Old Weather Forum

Library => The voyages, the work, the people, the places => Topic started by: lizwizCYLS on 15 December 2011, 09:48:10

Title: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: lizwizCYLS on 15 December 2011, 09:48:10
I'm a newbee member of the_zooniverse went to Climate aka OldWeather following a vessel called HMS Ben-my-Chree which is a SEAPLANE aircraft carrier (didn't even know they existed let alone that long ago!). Today I transcribed a log page from Thursday September 2nd 1915 & my ship rescued 815 from sinking Austrailian troop carrier! MAN does that ever be REALITY TV EH! I posted this on both my TWITTER account & my family FACEBOOK account....this stuff addictive & I'd really like to get more people in on it eh!
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Kathy on 15 December 2011, 10:17:35
Hi lizwizCYLS -

welcome to the club - you have been officially sucked into the MOST interesting project ever!  ;D

Kathy W.

ps I hope you realize the club is actually a bit of a loony bin  ;D
pps Watch out for some of the members - their jokes can be quite painful!  :P


Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 15 December 2011, 10:33:42

I'm learning more history and geography here than any teacher managed to cram into my head 50-plus years ago.  Especially since in the US, WWI isn't see as that big a thing by the history writers.
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Randi on 15 December 2011, 10:53:31
I'm a newbee member of the_zooniverse went to Climate aka OldWeather following a vessel called HMS Ben-my-Chree which is a SEAPLANE aircraft carrier (didn't even know they existed let alone that long ago!). Today I transcribed a log page from Thursday September 2nd 1915 & my ship rescued 815 from sinking Austrailian troop carrier! MAN does that ever be REALITY TV EH! I posted this on both my TWITTER account & my family FACEBOOK account....this stuff addictive & I'd really like to get more people in on it eh!

You can also join the Old Weather team doing BOINC. See the thread: http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=2028.0

With the Zooniverse, scientists use our brains to process data. With BOINC (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/), scientists use our unused computer time to process data. There are all kinds of projects: climate modeling (http://climateprediction.net/), SETI, astronomy, CERN, disease control, ....

PS Beware of wendolk ;) :P
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: lizwizCYLS on 15 December 2011, 11:07:37
I'm interested but I'm likely too sleepy to read right....HOW do I get onboard with BOINC? I find the thread quite long & I've just finished being up for my overnight shift for about 21 hours so I'm likely to be able to figure it out tonight BUT if there's a quick & dirty shortcut I'm a lazy cuss eh! :-\

ALSO: back in my younger days when my peer group all had motorcycles we all had a "leader of the pack gang name" so my brother's was Bill's Bozos & there was Hal's Angels & Donny's Dudes so of course mine was "Liz's LOONEY BIN" so I'm thinkin' I'll be an instigator not an easily wounded sobersides eh!....

BTW most of you appear to be Brits....I'm a CANUCKIAN from Eastern Time Zone so it's actually 11:12 AM here & I work straight midnights so will appear/disappear at odd times lol :P
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Kathy on 15 December 2011, 11:36:45
Hey - I'm not the one to worry about  :P

I'm in the Eastern time zone - I live outside of Washington, DC in Maryland, but I think you are right - there are a lot of us here in the New World, but I think the majority of folks actively working on the project are probably Brits.  (Especially the ones to watch out for! oh, and lets not forget the American in Paris  ;D)

Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: ElisabethB on 15 December 2011, 13:37:43
and a lone Belgian !  ;D
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Bunting Tosser on 15 December 2011, 13:54:29
and a lone Belgian !  ;D
All hail the patron saint of chocolate!
(I treated myself to a visit to our local chocolatier this afternoon. I lost about a pound and a half by looking at the wares and the drinks menu without so much as touching any.)
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Randi on 15 December 2011, 14:15:24
I'm interested but I'm likely too sleepy to read right....HOW do I get onboard with BOINC? I find the thread quite long & I've just finished being up for my overnight shift for about 21 hours so I'm likely to be able to figure it out tonight BUT if there's a quick & dirty shortcut I'm a lazy cuss eh! :-\

The key information is in the first post of the thread. The rankings there will give you an idea of projects we are already working on - but you are certainly not limited to those!

But to summarize:
Go to http://boinc.berkeley.edu/
1 Decide which project(s) you want to run --- you can always add or delete projects later
2 Download/install the software

Once the BOINC Manager is running, you can add projects by clicking on the "Tools" menu, selecting "Add project or account manager", and then selecting "Add project" (that might be part of the installation - I did it so long ago that I don't even remember). It really is easy.

