Old Weather Forum

Library => The voyages, the work, the people, the places => Topic started by: Randi on 03 December 2014, 13:25:50

Title: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 03 December 2014, 13:25:50
Quote from: Gina (Imaging)
The Archivist Office here at the National Archives wants to write a blog post about logbook pages that document how a ship's crew spent their holidays.

Would people please post links to log pages for holidays (Christmas, New Year, 4'th of July, Thanksgiving, etc) here and add a note if anything is mentioned about celebrating the holiday?


(I have warned her that holidays seem to be generally ignored)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 03 December 2014, 13:28:11

:) Oh well just got on board this ship.... the date is 12/25/1904 in astoria oregon and I am shaking my head and yes LOL   On the miscellaneous events page. Oh lets see if this workshttp://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Commodore%20perry//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/COMMODORE%20PERRY//vol180/vol180_007_1.jpg Oh well kind of works.  Zoom in

Absent without leave, 1/2 hour late and drunk and disorderly sounds like a typical Xmas day to me. ::)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 03 December 2014, 13:53:06
I remembered spotting something on Bear and managed to find this
December 23rd 1911 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol104/vol104_181_1.jpg

Through courtesy of Lieut. Col. Brooks, USA, received permission to cut greens on Fort Baker reservation, for decoration of vessel.

Very festive!

But on the day itself - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol104/vol104_183_1.jpg - all we get is 'Observed day as holiday'
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 03 December 2014, 14:01:31
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 December 2014, 15:34:02
25-12-1894. Making passage from Nagasaki, Japan, to Chefoo, China

Meridian to 4 p.m.:

Crew engaged at Christmas sports.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol012of040_cr2_to_jpg/vol012of040_223_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol012of040_cr2_to_jpg/vol012of040_223_1.jpg)

Fastest Christmas tree decorator?
Reindeer rodeo?
Who can through a candy cane furthest?
It wasn't snowing, so best snowman, or fast sleighing was out of the question.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 December 2014, 15:46:14
I'll say! And now they're all getting Christmas leave.  http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Unalga/b0181_cr2_to_jpg/b0181_105_1.jpg

One might as well capture the complete crew list once and for all and have done with it.

Add to that more leave on the 24th

And next to nothing happening on the 25th.  Upper management are closing their eyes to respectable partying?  :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 December 2014, 16:09:45
The things that happen when the log is empty and dull on a holiday can be seen in the Jeanette because we have excerpts from the captain's log describing the crew and not the ship.  The 24th and 25th of December, 1879 and 1880, show the extreme contrast in the logs.



There were no corresponding celebrations on July 4th.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 03 December 2014, 16:20:31
Well, there is the aftermath of Patterson's July 4th.  :)
First, they had a very respectable 4th:

It must have been quite the Fourth of July party in Wrangell Alaska in 1916.  Because the next day we get:

Wm. J. Clary, Sea, discharged at own request (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2024/IMG_7435_0.jpg)

And more tellingly:
Saarela, M at A returned at noon unfit for duty.
Nichols, Smith Anderson, Sea, unfit for duty
Sea Wilson returned at noon, 5 hours overdue
7:00 pm Anderson & Smith, sea, left ship without permission in shore boat
During night, Wilson & Eastwood, sea, left in shore boat with evident intention to desert (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2024/IMG_7435_1.jpg)
They do seem to be able to pick up men pretty readily, and don't seem averse to firing them after one drunken escapade (at least that's all that's recorded - they could have been miserable jerks and drunkenness was just an excuse).

And the 4th of July hangovers continue:

Following men did not turn to this day: - Nichols Smith Anderson, Jensen, Nelson, PM, Pecor, PM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2024/IMG_7436_0.jpg)

Eastwood & Wilson, Sea, absent without leave
Smith, Sea, returned at noon unfit for duty
Anderson, sea, returned at noon unfit for duty
Jensen, sea, unfit for duty
1:30, Nelson, Jensen, Anderson, sea, jumped ship taking dingey without leave
Nichols, sea, unfit for duty
P.M. Pecor, Sea, refused duty on being refused discharge
10:00 pm Anderson, sea, returned
Mid: Jensen, Nelson, Eastwood, sea, returned drunk and disorderly.  Sent ashore (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2024/IMG_7436_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 03 December 2014, 16:34:04
Hey - Patterson's party-goers! I'll drink to that.   8) ;D ::)
(PS- but I probably won't steal a boat to do it  ;))
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Kookaburra on 03 December 2014, 17:27:39
Thetis - New Year's Day 01-01-1889 (San Francisco Cal)
An eclipse
Two promotions
No one absent without leave.
No mention of the holiday

New Years Eve 31-12-1888 (San Francisco Cal)
Condemned 36 lbs butter and 2 lbs corned beef

Christmas 25-12-1888 (San Francisco Cal)
One prisoner escaped the ship - reward offerred
5 men absent without leave

Thanksgiving Day 29-11-1888 (San Francisco Cal)
5 men returned late from liberty

Independence Day 04-07-1888 (Alaskan waters)
Only weather and navigation comments in log.

Holidays do not seem to cause a ripple on the Thetis.

edited to add:
But George Washington's birthday did trigger some celebration:
22 February 1889 (at Navy Yard San Francisco Cal)
At 6.55 dressed ship rainbow fashion.
At 11.20 1st 2nd & 3rd whaleboats & gig left the ship to sail a race around buoy No 5.
At noon saluting battery at the Yard fired 21 guns salute in honor of the day.
Ship's boats returned from race, 1st cutter first.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hanibal94 on 07 December 2014, 12:02:25
The Patterson celebrated Washington's birthday in 1915, but there aren't any details.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 10 December 2014, 08:28:09
Pioneer 22nd Dec 1933. It is by Presidential Proclamation in both cases. It doesn't say why the 23rd and 30th Dec..oh well!

Rcd telegram from Inspectors, San Francisco, via Coast Guard Radio Station, San Pedro, instructing that crew be granted full holidays on Dec 23rd and 30, by order of the Director.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 10 December 2014, 11:24:47
I declare myself to be a crew member enjoying the for'd mess for Christmas Day 1933:

Rec'd from Golden State Co. for for'd mess: - 1 box ice cream.


Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 10 December 2014, 13:29:39
I'll join you there.  :)

I got very curious about those extra December holidays, and they come up completely blank.  The only thing possible is that the CG was going to be on duty watching for celebrators who stumble into trouble, and these were the replacement days off for Christmas Eve-Day and New Year's ditto. ???
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Kathy on 10 December 2014, 13:36:19
It may be because Christmas Day and New Year's Day were both on Sunday in 1933 - so, Friday - the 23rd and 30th would be the "holiday" day...this sort of thing has happened in the past when a holiday fell on the weekend.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 10 December 2014, 13:44:22
Interesting ideas ladies, thank you. Could be either ...but I guess we are all very familiar with the Sunday situation (opined the landlubber  ;) ).
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 10 December 2014, 17:10:11
From the Concord. I didn't look at the position on the Christmas Days, it's on a different page. Much of the time she was in Manila or one day in China. If someone really wants, I could look up New Years Days. Because the logbooks are in a lovely sequential order, I have a unix script that finds me the page corresponding to the date: e.g. get_date 25 Dec 1906 Because there are occasional pages scanned twice because of inserts or whatever, it doesn't get the correct page always, but it is close, and it is fast.

Herewith the details (edited slightly) for Concord, links in blue...

 Christmas 1891 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol012of040/vol012of040_134_1.jpg)
Received on board for issue to Crew 92 lbs bread and 115 lbs each fresh beef and vegetables.
Finished sports for the day with boat races.

 Christmas 1892 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol014of040/vol014of040_123_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted, many people absent over leave, a couple placed in sentry's charge for safe keeping (i.e. they were drunk).

 Christmas 1893 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol016of040/vol016of040_107_1.jpg)
Received the following fresh provisions on board, viz- 116 lbs bread and 145 lbs beef and vegetables each.
Sent 1st and 2nd cutters and sailing launch to USS Monocacy to take part in a race. (details given) Two men sent to hospital on shore. Captains from three British warships came to visit. A party of men were sent to have dinner with the crew of USS Moncacy. Several men drunk.

 Christmas Day 1894 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol018of040/vol018of040_082_1.jpg)
Log sparse, nothing special noted.

 Christmas Day 1895 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol020of040/vol020of040_089_1.jpg)
Received from Ah Yung of Pagoda Anchorage, 101 lbs. bread, and 126 1/4 lbs. each fresh beef and vegetables. At 12:30 the Comd'g. Officer, with the crew aft, read a letter from a representation of the American Colony in Fuchau, in reference to Christmas day and afterwards a small gift was presented to each man, by the Colony.

Christmas Day 1896 occurred when the ship was decommissioned.

 Christmas Day 1897 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol023of040/vol023of040_032_1.jpg)
One man AWOL. A liberty party sent ashore.

 Christmas Day 1898 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol024of040/vol024of040_201_1.jpg)
At 9:00 the Flagship made a signal to the fleet "Merry Christmas." Received 338 lbs fresh meat.

 Christmas Day 1899 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol026of040/vol026of040_184_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted. Armed watches on lookout.

 Christmas Day 1900 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol028of040/vol028of040_201_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted. Liberty party sent ashore, returned minus one man. The Commanding Officer made official visits to USS Petrel and Villalobos.

 Christmas Day 1901 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol030of040/vol030of040_236_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted.

Christmas Day 1902 occurred when the ship was decommissioned.

 Christmas Day 1903 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol032of040/vol032of040_224_1.jpg)
There were parties of men swimming, fishing and sailing. One man went AWOL.

Christmas Day 1904 occurred when the ship was decommissioned.

 Christmas Day 1905 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol034of040/vol034of040_109_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted. Very rough day at sea steaming out of Port Angeles. Possibly four men AWOL. - the mention was vague.

Christmas Day 1906
Although the log book says it goes to Dec 31, 1906, it ends 01 Sep 1906.

 Christmas Day 1907 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol037of040/vol037of040_130_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted.

 Christmas Day 1908 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol039of040/vol039of040_013_1.jpg)
Nothing special noted. Five men AWOL but all returned 15 hours over leave.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 10 December 2014, 17:19:57
Thanks, Michael!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 10 December 2014, 19:02:34
Just because I'm here in the logs transcribing away,

22 February 1899 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol025of040/vol025of040_060_1.jpg) - Concord dressed ship at sunrise and fired a national salute at noon.  Happy President's Day in Manila, Philippine Islands.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 11 December 2014, 05:18:47
Christmas 1893 sounded like fun, but I did like that everyone got a present in 1895...nice 8)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 11 December 2014, 16:01:16
Just because I'm here in the logs transcribing away,

22 February 1899 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol025of040/vol025of040_060_1.jpg) - Concord dressed ship at sunrise and fired a national salute at noon.  Happy President's Day in Manila, Philippine Islands.

And ditto but 1934 on Pioneer:  'Washington's Birthday, Legal Holiday, Observed'

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 13 December 2014, 10:02:14
30 May 1934, Pioneer: Decoration Day observed only routine duties performed.

