out through the fire hose on the spar deck to the outside floe. As the steam pump suction was on the port side, and the ship had a heel of 2.5o to Stbd. the steam pump would take water only when it flowed over the main Kelson; and sufficient water to do this came aft only once or twice in the course of an hour. Kept all hands on deck working the pump until midnight when one watch was permitted to go below. Oakum was driven in at every space in the solid 1.27 bow filling through which water came, but as the lower part would be filled, water would come through above, and when finally the after side of the filling was stuffed so full of oakum and tallow that but a little water dipped through, the water was forced out through the ceiling. Seeming to come up from the space between the planking and ceiling. Men were engaged in digging away the ice under the bow to get at the injury if possible, but upon removing the piled up floe pieces, water flowed and froze over the main floe to such a depth as prevented continuance of the work. Until the injury can be seen and determined, nothing more than an opinion can be expressed on to its nature. But from the steady flow of water, its locality, and in view of the great pressure experienced, it may be taken for granted that the fore foot is broken and bent aside springing off the garboard strakes with it. Sufficient pressures have been exerted under and against the stem to lift the ship 2 inches forward.
Early daylight at 6.50 AM. No soundings taken at noon. Considerable ice movement from time to time during the day, and an almost continuous heavy pressure against the ship on all sides.
As the limber holes under the coal bunkers remained frozen or otherwise choked to such an extend as to prevent the ready flow of water aft to the steam pump, it was decided at the beginning of these twenty four hours to remove an auxiliary steam pump from the engine room to the old galley room, over the chain lockers, and by running a line of piping from the main boiler to it, and attaching a suction pipe leading into the flour room, pump out sufficient water to enable us to build a bulkhead across the fore peak which would control the flow of water to such an extent as to permit the occasional using of the bilge pump keeping the ship free. Work was immediately commenced on this auxiliary pump, and it was placed in the old galley room, and necessary repairs were made to it. After it was in place an attempt was made to run it by the Baxter Boiler, but it was found that the pump was too large for the capacity of the boiler, exhausting it almost immediately, and the plan was abandoned. Engineer force was then employed to fit and run the line of steam piping to get steam from the main boiler through the steam whistle pipe. The work is not complete at midnight. While this work was going on the remainder of the crew were kept at work by watches in pumping the water out by the forward bilge pump on deck, being able to keep the water under control, and even occasionally getting the water down to 12 inches. Such water as flowed aft to the Engine Room was at once pumped out by the steam pump there, and towards the close of the day the flow was freer, enabling us to use the steam pump in Engine Room for 15 minutes in every half hour. All the sea cocks being frozen fast in their Seats the boiler is blown as occasion requires into the bilge, and is fed from the bilge. Broke out the Starboard chain locker, and moved a lot of provisions aft on Quarter-Deck. Discontinued using Baxter Boiler to distill water, being able to distill below in the Engine Room, and requiring all the pipe connections of the Baxter Boiler to lead Steam from Steam whistle pipe to auxiliary pump forward.
Considerable ice movement and pressure during the day. The ship is heeled 3o to Starboard and the floe in which She is embedded has swung one and a quarter points in azimuth. Light breezes from between S + W all day with slowly falling barometer and Slightly rising temperature. The movement of the ice seems to be to the E'd. Then are numerous ridges in sight where the floes have been broken and piled up upon coming in contact. The floe around the ship remains the same as yesterday but when pressed yields in heavy surges which causes the ship to crack and scrape. A careful examination shows no signs of anything having given away below, and every reason for the opinion of yesterday that the fore foot has been sprung off starting the garboard strakes.
By 1 am the work of running steam piping to the auxiliary pump forward from the main boiler by way of the whistle pipe was completed and an attempt was made to send steam through it, but the steam whistle pipe being frozen none would pass. Took down and thawed pipe and tried again getting the pump to work. Found the suction pipe too small, and substituted the main engine bilge suction pipe for it. This was completed at 7 am and the auxiliary steam pump set to work performing well, keeping the water in check. As the water flowed more freely to the Engine room pump that was run about half the time also; and the fore peak was thus kept free enough to build a small bulkhead resting on the cant frames fast abaft the bow filling constructed at Mare Island and checking the flow of water in that places. As at times the suction pipe of the auxiliary pump got the water down to the sucking point, plugs were driven in the forward bulkhead of the fore hold to keep the water from flowing aft to the engine room to proceed to make the necessary forfarrings and fittings for connecting the forward spar deck hand bilge pump to the Baxter Boiler 2 FP Engine.
Considerable ice movement from noon to 10 am with heavy pressure causing severe shocks to the ship. No gain in the leak is observed as a result of the shocks. Ship heeling 3o to Starboard.
As the water was becoming low enough to work beneficially in the fore peak commenced cutting and fitting planking for the erection of a water tight bulkhead across the fore peak 1 1/3 feet forward of the foremast, but holes in the ceiling above berth deck on each side and packed down in the spaces between frames as much ashes picked felt as they would take. Water seeing good effect towards the close of the day. The steam auxiliary pump was kept going almost continuously. Found a break in the suction pipe and repaired it. added two lengths of pipe to it so as have a piece of suction pipe laying horizontally in the bilge, and we found the pump to draw more water than before. Up to noon the steam pump in Engine Room was run about half the time. Sufficient thawing or other clearing in the limbers under coal bunkers having taken place to permit the water accumulating there to flow aft. After noon only sufficient water came aft to after pump to supply the boiler and blow it. In addition to tending the boiler and steam pumps the Engineer Force was employed in making forgings for the prepared connections to Baxter Engine, and in making a boring bar and band and a pulley to fit the shaft of the Edison Electric Dynamic Machine to be used on a counter shaft to run the hand Bilge pump when the connections are made to the Baxter Engine.
Upon attempting to resume the daily soundings it was found that a solid floe piece had shoved under the Fire hold at a depth of four feet, completely closing it from below so that no lead could be got through. This would be a proof that the floe, while in its advance had caused so much longitudinal pressure and strain on the ship, had passed under the floe in which the ship is embedded, breaking perhaps the fore foot in passing.
The depth of water in the Ship to day is as follows.
At 8 am At 4 am At midnight
At step of foremast 22 inches 18 1/4 inches 19 inches
At auxiliary pump suction. Just forward of chain lockers 24 " 21 1/4 " 19 "
At after bulkhead Fore Hold 26 " 27 " 19 "
At Fire room bilge 16 " 20 " 19 1/2 "
Ship heeling 3o to Starboard
The auxiliary pump is kept going all the time, and the steam pump in the Engine Room is working about one half the time. Work progressing on the bulkhead across the forv. peak and at midnight all but one upright plank is in place. Left this one plank and in order to secure a passage way while stringers and braces are bolted in place abaft the bulkhead to enable it to withstand pressure. Early in the morning shoved down plaster of paris in the spaces between frames forward of the bulkhead, hoping that the action of the water on it will turn it into a kind of cement. Also poured in ashes and picked felt. The construction of the gearing for connecting hand bilge pump with Baxter Boiler and Engine is completed, but cannot be used until the completion of the bulkhead and the successful choking of the spaces between frames make it possible to keep the ship by the deck bilge pump alone.
A careful calculation of the performance of the auxiliary steam pump and the main steam pump gives the following result: Amount of water pumped by Auxiliary pump her hour= 1608 galls.
Running one half time " " " " " Main " " = 2055 "
As we hold the water in check the leak per hour = 3663 "
The depth of water in the ship to day is as follows: At 8 Am At 4 Pm At Midnight
At step of foremast 21 1/2 inches 19 1/2 inches 19 inches
At auxiliary pump suction. Just forward of chain lockers 23 1/2 " 21 1/2 " 18 "
At after bulkhead Fore hold 24 " 26 1/2 " 18 "
At the Fire room bilge 10 " 14 " 20 "
The Auxiliary pump is kept going all the time and the Engine Room pump about one half the time, keeping the water in check and occasionally gaining a little on it. Finished the construction of the bulkhead by midnight, ready for caulking. The cinders and ashes, and plaster of paris not seeming to get down sufficiently low to choke up all spaces between frames it is decided to cut away the ceiling above and below the the bilge strakes to give easier access to the Spaces. Work progresses slowly because of ~ having but two men able to properly handle tools and fit materials. Cut through the floe in two places to get Soundings but at a depth of four feet came to another floe which has shoved under it. Water flowing up prevents cutting through this second floe.
The depth of water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At step of foremast 16 1/2 inches 19 inches 19 inches
At auxiliary pump suction 17 1/4 " 18 " 18 "
At after bulkhead Fore hold 27 1/2 " 26 " 24 "
At the Fire room bilge 18 " 12 " 12 "
The pumps are kept going the same as yesterday. Caulked the forward bulkhead.
The depth of water in the ship to day At 8 Am At 4 Pm At Midnight
At step of foremast 16 3/4 inches 18 inches 18 inches
At auxiliary pump suction. Just forward of chain lockers 20 3/4 " 18 " 19 "
At after bulkhead Fore hold 23 1/2 " 22 " 25 "
At the Fire room bilge 16 " 15 " 10 "
The auxiliary Steam pump is kept going all the time, and the Steam pump in the Engine Room about one half the time. Moved the Baxter Engine and boiler to forward part of deck house and connected it with the gearing arranged to Spar deck bilge pump. Tried the apparatus and found it to work well. Pumping about the same amount of water as the auxiliary Steam pump. The two carpenters engaged in removing ceiling in fore peak above and below bilge strake on each side, preparat~ to filling up spaces between frames with plaster of paris and ashes.
Depth of water in the ship to day At 8 Am At 4 Pm At Midnight
At step of Foremast 17 inches 19 inches 14 inches
At auxiliary pump suction. Just forward of chain lockers 21 " 18 " 15 "
At after bulkhead Fore hold 23 " *07 " *2 "
At the Fire room bilge 10 1/2 " 16 " 18 "
* Just before 4 PM the water began to flow aft more heavily, owing to the thawing or other draining of the limbers under coal bunkers.
Sounded at noon in 30 fms muddy bottom. No drift indicated. We succeded in cutting through the ice to get this sounding at same distance from the ship. 150 yards.
At 2 and 3 am and at 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11 PM the ice was in motion near the ship to the S'd x W'd, communicating pressure to the floe by which the ship is Surrounded and nipping the vessel at times Severely. No change in the amount of leak is observed as a result of these nips, the Strain Seeming to be exerted on the quarters. The work of stuffing oakum, plaster of paris ~ in the spaces between frames, and in spaces between frames and ceiling has been successful to the extent of materially diminishing the amount of water flowing into the ship. The limber holes having become materially thawed out, the incoming water flowed aft so freely to the Sewell pump in the Engine Room that at the beginning of this day the auxiliary pump forward ceased to take water and was stopped. By Keeping the Sewell pump going all the time the Ship was kept free to the extent of holding the water in check. Calculation of the work done by the pump gives 2250 gallons per hour, which may be taken as the amount of the leak to day as against 3663 gallons per hour on the 23rd ~.
Water in Fire Room Bilge 8am 4 pm Midnight
18 inches 20 inches 16 inches
Work of filling up all spaces between frames ~ is continued all day.
You're hot on my heels! Once you get ahead of me you can do the transcription! ;D
I don't want to spoil your fun, Clewi, but when I searched a bit of text from your transcription I came up with this http://www.archive.org/stream/cihm_14142/cihm_14142_djvu.txt
Full text of "The voyage of the Jeannette [microform] : the ship and ice journals of George W. De Long, lieutenant-commander U.S.N. and commander of the Polar expedition of 1879-1881"
The good news is that we don't have to keep trying to read De Long's handwriting (except for the sections on the ice conditions).
Wait...what?! I thought this is a different book, not the log book. Has the log book been transcribed in the past already? Perhaps I should just work to rule here. ::)
1880, f/???^r<n/ \st, Thursday. ? The l)irth of the new
year was annovmced by the rapid ringing of the ship's
bell by the man on watch, and the crew, all assembled
on the quarter deck, gave three cheers for the " Jean-
nette," and sent a deputation of two men into the cabin
to wish us all a happy New Year. The year opened
clear and pleasant. The temperature began at minus
24", but at four a. m. it dropped suddenly to minus Sif,
and by eleven a. m. ii had reached minus 89^, running
along at that steadily until midnight, when it reached
minus 89.5?. The temperature was probably lower, but
the mercurial thermometers began to freeze, and the
spirit thermometers did not record accurately at this
At three a. m. we had a lunar circle showing faint
mock moons, the lowest mock moon very bright.
Through the real and two lateral mock moons a curved
line passed toward the horizon. At nine P. m. a blood-
red halo around the moon. Early daylight at 8.14 A. M.
Sounded at noon in 30i fathoms. Owing to the low
temperature and strong wind blowing, 1 suspended for
the day the operation of my regulation making every-
body leave the ship and exercise on the ice from eleven
A. yi. to one p. m.
At three p. m. everybody sat down to a capital din-
ner, and afterward we got ready for the minstrel per-
formance in the evening. Our men had rallied from
their failure to get up one for Christmas, and seemed
determined to make this entertainment good enough
for both occasions. During the day invitations wore
sent aft, accompanied by prograiiunes. At 8.30 one of
the men came to the cabin and invited us into the deck-
house. Entering, we found n nice little stage erected
with drop-curtain, footlights, etc., and tastily decorated
with Hags. The performance commenced with a min-
strel variety, jokes and conundrums sivndwiching in
with the songs. One conundrum was eivcellent (point-
ing to one r!* ' .e stanchions of the deck-house) : '? Why
is that stanchion like Mr. James Gordon Bennett ? Be-
cause it supports the house." Sweetnum ;< songs were
very good, aiul Kuehne's violin solo was fine indeed,
especially when one takes iito consideration the ^act
that a seaman's life .loes not serve to render the fin-
gers supple and delicate. Mr. Cole gave us a jig with
all the gravity of a judge. One of the features of the
evening was the reading of a prologue composed by
Mr. Collins, in which each one of the crew was made the
subject of a rhyme in turn. Alexey and Aneguin gave
us native dances, and the latter an imitation of a song
sung by our Chinamen. The Chinamen gave us their
native song, and a sham light with knives and a pole,
winding up by imitiiting with much contempt Alexey's
and Aneguin's manner of singing and dancing.
Instead of shadow pictures we had tableaux vlvantSy
'? Neptune " (Cole turning a wheel, our broken spare one,
moimted on a camp stool) ; '? Sailors mourning over a
dead marine" (two sailors mute with grief over an
empty brandy-bottle); "A glimpse at Vulcan" (our
prize blacksnuth, Dressier) ; "? Queen Anne " (Aneguin
? Anne Gwyne ? Queen Anne); '"Is that a bear I
se??" (Alexey with dog, aiming at some unseen ob-
ject); "Mars" (inan on cr.'^ches) ; "'Taking an ob-
servation" (man drinking out of uplifted bottle), were
all capital. When, the perfornuince over, we broke up
at eleven o'clock, we all felt satisfied alike with the
ship, the minstrels, ourselves, and the manner in which
we had celebrated the first day of the year of our
Lord IS.SO.
Plasma physicists" ???
All those aurora borealis displays folks are reluctant to transcribe. ;)
All those aurora borealis displays folks are reluctant to transcribe. ;)
Who? Me? Kept track of those all the time and still do! Just wanted to know if it's worth the effort or not.
Oh Scotty, where art thou?
19. January, 1880QuoteAt 1.30 AM there was a loud noise as of the cracking of the ships frame by great ice pressure. The noise was very loud in two places; abreast the mizen mast on the starboard side and forward of the foremast. Examination of the ice surrounding the ship showed no movement to have occasioned it, and it was supposed by the Commanding officer that the noises might have been caused by the drawing of some of the ship's fastenings on account of the intense cold. At 7.45 Am the wind having shifted from NNW to West, the pack commenced to move with the usual grinding noise. The greatest pressure was on the line of an old break running across the ships bow from W to E. The floe on the port side of the ship (to the E'd) was bulged up and broken in many places and the floe on the edge of the old break was piled up against the ships Stem, causing a great longitudinal pressure. At 10.30 AM water was discovered in the fire room flowing from forward. An immediate examination showed two streams of water about an inch in diameter entering the fore peak through the solid filling placed in the bows at the Mare Island Navy Yard. The forward deck pumps were immediately rigged and manned, and steam raised in the port boiler to work the steam pump. There was a depth of 18 inches of water in the fore peak, 24 inches of water in the Starb rooms next abaft it, and 36 inches in the forehold.
While one watch worked the bilge pump, the other watch broke out the fore peak, the floor room, and the forehold; being able to hold their own with the water by steady pumping. Difficulty was found in filling the boiler, the sea cocks being frozen fast; but it was done by pouring water from the bilge (then 15 inches deep) through the man hole plates in the top of the boiler. The temperature of the Engine room being -25o Fah. a long time was required to get the pump in condition to take water. At 3 PM the pump being ready, the flood gates in the forward water tight bulkhead were opened and a flow of water permitted. The limbers under the coal bunkers seemed to be frozen, or choked in some other way for but little water would pass through. Such as did came through was pumped out through the fire hose on the spar deck to the outside floe. As the steam pump suction was on the port side, and the ship had a heel of 2.5o to Stbd. the steam pump would take water only when it flowed over the main Kelson; and sufficient water to do this came aft only once or twice in the course of an hour. Kept all hands on deck working the pump until midnight when one watch was permitted to go below. Oakum was driven in at every space in the solid 1.27 bow filling through which water came, but as the lower part would be filled, water would come through above, and when finally the after side of the filling was stuffed so full of oakum and tallow that but a little water dipped through, the water was forced out through the ceiling. Seeming to come up from the space between the planking and ceiling. Men were engaged in digging away the ice under the bow to get at the~ of ~injury if possible, but upon removing the piled up floe pieces, water flowed and froze over the main floe to such a depth as prevented continuance of the work. Until the injury can be seen and determined, nothing more than an opinion can be expressed on to its nature. But from the steady flow of water, its locality, and in view of the great pressure experienced, it may be taken for granted that the fore foot is broken and bent aside springing off the garboard strakes with it. Sufficient pressures have been exerted under and against the stem to lift the ship 2 inches forward.
Early daylight at 6.50 AM. No soundings taken at noon. Considerable ice movement from time to time during the day, and an almost continuous heavy pressure against the ship on all sides.
20. January 1880QuoteAs the limber holes under the coal bunkers remained frozen or otherwise choked to such an extend as to prevent the ready flow of water aft to the steam pump, it was decided at the beginning of these twenty four hours to remove an auxiliary steam pump from the engine room to the old galley room, over the chain lockers, and by running a line of piping from the main boiler to it, and attaching a suction pipe leading into the flour room, pump out sufficient water to enable us to build a bulkhead across the for. peak which would control the flow of water to such an extent as to permit the occasional using of the bilge pump keeping the ship free. Work was immediately commenced on this auxiliary pump, and it was placed in the old galley room, and necessary repairs were made to it. After it was in place an attempt was made to run it by the Baxter Boiler, but it was found that the pump was too large for the capacity of the boiler, exhausting it almost immediately, and the plan was abandoned. Engineer force was then employed to fit and run the line of steam piping to get steam from the main boiler through the steam whistle pipe. The work is not complete at midnight. While this work was going on the remainder of the crew were kept at work by watches in pumping the water out by the forward bilge pump on deck, being able to keep the water under control, and even occasionally getting the water down to 12 inches. Such water as flowed aft to the Engine Room was at once pumped out by the steam pump there, and towards the close of the day the flow was freer, enabling us to use the steam pump in Engine Room for 15 minutes in every half hour. All the sea cocks being frozen fast in their Seats the boiler is blown as occasion requires into the bilge, and is fed from the bilge. Broke out the Starboard chain locker, and moved a lot of provisions aft on Quarter-Deck. Discontinued using Baxter Boiler to distill water, being able to distill below in the Engine Room, and requiring all the pipe connections of the Baxter Boiler to lead Steam from Steam whistle pipe to auxiliary pump forward.
Considerable ice movement and pressure during the day. The ship is heeled 3o to Starboard and the floe in which She is embedded has swung one and a quarter points in azimuth. Light breezes from between S + W all day with slowly falling barometer and Slightly rising temperature. The movement of the ice seems to be to the E'd. Then are numerous ridges in sight where the floes have been broken and piled up upon coming in contact. The floe around the ship remains the same as yesterday but when pressed yields in heavy surges which causes the ship to crack and scrape. A careful examination shows no signs of anything having given away below, and every reason for the opinion of yesterday that the fore foot has been sprung off starting the garboard strakes.
21. January 1880QuoteBy 1 am the work of running steam piping to the auxiliary pump forward from the main boiler by way of the whistle pipe was completed and an attempt was made to send steam through it, but the steam whistle pipe being frozen none would pass. Took down and thawed pipe and tried again getting the pump to work. Found the suction pipe too small, and substituted the main engine bilge suction pipe for it. This was completed at 7 am and the auxiliary steam pump set to work performing well, keeping the water in check. As the water flowed more freely to the Engine room pump that was run about half the time also; and the fore peak was thus kept free enough to build a small bulkhead resting on the cant frames fast abaft the bow filling constructed at Mare Island and checking the flow of water in that places. As at times the suction pipe of the auxiliary pump got the water down to the sucking point, plugs were driven in the forward bulkhead of the fore hold to keep the water from flowing aft to the engine room to proceed to make the necessary forfarrings and fittings for connecting the forward spar deck hand bilge pump to the Baxter Boiler 2 FP Engine.
Considerable ice movement from noon to 10 am with heavy pressure causing severe shocks to the ship. No gain in the leak is observed as a result of the shocks. Ship heeling 3o to Starboard.
22. January 1880QuoteAs the water was becoming low enough to work beneficially in the fore peak commenced cutting and fitting planking for the erection of a water tight bulkhead across the fore peak 1 1/3 feet forward of the foremast, but holes in the ceiling above ~ deck on each side and packed down in the spaces between frames as much ashes picked felt as they would take. Water seeing good effect towards the close of the day. The steam auxiliary pump was kept going almost continuously. Found a break in the suction pipe and repaired it. added two lengths of pipe to it so as have a piece of suction pipe laying horizontally in the bilge, and we found the pump to draw more water than before. Up to noon the steam pump in Engine Room was run about half the time. Sufficient thawing or other clearing in the limbers under coal bunkers having taken place to permit the water accumulating there to flow aft. After noon only sufficient water came aft to after pump to supply the boiler and blow it. In addition to tending the boiler and steam pumps the Engineer Force was employed in making forgings for the prepared connections to Baxter Engine, and in making a boring bar and band and a pulley to fit the shaft of the Edison Electric Dynamic Machine to be used on a counter shaft to run the hand Bilge pump when the connections are made to the Baxter Engine.
Upon attempting to resume the daily soundings it was found that a solid floe piece had shoved under the Fire holdat a depth of four feet, completely closing it from below so that no lead could be got through. This would be a proof that the floe, while in its advance had caused so much longitudinal pressure and strain on the ship, had passed under the floe in which the ship is embedded, breaking perhaps the fore foot in passing.
The depth of water in the Ship to day is as follows.
At 8 am At 4 am At midnight
At step of foremast 22 inches 18 1/4 inches 19 inches
At auxiliary pump suction. Just forward of chain lockers 24 " 21 1/4 " 19 "
At after bulkhead Fore Hold 26 " 27 " 19 "
At Fire room bilge 16 " 20 " 19 1/2 "
Ship heeling 3o to Starboard
23. January 1880QuoteThe auxiliary pump is kept going all the time, and the steam pump in the Engine Room is working about one half the time. Work progressing on the bulkhead across the forv. peak and at midnight all but one upright plank is in place. Left this one plank and in order to secure a passage way while stringers and braces are bolted in place abaft the bulkhead to enable it to withstand pressure. Early in the morning shoved down plaster of paris in the spaces between frames forward of the bulkhead, hoping that the action of the water on it will turn it into a kind of cement. Also poured in ashes and picked felt. The construction of the gearing for connecting hand bilge pump with Baxter Boiler and Engine is completed, but cannot be used until the completion of the bulkhead and the successful choking of the spaces between frames make it possible to keep the ship by the deck bilge pump alone.
A careful calculation of the performance of the auxiliary steam pump and the main steam pump gives the following result: Amount of water pumped by Auxiliary pump her hour= 1608 galls.
Running one half time " " " " " Main " " = 2055 "
As we hold the water in check the leak per hour = 3663 "
The depth of water in the ship to day is as follows: At 8 Am At 4 Pm At Midnight
At step of foremast 21 1/2 inches 19 1/2 inches 19 inches
At auxiliary pump suction. Just forward of chain lockers 23 1/2 " 21 1/2 " 18 "
At after bulkhead Fore hold 24 " 26 1/2 " 18 "
At the Fire room bilge 10 " 14 " 20 "
To be continued.....
I Clewi - managed to sort out a few of the odd words - see the red words below, and one or two typos (green).
Great bit of transcribing that you've done!
The pumping today is all done by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room running about 50 Strokes per minute, at which rate the water is prevented from gaining on us. The carpenters are engaged all day in filling up the spaces between frames ~ and replacing ceiling over these spaces. Cut additional holes through ceiling above Berth deck to continue the filling in to and above the water line.
Water in the Fire Room Bilge 8 am 4 pm Midnight
18 inches 17 1/2 inches 16 inches
A slight ice movement in the SW near the Ship at 6.15 am and 6.40 pm causing a moderate nip to the Ship. In cutting away the newly formed ice in the hole cut in the floe for soundings at a distance of 150 yards from the ship, measured 8 inches as the result of 24 hours freezing. The ice has formed 24 inches in thickness Since Jan'y 19th over spaces of water opened during the ice movement at that date.
All the work of pumping is done by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room which running at the rate of 40 Strokes per minute holds the water in check. Calculation of the work done by this pump at the above rate gives the extent of the leak at about 1800 gallons per hour, which compared with the calculations 27th ~ Showd a gain on our part of 450 gallons per hour. The work of filling in spaces between frames ~ is continued. The fire which had been maintained under the Baxter Boiler in order to keep the Deck House warm enough to prevent the freezing of the deck bilge pump forward, is removed to a stove for the purpose of economizing fuel.
Water in the Fire Room Bilge 8 am 4 pm Midnight
16 inches 16 inches 15 inches
Sounded at noon in 30 fms. Muddy bottom. No indicated drift. Thickness of ice found since yesterday 10 inches. Thickness of floe at place of sounding 26 inches.
The work of pumping is continued by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room, while the carpenters are engaged in filling in the spaces between frames ~ with plaster of paris and ashes. As the work of filling in progresses the water rises between the frames forward of the bulkhead constructed in the fore peak eighteen inches forward of foremast, until at midnight it is dripping out under the Berth deck at the Shelf (~). All water is allowed to run aft freely to Engine Room in order to faciliate the work of the carpenters.
Water in the Ship to day. Fire Room Bilge 8 am 4 pm Midnight
16 inches 20 inches 15 inches
Sewell pump running 40 Strokes per minute.
Sounded at noon in 29 1/2 fms. Muddy bottom. Slight drift indicated to N.W. (true). Early daylight at 6.30 Am.
At 1 Am an Auroral Arch from W. to E. through zenith, with Streamers from W.N.W. towards zenith. At 2 a Lunar halo 2o in diameter, and an Auroral Curtain 20o in alt to N. faint and broken. At 9 Am the horizon was very much raised by refraction. At 10 the Sun was on the horizon rising. From 11 am to 2 Pm the "North Side of Wrangell Land" was seen much raised by refraction and inverted by mirage
At 5 Pm a slight ice movement occured 150 yards to S'd of ship, causing her to experience a moderate nip. At 5.40 a meteor in falling from S towards S.W. Showed a blue-colored light. At 7 faint auroral gleams in N. At 11 and midnight a Lunar halo 6o in ~ Showing prismatic colors, and at the last named hour a faint auroral arch from E. to W. 60o in Altitude in N.
The day opens and continues clear and pleasant with light varable airs and colors. Fluctuating barometer and temperatures.
The thickness of the floe through which Soundings are taken remains at 26 inches, and the thickness of ice formed each 24 hours over the hole cut remains uniformly 10 inches.
The pumping is done to day by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room, keeping the water from gaining while the carpenters are engaged in filling in spaces between frames. The Engineers Force are
engaged in rigging the Steam Cutter's engine and boiler to a bilge pump attached to the main engine. Succeeded in getting the main delivery in the Ship's side thawed out so as to discharge water through it instead of forcing it out through hose attached to fire coupling on spar deck.
Water in the Ship to day. At Fire Room Bilge At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
15 1/2 inches 16 inches 17 inches
The Sewell pump is kept going all day, and with 40 Strokes a minute holds the water in check. The two carpenters are engaged filling up spaces between frames ~ while the Engineer Force is engaged in fitting connections of Steam Cutters engine and boiler to the bilge pump of the main engine.
Amount of water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 16 inches
At 11 am a white Arctic Fox was killed alongside the Ship by Alexai. (native) and a Polar Bear which came to the Ship was Shot near it by Lieut. Chipp.
Thickness of ice formed over Sounding hole Since yesterday 10 inches. Thickness of floe surrounding it 26 inches. At 9 Pm a Meteor was observed falling from NE to E. At 10 there was a movement of the ice from the S toward the North.
At midnight the Ship received several Severe nips, but it was without any visible movement to the floe surrounding her or adjoining ice.
28.1.1880QuoteThe pumping today is all done by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room running about 50 Strokes per minute, at which rate the water is prevented from gaining on us. The carpenters are engaged all day in filling up the spaces between frames ~ and replacing ceiling over these spaces. Cut additional holes through ceiling above Berth deck to continue the filling in to and above the water line.
Water in the Fire Room Bilge 8 am 4 pm Midnight
18 inches 17 1/2 inches 16 inches
A slight ice movement in the SW near the Ship at 6.15 am and 6.40 pm causing a moderate nip to the Ship. In cutting away the newly formed ice in the hole cut in the floe for soundings at a distance of 150 yards from the ship, measured 8 inches as the result of 24 hours freezing. The ice has formed 24 inches in thickness Since Jan'y 19th over spaces of water opened during the ice movement at that date.
29.1.1880QuoteAll the work of pumping is done by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room which running at the rate of 40 Strokes per minute holds the water in check. Calculation of the work done by this pump at the above rate gives the extent of the leak at about 1800 gallons per hour, which compared with the calculations 27th inst Showd a gain on our part of 450 gallons per hour. The work of filling in spaces between frames +Co. is continued. The fire which had been maintained under the Baxter Boiler in order to keep the Deck House warm enough to prevent the freezing of the deck bilge pump forward, is removed to a stove for the purpose of economizing fuel.
Water in the Fire Room Bilge 8 am 4 pm Midnight
16 inches 16 inches 15 inches
Sounded at noon in 30 fms. Muddy bottom. No indicated drift. Thickness of ice found since yesterday 10 inches. Thickness of floe at place of sounding 26 inches.
30.1.1880QuoteThe work of pumping is continued by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room, while the carpenters are engaged in filling in the spaces between frames ~ with plaster of paris and ashes. As the work of filling in progresses the water rises between the frames forward of the bulkhead constructed in the fore peak eighteen inches forward of foremast, until at midnight it is dripping out under the Berth deck at the Shelf (or clamp). All water is allowed to run aft freely to Engine Room in order to facilitate the work of the carpenters.
Water in the Ship to day. Fire Room Bilge 8 am 4 pm Midnight
16 inches 20 inches 15 inches
Sewell pump running 40 Strokes per minute.
Sounded at noon in 29 1/2 fms. Muddy bottom. Slight drift indicated to N.W. (true). Early daylight at 6.30 Am.
At 1 Am an Auroral Arch from W. to E. through zenith, with Streamers from W.N.W. towards zenith. At 2 a Lunar halo 2o in diameter, and an Auroral Curtain 20o in alt to N. faint and broken. At 9 Am the horizon was very much raised by refraction. At 10 the Sun was on the horizon rising. From 11 am to 2 Pm the "North Side of Wrangell Land" was seen much raised by refraction and inverted by mirage
At 5 Pm a slight ice movement occurred 150 yards to S'd of ship, causing her to experience a moderate nip. At 5.40 a meteor in falling from S towards S.W. Showed a blue-colored light. At 7 faint auroral gleams in N. At 11 and midnight a Lunar halo 6o in diameter showing prismatic colors, and at the last named hour a faint auroral arch from E. to W. 60o in Altitude in N.
The day opens and continues clear and pleasant with light variable airs and colors. Fluctuating barometer and temperatures.
31.1.1880QuoteThe thickness of the floe through which Soundings are taken remains at 26 inches, and the thickness of ice formed each 24 hours over the hole cut remains uniformly 10 inches.
The pumping is done to day by the Sewell pump in the Engine Room, keeping the water from gaining while the carpenters are engaged in filling in spaces between frames. The Engineers Force are
engaged in rigging the Steam Cutter's engine and boiler to a bilge pump attached to the main engine. Succeeded in getting the main delivery in the Ship's side thawed out so as to discharge water through it instead of forcing it out through hose attached to fire coupling on spar deck.
Water in the Ship to day. At Fire Room Bilge At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
15 1/2 inches 16 inches 17 inches
1.2.1880QuoteThe Sewell pump is kept going all day, and with 40 Strokes a minute holds the water in check. The two carpenters are engaged filling up spaces between frames +co. while the Engineer Force is engaged in fitting connections of Steam Cutters engine and boiler to the bilge pump of the main engine.
Amount of water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 16 inches
At 11 am a white Arctic Fox was killed alongside the Ship by Alexai. (native) and a Polar Bear which came to the Ship was Shot near it by Lieut. Chipp.
Thickness of ice formed over Sounding hole Since yesterday 10 inches. Thickness of floe surrounding it 26 inches. At 9 Pm a Meteor was observed falling from NE to E. At 10 there was a movement of the ice from the S toward the North.
At midnight the Ship received several Severe nips, but it was without any visible movement to the floe surrounding her or adjoining ice.
January, 29th, Thursday. - I am able to record a still further diminution of the leak. The work of filling in the spaces between frames, etc., has proceeded all day, and we now find that the Sewell pump, running forty strokes a minute, has been able to hold the water in check.
Did they eat the bear? Apparently bear ham is very good, though I suspect that's black bear rather than polar.
Love &c. as archaic etc - that's very very interesting and seems to fit in with some of the notes in the logs.
Isn't it frustrating that the handwriting is often worst where the words are unfamiliar?
February 1st, Sunday
... At eleven A.M. an Arctic fox (white) was seen close to the ship. The dogs went for it, and the poor thing ran for the gang-plank, as if to come on board for protection. Alexey, however, met it with his rifle and killed it. In its stomach were found some lemmings' tails and nothing else. Immediately thereafter a bear appeared, and Chipp succeeded in killing it, and to my great satisfaction we have again fresh meat hanging in the rigging. The bear weighs about four hundred pounds, and its stomach is absolutely empty. I hail with great satisfaction this evidence of animal life, for it will enable me to make a very acceptable change from our canned meat diet. In connection with this subject, I may as well remark here that beyond a doubt canned fresh meat is far superior to salt provisions. But it requires a greater amount to satisfy hunger, and one soon becomes weary of it, because of its tastelessness. All canned meat seems to taste alike. Such a thing as canned turkey and canned chicken is a delusion and a snare. There is such a hopeless confusion of smashed bones and small pieces of meat that we have unanimously called the resulting dish a "railroad accident". ...
February 2nd, Monday
Upon calling me this morning, the steward informed me that another bear had been killed, "and that he had tried to get in the deckhouse." Supposing that we had become careless in lookout, or the bears had made an invasion, I turned out and inquired. The facts were that a bear had come near the ship at seven A.M., his presence being denoted by the dogs retreating on board in a body and manning the rail, barking at his bearship. While the quartermaster was summoning Chipp, the bear, attracted by the meat of his brother already hung up to a girtline, attempted to climb up the ship's side to get on top of the deck-house, but fell back. Seeing the gangway board, and recognizing its use no doubt, he was about to march up it, when Mr. Dunbar appeared at the rail and fired at him. The bear, wounded only, made off, and the dogs followed him. He sat down to keep the dogs at bay with his fore paws, bleeding very freely, and in that position Mr. Dunbar dispatched him. He was eight feet one inch long and weighed nine hundred pounds, forming a welcome addition and change to our larder. His stomach contained several small stones resembling pieces of slate, and nothing else. ...
the exceptionally large Siberian brown bear (Ursus arctos beringianus), weighing as much as 360 kg (800 pounds), approximates the size of the North American grizzly. Coat colour is highly variable, ranging from grayish white through bluish and brownish shades to almost black.
Polar bears are stocky, with a long neck, relatively small head, short, rounded ears, and a short tail. The male, which is much larger than the female, weighs 410 to 720 kg (900 to 1,600 pounds). It grows to about 1.6 metres (5.3 feet) tall at the shoulder and 2.2-2.5 metres in length. The tail is 7-12 cm (3-5 inches) long.
At 11 am a white Arctic Fox was killed alongside the Ship by Alexai. (native) and a Polar Bear which came to the Ship was Shot near it by Lieut. Chipp.
The Sewell pump is kept going all day, running at the rate of 40 Strokes a minute, keeping the water in check while carpenters progress with the work of filling in between frames etc. Engineer force engaged in preparing gearing for Steam cutters engine and boiler in connection with main engine bilge pump. Upon trying the Steam Cutters engine to day with the bilge pump, getting steam from the main boiler it was found that the engine ran too fast to make the pump do its work. Arrangements were begun to diminish by geering the number of strokes of the pump.
At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
Water in the Ship to day. At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 16 inches
At 2 Am a large bear approached the Ship, and after attempting to come on board was shot and killed by Mr. Dunbar.
Sounded at noon in 29 1/2 fms. muddy bottom: the lead line Showing a slight Westerly drift. The ice formed 4 inches thick over Sounding hole since yesterday, the thickness of the floe around it being 27 inches.
At 1 Pm the ice commenced to move subjecting the Ship to Considerable pressure, but not altering her heel, 3O to Stbd. More or less motion and pressure until 8 Pm.
The Sewell pump is kept running all day at the rate of 40 Strokes a minute, which holds the water in check while the carpenters are carrying the fillings up above the berth deck and settling well down in place the fillings already put in. The engineers force is at work making necessary connections and forgings for using the Steam cutters engine and boiler in connection with the bilge pump belonging to main Engine.
Amount of water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 15 inches
The Sewell pump in the Engine Room is kept running all day at the rate of 35 strokes per minute. Comparing the work performed by the pump yesterday with the work done by the pump to day it would appear that we had reduced the amount of water coming into the ship to 1968 gallons per hour. The work of filling in between frames forward of the bulkhead constructed across the fore peak is about complete, nothing remaining but to place fresh fillings in places vacated by the Settling of the old ones. The carpenters are now engaged in this work and in making pulleys for the gearing of the main engine bilge pump to the Steam Cutters engine.
Amount of water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 16 inches
Sounded at noon in 29 fms. muddy bottom. No indicated drift. Amount of ice formed over Sounding hole in 24 hours = 4 inches. Thickness of ice by direct freezing Since November 28th = 5 feet 4 inches.
At 2 and 3 pm there was a sound of moving ice to NE; at 9 the same to SW and at 10 the Sound in NE again.
Crew employed in storing provisions which had been sent up from wet hold and Storeroom to the best advantage on the Spar deck and in the Deck House.
The Sewell pump is kept going all day in the Engine Room holding the water in check with 35 strokes per minute. Carpenters engaged in supplying fresh fillings as fast as old ones ~. Engineers Forces engaged in fitting gearings for running main engine bilge pump by Steam Cutters boiler and engine.
Water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 16 inches
In order to account for this steady amount of water it may be explained that as the ship is heeled 3O to Starboard, and the Sewell pump suction is on the port side of the Kelson, the water has to be allowed to rise to that height on the starboard side before enough will flow over the Kelson and through the thwartship limber holes to be taken up by the pump.
No drift indicated. Ice formed over sounding hole 8 inches in preceding 24 hours.
The Sewell pump in the Engine Room is kept going all day at the rate of 35 strokes per minute holding the water in check.
The rig for connecting the Steam Cutters engine to the bilge pump of the main engines being completed. Steam was led to it from the main boiler to tug it. The trial was not satisfactory. The following seemed to be the difficulty: The pump is a 6 inch force pump forcing water through a 1 1/2 inch pipe which in its course to the outside of the Ship is long and sinuous. The Steam Cutters engine is a 4 1/2" x 6" engine, and rigged to work the pump by two pulleys on the shafting which by crank motion and belting works the pump. The speeds are as 3 to 1. After laboring 4 hours to overcome the difficulty, the discharge pipe in the Ships side was found to be frozen solid. While thawing it preparatory to another effort these 24 hours close. The pump action is so labored that the steam cutters engine does not seem able to do the work.
Water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 16 inches
The day opens and continues clear and pleasant with light breeze from S'd ~ E 'd falling barometer and rising temperature. Sounded at noon in 29 fathoms. muddy bottom. Slight drift to N'd. 8 inches of ice found over Sounding hole since yesterday noon. Upon attempting to measure the thickness of the same floe mentioned on the 4th as 5 feet 4 inches thick, it was found that another floe had Shoved under it. Early daylight at 6 am. The North side of Wrangell Land" visible from 9 to 11 am on a general S x W (true) bearing.
The Sewell pump in the Engine Room is kept going all day at the rate of 35 strokes a minute holding the water in check.
Having at the beginning of the day Succeeded in thawing the ice out of the delivery pipe in the Ships side, another trial is given to the rig whereby the main engine bilge pump is sought to be worked by the Steam-cutter's engine. The size of the crank had been reduced meanwhile in order to lessen the Strokes of the engine. It was found that the pump was too large for the engine, and the use of the Steam Cutters engine was therefore discontinued until an attempt could be made to ~ the pump with "Babbit Metal" and invert a smaller plunger, converting a single acting piston pump of 6 inches diameter into a single acting plunger pump of 3 inches diameter.
Water in the Ship to day At 8 am At 4 pm At Midnight
At Fire Room Bilge 16 inches 16 inches 13 inches
Ice formed 6 inches in thickness over sounding hole since yesterday.
The collection includes manuscripts department thousands of documents related to the American West and Alaska, portraying the relationship between America and Russia. Many of these documents have been entered into the electronic digital system for the project Library of Congress - "American Memory." Other manuscripts contain some documents which were particularly important for certain aspects of the "Meeting of Frontiers". This, for example, correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and John Ledyard, one of the first American travelers to Russia. This collection also includes the text of the log of the George Washington DeLong (Copyright National Archives), the ship's captain "Dzhanett" who disappeared in the Arctic in 1881.(Note how the Russians spelled "Jeanette" :) )
"Cutters engine was therefore discontinued until an attempt could be made to ~ the pump with "Babbit Metal" and invert a smaller plunger, converting a single acting piston pump of 6 inches diameter into a single acting plunger pump of 3 inches diameter."
This is obviously Melville's ingenuity at work. Here ~ must be 'line' the pump, as what they're doing is making a smaller capacity pump from a bigger one by sleeving the cylinder. Opposite of boring out a big block Chevy V8.
The thermometers as used in the logbook so far (will be updated from time to time as I go)
Has this been mentioned before? Looks like a part of DeLongs original journal (unedited) - including manual transcript!