If you are not given a chance to join a team when you add the project, you can do it from your user profile - to the right, under the heading community.

Here is our team page in CPDN (climateprediction.net). Caro is founder and ARTIST (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=25.0):

What American in Paris?
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Kathy on 15 December 2011, 14:22:47
pppfff -

you -  ;D

I know, I know, you are not actually in Paris, but it was too good a line to pass up!  :P

Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Randi on 15 December 2011, 15:59:42
The sad thing is that OW helps me stay sane retain what little sanity I have left.
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: studentforever on 15 December 2011, 17:55:42
Yes and while rescuing 800+ men they dutifully recorded the weather and after they had transferred the survivors cleaned up the decks before 'Piped down' was recorded in the log.
LizWiz, you are lucky to get this really early in your OW career but I have to warn you that when your ship enters dry dock it can get really boring, enlivened only by the reports of scraping the ship's bottom.
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: lizwizCYLS on 15 December 2011, 18:22:44
yup I was astonished to get good stuff early on & dry dock will be dry so I'll just count my blessings that they're not scraping MY bottom eh! lol ;D

oh ya....they did great due diligence about most of the recording bud did NOT mention the NAME of the SHIP that sank....at least not on the page I got 1st....

I'm kinda hoping everybody stayed & stays off 'til I get back later as it would be soooo awesome to transcribe my BIRTHDAY 97 years on which is September 22nd so I was 20 pages away when I "H A V E T O S L E E P"

BTW this edit shows 23:25 when it's actually 18:25 for me....5 hour difference
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: tastiger on 15 December 2011, 18:54:55
LizWiz, you are lucky to get this really early in your OW career but I have to warn you that when your ship enters dry dock it can get really boring, enlivened only by the reports of scraping the ship's bottom.

Odd thing is I kind of like the dry dock periods; I get through the pages faster.  ::)

Congrats on the interesting discovery lizwizCYLS. It's not every day hundreds of people are saved by your ship! (Real world days, not log days)  ;D
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 15 December 2011, 19:09:51
BTW most of you appear to be Brits....I'm a CANUCKIAN from Eastern Time Zone so it's actually 11:12 AM here & I work straight midnights so will appear/disappear at odd times lol :P

Hi from Chicago!  The website time is British, and moves to British Summer in the summer, which means they are always 6 hours ahead of me.  You can set your computer to show your own local time in the forum heading, but I don't know how because I've never wanted to.  It helps me to know whether the PTB are sleeping or not.  And DJ is from Seattle.  Bunts keeps better track than most of our diverse minority nationalities. :)

I see there are some Americans doing this. I would be nice to see where other transcribers are from and why they are interested in this project.  :)

This is not a comprehensive list, but:
we have members right across the US, in Poland, Italy, Belgium, Brazil, Australia, France, Switzerland, Scotland, England. (Apologies to other countries with representatives whom I've missed.) There are cross country allegiances: American in France, Australian in England etc. and other ex-pats.

I've had to give up my xenophobic jokes, and stick to the sexist ones.  ;D

And his sexist jokes definitely get him in trouble! ;D
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: JamesAPrattIII on 15 December 2011, 21:30:50
The ship was the liner Southland which was torpedod and badly damaged by the UB14 see u-boat.net. the BMCs service in WW I is covered in the book "Royal Navy Shipboard Aircraft Developments 1911-1931". The book "Flights and Fights" also deals with this ship. The BMC did have a active roll in the Med and Red Seas during the war. However, you will soon have to put up with lot of "hands clean ship"
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: JamesAPrattIII on 16 December 2011, 19:44:55
The greatwar forum has some account of the ships torpedoing in their navies and ships section. The Southland was torpedoed and sunk on 4 june 1917 in the Atlantic by the U70.
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: sean0118 on 17 December 2011, 04:38:17
The greatwar forum has some account of the ships torpedoing in their navies and ships section. The Southland was torpedoed and sunk on 4 june 1917 in the Atlantic by the U70.

But lizwizCYLS's log page is from "September 2nd 1915"  ??? 
Title: Re: HMS Ben-my-Chree rescued 815 from a sinking Austrailian troop carrier!
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 17 December 2011, 18:01:02
a great many ships have been torpedoed and/or 'sunk' only to be towed in and repaired and sent out again.  Both the September 1915 and June 1917 may be accurate "sunk" dates, if the ship is unfortunate.