Memorial Day History
Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union veterans ? the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) ? established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan declared that Decoration Day should be observed on May 30. It is believed that date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country.
The first large observance was held that year at Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C.
The ceremonies centered around the mourning-draped veranda of the Arlington mansion, once the home of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Various Washington officials, including Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, presided over the ceremonies. After speeches, children from the Soldiers? and Sailors? Orphan Home and members of the GAR made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 17 December 2014, 12:44:45
I just ran across this:
December 23, 1916 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2025/IMG_7619_1.jpg)

Decorating ship for Christmas Day

First time I've seen something like this in the logs - usually they just mark that the day was observed
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 21 December 2014, 04:03:57
Pioneer 4th July 1935 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Pioneer/Book%2054%20-%20July-September,%201934/IMG_1048_1.jpg

4th of July - Holiday observed. Liberty granted to 2 watches.
8:00am - Dressed ship.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Kookaburra on 21 December 2014, 13:28:52
Thetis  30 April 1889

At sunrise dressed ship with masthead flags, American ensign at main in honor of the hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of the first president of the United States

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 22 December 2014, 04:08:39
U.S.S. Yorktown
04-07-1896 - At anchor Chemulpho, Korea.
120th anniversary Independence Day.

4 to 8 a.m.:
At sunrise dressed ship rainbow followed by all foreign men-of-war in harbor with U.S. ensign at the main.

8 a.m. to meridian:
Received a visit from an officer of the "Dimitri Douskoi" to present congratulations on the day.
Commanding officer of the "Oshima" visited the ship.
Men from English, Russian and Japanese ships taking part in races.
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns, followed by "Dimitri Douskoi".

Meridian to 4 p.m.:
Captains of "Dimitri Douskoi" and "Daphne" visited the ship.
Japanese consul visited the ship.
Russian, English and Japanese sailors taking part in games on board ship.

8 p.m. to midnight:
Illuminated ship with Chinese lanterns at 8. and piped them down at 9:40.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol016of040_jpg_clean/vol016of040_009_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol016of040_jpg_clean/vol016of040_009_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 22 December 2014, 15:59:49
What a wonderful story of international happiness!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 30 December 2014, 15:31:14
Patterson 30th May 1912

Made colors at 8:00 and half-masted ensign.
Liberty granted at 10:00 on account Decoration Day.
Mast headed colors at noon.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Danny252 on 11 January 2015, 11:41:22
The Albatross isn't terribly festive, and this is the only one I can recall seeing:

Full-dressed ship at 8 o'clock in honor of George Washington's Birthday


Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: bluemuffin78 on 11 January 2015, 12:10:06
4th July aboard the Yorktown 1891....

At sunrise dressed ship US Ensign at mast heads in honor of the day
At 12.00 fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence
At sundown undressed ship.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 04 February 2015, 10:01:58
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor Shanghai, China.

25-12-1896 - 8 a.m. to meridian:
Christmas calls were received from H.I.G.M.S. "Cormoran" and from the Russian ship.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol016of040_jpg_clean/vol016of040_191_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol016of040_jpg_clean/vol016of040_191_1.jpg)

The Russian ship in question is the "Otrazny".
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 06 February 2015, 16:17:06
How to celebrate and how not to celebrate...
From USS Concord Thursday, 12 April 1900 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol027of040/vol027of040_109_1.jpg)

Flagship made general Ardois signal " The Commander-in-Chief has been informed by the French Admiral that the "D'Entrecasteaux will half mast her colors and cock bill her yards and perhaps fire hourly guns tomorrow in celebration of good Friday: Her colors will be half masted until ten o'clock Saturday. we shall not follow her motions.  (My emphasis)

USS Baltimore was the Flagship.

A bit of history of the French flagship d'Entrecasteaux (1899-1922)
Croiseur cuirass?. Se trouve en Asie de juin ? ao?t 1900, il met ? terre une compagnie de d?barquement qui prot?ge les L?gations de P?kin assaillies par les Boxeurs. En 1914 il est ? Otrante. Le 3 f?vrier 1915 il participe aux combats des Lacs Amers. Le 27 mars 1915 il bombarde Gaza. De 1915 ? 1916 il participe ? la d?fense du canal de Suez. Le 4 octobre 1916 il est envoy? ? Djibouti en raison de troubles en Abyssinie. En 1917 il participe aux escortes entre Tarente et Ith
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 07 February 2015, 02:47:20
Quote from: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/26000/26000-h/26000-h.htm#COCK-BILL
COCK-BILL. The situation of the anchor when suspended from the cat-head ready for letting go. Also said of a cable when it hangs right up and down. To put the yards a-cockbill is to top them up by one lift to an angle with the deck. The symbol of mourning.

TOP A YARD OR BOOM, To. To raise up one end of it by hoisting on the lift, as the spanker-boom is lifted before setting the sail.

LIFTS. Ropes which reach from each mast-head to their respective yard-arms to steady and suspend the ends. Their use is to keep the yard in equilibrium, or to raise one of its extremities higher than the other if[444] necessary, but particularly to support the weight when a number of men are employed on it, furling or reefing the sail. The yards are said to be squared by the lifts when they hang at right angles with the masts.?Topping-lifts. (See Topping-lifts.)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 07 February 2015, 11:51:39
Nice, Randi! The things we learn...  (I was too busy (i.e. lazy) to bother looking up a definition of cockbill.  ;)

I'm sorry the French characters didn't display properly. Here's the link (http://www.memorial-genweb.org/~memorial2/html/fr/resultregi.php?nunit=9998&tunit=d\%27Entrecasteaux+%281899-1922%29)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Danny252 on 11 February 2015, 14:52:50
USFC Albatross, 04/07/1904 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Albatross/vol039of055/vol039of055_134_1.jpg)

Dressed ship rainbow fashion in celebration of the declaration of independence.

At sunset undressed ship.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: exim202 on 14 February 2015, 16:48:48
Just to inform folks, I'm listing holiday references in Perry logs and will post them when the logs are finished (unless asked otherwise). I'm recording date, transcribed entry and page .jpg URL. I started from Dec 1907, when I came across this thread.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 14 February 2015, 17:39:50
This topic was started just because it was fun.  Enter stuff here - or just links to Perry posts if you wish - or not as it suits.  We want it to stay fun.  :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: exim202 on 15 February 2015, 11:52:07
ok, JJ  :) ;)
There hasn't been anything of great note anyway, so I'll just post entries here if they're interesting.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 24 February 2015, 19:07:18
USS Concord 04 July 1900 At anchor off Libukandako Island.

At 8:00 dressed ship.

8 A.M. to Meridian
Crew given a holiday and time given up to boat races and various events.

4 to 8 P.M.
At sundown took down dressing flags.

In typical Concord fashion in rendering Filipino names, this is either:
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: exim202 on 27 February 2015, 17:28:44
22 Feb 1910, Perry
At 8:00, full-dressed ship rainbow fashion.
Observed day as a holiday.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 10 March 2015, 19:50:04
USS Jamestown
February 22, 1869 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol028of067/vol028of067_040_1.jpg)

8 to Merid:
At 12 fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the anniversary of Washington's birth day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 12 March 2015, 15:04:33
USS Jamestown
4 July 1848 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol003of067/vol003of067_183_1.jpg)

At Meridian in Celebration of the Day, a salute of 21 Guns was fired_

at 4 called all hands, and spliced the Main brace_
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 14 March 2015, 19:25:50
USS Vicksburg
July 4, 1902 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_079_1.jpg)

At 8:00 [am] full dressed ship in honor of the day.

Fired national salute at noon.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 15 March 2015, 19:01:21
Concord Monday, 03 September 1900

Showing solidatirty with the workers of the world;

At 9:30 had quarters for muster: no drills. Labor Day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 18 March 2015, 06:18:56
At anchor Yokohama, Japan.

30-05-1897 - 8 a.m. to meridian:
At 9.30 parties were landed from this ship and the "Petrel" to decorate the graves of officers and men of the Navy who are buried at Yokohama.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol017of040_jpg_clean/vol017of040_174_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol017of040_jpg_clean/vol017of040_174_1.jpg)

That would be a holiday also - the US Decoration Day, now called Memorial Day, honoring our war dead.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 27 March 2015, 03:19:19
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor Kobe, Japan.

04-07-1897 - 8 a.m. to meridian:
Sent an officer to H.B.M.S. Narcissus and the French cruiser Eclaireur to inform them that we would dress ship at sunrise and fire a salute of 21 guns at noon tomorrow.

4 to 8 p.m.:
Japanese cruiser Akitsushima came in and anchored. Sent an officer to board her to extend the usual courtesies and to inform her that we would dress ship at sunrise and fire a salute of 21 guns at noon to-morrow.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol018of040_cr2_to_jpg/vol018of040_013_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol018of040_cr2_to_jpg/vol018of040_013_1.jpg)

05-07-1897 - 4 to 8 a.m.:
At sunrise full dressed ship in honor of Independence Day.
H.B.M.S. Narcissus, French cruiser Eclaireur, and Japanese cruise Akitsushima dressing at same time all with American flag at main.
A number of American, and English, merchant vessels, following later.

8 a.m. to meridian:
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns, as did H.B.M.S. Narcissus and H.I.J.M.S. Akitsushima.
[Eclaireur had left the harbour at 9 o'clock.]

Meridian to 4 p.m.:
Sent Fourth of July liberty party ashore for sports &c.

8 p.m. to midnight:
Ship dressed rainbow fashion with electric lights from 8 to 12.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol018of040_cr2_to_jpg/vol018of040_014_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol018of040_cr2_to_jpg/vol018of040_014_1.jpg)

Edit: corrected one of the links.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 27 March 2015, 13:09:36
Well the Patterson went completely mad on Thanksgiving day 1913...

"The holiday was observed."


Ho hum! ::) ::) ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Danny252 on 27 March 2015, 13:27:22
Curious dating on the Yorktown - seemingly celebrating it all a day late!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 27 March 2015, 13:33:10
I was wondering about that too.
Perhaps it was timed to coincide with the 4'th of July in the US? :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 28 March 2015, 02:36:58
Because of religion no festivities on Sundays?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Danny252 on 28 March 2015, 03:57:16
Possibly, Maikel - I wonder what happened back in the US in the same situation?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 28 March 2015, 13:30:22
Thetis 22nd Feb 1890 at Mare Island Navy Yard - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Thetis/vol010of024/vol010_024_1.jpg

Hoisted national flags at fore, main and mizzen trucks, also at peak and jack forward at sunrise
At 12 merid the Navy Yard battery fired a salute in honor of the day of 21 guns.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 28 March 2015, 14:05:32
I was curious about Sunday, July 4th and googled:

The United States observes no national holidays, that is, holidays mandated across all 50 states by the Federal government. The United States Congress and/or President can only legally establish an "official" holiday for its "federal" employees and the District of Columbia. States and municipalities are free to adopt holidays enjoyed by the federal government or to create their own. ...
The first "official" state celebration of the Fourth as recognized under resolve of a legislature occurred in Massachusetts in 1781. ...
Its interesting to note as well that when July 4th fell on a Sunday, the anniversary was celebrated in most places on Monday, July 5 ...
However, some towns opted to celebrate Independence Day on Saturday, July 3, but that was not as common.

The whole rather long article is rather interesting.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 28 March 2015, 14:10:31
Thanks, Janet!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 30 March 2015, 19:28:20
USS Jamestown
Monday, July 5, 1869 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol030of067/vol030of067_013_1.jpg)
Panama Roads

Dressed ship in honor of the anniversary of our national independence.

Fired a salute of 21 guns at meridian. A national salute was also fired by the authorities on shore.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 06 April 2015, 20:12:01
USS Concord, Cebu, Philippines. Christmas Day, 1900. Nothing! Nothing!! Nothing!!! Not even a lump of coal. The Commanding Officer went off to visit the other US Navy ships in harbour. A liberty party went ashore and came back minus J. McMurtrie, Yeo 3c.

It was never this bad when Pommy Stuart was the Captain. Better watch out, Craig, or there may be a revolt.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 04 May 2015, 14:50:16
Thetis 4th July 1890 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Thetis/vol010of024/vol010_157_1.jpg

At sunrise dressed ship in commemoration of the declaration of Independence. Sent liberty party ashore.
Observed general holiday. At 12m, a national salute was fired from the yard.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 04 May 2015, 21:18:14
USS Jamestown
February 22, 1870 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol033of067/vol033of067_059_1.jpg)
Mare Island, Navy Yard

At sunrise hoisted an Ensign at the peak masthead and Jack forward, in honor of the birth of George Washington.

At 12 a salute of 21 guns was fired from the battery in the Yard
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 11 May 2015, 16:33:47
USS Concord, Yokohama, 30 May 1901 - Memorial Day:

Full dressed ship at 8:00.

At noon a 21 gun salute was fired in accordance with Regulation. (A salute was fired by the French Cruiser "Guichen")

Sent liberty party ashore - Sent party ashore under command of Lieut. Sticht, to assist in decorating the graves of the American sailors buried in the Bluff Cemetery.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 14 May 2015, 15:38:32
US Concord, Dutch Harbor, 04 July 1901.

Made all preparations for dressing ship rain-bow fashion and dressed ship at 800 A.M.

8 AM to Meridian
Crew engaged in 4th of July sports.

Meridian to 4 PM
Continuation of forenoon sports.

8 PM to Mid.
Crew gave minstrel performance
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 15 May 2015, 17:58:16
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1870 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol034of067/vol034of067_012_1.jpg)
At sea, west-central Pacific

8 A.M. to Merid   At 12 fired 21 guns with the Ensign at the peak in honor of the anniversary of our National Independence
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 18 June 2015, 21:30:21
Training Ship Jamestown
May 30, 1876
San Francisco

Colors set at half mast in honor of the departed Federal Soldiers & sailors in the late Rebellion.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 21 June 2015, 10:09:47
Training Ship Jamestown
July 4, 1876
San Francisco

4 to 8 A.M.   dressed the Ship at sunrise.

8 A.M. to Merid.   At 12.00 fired the national salute (21 guns).

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 25 June 2015, 04:18:56
Labor day on Albatross on 5th September 1904

Observed holiday, no work being done.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 28 June 2015, 17:55:23
A subdued independence day on Bering Island - Russian territory

4th July 1895


At 3.00 dressed ship mast heads in honor of the declaration of independence

Added into the log as an afterthought?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 01 July 2015, 11:16:52
Thetis 23rd Feb 1891 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Thetis/vol012of024/vol012_006_1.jpg

At sun-rise dressed ship in celebration of Washington's birth-day.
At 3.00pm hauled down rainbow and at 4.00pm hauled down mast head flags.
At 12.00 a salute of 21 guns was fired from the Navy Yard and from the USS San Francisco.

But Mr. O'Brian's attempt to hold a party was foiled  ;)
placed J. O'Brian (sea) in double irons to await trial by Summary Court martial ... for attempting to smuggle liquor on Navy Yard
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 01 July 2015, 14:33:36
Thetis has the most beautiful readable handwriting I have ever seen anywhere.  Lovely.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 01 July 2015, 15:01:52
Yes, I like this guy! We've not had him for very long but I'm hoping he'll stay for a while.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 02 July 2015, 20:51:49
That's not fair. If I hear of anyone on Thetis gloating, I will assign them to Concord for a year!  ;D

Anyway, July 4, 1903, San Francisco (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol032of040/vol032of040_030_1.jpg).

At 8:00 full dressed ship.

At 12:00 fired a national salute of 21 guns. The U.S.S. Wyoming also fired a salute of 21 guns.

As usual, a number of people were AWOL and drunk, but they don't need a holiday to do that!

Anyway, note Mr. Kinder at the end of the lines 1 up and 5 up from the bottom of 8 AM to Meridian. He's J. I. for one entry and J. R. for the other.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 06 July 2015, 19:28:10
Training Ship Jamestown
November 29, 1876
San Francisco, California

Merid. to 4 P.M.   Received on board stores for thanksgiving dinner.

No mention of actually consuming said stores on the holiday (the 30th).

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 18 July 2015, 02:48:51
U.S.S. Yorktown

22-02-1916 - At anchor off Topolobampo, Mexico.
8 A.M. to Meridian. Full dress ship at 8:00. 9:15 held quarters for muster. Holiday routine observed.
Meridian to 4 P.M. 12:00 noon fired national salute of 21 guns in honor of Washington's Birthday.
4 to 8 P.M. Hauled down dressing lines at colors.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_104_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_104_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 19 July 2015, 20:05:47
Training Ship Jamestown
February 22, 1877
Honolulu, H.I.

4. to 8. A.M.   At 8.00 dressed shipped on honor of the anniversary of Washington's Birthday.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 27 July 2015, 18:43:24
Training Ship Jamestown
July 4, 1877
San Francisco, California

Wow, cue the Benny Hill theme for this one...

4 to 8 A.M.

At daylight dressed ship.

8 A.M to Meridian

At 8.30 landed a howitzer and crew to take part in celebration ashore. Mid. Townly and Mate Bishop in charge.

Meridian to 4 P.M.

At 12.40 the howitzer crew returned in charge of Mr. Bishop he report howitzer disabled and the desertion of four of the crew  Perez, Sampson, Selheimer and Conway. At 2.15 the following boys took the gig from the stb'd boom and deserted the ship. viz. Nichols, Noonan, Murry, Stone, Kelly 2nd Joh[~] Copeland and Jackson.

4 to 8 P.M.

Sent sundown boat for howitzer. Took in colors and in doing so the 22 ft Ensign was torn from the leech and lost overboard

8 P.M. to Mid.

At 8.15 took howitzer on deck

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 27 July 2015, 21:54:55
LOL belly laugh.  This is one for Darren's Daily.  A very expensive 4th, and they didn't even get to the fireworks yet!!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 27 July 2015, 22:14:06
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 29 July 2015, 12:34:24
USS Concord, Christmas Day, 1903 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol032of040/vol032of040_224_1.jpg) Panama

Nothing of note. The crew goes swimming, fishing and sailing, but they've been doing that very frequently while hanging around Panama. One person goes AWOL, but that is S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for this crew.  ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 29 July 2015, 12:53:51
I thought Concord's SOP was multiple people going AWOL?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 29 July 2015, 14:18:19
I thought Concord's SOP was multiple people going AWOL?

Sorry, you are, of course, correct. There might have been more people going AWOL but, perhaps, they were hanging around in the hope of getting Christmas presents. Sadly, there is no record of any presents, nor of Christmas turkey, plum pudding or any other festive treats.  :'(
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 03 August 2015, 17:11:18
Thetis July 4th 1891 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Thetis/vol012of024/vol012_140_1.jpg) at Unalaska (hence very early dawn!)

At 3.41[am] dressed ship rainbow fashion in honor of Independence Day.
At noon the USRC Rush fired a national salute.
At 8 o'clock[pm] hauled down the dress ship flags.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 11 August 2015, 03:32:44
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor off Topolobampo, Mexico.

30-05-1916 - Meridian to 4 P.M.
12:00 to 12:20 fired Memorial Day salute of twenty one (21) one minute guns.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_221_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_221_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 11 August 2015, 21:31:18
U.S.S. Jamestown
July 4, 1849

From 4 to 8 AM.   At sunrise hoisted an American Ensign at each masthead in Commemoration of the Day.

From 8 to Meridian.   The Constitution and this ship Fired a salute of 21 guns, in Commemoration of the day. Also the English Ship of the Line.

From Meridian to 4 PM.   The Constitution hoisted the English Flag, at the Fore, and returned the Line of Battle ship's salute.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 20 August 2015, 03:51:16
U.S.S. Yorktown
04-07-1916 - At anchor off Topolobampo, Mexico.

8 A.M. to Meridian.
At 8:00 A.M. full dressed ship and day declared a holiday in accordance with Navy Regulations.

Meridian to 4 P.M.
At noon fired a national salute of 21 guns.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_269_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_269_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: HatterJack on 20 August 2015, 04:08:01
U.S.S. Jamestown
July 4, 1849

From 4 to 8 AM.   At sunrise hoisted an American Ensign at each masthead in Commemoration of the Day.

From 8 to Meridian.   The Constitution and this ship Fired a salute of 21 guns, in Commemoration of the day. Also the English Ship of the Line.

From Meridian to 4 PM.   The Constitution hoisted the English Flag, at the Fore, and returned the Line of Battle ship's salute.


I'm not sure what I'm more impressed with, the English ship firing a salute for American Independence Day, or Constitution flying the English flag, the flag ship of the US Navy and oldest commissioned war ship afloat anywhere in the world until she dry docked just three months ago; HMS Victory is 30 years older, but has been in dry dock for the last 93 years, whereas Constitution has been in active service, and is expected to return to active service in 2018).
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 20 August 2015, 10:24:24
You'll find foreign ships honouring other national celebrations (national holidays, royal and imperial birthdays, coronation anniversaries, etc.) throughout the logs.
It includes flying the flag of the nation in question during the day, and firing salutes at noon.
Often ships would also dress the ship rainbow fashion.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 21 August 2015, 13:25:53
USS Concord. Decoration Day, Monday, May 31, 1904 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol033of040/vol033of040_138_1.jpg). Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.

Drills omitted on account of National holiday. The C. Officers of U.S.S. Buffalo and U.S.R.C. Thetis visited the ship officially. F. fired a salute of 21 minute guns, commencing at noon, all flags at half mast.

At 1:25 sent company ashore together with squad of marines to take part in Decoration Day exercises." Sent liberty party ashore. C. O. visited the U.S.S. Buffalo and U.S.R.C. Thetis.

Also, and this may be because of the holiday or not, a message from USFS New York on the previous day...

Signals: 1:30 F. to C. + M. (Sema) "To Commanders Phelps + Perkins - Acting Governor Atkinson, invites you to a louau, at Prince Cupids' residence Wakiki tomorrow, Monday evening at 8:30 The Admiral would like to know if you will accept. Sig. Fullenwider." 1:45 C. to F. (Sema) "Capt Perkins accepts with pleasure."

F is USFS New York. M is USS Marblehead.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 30 August 2015, 02:47:43
Albatross 24/11/1904 in Callao Peru


The day being Thanksgiving day there was no work
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 30 August 2015, 17:23:50
I wonder what you get on your plate for Thanksgiving in Peru? Presumably not turkey  :-\ ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 30 August 2015, 18:26:46
The hard part must be the season,  Thanksgiving is an old-fashioned harvest home, with all the fruits plentiful in autumn.  Peruvian markets would only have spring produce.  At least since most thanksgiving menus are new world items, the side dishes might be doable.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 03 September 2015, 18:53:50
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1851

From 4 to 8   At 8. dressed ship in honor of the day

From Mer to 4   At 1. fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the anniversary of the Independence of our Country

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 19 September 2015, 14:20:12
USS Jamestown
February 22, 1852
Buenos Ayres

From 4 to 8

At sunrise crossed top gallant yards & hoisted an American Flag at each mast head in commemoration of the anniversary of the birth day of General Washington

From 8 to Mer.

At Mer. manned the yards & fired a salute of 21 guns to celebrate the anniversary of the birth day of Washington. The Foreign Men of War fired the same number of guns & displayed Flags

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 02 October 2015, 02:41:56
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor off Corinto, Nicaragua.

23-12-1916 - 8 P.M. to midnight:
Transferred 30 lbs. dressed turkey to the Supply Officer of the USS DENVER.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_473_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_473_1.jpg)

25-12-1916 - 8 A.M. to meridian:
Holiday routine.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_475_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol01of04/vol01of04_475_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 03 October 2015, 10:31:30
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1852
Working into anchorage, Rio de Plata

From Meridian to 4.   Fired a salute of 31 guns

No reasons given, though.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 14 October 2015, 14:27:56
22 Feb 1906 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol034of040/vol034of040_177_1.jpg) USS Concord anchored of Cavite Naval Yard, Philippines.

At 8:00 full dressed ship in honor of "Washington's Birthday "
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns as did also the Baltimore and Cincinnati.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 23 October 2015, 12:47:57
Daily Alta California 30th Nov 1889

 The boats of the United States vessels lying at Mare Island celebrated Thanksgiving Day in a lively manner. There were several boat races. The principal one was between the shore-gig Onward, manned by boatmen, and the whaleboat of the Albatross. The course was from Magazine wharf to the Hartford, a distance of three miles straight away. The crew of the Government boat were picked men, while those of the Onward were. El. Steveneou, F. Blanco, Dan Whelan, W. Callen. W. Cronin, M. Farrell and Cockswain M. McDonald. The shore-gig beat by 1^ seconds, covering the . distance in 24 minutes 30 seconds. Tbe Albatross was given six seconds start, and the other won by 7^2 seconds altogether. Ths race was for $-180 a side. Dan Whelan, who owned the Onward, says he will run his boat against any Government-built boat in the bay for $2000. In the race between the dingy of the Albatross and the Me Arthur the same courso as before was run. The McArthur wou, covering the course in 30 minutes. The purse was $500.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 23 October 2015, 13:01:55
Bad day for birds... :'(
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 23 October 2015, 13:19:29
USS Concord: 30 May 1906 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol035of040/vol035of040_035_1.jpg), Chefoo China  (Modern name: Zhifu Wan,   37.57N 121.41E)

Memorial Day

Beginning at noon fired salute of 21 minute guns with ensign at half mast during the salute. Chinese Cruiser Hai Yung fired salute of 21 minute guns at noon with ensign at half mast during salute, following movements of this vessel.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 28 October 2015, 17:03:20
Concord: July 4, 1906 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol035of040/vol035of040_110_1.jpg). Chefoo, China.

Full dressed ship at 8:00. Observing holiday. Crew engaging in Squadron boat races and other sports. At 11:40 flagship fired a salute of 7 guns with English flag at fore. At 12:00 the American French and Chinese men-of-war fired a salute of 21 guns.

Meridian to 4 P.M.
Sent liberty and base-ball parties ashore. Sent visiting party to flagship to witness sports.

4 to 8 P.M.
Base-ball and liberty parties returned. ...  Sent visiting party to entertainment on flagship. Hauled down dressing flags at sundown.

8 P.M. to Midnight
Visiting party returned from flagship.

The flagship was USS Ohio. Also there, USS Wisconsin, USS Galveston, USS Chattanooga and the US Navy Colliers: Iris, El Cano and Alexander. The French Cruisers Dupetit Thouars and Montcalm and the Chinese Flagship Fei Yung.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 07 November 2015, 12:24:44
Quote from: http://www.whalingmuseum.org/learn/research-topics/overview-of-north-american-whaling/life-aboard
Three holidays: Although today we enjoy a dozen or more holidays a year, 19th century Americans observed only the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 15 November 2015, 20:56:01
Concord July 4th, 1907 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol036of040/vol036of040_229_1.jpg), Chefoo Harbor.

Full dressed ship at 8:00. Had sports on board.

At 1200 Chinese cruiser Hai Che and Russian cruiser Jemtchug fired a salute of 21 guns, and the U.S.S. West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Raleigh, Chattanooga, Wilmington and this ship fired a salute of 21 guns.

This was the armored squadron of the US Pacific Fleet.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 14 December 2015, 03:03:29
22nd February 1896

At Sunrise dressed ship, American Ensigns at masthead, in honor of Washington's Birthday.

At noon U.S.S. Philadelphia & Monterey fired a salute of 21 guns, in honor of Washington's Birthday.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 21 December 2015, 16:05:08
Concord, 04 July 1908 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Concord/vol038of040/vol038of040_086_1.jpg) Shanghai.

8 A.M. to Meridian.
At 8:00, all men of war in harbor full dressed ship in commemoration of the 132n anniversary of the Independence of the United States.  ... In a ten oar cutter race between the Helena, Villalobos and Concord, the Concord was victorious.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 11 January 2016, 04:25:11
Albatross May 30th 1896

Half masted colors on account of Memorial day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 12 January 2016, 04:13:51
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor off Taku, China.

31-08-1900 - 4 to 8 A.M.:
At sunrise dressed with Holland Ensign at the main in honor of birthday of the Queen of Holland.
At 8:00 the Holland cruiser fired a salute of 33 guns.

8 A.M. to Meridian:
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns with Holland flag at main.
The fleet excepting the Austrian cruiser "Zenta", two Italian cruisers, three French gunboats and the Chinese cruiser fired salutes of 21 guns with Holland flag at main.
The Holland cruiser fired a salute of 35 guns at noon.

4 to 8 P.M.:
At 4:01 the Holland cruiser fired a salute of 33 guns making a total of 101 guns.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol022of040/vol022of040_110_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol022of040/vol022of040_110_1.jpg)

Van harte gefeliciteerd majesteit. :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Helen J on 12 January 2016, 12:38:11
U.S.S. Jamestown 1886, at anchor Newport, Rhode Island.

30th May 1887:
At 12.45 Battalion of apprentices embarked in obedience to general signal from New Hampshire and went ashore to participate in the ceremonies of Decoration Day.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 17 January 2016, 16:55:38
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1856
Funchal, Madeira

From 4 to 8.

At 8. Dressed Ship with American Ensign at the Fore and Mizzen in honor of the Anniversary of our Independence

From 8 to Meridian

Employed dressing Ship + preparing for a Dinner for the Crew. At Meridian Fired a Salute of 21 Guns in honor of the Day, followed in succession by the "St. Louis" + Fort on Loo Rock

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol009of067/vol009of067_094_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol009of067/vol009of067_094_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 25 January 2016, 08:21:55
Albatross Dutch Harbor 4th July 1896
This ship dressed United States Ensign at fore and main: Revenue Cutters Rush and Grant dressed rainbow fashion; in honor of the day.  At noon Revenue Cutters fired a salute of 21 guns.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Helen J on 27 January 2016, 12:56:51
Jamestown, 4th July 1887, in mid Atlantic on the way to Lisbon.

At 9.30 called all hands to muster and Comd'g officer read 'The Declaration of Independence' of the United States after which had sports. At Merid fired national salute of 21 guns with U.S. Ensign at each mast head and peak. Expending 21 7lb charges in Ordnance Dept.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 28 January 2016, 17:19:19
Albatross 30th May 1905 Seattle

At 8:00 put ship in dress.

Being Decoration Day there was no work.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 29 January 2016, 14:46:48
Albatross 30th May 1905 Seattle

At 8:00 put ship in dress.

Being Decoration Day there was no work.

Then again dressing the ship wasn't sitting around with a cup of tea!  :o :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: propriome on 03 February 2016, 04:41:35
USCGC Unalga, 30 May 1928 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Unalga//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/UNALGA//b2581/b2581_186_1.jpg), moored at Unalaska, Alaska:
9:00am to 4:00pm :-
9:40 sent working party to cemetery ashore inorder to decorate Coast Guard graves. Observed Memorial Day.
12:00 noon fired National Salute.
1:40 sent firing squad ashore to fire three volley over Coast Guard graves.
2:20 firing squad returned.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 18 February 2016, 02:25:18
Albatross 4th July 1907 Mare Island

At 8:00 full dressed ship in honor of the day.

At Noon U.S.S. Independence fired salute of 21 guns.

and possibly

By order of Commanding Officer Act. Asst. Surgeon G.G.Hart, U.S.N., was suspended from duty for 10 days, for being under influence of liquor returning from shore.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 18 February 2016, 12:36:02
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: propriome on 22 February 2016, 09:58:51
Not a big mention, but nice to read they've remembered it:

USCGC Unalga, anchored in Makushin Bay, on 4 August 1928 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Unalga//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/UNALGA//b2582/b2582_044_1.jpg)
Midnight to 9AM:
Observed 138 Aniversary of Coast Guard.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 04 March 2016, 09:58:06
USS Jamestown
February 22, 1858
Aspinwall, Colombia (now Colon, Panama)

From 8 to Merid. Wind North 2
weather b.c. At 9 draped ship with
flags at Mast heads, at Merid fired a
salute of 21 guns in comemoration
of the birth day of Gen'l Washington.
At 10.45 the "Brunswick" English
line of battle ship draped with
flags the American ensign at the
Main. At 12 the "Brunswick" fired
a salute of 21 guns.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol011of067/vol011of067_037_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol011of067/vol011of067_037_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 19 April 2016, 02:06:06
Albatross, Honolulu, November 28th 1896
Dressed ship at sunrise with mast-head flags, Hawaiian flag at the main in honor of Restoration Day.
At sunset undressed ship.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 29 April 2016, 09:58:48
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor off Kobe, Japan.


Commences and until 8 A.M.
Flagship made signal at 6:45: "Dress ship with flags at mastheads only."
At 8:00 dressed ship masthead fashion.

Meridian to 4 P.M.
At 12:00 M. U.S.F.S. New York and H.M.S. Aurora fired 21 gun salute.
At 12:00 M. fired 21 gun salute.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol024of040/vol024of040_015_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol024of040/vol024of040_015_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 05 May 2016, 03:25:49
Vive la republique, vive la France.

U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor off Yokohama, Japan.

14-07-1901 - 4 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Full-dressed ship with French Ensign at Main, and at sundown all Men-of-War fired a salute of 21 guns.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol024of040/vol024of040_035_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol024of040/vol024of040_035_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 06 May 2016, 04:10:22
Albatross 9th September 1907, Sausalito Cal.
Observed holiday during p.m.

Anniversary of Californian statehood?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 06 May 2016, 08:10:44
Looks like it: California Admission Day (http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23856)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 26 May 2016, 18:54:46
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1859
Greytown, Nicaraugua

From 4 to 8
At 8 hoisted Ensign at each mast head. HBM Ship "Racer" hoisted the American Ensign at the fore.

From Meridian to 4
At 1 fired a salute of 21 Guns in honor of the day. HBM Ship "Racer" joined in the celebration.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 04 June 2016, 02:59:15
Saturday 30th November 1907 Albatross in Manila - Thanksgiving preparation?
Received for the general mess 60 lbs. veal, 35lbs. sausage, 50 lbs. turkey, 1 case cranberries, 80 lbs. bread.
Sunday 1st December 1907
Sent liberty and base ball parties ashore, the latter returning at 4:00 p.m.

Possibly a weekly baseball league here. 
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 10 June 2016, 02:53:51
19th December 1907 Albatross, Manila
Christmas plans
Received for general mess 1 case cranberry sauce, 1 sack assorted nuts, 1 case plum pudding.
20th December
Received for general mess 60 lbs. turkey, 500 eggs, 300 lbs. beef, 5 cases potatoes, 2 cases onions, 120 lbs. bread, 76 lbs. mutton.
24th December
Received for the general mess 54 lbs. butter, 500 eggs, 23 lbs. turkey, 10 cases potatoes, 345 lbs.

25th December
Holiday: no work.
The steam launch broke down on the 11:30 p.m. trip, securing for the night in the Passig River.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 10 June 2016, 03:00:27
Not what you want to happen on Christmas day :'(
I hope they managed to be reasonably comfortable.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 10 June 2016, 14:10:42
They are probably at a wharf in the centre of Manila.  Maybe a preferable place to spend christmas.  I wonder if the launch had some assistance to break down?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 10 June 2016, 14:14:22
 ;D :-X
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 10 June 2016, 15:02:51
I hope they had some of that 645lb beef to keep them going on the Christmas Launch. 8)  Is 645lb beef a whole cow?  :o
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: HatterJack on 11 June 2016, 00:12:04
That's a little less than a half a cow. On average, beef cows weigh in at about 1,300 pounds.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 12 June 2016, 03:23:29
Monday February 22nd 1897, Albatross, Coronado
The San Diego Water Carnival had been planned for the weekend but was postponed to the Monday because of storms.  This made it coincide with Presidents day. The full dressing ship and 21 gun salute were probably part of the presidents day observances.  The Japanese lanterns and military parade part of the water carnival which also included a firework display and a flotilla of decorated craft.  There was also a Military Ball at a local hotel in the evening.

At Sunrise (6.25) full dressed ship (rainbow), all other men-of-war doing likewise: in honor of the day.

At 12.00, a salute of 21 guns was fired by the Philadelphia, Monadnock, Monterey, Marion, Revenue Cutter Corwin, and H.B.M.S. Comus.

The Comd'g Officer left the ship at 1.30 to join the Admiral to review the parade on shore.

Illuminated the ship with Japanese lanterns at 8.00.

This is from the San Francisco Call the day before.  There is also a line drawing of the ships in the original article

Jupiter Pluvius Assumes Control of San Diego's Carnival.
Aquatic Sports Are Postponed, but Not So With Indoor Pleasures
Entertainment Provided for Admiral Beardslee and the Warship Commanders.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Feb. With peals of thunder and flashes of lightning Colonel Jupiter Pluvius assumed command of the big water carnival as grand marshal, and all day the high winds and furious downpour have attested his supreme dictatorship. To-night, after nearly two inches of rain has fallen, the atmosphere seems somewhat clearer and the. god of storms may conclude to depart to-morrow and
allow the festivities to go on without his presence for which favor, if granted, the 3000 visitors now in the city, as well as the 20,000 people who call San Diego "home,"will be truly grateful.
Because of the storm and the high sea the aquatic sports have all been postponed until Tuesday afternoon, and the visitors to-day dragged themselves about the city or dolefully warmed their feet by cheerless oil stoves in hotels and lodging-houses.
A telegram received by Mayor Carlson from Washington to-night reads as follows:
President sees no objection to sailors of British gunboat Comus marching in land parade at San Diego Water Carnival.
Olney, Secretary of State.
Thus, on the eve of the carnival the sea-fighters of her British Majesty are given permission for the first time, as far as known, to march as an armed force on American soil, and this, too, on the anniversary of the birth of the man of all others who was most responsible for the severing of the ties which bound this
nation to the "mother country."
More than this, Captain Dyke of the Camus has signified his desire to march in the parade of Monday morning and at noon will fire a salute of twenty-one guns in honor of Washington, the American.
In an interview to-night Captain Dyke said: "Time was when I thought I mightsome day march on the soil of this republic, but never dreamed the occasion would be as felicitous as the present one."
All during the storm to-day one event has been looked forward to with the greatest enthusiasm by those who were fortunate enough to secure invitations, and the number was nearly 800. It was the military and naval ball at the Coronado Hotel in honor of Rear-Admiral Beardslee and the officers of the vessels of the North Pacific Squadron now in port. The list of guests of honor was not confined to United States naval officers, for Captain Dyke and the officers of her Majesty's ship Comas are included as guests of the carnival. And so it was to-night that while the rain fell fiercely upon the great vaulted dome of the spacious ballroom and the huge breakers of the Pacific dashed their spray against the windows outside several hundred men and women danced the hours away, while the splendid band of the flagship Philadelphia sent forth its be witching strains of melody. To Thomas Hill, the famous artist of Yosemite Valley, belongs the credit of the decorations within the ballroom. It was his scheme entirely, for he had made an elaborate water-color sketch of the entire plan and the decorators religiously followed every detail. They transformed the lofty dome of the auditorium into a leafy canopy, with eucalyptus boughs
and branches radiating from the galleries. Garlands and festoons of smilax, banks of white blossoms and bamboo, covered the walls and columns and gracefully outlined the loges set apart for the patronesses and the naval officers. The private boxes on the stage were also decorated With palms and potted plants, smilax and bamboo. This woodland bower, illuminated by the rosy glow of shaded electric lights and graced by the presence of dainty belles and popular beaux, resplendent in gorgeous gowns or uniforms, was one which it delighted the eye to gaze upon. At 8:30 o'clock the ball opened with an overture by the band, during which the admiral received his guests standing in the parlors at the right of the entrance. For over an hour the guests passed through the entrance into the ballroom beyond. At 9:30 o'clock the band struck up the grand march, which was led by Admiral Beardslee and Mrs. Works, Goddess of the carnival. Two hundred couples joined in the promenade. Following the Admiral and Mrs. Works came the officers of the navy according to rank. Around and across the ballroom they went
through many intricate and beautiful figures, led by Patterson Sprigg, who is past master in the art of military dancing. At the completion of the march the long column halted opposite the admiral's loge, where, with his staff and a party of ladies, he reviewed the dancers in military style.  The programme opened with the lancers and continued until 10:30 o'clock, when supper was announced in the banquet
room. Here an elaborate banquet bad been spread. The revelry continued until the last ferry left for San Diego.
To-morrow no particular programme will be followed, but tbe city's guests will be given an opportunity to go whither they will. Excursions will be run to all points of interest in the bay region and receptions will be held all day on the warships in the harbor. Sousa's Band will give two concerts in Fisher's Opera-house.
On Monday morning at 10 o'clock the military and naval parade will form at Fifth and D streets, in the center of the city, with Colonel A. G. Gasmen as grand marshal and Lieutenant-Commander R.R. Ingersoll, executive officer of the Philadelphia, as chief of staff and virtually in command. The crew of the British cruiser Comus will march on American soil. Altogether there will be fully 1500 sailors, marines and soldiers in line, and the parade, being strictly military, will be peculiarly imposing. The afternoon will be given up to football, races and various amusements, and at 8 o'clock the center of attraction will be transferred to the bay, where the great water carnival is to take place. If ever there existed an ideal sheet of water for this purpose San Diego Bay is that same. Stretching gracefully for fourteen miles in length and less than two in its greatest breadth, its  waters ever placid beneath skies that never frown, it is one of the most beautiful creations of nature.
Exactly as the clock strikes a gun will be fired from the bow of the gorgeously decorated and brilliantly lighted barge of the Goddess of the carnival, Mrs. Lewis Reed Works. This will be the signal for
the carnival procession to start. The head launch will lead off from a beacon near the steamship wharf, and moving westward down the bay the procession of twenty-four brilliantly illuminated launches, each having three or more boats in tow, will pass in review before the admiral and the fleet of warships. The procession will be more than two miles in length, and the fireworks display will last over two hours. All the warships will be illuminated by electricity, and scores of Japanese lanterns will be suspended from every yard. Seven thousand Japanese lanterns and 3000 colored Roman candles will be used in the display, besides several thousand pounds of Greek fire.
Among those to whom great credit is due for the success thus far attending this undertaking, none is more deserving than Chairman Cantlin. Director-General R.V. Dodge and J. E. O'Brien, chairman of
the finance committee, have worked faithfully and to good purpose. Collector
John C. Fisher, I* E. Aubury, Eugene nd sen, Secretary "W. E. Simpson, James H. Ceegan, F. M. Barnes, Malcolm McDonald, F. H. Bobbins and many others have been of great assistance. United States Quarantine Surgeon W. W.McKay, who will have personal charge of the water parade, has shown rare ability as an organizer.
On the result of this undertaking depends much, for if it is successful in every sense of the word, there is no question butthat an organization will be effected to promote annual water carnivals that for
spectacular brilliancy and scenic splendor will surpass anything before attempted on this coast

23rd February 1897
Knocked off work at 2 p.m. At 2.00 the boats of the Philadelphia, Monterey, Monadnock, Marion, Comus, and Corwin competed in a number of races.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 14 June 2016, 03:39:18
Double festivities on board U.S.S. Yorktown

22-10-1901 - At anchor off Yokohama, Japan.

Commences and until 8 A.M.:
Dressed ship at 8:00 in honor of the birthday of the Empress of Germany.

8 A.M. to Meridian:
At 10:15 H.M.F.S. Barfleur stood out homeward bound.
Manned the rigging and cheered ship.
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns, German ensign at main, in honor of the birthday of the Empress of Germany.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 14 June 2016, 13:55:46
Albatross 1st January 1908 Manila P.I.

U.S. Flagship Rainbow made general signal to the fleet by the Ardois system: " A happy new year to all."

Clearly overwhelmed by the generosity of Rear Admiral Hemphill the log keeper forgot to alter the year in the date.
The Ardois system is a light system used at night.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 25 June 2016, 17:31:51
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1861
Blockading off South Carolina

At Meridian Fired a
National Salute of 34 guns in Honor of
the Declaration of American Independence

From Meridian to 3. Fine weather around
the Stars & Stripes while over Secession Land
are Piled dark masses of black clouds, ruling
the crashing Thunder but rendering the
shivering Lightning more apparrent
The smoke from the National Salute formed
a column and was swept towards the
Land to the Deluded People who have nothing
left of the Glourious Fourth but this Pale
Spectre stalking to them.

This was the first Independence Day after the start of hostilities, but still two weeks before the first major battle of the war.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 26 June 2016, 06:11:37
Fascinating! A real window into that time!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 26 June 2016, 06:35:30
 :o Don't expect that kind of thing in an official document.

The sun always shines on the righteous  ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 21 August 2016, 13:45:06
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1863

At Meridian fired a Salute of 21 Guns in honor of the day.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, the Battle of Gettysburg had just ended.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 22 August 2016, 02:11:50
July 4th 1897 - Thorne Bay Alaska
Dressed ship with mast head flags at 7.00 in honor of Independence Day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 25 August 2016, 20:08:33
Patterson anchored in Conclusion Harbor, Alaska (now called Seclusion Harbor, they got all but two of the letters are correct ;D)  Mind you, it wasn't named until some time in 1892, so they have an excuse. But then, it was their commander who named it (according to the Dictionary of Alaska Place Names)!  ;D

04 July 1892 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2053/IMG_9696_1.jpg)

At 8 am dressed ship with masthead flags in honor of the day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: jil on 26 August 2016, 05:41:27
 ;D Was the log keeper not really listening when the commander came up with the name or were they trying out alternatives to see which sounded right?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 30 August 2016, 20:15:32
Patterson in San Francisco, 21 Oct 1892 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2054/IMG_9813_1.jpg)

At Sunrise dressed ship (Mastheads) in honor of Anniversary of the discovery of America; ?McArthur? followed our motions. At 8, the French Flag-Ship ?Dubourdieu? dressed ship. U.S Ensign at the main

At 1200 the French Flagship Dubourdieu and the several Army Posts fired a National salute of twenty one guns in honor of the day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 02 September 2016, 22:14:25
Patterson, Mare Island, 22 Feb 1893 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2055/IMG_9947_1.jpg)

Dressed ship, Mastheads, at sunrise in honor of anniversary of birth of George Washington; at noon a salute of 21 guns was fired from Yard.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 05 September 2016, 10:26:05
USS Jamestown
February 22, 1864

At 9.a.m dressed ship in honor of the day. Drew and loaded guns with saluting charges. At 12 fired a national salute of 21 guns in honor of the day. The fort fired a salute. At 5 p.m. loaded guns with shot + shells.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 08 September 2016, 22:57:11
Patterson, Sitka, Alaska, July 5, 1897 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2076/IMG_2092_1.jpg).

A day late. A dollar short, perhaps??

At Sunrise dressed ship masthead flags in honor of the 121st anniversary of the ?Declaration of Independence?.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 09 September 2016, 02:49:16
 :o ::)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 13 September 2016, 22:26:44
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1864
Yokohama, Japan

At 8. dressed ship in honor of the day and was joined by the English French + Dutch squadrons

At 12 fired a national salute 21 guns + joined by the English French + Dutch squadrons.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 29 September 2016, 18:18:45
USS Jamestown
February 22, 1865
Yokohama, Japan

At 9 o'clock crossed Top gallant + Royal yards, + hoisted masthead flags in honor of the day, and were joined by the English, French, + Dutch squadrons.

At 12 o'clock fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of Washington's Birthday, joined by the English, French, and Dutch Ships of War.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 08 October 2016, 09:37:17
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1865
North Pacific

At 11.30, beat to general quarters, drew shot + shell from Battery. At 12, fired a salute of 21 guns in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence of the United States._ Loaded Battery again.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 08 October 2016, 09:54:23
USS Jamestown
July 4, 1865
North Pacific

At 11.30, beat to general quarters, drew shot + shell from Battery. At 12, fired a salute of 21 guns in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence of the United States._ Loaded Battery again.


Still amazes me that we are working with logs written when the US was still just in double figures age-wise. :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 08 October 2016, 10:12:01
If we looked hard enough we could probably get some from before it existed.  ;)

Still amazes me that we are working with logs written when the US was still just in double figures age-wise. :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 08 October 2016, 11:42:48
If we looked hard enough we could probably get some from before it existed.  ;)

Still amazes me that we are working with logs written when the US was still just in double figures age-wise. :)

Bring them on!!  ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 08 October 2016, 12:55:21
"Ye Olde Weather"
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 08 October 2016, 18:31:37
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 09 October 2016, 07:16:56
30-05-1902 - At anchor Uraga, Japan.

Decoration Day.

Commences and till 8 A.M.:
At 8.00 full dressed ship with American Ensign at the Main.

8 A.M. to Meridian:
Regular Drills suspended (Holiday).

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol025of040/vol025of040_324_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol025of040/vol025of040_324_1.jpg)
http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol025of040/vol025of040_325_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol025of040/vol025of040_325_1.jpg)

Just in case, Decoration Day was the Union's equivalent of Memorial Day.
Later it merged with Memorial Day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 29 October 2016, 13:29:23
Patterson. Sitka, Alaska, 04 July 1893 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%2096/IMG_0098_1.jpg)

Dressed ship at day light with national ensign at mastheads in celebration of National Independence. Liberty to crew. Shore battery fired a salute of 21 guns at noon.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 11 November 2016, 02:48:16
Albatross 26th June 1908
Half masted colors, and Naval Station fired half-hour guns in commemorationof the death of Ex President S.G.Cleveland.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 13 November 2016, 20:18:39
Patterson, Freshwater Bay, Alaska, 04 July 1894 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20100/IMG_0507_1.jpg)

Decorated ship at 8. a.m. till Sunset in honor of the day, with the national ensign at each mast head.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 14 November 2016, 14:33:49
Patterson, Freshwater Bay, Alaska, 04 July 1894 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20100/IMG_0507_1.jpg)

Decorated ship at 8. a.m. till Sunset in honor of the day, with the national ensign at each mast head.

They get so many things wrong - but they never miss a party.  ;) ;) 8)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 16 November 2016, 11:30:07
Patterson, Freshwater Bay, Alaska, 04 July 1894 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20100/IMG_0507_1.jpg)

Decorated ship at 8. a.m. till Sunset in honor of the day, with the national ensign at each mast head.

They get so many things wrong - but they never miss a party.  ;) ;) 8)
:-X ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 22 November 2016, 22:47:51
Patterson, West Seattle, 22 Feb 1896

At Sunrise dressed ship with flags at Mastheads.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 23 November 2016, 07:17:10
Albatross 3rd July 1908 Cavite Naval Station, Philippines
Among Goods received are 10 yds Red Bunting, 2 U.S.Ensigns, and 2 U.S.pennants.  This also must have got hopes up for a fun day off - 1 ice cream freezer
Received for General Mess 317 lbs. beef, 67 lbs. turkey, 41 lbs. cheese, 1 case cranberry sauce, 1 case jam, 1 case asparagus, 50 lbs. bread, 91 lbs. ham and also raising hopes 1 bale bathing trunks.

Rove off dressing lines and made preparation for dressing ship in the morning.

4th July 1908
At 8:00 dressed ship rainbow in honor of the day.

Naval Station fired a salute of 21 guns at noon.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 23 November 2016, 10:05:32
Hmmm. All that we on the Patterson did was raise a couple of flags...  :(
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 23 November 2016, 16:46:23
Oh hurlock - that is one serious feast !!  ;D

Don't worry about the Patterson Michael - they'll have July the 4th, probably on August the 18th given their record keeping  ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 24 November 2016, 02:02:53
The turkeys do not want to miss out on a party either.  Christmas, Thanksgiving and now turning up for independence day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 24 November 2016, 15:45:37
Boy do these guys know how to party!!!

West Seattle 04 Jul 1896

Dressed ship at Mast heads at sunrise.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 24 November 2016, 17:31:43
They are mad mad party goers aren't they Michael? I don't know how they do it   ;) ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 24 November 2016, 17:37:30
Maybe what happens in Seattle stays in Seattle...  ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 26 November 2016, 15:21:39
Thanksgiving Day 26 Nov 1896, Patterson at San Francisco

The Contractors had no workmen at work on the Patterson on account of this being a holiday.

I wonder what Black Friday will be like...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 26 November 2016, 17:31:56

I did go to the grocery store yesterday...
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 26 November 2016, 18:15:38

I did go to the grocery store yesterday...

Was it the kind of grocery store that also sells computers, furniture, clothing, home theatres and etc?  ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 26 November 2016, 18:18:04
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: leelaht on 27 November 2016, 21:57:23
Not a big mention, but nice to read they've remembered it:

USCGC Unalga, anchored in Makushin Bay, on 4 August 1928 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Unalga//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/UNALGA//b2582/b2582_044_1.jpg)
Midnight to 9AM:
Observed 138 Aniversary of Coast Guard.

Thetis, August 4, 1908 (Tuesday)
"Performed necessary work only - and observed holiday"

I couldn't figure out what holiday that might have been.... must have been this anniversary
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 28 November 2016, 16:01:12
Well there's nothing like praising the bosses - the anniversary of the CG sounds like a good idea to celebrate to me :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 29 November 2016, 11:19:12
Christmas on Jamestown in 1852
Quote from: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Jamestown/vol007of067/vol007of067_019_1.jpg
At 7.30 inspected the crew at quarters, and called all hands and spliced the main brace
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 29 November 2016, 11:37:12
Ho, ho, ho, humbug...  ::)

Before the Civil War
The North and South were divided on the issue of Christmas, as well as on the question of slavery. Many Northerners saw sin in the celebration of Christmas; to these people the celebration of Thanksgiving was more appropriate. But in the South, Christmas was an important part of the social season. Not surprisingly, the first three states to make Christmas a legal holiday were in the South: Alabama in 1836, Louisiana and Arkansas in 1838.

It didn't become a federal holiday until 1870.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 29 November 2016, 12:14:27
Interesting! Thanks.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 01 December 2016, 15:17:43
USCGSS Patterson, Christmas Day (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20115/IMG_3709_1.jpg), 1900. Seattle.

Liberty Granted to crew from 10:30.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 01 December 2016, 20:23:36
USCSGSS Patterson, Dundas Bay, Alaska, 04 July 1901 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20116/IMG_3728_1.jpg)

We do get around in time and place  ;)  Only a scant ten days ago it was Christmas, but we maintain our reputation as the rockin'ist party machine.  ;D ;D ;D

Dressed Ship at 8:00 o?clock in honor of the Day.

and then just briefly to interrupt all the carousing...
Sent to U.S.C.&G. S. Stmr. ?Gedney? Plane Table No. 59 and Alidade No. 7 & with rods.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 03 December 2016, 15:52:51
USCS&GSS Patterson, Seattle, Thanksgiving Day (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20117/IMG_3882_1.jpg), 1901

Once again, we take the trophy for the best parties!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Usual holiday routine, - washing down decks, etc.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Bob on 03 December 2016, 16:58:42
Such a festive bunch.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 04 December 2016, 07:08:39
USCS&GSS Patterson, Seattle, Thanksgiving Day (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20117/IMG_3882_1.jpg), 1901

Once again, we take the trophy for the best parties!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Usual holiday routine, - washing down decks, etc.

I can just see their party games. Pass the parcel, unwrap, unwrap unwrap - 'Aha! A block of soap', unwrap unwrap unwrap, 'Yahoo! A scrubing brush'.   ::) ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 04 December 2016, 10:06:57
U.S.S. Yorktown - At anchor off Amoy, China.

Thanksgiving Day, 27-11-1902.

8 A.M. to Meridian:
Ships in harbor held rowing races during forenoon.

Meridian to 4 P.M.:
Ships in harbor held sailing races.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol026of040/vol026of040_176_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol026of040/vol026of040_176_1.jpg)

US ships in harbor: U.S.F.S. Kentucky, U.S.S. Monadnock, U.S.S. Monterey, U.S.S. New Orleans, U.S.S. Vicksburg, U.S.S. Wilmington and U.S.N. collier Saturn.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 04 December 2016, 15:35:16
Working up an appetite!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 06 December 2016, 15:28:22
Patterson, Seattle, Thanksgiving Day, 1902 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20120/IMG_4127_1.jpg).

I don't know if we are still washing down decks as part of our usual holiday routine, but we've added a new duty...

Chronometers wound at 8:00. No delinquents in Liberty Book. Usual holiday routine carried out.

Maybe they don't want to be late for the store openings on Black Friday!  ;D ;D ;D

Just try and beat that you other ships!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 06 December 2016, 19:55:35
Patterson, Seattle, Christmas Eve, 1902 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20120/IMG_4154_1.jpg).

Rec?d on board from M. Seller & Co. : 2 doz. lamp chimneys and one-half dozen burners. Afternoon observed as a holiday.

and on the big day itself...

Wind and rain, but no mention of any events, sinful or otherwise.  ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 06 December 2016, 20:29:15
Patterson, Seattle, 01 January 1903 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USCS%20Patterson/Book%20121/IMG_4170_1.jpg).

This time we're going all out!  ;D ;D

With an extra eight bells, a three-minutes blast and ?Happy New Year? on the whistle, 1903 was greeted upon the beginning of the first watch of this year.

Usual holiday routine carried out.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 07 December 2016, 15:28:47
Patterson, Sitka, Alaska, July 4, 1903

As usual, we go all out... We had planned just to clean the ship and have some lucky person wind the chronomoters, but thanks to the good people of Sitka....

Usual morning routine and cleaning ship for Holiday. Dressed ship with rainbow.
Chronometers wound at 8:00. Dressed ship and observed the day as a National holiday.
Commander & Officers ashore attending Fourth of July celebration. Gig and whaleboat with crews from Stbd. & port watched participated in boat race at the request of people of Sitka.
Guests from ashore arrived on board at 6:00 P.M.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 07 December 2016, 16:58:32
Patterson, Sitka, Alaska, July 4, 1903

As usual, we go all out... We had planned just to clean the ship and have some lucky person wind the chronomoters, but thanks to the good people of Sitka....

Usual morning routine and cleaning ship for Holiday. Dressed ship with rainbow.
Chronometers would at 8:00. Dressed ship and observed the day as a National holiday.
Commander & Officers ashore attending Fourth of July celebration. Gig and whaleboat with crews from Stbd. & port watched participated in boat race at the request of people of Sitka.
Guests from ashore arrived on board at 6:00 P.M.

Chronometers would what? ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 07 December 2016, 17:38:39

Chronometers would what? ;)

Ooops. Chronometers wound..  :-[

Word had no problems with it!   ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 15 December 2016, 03:51:53
09/08/1908 Albatross 1908 Hong Kong
Dressed with masthead flags in honor of British King's birthday; undressed at sun down.

The 6th anniversary of Edward VII coronation?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 15 December 2016, 14:10:39
Yep - he was due to be crowned in June but came down with appendicitis if I recall correctly so they put it off til August 9th  :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: leelaht on 03 January 2017, 19:43:07
Albatross Feb 22, 1899 Sausalito Bay California

Dressed ship at sunrise waterline to waterline fore and aft in honor of the birthday of Washington.  Hauled down at sunset.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 07 January 2017, 10:42:38
Unalga_1 Christmas Day, 1929 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Unalga//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/UNALGA//b2584/b2584_218_1.jpg), Juneau.

The weather reported for Juneau, Hi 37F, Lo 27F, 6.2 mm precipitation.
The weather reported by Unalga,  Hi 37F, Lo 28F, Snow.  (WRs taken every four hours.)

Omitted all unnecessary work and observed Christmas Day.
Willard Laughlin Sea. 1c, slipped on gangway, and fell overboard. 10:52 man overboard recovered.

4:00 pm to Midnight
8:00 Received call from Gastineau Hotel that a member of the Unalga?s crew was being disorderly, and requested that he be returned to the ship. 8:30 Alec Wright Eng. 1c was returned to the vessel under the influence of intoxicating liquor. 9:00 Willard J. Laughlin Sea 1c. left ship without permission from proper authority, being restricted to the limits of the vessel, awaiting trial by a Coast Guard General Court. 10:00 Willard J. Laughlin Sea 1c returned to ship one (1) hour absent without leave.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 15 January 2017, 18:38:29
Unalga, Memorial Day (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Unalga//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/UNALGA//b2585/b2585_180_1.jpg), 1930

At noon: 54 05N 160 25W, Wind W 6 29.25 42 40 op Cum-Nim 10  Vis. 8 miles, Sea State 6.
Omitted firing a salute in observance of Memorial Day on account of deep rolling of vessel and inclement weather.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 30 January 2017, 17:47:57
Thanksgiving provisions on Albatross November 25th 1908 Naval Station Cavite
Received for the general mess 2000 lbs. ice, 800 lbs. potatoes, 180 lbs. onions, 50 lbs. apples, 154 lbs. beef, 70 1/2 lbs. turkey, 30 lbs. nuts, 90 lbs. cabbage, 396 eggs, 24 lbs. cranberry sauce, 14lbs. plum pudding, 44 lbs. ham.
November 26th 1908
Visiting party attended entertainment on board the U.S.S. Galveston.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 07 February 2017, 23:06:57
25o 56'N
80o 03'W
22 February, 1933

12:00 fired a National Salute of 21 guns in commemoration of the birthday of George Washington, a national holiday. On the second shot a misfire occurred on gun #1; fired three times, and as the gun would not fire, proceeded as prescribed by the Ordnance Instructions, U.S. Coast Guard elevating the muzzle of the gun and leaving it for thirty minutes. Lost two empty cases overboard during the firing. 12:05 course 173o gyro. 2:54 course 165o gyro. Unloaded shell from gun one, and as the primer had not been struck, stored it in the magazine. Cause of the misfire was a loose firing pin, which fell out when the firing lanyard was pulled.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 09 February 2017, 23:45:56
Unalga, 30 May 1933
25o 30'N 82o 10'W

12:00, Commenced firing a salute of 21 minute guns in commemoration of Memorial Day; national colors half masted during the salute. 12:01, stopped the vessel. 12:22, completed salute, underway at 11 ? knots on course 344o gyro, and so to end.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 19 February 2017, 02:44:43
Albatross 2nd July 1909, Manila, P.I.
Food received for Independence day celebrations.
Received for general mess 100 lbs. bread, 1200 lbs. ice, 352 lbs. beef, 102 lbs. turkey, 504 eggs, 1 case oysters, 1 case olives, 1 case cranberry, 1 pkg. nuts.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 01 March 2017, 15:11:33
Bear 30 May 1914 (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/23695631/content/dc-metro/rg-026/585454/0002/Bear-b355/Bear-b355_0183.JPG). Lat: 59 05N Long: 169 50W.

At 8.00 set colors at half mast in observance of Memorial Day.

Suspended unnecessary work in observance of Memorial Day. Fired national salute at noon and mast-headed colors.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 06 March 2017, 02:57:57
U.S.S. Yorktown

25-12-1906 - At anchor off Santa Barbara, California.

8 A.M. to Meridian.
At 10.30 Santa Claus visited the ship and distributed presents to different members of the crew.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol028of040/vol028of040_165_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol028of040/vol028of040_165_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 06 March 2017, 08:38:10
A real Christmas celebration for once!

(I wonder how many guns Santa rates ;))
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 29 May 2017, 01:02:11
Minimal celebrations in Sausalito
Albatross 4th July 1912
At 8 a.m full dressed ship.

At Sundown undressed ship.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 29 May 2017, 07:33:05
Minimal celebrations in Sausalito
Albatross 4th July 1912
At 8 a.m full dressed ship.

At Sundown undressed ship.

Hardly sounds like a riotous event does it?  ;) :o
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 15 June 2017, 02:05:57
Albatross 26th November 1912
Stores for thanksgiving
List of stores received Tuesday, November 26, 1912, for general mess;  7:00 a.m. 
4 Bags Potatoes, Irish. 
1 Crate Potatoes, sweet. 
60 lbs Cabbage. 
20 lbs Lettuce. 
35 lbs Celery. 
75 lbs Spinach. 
30 lbs Cranberries, fresh. 
34 lbs Candy. 
4 Doz Plum pudding. 
60 lbs Baking powder. 
10 lbs Mixed nuts. 
500 Cigarettes. 
50 Cigars. 
3 lbs Chocolate. 
18 tins Lobster.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 15 June 2017, 12:36:35
Albatross 26th November 1912
Stores for thanksgiving
List of stores received Tuesday, November 26, 1912, for general mess;  7:00 a.m. 
60 lbs Baking powder. 

Now that seems a bit weird. You need about 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder per 8 oz of flour for fairy cakes. Perhaps there's another use for it on a ship?  :-\
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 15 June 2017, 12:45:44
That seemed a lot of baking powder to me too...

Maybe for cleaning?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 15 June 2017, 13:10:27
They loved their popping candy on the Albatross and by late 1912 were on the way to perfecting popping cabbage. 
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 15 June 2017, 13:43:22
I'm missing something here...
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 16 June 2017, 01:02:12
Baking powder is used to make popping candy pop. 

More traditional Thanksgiving stores arrive the next day.  Possibly they are hosting a celebration.
Weds Nov 27 1912
List of stores received Wednesday, November 27, 1912, for general mess; 6:00 p.m.  16 lbs Liver, beef, fresh.  30 lbs Bacon, sugar cured.  2 Sucking pigs.  70 lbs Turkey, fresh, dressed and drawn.  60 doz Eggs.  10 doz Rolls.

Thursday Nov 28 1912

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 16 June 2017, 10:18:25
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 29 July 2017, 02:38:31
May 30 1913 Sausalito

At 12 meridian Half masted colors during a salute of 21 minute guns, fired by U.S.S. Marblehead and U.S.R.C. McCulloch
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 22 August 2017, 04:10:23
9th Sept 1913 United Engineering works Alameda, California

Holiday, suspended all work.

California admission day - Celebrates California becoming part of the U.S.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Joke Slayer on 22 August 2017, 14:50:43

Beluga 1900

July 3 - Broke out the rum
July 4 - Day very quite. Fired National Salute. Flying Bunting
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 22 August 2017, 15:11:58
Hello Beluga fiver years before Monterey!  :D

Holiday!!  :D  (I wonder what they did have for their very nice dinner and supper?)

#monterey1905 : https://panoptes-uploads.zooniverse.org/production/subject_location/48e84f91-0663-4195-b862-bcd0f3f9bd43.jpeg

July 4th 1905: We hoisted our Ensign at the Peake. Capt treated all hands and had a very nice dinner and supper
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 28 August 2017, 17:11:00

The back of the page says:

STRICKLY Forbidden
By order of C. O.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 11 September 2017, 01:50:41
Albatross Monday February 23 1914 Sausalito

At 8.00 Dressed ship in honor of Washington's birth day.

The U.S.S. Marblehead & U.S.R.C. Unalga fired a national salute of 21 guns.

Hauled down dressingline at sunset.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 11 September 2017, 09:53:52
I wonder if that was one ship to represent the Navy and one ship to represent the Coast Guard.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 13 September 2017, 09:14:54
I moved the New Year's poems to The Letters, Humor, and Art of Old Weather Logbooks (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=4249.0)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 13 September 2017, 17:44:48
I moved the New Year's poems to The Letters, Humor, and Art of Old Weather Logbooks (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=4249.0)

Thank you Randi!  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Maikel on 11 November 2017, 10:24:02
01-06-1908 - At anchor off East Portland, Oregon.

Meridian to 4 P.M.:
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of "Rose" queen of the Carnival, and full dressed ship, following motions of the flagship.

8 P.M. to Midnight:
The Charleston was illuminated from 8.30 to 11.00.

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol030of040/vol030of040_200_1.jpg (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS%20Yorktown/vol030of040/vol030of040_200_1.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 11 November 2017, 10:54:05
Portland Rose Festival (https://oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/portland_rose_festival/#.Wgccz4i1uUk)

Morning Oregonian., June 01, 1908, Image 1 (https://oregonnews.uoregon.edu/lccn/sn83025138/1908-06-01/ed-1/seq-1/)

Morning Oregonian., June 02, 1908, SECOND EDITION, Image 1 (https://oregonnews.uoregon.edu/lccn/sn83025138/1908-06-02/ed-1/seq-1/)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 14 November 2017, 04:10:13
12th February 1915 Albatross at Alameda California

working party of 4 men left the ship for Safo[?] Grounds

no school on account of it being a holiday (Lincoln's Birthday,)

working party from Exposition returned on board at 5.30

Possibly the Panama?California Exposition in San Diego celebrating the completion of the Panama canal
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 14 November 2017, 08:26:44
Maybe Expo Grounds ?
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 14 November 2017, 14:49:09
Maybe Expo Grounds ?

Yes thats it!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 01 December 2017, 03:01:44
6th September 1915 Albatross
( "Labor day")

Holliday, no school.  :)

But working just the same as usual  :(

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 26 April 2018, 02:11:12
USCG Storis 15th May 1954 Juneau

0755 Dressed Ship for Armed Forces Day
0900 Commenced Armed forces Day Open House to the public.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 25 June 2018, 01:46:05
USRM Bear 3rd July 1893 Point Spencer, Port Clarence, Alaska
Expended 15 rations to prepare a nice dinner for the crew on July the Fourth

Bent flags and pennants preparatory to dressing ship.

4th July 1893
Dressed ship in honor of the day.

All work suspended in honor of the day.

At 12:00 fired a salute of 21 guns.

7:00 hauled down flags on account of rain.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 24 December 2018, 12:31:40
(https://i.imgur.com/TYL2jEi.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/NH-00001/NH-587.html)

USS Monterey Christmas Dinner Menu 1918 (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/research/library/manuscripts/m/menus-from-ship-to-shore/1910s/uss-monterey-1918-christmas-dinner.html)
USS Case Christmas Dinner Menu 1926 (https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/manuscripts/m/menus-from-ship-to-shore/1920s/uss-case-1926-christmas-dinner.html)
USS Rochester 1931 Christmas Dinner (https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/manuscripts/m/menus-from-ship-to-shore/1930s/uss-rochester-1931-christmas-dinner.html)
USS Santa Fe 1945 Christmas Dinner (https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/manuscripts/m/menus-from-ship-to-shore/1940s/uss-santa-fe-1945-christmas-dinner-.html)
USS Barry Christmas Dinner Menu 1956 (https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/manuscripts/m/menus-from-ship-to-shore/1950s/uss-barry-1956-christmas-dinner.html)

USS ST. LOUIS officers in the wardroom Christmas dinner 1918(https://i.imgur.com/6RSA2T9.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/NH-120000/NH-120207.html)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 24 December 2018, 16:05:21
Oh yummy yummy yummy...there's a lot there that a vegetarian would be happy to enjoy for their Xmas dinner. Wonderful to see these pieces of history - thanks Randi  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 24 December 2018, 18:20:17
 :) :) :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: adflora on 22 June 2019, 16:38:03
Bear log, 5/30/1925 Memorial Day observance:

"Suspended all work and observed Memorial Day. 10:00 sent firing squad to fire volleys over graves of deceased United States service men buried in Unalaska cemetary [sic]. 12:00, fired twenty-one minute guns, during which the colors were half masted. 1:00 granted liberty to one watch until 11:00 p.m."

A touching and solemn ceremony for Memorial Day.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 22 June 2019, 18:03:42
Yes. Very nicely done.

Thanks for posting it.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 23 June 2019, 11:41:00
That's a wonderful picture of respect. Thanks for posting it adflora.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books - Independence Day celebration at sea 1925
Post by: adflora on 27 June 2019, 15:53:12
The following notes from BEAR on 7/5/1925 describe party time to celebrate Independence Day:

"9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Whale boats used by crew in sailing parties, races and cruises to TELLER and return. Swimming over the side. 1:30, granted liberty and ran regular boats to the beach and return.

4:00 p.m. to Mid. Skinned and dressed reindeer purchased by Commissary Officer for various messes. Sent motor surf boat to Grantley Harbor to return with becalmed sailing party. 9:00. liberty party returned on time. 10:30, all boats returned. Day ends clear and fine."
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 27 June 2019, 18:46:19
I went for a swim off Haines Alaska a few years ago. It was pretty cold. I'm impressed that some people went swimming off Teller.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 18 July 2019, 03:04:44
Northland July 4th 1927 North Pacific Ocean

Omitted quarters, drills and all unnecessary work; Observed day as a holiday

12:00, fired salute of 21 guns to comemorate the 4th of July.

8.00PM- Mid.
Held moving pictures and boxing, wrestling and pie eating contests on quarterdeck.

Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Helen J on 18 July 2019, 05:25:48
I hope they did the wrestling and boxing before the pie eating contest ....
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 18 July 2019, 10:51:29
Perhaps it was one or the other ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 18 July 2019, 11:13:33
 :) :) :)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 18 July 2019, 13:41:10
If they had pecan pie I'd be happy to throw my name into the pot  ;) ;D
Just count me out of the boxing and wrestling  ;)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 02 September 2019, 15:10:28
Northland, Memorial Day, May 30, 1929 at Unalaska:

Observed Memorial Day and performed only necessary duties.
12:00 fired a national salute of one minute guns.  Set colors at half mast during the salute.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Hurlock on 11 September 2019, 02:10:03
Northland, December 24th 1927, Oakland.
11:20 Held general muster below decks; representatives of the W.C.T.U. addressed the crew and presented Christmas boxes to all hands.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 11 October 2019, 22:14:43
Northland on August 5, 1929:

Observed Coast Guard Day and performed only necessary duties.
Omitted quarters and drills in observance of Coast Guard Day.

https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_048.jpg (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_048.jpg)

According to Wikipedia, Coast Guard Day is on August 4 and I noticed earlier entries on here mentioning it being observed on August 4.  So I don't know why they were a day late, unless it was because August 4 fell on Sunday in 1929.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 11 October 2019, 22:52:30
I found https://compass.coastguard.blog/2016/07/28/from-the-homefront-how-coast-guard-day-is-celebrated-across-the-service/ and https://www.military.com/military-appreciation-month/origins-of-coast-guard-day.html, but no mention of it ever being August 5.

I suspect you are right that it was because August 4 fell on Sunday :-\
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 13 October 2019, 20:21:17
USGCC Northland

25 December, 1931 (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284526/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1716/26-159a-northland-b1716_242.jpg), Christmas Day
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Permitted guests aboard for Christmas dinner.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 13 October 2019, 20:58:26
Very kind of you, Michael ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 09 November 2019, 16:18:19
Northland October 28, 1929

As with Coast Guard day, Northland observed Navy Day a day late.  Apparently because Navy Day fell on a Sunday in 1929 too.  However, the celebration was dampened by the Alaskan weather.

Omitted dressing ship in observance of Navy Day on account of high wind and rain.
Omitted quarters and drills and observed Navy Day as a holiday.

https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_141.jpg (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_141.jpg)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 09 November 2019, 17:03:21
Omitted dressing ship in observance of Navy Day on account of high wind and rain.

Very sensible of them!
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 25 November 2019, 00:44:44
Northland in Oakland on Dec. 19, 1929:

https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_205.jpg (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284522/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1712/26-159a-northland-b1712_205.jpg)

8:30 sent a detail of men to the city auditorium to assist in the "Post Inquirer" Christmas party.
12.00 Detail of men returned from assisting Post Inquirer Christmas Party.
Omitted quarters and drills on account of the absence of a detail of men at the Post Enquirer "Christmas Party."

Apparently the annual Christmas Pageant was a major event in Oakland for over a century, with kids from all of the city's schools participating in the performance.  The auditorium has been abandoned since 2006, but a major renovation is about to be undertaken to reopen it to the public and there is an effort underway to revive the Christmas Pageant.

This caught my attention because just over 40 years later I traveled down to Oakland with a group from my high school to perform in that same auditorium, but not as part of the Christmas Pageant.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 25 November 2019, 09:11:14
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 11 December 2019, 15:23:19
On Feb. 13, 1935, Northland observed a half holiday.

https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284533/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1723/26-159a-northland-b1723_052.jpg (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284533/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1723/26-159a-northland-b1723_052.jpg)

Observed half holiday; Lincoln's Birthday.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 11 December 2019, 16:29:36
;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: AvastMH on 11 December 2019, 18:07:31
 I would have thought that Lincoln would have been worth a whole day?  :o   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 23 December 2019, 15:51:58
Not from our logs, but Christmas fun...

USS Kansas
(https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/us-navy-ships/battleships/kansas-bb-21/NH-52239/_jcr_content/mediaitem/image.img.jpg/1434489877168.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/us-navy-ships/battleships/kansas-bb-21/NH-52239.html)
Print after a sketch by T. Dart Walker, entitled Christmas Eve in the United States Navy. Its original caption reads: Giving the famous Highland toast and song for sweethearts and wives. Wherever Uncle Sam's fighting ships are stationed throughout the world, it is the custom of the officers to rise, as here depicted, at the conclusion of the Christmas Eve festivities in honor of the absent home folks. This sketch was made by the noted marine artist, T. Dart Walker, while crossing the Arabian Sea on board the battleship 'Kansas'.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Shovel Race
(https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/NH-46000/NH-46598/_jcr_content/mediaitem/image.img.jpg/1437081659381.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/NH-46000/NH-46598.html)
Crewmen of USS K-6 (Submarine # 37) paddle their dory to victory with coal shovels, during a race with the crew of USS Margaret (SP-527) at Horta, Fayal, Azores, on Christmas Day, 25 December 1917. Photographed by Raymond D. Borden. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

USS SARATOGA (CVA-60), off Gaeta, Italy, 22 December 1969.
(https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/Other/K-80500/_jcr_content/mediaitem/image.img.jpg/1459208128066.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/Other/K-80500.html)
Bob Hope, with Connie Stevens on his right
and Miss World on his left.
     (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nara-series/80-g-k/80-G-K-80000/K-80498/_jcr_content/mediaitem/image.img.jpg/1459208069316.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nara-series/80-g-k/80-G-K-80000/K-80498.html)
Bob Hope on stage with Miss World.

USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62), South China Sea.
(https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/Other/K-64756/_jcr_content/mediaitem/image.img.jpg/1459314879579.jpg) (https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/nhhc/our-collections/photography/numerical-list-of-images/nhhc-series/nh-series/Other/K-64756.html)
Entertainers Bob Hope and Ann Margaret cut a cake on the mess deck. They are on board for the Bob Hope Christmas USO Show.

About 50 years ago Mom and I were watching televised a White House dinner with Queen Elizabeth as the guest of honor. Bob Hope was a guest performer. We were a bit startled at some of his jokes and stories. Then we noticed that several times the dinner guests began applauding enthusiastically before he could get to the punch line :-X
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 05 March 2020, 14:33:24
I never heard of this American holiday.  Apparently it's still an official holiday.

On October 11, 1935 the Northland

Observed holiday in honor of General Pulaski.

https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284534/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1724/26-159a-northland-b1724_125.jpg (https://catalog.archives.gov/OpaAPI/media/7284534/content/arcmedia/dc-metro/rg-026/585454-noaa/159a/northland/b1724/26-159a-northland-b1724_125.jpg)

Here's what Wikipedia says,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Pulaski_Memorial_Day (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Pulaski_Memorial_Day)
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 05 March 2020, 18:55:19
That is new to me too.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 06 March 2020, 14:08:44
On October 11, 1935 the Northland

Observed holiday in honor of General Pulaski.

and on the next day, October 12

Observed Columbus day.
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 06 March 2020, 15:14:06
And how do they expect to get any work done with all these holidays!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: ggordon on 06 March 2020, 18:51:56
And how do they expect to get any work done with all these holidays!!!  ;D

and on October 13 they observed Sunday!   ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Randi on 06 March 2020, 19:21:10
I can hardly wait to learn about Monday ::) ;D
Title: Re: Holidays in the U.S. Log Books
Post by: Michael on 11 March 2020, 12:43:45

Monday, May 31 1920

9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Carrying out usual holiday routine in observance of Memorial day.

Merid: fired a salute of 21 minute guns.