Location | Port Name | Name = PSNY Bremerton, Wash Date = 14/11/1942
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 S 3 2978 51 51 OR A-Str 10 2 S 3 2971 51 51 OR A-Str 10 3 S 3 2971 51 51 OR A-Str 10 4 S 5 2971 51 51 OR A-Str 10 5 S 3 2971 51 51 OR A-Str 10 6 S 3 2968 50 50 OR A-Str 10 7 S 3 2965 49 49 OR A-Str 10 8 S 3 2962 48 48 OR A-Str 10 9 S 1 2956 49 48 OR Str-Nim 10 10 S 1 2952 48 48 OR Str-Nim 10 11 S 2 2948 46 46 OR Str-Nim 10 12 S 2 2942 47 47 OR Str-Nim 10
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud code | Clear Sky | 13 S 3 2941 47 47 OR Str-Nim 10 14 S 3 2941 47 47 OR Str-Nim 10 15 S 3 2948 46 46 OR Str-Nim 10 16 S 3 2954 46 46 OR Str-Nim 10 17 S 3 2960 44 44 OR Str-Nim 10 18 S 3 2968 44 44 OR Str-Nim 10 19 S 3 2976 44 43 OR Str-Nim 10 20 S 3 2976 45 45 OR Str-Nim 10 21 S 3 2976 45 45 OR Str-Nim 10 22 S 3 2976 45 45 OR Str-Nim 10 23 S 3 2976 45 45 OR Str-Nim 10 24 S 3 2976 47 46 OR Str-Nim 10
Sat. 14 Nov. 1942
Resting on keel in drydock #3 Puget Sound Navy Yard,
Bremerton, Washington, undergoing repairs. Receiving steam,
fresh and flushing water, electricity, air and telephone services
from the dock. Ships present as listed in the log of the
USS IDAHO (SOPA). Maintaining security patrols.
J S Barton
In drydock as before. 0740 Pursuant to commanding officer's
orders of November 14, 1942, the following men left the ship for
Antiaircraft Training Center, Pacific Beach, Washington,
Johnson, J.W. (TM 2/c) 393-54-86 USN (in charge), Barnett, J.H. (S 1/c)
654-18-15 USNR, Christenson, G.T. (S 1/c) 382-78-85 USN Person,
A.B. (S 2/c) 381-49-46 USNR
J S Barton
In drydock as before 0845 Mustered crew on stations.
No absentees. 1000 The captain held mast this date and awarded the
following punishments: Haines CB S 2/c offence: Absent over leave
for a period of about 2 hours 45 min Punishment, 30 hours
extra duty.
Neal Jacobus
12 To 16
In drydock as before.
S R Skerry
16 To 20
In drydock as before. 1715. In accordance with orders commanding officer dated 7 Nov, 1942, Having completed temporary
duty at Anti aircraft Training center, Pacific Beach, Washington,
the following men returned aboard for duty: Goodwin, R.H. S 2/c;
Snell, G.W. S 2/c; Houck, C.E. S 2/c; La Fountaine L.E. S 2/c.
S R Skerry
20 To 24
In drydock as before. 2022 Haines, C.B. S 2/c was
taken to yard dispensary and interned with chills and fever.
S R Skerry
W.E. Cleaves, W.P. Hodnett Jr
Comdr., U.S. Navy, Lt U.S.N., Navigator
Location | Place Name | Name = Puerto Princesa, P.I, to Guiuan, Samar, P.I. Date = 02/03/1946
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 065 6 29.95 82 82 82 84 1 Cu As 3 2 065 9 29.95 82 82 82 84 1 Cu As 3 3 065 10 29.94 82 82 82 84 1 Cu As 3 4 065 25 29.94 82 82 82 84 1 Cu As 3 5 065 25 29.95 81 81 81 84 1 Cu As 1 6 065 22 29.97 81 81 82 84 1 Cu As 4 7 065 27 29.98 92 86 82 84 2 Cu As 5 8 065 23 30.01 85 85 84 84 2 Cu As 5 9 065 20 30.02 86 86 85 84 2 Cu As 7 10 065 20 30.01 84 85 84 84 2 Cu As 8 11 065 20 29.98 86 86 84 84 3 Cu As 10 12 065 20 29.96 84 85 78 84 3 Cu As 10 13 185 10 29.94 77 79 77 84 60 10 14 185 15 29.92 76 77 76 84 60 10 15 185 15 29.92 75 76 75 84 60 10 16 070 20 29.94 76 76 75 84 60 10 17 070 15 29.94 76 76 75 50 10 18 180 10 29.95 79 79 78 3 Cu Sc 10 19 180 10 29.97 79 78 77 3 Cu Sc 10 20 180 4 29.98 78 81 78 3 Cu Sc 10 21 180 3 29.98 78 80 78 3 Cu Sc 10 22 180 5 29.99 77 78 76 3 Cu Sc 10 23 180 4 30.00 77 77 75 3 Cu Sc 10 24 180 4 30.00 77 77 75 3 Cu Sc 10
Location | Observed | Latitude = 9 22 N | Longitude = 124 20 F
Location | Observed | Latitude = 9 51 N | Longitude = 125 12 E
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 84 2 84 3 84 4 84 5 84 6 84 7 84 8 84 9 84 10 84 11 84 12 84 13 84 14 84 15 84
According to Philip Brohan, the head of our science team:
This example is not the best weather: at least they are in the tropics so its warm, but it's very humid (wet bulb temperature the same as dry bulb temperature). At 13:00 there is a marked change - it starts raining (present weather codes 50 and 60 are drizzle and rain) and the wind switches to the south - but they will have been expecting this if they were watching the barometer (pressure starts falling at 11:00).
Please encourage people to do both Water Main Injection and Sea Temp Surf as two separate entries.If you are really curious see http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/1520-0450%281963%29002%3C0417%3AASOTQO%3E2.0.CO%3B2.
The traditional way to measure sea temperature is to throw a bucket over the side to get some sea and stick a thermometer in the bucketful. Round about the middle of the twentieth century mariners mostly stopped doing this and just recorded the temperature of the sea-water they were pumping into the engine room for cooling instead. These two measurement methods don't give quite the same temperature and the difference is a major headache for estimates of global warming - it's hard to tell whether temperature changes seen in this period are real changes in the temperature of the sea-surface, or just artifacts of ships changing their measurement technique.
Saturday 2 March, 1946
0 to 4
Steaming singly on course 100 degrees T & pgc, 105.5 pstgc, 093.5 psc standard speed 15.5 knots (218 rpm)
enroute from Puerto Princesa, Palawan, P.I. to Samar, Philippine Islands in obedience to Commander
Aircraft Philippine Sea Frontier despatch 270751 of February 1946, maintaining Sonar search beam to
to beam and SL radar search through 360 degrees. 0130 sighted Apo Island light bearing 070 degrees T, distance 20
miles. 0156 changed course to 083 degrees T & pgc, 086.5 degrees pstgc, 070.2 degrees psc. 0200 degaussing gear put in
operation. 0326 passed Apo Island light abeam to port , distance 5 miles. 0331 sighted Silino
Island light bearing 148 degrees T, distance 11 miles. 0353 passed Silino Island light abeam to starboard,
distance 10 miles.
Lt.(jg) U.S.N.R.
4 to 8
Steaming as before. 0451 changed course to 063 degrees T & pgc, 065 degrees pstgc, 047.2 degrees psc. 0557 secured SL
radar and sonar gear. 0733 changed speed and standard speed to 16 knots (228 rpm). 0734 secured
degaussing gear.
Lt.(jg) U.S.N.R.
8 to 12
Steaming as before. 0830 made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions
normal. 0830 changed speed and standard speed 16.5 knots (236 rpm). 0920 mustered crew on
stations. No absentees.
Ch. Bos'n U.S.N.
12 to 16
Steaming as before. 1232 changed course to 009 degrees T & pgc, 002.2 degrees psc and 005.5 degrees pstgc. 1310
degaussing gear in operation. 1405 sighted Hibuson Island bearing 112 degrees T, distance 8 miles. 1422
changed course to 005 degrees T & pgc, 358.5 degrees psc and 002.5 degrees pstgc. 1425 gun crews of port 20mm and 40mm
manned their guns for firing exercise. 1437 commenced firing exercises. 1452 commenced radar
search 360 degrees. 1453 secured from firing exercises having expended 40 rounds of 40mm ammunition and
360 rounds of 20mm ammunition. 1509 changed course to 026 degrees T & pgc, 013.5 degrees psc and 026 degrees pstgc. 1518
changed course to 004 degrees T & pgc, 011.5 degrees psc and 023 degrees pstgc. 1528 secured radar search. 1530 sighted
Homonhon Island bearing 035 degrees T, distance 11 miles.
Ensign U.S.N.R.
16 to 20
Steaming as before. 1610 sighted Manicani Island bearing 025 degrees T, distance 13 miles. 1616 passed
Homonhon Island abeam to starboard, distance 7 miles. 1617 standing into Leyte Gulf on various
courses and at various speeds conforming to the channel proceeding to anchorage, captain at the conn,
navigator on the bridge. 1707 anchored in berth Baker 5, Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands in 13
fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor on the following anchorage bearings:
Right Tangent of dock, Manicani Island 026 degrees T; Red can buoy 140 degrees T. 1708 secured degaussing gear.
Lt.(jg) U.S.N.R.
20 to 24
Anchored as before.
Lt.(jg) U.S.N.R.
E. K. SHANAHAN, Commander U.S.N Commanding J. F. ROOHAN, Lieut., (D), U.S.N.R. Navigator
Country | Name | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
Philippines | Apo Island (http://mapcarta.com/Apo_Island) | 9.08 | 123.27 | Apo Island Lighthouses (http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/lighthouse/phls.htm) |
Philippines | Guiuan (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-3346872&fid=4959&c=philippines) | 11.03 | 125.72 | |
Philippines | Hibuson Island (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-3347426&fid=4988&c=philippines) | 10.45 | 125.49 | |
Philippines | Homonhon Island (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-3347758&fid=4987&c=philippines) | 10.74 | 125.72 | Suluan Island Lighthouse (http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/lighthouse/phle.htm) |
Philippines | Leyte Gulf (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-3353795&fid=4978&c=philippines) | 10.83 | 125.42 | |
Philippines | Manicani Island (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-3360027&fid=4996&c=philippines) | 10.99 | 125.64 | |
Philippines | Puerto Princesa (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-3371146&fid=4959&c=philippines) | 9.74 | 118.74 | |
Philippines | Puerto Princesa Bay (http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=9174642&fid=4959&c=philippines) | 9.73 | 118.72 | |
Philippines | Silino Island (http://mapcarta.com/15718626) | 8.85 | 123.42 | Silino Island Lighthouse (http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/lighthouse/phlm.htm) |