If you want to look at similar pages for other ships go to: * * * Index - Use this to find your Ship * * * (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3210.msg52142#msg52142)
Welcome on board the USRC Corwin
ship was officially known as USRC Thomas Corwin (but also as US Revenue
Marine Steamer Corwin and US Revenue Steamer Corwin) during her Revenue
Cutter service 1877-1900 and, after modifications, as SS Corwin during
her merchant service 1900-1916. Thomas seems to have been dropped in most references.
(The little ship in the background of the picture is the "Walcott")
Have a look around the forum, and don't hesitate to pose questions! There are lots of people who would be happy to respond. Each time you join a new ship have a look for one of these pages.
Feel free to add your own questions and comments to: Corwin -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3002.msg47943#msg47943)
If you are interested in the names of crew members see: Corwin -- Crew Lists (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3406.0)
has a wide variety of log book formats. Some log books are the standard
format (or very close to it) that you see in the Tutorial and that the
Weather Observation tab is oriented towards. Other log books are very
different from the standard format.
We currently have example log pages for the following formats:
- 6 August 1881:
- 23 August 1884 (Actually, this is the same format as above.):
(http://www.cosmik.com/oldweather/corwin_vol_198_127.jpg) (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3273.msg56441#msg56441)
- 22 February 1886:
- 22 July 1891:
(http://www.cosmik.com/oldweather/corwin_vol_206_127.jpg) (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3273.msg60771#msg60771)
- 24 November 1892:
Links to further information about the ship:
- Naval History - US Revenue Service and Coast Guard Cutters: CORWIN (http://naval-history.net/OW-US/Corwin/USRC_Corwin.htm)
- Wikipedia: USRC Thomas Corwin (1876) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USRC_Thomas_Corwin_%281876%29)
- U.S. Coast Guard Cutter History: Thomas Corwin (a.k.a. Corwin), 1876 (http://www.uscg.mil/history/webcutters/Corwin1876.asp)
- Map of the voyage of the U. S. S. Thomas Corwin. (http://vilda.alaska.edu/cdm/singleitem/collection/cdmg11/id/10759/rec/1)
- Report
of the cruise of the U.S. revenue-steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean,
by Captain C. L. Hooper, U.S.R.M. November 1, 1880.
- Report
of the Cruise of the Revenue Marine Steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean
in the year 1884. by Capt. M. A. Healy, U.S.R.M.
- Report
of the Cruise of the Revenue Marine Steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean
in the year 1885. by Capt. M. A. Healy, U.S.R.M.
- The Cruise of the Corwin by John Muir (http://www.uscg.mil/history/docs/The_Cruise_of_the_Corwin.pdf)
- These two, though not specific to Corwin, are particularly helpful for important events, ships met, and names.
- Alaska and the U. S. Revenue Cutter Service: 1867-1915
- The Coast Guard Expands, 1865-1915: New Roles, New Frontiers
A fellow transcriber (Kathy) has created a database to help both transcribers and historians (and contributors are welcome!): Searchable Database (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=2872.msg44227#msg44227)
USRC Corwin
This post covers a log page from 6 August 1881.
Comments on the log:
- This is a fairly standard log format.
- Normally there are 24 weather records per day.
- Note
that the date in the log is in US order (month, day, year) and on the
Date tab the order is day, month, year following the Royal Navy format.
- On
the RN ships we encouraged transcribers to record the names of people,
places, and ships mentioned in the log. Now there are some new items
that are of interest. The scientists would appreciate your recording
sightings of sea ice on the Sea Ice tab and sightings of animals on the
Animals tab. The historians would appreciate your recording refueling on
the Refueling tab.
- NEW: Kevin Wood (a member of the OW
science team) and Chris Davis (of the Solar Stormwatch project) are
interested in reports of sunspots and aurorae because these are very
informative about the activity of the Sun. Kevin and Chris would
appreciate your recording these reports on the Events tab. For more
information see Old Space Weather: sightings of aurorae and sunspots (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3670.0)
Links to helpful transcribing information:
- Guides for US logs (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3078.msg49657#msg49657)
- Type What You See - Yes, but ... (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.msg51625#msg51625)
- HELPFUL REFERENCE POSTS (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3301.0)
- Handwriting Help (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=8.0)
- What Does THAT mean? (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=9.0)
- Technical Support (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=14.0)
- Officers' Names: http://www.uscg.mil/history/articles/USRCSHistoricalRegister.pdf
(The search function does not work, but the list is in alphabetical order). - Compilation of Enlisted Ratings and Apprenticeships, U.S. Navy, 1775 to 1969 (http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq78-3.htm)
- NEW: Geographical Help (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?board=24.0)
names (including lighthouses) from the logs are available in the form
of alphabetical lists and Google Earth maps. In addition, there are
links to old and new maps and other place name resources.
You can also ask for help and contribute your own research.
for Alaskan (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3644.0),
Canadian (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3638.0),
Greenlandic (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3650.0),
Russian (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3648.0) and US
(non-Alaskan) (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3653.0) place
names are available. Other areas
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3640.0) may be added in the
Weather Page:
Example: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/USS%20Corwin/Corwin_1881/pics2%20329_0.jpg
written details are transcribed as follows, though the page you are
working on will not display a grid in this way. Note that the data in
some columns is not transcribed and that some logs do not have all the
columns included on the Weather Observation tab, so, before clicking OK,
check that your data is in the correct fields. It is more important to
be accurate than to be fast. Only transcribe what is written. Ask on the
forum for handwriting help if unsure.
Hour | | Wind Dir | | Force | | Bar Height | | Ther Attached. | | Dry | | Wet | | Water | | Weather Code | | Cloud Code | | Clear Sky| |
1 | NW | 5 | 29.50 | 52 | 43 | 41 | 37 | f | - | 0 |
2 | " | 5 | 29.54 | 52 | 43 | 41 | 37 | " | - | 0 |
3 | " | 5 | 29.58 | 51 | 43 | 40 | 36 | " | - | 0 |
4 | " | 5 | 29.60 | 52 | 42 | 40 | 37 | " | - | 0 |
5 | " | 4 | 29.60 | 54 | 42 | 40 | 37 | " | - | 0 |
6 | " | 4 | 29.62 | 56 | 42 | 40 | 37 | " | - | 0 |
7 | " | 3 | 29.69 | 58 | 41 | 39 | 37 | " | - | 0 |
8 | " | 3 | 29.74 | 59 | 41 | 39 | 37 | " | - | 0 |
9 | " | 2 | 29.72 | 60 | 42 | 40 | 39 | cgf | Cum-Nim | 0 |
10 | " | 2 | 29.70 | 60 | 43 | 41 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
11 | " | 2 | 29.70 | 61 | 43 | 41 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
Noon | " | 2 | 29.69 | 58 | 44 | 40 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
Location | Dead Reckoning | Latitude = 67 52 00 N | Longitude = 175 18 00 W
Hour | | Wind Dir | | Force | | Bar Height | | Ther Attached. | | Dry | | Wet | | Water | | Weather Code | | Cloud Code | | Sky Clear| |
1 | East | 2 | 29.68 | 60 | 44 | 40 | 39 | or | Nim | 0 |
2 | " | 2 | 29.68 | 62 | 43 | 40 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
3 | " | 2 | 29.66 | 62 | 43 | 41 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
4 | " | 2 | 29.66 | 60 | 43 | 41 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
5 | ESE | 2 | 29.60 | 59 | 42 | 41 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
6 | " | 2 | 29.61 | 57 | 44 | 43 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
7 | " | 2 | 29.61 | 57 | 44 | 43 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
8 | " | 2 | 29.60 | 56 | 45 | 43 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
9 | SE | 2 | 29.61 | 56 | 45 | 43 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
10 | " | 2 | 29.59 | 57 | 45 | 43 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
11 | " | 2 | 29.58 | 58 | 45 | 43 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
Mid | " | 2 | 29.56 | 60 | 45 | 44 | 39 | " | " | 0 |
Notes for transcribers:
- Atypically,
the log keeper enters the location text at the top of the Record of the
Miscellaneous Events of the Day page rather than at the top of the
Weather page. The location text should be entered where it appears on
the second page (the events page). For this reason, the 'Progress Bar',
just above the image of the log page, will be out of sequence and should
be ignored.
- There is no field on the page specifically for
refueling. If the amount of coal received is mentioned, the data should
go on the Refueling tab.
Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day:
Example http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/USS%20Corwin/Corwin_1881/pics2%20329_1.jpg
page has been completely transcribed below to help new transcribers
become familiar with both the writing and the language used. Nobody is
expected to transcribe all the text! Following it are some comments
about transcribing the page.
Cape Wankarem
Saturday August 6th, 1881
Mid. to 4A.M. Fresh breeze from N.W. and dense fog.
Edmund Burke, 2nd Lieut.
4 to 8A.M. Moderate to gentle breeze from the N.W. and foggy.
Made preparations to water ship.
W.J. Herring, 1st Lieut.
8 to Merid. Light wind from N.W.; weather cloudy, gloomy,
and foggy. Crew employed boating off water. Natives came
on board bringing a number of articles from the wrecked
whaling bark "Vigilant" which were purchased by the Comdg
officer. At 10 Comd'g officer went on shore to search for other
articles at the native settlement. At 10 inspected berth deck.
W.E. Reynolds, 3rd Lieut.
Merid to 4P.M. Light easterly wind; overcast and raining.
Crew employed as in previous watch. At 1:30 Comd'g officer
returned on board bringing a buck saw, whaling iron,
and several pieces of iron work supposed to have been taken
from the whaling bark "Vigilant". At 3.45 shifted anchor
age, coming to, at 3.50 in in 5 fathoms water, with starboard
anchor, and 15 fathoms chain. Cape Wankarem bearing
N.1/4E. Distant 1/8 mile. At 4 finished watering, having re-
ceived 720 gallons of fresh water.
O.D. Myrick, 3rd Lieut.
4 to 8P.M. Light easterly wind and overcast with continu-
ous rain. At 8 veered to 20 fathoms on starboard chain.
Edmund Burke, 2nd Lieut.
8 to Mid. Day ends with light breeze from S'd & E'd, over-
cast, and raining.
W.E. Reynolds, 3rd Lieut.
Approved to date
C.L. Hooper
Captain USRM
Notes for transcribers:
- The location should be transcribed. Location | Port Name | Name = Cape Wankarem.
Note that Port Name is used because this is where the ship is located. - The date should be transcribed. Date = 06/08/1881.
- With
the exception of the location and date, entering any or all of the
information on this page is optional, although including the place and
ship mentioned below is encouraged. Note: When transcribing
descriptions or context, please do not edit what is written in the log.
It is OK to transcribe only a small segment of the text if the log entry
is long. Do not enter a '?' unless that symbol actually appears in the
logbook. The scientists know that we often have to guess.
- Cape Wankarem can be entered on the Location tab:
Location | Place Name | Name = Cape Wankarem bearing N.1/4E. Distant 1/8 mile.
Note that Place Name is used because a bearing is given. - Whaling bark "Vigilant" can be entered on the Mentions tab:
Mentions | Ship | Name = Whaling Bark Vigilant Context = Natives
came on board bringing a number of articles from the wrecked whaling
bark "Vigilant" which were purchased by the Comd'g officer. At 10 Comd'g
officer went on shore to search for other articles at the native
Mentions | Ship | Name = Whaling Bark Vigilant Context = At
1:30 Comd'g officer returned on board bringing a buck saw, whaling
iron, and several pieces of iron work supposed to have been taken from
the whaling bark "Vigilant".
Note that the second mention of Vigilant is strictly optional. Add it only if it interests you.
- There
are entries for "Coal", "Rations" and "Water" in the left-hand column
but there is no need to enter these numbers unless they interest you (in
which case they would go on the Events tab). If coal is received, it
will be noted under "Coal" and the amount received should go on the
Refueling tab.
- All the full stops (periods) used in the log
entries have been transcribed, but full stops in common abbreviations
may be omitted. See 'Sometimes we can take a little shortcut' in Type
What You See - Yes, but ...
(http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.msg51631#msg51631) for
more details.
Log keepers' quirks:
Other information and comments:
- Cape Wankarem, now Mys Vankarem: http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-4245622&fid=5399&c=russia
A typical day 'at the office' for the USRC fleet in the Arctic.
Enjoy the voyages.