I just realized - that volume of George's journal is NOT a back-up copy of any of our ship logs. It's his Captain's Log for the last months of their stay - after the Jeanette has sunk. It is something that will add to our story.It looks like the transcription is just for 5th - 30th Oct but the scanned document starts on 11th June when they are starting to abandon the ship. She sinks on page 6 (http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=mtftx&fileName=txa/a0001//mtftxa0001.db&recNum=5&itemLink=r%3Fintldl%2Fmtfront%3A%40field%28NUMBER%2B%40od1%28mtftx%2Ba0001%29%29&linkText=0).
AND it's already transcribed! :)
"Cutters engine was therefore discontinued until an attempt could be made to ~ the pump with "Babbit Metal" and invert a smaller plunger, converting a single acting piston pump of 6 inches diameter into a single acting plunger pump of 3 inches diameter."
This is obviously Melville's ingenuity at work. Here ~ must be 'line' the pump, as what they're doing is making a smaller capacity pump from a bigger one by sleeving the cylinder. Opposite of boring out a big block Chevy V8.
I think you are right that the word means line, but that does not seem to be the word in the log - not sleeve either I'm afraid.
February 6th, Friday. ? The rig whereby the steam-cutter's engine it is hoped will work the bilge-pump attached to main engine being finished, trial is had of it to-day, getting steam from the main boiler. I am sorry to say the trial is unsatisfactory. The engine is not powerful enough to do the work which the pump is prepared for. A description of the apparatus may well come in here On the shaft of the steam-cutter's engine is secured a wooden pulley six inches in diameter. Above it is secured a frame and shaft to the hanging coal bunker, and on the shaft is placed another wooden pulley eighteen inches in diameter. Around the two pulleys is an endless belt. On the end of the upper shaft is a crank, which, by a connecting rod, works a break attached to the bilge-pump. Theoretically it ought to work, but practically it does not, for this reason : The discharge pipe of the pump is long, and has many angles before it reaches the ship's side. The pump being a force-pump of six inches stroke, and the engine being four and a half by six inches, were the delivery at the pump, it would be an easy matter; but as the delivery has to be made through a sinuous pipe one and a half inches in diameter, the water chokes in the pipe in such a way as to make the little engine struggle and labor, and occasionally come to a stand. Greater steam pressure would force the water no doubt, but the little engine would not stand the racket. While Melville was trying in every way to solve the difficulty, it was discovered that the delivery in the ship's side was frozen, and while we were thawing it out the day ended. Should no better result occur, Melville will go to work to make the pump smaller by inserting two small plungers and filling it with Babbitt's metal. ...
February 7 th, Saturday. ? I remarked in yesterday's journal that we discovered the pipe of the main engine bilge-pump frozen solid, and that while we were thawing it the day closed. At the same time the crank was shortened so as to diminish the stroke of the steam-cutter's engine. Everything being in readiness we gave the rig another trial, but it Would not work satisfactorily. True, it did pump water, but with such jerky and labored efforts on the part of the engine that we could readily see it was being overtaxed. The pump was too large for the engine. The rig was therefore discontinued, while Melville put his people at work to boush the pump with Babbitt's metal, and insert a smaller plunger, converting a single-acting piston-pump of six inches diameter into a single-acting plunger-pump of three inches diameter. This will take a couple of days, and in the mean time steam must be kept on the main boiler. At the end of the day I am thinking of trying the Baxter pump alone. ...
February 8th, Sunday. ? Upon inspecting the ship at noon to-day I found the temperature in the deck-house to be 18o, and lest our bilge-pumps should freeze beyond our control, I ordered a fire to be lighted under the Baxter boiler. As it will be several days before the work is finished which Melville has on hand, I thought this would be a good chance to see whether we could control the leak by the Baxter and the bilge-pump alone. Accordingly when steam was ready in the Baxter we closed, or rather attempted to close, the gates in the water-tight bulkhead. The port gate went down all right, but the starboard one seemed to be out of gear, for we could not get it down all the way, nor open it wide. To get at the gates, access must be had to a little space between the after bulkhead of the fore-hold and the forward side of the coal bunker. We commenced to break out the provisions and other stores with which this space is filled. The work of pumping the water, up to three P. m, had been done by running the Sewell pump thirty-five strokes per minute. When the Baxter commenced to run, the Sewell was put in operation only fifteen minutes in every hour. But it must be borne in mind that the bilge-pump suction is six inches from the bottom, and that the water has to flow over the keelson in the fire-room before the pump can take it. Our experiment has come to nothing, because, owing to leaky gate, water will flow aft into lire-room, and a pump must be kept going there.
I found the ship in as orderly a condition as could be expected under the circumstances. Everything being broken out from below forward, had to be piled up in the deck-house and on the quarter deck. The berth deck was damp, considerable moisture standing on the beams overhead. Until this injury to the ship the crew always had the deck-house to go to for a change, but now most of the time has to be passed on the berth deck because the deck-house is full. With a temperature ranging between minus 40o and minus 47o they cannot be sent out for very long from the ship, and as there is no open water we have no seals to occupy our attention Head divine service in the cabin.
We are being favored with beautiful weather. It is so long since we have had a strong wind that I cannot remember when we had our last. The sun shows up brightly day after day, the daylight grows longer steadily, lasting now from seven a. m. to five P. m., the nights are bright with starlight, the ice seems quiet, and were it not for cold snaps that keep us shut up, we should get over many a mile of ice in exercise, in celebration of our farewell to our Arctic night. Chipp and myself still stand our twelve-hour watches; he from four a. m. to four P. m., and I from four P. m. to four a. m. This is rather wearing, for it obliges me to turn part of our day into night in order to get enough sleep, but as Danenhower is still hors de combat, there is no one to make share it ? unless I include Dunbar, and I do not do so, because, in the critical condition of things I am of opinion that some one should be around at all times with full authority to act promptly and decidedly, and the fewer people have that authority the better.
The day began and continues clear and pleasant, but with considerable haze around the horizon. Winds beginning at N. W. back to W. Barometer begins 29.93 and rises to 30.04; the temperature begins minus 42o, and by nine a. m. reaches minus 49.5o, when mercurial thermometers decline to work longer and the mercury freezes solid; spirit thermometer No. 4,402, at that time reads minus 47o and goes down 2o more before end of day. As the spirit thermometers are not reliable it is safe to assert that it has been to-day below minus 50o.
An alarming amount of carbonic acid gas, 5.304 volumes per thousand, or .5304 per cent., was found on the berth deck at eleven P. m. Seeking for a cause I found that in the press of things requiring our attention of late, the iron ventilating pipe over the berth deck skylight had not been kept clear of ice, being in fact chock full of a solid mass, and effectually preventing the exit of foul air or the entrance of fresh air. Had it cleared.
De Long is now dropping minus signs - TWYS. :)
Obviously, he has other preoccupations.
Clewi, please stop finding all these interesting documents. It's really slowing down my (already slow) transcription rate!
De Long is now dropping minus signs - TWYS. :)
Obviously, he has other preoccupations.
He didn't drop them. See those dashes in the top columns?
Melville spoke FOUR hours! to the Commercial Club - after dinner! Wow.
De Long is now dropping minus signs - TWYS. :)
Obviously, he has other preoccupations.
He didn't drop them. See those dashes in the top columns?
I missed those. Thanks!
As I dutifully transcribe the four negative temperature readings per line it occurs to me how futile it was to record the decimal place. There is a 3 degree difference between the two mercurial themometers and about a degree and a half between the spirit ones. Two digits would have been sufficient given the error range. (And I won't mention the wind speed with 1 decimal place and the pressure with sometimes 3 places).
But I wonder if there is any information on how these data were used? Have the logs just been lying on a shelf in the archives all these years or were there some scientific papers based on the data?
And how will the science team handle the 2, 3 and sometimes 4 temperature readings per line? Just curious.
Sorry jil - here's the url for accessing the MANY articles about the Jeannette from the New York Herald (her principal backer)..it moves through many other stories including (how timely) the end of the Rodgers in flames whilst in pursuit of the Jeannette.Nooooooooooooo!
Multiple readings can be used to establish thermometer performance under different conditions, understand exposure bias, derive corrections, estimate uncertainty...
Aaargh, another one - Our Lost Explorers (http://archive.org/details/ourlostexplorers01newc)
I've only had a quick look (too much to read!) but it's got pictures and also mentions the Rodgers.
Actually I'm assuming this is not previously mentioned, this thread is getting quite long so I haven't checked all of it. Would it be possible to have all the links to books etc in one place?
QuoteMultiple readings can be used to establish thermometer performance under different conditions, understand exposure bias, derive corrections, estimate uncertainty...
But will they select just one or take an average or ... ?
Photos of the officers (http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/images/h52000/h52007.jpg)
From http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-usn/usnsh-j/jeanette.htm which has lots of images, mostly engravings from Emma De Long's book.
The Sewell pump is kept going until 3 P.M. all the time at the rate of 35 strokes per minute: - after 3 P.M. it is run about 15 minutes each hour.
An attempt was made to day to do all the pumping by the forward spar deck bilge pump in connection with the Baxter Boiler, steam being got on that boiler by 3 P.M. It was found that by some defect in one of the gates in the water tight bulkhead, enough water flowed aft to necessitate the running of the Sewell pump as above stated. Commenced breaking out provisions and other stores to get down to gate of water tight bulkhead. Fire was kept under the Baxter Boiler to heat the Deckhouse sufficiently to keep the pumps from freezing, between ~ of working; and the pump forward and the pump aft were as occasion required, the gates in water tight bulkhead being kept closed.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At foremast bilge (step) 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch
At after port Fore hold (at gates) 7 1/2 " 4 " 15 "
At the Fire room bilge 16 " 12 " 15 "
Engineer's Force continued altering main engine bilge pump to a plunger pump.
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_039_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_039_1.jpg)
The Sewell pump in the Engine Room is kept running about 15 minutes every hour to pump out such amounts of water as flow aft through leaky gate of water tight bulkhead forward. Fire is kept under Baxter Boiler to heat Deckhouse and as the water accumulated forward of the water tight bulkhead to pump it out by the forward spar deck bilge pump.
Engineer's force continue converting 6 inch piston pump into 3 inch plunger pump and necessary work for fitting Steam Cutters boiler to run the Steam Cutters engine in connection with said pump.
Having broken out the provisions and other stores it was found that an accomodation of dirt and rust prevented the long rod (working from spar deck to close the gate) from working properly on the screw spindle connected with the Stbd. gate. Having cleared it, the gate was closed as far as possible, but enough water forced its way through to necessitate the working of the Sewell pump as above stated. The port gate seemed perfectly tight. To reach the difficulty at the Starboard gate it will be necessary to cut away the flooring in the small store room between fore hold and coal bunkers, while work will be immediately commenced. The gate is either sprung out of place or broken.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At forward side water tight bulkhead 14 " 8 " 13 "
At the Fire Room Bilge 16 " 15 " 15 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_040_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_040_1.jpg)
Upon getting down to the gate in the water tight bulkhead they are found quite closed, and no leak is apparent through them. There must therefore be some leak through between the frame and the outside planking which of course we cannot get at and therefore cannot remedy. By running the Sewell pump in the Engine room Sometimes five minutes every hour and sometimes ten minutes every hour the water is held in check in the Fire Room bilge. The Baxter Boiler is kept with Steam, running the forward spar deck bilge pump on starboard Side as fast as the water accumulates forward of the water tight bulkhead. This pump is kept running almost steadily.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At Step of Fore Mast 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch
At auxiliary pump suction (after port Flour Room) 13 inches 12 inches
At after part Fore Hold (Water tight bulkhead) 18 " 17 "
At fire Room Bilge 15 inches 8 1/4 " 7 "
Engineer Force engaged in fitting attachments etc. for running bilge pump of main engine by means of Steam-Cutters engine and boiler.
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_041_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_041_1.jpg)
The forward spar deck bilge pump is kept working all day by means of the Baxter Engine, the gates in the water tight bulkhead being kept closed, and the water allowed to accumulate forward of them. The bilge pump holds its own well. By actual observation one half inch of water per hour found its way aft into the Engine Room, and such quantity of it as was not required to feed the main boiler was pumped overboard by the Sewell pump, while the work of filling the Steam Cutters boiler and engine to the main engine bilge pump is ~ nearer to completion. The working of the Cutters engine and its connections with the pump was tried by using steam from the main boiler, and the result was satisfactory. The only work on the rig now on hand is fitting the Steam-Cutters boiler to supply the steam instead of the main boiler.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At Foremast Step 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch
At water tight bulkhead 11 inches 14 inches 15 inches
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_042_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_042_1.jpg)
Although unable to find any leak through the water tight bulkhead, the carpenters have been employed in touching up the doubtful places in it. The Baxter Boiler requiring blowing early this AM. the working of the forward spar deck bilge pump was stopped for about an hour. During this time the the water rose to a height of 30 inches forward of the water tight bulkhead, and the sound of water flowing freely aft between planking and frames could be heard. As a consequence the water rose to a greater height in the fire room bilge. Upon resuming work with the baxter rig the height of the water forward of water tight bulkhead was speedily reduced to 22 inches, when the rapid flow of water aft ceased, only the usual half inch per hour finding its way into the Engine Room.
The Steam Cutters boiler being in readiness Steam was got in it to work the Steam Cutters engine in connection with the converted bilge pump of the main engine. The combination worked well, pumping out the Engine room dry. It was found however that the Cutters boiler was too small to supply steam constantly, the steam running down too low while blowing the boiler or cleaning the fire to keep the pump going steadily. In order to get the greatest effective power of this rig before hauling the fire under the main boiler, the Engineers force commence removing the bridge wall in the furnace of Cutters boiler, and making a new bridge wall, putting in a 16 inch grate bar instead of a 9 inch grate bar and thus increase the grate surface from 144 square inches to 256 square inches.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 12 inches 17 inches 12 inches
At Fire Room bilge 8 " 7 " 6 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_043_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_043_1.jpg)
Completed the work of removing the bridge wall of steam cutters furnace and placing 16 inch grate bars instead of 9 inch grate bars. Got steam on cutters boiler again and found upon lengthened trial that the alteration before mentioned made it possible to work continuously the rig to main engine bilge pump, and thus keep the bilge nearly dry. Hauled the fires under the main boiler, run all the water from it, and drained out all engine and boiler pipes to prevent their freezing, and pumped the bilge dry with Steam Cutter rig.
The forward spar deck bilge pump is kept running all day by the Baxter Engine, holding its own, well, with the water accumulating forward of water tight bulkhead. Enough water finds its way aft through some undiscovered leak between frames and planking to keep the Steam Cutters rig going.
Crew engaged in trimming coal in after bunkers in order to make Storage of some of the provisions which are now encumbering the spar deck. Carpenters continue to place filling material between frames forward of of [sic] the bulkhead constructed across fore peak, as there is a slight oozing of water upward and along the berth deck keeping that place constantly damp.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 10 inches 8 inches 13 1/2 inches
At Fire Room bilge 13 " 10 " 3 1/2 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_044_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_044_1.jpg)
The forward spar deck bilge pump is kept running all day by the Baxter engine. The Steam Cutters engine in connection with the main engine bilge pump is kept running about 15 minutes every hour. Water held in check in that manner.
The pressure of water between the ceiling and planking forward of the bulkhead constructed across fore peak has been so great as to force water out on the berth deck on the port side, keeping that portion of the ship wet and uncomfortable. Carpenters at work attempting to remedy the ~ by fresh fillings and by tightening the ~ work under the berths on port side.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 14 inches 9 inches 6 inches
At Fire Room bilge 5 " 9 " 0 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_046_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_046_1.jpg)
The forward spar deck bilge pump is kept running all day in connection with the Baxter engine, while the main engine bilge pump is kept running by the Steam Cutters engine fifteen minutes every hour, and the remainder of the time the Steam Cutters boiler is used for distilling water for drinking and cooking.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 10 inches 14 inches 5 inches
At Fire Room bilge 6 " 4 " 0 "
Crew engaged in storing provisions from deck down in after coal bunker.
Succeeded partially in stopping the dripping and running of water on the berth deck.
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_047_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_047_1.jpg)
The forward spar deck bilge pump is kept running all day in connection with the Baxter Boiler and engine, and the steam cutters engine and boiler is employed in the Engine Room in pumping 15 minutes every hour and the balance of the time in distilling water. Fitted an attachment to the Baxter Boiler to day to steam and thaw concentrated dog food.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 14 inches 9 inches 6 inches
At Fire Room bilge 2 1/2 " 0 " 2 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_049_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_049_1.jpg)
The work of pumping by steam proceeds as usual. Careful calculation of the work performed by both pumps gives 1647 gallons of water per hour as the amount pumped out of the Ship. Of this, 179 gallons leaks through abaft the water tight bulkhead and finding its way aft to the Engine room is pumped out by the Steam Cutter rig; - the balance is pumped out by the forward spar deck bilge pump running in connection with the Baxter engine and boiler.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 12 inches 12 inches 13 inches
At Fire Room bilge 3 " 2 " 2 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_053_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_053_1.jpg)
The forward spar deck bilge pump is run as usual by the Baxter Engine until 9 AM when it is disconnected and the engine dismounted in order to scale the boiler. This boiler being designed for fresh water or water nearly fresh, its water spaces and feed pipes are small and easily choked by salt. Having been in steady use for over a month scaling was absolutely necessary. While this work is going on the forward spar deck bilge pump is worked by hand, requiring the steady pumping of one man.
Water which leaks aft into Engine Room is pumped out as usual by the Steam Cutters engine running the main engine bilge pump.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 10 inches 4 inches 7inches
At Fire Room bilge 1 " 1 " 3 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_057_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_057_1.jpg)
Worked the forward spar deck bilge pump by hand until 10 Pm at which time the Baxter boiler, being scaled and cleaned, was again used. The Steam Cutters boiler and engine were employed in connection with the main engine bilge pump about 15 minutes every hour, the remainder of the time being devoted to distilling.
Water in the ship to day 8 Am 4 Pm Midnight
At water tight bulkhead 8 inches 8 inches 9 inches
At Fire Room bilge 1 1/2 " 1 " 1 1/2 "
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_058_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_058_1.jpg)
The Steam Cutters engine keeps the main engine bilge pump running as required, 15 minutes every hour, the remaining 45 minutes being occupied in distilling. The forward spar deck bilge pump is run as usual by the Baxter Engine and boiler until 10.30 Pm when the crown sheet of the boiler was found to be coming down from heat and pressure. The fire was hauled and the steam used to blow out the boiler. Upon examination it was found that scale had formed in a light spongy mass on the crown sheet differing from the ordinary deposit of scale. As the boiler had been scaled and cleaned four days ago, the occurence above noted can hardly be accounted for, as ~: Commenced working the forward spar deck bilge pump by hand.
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_062_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jeannette/vol002of004/vol002_062_1.jpg)
The main engine bilge pump is worked as necessary by the Steam Cutters engine, and distilling is continued at other times. Engaged in cleaning and repairing Baxter Boiler. Heated and jacked the crown sheet back to its place, and to prevent the accumulation of sediment over the center of ~ same, rigged a surface blow cock and pipe to carry the sediment from this particular part of the boiler. To overcome defect arising from leaky piston, cut two annular grooves around solid piston and prepared to fill the same with Babbitt Metal, casting the same with the piston in place. The forward spar deck bilge pump is worked by hand throughout the day.
That sounds right, Joan. From Clewi's posting for 21 Feb. we see that almost 30 gallons per minute is entering the ship.
?One theorist wrote solemnly that the explorers were on the verge of a great discovery before which the discovery of America by Columbus would pale, for they were to enter a region above 87th degree of latitude, where a tropical heat would meet them issuing from the hollow centre of the earth.? :o
I'm still surprised there is not ice forming in the bottom of the ship. Of course, the water is constantly moving but there must be some sections where it isn't. Is the heat circulation that good that it prevents freezing?
The main engine bilge pump is worked as necessary by the Steam Cutters engine, and distilling is continued at other times. Engaged in cleaning and repairing Baxter Boiler. Heated and jacked the crown sheet back to its place, and to prevent the accumulation of sediment over the center of ~ same, rigged a surface blow cock and pipe to carry the sediment from this particular part of the boiler. To overcome defect arising from leaky piston, cut two annular grooves around solid piston and prepared to fill the same with Babbitt Metal, casting the same with the piston in place. The forward spar deck bilge pump is worked by hand throughout the day.
Thanks, Kevin. Now I am wondering what they meant by "Early daylight at 5.15 AM"? This is February 14 at 72 degrees North latitude. This doesn't mean sunrise, of course, but it's still dark here in Ottawa/Gatineau (45 N) at 7 AM February 21.
"between ~ of working" - Spells ?
Wrong link? (063 ?)
"of ~ same" - the ?
That sounds right, Joan. From Clewi's posting for 21 Feb. we see that almost 30 gallons per minute is entering the ship.:o :o :o not a chance of bunging up with ice then!
Again, please do not 'correct' entries which seem to be wrong; similarly, please do not add anything that has not been written in the log.... tempting though it is ;)
"frames forward of of [sic] the"
"frames forward of of the"
http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3078.msg54137#msg54137QuoteAgain, please do not 'correct' entries which seem to be wrong; similarly, please do not add anything that has not been written in the log.... tempting though it is ;)
...more (detailed) description...
Those are negative temps, Joan, so the warmest is indeed about 2 to 3 PM. But it's not just one drink of whisky. He has been reporting "early daylight" for the last month.
I thought I posted this earlier but I guess I didn't. Is there any interest in these black bulb in vacuo temperatures in the right margin? Are they of any use to the science team? This instrument measures solar radiation.
Alpenglow? Perhaps would not show up that early. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpenglow
Auroras seen near the magnetic pole may be high overhead, but from farther away, they illuminate the northern horizon as a greenish glow or sometimes a faint red, as if the Sun were rising from an unusual direction.
Any good?
I thought I posted this earlier but I guess I didn't. Is there any interest in these black bulb in vacuo temperatures in the right margin? Are they of any use to the science team? This instrument measures solar radiation.
A faint gleam of sunlight was visible in Northern horizon at 1 and 2 AM. And at 4 a ruddy tint was to be seen on horizon to NNE. (March 10, 1880).
How could this happen? He must have mistaken the aurora for sunlight, yet you would think he could tell the difference. Sunlight would be relatively constant.
This becomes a regular daily feature, Randi. There are 3 or 4 measurements per day, usually in the early afternoon, up until April 12. Sometimes there are many:
After April 12 that he only records the maximum B. B. temperature in a specific period that varies:
It would be quite a chore to transcribe all of this unless science team thinks it is worth the effort. It would be easier to put it in an Event than on the Forum.
I will be glad to transcribe this information if Kevin says it's worth the trouble. I would be curious to know how it could be used?
I think Randi suggested that the information could go in the Air box, along with the usual air temp? That would be convenient until we get to the point where there is only one reading per day. In that case, an Event would be best, since the hour is variable from that point on.
I will be glad to transcribe this information if Kevin says it's worth the trouble. I would be curious to know how it could be used?
I will be glad to transcribe this information if Kevin says it's worth the trouble. I would be curious to know how it could be used?
I have been transcribing the B.B. in vacuo numbers with the corresponding hours but I haven't bothered picking up the related air temperatures since these are almost the same as those recorded in the Air box (rounded to the nearest degree). In any case, about a month later he only shows the in vacuo number (and only the maximum within a time range rather than hourly).
The ship is found to be west of the 180th Meridian by todays observations, but the date is not changed at present lest she should within a few days drift to the Eastward of said Meridian and require a second change. Until the date IS changed however, the correct local day will be written in RED INK UNDER the usual heading of the Log page.
It's amazing the number of ways log-keepers manage to complicate things.
I'd really like the date that's consistent with the reported longitude (the red date - which the log-keeper obviously feels slightly guilty about not using) but I think we need to stick with TWYS, so Craig is right as usual, please put in both....on Jeanette. It goes on for months. Craig is TWYS and putting both in dd/mm/yyyy (dd/mm/yyyy) but is that right. In 350-or-so ships, no one has ever done this before.QuoteThe ship is found to be west of the 180th Meridian by todays observations, but the date is not changed at present lest she should within a few days drift to the Eastward of said Meridian and require a second change. Until the date IS changed however, the correct local day will be written in RED INK UNDER the usual heading of the Log page.
In this case there are two dates:
Should we ignore the date in red? I will enter the second date under the first one and in parentheses (like on the log page) until further notice.
I don't think it happens often enough to throw off global warming calculations ;)
Because of our interface, TWYS does not include line breaks. So I go with Philip's rule for everything that is ambiguous - guess extravagantly!I don't think it happens often enough to throw off global warming calculations ;)
You've heard of the butterfly effect ... ;D
I agree, Clewi - De Long usually puts Nimb last.
Its interesting to note as well that when July 4th fell on a Sunday, the anniversary was celebrated in most places on Monday, July 5:
List of years that July 4 fell on Sunday: 1779, 1784, 1790, 1802, 1813, 1819, 1824, 1830, 1841, 1847, 1852, 1858, 1869, 1875, 1880, 1886, 1897, 1909, 1915, 1920, 1926, 1937, 1943, 1948, 1954, 1965, 1971, 1976, 1982, 1993, 1999, 2004
Here is this year's SST anomaly at freeze-up according to reanalysis. Humm, looks like no ice means warm water...the long anticipated effect of ice-albedo feedback kicking in. And right where our boats are sailing -er drifting.
Water Temperature and Specific Gravity
The depth of water not being great, but t an Cosella Miller Thermometer was used which was attached to the lead line about one fathom above the lead. The Number of the Thermometer used is written in Red Ink abreast of the Sounding. They were found upon comparison to agree with Standard Mercurial Number 4313.
Temperatures at a depth of two fathoms below the surface were obtained by allowing the water to enter the ship through one of the sea cocks in her bottom, (which sea cock was quite uniformly 12 feet below the surface) and after a short time, say a minute or two, filling a hydrometer cup with compared Thermometer attached, and reading the height of the mercury therein.
Temperatures of Surface water were obtained by immersing a compared Thermometer in the Fire Hole alongside the ship.
Water was brought up from near the bottom by a 'Sigsher Water Cup" attached to the lead line. Water from 2 fathoms below the surface and from the surface, was obtained from the Sea Cock and Fire Hole as mentioned above.
Specific Gravities were obtained from readings of a Hydrometer marked Taglialme New York. Specific Gravity 60 degrees Fahr. of a scale ranging from 1.020 to 1.030, where the water was of a density within the scale. Otherwise the readings were of a more delicate Hydrometer marked "Reinmann & Baetz, 96 Fallow St. NY Specific Gravity 60 degrees F. Scale 1000 to 1040.
Wind Velocities
These were recorded from readings of an Anemometer marked
Jm. Glem
Signal Service U.S.A
10 No 120
Until midnight August 4th 1880 the readings were made every hour but from that time forward the readings were made every three hours, and the difference in the register between observations was entered in the Log as the number of "miles during the interval".
At all times the Anemometer and Thermometers for the Temperatures were exposed on the floe ice about 100 yards from the ship on her part quarter :- The Anemometer on a post and about ~ feet above the ice, and the Thermometers in a Louvre-boarded box at least 4 feet above the ice.
George W DeLong Lieutenant U.S. Navy Commanding
Note. At the head of the page devoted to the "Record of the Miscellaneous events of the day" there are frequently written the dates one in Black ink and the other in Red Ink. It was not considered advisable to change the date for ships purposes in crossing the 180th Meridian of Longitude; and therefore the old date was carried forward from day to day and the proper local date written under in Red Ink. G.W. DeLong
Wind Velocities
Until midnight August 4th 1880 the readings were made every hour but from that time forward the readings were made every three hours, and the difference in the register between observations was entered in the Log as the number of "miles during the interval".
Argo is a global array of 3,000 free-drifting profiling floats that measures the temperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean. This allows, for the first time, continuous monitoring of the temperature, salinity, and velocity of the upper ocean, with all databeing relayed and made publicly available within hours aftercollection.
QuoteWind Velocities
Until midnight August 4th 1880 the readings were made every hour but from that time forward the readings were made every three hours, and the difference in the register between observations was entered in the Log as the number of "miles during the interval".
Science team please take note of the above. The heading is "Velocity Miles run during interval". He is measuring the wind velocity as miles per 3 hours so dividing by 3 would yield the average over the interval. Why couldn't he just enter the average ???
QuoteWind Velocities
Until midnight August 4th 1880 the readings were made every hour but from that time forward the readings were made every three hours, and the difference in the register between observations was entered in the Log as the number of "miles during the interval".
Science team please take note of the above. The heading is "Velocity Miles run during interval". He is measuring the wind velocity as miles per 3 hours so dividing by 3 would yield the average over the interval. Why couldn't he just enter the average ???
I think this might have been forgotten. Did anyone notify the science team about this? Beginning Aug. 5 1880 the wind velocity is multiplied by 3.
Spirit thermometer 4039 is now being used and recorded as "Air Wet Bulb" now that temperatures are below -40 F. Purple Bulb thermometer recorded under "Water at Surface"
Clewi was keeping a record of these thermometer changes in an Excel file. Are you still here, Clewi?
Between 9AM and 3 PM there was a marked rise in temperature and a stand at a comfortable degree of heat, but it was followed by a return to the usual low figure.
At 2 PM the land outline was much plainer. A meteor was observed, at 4 and another at 9. Auroral arches from 5 to Midnight. The remarkable ones being a bright curtain at 9 forming an ellipse; two arches at 11. Starting from a point in NE and ending respectively in NNW and W. Coronas being 20? and 90? in altitude; and a four arch fan at midnight from the same point. Coronas 30?, 60?, 75? and 90? in Altitude, ~ at NNW, NW, NW x W and WNW. Twilight arch 10? at 4 PM.That is fantastic, but if you didn't want to transcribe all of that,
Auroral arches from 5 to Midnight.would still be very helpful for the scientists.
At 1 A.M. faint aurora chiefly in NE and W.N.W. Lunar circle. At 2 a.m. very faint auroral patches. At 3 faint auroral glimmers in W.N.W. The Sun was raised by refraction above the horizon before 6 a.m. At 11 P.M. broken curtain arches 10o and 20o in altitude to N.E. extending from E to N. An exceptionally beautiful auroral display commenced shortly before midnight. From W x S to N.E. and chiefly South of zenith, from 10o to 15o in alt. an auroral band extended in a Series of flat Semi-elliptical curves opening to the N?d. On the inner or North edge of the band it was brilliantly white, while the light faded down toward the Southern horizon to a pale cloud-like intensity, in which faint lines would occasionally show. To the North of zenith very meager bands of long streamers hung across the Sky. A peculiarity of the display was the regularity with which the curves, which were moving slowly along the band from W to E broke into rapid and distorting undulations when they aimed at a point lying within the space apparently occupied by the Constellation Ursa Major. There the E. end of the curve would suddenly deepen and double back sharply, while the aurora would be violently agitated and would show the prismatic colors with extraordinary vividness. Occasionally the organization of the original curve would be maintained notwithstanding the extraordinary rapidity of the movements around its margin, but usually the curve was broken or seemed to collapse, to be succeeded by forms, in the zenith of indescribable outline because of the rapidity of changes. At times it seemed as if there were two distinct strata of aurora, the lower one being most agitated. So that the prismatic colors in modified tints crossed and recrossed each other while the whole looked like a magnificent pyrotechnic display on which various colored and intense lights were thrown. In the West the band showed occasionally that at great distance in that direction a similar movement was in progress, while to the E?d such a movement was plainly discernible the rapid changes of the foldings in the band taking the forms of spiral curtains. The whole display after lasting a half hour moved to N. of zenith fading as it went.
The wind still blows at such a rate that neither man nor dog can face it, but must needs crawl into any available hole for shelter. I stepped outside to-day simply to experiment, and see if it were possible to stand up or hold to the hut. I could actually discern nothing for the blinding fury of the storm, for the wild rushing air was opaque with snow and fine particles of ice. I lost my grip on the door-jamb, and with difficulty crawled back on my hands and knees to the top of the snow-steps, down which I took a header and rolled into the hut. The natives will not allow any of us to go out alone, but insist upon sending one of their number to keep us company. I have seen a typhoon blowing in Japan, when the anemometers on three ships registered ninety-nine, one hundred and one, and one hundred and three miles per hour respectively; when weak buildings were demolished, vessels at anchor dragged along, and jin-rick-shas turned over like willow baskets, yet I was not carried off my feet, nor was the typhoon in its most furious mood a circumstance to this irresistible boreal blast. Thunder and lightning are entirely unknown in the Arctic Ocean. Towards the pole the aurora is the only form in which the presence of electricity in the atmosphere is displayed and the question arises, Why the aurora, instead of the discharges of light, attended by thunder-claps, seen at the equator?
To bring about the usual atmospheric phenomena heat must be applied or extracted. Perhaps, then, the want of heat in the polar regions may account for the absence of thunder and lightning, or can it be that the immense blanket or non-conductor of ice and snow prevents the discharge of the electric current ? So that, if a certain degree of heat were introduced, the aurora would burst forth into vivid flashes ?
Named for his sister, Jeanette, later Mrs Isaac Bell, Jnr, the steam bark departs from London for the Bering Sea in 1878
One after another died until only three were left, and then De Long perceived that unless the books and papers and the bodies of his comrades were removed from the low bed of the river, the spring floods would sweep them all out to sea. So the surviving three had tried to carry the records to the high ground for safety, together with a cake of river ice for water, the kettle, a hatchet, and a piece of their tent-cloth, but their little remaining strength was not even equal to the task of lifting the cases of records up the steep bank, so they sank down from the effort, after securing the chart-case and other small articles, leaving the records to their fate.
I subsequently learned that my two messengers, Bubokoff and Kolinkin, accompanied by Mr. Gilder of the Rodgers, had been overtaken by the floods in the valley of the Aldan and driven into the tree-tops, where they lived for days, killing and eating one of their horses, whose carcass they moored fast to a tree and hauled up into their perches when they were in need of food. At length the waters subsided and they were released from their lofty captivity, and none too soon, for the odor of their floating larder had become painfully powerful, and their stomachs correspondingly weak.
True to their trust, Bubokoff and Kolinkin hoisted the box containing the precious books and records of the expedition into the top of a high tree, lashing it fast ; but the water continuing to rise they became frightened and raised and lashed it still higher, when Kolinkin fell from the tree and was borne away by the current into the branches of another, where he remained without food for several days. Through their negligence they ran the very risk it was my intention to avoid ; for I had started them from the Delta so early to insure the removal of the records to a place of safety ere the spring floods set in. But they stopped at the different stancias ; idled away a week at Verkeransk ; and meanwhile the season crept on, and the floods caught them about ten days before they crossed the Aldan, and their disobedience of orders nearly cost them their lives and the loss of our records, the frait of so much foil and suffering and death.
Hummm...about those JEANNETTE relics?
At dusk we all either awoke, or were awakened by the natives preparing our supper. The invariable beverage of tea was handed around, and Mrs. Chagra, assisted by some of her female friends, put on a large kettle of ancient but hardy geese, which had long and honorably served the natives in raising numerous progeny of their kind. But they had been slaughtered during the summer, when in pin-feather, and hung in pairs, with their bills interlocked, across a pole out of the reach of dogs and foxes, and as they had neither been plucked nor dressed, the juices of their poor bodies naturally gathered at the extremities ; hence, ere freezing weather set in, the dead geese had generated another and more prolific family within themselves. So when such are heated for the purpose of cleaning, the natives are usually saved the trouble of opening them, for the whole after-part of the fowl drops out of its own accord, anything but a pleasing sight to contemplate, particularly if the agony, or inside, be long drawn out. Still we ate of the boiled geese, and heartily.
I was now suffering from a severe cold, the first I had caught since leaving the United States, and it occurred in the following way.
Upon my reaching the house of the espravnick, he doubtless suspected my cleanliness, as well, indeed, he might, for I had suspicions in the same direction myself ; so, when he proposed a bath, I gladly consented. He then ordered a Cossack to prepare the bath, and brought forth, some clean under-clothing and a suit of gray cloth
for me.
" You are acquainted with the bath ? " he inquired.
" Oh, yes," said I, for I could not think of any intricacies in the operation which might not be learned at a glance.
So, headed by the Cossack, who carried my clothing, towels, etc., I set out for the bath-house, which was located about one hundred yards from the main dwelling. I found it to be a square box of a building, perhaps eight by ten feet, and seven feet high ; the door was covered with an ox-hide and felted, to keep out the cold ; the floor was earthen ; and in a corner stood the stone-furnace and chimney. The furniture of the room was composed of one stool and a small table ; two large tubs filled with water, one hot and the other cold, with cakes of ice floating in it ; two shelves, one about two feet from the ground, the other about five feet, and both broad enough for the bather to lie out upon ; several small wooden vessels ; an iron dipper ; and then, beside my under-clothing and towels, a couple of sheets intended for wrappers. I noticed a large hole in the side of the furnace from which the flames and gases were rushing into the room, for a board had been placed on top of the chimney as a damper.
And now the Cossack told me to undress. I did so. He next filled the dipper with water, and asked me if I was ready ; I said, " Yes," and be then cast the water through the aperture into the glowing furnace. Instantly a thick volume of steam burst forth, and the Cossack, looking at me a moment, said, "More?" I assented, and he threw in another dipperful, whereupon the upper part of the building filled with steam. He glanced at me askance, and asked again " More ? "
" Yes, yes," said I, impatiently ; " heave it in, manorga ! "
Quick as thought he dashed two or three dipperfuls of water into the furnace, and then, dodging his head, bolted out of doors as though he had hurled a keg of powder into the fire.
Two candles were burning in the room, one on the table, the other on the upper shelf. This latter was extinguished in an instant. I relighted it at the other, and, apprehending my plight, set them both on the floor, where they burned with a blue light. Meanwhile the scalding hot steam was lowering nearer and nearer to my head. I crouched down, but it followed me. The candles flickered, and were going out ; evidently I could not stay in the dark and be smothered or scalded to death. So, without thinking of the sheets, I threw myself against the low door and shot forth into the open air and snow, the dense steam, literally in hot pursuit, pouring out after me.
The Cossack had fled in dismay to the house ; and there I stood abiding the exit of the steam, in nothing but my skin, dancing up and down in a temperature of about sixty degrees below zero. It was not long, however, before I could see a current of cold air rushing in beneath my inflamed enemy, and I crept back in its wake, and, when things were cooled off, closed the door and leisurely bathed in one of the tubs, tempering the water to suit myself. When I at length, found my way back to the house, and told Kasharofski of my escapade, he said the Cossack was under the impression I had deliberately boiled myself ; and, indeed, I was so badly affected that Bartlett's first exclamation upon meeting me was, "Why, what have they been doing to you?"
Perhaps it was the change of clothing, but at any rate the cold clung to me until I again began living in the open air, and slept once more on top of a sled.
A new blog out, Ice Station Jeanette (http://blog.oldweather.org/2013/08/08/ice-station-jeannette/) by Philip.
Her log is also now on vimeo: http://vimeo.com/62031717
New York Herald coverage of the Jeannette expedition and aftermath:
This may have already been turned up...
It's been almost a year since we provided the Atmospheric Log kept by Ambler to the National Archives for scanning. I'm considering posting a pdf of the logbook online and was wondering if it's been transcribed here yet.
Michael Rhode
Archivist, Office of Medical History, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Oh, don't feel honored. I'm just one more government archivist, and there's a lot of us. I'm in awe of the project though.
Ambler's log is actually atmospheric and not medical (much to my annoyance). I imagine it'll arrive to you after the decklogs. Kevin says he has no objections, so I'll probably put it online next week as the 1000th item we've uploaded to the Medical Heritage Library at https://archive.org/details/usnavybumedhistoryoffice
I'll be doing a bit of a social media push, and hopefully generate some interest for both our projects.
Hi Camillier. I don't think I've met you before. Welcome to OW!
What you notice on 24 Feb 1881 has been going on pretty much since the Jeannette was beset in the ice in 1879. It was probably noted earlier in this thread. Just enter the wind direction as written.
I think he was showing the decimal value as a superscript here if I remember correctly.:o
The Jeanette is unusual because they are officially a drifter - deliberately locked into the ice to drift where ever it goes. And they truly don't know exactly where they are.
Apparently, his journal is a second book - he was taking separate weathers from the ship's log. I'm wondering if it would be possible to straighten out the crippling creases that make the berthing deck mid-day readings unreadable.
Harder to track across the lines, but only 3 readings per day at 2 locations (outside and inside). With clear numbers but a doctor's scrawl in the comments.
Now, how readable is the journal? :)
Just a reminder that thermometer table is right here:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/78834166/Jeanette%20Therm.htm (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/78834166/Jeanette%20Therm.htm)
Thanks Janet.
The forum entries on Jeannette are very useful - I was utterly baffled by their wind-speed data until i checked the forum description of what they had got up to.Philip and Kevin,
Clewi says to to remind you of this doc listing what kind of thermometer was used on which dates on board Jeanette.
JanetJust a reminder that thermometer table is right here:
Jeannette Thermometer Madness (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/78834166/Jeanette%20Therm.htm)
Janet, the journal must be at NARA but I think we have a transcription. Unfortunately last month we also had a flood and all the collections, inc. Ambler's are packed up, waiting for new carpeting to be put down. So I can't get to it and check.
This scan is an Old Weather one, set up by NOAA and NARA, and done by NARA. I can check individual pages when I can get to the book again, if there are requests.
MikeApparently, his journal is a second book - he was taking separate weathers from the ship's log. I'm wondering if it would be possible to straighten out the crippling creases that make the berthing deck mid-day readings unreadable.
Harder to track across the lines, but only 3 readings per day at 2 locations (outside and inside). With clear numbers but a doctor's scrawl in the comments.
Now, how readable is the journal? :)
I got the archives back on its shelves last week, and checked today. We do have a typescript transcript of Ambler's journal, done in 1914. Can anyone see if it's already digitized and on the web? Tomorrow brings the government shutdown so I won't get to work on it until a budget is passed.Janet, the journal must be at NARA but I think we have a transcription. Unfortunately last month we also had a flood and all the collections, inc. Ambler's are packed up, waiting for new carpeting to be put down. So I can't get to it and check.
This scan is an Old Weather one, set up by NOAA and NARA, and done by NARA. I can check individual pages when I can get to the book again, if there are requests.
MikeApparently, his journal is a second book - he was taking separate weathers from the ship's log. I'm wondering if it would be possible to straighten out the crippling creases that make the berthing deck mid-day readings unreadable.
Harder to track across the lines, but only 3 readings per day at 2 locations (outside and inside). With clear numbers but a doctor's scrawl in the comments.
Now, how readable is the journal? :)
Wiki Hypervitaminosis A (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervitaminosis_A)
The liver of certain animals ? including the polar bear, seal,[24] walrus,[25] moose,[26] and husky ? are particularly toxic.
Like many animals, polar bears benefit from keeping a certain amount of vitamin A in their system, but there's nothing to indicate they actually require such large quantities. In fact, their physiology evolved to tolerate so much vitamin A for only one reason: to eat seals.
In the wild, polar bears feed almost exclusively on bearded seals and ringed seals, both of which store high levels of vitamin A in their livers and blubber. If you ate a bearded seal's liver, you'd suffer from hypervitaminosis A, but the polar bear can tolerate and enjoy the feast. The seals store high levels of vitamin A in order to swiftly grow and nourish their young in a harsh, chilly environment. Remember, vitamin A plays a key role in growth and natal development. The seals rely on this vitamin to quickly advance them through their vulnerable pup stages.
Makes me wonder what drives unrelated animals to have the same characteristic.
I just bought an advertising card image of the Jeannette on Saturday. It's attached and a scan of both sides, downloadable and usable by anyone is also at: