Old Weather Forum

Shore Leave => Dockside Cafe => Topic started by: DJ_59 on 09 October 2010, 20:35:09

Title: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 09 October 2010, 20:35:09
Time to let us know who you are, how you got here, what made Old Weather interesting to you and anything else you'd like people to know.

Also for newbies and older members alike:
I have started an OW people map at http://goo.gl/maps/Z2IsJ (http://goo.gl/maps/Z2IsJ).
If you want your town (not address) on the map, message me (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=505599) with the info.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 12 October 2010, 14:24:49

Mmmkay, I'll start.

I'm DJ.  I live in Lake Hills, a pretty part of Bellevue, which is right across Lake Washington from Seattle.  I'm married and have two grown daughters, 23 and 20.  I'm a life-long musician (multi-instrumentalist) and I've been a deejay since I was 15.  I retired early and now keep busy with various projects in the Zooniverse, and by doing a pair of weekly Net radio shows.  This project is interesting to me for several reasons, but mainly I'm a history fanataic (buff just sounds too mild for it) and I've been concerned about climate change for a long time.  Two major interests in one project?  Heck yes.  Sign me up. 


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 12 October 2010, 14:59:35
Hello everyone. I'm Caro and I live south of London in the UK but I was born and raised in Australia. I've taken part in most of the Zooniverse projects and I'm sure I will find Old Weather just as addictive as all the others. And I'll make pictures out of anything.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 12 October 2010, 15:02:04
She will, too.  Cool pictures.  She just made one of you and you never even knew it.  And you never looked better!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: zoot horn rollo on 12 October 2010, 18:24:35
I am zoot horn rollo and I am an unreconstituted train and plane spotter. I also work in research support at a MAJOR university in the west midlands here in the UK and saw a press release sent round by JISC about this project. I have a certain amount of naval blood in me and this was more interesting than reviewing research funding contracts (oops) at lunchtime.

Carry on number one, left hand down a bit...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: theremin on 12 October 2010, 19:39:48
I thought zoot rollo horn was a guitarist in captain beefheart's band, not a scientist ;).
I'm theremin and i'm  an amateur astronomer in essex,England. I got addicted to solar storm watch to wile away the cloudy nites, but strangely have dabbled with trains too. Like the mix of history and science in this incarnation, although my battleship seems stuck in port for a month so far!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: pennamite on 13 October 2010, 00:43:16
Hi, I'm Penny in Redondo Beach CA.  I read a lot of 19c handwriting while working on my dissertation, and I love crowdsourcing history projects, so this works for me.  I found this project through Tim Sherratt (wragge on twitter); I've enjoyed being part of his Flickr Machine Tag Challenge and following his other work.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 13 October 2010, 00:51:24
Welcome, ZRH, Pennemite and Theremin. 

Theremin: I used to have a Theremin.  Actually, a homemade Theremin.  That thing was a blast.  Do you play?  I used to think I played, but then I heard Clara Rockmore and realized that, no, I just waved a lot and made some cool noises.  :)

Pennamite: What's a Flickr Machine Tag Challenge? 

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: zoot horn rollo on 13 October 2010, 07:36:55
I thought zoot rollo horn was a guitarist in captain beefheart's band, not a scientist ;).

Worse than that, I'm not even a scientist - I'm a lawyer... But well done for knowing that zhr was one of Beefheart's guitarists.  :)

I seem to remember that the good captain also dabbled in the theramin as well.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: PeterD on 13 October 2010, 09:26:49
Hi, I'm Peter

I have taken part in several of the Zooniverse projects so far. I am a Physicist/Mathematician/Computer Scientist  whose original love (many,many years ago) was astronomy. I'm based in the UK about 40 SW of London, where we DO get dark skies still (just about).

Old Weather is a fascinating view of what else can be done with the zooniverse technologies. I am already addicted.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: MikeO on 13 October 2010, 12:49:28
Hi, I'm Mike, just joined today. I live in Berkshire though I am originally from West Wales. Have a bit of time on my hands so thought I would do something useful with it.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: donald_duck on 13 October 2010, 12:56:24
I'm Dave, a sound artist in the US. I heard about this project through BoingBoing, and came to check it out. I was surprised to see how interesting it was, despite my near-total disinterest in meteorology and naval history. Seriously, if you'd asked me to come up with something guaranteed to bore me to tears, I could have only added "watching American Idol" to make the mix more potent. But I'm hooked anyway, go fig!

I think it is knowing that my ship (the HMS Attack) ends up on the bottom of the Mediterranean that drew me in. I'm very much caught by the thought of these logs being kept in such a precise manner by people who would, about a year later, be torpedoed. From what I've read so far, the HMS Attack lost 10 men while attempting to save sailors from another vessel. So I figure that the least I can do is to help see that some of their work lives on in a fashion.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 13 October 2010, 12:58:06
Welcome PeterD, MikeO and donald_duck. We're so glad that you've joined us.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: bohne2k7 on 13 October 2010, 13:19:42
Then I'll introduce myself here as well, as I'm going to be quite active (and addicted) with this Zooniverse project.

I'm from Germany, although I'm living, working and studying in London for half a year now to finish my bachelors degree in applied mathematics in life science.

Probably my biggest addiction is within volunteer distributed computing as the BOINC platform (not thinking as the Zooniverse) and the German society Rechenkraft.net e.V. (http://www.rechenkraft.net)

The special charm of OldWeather is on the one hand the history and on the other the weather itself. As well, that we are primarily dealing with man-made rather than nature-made resources!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: pennamite on 13 October 2010, 13:37:53
Welcome, ZRH, Pennemite and Theremin. 

Pennamite: What's a Flickr Machine Tag Challenge?

Not sure I can explain it very well, so here's the link:

I was already busy in the Flickr Commons project, tagging and commenting and remixing, so adding Tim's machine tags was something I could do while I was already there.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: elizabeth on 13 October 2010, 13:57:06
 :D Hi, Shipmates. I am LIZ I live in California and have been  around the different zoos for a while. I love history, ships and planes so for my first ship to work on I choice HMS Nairana a Seaplane carrier. ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: GeorgeTed on 13 October 2010, 15:15:43
Hi from Grimsby
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 13 October 2010, 15:28:03
Welcome Bohne, Liz and GeorgeTed.
It's good to see you here.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: redmerlin on 13 October 2010, 17:10:23
Hi Everyone

I am retired and in past lives have been Teacher, Business Woman and IT trainer.
Nearest thing to having anything to do with the Navy was dating a couple of  Sub Lieutenants during their training at Dartmouth Royal Naval College way back in the sixties......which shows my age!!!!
I  have always been interested in the sea and weather. I used to go fishing out from Teignmouth, South Devon.
Also interested in History, wildlife (Furry and feathered variety don't get much chance at the other sort these days!)....
Really interested in most things :D
I saw this on the Met Office site and explored it and thought it sounded really interesting as well as being a useful thing to do.
I was right too! It is interesting. A couple of pages has already given me an insight into the daily lives of these men at sea in WWl. Absolutely fascinating.
Also lots to learn here.
You will be seeing more of me as I am sure I will need lots of help.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: cw955 on 13 October 2010, 18:01:44
Hi, I'm Chris from God's own country (Yorkshire) got a bit of time on my hands and am interested in ships so I thought I'd have a go at contributing.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 13 October 2010, 18:10:50
Hi cw955 and redmerlin !
Welcome on board ! Hope you have fun here !  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: xqic on 13 October 2010, 19:55:52
chosen a cruiser which took part in the battle of Jutland & convoy duties into the Med. and Australia (and survived to the end of the war) so should be an interesting cruise. Swapped clerks and a Rear Admiral has moved his flag onto my ship already.(7 days). Fascinating
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: andysweeney on 13 October 2010, 19:57:53

I'm Andy and I am a bit of a naval history geek. My days at work can be quiet and there's an OCD sense of satisfaction in ploughing through logs and inputting data.

And yes - I need to get out more  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bill W on 13 October 2010, 20:44:53
Like redmerlin I am retired.  Have been for almost two weeks now so I am getting adjusted.  And. like andysweeney a little bit OCD.  But I'm also a sailor (small sailboats, nothing of the size we are dealing with here) and I enjoy delving into the personal history details that are not usually covered in the usual history books.  I guess you can call me a voyeur of sorts.  But, finally, I am a weather nut and that's the "hook" that got me to join up.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 14 October 2010, 00:25:09

Awright!  Three cheers for the ROCDC!  The Retired OCD Crew!  I always tell people OCD is an asset on projects like this.  We get a bit less done, but we get it done right.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: screamingguns on 14 October 2010, 06:59:15
Hi, my names Matt, and I'm from Spalding, England.  I found out about this project via the Huffington Post article on Old Weather, thought it'd be nice to give a helping hand in science, and also to get a peak into an otherwise unknown world.  So far it's all rather addictive.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: t.stockdale on 14 October 2010, 18:03:21
Hi, I'm Tim.

In my professional life I'm a research scientist, and I and my colleagues actually get to use this sort of weather data when it comes to "reanalysing" the state of the atmosphere and ocean in the 20th Century. Not sure how long it will be before this particular data finds it's way into the datasets I use, but I'm sure it will at some stage. So a big thanks to you all!!

Due to work and family, I won't be contributing as much as many of you to the inputting, but I thought I'd like to try my hand, and it's always interesting to see some original sources.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: dyjps on 14 October 2010, 18:23:09
Hi to all.

My name is Dave and I work at the Oceanography Centre in Southampton, actually in the heart of the port, so I have a connected interest in helping here.
It's great to see all the shipping coming and going here like cruise ships and container vessels.
I originally had problems reading the handwritten text on the charts but have developed an easier way to read them which I will post when I find where to put them, say to Hints & Tips for example.
I have noticed a few bugs, so when I know where to report them, I will.

Keep up the good work, old documents like these shouldn't be allowed to be lost forever.
Warm regards. Dave.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Uigin on 14 October 2010, 19:16:25
Hi All. I'm yet another retiree, going on my second year now. Plenty of time on my hands so I thought I'd try this out. Can only spend so much time fiddling, baking bread and reading...

The name I'm using is that of an ancestor; it means "viking" in Irish so I may have inherited some nautical blood.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 15 October 2010, 02:28:36
Welcome Matt, Tim, Dave and Uigin.
It's great to see you all here.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: zoot horn rollo on 15 October 2010, 04:40:11
Hi to all.

My name is Dave and I work at the Oceanography Centre in Southampton, actually in the heart of the port, so I have a connected interest in helping here.
It's great to see all the shipping coming and going here like cruise ships and container vessels.
I originally had problems reading the handwritten text on the charts but have developed an easier way to read them which I will post when I find where to put them, say to Hints & Tips for example.
I have noticed a few bugs, so when I know where to report them, I will.

Keep up the good work, old documents like these shouldn't be allowed to be lost forever.
Warm regards. Dave.

Hi Dave

I used to work in the RSO up on Highfield Campus  ;)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: HawkerHart on 15 October 2010, 12:13:32
Hi all,
I'm Tom from south wales (original south wales not new south wales unfortunately ;D )

Bit of a military history geek, reading the remarks section on the logs has got me hooked ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 15 October 2010, 12:15:52
Hello HawkerHart, pleased to meet you. I am from New South Wales. But long ago.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: HawkerHart on 15 October 2010, 12:21:55
you left!?!  ;D

I complain, but there is something to be said about living in a country with a middle of the road climate.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: V.G.E. on 15 October 2010, 16:20:40
Hi everybody,

I'm Viv and used to be addicted to galaxyzoo - until my eyes gave out ... hopefully that problem has been solved now, so I'm happy to try my hand at reading old handwritings!

I'm very much interested in these old weather records because I think that a collection like this one has a lot to teach us, in the same way that observations by Victorian naturalists and their daily recordings had a lot to tech us about plants, growing seasons and so forth.

Dunno how much time I can spend here, but will definitely do my best, seeing that galaxyzoo was such a huge success.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Alice on 15 October 2010, 17:16:41
Hi, I'm Alice and I spend most of my time at the Galaxy Zoo forum which I've moderated since Day 1 in 2007. Since joining the zoo I've got into freelance science journalism as well as learned more, formally and informally, than I ever have in my life! ;D

Coincidentally, although I know very little about ships, my best subject at school was history and I very nearly went into that instead of science. I want to get more into Old Weather than I've managed to so far as it looks wonderful! ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 15 October 2010, 17:38:01
Hey all,
I'm Els from Belgium and I've been involved (quite by accident) in all things Zoo right from the start. This is a very different project, but it grows on you every day more and more.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: phil299 on 16 October 2010, 05:52:38
My name is Philip, and I am a Antiquarian/ Secondhand bookshop owner, which means I spend a fair amount of time waiting for people to come in or watching them browse. Perfect log transcribing time  :D
This is my first encounter with any of the 'Zoo' projects. I have a fairly keen interest in Military history and both my Grandparents we in the Navy. My Mothers father was on minesweepers and prior to that the Dover Patrol and my fathers father was a wireless operator in the second world war, he used to say he was the first one to hear the Bismark was sunk , however on closer examination of the records it might well be he was ...exaggerating a bit. Both are long gone now.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dunbar on 16 October 2010, 08:27:33
Hi I'm based almost in the centre of the UK, in Tamworth. My interest in Naval matters stems from my Father who served as a volunteer in the Royal Navy 1940/45, '42 to '45 on HMS Whimbrel. So making a contribution towards a better understanding of weather at sea, is in memory of my Dad. Which brings me to an interesting question. When I was registering I chose WHIMBREL  as my login name, I was told that this had already been used. So who else knows of HMS Whimbrel? and what is their connection to the ship?

 I also have an interest in weather signs at sea having spent a lot of time sailing dinghies and ocean going yachts around UK waters. My speciality is "Single Person Weather Forecasts", though I came unstuck whil visiting Australia, where the sun rose on my right  and one looked north for sunlight etc.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: markguy on 16 October 2010, 09:17:17
I'm a trophy husband recently moved to NY. In between trying to keep three kids under the age of six alive and more or less well-kept, I thought I might be able to help.

Every male member of my family (other than myself), going back at least two generations, served in the Navy. My brother is a CPO stationed in Bethesda currently. I missed heading to ROTC due to a borderline medical condition and got over breaking the streak long ago. Not that anyone cared, just seemed like something I was supposed to do. :)

Oh, and the Hornblower series are a favorite of mine.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 16 October 2010, 09:20:30
Welcome aboard Viv, phil299 and Dunbar. I hope that you all enjoy yourselves here.
And a big hello to Alice and Els!

Oops. Hello markguy, trophy husband  :o ;D .
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Press-ganged by the Swiss Navy on 16 October 2010, 10:58:56
Ahoy me hearties,

I'm hydrologist, expedition leader and dad living in Kent, UK. I learnt my climatology from the good folks at the Climate Research Unit at UEA back in the mid-nineties before it became a seething den of climate conspiracy (if the Sunday Telegraph is to be believed) ;)

I think this is a fantastic project and as someone who has previously built and calibrated hydrological river models I know the value of good quality historic data.

I recommend doing the log books while listening to the sea shanties of Kimber's Men on Spotify. ;D

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 16 October 2010, 12:07:16
Welcome aboard Sean. Off to check out Kimber's Men.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 16 October 2010, 23:58:35

Trophy husband!  That made me laugh for a few minutes! 

Welcome, everyone.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 17 October 2010, 05:52:28
Dear Markboy,

I know the feeling. All my family in the navy, grandfather sunk twice in WW1, father lost in action in WW2, but never got in myself and spent much of my life regretting it.

Now in my late 60's, running www.naval-history.net and sailing. couldn't have had a better "naval career". Maybe Old Weather could be the start of yours.

All the best,

Gordon Smith (naval-history@ntlword.com if you want to get in touch)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: badskittler on 18 October 2010, 05:52:12
Hi I came across the project courtesy of the BBC.

As I work at the UK Hydrographic Office I decided to work on the survey vessels which means I can pop along the corridor to our Archives and look at the survey documents they were producing. Gives me even more of a connection to the times.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 18 October 2010, 18:47:41

Welcome aboard, Badskittler (and everyone!).

It's turning out there are whole lot of personal connections between you folks and these ships.  That's becoming one of my favorite things about this project.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 19 October 2010, 06:22:31
I'm from Islington, which has not had Tony Blair live here for many a year.

Computing background - operational research  operations (for namericans).

Varied collaborative projects - the Galaxy Zoo, Seti (mainly with the hope no sign of life would be found) and protein folding.  I think this is may fourth zoo project.

I was dropped into the Comus and almost instantly promoted to Captain.  I think I might be fairly uncatchable now. 

We are a rather sad and unadventurous ship currently in November 1920 on the East Indies station and have been at dock in Trincomali for nearly three months. 

Well, there were cut backs in the 1920s (called the Geddes axe) and so we might be experiencing those.

Many complex interests - causal editing of the Wikipedia, near professional level cooking, Lockerbie theorizing, industrial archaeologising, O'Brian reading (he has been compared to Austen), George Alfred Julius researching, beer drinking, writing funny letters to the Guardian and many more.

Which brings me to an idea. 

Should we not have our own Sailors' Home or Naval mess in London, where we can enjoy our leave. 

We must find a pub with a nautical theme, not too busy, not hard in London, but more difficult if you're in Saudi.  Drinks: rum, bitter and pink gins (officers only) for preference, or strong RN cocoa with a lump of marge in it to see you through the night watch.

Uniform need not be worn, but if it is it must match the ship you are currently on and the station on which you are serving (old weatherwise).

Any takers?

Captain of the Comus

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: badskittler on 19 October 2010, 07:07:15
Sat here listening to the Defence cuts news as it could cost me my job.

Surely as we are RN a run ashore should be in Portsmouth or Plymouth?

Uniform not likely I don't look pretty in white shorts!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: andysweeney on 19 October 2010, 07:09:16
I am London based too. Clearly one of the old pubs in Wapping should be the venue down by Execution Dock or even the Trafalgar in Greenwich?!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 19 October 2010, 07:38:33
I thought about the Trafalgar, but it's usually very busy, and if you want a bite to eat, I think you have to have a full meal.

Wouldn't mind a whitebait dinner sometime, but I suggest a special occasion.

Wapping pubs can be busy too!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 19 October 2010, 10:27:07

"Surely as we are RN a run ashore should be in Portsmouth or Plymouth?" - Pompey and Guz in older naval parlance

Uniform not likely I don't look pretty in white shorts! - only worn in the tropics. And I don't think around the WW1 era - certainly WW2 and post-war.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: marjieN on 19 October 2010, 11:17:17
marjieN from other Zooniverse projects especially Galaxy Zoo. Retired political social psychologist.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Mister Meaux on 19 October 2010, 11:26:16
Hello everyone. My name is Joe Morgan Taylor and I answer to just about any variation of the three. The most commonly used is Morgan. German friends of mine once insisted on calling me Mo so in return, I insisted that it be spelled in French. Hence, Mr. Meaux.

I'm a history enthusiast who enjoys the old things. Steamships, propeller driven aircraft, automobiles before plastic, bolt-action militar rifles, old tractors and steam locomotive power. I'm surrounded at the moment by books and there's not a television in sight.

Currently, I live in North Platte, Nebraska in the US where I continue to work in food service. Translating that, I wash dishes and am a maintenance man at a very nice grill pub. I'm also the breakfast and lunch cook at an assisted living facility for emotionally and psychologically impaired adults. I very much enjoy both jobs. Creative cooking is a passion but I prefer to do it for friends and family and not for a living.

I'm also a former Benedictine monk candidate who is planning on returning in the coming year for 2-3 month stay in a monastery where I am a lay associate. I'm hoping to finish my work on at least the HMS Minotaur before I do.

Then, if I can arrange it, I'd like to walk Hadrian's Wall in the autumn.

I'm fascinated by English history and poetry in several periods but WWI is an especial favorite. When I saw the story on the BBC news website, I enlisted immediately. Nothing like the old coal-burners to fire the imagination. Pun intended.

Unlike a great many of you, I don't have a naval background. Our family's been infantry all the way back to the Hankses of Malmesbury. But the fascination of the sea is the fascination of the sea and that's the way of it. And I'm hooked.

Looking forward to working with you all and hope to see you around the quarterdeck.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 19 October 2010, 13:10:26
Welcome CharlesNorrie, marjieN and Mister Meaux.
We are pleased to meet you all.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mycroft0121 on 19 October 2010, 15:53:11
hi all. I'm Mycroft, a science nerd. Now i'm a freshman in University of Minnesota Twincities studying biochemistry. I have joined the Galaxyzoo since 2007 when I was still in junior high school.
I enjoy working in Zooiverse's projects very much and concern about global warming  so I jumped  aboard :P.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Half65 on 19 October 2010, 18:25:02
I'm Half65.
I was with Zoouniverse since it was just Galaxyzoo.
I'm famous for my espresso machine  :D :D :D that now is on also on the olWeather deck
I'm Italian
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Tsering on 19 October 2010, 18:27:48
Hi from Aberdeenshire (Scotland). Have spent a lot of time in Galaxy and Hubble zoos.  Specialist subjects: chocolate and redbush tea. I'm an optometrist, mum, soapmaker and jewelery designer. Anything to avoid doing the housework ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Tsering on 19 October 2010, 18:28:16
I'm Half65.
I was with Zoouniverse since it was just Galaxyzoo.
I'm famous for my espresso machine  :D :D :D that now is on also on the olWeather deck
I'm Italian

Hi Half!  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Half65 on 19 October 2010, 18:29:24
Hi Tsering  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 20 October 2010, 08:38:22
Welcome aboard mycroft0121, Half65 + espresso machine and tsering. Great to see you here.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: petabeta on 21 October 2010, 15:47:07
Hello to you all

I'm Peter (HMS Berwick)  saw an article on the "old weather" which mentioned WW1 ships , thought it looked interesting and as I've just retired would give it a go , as I served in the RN 1961- 1988 looked up some of my old ships and picked the Berwick which I served on 1973-74 .
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 21 October 2010, 15:50:24
Wow, Peter !
Great to have you aboard !  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: galaxirose on 22 October 2010, 19:08:20
Hi Everyone,

I don't usually do intros on Zoo projects, but it's a rainy Friday here in San Francisco so I figured why not? I'm Sarah, and I'm a health care marketer by day and artist person nights and weekends. I've been with the Zoo projects since we were figuring out whether the spiral galaxies were clockwise or counterclockwise. My favorite project of late has been the Supernovas.

But I think Old Weather is my new favorite! It has definitely kept me entertained at work for the past couple days. Anyhow, I'm not a forum junkie but I do post from time to time. Nice to meet everyone!

Sarah (galaxirose)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 22 October 2010, 19:17:05
Hi Sarah
so great to have you on board !  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Haywain on 22 October 2010, 19:32:58
Hi All,

This is my first involvement with anything like this and I'm finding it fascinating.  I'm ex-Army but worked with the Navy on a number of occasions and have also done some off-shore sailing, including tall ships, so I know what it's like when the log reads F8!

Best wishes

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 22 October 2010, 19:35:20
Hi Haywain
Great to have you with us !  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 22 October 2010, 23:13:46
Welcome aboard, everyone.  It's good to see you here.

Mycroft: Go Gophers! :)


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mycroft0121 on 23 October 2010, 11:52:45
Welcome aboard, everyone.  It's good to see you here.

Mycroft: Go Gophers! :)


 ;D ;D Golden Gophers!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: kennymac825 on 23 October 2010, 12:17:37
Go Blue :)

Maize N' Blue of course

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 23 October 2010, 22:51:27

 ;D ;D Golden Gophers!

Oh don't I know it.  One of my heroes, Kevin McHale, was a Golden Gopher waaaay back in another century.  ;-)  The NBA hasn't been the same since he left.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: elizabeth on 24 October 2010, 02:52:35
Hi Everyone,

I don't usually do intros on Zoo projects, but it's a rainy Friday here in San Francisco so I figured why not? I'm Sarah, and I'm a health care marketer by day and artist person nights and weekends. I've been with the Zoo projects since we were figuring out whether the spiral galaxies were clockwise or counterclockwise. My favorite project of late has been the Supernovas.

But I think Old Weather is my new favorite! It has definitely kept me entertained at work for the past couple days. Anyhow, I'm not a forum junkie but I do post from time to time. Nice to meet everyone!

Sarah (galaxirose)
:D :D Hey someone from my neck of the woods or close too ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: kin47 on 24 October 2010, 08:50:02


I live in western Ohio, but many, many friends in the UK.  I have been associated with Gordon Smith (naval-history.net) for a number of years now and we've worked closely on his website.

A retired police officer, I concentrate primarily on naval casualties, stretching back now to the late Georgian period.

May I make a plug for my casualty books, published by naval-history.net?  One has made the short list for the Mountbatten Maritime Prize to be awarded Thursday night.

All best

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 24 October 2010, 12:49:32
Nice to meet you again this way Don!!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 24 October 2010, 23:48:34

Welcome, Don.  Good luck on Thursday!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Veero on 25 October 2010, 10:02:21
Once I looked in here and saw the logs I felt drawn to them.  I'm a retired legal translator based in France, so used to reading scripts and typing away all day.  I'm particularly interested in deciphering the handwriting. 

The events are fascinating - it's amazing how much kit the survey vessel I've been following has lost in the course of two or three days.  There must be loads of it on the bottom of the ocean.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Haywain on 25 October 2010, 10:14:44
I wouldn't worry Veero.  There were numerous rumours circulating after the Falklands War, that if all the kit formally reported lost when the Atlantic Conveyor was sunk had actually been loaded, she would never have left UK. Totally malicious rumour I'm sure  ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 25 October 2010, 13:13:32
Pleased to meet you Don and Veero. Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: tamoralady on 25 October 2010, 13:19:36
Hello all

I am tamoralady based in Rochester, Kent, with a keen interest in social history and genealogy.  I heard about this project a week or so ago on british-genealogy.com and then on P.M. on Radio 4 last Friday evening.  I actually managed to find some time at the weekend to have a look - immediately I was hooked!

My grandfather served onboard Clio, Hampshire and the Hood and many others not yet on this site.  I downloaded his Service Record from the National Archives a year or so ago, but apart from extracting a list of ships had not got much further.  I was amazed to see that the Hampshire log dated from when he was onboard!

This is a very worthwhile project and I find pouring over old documents and extracting data a wonderful antidote to stress - so win-win!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 25 October 2010, 13:37:45
Hullo Tamoralady,

It's a bit extra special when you have relative on these various ships. My won grandfather served on Fox, Curlew and Durban. Like yours he was on the first two when the logs were being written.

If you want any help finding out about the other ships he served on, let me know.

Gordon (www.naval-history.net)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 25 October 2010, 16:02:08
Hi all -

I'm Kathy and live in Gaithersburg, MD - my husband is a weather geek - storms and such and I'm a history geek (have my degrees in Ancient Near East (of all things  :D ).  A close friend who is somewhat of a naval expert turned me onto this site - I'm on the Foxglove and boy would I love to have some of the crew here at the house - they are always cleaning and painting - two things I hate a lot!  ;D  I find this all very fascinating work.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 25 October 2010, 16:22:40
Hi Kathy and Tamoralady !
So great to have you on board !  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: pliget on 25 October 2010, 18:08:51
Hello, my name is Rowland though I use pliget all over the web. I am early retired and single now, living in London in England. I find this sort of mindless transcribing strangely appealing - a combination of not having to think at all and having to think to puzzle out inscriptions and abbreviations. And then there is the immersion in the life of these people which is fascinating - like a really absorbing book. My first Zooniverse project and I shall have a look at others to see if the others are as addictive.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 25 October 2010, 19:15:34

I think you will find they are.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: andysweeney on 25 October 2010, 19:53:54
Yay! Another Londoner :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 26 October 2010, 03:00:16

Thought it about time I introduced myself. I run www.naval-history.net and was invited by the Old Weather (OW) team to help out on the naval history side.

My father was killed in action in 1943, I wanted to find out more, and in the process wrote a couple of naval books. Comes the internet and I put the books online in 1998. It's just grown from there with great contributions from Don Kindell (now a regular OW sailor) and the late Lieutenant Commander Geoff Mason RN. Our aim is to enable visitors to the site to find out in 10 minutes what took me 10 years.

My grandfather was sunk twice in WW1, awarded the DSM (Distinguished Service Medal) in North Russia and the centenary of the "War to end all Wars" is nearly on us. All my projects are to do with WW1, mainly using contemporary accounts. Imagine how exciting it is  to know we are going to have day-by-day accounts of 280 warships and auxiliary ships.

I'm sure this is revolutionary naval history research in the making. Thanks to everyone working on the logs, and especially the climate change people who thought outside the box and decided to collect all the  data for other communities.

My Dad's story is at http://www.naval-history.net/RecordRN193843SmithGCW.htm and Grandfather's at http://www.naval-history.net/RecordRN190428SmithGW.htm .

My apologies for often quoting naval-history.net links when replying to posts.  Can I also suggest that you delve beyond Wikipedia, which usually come up number 1 on searches. There are many fine naval sites on the internet, including www.uboat.net

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Veero on 27 October 2010, 08:54:33
Hi Gordon - just to say that I'm currently working on "The Curlew" -  a vessel mentioned by you earlier. They've been having a great time visiting loads of different Caribbean Islands in March 1923.  Unfortunately a lot of men are on the sick list (17 at one time).  I wonder why.

Cheers! V. 

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 27 October 2010, 09:03:38
Wile I don't collect sick bay data, the ship I'm on is sometimes more akin to a floating hospital than a warship.

Was there a sick note culture on RN warships?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Ad on 27 October 2010, 09:21:27
I'm Ad.  Joined a couple of days ago after my wife heard something about the site on the radio.  We live in France.  I'm a retired teacher and then ex-professional genealogist.  I do a lot of work on a site called FreeREG which is busy transcribing old parish records for public use.  Compared to those registers, the handwriting on the logs is a doddle (so far!)  But it is fascinating work. 

I'm trying to stick with a research vessel, the 'Endeavour', and have just worked out how to get back to the same ship each time.  So that's me.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 27 October 2010, 11:06:25

My grandfather was on the CURLEW at this time. You can see photos of some of islands at http://www.naval-history.net/WW1z08America-Curlew.htm

He was unofficial ship's photographer.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Veero on 27 October 2010, 11:43:24
Gordon,  That's fantastic.  I already felt close to the Curlew -  I feel even more involved now I've seen photos to accompany my transcriptions.  Thank you.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 27 October 2010, 16:49:35

Glad you liked them. It does make a difference to see the men in the logbooks. They seemed to have quite a lot of fun in what was a hard service.

Couple of observations.

1. Bearing in mind this is nearly 90 years ago and the frequent accusations of racism in those days, it didn't stop the ship's crew playing a Haitian football team, nor members of the crew taking out the local kids in Dominica.

2. My grandfather's second son, was born in England, lived to two before dying of something or other, and my grandfather never saw him. He was on a three year commission - no quick flights back to the UK. I think he was on CURLEW  at the time.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 29 October 2010, 20:42:47

That must have been terribly painful for him.  I can't imagine something like that happening at all, but even worse if I couldn't hop a flight back to be with my wife.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: navalhistory on 30 October 2010, 04:45:32

I don't know. They were tough and (at least my grandfather) kind men who knew their duty and had a job to do. You joined the Navy, went on three year commissions. No arguments. No Human Rights then, and not even regularly worn life jackets. The numbers who drowned in those days was very significant.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: maldenny on 30 October 2010, 13:24:29
I heard about the project on the BBC and started to browse the site today. By chance I came across the log of my Grandfather's ship (Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Alsatian) as it left Liverpool on a patrol in 1915. WOW! It's given me a real added interest in following the progress of the voyage.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 30 October 2010, 13:28:35
Hi Mal,
Glad to have you onboard !
Have fun following your granddad's ship !  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: TenDown on 31 October 2010, 19:24:42
I'm ex-Royal Navy and I find the log entries absolutely fascinating because I've had to do them myself.  Yes there is lots of the same stuff, tied up to No 5 buoy in Hong Kong harbour, or sat alongside in Plymouth, but there's also stuff about gear getting lost overboard (someone has to sign for it!), and picking up survivors from a merchant vessel sunk by a U boat.  As my old history teacher used to say - there's nothing like seeing the primary data source.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 01 November 2010, 02:49:45
Welcome aboard TenDown.
I'm glad you found us.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 02 November 2010, 17:48:50

"As my old history teacher used to say - there's nothing like seeing the primary data source."

I couldn't agree more, TenDown.  I had a great history teacher, too.  He was a lieutenant in Merrill's Mauraders, so learning about the Burma campaign from him was rather special.  He would have loved that quote.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: muchdistressed on 04 November 2010, 04:39:32
Hello Zoot (may I call you Zoot?)

I, too, am a rating on HMS Troutbridge - surely there are more of us out there?

Must go.  Have to park the boat.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 04 November 2010, 04:49:40
 ;D ;D ;D Welcome aboard muchdistressed.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 04 November 2010, 05:29:38
Surely, Much, you are on Troubridge and not the Nay Lark's Troutbridge.  Lieutenant Phillips would probably that thought that sextant thingy was one of Pertwee's scams.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: zoot horn rollo on 04 November 2010, 06:33:22
Oooh nasty...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: toucans on 04 November 2010, 07:24:25
I heard the piece about Old Weather on Radio 4's PM, thought I'd have a look, now hooked.  Both grandfathers were in the navy round WW1 time, the only ship I could remember was HMS New Zealand and the maternal gfather being on board when she was feted on visiting New Zealand.  Had a look, and there she was.  When I first signed on she was approaching Honolulu in 1919, on the return leg - jumped several stages for some reason and now I'm in Melbourne with her on the outward leg. 

As it turns out though - it was the pre-war trip the gfather was on, and some North Sea battles, but feel I can't jump ship till I get to where I came in.  The tiniest extra detail feels like a huge reward - and think of the discipline keeping all those ratings/stokers/whatever under control for weeks and weeks in port......
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 05 November 2010, 03:45:51
Welcome aboard toucans.
A family connection makes this all the more interesting.
Glad to hear to you are enjoying the project.  ;D
Title: Introduce myself...
Post by: Gary Ashcroft on 05 November 2010, 19:16:08
I was born in maritime Liverpool and have a interest infamily history - having traced my tree back to 1780s.

By day, I analyse data from hundreds of EPOS tills soI am very excited to be part of this project where I can contribute my skills and time to a worthy venture.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sixtyq5 on 05 November 2010, 23:49:47
How did I miss this thread?

I'm Steve. I'm in Atlanta. We stole the Olympics.

Like Gary above, I'm glad to apply some of my skill set to a cause that has some bearing on scientific and historical research. I work as a search marketing account manager staring at websites, ads, and Google all day. However, I got my degree in history (US and German military history), so it's nice to get back to digging through primary source material. It's a shame we can't do this with the physical logs in hand. :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 06 November 2010, 02:48:30
Welcome aboard Gary and Steve.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: user86 on 06 November 2010, 22:07:26
Hi, I'm from Vienna, Austria. Since I'm studying biotechnology I'm very interested in sciences and technology (also in aircrafts and ships). I've already taken part in several other Zooniverse projects. That's why I came across this new and very interesting project. And I think I'm already a little bit addicted to "old weather"... ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: gjelbri on 07 November 2010, 01:36:06
Hey all! Greg here from northern New Mexico.  Found my way here from GalaxyZoo, which I joined a few years ago.  This is much more interesting.  Currently part of the Endeavour crew. Just wish we would get out of Malta..been stuck there for over a month!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 07 November 2010, 03:35:36
Welcome aboard user86 and Greg.
Old Weather is as addictive as the other Zooniverse projects, no question about it.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Jessica Bergholz on 07 November 2010, 15:57:04
Greetings to my fellow sailors!
Like many, I found my way here through other Zooniverse projects.  I'm fascinated by both the science and the history, and I quickly became addicted.  So addicted, in fact, that I now find myself Captain of the HMS Fearless!  Sad to say, my ship is destined to be involved in a tragic collision with a sub during an exercise that turned into a very large SNAFU.  :'(  Still loyal to my ship, though!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 07 November 2010, 16:51:57
Knowing what going to happen to you is a very curious experience, a rather inevitable form of predestination.

So far one of my ships ran out of log books (long before it was sold out of service) and my other will be sold out long after (I think) the series of log books I'm on.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 07 November 2010, 17:03:01
Welcome Jessica.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 09 November 2010, 05:26:01

Nice work, Captain Jessica.  Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: tongsk on 10 November 2010, 13:23:17
Hello all.
 My brother, knowing of my fondness for Patrick O'Brian, sent me the link to Old Weather and now I'm hooked  :) I'm interested in history and geography, so it's quite fun trying to transcribe all these logs and work out where the ship was heading while at the same time contributing something to science. So far the most exciting thing that happened on my ship is someone losing a hammer overboard ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 10 November 2010, 15:05:11
Welcome aboard tongsk. 
Glad to hear that you are enjoying youself.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: fluffylovecheeks on 10 November 2010, 16:24:21
I was emailed the URL of Old Weather (I imagine as I am part of the Galaxy Zoo team?)
It is interesting if slightly tedious but My ship is stuck in Hong Kong for the duration of WW1 I think!!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 11 November 2010, 04:33:03
Hi fluffylovecheeks and welcome aboard.  :D
Yes, there was a link to Old Weather in the latest newsletter from the Zooniverse
which includes Galaxy Zoo of course.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 14 November 2010, 02:50:14
I live in Chicago, IL, and have no experience on the sea whatsoever.  I don't even do any sailing on Lake Michigan even though it does qualify as large enough to be a fresh-water inland sea.  I'm retired and interested in many things, including Galaxy Zoo.  I worked for 40 years as a quality control manager.

I'm finding this history very much more within my abilities, and I've been interested in weather since childhood - my father served in WWII as a meterologist in the Army Air Corps [now the US Air Force] in northern India, servicing the air fields for the planes flying the hump.  Frequently throughout my childhood he'd throw out short bits of information on how I could read the weather happening and predict its changes.

The history of this stuff is also fascinating in its own way, so this will be fun.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: elizabeth on 14 November 2010, 03:42:32
 :D Nice to meet you Janet  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: h.kohler on 26 November 2010, 14:09:29
I come from a non maritime country (Switzerland). Before knowing "Old weather" I was active in Galaxy zoo and still am, but not very regularly. I am very interested in history as well as in astronomy. The ship I am following is very interesting and I really got addicted to this project, fascinating.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 26 November 2010, 14:23:59
Hi h.kohler,
great to have you onboard !  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Thursday Next on 30 November 2010, 09:30:26
Hi everyone,

I'm Su and I live in Devon in the UK.  I read about Old Weather on the BBC news website.  I'm concerned about climate change and have a general interest in history (particularly having the opportunity to look at original sources) so jumped at the chance to get involved.  No naval connections (other than a grandfather who served in the Merchant Navy in WW2).  I work in local government at the moment but am due to retire in September next year - I hope this project will still be going then as I'll have more time to spare.

I find the logs really fascinating and love reading about all the minutiae of life on board.  Though I never imagined that I would become quite so fiercely attached to "my" ship!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 30 November 2010, 13:09:07
Welcome Su.
We're glad you found us.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Tegwen on 09 December 2010, 13:52:59
I am Keith. I work in Organic food, from home in Somerset. I did a bit of Galaxy Zoo and that lead to Old Weather. I did a page and was stuck.
I find the whole thing fascinating. I look up the engagements my ship was involved in and the ships she meets etc. I am seriously thinking of updating the Wikipedia page that mentions my ship as there is a lot missing that I am finding out about from the log. 
It is the range of detail, from lost a sun helmet overboard to shelled Turkish positions for 6 hours.
I love it.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 09 December 2010, 14:00:22
Hi Keith
so glad to have you onboard !  :D
And yes, once you've joined a ship there is no going back !  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 12 December 2010, 16:20:09
Hi everyone,
I'm Helen; I'm a Franciscan sister, living in Oxfordshire in the UK.  I heard something about Old Weather on R4, thought I'd have a quick look and got thoroughly hooked.  Having risen to the giddy heights of Captain of Rinaldo I think I'm here for the long haul, as she's only 10% through the logs, and I feel a loyalty to her, though I do go off to other ships occasionally.
I've no naval connections whatsoever, and a distinct tendency to seasickness, so this is by far the best way of exploring a very different world.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: elizabeth on 14 December 2010, 01:17:44
Hi everyone,
I'm Helen; I'm a Franciscan sister, living in Oxfordshire in the UK.  I heard something about Old Weather on R4, thought I'd have a quick look and got thoroughly hooked.  Having risen to the giddy heights of Captain of Rinaldo I think I'm here for the long haul, as she's only 10% through the logs, and I feel a loyalty to her, though I do go off to other ships occasionally.
I've no naval connections whatsoever, and a distinct tendency to seasickness, so this is by far the best way of exploring a very different world.
:D Well hello  Helen I am so glad you joined us. A pleasure meeting you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 14 December 2010, 10:12:43
Dear Herr H.kohler,

Your tale sounds very "Swiss Family Robinson" to me. Join us for a gimlet or two in the officers' mess, for if you've been around a bit, your a lieut, or more probably a captain.

CharlesNorrieTemp of the Comus and Mersey.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CharlesNorrieTemp on 14 December 2010, 10:17:13

Franciscan Sister and Captain of the Rinaldo!

Probably the only time those words have ever been uttered in a single sentence before.

Are you going to be a blue light Admiral?

No in any way improper but applied to those Captains, Commodores and Admirals who were evangelically inclined in the C18 and C19 RN.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: h.kohler on 14 December 2010, 10:54:33
Dear Herr H.kohler,

Your tale sounds very "Swiss Family Robinson" to me. Join us for a gimlet or two in the officers' mess, for if you've been around a bit, your a lieut, or more probably a captain.

CharlesNorrieTemp of the Comus and Mersey.

Dear Charles Norrie Temp

I am really honored to join you in the officers' mess. I'll bring Colombian Rhum  ;D ;D ;D.
I am still not a captain but I am working on it.
I did not go to sea the sea went to me.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CHommel on 14 December 2010, 13:12:31
I'm a newly retired civil servant and wanted a volunteer project that wouldn't require too much travel time.  Needless to say, transcribing logs from the comfort of my own easy chair is quite ideal.

I have a masters degree in US history, a fascination with primary sources, and a love of tales of the sea (e.g., Endurance, Mutiny on the Bounty, In the Heart of the Sea.)  I am amazed by the thought that the daily logs of sailors from long ago may help us understand the weather and allow comparisons with what is happening now.  These men had no idea how important their daily observations could turn out to be. 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 14 December 2010, 14:45:03
We are pleased to meet you CHommel.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 14 December 2010, 14:49:17

Franciscan Sister and Captain of the Rinaldo!

Probably the only time those words have ever been uttered in a single sentence before.

Are you going to be a blue light Admiral?

No in any way improper but applied to those Captains, Commodores and Admirals who were evangelically inclined in the C18 and C19 RN.

Now that's fascinating, I'd never heard of them before.  I wonder why 'blue light'?  Mind you as a Franciscan I'm more brown than blue, and it has to be said not very evangelically inclined either ...
But I do enjoy surprising people with unlikely combinations.  Probably the best so far, just a little ahead of 'Franciscan sister and Captain of the Rinaldo' has been 'Franciscan sister and 2nd dan in Ki Aidido' (Japanese martial art)   That used to blow minds in both camps!  Sadly I'm not practicing any more - my teacher gave up and then my body did.  But it was great fun.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 14 December 2010, 15:18:35
Welcome, indeed.  You sound like you are having a very fun and wonderful life!

I love your combinations - when I was young enough to have my college count on resumes, it was fun to watch faces when they read I had a double major in chemistry and religion.  [I had started out as chemistry and math, but life interfered with my scheduling.]

And my religious councilor in my 40s [an Episcopal priest] taught me Tai Chi as my counseling sessions. 

They really do mesh very well.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 06:47:43
Hi, my name's Elizabeth, and I'm a doctoral student. I came across this site by accident: my university put up a press release about the Planethunter project on its website, but after a few weeks of doing that, I decided that transcribing was actually a lot more fun, so I'm probably one of the few people to have jumped ship in that direction.;)
I'm currently doing the Northern Patrol and after about a year - out of nearly three years which my ship spent zigzagging around the norther coast of Scotland - I'm thoroughly fed up with it. At the moment, I seem to be the only person who cares about my ship, though, so I kind of feel responsible for it. It's boring, but I've got attached to it, although I do admit to a secret joy whenever the names of certain Scottish islands start cropping up again in the log, because I now know it means we're going back to Glasgow and there'll be a short break from all that zigzagging and intercepting of Norwegian steamers headed for Arkangel / Archangel / Arkhangel / Arhangel (the one place which the log-writer absolutely doesn't know how to spell, so he keeps up coming with new versions).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dunbar on 27 January 2011, 09:18:16
Hello Elizabeth [aka Mutabilitie]. With regards to your frustration at zigzaging around in the Inner and Outer Hebrides. I know exactly how you feel. for the past 3 years [that is not real time but in daily Deck Log sheets] I have traversed the South China Sea on countless occasions. Although I never progressed beyond Coastal Skipper [Theory]  and Watch Leader for real, I think I could quite safely navigate the China seas. On certain voyages of HMS Bluebell, I now look out for old friends of landmarks and sometimes wonder at the navigation I am witnessing. One final thought that keeps me amused, during the really boring bits. Did the scribes of the logs ever dream that their words would in time be available to be read by thousands?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 10:11:26
I'm glad I'm not the only person who occasionally gets ever so slightly bored. The funny thing is that I think I could deal with the general lack of excitement or the repetitiveness, but both at once can be a bit trying at times... Especially when there are posts on this forum make practically every other journey sound far more dramatic. The top 5 most exciting events in the past 11 months have been
1. coming across a mine and firing at it to make it blow up - which doesn't strike me as the safest way of disarming explosives, but there you go
2. losing a couple of items overboard, including '1 shoe'
3. spotting a few bales of cotton, some loose cotton and some bits of wood floating on the water
4. colliding with another patrol ship, which apparently made everybody scramble for something called 'collision mats' and someone got knocked overboard during all the excitement (they fished him out again straight away).
5. erm, did I really say top 5?
I shouldn't be complaining too much, though; if nothing else, at least my ship's logs are very clear and legible on the whole, so it was a nice way to start off. Some of the images I've seen look quite frightening to transcribe...
One final thought that keeps me amused, during the really boring bits. Did the scribes of the logs ever dream that their words would in time be available to be read by thousands?
You'd think that if they did, they'd have watched their handwriting a bit more!;)

In all seriousness, though, I'd say they probably did. After all, logs were preserved and kept as records, and the purpose of that was clearly to keep them available - maybe not to the general public, but at least to a significant minority. They'd have to have been very naive to think no-one would ever look at the logs again once the journey was over...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CHommel on 27 January 2011, 10:17:00
I thought your top 5 were very interesting indeed!

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 27 January 2011, 11:16:24
Welcome to the forum, mutabilitie. :)

I've been on 10 ships (one of them entirely accidental for a single day) and have felt attached enough to do the entire voyage on just three of them - including my current ship, HMS Torch.  Two of the others I like alot, but after sitting outside New York harbor for most of a year, and then taking a survey of the Nile delta for 6 months (ship time both), I jumped ship and tried others. 

I do recommend using these previous ships you acquire as retreats - when my current ship gets boring (refits that take more than a month in dock) or difficult (the logs' sloppy writing, not the ship herself) I go back to one of my other ships for a vacation.  When they get boring again, I'm ready to go back to my problem child.  I suppose you could switch back-and-forth between to very different forms of boredom to stay interested, also.  I also sometimes look at the OW Rankings and pick a ship that's at the 98% mark to finish off, as a guarnateed-short break.

I must say, I feel affectionate and personally connected to all 5 long-term ships.  And have learned wonderful stuff obout navies and history that I had never encountered before.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 11:22:22
They are interesting, but they happened over the course of a year of dull routine... As a matter of fact, I was at the point of giving up after six months of no memorable occurrences whatsoever, when the collision occurred (that made me feel slightly guilty, actually, because one moment I was thinking how desperate I was for something to happen to that ship, and the next moment something did happen...).
It must have been quite a bad collision as well, because the ship had to get assistance from three other patrol ships and then spent nearly a month at the Glasgow dry dock. As soon as they arrived at Glasgow, there was an enquiry, and shortly afterwards one sailor was sent to prison for 14 days, although that may have been unconnected to the accident.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 11:28:16
I also sometimes look at the OW Rankings and pick a ship that's at the 98% mark to finish off, as a guarnateed-short break.
I've already tried that, actually, but I've found that I tend to struggle quite a lot to adapt to the new handwriting and the new set phrases, so it takes me ten times as long to transcribe a single page. Which is perfectly natural, of course, but it's frustrating in its own way, especially when there are things which I absolutely can't decipher.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 27 January 2011, 11:42:25
There are every kind of ship here, with every kind of writing.  Some of them had their logs copied by clear and elegant writers.  Some of them are in the middle of battle zones.  Some of them, like Torch, are tenders for base ships - she gets sent all over the Mediterranian and Black Seas as delivery truck / mailman / taxicab.

As long as you do not finish a single page, you can shop ships until you find one that is interesting to you and then "unlist" all the rejects from your profile page.

And with the hundreds of members here, a ship will not be abandoned.  Try looking through Naval-History.net's list of our ships (http://www.naval-history.net/Oxon01-ShipList.htm) to get an idea where they were posted and when we are given their voyages to pick one that suits you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 11:50:34
There are every kind of ship here, with every kind of writing.  Some of them had their logs copied by clear and elegant writers.  Some of them are in the middle of battle zones.  Some of them, like Torch, are tenders for base ships - she gets sent all over the Mediterranian and Black Seas as delivery truck / mailman / taxicab.

As long as you do not finish a single page, you can shop ships until you find one that is interesting to you and then "unlist" all the rejects from your profile page.

And with the hundreds of members here, a ship will not be abandoned.  Try looking through Naval-History.net's list of our ships (http://www.naval-history.net/Oxon01-ShipList.htm) to get an idea where they were posted and when we are given their voyages to pick one that suits you.
Hmm, that's what you'd think, but on my ship I'm currently the only person who's active, even though there's technically supposed to be 100 people working on it - 99 if you disregard the captain, who seems to have gone through the entire log and then left.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 27 January 2011, 11:58:09
"Hmm, that's what you'd think, but on my ship I'm currently the only person who's active, even though there's technically supposed to be 100 people working on it - 99 if you disregard the captain, who seems to have gone through the entire log and then left."

I'm looking at the long term - by the end of this project this spring, everyone who loves the experience will still be here, cycling the last ships between them.  The whole experience here is fun, and I don't intend to let a less-than-perfect ship, from my preferences' POV, kick me out early.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CHommel on 27 January 2011, 12:01:36
Had to laugh, when mutabilitie revealed a thought to jump ship, but just then it got interesting.

Because I can never tell what date will pop up  when I get back to the Merlin,  I always scan the next day's log to make sure I'm not missing something really good. ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 12:06:39
I'm looking at the long term - by the end of this project this spring, everyone who loves the experience will still be here, cycling the last ships between them.  The whole experience here is fun, and I don't intend to let a less-than-perfect ship, from my preferences' POV, kick me out early.
That's true. I suppose I may have come across as a bit negative there... I am actually quite fond of this ship, and there's also an element of wanting to finish what I started. It becomes more interesting if you persist, because you get a better idea of what it is exactly that the ship is doing. Also, according to Naval History, if I manage to last through another two years of Northern Patrol, I'll get to go to Dakar - surely that has to be worth the effort?;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 12:08:55
Had to laugh, when mutabilitie revealed a thought to jump ship, but just then it got interesting.

Because I can never tell what date will pop up  when I get back to the Merlin,  I always scan the next day's log to make sure I'm not missing something really good. ;D
See? That's one of the advantages of transcribing the log of a ship which nobody else is interested in: you get to see the lot.;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CHommel on 27 January 2011, 12:59:48
Like you, I often wonder who is actually working on "my" ship (Merlin).  Other than aufelipe, I have not seen any other names bumping up much in the transcriptions.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 27 January 2011, 13:41:23
Like CHommel and Mutabilitie I suspect no one else is working much on my ship (Rinaldo), and life on it isn't exciting.  I began sometime in 1916, finished the log in 1919, then got hurled back to earlier in 1916 - though I am on the west coast of Africa now, having been on the east coast or round the Cape before.  She spends most of her time either in port, or shuttling between one port and another, not far apart.  Never fired a shot in anger, though she has recently intercepted a Spanish steamship - but obviously had no reason to hang on to her.
But I do feel responsible and I think I'll be there until I haven't any more logs to transcribe.  And then I'm going to feel bad at leaving and will probably post a plea for others to come on board and continue the work.  At present we're only 36% done so there'll be plenty more to do!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 16:27:06
My ship just left Glasgow to go back on patrol on Christmas Day. And here I was hoping for some tiny clue of on-board celebrations (something along the lines of 'Boys at carol-singing drill. Officers at 6'' mince-pie eating instruction' perhaps). No such luck. I feel sorry for my poor sailors.:(
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 27 January 2011, 16:31:49
Lots of threads on this sprung up around Christmas time :) - see http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=808.0
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 27 January 2011, 16:37:21
Yes, but my crew didn't even get to attend a church service - that's harsh even by navy standards, no? Although the 'Roman Catholicks' were picked up by a boat to take them to church six days earlier and apparently never returned (not according to the log, anyway). So perhaps they all deserted in order to celebrate Christmas together.;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: cyzaki on 27 January 2011, 16:40:07
I've only seen one mention of Christmas Day in all the logs I've done - mostly (as far as the logs are concerned) it's just a normal day.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Thursday Next on 28 January 2011, 09:11:28
My ship had "Holiday Routine" in the log for one Saturday in April 1916 (instead of the usual "Saturday Routine") so I presumed that must have been Easter.  They didn't do anything different on the Sunday, though.

I've yet to do a Christmas - obviously nothing to look forward to!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: CHommel on 28 January 2011, 10:34:19
Have had similar experiences to cyzaki.  The logs have noted that it's Christmas day,  but no details as to how the crew may have observed it.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: cyzaki on 28 January 2011, 13:25:05
Speaking of which:

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Tegwen on 28 January 2011, 13:38:39
Re: King and Queens Christmas cards arriving on the first of January

I can never get my xmas cards out on time either.

Mind you I dont send mine to the entire Navy.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 28 January 2011, 13:57:01
And somebody got a warrant with his card. Nice.:(
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Jeff on 02 May 2011, 03:03:10
Hi everyone,

My name is Jeff. I live near Los Angeles, CA and read about OW in the Los Angeles Times just a few days ago. I retired from the US Merchant Marine in 2009 after 34 years as a deck officer. Part of my work was filling out the deck log book with entries very similiar to these. A few years ago I worked online on Project Gutenberg for a while, a project much like this one - transcribing old books of all sorts into digital format. Despite/because of my work, I am interested in naval history of all types. I have read all of Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels at least once and have several feet of space on my book shelves devoted to maritime subjects. I am currently reading The War for All the Oceans by Roy and Lesley Adkins. In OW I have started out rotting in port aboard HMS Cairo in 1919. Can't wait to get to sea!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 02 May 2011, 03:38:51
Hi everyone,

My name is Jeff. I live near Los Angeles, CA and read about OW in the Los Angeles Times just a few days ago. I retired from the US Merchant Marine in 2009 after 34 years as a deck officer. Part of my work was filling out the deck log book with entries very similiar to these. A few years ago I worked online on Project Gutenberg for a while, a project much like this one - transcribing old books of all sorts into digital format. Despite/because of my work, I am interested in naval history of all types. I have read all of Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels at least once and have several feet of space on my book shelves devoted to maritime subjects. I am currently reading The War for All the Oceans by Roy and Lesley Adkins. In OW I have started out rotting in port aboard HMS Cairo in 1919. Can't wait to get to sea!
I can't poach you for the Patia (http://www.oldweather.org/vessels/4caf897ccadfd34197026a16) by any chance, can I?;) Not the most exciting of ships (although there are some entertaining entries), but she does spend a lot of time at sea and the logs are very legible.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 02 May 2011, 04:02:08
Welcome aboard Jeff.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 02 May 2011, 06:13:51
Pleased to meet you Jeff.
[Given the time I spend on Old Weather -and will continue to spend! I don't have time for much else (I've all but given up on MoonZoo and I've quit Stardust entirely), but I'm curious about the Project Gutenberg. Is it still going on? Where can I find out more? - THANKS]
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: mutabilitie on 02 May 2011, 06:18:37
Pleased to meet you Jeff.
[Given the time I spend on Old Weather -and will continue to spend! I don't have time for much else (I've all but given up on MoonZoo and I've quit Stardust entirely), but I'm curious about the Project Gutenberg. Is it still going on? Where can I find out more? - THANKS]
Here you go: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Category:Volunteering
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 02 May 2011, 06:19:43
Thanks mutabilitie
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 02 May 2011, 08:28:25
Hi everyone,

My name is Jeff. I live near Los Angeles, CA and read about OW in the Los Angeles Times just a few days ago. I retired from the US Merchant Marine in 2009 after 34 years as a deck officer. Part of my work was filling out the deck log book with entries very similiar to these. A few years ago I worked online on Project Gutenberg for a while, a project much like this one - transcribing old books of all sorts into digital format. Despite/because of my work, I am interested in naval history of all types. I have read all of Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels at least once and have several feet of space on my book shelves devoted to maritime subjects. I am currently reading The War for All the Oceans by Roy and Lesley Adkins. In OW I have started out rotting in port aboard HMS Cairo in 1919. Can't wait to get to sea!

Another member who can answer all the naval questions us landlubbers (Chicago, here!) have!  Welcome to Old Weather and the forum, Jeff. ;D

May I suggest HMS Torch?  They accidental scanned logs from 2 different ships of that name.  HMS Torch II the destroyer is a tender for depot ship HMS Blenheim at Malta, and is sailing to a great many places all over the Mediterannean and Black Seas.  Her predeceasor (we see only the last 9 months of her life in this navy) was an old sloop sailing out of Sydney all over the South Pacific.  Both are relatively trouble free, except the way the destroyers log-keepers scribble the place names she sights.  I've posted a reference list (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=885.msg11745#msg11745) to help that.

There are a great many more moving ships than those who remain harbor, just shop the forum for experiences that interest you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Jeff on 02 May 2011, 18:00:15
Thanks Janet, but Cairo just sailed for Malta on 11 Dec. I'll check out Torch later.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ChrisDavis on 24 June 2011, 09:05:34
Yo-Ho mateys!

Chris Davis here, one of the scientists on Solar Stormwatch. What a fascinating and addictive site this is!
I'm currently researching my family history and two of my great uncles - Arthur and Reginald Kelly were officers in the Royal Navy during WW1 apparently. According to my aunt one served on HMS Lion. So I've been ship-hopping around Old Weather.org for a few days now and have been enjoying myself immensely despite the fact that I've yet to board a ship that wasn't in port! :D

Don't worry, I've been working my passage, scaling data as I've travelled and am pleased to be part of this project. The scientific output from which will be phenomenally useful I can see.

Caro, do drop in at the Sun Lounge next time you're in port! I miss your paintings!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 24 June 2011, 09:08:37
Welcome to OW forum, ChrisDavis!  There's lots of interesting things over here, please visit often.

And yes, lots of us have noticed the addictive factor. ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 24 June 2011, 11:52:40
Now there's a surprise. Fancy finding you here !  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 24 June 2011, 12:02:56
Hi Chris. How nice to see you here. There's a gallery here too.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: pthomas745 on 24 July 2011, 22:40:58
Hi...my name is Paul Thomas, from Long Beach, Ca.  I also read about Old Weather in the LA Times article, and I have been transcribing pages for the last three months.  I used to work in the Navy and the FAA as an air traffic controller.  (Controllers are always watching the weather and passing weather reports.)  For the first 9 years I was in the FAA I worked in a Flight Service Station, where we helped pilots with weather briefings, flight planning, etc, so I have a pretty good weather education. 

This site has been a lot of fun so far.  The mix of weather, history, and geography is fascinating.  I feel I've spent as much time reading about ships and admirals and famous lighthouses on Wikipedia as I have transcribing the logs!!!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 24 July 2011, 22:54:37
Welcome to the forum, pthomas745!

I also love the new education I'm getting in history and geolgraphy.  We are glad to have you.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 25 July 2011, 00:45:20

Welcome aboard, Paul and Chris.  Glad you found your way to the forum.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Rogwherm on 01 August 2011, 05:26:32
Hey there, folks

I'm Rogwherm (pronounced  Rog Worm) and am an American living in Berlin, Germany.

My brother pointed me to OldWeather and thought it'd be right up my alley, loving stuff about ships & the sea as I do.

He was right! I quickly got hooked.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: h.kohler on 01 August 2011, 05:39:31
Welcome aboard Rogwherm.

Nice to have someone from Berlin as it is the city where most my relatives live. I live in Switzerland but I go as often as I can to Berlin as I did last June.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 01 August 2011, 10:28:12
Greetings Captain Rogwherm, I'm presently on Patuca, and wrestling with the shall we say interesting writing on many of the pages.  However at least there's a lot of weather, so it helps to keep my ratings up.
Good to know who you are!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 01 August 2011, 10:39:36
I had a very interesting experience in Berlin in 1991 - an American in a former East Berlin train station waiting for my train back to Frankfurt being stared at by a group of young Soviet soldiers waiting for their train.  It was just so surreal.

Kathy W.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 01 August 2011, 10:48:28
I had a very interesting experience in Berlin in 1991 - an American in a former East Berlin train station waiting for my train back to Frankfurt being stared at by a group of young Soviet soldiers waiting for their train.  It was just so surreal.

Kathy W.

for "stared at" read "admired",
for "just so surreal" read "inevitable".
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 01 August 2011, 12:43:10
Welcome to OW, Rogwherm, from Chicago. :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 01 August 2011, 13:51:08
Going back to Berlin, in 1973, wall still intact, I went to a conference in Dresden. On the way back we had to cross into West Berlin so they decided to take us to Friederichstrasse and let us get the underground to the airport. Our driver had never been to East Berlin (restricted zone) and got lost. Nothing daunted he found the wall and decided to follow it to the crossing. One way system meant that he got even more lost. Our coach load of west europeans and north americans was rescued by an american army staff car who kindly escorted us all the way to the crossing. That was really surreal since at the time we didn't even have an embassy to help but forces personnel in uniform could come and go quite freely.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Witgren on 07 August 2011, 20:42:49
Hello all,

I go by the handle Witgren online (composed of elements of my last name and my wife's). I'm transcribing from Iowa, which is about as far from the ocean as you can get in the States, but hopefully my lubberliness won't be too much of a hindrance.  Found my way here from dabbling on occasion in Galaxy Zoo and finally decided last week to jump into the Old Weather project.  OW fits fits well for me given that I majored in history in college, but have a strong interest in science too, it's nice to find a project that combines the two.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 07 August 2011, 21:19:17
Welcome to the forum, Witgren, from a landlubber in Chicago.   :)

This is a wonderful place to learn history, geography, climatology and naval matters all at the same time.  Landlubbers are very welcome, feel free to ask questions or use the search function.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 07 August 2011, 23:01:08

Glad you came aboard, Witgren.  You'll find a lot of kindred spirits here, I think.  Whereabouts in Iowa?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: szukacz on 08 August 2011, 02:40:48
Welcome aboard,
I am also a landlubber. So the two of us together  ;D
How do I start to swing, you'll nicer together.  :-X

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: lollia paolina on 03 November 2011, 07:59:55
Hello Everybody,
I received a nice email from Caro inviting me to join the forum and here I am.

My name is Silvia and I live in Italy. As I wrote Caro, I love this project very much, but actually I realized just a few days ago that I transcribed all those logs.

I came across Old Weather through an email from Galaxy Zoo, as I worked on that project in the past.

I read some of the threads here and I find the Old Weather community very friendly.
I take this opportunity to thank you all for all the help, suggestions and comments posted in this forum.

I wish you all a very nice day  :)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 03 November 2011, 08:11:49
We are glad to have you, and I for one am quite impressed with your transcribing skills  :o

Kathy W.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 03 November 2011, 08:13:53
Pleased to meet you and welcome to the forum!


P.S. Come join the BOINC Team for OW (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=2028.0) ;D ;) ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 03 November 2011, 08:23:28
Hello Everybody,
I received a nice email from Caro inviting me to join the forum and here I am.

My name is Silvia and I live in Italy. As I wrote Caro, I love this project very much, but actually I realized just a few days ago that I transcribed all those logs.

I came across Old Weather through an email from Galaxy Zoo, as I worked on that project in the past.

I read some of the threads here and I find the Old Weather community very friendly.
I take this opportunity to thank you all for all the help, suggestions and comments posted in this forum.

I wish you all a very nice day  :)


Glad you've visited the Forum. It's good to be able to congratulate you on the milestone.

I think we also owe a "thank you" to the emailer at Galaxy Zoo for pointing you in our direction.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 03 November 2011, 11:41:00

Welcome, Lollia.  You amaze us all.  What part of Italy are you from? 

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 November 2011, 12:48:07
Welcome to the forum, Lollia, from Chicago.  And congratulations on being the first to make that milestone of entries! ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 03 November 2011, 12:49:55
So glad you have joined us here, Silvia.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: heffkit on 03 November 2011, 13:19:39
Ciao, Silvia!  :D

Ben fatto davvero!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Press-ganged by the Swiss Navy on 03 November 2011, 13:40:07
Welcome Silvia and well done on such an epic feat of transcribing!  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 03 November 2011, 14:51:56

And here's to the next 100k. 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: szukacz on 03 November 2011, 14:58:17
Crossed the Rubicon
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: JamesAPrattIII on 04 November 2011, 19:00:47
Hi I'm James

It took me awhile to get up the nerve to tell you all a little about my self. I am 53 and live in Texas. If you haven't guesses it by now by my postings I am a history major. I found out about oldweather.org from the great war forum. I lived in England when i was young. Lets also say the weather in Texas this summer was hell most of the place where I work does not have airconditioning. No fun when it's 105+ degrees out. Note my job is not history related.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 04 November 2011, 20:48:53
Hi, James,
Yes, your interest in and knowledge of history had been detected in your posts, but that doesn't make you a bad person.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DJ_59 on 04 November 2011, 22:14:41

No it doesn't.  At least half of the history freaks on this forum aren't entirely bad.  (But we do have the capacity.)  Whereabouts in Tejas, James?

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 04 November 2011, 22:42:55

I resemble that remark!

As a fellow Texan, let me say howdy  ;D

My relatives in Texas were very disheartened by the conditions there this year -

Kathy W.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: JamesAPrattIII on 12 November 2011, 19:17:21
I live in Palestine pronounced Pal-es-TEEN Texas. I also served in the US army 1980-83 and was in the army reserve 1983-93. Last weekend was opening weekend of deer season. I got a doe and a boar (wild male hog).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 12 November 2011, 19:24:35
Good hunting!  And good food for the winter.  The boar sounds like he could be dangerous, but then I'm a city gal. ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 12 November 2011, 19:28:21
my mother's family all lived in and around Diboll - my father's family lived in and around Dallas (where I was born) and Denton.  My parents met as SFA - my mother's father was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Rusk.  It is a small world!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: JamesAPrattIII on 20 November 2011, 21:49:50
The wild hogs are not know for attacking people. However, in Texas in recent years they have multiplyed to where they are a problem. Some have migrated into upscale parts of Dallas-Fort Worth and they love to dig up peoples yards like someone plowed it up with a tractor!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: heffkit on 21 November 2011, 02:15:23
My parents met as SFA - my mother's father was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Rusk.
Excuse my ignorance, Kathy, but what is 'SFA'?
(couldn't find it in non-weather abbreviations!)  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 21 November 2011, 13:31:53
SFA is Stephen F. Austin University - in Nacogdoches, TX:  not far from Palestine, TX - where James is located.  Diboll and Rusk and also not far from Palestine - small world.


that was a typo - supposed to be at not as - I really am much better at editing other people's stuff  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: heffkit on 21 November 2011, 19:22:01
Aha - all is now clear!

Thanks, Kathy!  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Gixernutter on 26 November 2011, 14:56:12
Hi, I'm Tony, married with 3 grown up(ish) kids, live in Somerset UK and am ex-RN, left in 1989 after 13 years service. Been involved in various mass computing projects, SETI probably being the most widely known and heard about OW from Fleet Air Arm forum (air branch of RN).

I have a fascination for all things sea related and WWI in particular, so OW was right up my creek! Sadly, my old ships are still way too new to be on the forum any time soon (how cool would it be to read your own entries?), but hoping that one or two that my ancestors served on will be eventually.

My nom-de-guerre is due to my other passion for riding motorcycles stupidly fast (only on a track m'lud!), particularly Suzuki GSXRs!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 26 November 2011, 15:08:24
Nice to know you, Tony, and good to have more naval expertise here for us landlubbers.  Unfortunately, none of the ship logs are ever opened to the public for their first 49 years on the shelf.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 26 November 2011, 15:12:48
Hi, I'm Tony, married with 3 grown up(ish) kids, live in Somerset UK and am ex-RN, left in 1989 after 13 years service. Been involved in various mass computing projects, SETI probably being the most widely known and heard about OW from Fleet Air Arm forum (air branch of RN).

If you are still doing SETI or other BOINC projects you can join the 'Old Weather' team ;D
szukacz is already on it!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 03:25:14
Greetings fellow seafarers,

My name is (sort of) Steeleye and I?m serving in the oldWeather ranks in Canberra, Australia.  By origin, I'm a Brit (Lake District) who migrated to Oz with his family in '64-65.  Thirty days on the good ship Fairstar, via the Suez Canal, was my first significant introduction to the briney.  After completing high school and university in SE Queensland, I ended up in Canberra which has been home for the last 37 years.

By trade, I was a marine geophysicist - now retired - which included a couple of years aggregate time at sea on surveys.  I cannot remember a time when I wasn't fascinated by matters maritime and naval, so oldWeather fits my life interests like a barnacle on a rusty hull.  Other than reading, my major life-long hobby/interest has been model ship building (timber, paper card, even soul-less plastic) ... and did I mention red wine?

I came to oldWeather v 1.0 rather late in its life, but I'm looking forward to be in on the keel-laying ceremony for v 2.0.

My only complaint about retirement? - 7 days in a week is woefully inadequate for the things I would like to do!

May all your ships come in,
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 December 2011, 03:30:44
Welcome to OW forum, Steeleye!  What an interesting life, with more still coming! ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 03 December 2011, 03:33:05
Hiya Steeleye.
We're glad you found us.
Do you have some pictures of your model ships? I would love to see them.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 03:53:46
G'day Caro,

What's the best way to get you a couple of photos?  Email attachment to a 'personal message'? Load them as an attachment to a posting?  I'm sure that there is a posting somewhere on this forum that tells me how to do it, but it would probably take about three days to sort through the two squillion posts.  Can you short-cut the info for me?

C heers,
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: szukacz on 03 December 2011, 04:01:20
Hi Steeleye
A few words and we know that the ocean is your home.  :D
Fascinating, if reef actually is as beautiful as in the movies?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 03 December 2011, 04:24:51
G'day Caro,

What's the best way to get you a couple of photos?  Email attachment to a 'personal message'? Load them as an attachment to a posting?  I'm sure that there is a posting somewhere on this forum that tells me how to do it, but it would probably take about three days to sort through the two squillion posts.  Can you short-cut the info for me?

C heers,

This should do it: http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=536.msg4663#msg4663
Just ask if you need some more help. Someone will be here to offer advice.  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 04:43:03
Caro: thanks for that. Now I have to find a few photos - shouldn't be too hard to do with a digital camera!

Hi szukacz: I was very much a 'blue water' (ie deep sea) scientist, and the vessels that do this sort of science tend not to mix very happily with coral reefs !  The little I have seen of coral reefs - through a glass-bottomed boat on holiday - suggests that they are worth going out of your way to see.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 05:14:21
Hi Caro,

We'll see if this works.  The attached image (or images, we'll see!) are of a model of the centre section of the frigate USS Essex and its rigging.  The kit is manufactured by Aeropiccola (I'm a long way short of the skills needed for scratch building) and it would take around 60-80 hours to put together.  Good fun, and it keeps you off the streets.

Of course, all my camera batteries are flat, so they are being fed electrons overnight.  I'll try to post a couple more photos tomorrow - probably of paper card models of warships dating from the time of the oldWeather logs.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 05:19:01
....  well, one of them made it ... let's try another one.  (Hopefully, I'll work out how to attach more than one image at a time, before some super-moderator decides I've been posting too many messages!

Ahah ... now I've found it.  I tell you, some of us Antipodeans are reeeeeally slow; it must be all the excess CO2 that we are responsible for - it's addling the brain.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 December 2011, 05:43:24
Since one moderator asked to see them, and another (me!) is very interested, we will keep the other 2 at bay - but only until they find this bit of fun, at which point they will also want in and overwhelm us. ;D

This is a fun evening to be an insomniac, for me.  Thank you.  (I'm in Chicago.)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 06:37:07
Hi Janet,

I always ascribed my love of ship modelling to the fact that I never really grew up (I started ship modelling at about age 8, 50+ years ago).  I am always a bit surprised when people express some interest.  I have never had much interest in art, whereas I find the lines of an 'interesting' ship to be really aesthetic.  (By now, you must be starting to think that I am really odd!)  I have always found the most interesting warship designs to be those that date from the late 18th century until the 1930s.  This is one of the reasons that I am interested in oldWeather.

However, models of warships of this period are extremely hard to find.  Airfix made a plastic 'Iron Duke', while ICM (a Ukrainian company, would you believe) make a pretty good model of the German Koenig (I can't manage an umlaut here) class battleships, whose nearest equivalents in the RN would be the Iron Duke class.  That's about it for plastic.  Deans Marine make grp hulled models of a number of ships of this period - I have HMS Skirmisher, barely started, and there are models of the Magnificent, Dreadnought, Emden and a few others.  However, these are relatively expensive and large; 'large' is a problem for us apartment dwellers.  By far the best sources of models of early 20th century warship models are the manufacturers of paper card models.  The quality of these models is far better than one would intuitively expect and the range of examples and scales is impressive.  I have built a model of the German SMS Goeben (damn that missing umlaut!), which was the trigger for bringing Turkey into WWI on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, and I am up to the superstructure of HMS Lion, Beatty's flagship for much of the war.

For anyone interested, there is a British mail-order distributor, Marcle Models (http://www.marcle.co.uk/) that handles many of the card models that are available (manufactured mainly in Poland and Germany).

Such a long discourse is likely to get me banned from this site - sorry!


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 03 December 2011, 06:46:40
Hi Steeleye. Thanks for the pics and the information.
I think you will find more than two fans of model ships here.
You have done amazing work; it's really impressive stuff.
And you can talk as long as you like on this forum. Well, within reason.  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 03 December 2011, 10:46:26
I came to oldWeather v 1.0 rather late in its life, but I'm looking forward to be in on the keel-laying ceremony for v 2.0.

Don't let the the cramped, boring/difficult ships we are faced with now discourage you! Most of Phase 1 was lots of fun, and I'm sure Phase 2 will be too - someday...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 03 December 2011, 10:51:19
(By now, you must be starting to think that I am really odd!) 
Take it from me, odd people feel right at home here ;D ;) ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 03 December 2011, 13:52:41
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 18:45:12
The camera is up and working again this morning, so here's a few photos of OW-era battlecruisers made in paper card.  Both kits come from JSC, a Polish company, and are in 1:250 scale which makes them a good size to work on.  The Anglicised Polish instructions can be fun to work with too!

The Goeben (German battlecruiser) became the Turkish 'Yavuz Sultan Selim' in 1914 and was not scrapped until 1973, at the grand old age of 62.  The Lion received a fair old flogging as Beatty's flagship in WWi and was sold for scrap in 1924.

Both models have taken me far longer to finish (and the Lion is still going) than the originals.  I blame it on the current dockyard workforce of one, who is not terribly efficient.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 03 December 2011, 19:45:48
The camera is up and working again this morning, so here's a few photos of OW-era battlecruisers made in paper card.  Both kits come from JSC, a Polish company, and are in 1:250 scale which makes them a good size to work on.  The Anglicised Polish instructions can be fun to work with too!
Szukacz could give you a hand with that.  ;)
Paper card? It looks good.
The Goeben (German battlecruiser) became the Turkish 'Yavuz Sultan Selim' in 1914 and was not scrapped until 1973, at the grand old age of 62.  The Lion received a fair old flogging as Beatty's flagship in WWi and was sold for scrap in 1924.

I hadn't really noticed before. Both of them have, as expected, a sharp end but neither has a particularly blunt end. Poor old HMS Lion has no funnels and nowhere to attach an outboard.
Both models have taken me far longer to finish (and the Lion is still going) than the originals.  I blame it on the current dockyard workforce of one, who is not terribly efficient.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 03 December 2011, 19:57:17
You're talking a serious outboard there, bunts; it must have had a heck of a puller cord.  I also like the highly nautical 'sharp' and 'blunt'.  I've sometimes wondered, as one does, about the varying shapes of warship sterns - from squared-off to pointy.  Most warships have rounded sterns.  However, many battleships/battlecruisers have very pointed sterns, while cruisers, possibly from the 1930s on, were usually built with a squared-off stern (often referred to as a 'cruiser stern').  Incongruously, HMS Vanguard, the last RN battleship built, also had a 'cruiser stern'.  Perhaps her designer just got confused.

I wonder if the different styles were a fashion thing, or whether they were found to be the most efficient shape for warships of different sizes?  (Some days I worry about the triviality of some of the things that I wonder about - I wonder what it's a sign of.)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 03 December 2011, 21:17:47
You're talking a serious outboard there, bunts; it must have had a heck of a puller cord.  I also like the highly nautical 'sharp' and 'blunt'.  I've sometimes wondered, as one does, about the varying shapes of warship sterns - from squared-off to pointy.  Most warships have rounded sterns.  However, many battleships/battlecruisers have very pointed sterns, while cruisers, possibly from the 1930s on, were usually built with a squared-off stern (often referred to as a 'cruiser stern').  Incongruously, HMS Vanguard, the last RN battleship built, also had a 'cruiser stern'.  Perhaps her designer just got confused.

I wonder if the different styles were a fashion thing, or whether they were found to be the most efficient shape for warships of different sizes?  (Some days I worry about the triviality of some of the things that I wonder about - I wonder what it's a sign of.)


 ;D Outboard - Popeye and spinach.
I like to air my knowledge of technical terminology.
The Type 42 destroyer has a tastefully flat rear end; the Type 45 is appreciably wider broader in the beam (Oh, there I go again) which is said to contribute to its higher speed. It seems a shame that we shan't see the likes of the slim jims heeling over in tight turns, although I guess the staff won't be disappointed.
D'you think the shipyard could have misread the scale on the HMS Vanguard blueprints?
Speaking of "fashion" what was the point (didn't mean that) of the "slipper stern" launch?
Waste of space if you ask me (which you didn't. Sorry.)

I think it's a good thing to wonder about trivia, later you can move up to wondering about the mysteries of the universe. Then, when you've really got the hang of it, you can take the leap to worrying.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: PeteB9 on 04 December 2011, 15:17:17
You're talking a serious outboard there, bunts; it must have had a heck of a puller cord.  I also like the highly nautical 'sharp' and 'blunt'.  I've sometimes wondered, as one does, about the varying shapes of warship sterns - from squared-off to pointy.  Most warships have rounded sterns.  However, many battleships/battlecruisers have very pointed sterns, while cruisers, possibly from the 1930s on, were usually built with a squared-off stern (often referred to as a 'cruiser stern').  Incongruously, HMS Vanguard, the last RN battleship built, also had a 'cruiser stern'.  Perhaps her designer just got confused.

I wonder if the different styles were a fashion thing, or whether they were found to be the most efficient shape for warships of different sizes?  (Some days I worry about the triviality of some of the things that I wonder about - I wonder what it's a sign of.)


The 'pointed' type stern as on HMS Hood* was believed to be more efficient than the flat transom stern - I think because it maintained the waterline length when the ship 'squats' under power. However when the G3 battlecruisers were being designed in the early 20s a lot of tank testing was done with varying shapes of stern (they needed to keep the length down as the ships would be pushing the limits of most of the available dry docks) and the drop off in performance was found to be less than previously thought. The KGV class battle ships kept the traditional shape stern but the next projected class - the Lions and Vanguard went for a transom - perhaps as they were larger?

* confusingly I've always thought the traditional shape was called the cruiser stern.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 04 December 2011, 15:46:38
You're talking a serious outboard there, bunts; it must have had a heck of a puller cord.  I also like the highly nautical 'sharp' and 'blunt'.  I've sometimes wondered, as one does, about the varying shapes of warship sterns - from squared-off to pointy.  Most warships have rounded sterns.  However, many battleships/battlecruisers have very pointed sterns, while cruisers, possibly from the 1930s on, were usually built with a squared-off stern (often referred to as a 'cruiser stern').  Incongruously, HMS Vanguard, the last RN battleship built, also had a 'cruiser stern'.  Perhaps her designer just got confused.

I wonder if the different styles were a fashion thing, or whether they were found to be the most efficient shape for warships of different sizes?  (Some days I worry about the triviality of some of the things that I wonder about - I wonder what it's a sign of.)


* confusingly I've always thought the traditional shape was called the cruiser stern.

A quick search indicates that you are correct on the cruiser stern, Pete89.  I wonder how I came to make that faux pas?  Maybe I misread something in the distant past and the error has stayed with me ever since.

Do the OW disciplinarians allow me to choose between being keel-hauled or flogged around the fleet for the appropriate punichment?  How about a mere 'mea maxima culpa'?

(a chastened) Steeleye
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: PeteB9 on 06 December 2011, 08:03:19
Read up a little more on RN stern shapes and the conclusion of all the 1920 tank testing was that the transom stern was more efficient at higher speeds but the cruiser stern was better at moderate speeds.

Which was chosen for later classes I guess depended on what speed range you wanted to optimise the hull for and whether size / tonnage limitations were a factor.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Danny252 on 21 December 2011, 21:18:14
I guess I should introduce myself, seeing as I've beem chatting/throwing stores overboard/getting hit by lightning/crashing seaplanes for a few days!

I'm a second year Astrophysics student at the University of Sheffield (UK), and was attracted to Universe Zoo by... well, take a guess! However, I found a lot of those pretty mundane - whilst the science itself was interesting and I could appreciate why human input was necessary for those projects, I just couldn't put up with it. I took a chance and clicked the "Old Weather" button, and was rather impressed by the concept behind the project - and the logs are much more interesting. You never know when a Vice Admiral is going to sail into port!

I've got a moderate interest in history and navies, which naturally helped. As mentioned in another topic, my main hobby is playing with steam trains - I work as a signalman on my local steam railway, the Severn Valley Railway (www.svr.co.uk), and also as a demonstator for the Exeter West Group (http://www.studio433.co.uk/exeterwest/). I guess that's another reason I'm so attracted to the logbooks - just compare a Train Register Book (the filling of which was, and still is, a legal requirement for all manual signalboxes) to the naval logbooks: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/martin43_2006/TRB.jpg
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 21 December 2011, 22:38:29
Thanks for revealing that your connection (sorry!) is with the SVR. I wondered which, but didn't like to pry. I've visited several preserved railways but not yours, yet. I'm always impressed how "the staff" find time to chat and not to laugh at some of the silly questions that they're asked.

That's an interesting mix - steam and astrophysics. Not that I am surprised, I know of one astrophysicist who was ordained into the priesthood. Obviously not a field for anyone with a closed mind.

Glad that your ship is providing some action.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 21 December 2011, 23:03:39
It sounds very sane to me, to have a passion that keeps you rooted to earth and history while exploring the distant heavens. 8)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 21 December 2011, 23:12:17
My husband is a rail fan - when we were in England, we took a Cathedral Steam trip to Salisbury - I had to laugh because the English gentlemen in our car were tracking the speed and the times between stations - here in the states, the excursion railroads are enjoyed for the scenery.  ;D

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 21 December 2011, 23:25:36
That and the nostalgia of remembering past times.  We took our dad out to visit the Illinois Railway Museum (http://www.irm.org/) for his 80th birthday, and he and the conductor spent the whole, very short, ride reminiscing on how trains and trolleys served the whole Chicagoland area when they were kids. 8)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Danny252 on 22 December 2011, 11:22:16
Thanks for revealing that your connection (sorry!) is with the SVR. I wondered which, but didn't like to pry. I've visited several preserved railways but not yours, yet. I'm always impressed how "the staff" find time to chat and not to laugh at some of the silly questions that they're asked.

That's an interesting mix - steam and astrophysics. Not that I am surprised, I know of one astrophysicist who was ordained into the priesthood. Obviously not a field for anyone with a closed mind.

I enjoy sharing the knowledge I've got - signalling is something very few people get to see in action (everyone sees the driver in his engine!), and traditionally it's one of the more "off-limits" areas. People are always fascinated to see how it works and why it's done the way it is, and it really makes someone's day to be able to clear the signals for their train! On warm, sunny days, I often position my chair on the balcony by the stairs to the box so I'm able to sit outside and invite people inside, as there's lots of people who are curious, but too timid to ask -  I've yet to have any volunteer on a railway say "no" when I've asked to visit an engine, signal box or other, both here and abroad!

As for being an "interesting mix", just consider the amount of physics used in steam engine and railway operation - there's quite a bit! It's amazing the variety of people who come to the railway. From the signalling department alone, I've met people who work on the "big railway", chemical engineers, school teachers, defense contractors, renewable energy consultants, and (of course) those who work for the church!

For those who are interested, this is my "humble abode" when on the railway:

As well as some interior shots (no, that isn't me in the photo later on!):
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 22 December 2011, 12:42:25
Nice little summer house you have there.
I had a look at the other photos ... well, some of them until I noticed there are 1,722 of them. It was good to see the Stanier, from the days of my youth and, what looks like a series III Morris 10 - slightly more modern than the series II in which I learned to drive.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 22 December 2011, 12:44:01
Hi Danny. Pleased to meet you.
Your 'humble abode' looks familiar to me: http://www.signalbox.org/gallery/s/reigate.php
I walk by this one on a regular basis.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: jmenon on 29 December 2011, 14:33:34

I am in Toronto, Canada, and I found this site by looking up information on the SS Cedric (which you have listed here as HMS Cedric.) I love the logs you have for them so far.

I am trying to find data on the Cedric during its voyage of March 25 to April 11, 1912, from Alexandria to New York via Naples. I have question that I will post in the appropriate forum.


Jonathan Menon
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 30 December 2011, 07:11:01
Welcome aboard Jonathan.
I see you have had plenty of helpful advice already. Good luck with your project.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: deathgleaner on 23 January 2012, 17:22:38
Arrrr! This is Deathgleaner here, and I found out about OldWeather.com from a Scientific American article. I also have my own blog post about it: http://deathgleaner.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/old-weather/ (http://deathgleaner.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/old-weather/)

Happy Sailing!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 23 January 2012, 19:09:33
thank you very much, deathgleaner!  That is a lovely blog post.  I hope you enjoy working and learning with us. :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 25 January 2012, 05:22:57
Great blog, deathgleaner (and an interesting name too!)  Welcome to Old Weather.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sunshine16 on 27 January 2012, 11:57:22
Hi everyone, I'm sunshine16, based in Lichfield, England. I came to the site via the TV program Stargazing live, and the mention of planetHunter, which I've spent some time on, but I've found I can sit and type in the ships logs while my work is slack (less obvious than star light graphs). I've done family history research so can read the writing fairly well, and I've been doing searches on the ships and dates I've transcribed, giving me some much needed knowledge on the war and geography. In fact, while doing "Fox" today, I had to carry on the see what was down for 16th June 1916, as thats the day Jidda was taken by the Arabs - and 'my' ship was there. Mofe exciting than the ususal plods up and down the Red Sea, I also love the fact we are putting together the climate records, as that is another interest of mine.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: ElisabethB on 27 January 2012, 12:04:17
Hi sunshine16
Glad you found us. Welcome on board !  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: renheek on 05 February 2012, 10:01:33
Hi - I'm renheek from Gillingham in Kent.
Found this site through the planethunters site and I think I might become addicted!!
Great that my first ship was based at Chatham - just down the road!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 05 February 2012, 10:39:32
Hi renheek, welcome on board.  It is indeed very addictive, and with a local connection to some of the ships I should think you're probably doomed!   :D
Hope you enjoy it, and do ask questions on the forum if you have any - we're all very friendly, and some are knowledgeable as well.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 05 February 2012, 12:34:47
Welcome, renheek!

I've had more fun and learned more about navies, geography and history from this time period than ever in school.  Enjoy! ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 05 February 2012, 17:08:25
Good to have you join us, ranheek.  I started work on the St George last night, although Chatham is not quite 'down the road' from here.  However, the world is our oyster!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: k1ero on 05 February 2012, 18:21:51
     Hi crew members of oW,   My name is Dean and I have been aboard the HMS Endymion for about a month now.   I was even its Captain for a short while (see Demotion-Tech for details). I am married with 5 offspring & 8 Gkids.  3 of the offspring are from my 1st marriage and 2 I took on at the ages of10 &12. They are now all married with kids of their own.  I live in the White Mtns of New Hampshire and believe me they are very white and cold at the moment. That's why I picked a ship in the Med with 70 and 80 degrees temp. I retired at age 56 from AT&T after 35 years and have had 16 years of retirement here in the mountains, nothing like it!   I got into oW from MoonZoo. I enjoy history (geneologist) and the sciences.  Astronomy, meterology, Ham Radio & photography.  Also fishing, hiking,schooner sailing, classic cars and any thing outdoors. Worked in electronics and TV production all my career.  I spent a tour in the USN on a Destroyer many moons ago (1960) and spent one summer in the Med with the 6th Fleet playing ASW games. oW has really hooked me as it brings back lots of memories. Tnx fer listening. Dean- K1ERO.............
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 05 February 2012, 18:26:49
Good to have you join us, ranheek.  I started work on the St George last night, although Chatham is not quite 'down the road' from here.  However, the world is our oyster!

Those videos of the flooding look like a real 500 year flood.  In flat plains like that, it is devastating.  Take care of yourself and good luck at getting the people out and safe.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 05 February 2012, 18:29:17
Welcome, Dean!  You sound like a wonderful person to have around here when people ask naval questions of us landlubbers.  I hope you continue to get much enjoyment here. :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 05 February 2012, 18:37:18
Hi, Dean,
It sounds like we have the weather to thank for your company. We'll have to make the most of you before the good weather sets in.
HMS Endymion is probably a little larger than your destroyer, but the principle is the same.  ;)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 05 February 2012, 19:14:49
Hi Janet,
Thanks for the thoughts!  Living on the 3rd floor of an apartment at an .(altitude of 2000+ ft, we should be OK.  Not as soggy this year as in 2010/11 (which I think was rated as a 1 in 100 year flood), but still a bit problematic in some places:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-06/flood-levee-in-charleville/3813030 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-06/flood-levee-in-charleville/3813030)

Welcome aboard, Dean, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 05 February 2012, 20:28:02
Charleville definitely looks better protected than St. George.  Take care.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 05 February 2012, 22:45:04
oohh - I love the White Mts - and New England in general - welcome Dean -

Kathy W.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: k1ero on 06 February 2012, 09:54:52

     Janet J.- I come from a naval family. Both my brothers retired from the USN as Chiefs.  One in electronics and the other as a metorologist. So the sea & the wx is in my head.
     Bunting Tosser,  That's a strange name, I picture you running around the ship in port decorating with bunting. Yes my "Tin Can" was a WWII vintage rigged for anti-sub warfare. We spent our time off the east coast chasing Russian subs and their snooping trawlers. We also spent the summer of 1960 in the Med. The destroyer is now sitting at the bottom of the sea off the Florida Keys as a fish reef.
      Wendolk aka Kathy, New England is a good place to live and play but winters are long. You live in a nice area also, I was stationed  for a year at the Naval Medica Research Institue in Bethesda, MD. for a year and had a great time in DC. I almost went back to that area to work after the Navy but it didn't work out. I was working on electronics for medical perposes and the early flights of project Mercury.   We never know where life is taking us.
      Thanks all for your warm welcome, I hope to be active for a long time to come.   Tnx  Dean...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 06 February 2012, 12:18:01

     Bunting Tosser,  That's a strange name, I picture you running around the ship in port decorating with bunting. Yes my "Tin Can" was a WWII vintage rigged for anti-sub warfare. We spent our time off the east coast chasing Russian subs and their snooping trawlers. We also spent the summer of 1960 in the Med. The destroyer is now sitting at the bottom of the sea off the Florida Keys as a fish reef.

      Thanks all for your warm welcome, I hope to be active for a long time to come.   Tnx  Dean...
Got it in one.  8)
Through OW I read of a RN ship that sighted a trawler flying numerous flags. The signalman reported that he could not understand the signal so the captain took the ship close in to enquire as to the message. The reply came back:
"I've no idea. We found the flags in the hold and they stank of fish, so we're giving them an airing."

It's the sort of thing that could be true.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 06 February 2012, 15:12:44
That story sounds exactly like our captain of the Lord Minto.  And I'd bet he'd do it, knowing full well that he'd be confusing RN signal readers! ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DMCM on 06 February 2012, 23:34:28
This is too fun! I can see how it could get addicting... My name is Danny, started on the Topaze, from Columbus, Oh.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 06 February 2012, 23:45:23
Welcome aboard Danny, you're sure to enjoy it.  OW has everything from gunboats to battleships from Murmansk to China, from flat calm to hurricane, and activities from concerts to the ubiquitous chipping of paint.  Something for every taste and climate.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: DMCM on 07 February 2012, 00:00:11
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 07 February 2012, 02:18:21
Welcome to OW, Danny :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: vanburen7 on 08 February 2012, 11:58:02
Hello from Carl;

     I've just started the past few days. What a fascinating endeavor.

     I am a retired US Navy surface warfare officer, having served on a cruiser and various amphibious ships. One of the most interesting assignments was as a navigation officer, so reading these old deck logs brings back many memories. After retirement I worked as a civilian weather observer for the FAA mainly in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Basic data collection is the foundation of all meteorology & climatology, so I'm sure these transcriptions will be put to good use.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 08 February 2012, 12:25:42
Hi Carl, and welcome to Old Weather.  With all your naval and weather experience, it sounds as though we can make good use of your knowledge!  Hope you enjoy the transcribing and the forum - we're a friendly lot, and happy to answer any questions you've got.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 08 February 2012, 12:55:21
Hey Carl,
Welcome to the Forum.
All things considered, I would paraphrase helenj's comments:
"You seem to be a friendly chap, we  hope you'll be happy to answer any questions we have."  ;D

Have fun,

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: k1ero on 08 February 2012, 15:11:26

         Welcome Carl,  Good to have x-Navy aboard.  It does bring back memories.  Enjoy.   K1ERO,       Dean....... 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 08 February 2012, 17:52:01
Welcome to OW and the forum, Carl.  Enjoy!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 15 February 2012, 09:15:37
OK - the 'short version' for the Log.....Thanks for the welcomes. I learned of this oldweather.org through an article in Scientific American's February 2012 issue . I have a great interest in Weather for several reasons: I taught Science for 38 years in a local (near Niagara Falls, NY) School District. I have been part of the Natl Weather Service Spotters Net for 18 years - measuring snow and rain and reporting it each day from a registered station in my back yard, and as a sailor on Lake Ontario I DEPEND on weather. The logs are fun, I'm used to keeping my OWN and I am learning a great deal here. Hope I can help fill in some of the 'climate gaps.'

BTW - anyone with an interest in 'realtime' weather rain/snow/ maps, etc. all over USA - check out www.CoCoRaHS.org where many of us report daily. My Station ID is NY-NG-2.
Blessings,  dean
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 15 February 2012, 10:15:47
... I have a great interest in Weather for several reasons: I taught Science for 38 years in a local (near Niagara Falls, NY) School District. I have been part of the Natl Weather Service Spotters Net for 18 years - measuring snow and rain and reporting it each day from a registered station in my back yard, and as a sailor on Lake Ontario I DEPEND on weather. The logs are fun, I'm used to keeping my OWN and I am learning a great deal here. Hope I can help fill in some of the 'climate gaps.'

BTW - anyone with an interest in 'realtime' weather rain/snow/ maps, etc. all over USA - check out www.CoCoRaHS.org where many of us report daily. My Station ID is NY-NG-2.
Blessings,  dean

"I have been part of the Natl Weather Service Spotters Net for 18 years - measuring snow and rain and reporting it each day from a registered station in my back yard, and as a sailor on Lake Ontario I DEPEND on weather. The logs are fun, I'm used to keeping my OWN"
And your very own weather station ...

That is truly a remarkable C.V. (and has increased my sense of insecurity.)  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AndrewJTalon on 27 May 2012, 02:16:08
Hey. I found Zooniverse thanks to Cracked.com and I've been doing many of the sites. I found this site to be very interesting as a naval history buff and so I've gone to work quite happily. Reconstructing climate data is also very useful and just doing things with history is fascinating. Plus I wasn't doing very well over at Planethunters, this seems more my speed. Looking forward to more ships and more logs!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 27 May 2012, 02:21:57
Welcome on board!

I have also tried most of the Zooniverse projects, but this is by far my favorite.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 27 May 2012, 09:39:59
Welcome to the forum, Andrew.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Karijn on 05 June 2012, 15:03:03
At last, while I wait to hear if I graduated or not, Old Weather and I can get better acquainted.

I heard about Old Weather through a friend who's a climatologist at KNMI. He thought it was all sorts of awesome, but doesn't have the time to transcribe due to having four kids and loads of other obligations.

Something about the idea of crowdsourced science kept me awake at night because of the sheer awesomeness of it, so I decided to google it the next day. And immediately decided I was going to find some nice history project to work on, instead of the boring weather. Transcribed some civil war letters, but it has zero feedback apart from some bars indicating completion and doesn't even run properly on Chrome. The civil war letters are a blast content-wise, so I still do those, but I really like the feel of the community here. Also, the logs have way more to do with history than I expected, so yay for that.

So I made an account about five days or so ago. Since then I've transcribed a couple of pages on half a dozen ships, to get a feel for different styles and terms. And since I have not a competitive bone in my body, I am easily swayed by the "I could use some help on getting this ship finished" type of posts.
Just try to see me as the lazy lieutenant who is always doing things in her own sweet time somewhere in the back and will never make promotion, but is somehow a bit too quirky to just kick off the ship ;).

But at some point I am going to stick with a ship. It's just that they are in port, minding their own business, and then when you get back to them they are somewhere at sea with a lot of latitudes and longitudes and change of directions like a pinball machine and then I gallantly chicken out. But once I get my sea legs I'm sure I'll manage just fine.
Mainly it's addicting because I am an over-dedicated museum registrar who simply must...enter...stuff...in...appropriate...boxes. Even in her spare time.
Sigh. What's a girl with an unhealthy obsession with the world in general and history in particular to do, eh?

And at the very last, the prodigal daughter makes a contribution to science. My father would be so proud, if he understood what crowdsourcing is ;).
I am going to convince him to join in on the papyrus-transcription thingie, just you wait...right up his alley.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 05 June 2012, 15:32:50
You are definitely one of us!

Welcome on board!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 05 June 2012, 17:11:21
Very definitely OW addict material!  Welcome, Karijn! ;D

Consider looking for a depot or base ship.  They stay put in port while the rest of world comes visiting.
HMS Intrepid (http://www.oldweather.org/vessels/4f96246ca2fc8e2def0041ff) and HMS Iphegenia (http://www.oldweather.org/vessels/4f962574a2fc8e2def004510) are in North Russia, White Sea - I think they are the only depots still active. I know nothing about their handwriting.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 05 June 2012, 19:49:01
YUP!!! You'll fit right in here. Welcome aboard! Get a bit of salt in your blood, enter some log data, get addicted like the rest of us, and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Karijn on 06 June 2012, 05:28:07
Thank you all for your kind words and recommendations! I feel incredibly welcome :),

I've done some transcribing for Intrepid already, and I've done some Foxglove, Ebro and Gnat as well, they were not moving at the time :).

Once I get the hang of the positions I'll just pick a ship and stick with it.
I think that a person could get a lot of work done on the Highflyer, good handwriting. But the logkeeper appears to like weather a lot more than he likes people, so slim pickings for history buffs so far.

Choices choices...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 07 June 2012, 08:37:06
Thank you all for your kind words and recommendations! I feel incredibly welcome :),

I've done some transcribing for Intrepid already, and I've done some Foxglove, Ebro and Gnat as well, they were not moving at the time :).

Once I get the hang of the positions I'll just pick a ship and stick with it.
I think that a person could get a lot of work done on the Highflyer, good handwriting. But the logkeeper appears to like weather a lot more than he likes people, so slim pickings for history buffs so far.

Choices choices...

I've found it somewhat more interesting to pick one ship and follow it. I get less 'confused' and get a better feeling for the ship and her crew. Right now I'm on Devonshire and it's been sort of 'boring' but I really find I begin to understand what they are doing and the 'climate'(people, history, etc.) of the times. ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 07 June 2012, 08:48:22
Same here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 07 June 2012, 09:17:43
me too... I've helped on a few ships recently - but will get back to my first ship - The Jed very soon.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sunshine16 on 07 June 2012, 09:37:21
Is it also worth saying that we don't have to transcribe every change of direction?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 07 June 2012, 14:47:23
I quite like having a couple of ships on the go, in different parts of the world; then if one gets really boring (or really complicated) I can go off to the other one for a bit.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: cyzaki on 07 June 2012, 14:54:01
I flit around different ships until one grabs me. I have got a habit of finishing off ones that are at (or very close to) 100% though  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 15 June 2012, 19:19:58
I guess I should introduce myself, seeing as I've beem chatting/throwing stores overboard/getting hit by lightning/crashing seaplanes for a few days!

I'm a second year Astrophysics student at the University of Sheffield (UK), and was attracted to Universe Zoo by... well, take a guess! However, I found a lot of those pretty mundane - whilst the science itself was interesting and I could appreciate why human input was necessary for those projects, I just couldn't put up with it. I took a chance and clicked the "Old Weather" button, and was rather impressed by the concept behind the project - and the logs are much more interesting. You never know when a Vice Admiral is going to sail into port!

I've got a moderate interest in history and navies, which naturally helped. As mentioned in another topic, my main hobby is playing with steam trains - I work as a signalman on my local steam railway, the Severn Valley Railway (www.svr.co.uk), and also as a demonstator for the Exeter West Group (http://www.studio433.co.uk/exeterwest/). I guess that's another reason I'm so attracted to the logbooks - just compare a Train Register Book (the filling of which was, and still is, a legal requirement for all manual signalboxes) to the naval logbooks: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/martin43_2006/TRB.jpg

Hi Danny252
Just found your post. Welcome.
I was originally from England, hence my handle.

I also play with full size steam train sets here in Australia.
http://www.nswrtm.org/ (http://www.nswrtm.org/)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 30 October 2012, 15:10:10
I should have put Kevin's bio here.  Too late now, but see it at http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3349.0
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Angel_48 on 05 November 2012, 23:35:25
Hi my name is Karin
I live in South Australia and have been a part of quite a few Zooniverse projects and tested out a new Beta one recently, that hasn't come out yet. I learned about weather a very long time ago during the last years of High School and loved it. I also love old ships and built the Cutty Sark from a scale model, it still measures almost a meter long. I love transcribing things and I love learning so I thought I would give this a shot. Some of the handwriting has been a challenge but from what I have seen the Rush is not as hard to read as some others.
I am cook, recipe designer/writer and love cooking.
It is great to be here :D

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 06 November 2012, 00:47:30
Welcome Karin,
Look out for caro (the ships cat)  ;D
I live in NSW.
Did you pick the winner in the Melbourne Cup?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 06 November 2012, 02:26:44
Hi Karin, welcome on board!
You sound like a future OWaholic ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 06 November 2012, 02:30:00
You are welcome here, Karin.
I looked through the Melbourne Cup runners and said, Hmmm, Green Moon. Don't like that name.  ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 06 November 2012, 02:44:48
Welcome to OW, Karin.  Glad to have you, and it can be fun in spite of the handwriting. :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 06 November 2012, 03:47:03
Hello and welcome Karin. Hope you enjoy OW as much as I have over the last 6 months or so...worse things happen at sea - but funnier things happen too.  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 06 November 2012, 07:56:58
Hi Karin!  Welcome to the 'Club.'  ;)

We're sometimes a bit 'abnormal' but then as I often say - How would the normal people know they were normal if it weren't for the rest of us??!! :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Craig on 06 November 2012, 10:06:13
Welcome to OW, Karin. I will be interested in how you find OW compared to the other Zooniverse projects. Handwriting is hard enough to read but whale sounds are impossible  :D

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 08 July 2013, 16:58:41
I have started an OW people map at http://goo.gl/maps/Z2IsJ (http://goo.gl/maps/Z2IsJ).
If you want your town (not address) on the map, message me with the info.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 08 July 2013, 19:06:50
Cool idea.  :)

City only for me, I'll send it to you Stuart.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 08 July 2013, 19:50:09
I've replied by PM  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: szukacz on 09 July 2013, 07:31:07
I sent  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Thursday Next on 09 July 2013, 13:39:56
So have I!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 09 July 2013, 13:45:03
Gaithersburg, MD for me -
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 09 July 2013, 20:13:00
Niagara Falls, NY for me  8) --NOBODY knows where North Tonawanda is!!! ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 09 July 2013, 20:24:30
--NOBODY knows where North Tonawanda is!!!

They all will, if they look on the OW people map.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 10 July 2013, 03:10:15
Has anyone (other than Skukacz) the slightest idea how to SAY where she lives!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: propriome on 10 July 2013, 03:58:11
Has anyone (other than Skukacz) the slightest idea how to SAY where she lives!

From wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pszczyna
Should sound more or less like Psh[e]chyna (with a mute [e])... sz~=sh and cz~=ch

Her nick name (Szukacz) could probably sound as shukach as well... isn't it?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: szukacz on 10 July 2013, 05:11:18
I apologize but I can not help soften consonants.  :D
This charm overseas languages ​​:)
propriome: Good interpretation I would understand :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 10 July 2013, 06:06:23
He ;)


Dad lend me his account for a while so I will simply specify my problem:

While reading and watching the Game of Thrones there appeared word 'ale' that wasn't translated into Polish equivalent of beer. I always thought that ale is Middle Age beer. Are translators right?

My dad said that you have enormous knowlegde of history and you'll be capable of answering to my question so I'll look forward to it.

Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 10 July 2013, 06:15:01
Go here: https://translate.google.co.uk/?rls=ig&hl=en&tab=wT#auto/en/Pszczyna
Click the 'Listen' symbol (looks like a speaker).  :)

The Polish version has a markedly different pronunciation to the English 'translation'.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: propriome on 10 July 2013, 06:31:16
He ;)

Whoops... my apologies!
I'm always in doubt about this (English is a great language, but from first person sentences you can rarely tell the gender).

When I started reading and writing here in the forum I was using default=male, then I realized i was simply surrounded by womens and switched to default=female :P :P
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 10 July 2013, 07:36:18
FYI, forum participation is about 2:1 male:female.  But we women appreciate being made the default.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 10 July 2013, 07:43:01
He ;)

Whoops... my apologies!
I'm always in doubt about this (English is a great language, but from first person sentences you can rarely tell the gender).

When I started reading and writing here in the forum I was using default=male, then I realized i was simply surrounded by womens and switched to default=female :P :P
Sensible idea! ;D

You are not alone
Has anyone (other than Skukacz) the slightest idea how to SAY where she lives!

FYI, forum participation is about 2:1 male:female.  But we women appreciate being made the default.  ;D
Is that by number of forum members or by number of posts?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Craig on 10 July 2013, 09:46:52
Am I being mentioned because of my excellent memory for names or my uncanny ability to determine gender when presented with minimal clues (such as the name "Randi" for example?  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 10 July 2013, 09:56:48

FYI, forum participation is about 2:1 male:female.  But we women appreciate being made the default.  ;D
Is that by number of forum members or by number of posts?

Members with at least 2 posts who were online in the last 30 days, regardless of whether they posted then or not - admin list not open to public.  There were 50+ total.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 10 July 2013, 10:17:09
More toys! ;D

but how many left gender unspecified?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 10 July 2013, 10:55:40
More toys! ;D

but how many left gender unspecified?

Most did - but when their email includes "Keith" and/or when we have come to know them by name, I have info not on that list.  What gender anyone did specify is not included anyway.  (There was only 1 name in the 50-odd I genuinely don't know.)   ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 10 July 2013, 12:17:07
Niagara Falls, NY for me  8) --NOBODY knows where North Tonawanda is!!! ::)
Well I got nosey...and found the inter-church pantry (using Google Earth) which I bet you know....recorded on a VERY wet day.
Being able to drive round half the world is just soooo wonderful.
If anyone 'drives' into Kidlington go look for Mill Lane and Church Street - some of its lovelier old buildings are on those streets. Cromwell billeted his army here for two winters given how rich the village was. Richard Branson lives in the old Mill where Evans Lane and Mill Lane meet (less than 10 minutes from my house - but our bank accounts are worlds apart ;) ;D).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 10 July 2013, 13:25:23
When I started reading and writing here in the forum I was using default=male, then I realized i was simply surrounded by womens and switched to default=female :P :P

The puzzling thing is that if you look at [More Stats] (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?action=stats) you will see this:

Male to Female Ratio:    46:1

Caro (default)  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 10 July 2013, 13:52:02
And, if you look at the top ten posters, eight are female. ::)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 10 July 2013, 14:18:31
When I started reading and writing here in the forum I was using default=male, then I realized i was simply surrounded by womens and switched to default=female :P :P

The puzzling thing is that if you look at [More Stats] (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?action=stats) you will see this:

Male to Female Ratio:    46:1

Caro (default)  :)

That's why I did a manual count - between Bunts, Craig, Dean, Howard, Keith, Matteo, Stuart, et al on one side, and Caro, Helen, Janet, Joan, Kathy, Randi, Rosemary, Su, et al on the other side, neither gender can be limited to 2% of participants.  :)
(Women are chattier - only 8 of the top 20 are men.)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: szukacz on 10 July 2013, 15:43:12
This reminds me of the situation when a half years I had contact with a person from India.
All this time I thought that this person was a woman. Sometimes it happens ...  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 10 July 2013, 16:06:52
After a working life of engineers & orthopaedic surgeons it is nice to be able to chat with a more evenly balanced group.  If OW ever folds then I will miss you all.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Jerry Mason on 20 August 2013, 15:59:07
Hello, I am Jerry Mason, retired USN pilot, amateur historian of the U-boat War and Administrator of the U-boat Archive (http://uboatarchive.net/) website.  Thank you very much for the Old Weather Forum.  I find the many links to sources of information very helpful in my work.  I enjoy transcribing/translating U-boat Kriegstagebuch (war diaries) you can see some examples here (http://uboatarchive.net/KTBList.htm).  These diaries included weather reports typically every four hours.  The notation is not standard but many U-boats use the Beaufort notations and looking into that is how I found the Old Weather Forum.  Some of my notes on weather entries are here (http://uboatarchive.net/KTBNotesWeather.htm).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 20 August 2013, 16:05:28
Nice to know of a similar and related transcription project, Jerry.  I'm glad that all our efforts to accumulate years of resource posts is also useful to others.  I'm also hoping we can tempt you into getting involved in our transcriptions.  Everyone here is also friendly, and glad to chat or answer questions.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 20 August 2013, 16:41:38
Pleased to meet you, Jerry. I hope you find Old Weather as addictive as the rest of us do.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Clewi on 20 August 2013, 17:10:16
Hello and welcome! I had the idea to use u-boat reports a while ago. After all there must be quite decent coverage of weather data available for the mid-Atlantic and the North Sea. And of course the ice data collected during the arctic ops (mostly '42 and '43 IIRC).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 20 August 2013, 23:12:27
Nice to meet you Jerry. Sounds like you have an equally exciting project to work on!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 21 August 2013, 07:48:18
Welcome to our Group, Jerry. Hope we can help each other with some very valuable research. Drop in often the weather here is usually fine!! ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Jerry Mason on 22 August 2013, 12:00:45
Thank you all for your kind replies, I have access to almost all U-boat Kriegstagebuch (war diaries) and would be happy to look into a particular boat/patrol.  I also have a copy of the Short Signal codebook for sending weather reports and a few other weather related documents.    For Clewi, I have translated about 150 KTBs apart from those on the publicly available pages of my website.  There are a number of arctic patrols with atrocious weather and the North Atlantic was often worse with some storms at Force 10 and 11.  Most weather KTB entries are short and not standardized from boat to boat but sometimes there is the text of a weather report.  It might be interesting to look at a boat assigned to weather reporting duty.   I will have a look at that.  Back to work for me now.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 22 August 2013, 15:32:32
Jerry, I told our climatologists about your website, just as an FYI that more weather data was out there.  And got this reply from Kevin Wood:

Conversely, he might be interested in the US convoy escort logs that will be coming on fairly soon. 

- Kevin

I presume, these are the ships who your uboats were hunting, and were therefore sighting yours.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 22 August 2013, 15:58:18
Did any of the U-boats have pets/mascots?

Ships' Pets and Mascots (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3874.0)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Jerry Mason on 22 August 2013, 16:18:15
To Janet, thank you for letting me know of the escort logs.  They would certainly be of interest to me.  To Randi, a number of U-boats had mascots some of which went on patrols- mostly cats and dogs.  One U-boat even had an aquarium.  You might enjoy looking at this U-953 website (http://www.thelongestpatrol.com/u-953.html) U-953 had both the dog Rin-Tin-Tina and a cat named Peter as mascots.  Best regards, Jerry
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: HHTime Ron on 02 February 2015, 20:36:35
Little slow in getting this intro post done.
I'm now retired living in Asheville NC near the National Climatic Data Center where for a short time I consulted with them on program management of their satellite data conversion program and the fight for their new cooperative institute.  That's a pretty heady and humbling experience meeting and working with those extraordinary folks. 
I am also a frustrated sailor wholly captivated by Patrick O'Brian and pricking old maps circa 1800.   So, Old Weather couldn't be a better fit!   
Thanks for this opportunity and your infinite patience with this newbie.  Ron G.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: jil on 03 February 2015, 03:10:30
Hello Ron!

Patrick O'Brian (and/or CS Forester) seems to have sucked a lot of us into an interest in the sea!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 05 February 2015, 08:48:55
Welcome Ron  :D
CS Forrester-ite here - also dad was a great tall ships person. I recall the glow he had about him when we visited the Cutty Sark and the Victory.
Enjoy the trips on the ships!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 30 October 2015, 19:24:39
I have started an OW people map at http://goo.gl/maps/Z2IsJ (http://goo.gl/maps/Z2IsJ).
If you want your town (not address) on the map, message me with the info.

Hey Stuart - hope you got a copyright for your googlemap idea...just got a message on PenguinWatch about this: 

https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=ztJxn9tikpWs.kcO0O-iLLUQ8     ;D

Here's Zuzi's (Yshish) message:
Hey, everyone! :)

@TED91 from Disk Detective has created this awesome GOOGLE MAP for the whole Zooniverse community to share where we live.

There's no need to have a Google account or be logged in. You can place a flag either anonymously, or write your user name or real name to the flag, and projects you contribute to.

For now, there's just a single layer for all, but more layers could be added and a different colour assigned to each project, or they could be separated to Space, Nature and Other projects, if we wanted, so you could take a look only to those projects you are interested in.

Have a look, maybe you'll find your neighbour being hooked by the same Zooniverse project!! ;)


Feel free to add your pin! ;)

For discussing the map, visit the general Zooniverse Talk here: https://www.zooniverse.org/talk/13/11661?comment=29456&page=1


Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 30 October 2015, 20:19:23
Hi Joan.
Hope all is well.
I am recovering slowly from the knee op. I am at least driving now, freedom at last.

Re penguins
Every body wants to get in on a good idea.  %^(
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 30 October 2015, 21:00:03
sorry to hear that the knee is improving slower than you'd like :(  but if you are able to drive - yipeee! - like you say - freedom!  :D

It's not just the Penguins -it's the whole Zooniverse  :o ;D - once again the OW Forum is ahead of the rest  ;) ;) :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 30 October 2015, 22:00:49
 ;D 8)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 31 October 2015, 00:09:19
Hi Stuart, I had my knee replaced  15 months ago & just wanted to say 'Stick with it & keep on with the exercises'. Yes, you do have to work harder with knees than hips, I had the hip on the other side done 4 months before the knee. But until a couple of weeks ago I was living a near normal life except for kneeling (& my friends say that the rest is due to old age!). I'm now contemplating a second hip replacement and since we've now got a spanking new hospital the WiFi may be better!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 31 October 2015, 16:24:16
Thanks Rosemary.
I suppose it is only 6 weeks old, hardly run in yet so I should just put up with it.
The WiFi does seem to vary greatly per hospital (speed and free/pay)
Hope you are able make the correct decision re the hip.

I hope they don't nick my Concord Maps as well.
Latest at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=z0ny5b10pkXU.kD-KjFM3cxLU&usp=sharing (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=z0ny5b10pkXU.kD-KjFM3cxLU&usp=sharing)
Cannot seem to find the short URL on the new maps.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 31 October 2015, 17:19:18
I added myself to the Zooniverse community map (just the city, not my exact address) - and I saw that the Chimp&See science team, who are at the same Institute my parents work at, have added themselves as well. Nice!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 31 October 2015, 17:20:20
Oh well, 6 weeks is the minimum time for driving in the UK (except if you have an automatic car and it is your left leg). If you drive before that you are committing an offense since you will be driving uninsured. Though I will admit it was worse with the hip since buses, black cabs, back seats of cars & trains are all on the forbidden list for those first weeks which is VERY trying. I was thoroughly sick of my perfectly pleasant village which I dutifully walked around every day. One of my neighbours took pity on me and took me down to the local river path for a change of scene. Never mind, the increased freedom afterwards makes it worthwhile, it was great being able to go round a museum without thinking about the next place to sit down.
I'm intrigued by the prospect of airport security - for various reasons I haven't needed to fly since I got past the medical restrictions for that. I suspect that I am going to be frisked for the rest of my life but if they expect me to cope with taking off my shoes without benefit of seating they can think again!
Keep smiling and doing those exercises.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 01 November 2015, 06:28:10
I hope they don't nick my Concord Maps as well.
Latest at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=z0ny5b10pkXU.kD-KjFM3cxLU&usp=sharing (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=z0ny5b10pkXU.kD-KjFM3cxLU&usp=sharing)
Cannot seem to find the short URL on the new maps.

That's nice!   :D  I think you're safe from the Zooniverse nicking it.  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 01 November 2015, 19:40:02
Maybe we should set up a new topic line : Where is your metal and how much do you have?!  ::) 8)

With the hips, knees, (I'm carrying a Titanium plate and 13 screws in my leg from an accident) we could have a whole discussion about therapy, airports, etc.

Maybe a contest 'I can set off a metal detector at xx metres??!!'   ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 01 November 2015, 20:16:27
I had my right elbow rebuilt 49 years ago, just after medicare was introduced  :), but they used bone from my hip, so my hip bone's connected to my elbow bone; otherwise I am in fine mettle.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kathy on 01 November 2015, 22:49:59
I work for the feds - and right now I'm having badge issues...SO...every time I go in to the office, I have to be wanded, because I set off the scanner - 3 artificial joints will do that!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 02 November 2015, 01:05:58
These are the after effects they don't warn you about! Never mind, I probably wouldn't be going on independent holidays anyway if it wasn't for the TJRs but air travel is definitely getting more of a hassle for everyone.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: leelaht on 02 November 2015, 11:49:38
My metal is in my wrist.  Maybe because it's a smaller plate I haven't had any issues at airports.

After compulsively doing wrist bending exercises for a few years, my broken wrist is way more flexible than my normal wrist.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 02 November 2015, 12:57:55
I'm walking with a crutch at the moment - do I count?  :-\ ( ;) :D )
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 02 November 2015, 16:21:22
At the moment you are definitely an honorary member but unlike the rest of us one day (I hope) you will discard your metal & hence will pass through the scanner at the airport with only routine checks while the rest of us will be wanded, frisked or both. However if the orthopaedic surgeons decide that some sort of metallic reconstruction is required for you to throw away your crutch then you will become a full member of the 'thou shalt not pass' club.

Hope you achieve normal mobility soon
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 02 November 2015, 16:30:23
I cannot remember which cruise ship I was boarding but I set off the detector and when I said I had a new knee the security asked to see the scar. As my trouser legs were to tight roll up I offered to drop my pants, he changed his mind. True story.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 02 November 2015, 16:45:53
At the moment you are definitely an honorary member but unlike the rest of us one day (I hope) you will discard your metal & hence will pass through the scanner at the airport with only routine checks while the rest of us will be wanded, frisked or both. However if the orthopaedic surgeons decide that some sort of metallic reconstruction is required for you to throw away your crutch then you will become a full member of the 'thou shalt not pass' club.
Hope you achieve normal mobility soon
Awww - you're kind! :D

I cannot remember which cruise ship I was boarding but I set off the detector and when I said I had a new knee the security asked to see the scar. As my trouser legs were to tight roll up I offered to drop my pants, he changed his mind. True story.
:o :o :o
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 03 November 2015, 00:45:46
That's the technique Stu. I may revert to the tunic suits of my youth where the tunic was a mini dress. THAT should sort out the guards while maintaining my sense of public modesty. Pity the poor people who only have THRs.  :)  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 03 November 2015, 15:07:57
On my way into a Government building one day. Wanded for the leg and still set the detector off. FINALLY after 10 minutes trying to convince them that I had steel toed work boots on - I took them off - LEFT THEM - and walked in my socks to complete the business necessary. Came back - got dressed - and went home.   8)

BTW - the office I was headed to was within sight of the Security area and all I needed was to drop off a form. Couldn't even get the Officers to take it and save us all the trouble!! ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 03 November 2015, 15:10:11
Hmmm - next time your OLDEST gardening shoes Dean...they may be more helpful when you've left those shoes waiting for you  ::) 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 03 November 2015, 15:51:16
Dean, if you get your very oldest shoes you could put the paper in them and have them walk themselves over for you.  %^)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 04 November 2015, 15:18:31
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 06 November 2015, 17:52:37
I think what made it worse was that I know about the screening so I had emptied my pockets before I left my truck. I had no money, no wallet, no change, and had removed everything including the belt - before I entered the building.

I guess that upset them??!!   ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 07 November 2015, 01:15:08
At least you livened up what was probably quite a dull day for them,
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Tegwen on 07 November 2015, 07:42:33
I have one ceramic and titanium hip which doesnt set of normal airport detectors. However, week after next I go in for my second to be done, so will have to see whether that is sufficient to set them off.

When I asked the doctor what to do if the first one set off the detectors he suggested that offering to show the scar usually did the trick. Havent had to try it yet but will do so if necessary.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 07 November 2015, 08:02:24
Hope everything goes well. At least you will have learned some of the tricks of the trade for this one.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 07 November 2015, 09:39:08
I have one ceramic and titanium hip which doesnt set of normal airport detectors. However, week after next I go in for my second to be done, so will have to see whether that is sufficient to set them off.

When I asked the doctor what to do if the first one set off the detectors he suggested that offering to show the scar usually did the trick. Havent had to try it yet but will do so if necessary.

ceramic and titanium - snazzy stuff!  :D
Hope number two replacement goes smoothly  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Thursday Next on 07 November 2015, 15:26:18
Good luck with the operation, Keith!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 07 November 2015, 15:29:36
Keep up with the pain killers and work it hard Keith.
Good Luck
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 08 November 2015, 16:28:08
Thoughts and Prayers for a speedy recovery!   ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Steeleye on 31 January 2019, 06:40:03
Maybe we should set up a new topic line : Where is your metal and how much do you have?!  ::) 8)

With the hips, knees, (I'm carrying a Titanium plate and 13 screws in my leg from an accident) we could have a whole discussion about therapy, airports, etc.

Maybe a contest 'I can set off a metal detector at xx metres??!!'   ;)

How about a contest for sound effects? I had my first hip done in 2011. 18 months ago I had the second hip replaced. As you tend to do, I put more pressure on the good leg while the new hip was in rehab. In this case, my 2011 hip started to make extended squeaking noises when I sat down ... sort of like the noise that door hinges make when they need oiling. It was quite audible and both Lynne and I found it somewhat disturbing.

I've also told my kids not to get me cremated when my time comes. Like a good ship, they should just send me to the breaker's yard. The metal used in hips should be worth a bit.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 31 January 2019, 09:18:16
Maybe we should set up a new topic line : Where is your metal and how much do you have?!  ::) 8)

With the hips, knees, (I'm carrying a Titanium plate and 13 screws in my leg from an accident) we could have a whole discussion about therapy, airports, etc.

Maybe a contest 'I can set off a metal detector at xx metres??!!'   ;)

How about a contest for sound effects? I had my first hip done in 2011. 18 months ago I had the second hip replaced. As you tend to do, I put more pressure on the good leg while the new hip was in rehab. In this case, my 2011 hip started to make extended squeaking noises when I sat down ... sort of like the noise that door hinges make when they need oiling. It was quite audible and both Lynne and I found it somewhat disturbing.

I've also told my kids not to get me cremated when my time comes. Like a good ship, they should just send me to the breaker's yard. The metal used in hips should be worth a bit.

 ;D ;D ;D

I'll match your Titanium plate & 13 screws for an accident walking the pooch in 2005. Sad part was it was 29 days after I retired!! Spent 12 weeks in a cast & 6 months in therapy.

No noises though, yet!  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: SPHolmes on 27 February 2019, 13:12:34
Hi, I'm Susan, I am delighted to have come across this site. I retired a week ago after 40+ years in IT development, recently mainly developing, debugging, testing and fixing web-based systems, and I am already missing technical work, although not the commuting. I am very interested in Arctic sea ice, I have been a member of ASIF Arctic Sea Ice Forum for many years (https://forum.arctic-sea-ice.net/index.php) and I am keen to help research, now that I have spare time. I am very happy to be involved in beta testing and help with any development once I have got to grips with all that you have done so far. I live in the Chilterns, northwest of London
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 27 February 2019, 13:38:45
I am delighted you have come across this site!
Perhaps once you become familiar with OW you can do a bit of publicity for us...

I see that the ASIF Arctic Sea Ice forum uses SMF - Simple Machines.
This forum should look familiar to you even if it is an older version ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 27 February 2019, 16:41:29
Welcome aboard, Susan! Hope you enjoy the project and the forum - we've got a nice community going on here!
It's great to see someone new.

I'm also working in IT development and doing web-based systems, but I am many decades away from retirement.
If you like, we can discuss this further via private message.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 27 February 2019, 16:43:56
Welcome aboard, Susan! We love that you have joined us!!!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 28 February 2019, 02:41:45
Welcome Susan. I think you'll like it here.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: jil on 28 February 2019, 03:15:09
Hello Susan and welcome to OW!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 28 February 2019, 08:11:42
Welcome Susan - it's good to have you on board  :D
I hope you'll have many happy sailings around the Arctic Ice. Feel free to prod us for information at any time! :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: SPHolmes on 28 February 2019, 14:13:35
Thanks to all of you for this warm welcome, I am exploring all the features and posts with interest :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 28 February 2019, 19:14:15

Susan - Welcome to our little wet corner of the World. Visit often!!   ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: neal623 on 06 April 2019, 00:48:01

I would like to introduce myself...I am Neal. I reside in Maryland on the Eastern Shore area with my wife, dog and several cats. My daughter lives next door. I am a writer and professional poet. I hold a Doctorate in Biblical Studies.  I happened upon OW through Zooniverse where I transcribe several topics. Injured in a volunteer firefighting incident has left me home-bound so I use all of the time writing and cartooning as well as transcribing. I had been the Publication's Officer for the USCG Aux. newsletter for my flotilla.  That's about it...except howdy to all!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 06 April 2019, 00:51:39

Tell us about your flotilla ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 06 April 2019, 06:35:07
Welcome indeed Neal :D

Don't forget to make the most of the social side here too! We've got the word games in the Dockside Cafe and, who knows, a summer session of Shipopoly (once I've put the whalers into it)  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 06 April 2019, 15:19:32
Welcome to Susan and Neal.
If you would like to be put on the OW people may then reply post here and you will be in it.


 OW People Map. (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk&ll=4.34399510054017%2C0&z=2)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 06 April 2019, 17:15:45
Hi Stuart,
Would you happen to know how I can change the picture of Kidlington into a real picture rather than a warning sign please?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 06 April 2019, 20:26:41
The icon is a house.  ::)
Never seen the warning sign before (maybe it's telling us something)  ;D
Is this one better?

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 06 April 2019, 20:32:27
When I click on Joan's "house" I get an image of "The Jolly Boatman" on the left.
If I click on that image, I get got a 502 error. Now I get an enlarged picture. ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 06 April 2019, 22:46:52
When I click on Joan's "house" I get an image of "The Jolly Boatman" on the left.
If I click on that image, I get got a 502 error. Now I get an enlarged picture. ::)

I just put that pic up.
No idea where the Warning sign came from before.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hurlock on 07 April 2019, 01:30:33
I do not seem to be on the OW people map. 
I am based in Selby, North Yorkshire.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 07 April 2019, 08:55:52
When I click on Joan's "house" I get an image of "The Jolly Boatman" on the left.
If I click on that image, I get got a 502 error. Now I get an enlarged picture. ::)

I just put that pic up.
No idea where the Warning sign came from before.
Thanks Stuart :D  The JB is in Thrupp - just above Kidlington. I've visited there for a Sunday lunch after a long walk across  the fields many times. From there it's only about 1.5 miles back to home. Thrupp is a very pretty little village. Mostly tiny old workers' cottages from the old days of having an active canal basin. :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 07 April 2019, 16:24:36
Hurlock, your done.

I have only started adding pics since Joan mentioned it.
Anybody else want me to google a pic of their town?

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 07 April 2019, 19:55:28

I'll get you a town pic asap. I went to the map & clicked on 'me' and it showed an address. Right town but off by a few streets. Should that show or is that just my computer trying a location?
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 07 April 2019, 20:51:17
I can see an address too :o
Dean's seems to be the only one with a problem.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 07 April 2019, 21:32:36
I can see an address too :o
Dean's seems to be the only one with a problem.

I will move the pins to some ground without an address.
I just dropped the pins anywhere in the town not wanting to give away the real address.

All sorted. No street locations given.
I like the way others have added pictures.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 07 April 2019, 21:43:31
There are pictures for me, but I didn't add them.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 08 April 2019, 00:30:27
There are pictures for me, but I didn't add them.

I thought you might like that nice pic.   ;)

Feel free to change if you like.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 08 April 2019, 11:03:57
That's fine! ;D

But how do people add/change their picture?
(Much Most of my computer/internet knowledge these days comes from OW :-[)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: SPHolmes on 08 April 2019, 11:09:33
My address is Berkhamsted, Herts, UK you can put me as located at Berkhamsted castle - where I am looking after the cottage garden

Welcome to Susan and Neal.
If you would like to be put on the OW people may then reply post here and you will be in it.


 OW People Map. (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk&ll=4.34399510054017%2C0&z=2)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 08 April 2019, 11:59:22
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 08 April 2019, 12:36:58
My address is in Leipzig, Germany, here's a very nice picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/poly-image/14520986857
(Not anywhere close to where I live, but I wish it was!)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 08 April 2019, 16:14:54
A very nice picture indeed.
(and quite unlike where I live ;))
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 08 April 2019, 16:25:55
My address is in Leipzig, Germany, here's a very nice picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/poly-image/14520986857
(Not anywhere close to where I live, but I wish it was!)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 09 April 2019, 10:46:50
Hello Neal, welcome to Old Weather; good to have you with us.  I don't have anything as grand as a doctorate, but am an Anglican nun and priest, so have done some studying in the same area. 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 09 April 2019, 16:43:12
My address is Berkhamsted, Herts, UK you can put me as located at Berkhamsted castle - where I am looking after the cottage garden

Welcome to Susan and Neal.
If you would like to be put on the OW people may then reply post here and you will be in it.


 OW People Map. (https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk&ll=4.34399510054017%2C0&z=2)

Hi Susan.
Your on the map. %^)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 09 April 2019, 16:55:07

I would like to introduce myself...I am Neal. I reside in Maryland on the Eastern Shore area with my wife, dog and several cats. My daughter lives next door. I am a writer and professional poet. I hold a Doctorate in Biblical Studies.  I happened upon OW through Zooniverse where I transcribe several topics. Injured in a volunteer firefighting incident has left me home-bound so I use all of the time writing and cartooning as well as transcribing. I had been the Publication's Officer for the USCG Aux. newsletter for my flotilla.  That's about it...except howdy to all!

Hi Neal.
Googled Maryland and got dropped in the middle of Gambrills, Crownsville, Crofton and Ardon on the Severn.
Am I in the right area?
If you want a pin can you give me town.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 10 April 2019, 08:02:08
The local TV Station paid our Carrousel a visit today.

This is one of the places I volunteer my time.



Blessings,  Dean

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 10 April 2019, 16:28:21
Nice one.
Thanks Dean.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 10 April 2019, 16:38:37
Interesting video, Dean. I liked the parts about the recognizable white horse and the hidden signatures of the carvers.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 10 April 2019, 19:44:36
Ditto ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 11 April 2019, 12:33:39
That was a super video Dean. Thank you!  I was in seventh heaven. I adored the Merry-Go-Round as a kid - and adult. And a mini steam train ride - cool :D
I agree with hanibal - the Christmas Eve Ostrich was a great find :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 11 April 2019, 19:27:55
That was a super video Dean. Thank you!  I was in seventh heaven. I adored the Merry-Go-Round as a kid - and adult. And a mini steam train ride - cool :D
I agree with hanibal - the Christmas Eve Ostrich was a great find :D

And I learned yours are different in England. Yours go clockwise & ours go anti clockwise! ;-)

That one was built in the factory right there in 1906. It's a National Historical Monument & we do our best to keep it running. The whole place is lots of fun.  I'll share the web site when they get it back up & running. It's under construction right now.  ;-)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 12 April 2019, 08:16:18
And I learned yours are different in England. Yours go clockwise & ours go anti clockwise! ;-)

By Golly - you are right!  :D I'm sure I only recall clockwise -or am I just getting old?  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 12 April 2019, 12:31:34
Here is another bit of history ;)

Pittsburgh Photographic Library (https://www.historicpittsburgh.org/collection/pittsburgh-photographic-library-collection)

These are from the collection of negatives that I have been helping to scan. I am pretty sure that I recognize a few of them! ;)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 12 April 2019, 13:50:36
Here is another bit of history ;)

Pittsburgh Photographic Library (https://www.historicpittsburgh.org/collection/pittsburgh-photographic-library-collection)

These are from the collection of negatives that I have been helping to scan. I am pretty sure that I recognize a few of them! ;)

I got lost in there for a while. Fabulous photos, just wonderful snippets of life. Thank you! :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Shesswin on 28 May 2019, 18:50:28
Greetings!  I'm Sharon Winter and I live in beautiful Eagle River, AK!  I'm a retired speech-language pathologist.  I am owner/operator of Golden Paws Kennel which is a senior dog boarding facility.  I am married to Dan and we just celebrated our 30th anniversary.  We love to explore AK...be it hiking, camping, snow shoeing, skiing, and gardening.  We have an 8 yr old Yorkie mix who accompanies us on all of our adventures.  I am a volunteer with Hospice but was looking for something else to do in my spare time.  I came across this transcribing opportunity and thought I'd give it a try.  Nice to meet you all.  A special shout out to Randi who spent time with me on the computer to get me up and running.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 28 May 2019, 19:06:26
Welcome, Sharon. It's so good to hear from you. I lived in Whitehorse for over 20 years, so I know all about Eagle River, kennels, mushers, the Quest and the Iditarod. I'm somewhat related by marriage to Frank Turner of Muktuk Kennels.

I'm sure you know Tom Schonberger, and maybe you have some of his retired dogs.  ;)

Anyway, we decided to trade the fabulous north for the comforts of Vancouver Island.  ::)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 28 May 2019, 20:12:18
(Thank you! :-[ )
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hurlock on 29 May 2019, 00:06:53
Greetings from Yorkshire, Sharon/Shesswin.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 29 May 2019, 03:12:23
Hi Sharon.
Google seems to have found two Eagle River AK.
Please look at this map and advise which is correct.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk&usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk&usp=sharing)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 29 May 2019, 07:45:44
Hi Sharon!

Welcome to our little wet corner of the World. Visit often!  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 29 May 2019, 08:12:38
Welcome Sharon!  :D :D :D  Have a great time chasing ice and weather with us.    :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: adflora on 07 June 2019, 16:24:45
Hello all! I am Anita and I live in Boise, Idaho, US. I discovered the Old Weather volunteer project on a television news program. Since I rarely watch TV, it's a miracle that I found you that way. As a book club member, I've read several adventure stories involving ships at sea in perilous conditions (i.e. Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing) that I might not have chosen on my own but I found fascinating and horrific at the same time.

I'm a retired nurse but have had other various career zigs and zags throughout the years. Now I'm spending time dancing Argentine tango, playing outdoors, and tending to various projects.

I'm happy to be a part of this weather research project and am enjoying learning more about life at sea on my ship, Bear.

Thanks to Randi for her unending patience and encouragement while training me!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 07 June 2019, 16:37:05
Welcome Anita!
I think you will like it here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 07 June 2019, 17:09:04
Thanks to you - and Sharon - for your unending patience!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 07 June 2019, 17:43:13
You'll find we've got all sorts of interests among us and once in a while they will illuminate a log entry which otherwise would pass us by. We've all struggled with the strange terms, the handwriting, the changes of name found in various landmarks and the inaccurate rendering of ship names. But the forum is very helpful.

Enjoy your voyage with us.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 07 June 2019, 19:19:55
Welcome to our little wet corner of the world, Anita. Visit often!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hurlock on 08 June 2019, 02:07:13
Welcome Anita.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 08 June 2019, 05:11:50
Welcome Anita! Hope you like it here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 08 June 2019, 07:45:54
Welcome Anita. I hope you really enjoy OWA. The Bear is great ship to be working on. Do make the most of popping into the forum for some fun too!  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 08 June 2019, 09:39:25
And welcome from me, to, Anita. Boise is such a great place to live.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 25 July 2019, 13:14:09
Hi, my name is April and I'm originally from Rhode Island but I currently live in Virginia. I've done journal transcribing for a museum before so I figured I could help out here and the idea of working with ship logs and weather data is interesting to me. When I'm not working on this project I'm looking for work or remodeling my parent's home.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 25 July 2019, 13:25:31
Welcome aboard, April. I'm glad to have you as part of the crew!  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 25 July 2019, 14:29:00
I'm sure you'll find us a friendly crew and someone ready to help to decode some of the cryptic writings in the logs. You'll discover things you never suspected could be relevant and the only drawback is that it can get addictive - I'll just do another couple of pages to find out what happened to ...

Welcome aboard
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 25 July 2019, 14:45:37
It's been great so far. I'm already on my second logbook section. My last big project was one woman's journals she had kept every day of her life from 16 into her 80s (she was born in 1906) and that was quite a challenge but also ended up being much more fascinating than I originally anticipated. I really enjoy this sort of work, even the "decoding old handwriting" part of it.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 25 July 2019, 15:27:34
 :) :) :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 25 July 2019, 15:34:35
Pleased to meet you, April.
You've come to the right place for 'challenging' handwriting.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 25 July 2019, 15:36:52
It's been great so far. I'm already on my second logbook section. My last big project was one woman's journals she had kept every day of her life from 16 into her 80s (she was born in 1906) and that was quite a challenge but also ended up being much more fascinating than I originally anticipated. I really enjoy this sort of work, even the "decoding old handwriting" part of it.

Welcome April!  :D :D :D
That journal covering age 16 to 80+ and starting around 1922 must have been gripping. When I think about how much life changed during those years, just keeping up with the times would make a good read :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 25 July 2019, 16:24:32
Thanks for posting!
Have fun here ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 25 July 2019, 17:34:33
Welcome to the crew, April! Hope you have fun here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 26 July 2019, 07:03:08
Welcome, April - hope you find the logs as fascinating as the journal you've already done, and end up happily addicted!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 26 July 2019, 19:18:53
Welcome April!  You'll find a section of this forum dedicated to 'addictions' when you get that far! It's fun and informative here! 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: BaroquePearl on 25 August 2019, 05:36:46
Greetings from Kentucky the land of caves, old growth forest in the Appalachia Highlands and serious basketball fans.  My name is Terry and having just finished my first log book section I am taking shore leave to explore the forum. I grew up spending weekends and summers onboard ships that my father owned/captained. I've had the unique opportunity to live and work overseas and was able to do some sailing during those years, but am an amateur at best where canvas and rigging are concerned.

I am an antiquarian book (and quilt) collector, rabid reader and enjoy studying history. I am also a competition quilter, a great way to combine mathematics and art.  I work in emergency management and spend a fair amount of time studying, monitoring and tracking weather as it is our most common community level emergency culprit.

The Old Weather project is a way to combine what I do with what I enjoy and hopefully help the scientists at the forefront of our climate issues. I look forward to spending time here with all of you.     
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 25 August 2019, 06:04:34
Thanks for posting Terry!  One of my best friends is a manic quilter. I'm not sure that I ever had a tidy enough hand to do it  ::) ;)  Perhaps you ought to take a sneak peak at the Fleetwing whaling log. The first page we work on is noted in this topic:
The log is kept by the Captain's daughter so you get whaling and embroidery. ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 25 August 2019, 07:00:35
Good to meet you Terry - you seem to have an interesting life.  I'm working on Fleetwing from the whaling fleet at the moment, and can confirm the wonderful mix of whaling and sewing it contains (more whaling to be fair, but a good bit of other info, including sewing, lessons, and visits from the captains of other ships).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 25 August 2019, 08:38:42
Welcome to the OW family, Terry!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 25 August 2019, 10:55:12
Yes, welcome indeed!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 25 August 2019, 13:00:54
Welcome aboard, Terry! Hope you enjoy it here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 27 August 2019, 12:04:55
Welcome aboard! You will find that we are a relatively friendly Bunch and have a good time here. Visit often, look around, and feel very free to ask questions! ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: stevo on 16 December 2019, 00:13:23
Hello from Down Under,

I stumbled across this site from the Reuter's article  (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-ice-shiplogs-specialre/special-report-icebound-the-climate-change-secrets-of-19th-century-ships-logbooks-idUSKBN1YF1Q7), and it all seems super interesting to me. My credentials are a dog-eared collection of Hornblower books ;)

I'm starting out on the China Station (Helena 1931). My father was a Commander in the Royal Australian Navy and would have plied the same waters (many many years later) and it sounds like fun to retrace some of the same routes.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 16 December 2019, 00:19:18
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 16 December 2019, 02:55:03
Hi Stevo.
Good to see another Antipodean here.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: BaroquePearl on 16 December 2019, 03:19:08
G'day Stevo! Welcome aboard Old Weather, happy to have you join us.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 16 December 2019, 08:42:03
Welcome indeed. I hope the smoke isn't too bad in your part of the world. My daughter lives near Gosford, NSW, and the air doesn't seem to be at its best right now.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 16 December 2019, 11:27:13
Welcome to the fleet, Steve! Hope you enjoy it here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 16 December 2019, 14:37:34
Welcome, Steve!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 16 December 2019, 15:49:36
Welcome to OW Steve - enjoy China - brilliant that you have a family connection :D
The Antipodeans are on the rise  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: derby1884 on 21 December 2019, 16:05:40
Hi everyone,

I'm Fred, I'm based in Bedfordshire in the UK. I work in higher education as a university lecturer - I teach law but please don't hold that against me  ;D

I'm actually looking at moving into archiving and information management and came across this project on the excellent ARCHIVES-NRA mailing list, which I'd recommend to anyone looking for these kinds of opportunities.

I've never sailed anything bigger than a dinghy but I have a deep love of naval literature - I'm actually rereading the Aubrey-Maturin novels at the minute for what must be about the 15th time...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 21 December 2019, 18:59:10
Welcome, Fred! I hope you enjoy your new career with OW. HR has been very slow in dealing with the paperwork. Some of us are owed years of back pay, so don't expect a cheque in your mailbox anytime soon.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 21 December 2019, 20:56:10
Welcome Fred!!  You'll be able to indulge in a lot of first-hand sailing text here, volumes and volumes of it.  ;D

I agree with Michael about the pay, but we hoped to get new uniforms a couple of years back...not quite sure what happened there  :-\ :-[ ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 22 December 2019, 00:09:41
One advantage of OW is a supportive management although the 100% pay rise we negotiated a couple of years ago didn't seem to affect the take home pay that much. It's a committed workforce though. I'm sure you'll find it a happy workplace.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 22 December 2019, 09:27:28
Welcome, Fred!

I suspect some of our friends and families think that we should be committed ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 22 December 2019, 10:15:56
Welcome, Fred!  As a lapsed librarian, this project is a good match for a lot of the skills needed in that kind of job, so I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.  I hope you'll soon feel at home.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: awizardofearthsea on 07 January 2020, 14:34:29
Hello everybody!

My name is Liam and I spend most of my time working as an outdoor educator onboard tall ships. Naturally I have an interest in maritime history given my work. I also have a bachelor's in ecology and am a bit of a citizen scientist, mostly helping out with data collection for an environmental advocacy group and also some  state conservation projects. This seemed like a fun thing to do while I was onland for the winter.  I am from Naples. NY originally, though I am sort of iitinerant now and end up wherever the wind blows me (sometimes literally).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 07 January 2020, 14:55:50
Gosh Liam - sounds like you might be able to teach us a thing or two  ;)  We're thrilled to be a fun thing for winter!  I'm hoping there will be a nice looooong cold bit this year  ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 07 January 2020, 14:58:11
Welcome Fred and Liam!

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hurlock on 07 January 2020, 17:20:19
Welcome Liam.  I read that book about 40yrs ago - still remember parts of it.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 07 January 2020, 18:09:45
Welcome aboard to you both.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 07 January 2020, 19:35:08
Welcome Liam!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 08 January 2020, 12:43:49
Fred & Liam:

 Welcome to our little wet corner of the World. Visit often!!  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 09 January 2020, 14:57:10
Welcome Fred and Liam! It's always nice to have new people here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: windlass on 25 January 2020, 10:55:30
Hello everyone,

I'm Betty from North Carolina and I'm a librarian.  I stumbled across this/these projects (I haven't read everything yet) a few years ago and am just now able to think about trying my hand. I'm going to need a lot of advice, but I'm game.

I returned to the classroom in my 30's and was lucky enough to have a prominent historian teaching the history class and assign Jack Tar In The Streets (Jesse Lemisch; July 1968) from William and Mary Quarterly.  I was sooo hooked.  I soon turned to whaling as my area of interest.  What would cause anyone with a shred of sense to climb aboard an 18th or 19th century ship for years at a time?  Fascinating.  I've read everything I can get my hands on about whaling.  Good thing I work at a library, right?

Thank you for including me in your number.  I'm honestly honored and applaud the founder(s) of Old Weather.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 25 January 2020, 11:06:48
Welcome, Betty!  I'm a very ex librarian and I'm sure you'll enjoy this project.  We're a helpful lot, and advice is always available.  Although it sounds as though you may be able to offer some whaling information too, from all you reading.  I'm on one of the whalers at the moment, as well as editing one of the final RN logs.  There is enough going on around here to keep you happily occupied for years. 
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 25 January 2020, 11:13:42
Welcome, Betty. I work on the US Coast Guard ships - not brave enough for the whalers!  ;D I hope you enjoy your time here as we do.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 25 January 2020, 12:18:02
Welcome! Thank you for introducing yourself!

P.S. You might like, or be horrified by, our word games in the Dockside Cafe (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=10.0) ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 25 January 2020, 13:39:03
Betty - welcome!! Thanks for your introduction :D  Joan here - I'm whaler-addicted in a major way.

Any time you'd like to drop in any of the knowledge that you have acquired about whaling - please go right ahead. The history of those times is fascinating. It's not that any of us enjoy the catching of whales, but it is an intriguing world. :D  Feel welcome to peel through the whaler shipyard http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=64.0 to find a ship to work on. The Beluga, Belvedere '222', and Belvedere '545' are all waiting for transcription if you fancy settling in for a very long haul stuck in the Arctic. There are other ships waiting too. :)

I just purchased 'Chasing the Bowhead' by H H Bodfish. It has a handwritten dedication from him to the archaeologist Barbara Loomis in it (the personal section has been expunged). I'm having trouble putting it down to get any work done ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 26 January 2020, 00:02:33
Welcome Betty!

My name is April and I'm in Virginia. While I'm currently unemployed, I previously worked in museums and archives. If you ever want to share book recommendations, please do. I'm trying to get my library to order a copy of "Forty Years Master: A Life in Sail and Steam." You'll find the whaling addiction is pretty universal around here.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: PeterA on 02 February 2020, 08:26:31
Hi Everyone,

I'm Peter from New Jersey. I came across this project while reading a Reuters article regarding the project and how log books can help inform climatology studies and other environmental science projects (link at the bottom). I work as a Data Science Manager for a Consumer Products company, mainly helping build and deploying internal services for analyzing demographic, logistical and sales data, allowing the organization to better understand the ?who? and ?where? of a product?s core market.

I've had a keen interest in Arctic Exploration for a long time now, and from there, more recently, I came to be interested in the history of whaling as well. Last year I got to tour the Fram ship in Oslo. Most certainly one of the coolest experiences of my life!

As an interesting side note, I happen to be related to Charles D. Brower. Though this wasn?t what stemmed my interest in these subjects, it was certainly an interesting thing to discover. My Mother has an old copy of his book that he gave to the family when it was published. I've since purchased my own to 1) keep that one in good condition and 2) help support the University of Alaska press.

I'm so glad to have found this project. I'm a voracious reader and am excited to contribute.

Thanks again for having me in the project!


Reuters Article
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 02 February 2020, 08:46:48
Welcome aboard, Peter. I'm Michael, and I live in Victoria. You probably saw my picture.  ;D

I hope you find this project as interesting as did the rest of us.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 02 February 2020, 09:40:51
And I'm Helen Julian from Darlington in the north east of England - you probably saw my (windblown) picture too.  It was a great article, and good to know it's doing its work.  Welcome aboard; I'm sure you'll soon be cheerfully addicted!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 02 February 2020, 13:27:34
And I'm Joan - the one who used the weather and using crutches as an excuse to be naughty and stay in the warm - oops!  ::) :D

Welcome, welcome Peter! I still can't get over the coincidence that you're working on Belvedere who is about to get iced into Sea Horse Islands with regular trips up to Brower at Barrow.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 02 February 2020, 13:49:09
From the logs of Northland, November 30, 1929 (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_182.jpg)

Shipped three boxes Eskimo specimens to Mr. C.G. Abbott at San Diego, Calif by American Railway Express.  These boxes were received on board at Point Barrow from Mr. Charles Brower.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hurlock on 02 February 2020, 14:06:01
C.G.Abbott could be Charles Greeley Abbott, Secretary of the Smithsonian (and inventor of the Solar Cooker).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 02 February 2020, 15:01:49
Welcome to the loony bin aboard, Peter!

While trying to avoid housework, I searched the forum for Brower. Some are clearly relevant; others maybe not...

Other Brower mentions before and after this post including Arnold Brower Jr.
The Browers go back to the old whaling days in Utqigvik, as you probably know. There's a book by Charlie Brower - 50 years below zero: https://archive.org/details/fiftyyearsbelowz006297mbp

An agreement between Mr. Brower, manager of whaling station at Point Barrow, and the natives he agreed to employ.  I mention it here because I didn't transcribe it.


Hi Kevin - two good posts. That noise of the ice is so frightening. You rarely hear comments about it in the log books which amazes me. I went to a talk  by Henry Brower, a current-day Inuit whaling captain. He mentioned that some visitors make the mistake of wearing good hard-bottomed boots when coming to see how a modern whaling hunt works. Once the whales hear those heavy footsteps they scram. The Inuit wear soft skin boots that make very little noise, if any.

Name  (+link)          Lat            Long            Notes
Brower's StationSee Barrow

Unalga(I) crew list and events on December 1921:

E. BrowerSeaman 2c12 Dec 1921 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Unalga//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/UNALGA//b2574/b2574_209_1.jpg)Honorably discharged at Seattle
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: jgnfld on 27 March 2020, 21:26:18
Have been aware of and have looked at this site for some time. Have contributed computer time for years to climateprediction.net, SETI and other BOINC projects. Now is looking like a good time to donate my personal time as well as mere machine time.

Personal: Retired prof. Widowed. Live in St. John's, Newfoundland. Have an 8.2 meter/27' CS Yachts sailboat (deep keel version) that I sail usually coast-wise here on the east end of the island. My marina is located in Holyrood, Conception Bay. Haven't taken it out of sight of land much mostly as the interest here is in the bays and along the coasts in any case. Plus it IS the North Atlantic(!) and I singlehand a lot...perhaps too much. Like photography and post often on pentaxforums.com under same handle plus have a number of public access albums there.

Very interested in seals, whales, sea birds and other marine life which abounds here in Jun-Aug plus maritime history (which is impossible to escape here anyway!).

Hoping to get started work in a day or two when I get sorted out. Attaching links to a pic of me in boat and 2 whale pics.

http://www.nfgarland.ca/OW_me.jpg (http://www.nfgarland.ca/OW_me.jpg)
http://www.nfgarland.ca/OW_whale.jpg (http://www.nfgarland.ca/OW_whale.jpg)
http://www.nfgarland.ca/OW_tail.jpg (http://www.nfgarland.ca/OW_tail.jpg)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 27 March 2020, 21:53:07
Welcome aboard, jgnfld!

Dean is about our only other sailor, I'll send him a PM (Personal Message) to make sure he sees this.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 28 March 2020, 08:52:34
Welcome, and hello from the big island on the west coast! I worked for three years as a meteorologist with Environment Canada in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. While there, I managed to spend some time on The Rock, and I have fond memories of that trip. You get to see a lot more ice there than we do here!  ;D ;D ;D We did see a couple of icebergs near Fogo Island.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bob on 28 March 2020, 12:22:35
Welcome, jgnfld!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: jgnfld on 28 March 2020, 13:38:56
Welcome, and hello from the big island on the west coast! I worked for three years as a meteorologist with Environment Canada in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. While there, I managed to spend some time on The Rock, and I have fond memories of that trip. You get to see a lot more ice there than we do here!  ;D ;D ;D We did see a couple of icebergs near Fogo Island.

I thought they made everyone work at Gander for a while early in their careers as some sort of baptism/catechism of horrible things to try to forecast?!

Icebergs are getting a bit rarer over this far east of Fogo and more southerly to boot the last 4 decades since I moved here. But if the northeasterlies stay long enough, bergs always come and sometimes even the pack still will come down all the way here.  This is the edge of the pack--with ubiquitous seal basking on a floe--off Bay Roberts a couple of Junes ago (2017) last time lots of pack ice blew in.

This one was a very large berg off of Bacon Cove a bit south of Brigus, NL. Pic is taken from shore but the water is about 100 fathoms deep at the base of the underwater cliff in this area. Spire on left and cliff face on right go up about 30+ meters.


Lastly, if you're interested in the weather(!!!), someone took this picture during the recent Snowmaggedon storm here with 170kph gusts. The old barracks on the hill to the left are about 100 meters up to give a size reference. To anyone who has sailed in this area it is a truly and utterly terrifying sight as this is the single time I have EVER seen the conditions such that entering St. John's harbor would be suicidal.



Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 28 March 2020, 14:08:12
Those pictures are scarily impressive.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 28 March 2020, 14:51:00
I thought they made everyone work at Gander for a while early in their careers as some sort of baptism/catechism of horrible things to try to forecast?!

I started in Chatham, New Brunswick. Now called Miramichi City. The really good students got to go to places like Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver. The rest of us went to places like Shearwater, Goose Bay, Greenwood, Chatham, Bagotville, Portage, Cold Lake etc.

I was like a curse: I went to Chatham and left for Baden-Soellingen in Germany. Chatham closed.
I left Baden-Soellingen and went to North Bay. Baden-Soellingen closed.
North Bay closed and I went to Edmonton.
I left Edmonton and went to Comox.
I left Comox and went to Whitehorse. Whitehorse closed and I got early retirement. Comox closed.

While I was in Chatham I did a couple of months in Shearwater. It closed, as did all those other places that I listed at the top where the rest of us went are all gone, too.  ::)

Those of us who worked in the really small military offices were looked down upon by the people in the bigger centres but, we were much better meteorologists than they were because we were very closely connected to our customers. There's nothing like facing a bunch of angry pilots when your forecast goes bust to make you try harder. The ones in the bigger offices just had to contend with monthly verification stats.  ::)

Eventually we all ended up in the bigger centres until the latter half of the 1990s, and then most of us were either laid off, given early retirement or quit out of frustration. The only place where I worked that is still open is Edmonton, but its role has changed drastically since I was there.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 28 March 2020, 15:23:16
Welcome to Old Weather, jgnfld.
Love the photos, especially the big iceberg.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 28 March 2020, 15:57:30
Welcome jgnfld  :D

Gosh - that's an impressive introduction for sure. And wonderful pictures. Snowmageddon looked truly horrid! 

I hope that you enjoy being here with us - do join in with the social side too :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 28 March 2020, 16:41:14
Welcome to OldWeather, jgnfld!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Helen J on 29 March 2020, 06:05:10
Adding my welcome too; it sounds as though you have a lot of very useful experience.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: briang on 09 April 2020, 08:38:39
Good morning!

Found the site looking through NOAA's volunteer opportunities.  I am a SKYWARN spotter and the weather in Rhode Island is fairly tame so looked for another volunteer project to take on.

Personal info: United States Navy Hospital Corspman 2006-2013 and 2018-present.  Have always had a keen interest in both the Arctic and Antarctic.  When I was deployed to Guantanamo Bay I found a book called Shackleton's Way.  Initially I thought it would be funny to read about a polar region while in a place a tropical as Cuba.  Turns out it was a book that really helped me develop personally and professionally.  The next book I read was The Ice Diaries, which is about the creation and achievements of USS Nautilus (SSN-570), the US Navy's first nuclear submarine and its successful transit through the Northwest Passage.  Soon after that I was assigned to USS Makin Island (LHD-8) as part of the Commissioning Crew.  Got to sail through the Straits of Magellan and come very close to the Antarctic.  Was an amazing experience!  More recently (last 8 years or so) have really enjoyed learning about Arctic Exploration and the Franklin Tragedy.  Living in Westerly, RI, I have been very fortunate to live nearby Mystic Seaport.  They have had the travelling Terror/Erebus exhibit as well as numerous other significant maritime exhibits such as the sea clocks that helped to solve the problem of longitude (Dava Sorbel's Longitude is an excellent read and all the better when you see the clocks in person).  Also, I worked at the submarine base in Groton, CT for a long time so I've toured USS Nautilus multiple times.  It's free and very informative.  There is really nothing like touching history and having that tactile connection...  A good amount of stairs and some tight spaces so if mobility is an issue for you this might not be a good time.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 09 April 2020, 08:53:47
Good morning Briang!  And a warm welcome :D

That's an impressive nautical background along with the books you've covered.  There  was great excitement when the prospect that the log books from the Franklin Expedition might be retrieved.  We were all up for those - if they find them  ;) :D   We do have some impressive ships on the go here too...even if not quite so well known. I hope you enjoy working with their logs :D

Best wishes,
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 09 April 2020, 09:01:30
Welcome aboard. Your background may (or may not) come in useful. I'm currently editing a log from 1845 and blinked as the 'Carpenters employed refitting bumpkin' came into view. Bumpkins in my experience equalled country yokels. However, it appears to be the name for a type of spar fitted to sailing ships. Don't think there's much call for bumpkins on nuclear subs!!

However, we look forward to getting to know you and hearing more about your experiences.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 09 April 2020, 09:10:55
Good morning from the other side of the continent, BrianG! I hope you find this as interesting and rewarding as the rest of us. I don't know if you saw this article about our project, but it's worth reding:


And, if you like northern adventures, some of our ships were involved in this:


It's a good read, and it has some amazing pen and ink sketches of our ships and some of the country around northern Greenland and Ellesmere Island.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 09 April 2020, 09:33:08
Welcome, briang. It's great to have someone with experience on navy ships!
We are mostly civilian landlubbers.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: briang on 09 April 2020, 10:27:32
bumpkins in my experience equalled country yokels. However, it appears to be the name for a type of spar fitted to sailing ships.

LOL, no experience with bumpkin spars! Plenty of experience with yokels!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: briang on 09 April 2020, 10:34:12

And, if you like northern adventures, some of our ships were involved in this:


It's a good read, and it has some amazing pen and ink sketches of our ships and some of the country around northern Greenland and Ellesmere Island.

I am familiar with the Greely expedition, and the cannibalism...  Much more thourough account than I had read in the past!  The sketches are outstanding!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 09 April 2020, 10:48:26
Good morning, briang, from a former Rhode Islander (I grew up in Coventry)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: briang on 09 April 2020, 11:02:33
Coventry is beautiful. Fantastic bike bath that runs through from Providence to West Greenwich, part of the East Coast Greenway.  I work in Providence and occasionally will ride it on my way home in Westerly when I am motivated.  Good 3 hours, 45 miles.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 09 April 2020, 11:12:20
I haven't been back to RI in years but if the Coventry section of that path is the Coventry Greenway I remember when it first became a thing in the 90s. I actually think I still have a commemorative pin from the opening somewhere!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 09 April 2020, 13:24:38
Welcome aboard, Brian! It's always great to have new people  :)

Do take some time to explore the forum - it has lots of weird and wonderful things!  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 09 April 2020, 16:43:21
Hi Brian.
Welcome to OW. I am Stuart (Made and hatched in English but now resident of Australia)
I run an OW map on Google maps. If you like I can put your town on it.
See here  OW people maps. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk&usp=sharing)

There are a number of macros built into the spreadsheet (Alt H) and a shortcut addition as well.
Whilst this instructions may look like a lot to learn they are well worth the 1 days practice to get the hang of it.
If in doubt ASK in the chat room and soon you will get the idea where to correctly ask that specific question.


These tips may help you make data entry easy.
They apply for one block of weather data with location block below and events page to the right.  This is one of the two common layout formats. Most of this will work with split blocks as well.
Please download and install Shortcuts_v2.9.cfg to make things easier. If you need help installing it PM Michael and he will help (he is on Vancouver island)

Initial setup.
Open spreadsheet.
On setup tab enter locations (that you have set up) for the images and data to go.
Change Pressure data autofil to YES.
Go to URL tab and note the INDEX number for your the year you are doing.
Return to Log page.
Enter that index number in cell A1.
Click Bulk download. Accept default entries. (Your images should now be downloading in the background.)
After a minute of so enter the first page number in cell A2 and enter. You probably will see the log book cover, first page and officers as you enter the next 2 numbers in cell A2
The 4th entry should get you the first data page. Now follow the sequence below. (assuming no blank data entries which you have to work around)

Data can only be recorded in the coloured boxes

You should now be at the date square for the day.
Enter correct full date year/month/day format.
Only day and month should need changing for the rest of the year.

To enter weather data.
From the date cell click Alt + Home. To first data entry location.
Enter data, then Alt + 1 and work down column. Alt + 1 twice will repeat the previous entry.
Pressure entries if directly below the first entry only need the last 2 digits. ex 3010 then 3015 the second only needs 15 entered.
After last entry use Alt + Up arrow to go to top of next column.
When you have to enter a - sign enter it and then hit return then alt 1 to copy down.
Repeat for the rest of the data. (use Enter to skip past any odd blank entries)

After entering the last weather entry use Alt + K to go to location block. Use either or combination of these for locations.
If in port
Use Alt + E, n, tab s, tab L,tab and type in location (then copy to clipboard for later use),tab and enter.
To enter the same location later use Ctrl V to paste.
If at sea
Alt L, time, tab, If on no Obs or DR entered use n. tab, Then position data.
Alt U to save and off you go again.

To enter data from the events page click in the blue square and then Alt E.
Enter time, type and subtype then the info.
Ex 8am Tab, s (for Sailing info) Tab, c (for Change course) Tab then the info in the box. Tab and Enter to close box.

When sending up data files, you have to add files by dragging from your file location to the, upload and then submit to get them up. I suggest then that you move those files to another directory lest you forget which have been done.
You will also find those files in your Google drive. Delete those ones as you see fit.

If I have missed any steps they should be self evident else PM me or Michael.

You will find some ships entertaining and some boring BUT the Weather data you enter is very important.
Thanks for your help

Regards and good luck.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: propriome on 09 April 2020, 17:10:25
Welcome aboard Brian!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 09 April 2020, 17:14:02
Sorry Guys.
I meant to send Brian the help stuff by PM   :-[
(Figures ahead of brain day today. )
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 09 April 2020, 18:19:07
Sorry Guys.
I meant to send Brian the help stuff by PM   :-[
(Figures ahead of brain day today. )

I found it jolly useful Stuart - I'll keep a note of this post for when the Whalers run out sometime in about the year 2040 (I wish!! )  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bob on 09 April 2020, 23:45:36
Welcome, briang!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 10 April 2020, 02:57:15
Welcome to Old Weather, Brian.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 11 April 2020, 14:12:43
Sorry Guys.
I meant to send Brian the help stuff by PM   :-[
(Figures ahead of brain day today. )
also shall find that note massively useful. I have redone M23 and am working on a redo of M24. then M25 and I'll be looking to join you folks on the 'new' stuff!

Happy Easter everybody and stay safe!!

BrianG - Welcome to our little wet corner of the World. Visit often! ;-)

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: briang on 17 April 2020, 11:14:01
Thanks all for the welcome! Stuart, I live in Westerly, RI, and would like to be on your map. Also thanks for the tips.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 17 April 2020, 14:35:12
Hi Brian.
Your on the map.
Feel free to change the random picture I chose if you want to.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: rahuot on 22 April 2020, 04:25:08
Hi everyone, it's Becky here, new to the OW community.  I found this site through the NOAA website, while looking for some citizen science projects.  I'm currently living in Switzerland, coming by way of Singapore for a few years, from Connecticut, USA.  During the day I work for an international logistics company in the commercial container shipping sector.  I love the sea, especially scuba diving, and my interest in history made me think this community would be a good fit.  Nice to meet you all by reading through your posts, everyone stay well during C19!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: studentforever on 22 April 2020, 06:01:47
Good to see you Becky even from landlocked Switzerland. I'm sure your global peregrinations will come in useful when it comes to locating some of the weirder locations found in our logbooks. You'll find a lot of resources on the forum and help and encouragement from the old timers.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 22 April 2020, 09:25:18
Welcome, Becky!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 22 April 2020, 09:41:05
Welcome to the OW family, Becky!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 22 April 2020, 09:43:22
Good morning, Becky. With the job you have, I'm sure you're well acquainted with time zones and how it is you send out a message and have to wait hours for a reply because your recipient has just gone to bed!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: briang on 22 April 2020, 10:45:59
Welcome Becky! I live right next to the CT state line (the Pawcatuck River is right across the street from me). About 15 minutes from Mystic. Hope you enjoy the project and I found the site through NOAA as well.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 22 April 2020, 15:26:47
Welcome Becky!  Good to have you on board! I hope you'll enjoy the whalers, probably a good way to feel less landlocked. Of course we can serve up plenty of snow and ice, bit short on Alpine fields though   ;) ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bob on 22 April 2020, 20:32:04
Welcome aboard, Becky!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 23 April 2020, 11:58:18
Welcome to the crew, Becky!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sleepyowl on 24 April 2020, 21:55:47
Hello everyone, I guess I should introduce myself, since Randi unexpectedly gave me a birthday cake on the forum yesterday!

I'm Micheline, I'm a meteorologist working in Singapore, and am currently a weather forecaster at one of our military airbases. I heard about OW through a Reuters article which someone posted on Facebook last year. I've been transcribing for a couple of months now, and am enjoying it. I'm glad to have found some work on climate change mitigation, I'd been searching for some volunteer work like that for some time. :)

~ Micheline

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 24 April 2020, 22:01:03

Thank you for posting!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bob on 25 April 2020, 00:11:17
Welcome, Micheline!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Hanibal94 on 25 April 2020, 04:35:06
Welcome to the crew, Micheline!

Randi's birthday cakes are one of our OW rituals - we have quite a few!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: propriome on 25 April 2020, 05:20:38
Welcome aboard Micheline!  :) :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 25 April 2020, 06:26:57
Welcome, Becky and Micheline.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sleepyowl on 25 April 2020, 07:00:16
Thanks, all, for the welcomes. :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 25 April 2020, 09:49:04
Welcome, Micheline! It's great to have another meteorologist on the team! I was a meteorologist for 40 years, 12 of which I spent on military bases in Canada and Germany. I never did get to forecast for the tropics. That's a whole different ball of wax!

I hope you enjoy your work as much as I did. It's a wonderful job to have.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 25 April 2020, 18:18:02
Welcome Micheline!  It's good to have you on board!   

As hanibal says - plenty of birthday cake is available  ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sleepyowl on 26 April 2020, 01:46:36
Hi Michael,

I have to admit that till this day, I have some difficulty interpreting midlatitude charts. My training was in the UK, but you tend to forget all of it when you return home. We just don't use things like geopotential heights, etc here.

I'm sure that in Canada you would have your fair share of looking at polar meteorology as well. My supervisor in the UK was from Toronto and did his PhD on polar lows. Fortunately he knew quite a bit about convection because of that, which was what my project was about.

Yes I like my work, and the transcribing here, as well. ;)


Welcome, Micheline! It's great to have another meteorologist on the team! I was a meteorologist for 40 years, 12 of which I spent on military bases in Canada and Germany. I never did get to forecast for the tropics. That's a whole different ball of wax!

I hope you enjoy your work as much as I did. It's a wonderful job to have.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: sleepyowl on 26 April 2020, 01:48:56
Yes I enjoyed my virtual owl cake, it was delicious ... (ie feast for the eyes) ... ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kevin on 26 April 2020, 10:40:36
There's a paper waiting to write itself on the 20CRv3 depiction of North Pacific / Bering Sea cyclones & their interaction with the North American ridge (and sea ice). In case there are any meteorologists interested...
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 26 April 2020, 10:51:28
 ::) ::) ::)

Calculating voyages up and down the Inside Passage is bad enough. Writing a paper would be a whole other circle of hell.  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: MSW on 10 May 2020, 00:28:11
Hi all,

I'm an environmental geologist/groundwater scientist in Christchurch, New Zealand.  I've always been interested in Arctic and Antarctic exploration, glacial geology and history.  I'm originally from the northeastern US. Happy to help and really keen to learn more.

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 10 May 2020, 03:08:06
Glad to see you here, Maureen.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 10 May 2020, 04:49:43
There's a paper waiting to write itself on the 20CRv3 depiction of North Pacific / Bering Sea cyclones & their interaction with the North American ridge (and sea ice). In case there are any meteorologists interested...

Sorry Kevin, what did you say after 'There is a paper waiting to write itself on the ............?   :-[  ::)
Way over me downunder.  ;D  ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 10 May 2020, 08:53:38
Welcome, Maureen!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 10 May 2020, 10:01:39

Welcome Maureen! :D  Hope you get time to join in with the chat and games here too. ;)

There's a paper waiting to write itself on the 20CRv3 depiction of North Pacific / Bering Sea cyclones & their interaction with the North American ridge (and sea ice). In case there are any meteorologists interested...

Sorry Kevin, what did you say after 'There is a paper waiting to write itself on the ............?   :-[  ::)
Way over me downunder.  ;D  ;)

Looks like you've got an extra job already ;)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 10 May 2020, 11:58:44
Welcome, Maureen! I look forward to seeing your chats on the forum!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: arboggs on 11 May 2020, 10:55:11
Welcome, Maureen! I am also originally from the northeastern US. Hope you enjoy OldWeather.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 12 May 2020, 09:04:20
Welcome, Maureen, to our little wet corner of the world. Visit often!

I AM in the Northeastern US (western New York State near Niagara Falls to be exact.)  ;D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: lsfisher on 15 May 2020, 15:51:49
Hi all! My name is Suzanne and I am from Knoxville, Tennessee. I am an environmental scientist and work in River and Resource Management. I have worked on several dendrochronology projects to reconstruct chemical signatures from the past and am now working with a group on a project for historic droughts. I stumbled across the project on the NOAA website looking for precipitation data. I have worked on a few Zooniverse projects and iNaturalist projects.
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Michael on 15 May 2020, 16:02:23
Welcome, Suzanne! It's always wonderful to have another person join our merry crew of so-called eccentrics.  ;D

Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Kevin on 15 May 2020, 16:13:35
Hi all! My name is Suzanne and I am from Knoxville, Tennessee. I am an environmental scientist and work in River and Resource Management. I have worked on several dendrochronology projects to reconstruct chemical signatures from the past and am now working with a group on a project for historic droughts. I stumbled across the project on the NOAA website looking for precipitation data. I have worked on a few Zooniverse projects and iNaturalist projects.

Welcome Suzanne - I went to Farragut (1st grade and HS).
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Randi on 15 May 2020, 16:16:40
Welcome to the OW family, Suzanne!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: AvastMH on 15 May 2020, 19:17:40
Welcome aboard Suzanne! Nice to have you here  :D
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Bob on 16 May 2020, 12:36:51
Welcome, Suzanne!
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Caro on 16 May 2020, 15:02:06
Good to see you here, Suzanne.  :)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Pommy Stuart on 16 May 2020, 16:10:53
Hi Suzanne.
Do you want your name on the OW map?
 map link  (https://www.google.com/maps/d/drive?state=%7B%22ids%22%3A%5B%221OAEDg6YUHTogwwdDULCNSQBo8Xk%22%5D%2C%22action%22%3A%22open%22%2C%22userId%22%3A%22106644726521750678566%22%7D&usp=sharing)
Title: Re: Introduce Yourself
Post by: Dean on 17 May 2020, 11:04:18
Welcome Suzanne!  Always room for more!! (But we DO try to remember to social distance!)   ;)