Old Weather Forum

Old Weather: Classic => The Dockyard => Topic started by: Craig on 19 October 2012, 12:04:08

Title: Concord -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description
Post by: Craig on 19 October 2012, 12:04:08
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Welcome on board the USS Concord (PG-3)

This post covers a log page from 1895.


Have a look around the forum, and don't hesitate to pose questions! There are lots of people who would be happy to respond. Each time you join a new ship have a look for one of these pages.

Feel free to add your own questions and comments to:
Concord -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3096.msg50190#msg50190)

Comments on the log:

Links to helpful transcribing information:

Links to further info about the ship:

A fellow transcriber (wendolk) has created a database to help both transcribers and historians (and contributors are welcome):
Searchable Database (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=2872.msg44227#msg44227)

Weather Page:
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/concord001.jpg

The written details are transcribed as follows, though the page you are working on will not display a grid in this way. Note that the data in some columns is not transcribed and that some logs do not have all the columns included on the Weather Observation tab, so, before clicking OK, check that your data is in the correct fields. It is more important to be accurate than to be fast. Only transcribe what is written. Ask on the forum for handwriting help if unsure.

Location | Port Name | Name = Nagasaki, Japan

Hour |Wind dir |Force |Height |Ther Att. |Air |Bulb |Water |Wthr Code |Cloud code |Clear Sky |
11"130.0575747270"Nimb Cir-Cum2
Hour |Wind dir |Force |Height |Ther Att. |Air |Bulb |Water |Wthr Code |Cloud code |Clear Sky |
1SW230.0677767271bcCir-Cum nimb2

Notes for transcribers:

Record of the Miscellaneous Events of the Day:
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/concord001.jpg

This page has been completely transcribed below to help new transcribers become familiar with both the writing and the language used. Nobody is expected to transcribe all the text! Following it are some comments about transcribing the page.

Commander J.E. Craig
Sunday; June 9 1895

Commences and until 4 A.M.
Fair and warm. Light Westerly airs, and calm. Barometer falling a little. Ciro-cumulus
clouds. Steam on stbd. after boiler. Distilling.
Lay H. Eurhart,

4 to 8 A.M.
Cloudy weather, overcast 1st two hours. Calms and light airs from S.E. Barometer nearly steady.
Cumulus, nimbus and cirro-cumulus clouds. Receiving fresh water on board in Equipt.
Dept. from R.H. Powers and Co. of Nagasaki, and filling both for'd and port after boilers.
Rec'd on board in Pay Dept. from R.H. Powers and Co. of Nagasaki, 100 lbs. of fresh bread, 125
lbs. of fresh beef and 125 lbs. of fresh vegetables. At 7.00 the "Charleston" made the following
general signals 6391, 3352, 3956. (uniform and time). Ran port dynamo set from 4.55 to
8.00. Steam on starboard after boiler. Distilling. No current.
W. A. Gill

8 A.M. to Meridian.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs from S.E. to light breeze from S.W. Cirro-cumulus and
nimbus clouds. Bar. rising slowly. At 9.30 held preliminary inspection of crew at quarters -
absent without leave O. Sundblad (Actg. GM 3 C.) and W. Cunningham (Ap. 1 C.). At 9.30
made general signal numeral 2 (sick report). At 9.45 the Commander inspected the
crew at quarters and the ship. Ran port dynamo from 8.30 to 9.30 and again from
9.50 to 10.00. Rec'd in Eng'rs. Dept. 6 Brass Pet Cocks 1/4", and 6 Brass Pet Cocks 3/8". Steam
on stbd. after boiler. Distilling. Finished taking in fresh water from shore, having received
in all 20 tons.
C.M. Fahs

Meridian to 4 P.M.
Cloudy and hot. Light S.W. breeze. Barometer steady. Nimbus and cirro-cumulus
clouds. Steam on stbd. after boiler. Distilling.
Lay H. Eurhart,

4 to 8 P.M.
Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from S.W. Nimbus and cirro-cumulus
clouds. Bar. steady. W. Cunningham (Ap. 1 C) was brought on board by the US
Marshall Mr. Nevill 34 hrs. over leave and a reward of $9.52 was paid to Mr. Nevill
for his apprehension and delivery. Transferred to the U.S.S. Charleston for passage
to the U.S. by P.M.S.S. "Rio Janeiro" the following men with their necessary transfer
papers, bags and hammocks:- Mentirnos, M. (Act'g. B.M. 2 C.), Petersen, E. (Sea.), Conroy,
P. (F. 2 C.), and Conway, J. B. (C.P.). A French man-of war came in and anchored at
7.58. Steam on stbd. after boiler. Distilling. The Charleston at 7.30 made Int. Signal
to the fleet. "The U.S.S. Concord will sail for Chernulpo Monday 10 A.M. will take mail".
The French ships Bayard and Alger and the English Gunboat Daphne replied (same
code) Thanks. Ran port dynamo from 6.59 to 8.00.
C.M. Fahs

8 P.M. to Midnight.
Cloudy and warm. Light breeze from S.W. to S.W. by W. Barometer about steady. Nimbus
and cirro-cumulus clouds. A man-of-war came in and anchored in the lower
harbor. O. Sundblad (Actg. G.M. 3 C.) returned 13 hours over leave. Distilling. Steam on
stbd. after boiler. Ran port dynamo from 8.00 to 11.10 - App. H.W. Moseley standing watch
for instruction.
Lay H. Eurhart,

G. A. Merriam
Lieut. and Navigator.

Notes for transcribers:

Log keepers' quirks:

Other information and comments: