Old Weather Forum

Old Weather: Classic => The Dockyard => Topic started by: Randi on 29 August 2013, 03:31:45

Title: Charleston -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description
Post by: Randi on 29 August 2013, 03:31:45
If you want to look at similar pages for other ships go to: * * * Index - Use this to find your Ship * * * (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3210.0)

Welcome on board the USS Charleston

The fourth Charleston, launched 25 February 1936, was a patrol gunboat.


The quantity of information on this page may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but transcribing is mostly straightforward and it becomes much easier with practice!
The information here will guide you to smooth sailing; please take a look at it before beginning to transcribe.

In addition to this topic, we have other helpful topics and many people willing to help.

We have done our best to flag the difficulty level of ships with the star rating.
Most logbook formats are very close to our standard template, but a few are wildly different.
A few logbooks are typed, but most are handwritten. The writing ranges from excellent to truly horrible.
Finally, if you are becoming frustrated with the ship you are working on, try another ship.

Most log pages are typed!

We currently have example log pages for the following formats:

Links to further info about the ship and general background:
Title: Re: Charleston -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description
Post by: Craig on 29 August 2013, 13:38:35
USS Charleston

This post covers a log page from 17 August 1942.

(Part 1 of 2     Go to Part 2 (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3939.msg72526#msg72526))

Comments on the log:

Links to helpful transcribing information:

Weather Page:
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/charleston_-_1942_aug_17_-_b1953_383.jpg

The following quote shows the data that should be transcribed from the weather page. There are some more detailed explanations after the quote.
Please enter the sets of weather observations for every row that has been recorded. Rows with no weather data should be omitted. There are usually 24 sets while the ship is at sea and six or seven while the ship is in port. On rare occasions there are more than 24.
Not all of the columns in the "weather table" are transcribed. Some of the data relates only to the ship and some weather details, such as the direction the clouds are moving from and visibility, are not transcribed. So, before clicking OK, check that your data is in the correct fields. Please transcribe all the weather data in those columns that have a corresponding field on the entry box (see 'Weather Observation' here (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3078.msg54137#msg54137) under 'What to enter').
You should not add to what is in the log or make "corrections" except in very special circumstances (see Type What You See - Yes, but ... (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.0)). If you are having trouble reading something or are unsure what to do, you can ask questions on the forum in Charleston (Aleutian Campaign) -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3941.0) and Charleston (Distant Seas) -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=4192.0). Remember that it is more important to be accurate than to be fast.

Date = 17/08/1942

Hour |Wind dir |Force |Height |Ther Att. |Air |Bulb |Water |Wthr Code |Cloud code |Clear Sky |

Location | Observed | Latitude = 54 22 0 N | Longitude = 164 30 0 W
Location | Observed | Latitude = 54 24 N | Longitude = 165 22 W

Hour |Wind dir |Force |Height |Ther Att. |Air |Bulb |Water |Wthr Code |Cloud code |Clear Sky |

Notes for transcribers:

Remarks Page:
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/charleston_-_1942_aug_17_-_b1953_383.jpg 1 of 2

This page has been completely transcribed below to help new transcribers become familiar with both the writing and the language used. Nobody is expected to transcribe all the text! Following it are some comments about transcribing the page.

                                                                          Monday 17 August 1942

00-04 Steaming as before escorting convoy consisting of
USAT Texada, USAT Diamond Cement, S.S. Dorothy Phillips, USAT
West Camago, USAT Delarof maintaining station on base
course 220 degrees T & pgc 191 degrees psc Standard speed 12 knots
(147 r.pm) using varias courses and speeds. Ship in
Condition Readiness III less A.A. Battery and Material
Condition Baker set. "M" coil of degaussing belt energized
0100 passed Westdahl Rk Lt. buoy abm. to port distant 5 mi.
0125 passed Cape Pankof Lt. abm. to starboard distant 2 mi.
0130 c/c to 252 T & pgc 220 psc. 0140 commenced
zigzagging according to plan. Ave steam 300 Ave r.p.m. 105.7
                                                                         Geo L Bean

04-08 Steaming as before on base course 252 degrees T & pgc, 220 degrees psc,
at various speeds maintaining station and zigzagging.
Standard speed 12 knots (147 rpm). 0407 Beat to General
Quarters, set material condition 'afirm'. 0456 Secured
from General Quarters, set condition of readiness
III, material condition Baker. 0710 Changed base
course to 262 degrees T & pgc, 230 degrees psc.
          Av Steam 300. Av RPM 111.77
                                                               Robert J Baxter

08-12 Steaming as before . 0900 Changed base course to 270 degrees T & pgc
240 degrees psc. 0910 Passed Scotch Cape light abeam to starboard,
distance 1.7 miles . 1155 Changed base course to 260 degrees T & pgc
230 degrees psc. Made daily inspections of magazines and smokeless
powder, condition normal.   ave steam 300.   ave  RPM 130.0.
                                                                         P.R. Snyder

12-16 Steaming as before on various course maintaining station on convoy.
Base course 260 T & pgc, 230 psc. Standard speed 12 kts (147 R.P.M.). Steaming
at 2/3 standard. 1323 Passed Akun Head abeam to port, distance 4 miles, changed
base course to 245 T & pgc, 216 psc. 1515 Passed North Head Light abeam to
port, distance 3 miles, and changed base course to 226 T & pgc, 199 psc.
          Ave steam 300          Ave R.P.M. 130.0.
                                                      W.C.P. Bellinger

16-18 Steaming on various courses as before maintaining station in convoy. Steaming at
11 kts (130 RPM). Convoy course 226 degrees (T), 199 (psc) speed 8.3  kts. 1605  Sighted steamer
bearing 277 degrees (T) dist 12 mi 1615 Sighted steamer bearing 243 degrees (T) dist 13 mi. 1638 sighted YP88
bearing  227 dist 9 mi.     Av steam 300.     Av RPM 130.3

GB Sherwood                                       G. E. Whaley
                                                                     U.S.N.R. Navigator

Notes for transcribers:

Continued in next post.
Title: Re: Charleston -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description
Post by: Craig on 29 August 2013, 13:40:52
USS Charleston

These posts cover a log page from 17 August 1942.

(Go to Part 1 (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3939.msg72525#msg72525)     Part 2 of 2)

Remarks Page (continued):
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/charleston_-_1942_aug_17_-_b1953_384.jpg 2 of 2

This page has been completely transcribed below to help new transcribers become familiar with both the writing and the language used. Nobody is expected to transcribe all the text! Following it are some comments about transcribing the page.

                                                                          Monday 17 August 1942

18-20 Steaming as before on various courses at various speeds main-
taining station on convoy. Base course 226 degrees T & pgc 199 degrees psc. Standard
speed 12 kts (147 rpm). Convoy speed about 8.3 kts. 1805 Changed
standard speed to 15 kts (185 rpm). Steaming at standard speed. 1810
Passed Priest Rock, abeam to port, dist 8.0 miles. 1825 Stationed special
sea details. Made all preparations for entering port. Captain at the
Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. 1832 Changed
standard speed to 12 kts (147 rpm) . Steaming at standard speed. 1837
Steadied on course 200 degrees T & pgc, 180 degrees psc. 1840 Passed Ulakta Head Lt.
abeam to stbd, dist 1.0 mile. 1842 Secured main battery. 1843 Commenced
various courses at various speeds entering channel, steaming
independently. 1858 Anchored in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, in 18
fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain on deck to the port
anchor.  Anchorage bearings: Spithead Lt. 108 degrees T. Rocky Pt. 192 degrees T
Rt. tangent N.A.S. dock 225 degrees T, Second Priest Rk 083 degrees T. Various naval
and merchant ships present including convoy. 1900 Secured special
sea details and condition III with exception of AA battery. Set main
engines on 20 minutes notice. Secured # 1 boiler. 1920 Lieut. Cmdr.
G.L. BEAN USC&GS, left the ship for N.O.B., Dutch Harbor, Alaska,
being transferred for temporary duty by orders of Commander, 13th
Naval District.   BETTIGOLE, ABRAHAM, Acting Pay Clerk, USN, left
the ship for N.O.B., Dutch Harbor, Alaska, being transferred for temporary
duty by order of Commander Alaskan Sector.  1950 DELONG, BENEDICT   
SAMUEL, 414-49-24, SC 2/c, V-6 USNR, left the ship, being transferred
to N.A.S., Dutch Harbor, Alaska, by order of Commander, Alaskan
Sector. 1955 Lieut P.D. Boyce (S.C.) USN, returned to the ship
having completed four days temporary duty of Naval Section Base,
SAND POINT, Alaska, by verbal orders of Commander, Alaskan Sector.
Av steam 300  Av rpm 142.6.
                                                                    L. A. McIntyre

20-24 Anchored as before. 2120 Secured the anti aircraft
battery. 2121 Secured the main engines, to remain on one
hours notice. 2130 Brought stores aboard. 2228 McKenney,
R.E., pfc, USMC, reported aboard for duty in accordance
with orders from commanding officer, Marine Barracks,
Naval Air Station, Dutch Harbor, Alaska.
                                                               Robert J Baxter

18-20 : <Addition to watch above>. The following men left the ship
for N.A.S. Dutch Harbor, Alaska, having been transferred from N.A.S, Kodiak
Alaska, by order of Commander, Alaskan Sector: Taylor, James, RM 3/c, USN; Castle, Byron, S 2/c, USNR;
Coil, F.W., S 2/c, USNR; COLLIER, F.V., S 2/c, USNR; BORDEN, J.E., S 2/c, USNR; CHURCH, H.C., S 2/c, USNR,

GB Sherwood                                       G. E. Whaley
                                                                     U.S.N.R. Navigator

Notes for transcribers:

Log keepers' quirks:

Other information and comments:
Title: Re: Charleston -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description
Post by: Randi on 29 August 2013, 19:31:57
USS Charleston

These posts cover a log page from 12 July 1945.

(Part 1 of 2     Go to Part 2 (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3939.msg72840#msg72840))

Comments on the log:

Links to helpful transcribing information:

Weather Page:
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/charleston_-_1945_july_12_-_b1956_027.jpg

The following quote shows the data that should be transcribed from the weather page. There are some more detailed explanations after the quote.
Please enter the sets of weather observations for every row that has been recorded. Rows with no weather data should be omitted. There are usually 24 sets while the ship is at sea and six or seven while the ship is in port. On rare occasions there are more than 24.
Not all of the columns in the "weather table" are transcribed. Some of the data relates only to the ship and some weather details, such as the direction the clouds are moving from and visibility, are not transcribed. So, before clicking OK, check that your data is in the correct fields. Please transcribe all the weather data in those columns that have a corresponding field on the entry box (see 'Weather Observation' here (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3078.msg54137#msg54137) under 'What to enter').
You should not add to what is in the log or make "corrections" except in very special circumstances (see Type What You See - Yes, but ... (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3191.0)). If you are having trouble reading something or are unsure what to do, you can ask questions on the forum in Charleston (Aleutian Campaign) -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3941.0) and Charleston (Distant Seas) -- Discussion: Questions and Comments (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=4192.0). Remember that it is more important to be accurate than to be fast.

Location | Port Name | Name = Attu, Alaska          Date = 12/07/1945

Hour |Wind Dir |Force |Bar Height |Ther Attached |Dry |Wet |Water |Weather Code |Cloud Code |Clear Sky
826532993515247443SC AC10
927072993515247453SC AC10
1230092995495047463SC AC10
1331562995505146463SC AC10
16345152995515247463SC AC10
17320142995515347463SC AC10
18300122995505246463SC AC10
19310142995505246463SC AC10
20320112994515348463SC AC10
2122082994484845463SC AC10
2222542992474845463SC AC10
2324092993474845463SC AC10
24245102994515248463SC AC10

Location | Observed | Latitude = 52 33 N | Longitude = 172 43 E
Location | Observed | Latitude = 52 18 N | Longitude = 171 07 E
Location | Observed | Latitude = 51 02 N | Longitude = 168 02 E

Hour |Wind Dir |Force |Bar Height |Ther Attached |Dry  |Wet  |Water |Weather Code |Cloud Code |Clear Sky |

Notes for transcribers:

Continued in next post.
Title: Re: Charleston -- Reference: Transcription Example and Log Description
Post by: Randi on 03 September 2013, 08:15:32
USS Charleston

These posts cover a log page from 12 July 1945.

(Go to Part 1 (http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3939.msg72562#msg72562)     Part 2 of 2)

Remarks Page:
Example: http://www.djcosmik.com/oldweather/charleston_-_1945_july_12_-_b1956_028.jpg

This page has been completely transcribed below to help new transcribers become familiar with both the writing and the language used. Nobody is expected to transcribe all the text! Following it are some comments about transcribing the page.

                                                              Thursday 12 July, 1945

0 to 4
Moored, starboard side to the west side of Pier 1, PYRAMID COVE, ATTU, ALASKA, with
standard mooring lines. Modified condition of readiness No. 2 set in the gun bat-
tery and material condition Baker set throughout the ship. Main engines and boiler
No. 2 secured, boiler No. 1 in use for auxiliary purposes. Receiving fresh water
from the dock. Ships present: various units of the U.S. FLEET, yard and district
                                                    R. J. WILLIAMS, Lt.(jg), USNR.

4 to 8
Moored as before. 0510 Lighted fires under boiler No. 2 and commenced preparations
for getting underway.  0520 Cut in steam to the main steam line. 0540 Tested main
engines with steam, and completed preparations for getting underway.* 0602 Underway
in accordance with orders of DEPUTY COMMANDER, FLEET AIR WING FOUR, 112108, dated
11 July 1945. Captain at conn, executive officers and navigator on the bridge.
Standard speed 15 knots (186 rpm). Steaming on various courses at various speeds
conforming to swept channel standing out of MASSACRE BAY. 0636 With MURDER POINT
bearing 032 degrees t, distance 1.8 miles, took departure for sea on base course 230 degrees t,
230 degrees pgc, and 225 degrees psc at speed 15 knots (186 rpm).  0614 Set condition of readi-
ness No. 2 on the gun battery. 0755 C/B/C to 256 degrees t, 256 degrees pgc, and 254 degrees psc.
Average RPM 139.8, Average steam 300. *0545 Completed taking fresh water from dock.
                                                    H. O. DUNCAN, Lt.(jg), USNR.

8 to 12
Steaming as before. 0805 Mustered crew on stations, no absentees. 1000 Went to
General Quarters and set condition affirm. 1021 Secured from General Quarters and
set condition of readiness No. 2 on the gun battery and material condition Baker
throughout ship. 1030 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder
samples.  Conditions normal. 1033 Radar contacted friendly plane bearing 075 degrees t,
distance 53 miles. Average RPM 186.0 Average steam 300.
                                                    W. B. HAMMOND, Lieut., USNR.

12 to 16
Steaming as before. Average RPM 186.0. Average steam 300.
                                                    W. J. HOHLT, Lieut., USNR.

16 to 18
Steaming as before. Average RPM 186.0. Average steam 300.
                                                    L. J. HYATT, Ensign, USNR.

18 to 20
Steaming as before. 1830 Obtained visual contact on ship bearing 235 degrees t, distance
11 miles. 1844 Identified ship as TEAL (AVP5). 1848 Relieved TEAL as weather ship.
1905 C/B/C to 315 degrees t, 315 degrees pgc, and 323 degrees psc. 1930 C/S to 3.9 knots (50 rpm).
Average RPM 162.4 Average steam 300.
                                                    J. W. BELSHAW, Lieut., USNR.

20 to 24
Steaming as before. 2000 C/B/C to 135 degrees t, 135 degrees pgc, and 132 psc. 2305 Darkened
ship. Average RPM 52.8 Average steam 300.
                                                    H. O. DUNCAN, Lt.(jg), USNR.

W. E. MAKOSKY, Comdr., U.S.N  COMMANDING          M. J. KRAMER, Lieut., U.S.N.R. NAVIGATOR

Notes for transcribers:

Log keepers' quirks:

Other information and comments: