Old Weather Forum

Old Weather: Classic => The Dockyard => Topic started by: Randi on 01 November 2012, 04:05:18

Title: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 01 November 2012, 04:05:18
If you run across crew lists, please post the link to the pages here - like we did for the instrumentation pages.  There seem to be 2 types of pages - lists of sailors joining the ship, and then one for those who died or left the ship.  It isn't necessary to transcribe the names, but if you are feel like, please go right ahead.  At some point, the names from these lists will be added to the SODA database.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 13 November 2012, 02:23:26
I found a list of all her commanding officers:  http://www.arcticwebsite.com/USRSBearCapt.html

List of Captains of the U.S.R.C. Bear
1874            Alexander Graham
1875 -1880   Levi Diamond
1881-1882    Francis Ash
1883            Charles Dawe
1884            W. H. Emory USN
1885             A. A. Fenger USRM
1885-1886    A. B. Davis USRM
1886-1895    M. A. Healy USRM, RCS
1896-1898    Francis Tuttle USRCS
1899            D. H. Jarvis USRCS
1900- 1902   Francis Tuttle USRCS
1903            J. F. Wild USRCS
1904            O. D. Myrick USRCS
1905            O. C. Hamlet USRCS
1906-1907    Francis Tuttle USRCS
1908-1910    E. P. Bertholf USRCS
1911-1913    J. G. Ballinger USRCS, CG
1914-1916    C. S. Cochran USRCS, CG
1917-1919    P. H. Ubberoth USCG
1920             F. C. Van Boskerck USCG
1921-1924    C. S. Cochran USCG
1925             L. C. Covell USCG
1926             C. S. Cochran USCG
1927-1932     Ship did not sail
1932             C. A. Jorenson
1933-1935     Robert A. J. English USN
1936-1938     Ship did not sail
1939-1944     Richard Cruzen USN

USRM -  United States Revenue Marine Service
USRCS - United States Revenue Cutter Service
USCG - United States Coast Guard
CG - Coast Guard
USN - United States Navy

source: Bixby William, Track of the Bear 1873 - 1963, New York: David McKay Company Inc. 1965, p301-302
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: AvastMH on 23 September 2013, 18:55:32
Addition of 1884 officers, when Bear was Navy for the Greeley Relief expedition by JJ:

500dc363cd0db40002000623: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/USS Bear/BEAR_1884a/b001of002_0004_0.jpg)

List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Bear, commanded by Lieut W.m H Emory Jr USN at the time of leaving the anchor at Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York the 24 of April 1884
[Ed.note: The careers of these and other officers, 1798-1900, can be found at Naval History and Heritage Command]

W. H. Emory Jr USN ? Lieutenant ? commanding officer
Freeman H. Crosby ? Lieutenant
John Lowe - Chief Engineer
Howard E. Ames - Passed Assistant Surgeon
John C. Colwell - Lieutenant, Junior Grade, and Navigator
Nathaniel R. Usher - Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Lovell K. Reynolds - Ensign

500dc363cd0db40002000625: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/USS Bear/BEAR_1884a/b001of002_0005_0.jpg) 
Complement of Petty officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Landsmen, Boys, and Marines on board of the USS Bear
1 Ice Master
1 Yeomen
2 Boatswain Mates
2 Quarter Masters
2 Captains of Tops
1 Carpenters Mates
1 Ships Cook
1 Cabin Cook
9 Seamen
2 1st Class machinist
1 Black Smith
3 1st Class Firemen
1 Cabin Steward

Original Post

One transfer of staff going from USRevStr Perry to Bear in 1895:
Page link (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/Commodore%20perry//Volumes/Seagate%20Backup%20Plus%20Drive/Arfon-JPEGS/RG26/COMMODORE%20PERRY//vol169/vol169_003_1.jpg)

   J.R. Dally      Chief Engineer      Detatched Sept 16 and ordered to the "Bear".   

In July of that year the two assistant engineers were temporarily sent to Corwin.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 28 October 2013, 14:21:08
26th Sept 1894 - K. Abe, Cabin Steward, discharged to take passage on Corwin
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 12 November 2013, 16:03:15
Crew list from 5th May 1886 (we seem to have gone back in time  ???)

Officers - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_003_0.jpg
M.A. Healy - Captain
O.C. Hamlet - 1st Lieut
J.W. Benham? - 2ndLieut
F.M. Dunwoody - 3rd Lieut Qualified 2nd Lieut USRM Sept 14th 1886
C.D. Kennedy - 3rd Lieut
A.L. Churchill - 1st Asst Eng
Paul Barnes - 2nd Asst Eng
T.L. Carroll - Surgeon

Crew - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_004_0.jpg
John Carey - Boatswain
Gustave West - Carpenter
W.G. March - M. at Arms
J.P. Jameson? - ~~ Master
John Langfeldt - ~~ Master
Edwin Hanson - Coxswain
Chas. Johnson - Coxswain
Adolf Authonson - Seaman
Chas. Jacobs - Seaman
Edwd. Johanson - Seaman
John Fasberg~ - Seaman
Alex. Wilson - Seaman
Peter Duffy - Seaman
Wm. Davis - Seaman
John Regan - Seaman
John Dillon - Seaman
John Anderson - Seaman
Thos. Gibbons ? Seaman
Wm. Barker - Seaman
Hans Wilec? - Seaman
Christ? Gunsten - Ord. Seaman [short for Christopher?]
Thomas C? Kinulff?/Kirneff? - Ord. Seaman
J.F. Assassyoff - Ord. Seaman
J. Cuba - Cabin Steward
Taiobc? J Kida? - WR Steward
John Smith - Cook
Murcus? Hagan - 1st C Boy
Louis Black - 1st C Boy
W. Kubo? - 2nd C Boy
~ Kuinao? - 2nd C Boy
Ernest Maynard - 2nd C Boy
H.W. York - Machinist
E.J. Taylor - Fireman
Jacob Turner - Fireman
Frank Mason - Fireman
Daniel Walsh - Fireman
Michael Sullivan - Fireman
Thos. Kelly - C. Passer?
James Wooley - C. Passer?
E.M. Johns - C. Passer?
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 02 December 2013, 10:05:08
On 30th June 1886 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_064_1.jpg

Disrated Edwin Hanson Coxn. to seaman for incompetency.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 02 December 2013, 14:55:56
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 13 December 2013, 14:57:39
Transferred J.F. Assassyoff, Ord.Sea to cabin - 1st Sept 1886

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 16 December 2013, 07:42:28
14th Sept 1886, 4 to 8am - 3rd Lieut Dunwoody receiving notice of his commision as 2nd Lieut ~~~~

I can't make out the word after Lieut even though the entry is repeated in the 8 - Mer entry. That entry is by Mr. Dunwoody himself so I think we can forgive him  :)

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 16 December 2013, 08:01:14
I think it is U.S.R.M. - United States Revenue Marine
See the top of the page with the captain's name.
(Very strange S, but see "Rev. Str" at the top of the previous page: http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_140_0.jpg)

The United States Revenue Cutter Service, officially the Division of Revenue Cutter Service, was established in 1790 as the Revenue-Marine by then-Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, to serve as an armed maritime law enforcement service. It operated as the Revenue-Marine until July 1894, when it was renamed as the Revenue Cutter Service.

Also see second post in this topic ;)

(BRIEF ;)) Mentions of Dunwoody:
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 16 December 2013, 08:04:10
 ::) it pays to read the WHOLE page.

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 16 December 2013, 08:16:34
 ;) It pays to have an 'outsider' look.
I added some not very interesting links to my previous post ;D
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 21 December 2013, 09:31:15
8th October 1886 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_164_1.jpg

At request of Capt. Nordberg of the Bark "Memnon" transferred to him Alex. Wilson, John Regan, John Anderson, Wm Davis, Chas Jacobs, & Adolf Authonson (seamen) all volunteers to assist in working his vessel to Port Townsend, the second mate and six of the crew being sick and incapacitated for duty.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 22 December 2013, 15:34:26
29th October 1886 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_185_1.jpg

Transferred John Assassyoff, Ord Sea to the deck.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 22 December 2013, 15:53:32
31st October 1886 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol065/vol065_187_1.jpg

Discharged E.M. Johns (C. Passer), J.F. Assassyoff (O. Seaman) Jacob Turner (Fireman) Wm Barker (Seaman) for drunkenness
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 01 January 2014, 08:21:04
27th August 1887 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol066/vol066_106_1.jpg

1st Lieut - O.C. Hamlet
Coxswain - Thomas Powers
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 02 January 2014, 05:26:21
4th September 1887 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol066/vol066_114_1.jpg

seaman Alexander Wilson
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 07 January 2014, 14:33:49
List of Officers & crew from start of Log book May 1888
M.A. Healy - Captain
Albert Buhner - 1st Lieutenant
F.M. Dunwoody -  2nd Lieutenant
H.B. West - 2nd Lieutenant
D.H. Javin? - 3rd Lieutenant
A.L. Churchill - Chief Engineer
W.C. Munroe - 1st Asst Engineer
N.E. Cutchin - 2nd Asst Engineer
W.D. Bratton - Passed Asst Surgeon

1. Charles Johnson - Boatswain
2. A.C. Hindulong - Carpenter
3. Wm. Boundy - Master at Arms
4. J.P. Jensen - Qr. Master
5. Hans Wibe - Qr. Master
6. Wm. Justier - Coxswain
7. Wm. Otto - Coxswain
8. John Gossberg - Seaman
9. Charles Lewin - Seaman
10. James Thompson - Seaman
11. Chris Ericcson - Seaman
12. Michael Carroll - Seaman
13. Charles Elvin - Seaman
14. David Charles - Seaman
15. Charles Cooper - Seaman
16. H.H. Spicer - Seaman
17. Harry Olsen - Seaman
18. Michael Bowen - Seaman
19. James Harper - Seaman
20. Charles Knox - Seaman
21. Wm. Erick - Seaman
22. Thomas Brown - Seaman
23. Charles Gillian - Seaman
24. Frank Peterson - Seaman
25. W.G. Quelch - Seaman
26. Michael Cloharty - Ordinary Seaman
27. John Canavan - Ordinary Seaman
28. John Cuba - Cabin Steward
29. Ah Chong - Ward room Steward
30. John Smith - Ship's Cook
31. K. Abe - 1st Class Boy
32. Wa Yougum - 1st Class Boy
33. Henry Nakasto? - 2nd Class Boy
34. Henry Dahakin? - 2nd Class Boy
35. James O'Neill - 2nd Class Boy
36. E.J. Taylor - Fireman
37. Frank Price - Fireman
38. Frank Mason - Fireman
39. A.R. Brobery - Fireman
40. Thomas Lord - Fireman
41. M. Donohue - Fireman
42. Ernest Maynard - Coal Passer
43. Bernard Norton - Coal Passer
44. Daniel Egan - Coal Passer
45. Edward Barrett - Coal Passer
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 08 January 2014, 10:50:44
Albert Buhner (1'st one in link below)
David H. Jarvis

See: http://www.uscg.mil/history/articles/USRCSHistoricalRegister.pdf (search doesn't seem to work)

W.D. Bratton it is!

16. H.H. Thien? - Seaman
Spicer ? Looks more like the S of Seaman than the T of Thomas (#22)

33. Henry Nakasts?
Nakasto ?
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 08 January 2014, 13:43:23
Thanks, Randi! List above amended.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 25 January 2014, 10:24:37
List of officers from front of log book starting June 1889
Michael A. Healy - Captain
Albert Buhner - 1 Lieutenant
John C. Cantwell - 2 Lieutenant
David H. Jarvis - 3 Lieutenant
Andrew J. Henderson - 3 Lieutenant
Horace Hasall - Chief Engineer [or probably Hassell - see 1890 list below]
Charles W. Munroe - 1 Asst Engineer
Nathanial E. Cutchin - 2 Asst Engineer
James T. White - Surgeon

Mr Cantwell left 30 June 1889 at Ounalaska on account of sickness - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol067A/vol067A_003_1.jpg
There isn't a list of the rest of the crew in this log book. Although they have a pre-printed list of ranks/positions they haven't filled in any names.  >:( http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol067A/vol067A_003_1.jpg
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 25 January 2014, 11:10:01
From the USRCS Historical Register of Officers

John C. Cantwell/Cantrell? - 2 Lieutenant

Nora~~ Hasall - Chief Engineer
David H. Jarvis? - 3 Lieutenant

James I?. White - Surgeon
   no James and no surgeon listed with the last name of White.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 25 January 2014, 12:23:40
Thanks Janet! Above list amended.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 25 January 2014, 12:58:46
John C. Cantwell

Albert Buhner

David H. Jarvis

Andrew J. Henderson
http://www.spanamwar.com/USRCS.htm ?

James T White

time to do the dishes now :P
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 25 January 2014, 16:15:52
I love it when I can see pictures of our crews and officers.  And that book that named James T. White in its footnotes explained in that chapter why he wasn't on the officer list in 1889.

John C. Cantwell
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-l2lGvQf4y2s/UuQYb0O5GII/AAAAAAAADC4/sQwVN-bR2mA/w330-h494-no/Cantwell%252C+John+C+portrait+25y.JPG) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-fQh_-gDQN7A/UuQYfSkQKVI/AAAAAAAADDE/owMyyX8sLcI/w333-h494-no/Cantwell%252C+John+C+portrait+50y.JPG) (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RDZ0cB7BKUc/UuQYnZhc0gI/AAAAAAAADDU/6NzZbXGjSOE/w330-h494-no/Cantwell%252C+John+C+portrait+76y.JPG)

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 25 January 2014, 17:21:57
Lots of interesting finds there, Randi & Janet!
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 26 January 2014, 10:34:11
Edward O'Neill, seaman on sick list 25 June 1889
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 01 February 2014, 14:35:38
List of officers from front of log book starting May 1890
M.A. Healy - Captain
A.H? Buhner - First Lieut.
Johnstone H. Quiman - Second Lieut.
F.A. Dimock - Third Lieut.
D.J. Ainsworth - Second Lieut.
H. Hassell - Chief Engr.
C.W. Munroe - First Asst Engineer
W.C. Myres - Second Asst Engineer
E.R. Holmes - Surgeon

They haven't listed the crew.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 01 February 2014, 16:22:04
See: http://www.uscg.mil/history/articles/USRCSHistoricalRegister.pdf
http://semperparatus.com/usrcs_officers_1892.html might help too (Horace Hassell).

Quiman, Johnstone H.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 02 February 2014, 04:32:48
Thanks Randi!

I tried that pdf file but for some reason just got the spinning wheel when I tried to get to Q in the document. It might have just been slow internet. It seems OK today so I've now saved it to my PC. Any way above list amended.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 02 February 2014, 05:48:33
I don't have trouble with that one - though it is slow, but there are others that I had to download to use.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 07 February 2014, 15:29:00
October 19, 1890 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol068/vol068_179_1.jpg

Discharged E.J. Taylor, fireman for physical disability and Jas. Saunders quarter master for incompetency and at his own request.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 07 February 2014, 16:07:04
October 20, 1890 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol068/vol068_180_1.jpg

Shipped J. Lawson ord. seaman, and rated seaman in lieu of J. Saunders. Shipped A. Reingarter as coal passer in lieu of E.J. Taylor, discharged. Rated S. Perry as quartermaster and coal passer J. Gallagher as fireman. Took on board from steamer "Bertha" to form additional crew of the "Bear" the following men enlisted as belonging to Rev. Str. Wolcott. Thos Thoren, Coxen, A. Smith, J. Patterson, R. Jensen, and G. Budge, seamen.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 09 February 2014, 13:23:17
List of officers from front of log book starting April 1891

M.A. Healy - Captain
John Dennett - 1st Lieutenant
H.M. Broadbent - 2nd Lieutenant [Howard M.]
D.H. Jarvis - 2nd Lieutenant [David H.]
A.J. Henderson - 3rd Lieutenant [Andrew J.]
H. Hassell - Chief Engineer [Horace - third year as chief!]
A.L. Broadbent - 1st Asst. Engineer [Alfred L.]
F.R. Falkenstein - 2nd Asst. Engineer [Fred R.]
D.J. Call - Surgeon
George E. McConnell - 1st Lieutenant
L.L. Robinson - 3rd Lieutenant [Leonidas L.]

Some more info on next page - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol069/vol069_003_1.jpg

A.J. Henderson - Left vessel at Sitka, Alaska, May 12th, 1891 to obey subpoena in Hemingway murder case.  :o Returned on board June 12, 1891, and left vessel June 13, 1891, to proceed to San Francisco, Calif, by permissions of Comdg. Officer. Reported for duty Sept. 17, 1891, At Unalaska, Alaska.
John Dennett - Detached and left vessel, May 26, 1891
L.L. Robinson - Drowned June 6, 1891, at Icy Bay, Alaska, in attempting to land in the surf.

Rest in peace, Leonidas Robinson
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 09 February 2014, 14:05:29
Some names of the crew recorded (well done to the distraction of the bright lights of Seattle!) - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol069/vol069_007_1.jpg

Frank Friedburg, seaman, and Samual Rainsford, seaman, retured from liberty, 12 hours late.
Dennis Carney, fireman, absent without leave.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 09 February 2014, 17:35:41
They seem to be having some problems with the crew in Seattle! April 8 1891 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol069/vol069_009_1.jpg

Alfred Badowin?, 2 class boy, and Geo. Mertle, coalpasser, deserted the ship.
Disrated H. Davis, ordinary seaman, to 1st class boy, for drunkenness. Shipped James Hasler, ordinary seaman, and rated him seaman. Transferred Wm. Rutherford, seaman, to Engineer's department and rated him coalpasser.
Shipped Wm. Thomas, 1st class boy.
Discharged J. Murphy, coalpasser, for inability to do his duty. Discharged Jas. Burns, coxswain, for drunkenness.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 09 February 2014, 17:52:13
April 9 1891 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol069/vol069_010_1.jpg

W.J. Wright, seaman, absent without leave. Thomas Wogan, seaman, rated coalpasser. Shipped Michael Me~lade, ordinary seaman, and rated him seaman from date.
Shipped W.A. Smith as ordinary seaman and rated him seaman from enlistment.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 21 February 2014, 11:31:03
List of Officers  May 1893

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 22 February 2014, 13:57:05
From above list:
M.A. Healy - Captain
F.G.F Wadsworth - 1st Lieut. [Frank]
D.H. Jarvis - 2nd Lieut. [David]
W.V.E Jacobs - 2nd Lieut.[William]
F.G. Dodge - 3rd Lieut. [Frederick]
C.M. White - 3rd Lieut. [Chester]
James F. Wayson - Chief Engineer
E.G. Schwartz - 1st Asst. Eng. [Edward]
W.C. Myers - 2nd Asst. Eng. [William]
C.C. Gleaves? - Surgeon
J.G. Ballinger - 3rd Lieut. [James]
J.E. Reinburg - 2nd Lieut. [John? - according to the USRCS list of officers he wasn't promoted to 2nd Lieut until 5/27/96?]
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 22 February 2014, 14:23:48
http://semperparatus.com/usrcs_officers_1892.html shows John E. Reinburg 2'nd Lieut as of May 27, 1891 - but assigned to Rush on Mar 25, 1892
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Janet Jaguar on 22 February 2014, 14:49:15
Surgeons were invited civilians, not commissioned officers at this time and so Gleaves is not recorded by the Revenue Service.  I believe he was Christopher C. Gleaves, doctor, a registered voter in California in 1892.

(document was scanned slanted)

Nice to know he was of medium height with gray eyes and dark hair.  :)
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 06 March 2014, 14:26:23
List of Officers April 21 1894


Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 07 March 2014, 04:02:31
From above list:
M.A. Healy - Captain
F.G.F Wadsworth - 1st Lieut. [Frank]
John L. Davis - 2nd Lieut.
J.E. Reinburg - 2nd Lieut. [John]
C.M. White - 3rd Lieut. [Chester]
E.G. Schwartz - 1st Asst. Eng. [Edward]
C. F. Coffin - 1st Asst. Eng. [Charles]
J.E. Dorry - 2nd Asst. Eng. [John Edward]
J.T. White - Surgeon
F.G. Dodge - 2nd Lieut. [Frederick]

J.L.Davis - Condemned by Medical Board of survey at Port Townsend and detached May 2, 1894. Left the ship same day and went to Marine Hospital on shore for treatment
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 11 March 2014, 15:03:00
Officers and their addresses? - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_005_0.jpg

Capt M.A. Healy - Occidental Hotel, SF
Lt. F.G.F Wadsworth - Duxbury, Mass.
Lt. J.E. Reinburg -
Lt. F.G. Dodge - The Sutherland, Sutter & Jones
Lt. C.M. White - 822 Geary
Eng. E.G. Schwartz -
Eng. C. F. Coffin - The Sutherland, Sutter & Jones
Eng J.E. Dorry - The Sutherland, Sutter & Jones
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 14 March 2014, 07:49:39
Some new crew and promotions April 1894

Shipped G.M. Myeshima?, as 2d class boy and rated him 1st class boy
Shipped Thos. Thorsen, James Strange, Dixon Van Jant and E. Donberg, as ordinary seamen and rated them seamen.
Shipped Thomas Hughes and James Taylor as ordinary seamen.
Shipped A.E. Exelby as coalpasser and rated him fireman.
Shipped H. Masayama as 2d class boy & William Dury as coalpasser.
Rated Patrick Hutton seaman to Master-at-arms;
Wm Kingwell and Christoffer Johnson, seamen to Quartermasters;
Albert McNabb and Henry Smith seamen to coxswains;
E.C. Chio 1st class boy to ordinary seaman;
F. Jasarda?, W-R steward to cabin steward and D. Fijiwara, 2d class boy to Ward-room steward;
Francis Campbell, ord. seaman to seaman.
Shipped K. Tarov?, 2d class boy.
Shipped G.W. Cope as 2d class boy.
Shipped Joseph Burns and C. Smith as ordinary seamen and rated them seamen;
Patrick Gray and Wm. Surry as coalpassers;
J. Donahue and G.W. Cope as 2d class boys, and John F. Dillon as coalpasser and rated him fireman.
Shipped Peter Callahan as coalpasser and rated him fireman.
Shipped William Justice as ordinary seaman and rated him seaman.
Shipped Eugene P. Hourihan as ordinary seaman
Shipped Chas. McClaskey as ordinary seaman and rated him seaman.
Reshipped J.P.Petterson and Wm. Swintall as ordinary seamen and rated them seamen.
Shipped James Kernan as additional 2d class boy.
Shipped Thos. Murphy as coal passer & rated him fireman.

1st April 1894 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_031_1.jpg
2nd April - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_032_0.jpg
3rd April - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_032_1.jpg
4th April - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_033_0.jpg
5th April - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_033_1.jpg
April 10th - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_036_0.jpg
April 11th - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_036_1.jpg
12th April - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_037_0.jpg
20th April - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_041_0.jpg
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 15 March 2014, 14:03:03
Just had a slightly dizzying jump from April 1894 to November 1894 ;) and although it feels like they've only just got here -

Discharged the ship's surgeon J.T. White, and the following men- A. McNabb, m@a, A. Justice, coxn; F. Campbell, J. Strange, C. Smith, Thos. Thorson, E. Donburgh, T. Hughes, J. Burns, P. Hutton & G. Ranberg, seamen; W. Johnson & J. Taylor, ordinary seamen; Geo. Yeshima, cab. stwd., John Gaubin, 1st c. boy; Geo. W. Cope & J. Donohue, 2nd c. boys; A. Exelby, R. Pringle, T. Murphy, T. Reynolds, firemen; Wm. Surry, & P. Gray, coal passers - inaccordance with Dept. letter of Nov 1, 1894.

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 16 March 2014, 04:54:20
Just thought I would mention that the log keeper in the 1894 voyage to Alaska and Siberia writes his "o" like "v" in the weather conditions box. It is obvious he means "o" because it is often combined with "f" or "m" and in the weather remarks you will often see "overcast" when there is what looks like a "v" in the weather code.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 16 March 2014, 09:05:35
List of Officers, April 27 1995 to November 14 1995


Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 17 March 2014, 04:41:33
From above list:
M.A. Healy - Captain
A. Buhner - 1st Lieut. [Albert]
Howard Emery - 2nd Lieut.
C.M. White - 2nd Lieut. [Chester]
G.M. Daniels - 3rd Lieut. [George]
E.G. Schwartz - Chief Engr. [Edward]
C.F. Coffin - 1st Asst. Engr. [Charles]
J.E. Dorry - 2nd Asst. Engr. [John Edward]
Thos. Bodkin - Surgeon
John R. Dally - Chief Engr.
E.V.D Johnson - 2nd Lieut. [Edwin]

E.G. Schwartz - Detached Sept. 17, 1895 by orders of Senior Officer Comdg. Bering Sea Fleet.

About half way down page (http://www.uscg.mil/history/webcutters/Bear1885.asp) is a photo of the above officers.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 23 March 2014, 08:44:56
Various crew shipped and promoted April 1 1985 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_114_0.jpg

Rated Wm. Baundy seaman to gunner.
Thomas Powers seaman to master at arms
J.P. Peterson and Wm.Quintall seamen to quarter masters
Henry Smith and Erhen Dromberg seamen to coxswains
Richard Byrne, C. Hansen, M.H. Burns and Jas. Brawn ord. sea to seamen
Nelson Mckean, boy to ord. sea.
Wm. Surrey, fireman to oiler
Geo. McMahan and Leigh Meenan, coal passers to oilers.
Alex. Carrol and Wm. Douglass coal passers to firemen.
Disrated H.A. Edwards master at arms to seaman and
transferred Dixon Van Zandt from deck to Engineer's department as coal passer
Shipped David E. Kilpatrick, boy
Joseph Derric? coal passer
D. Fujiwara, cabin steward,
David Kilpatrick, F. Yasuda and J. Ohno?, boys

April 16 1895 - http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol074/vol074_121_1.jpg
Thos. Powers M-at-arms disrated to seaman at his own request.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 26 March 2014, 07:07:56
List of Officers, April 1896 to Nov. 3 1896

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 26 March 2014, 13:39:22
From above list:
Francis Tuttle - Captain
Howard Emery - 1st Lieut.
D.H. Jarvis - 1st Lieut. [David]
Geo.M. Daniels - 2d Lieut. [George]
C.S. Cochrane - 2d Lieut. [Claude]
W.E.W Hall - 2d Lieut. [William]
H.G. Hamlet - 3d Lieut. [Harry]
J.C. Hooker - 3d Lieut. [James]
E.G. Schwartz - Chief Engr. [Edward]
Chas. F. Coffin - Chief Eng [Charles]
H.U?. Butler - 1st Asst. [Harry W.]
Geo. M. DeReamer - 2d Asst. [George]
H.K. Spencer - 2d Asst. [Henry]
Robert Lyall - Surgeon

Howard Emery - Detached on Apr 22d 1896
Geo. M. Daniels - Detached on Apr 23d 1896
Geo. M. DeReamer - Detached on Apr 22d 1896
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 26 March 2014, 15:53:17
Here is why Capt. Healy is not Captain this time:

In 1895 he was formally charged with misconduct by 25 officers of the Bering Sea Patrol, relieved of his command and ordered before a court martial. Captain Michael Healy was found guilty and suspended from duty for four years.

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 26 March 2014, 18:32:20
I was wondering why he wasn't Captain.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 16 April 2014, 11:53:31
List of Officers Nov 21 1897 to May 31 1898

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 17 April 2014, 13:33:28
From above list:
F. Tuttle - Captain [Francis]
D.H. Jarvis - 1st Lieut. [David]
J.H. Brown - 2d Lieut. [James]
E.P. Bertholf - 2d Lieut. [Elsworth]
C.S. Cochrane - 2d Lieut. [Claude]
John G. Berry - 2d Lieut.
B.H. Camden - 2d Lieut. [Bernard]
H.G. Hamlet - 2d Lieut. [Harry]
J.C. Hooker - 3d Lieut. [James]
H.C. Whitworth - Chief Engnr. [Horace]
H.W. Spear - 1st Asst. Engnr. [Herbert]
H.K. Spencer - 2d Asst. Engnr. [Henry]
J.J?. Bryan - 2d Asst. Engnr. [John]
S.J. Call - Surgeon
E.H. Woodruff - Asst. Surgeon
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 20 April 2014, 15:47:45
List of Officers June 1 1898 to Sept 17 1898

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 20 April 2014, 18:51:55
From above list:
Francis Tuttle - Captain
D.H. Jarvis - 1st Lieut. [David]
E.P. Bertholf - 2d Lieut. [Elsworth]
C.S. Cochrane - 2d Lieut. [Claude]
John G. Berry - 2d Lieut.
H.G. Hamlet - 2d Lieut. [Harry]
H.W. Spear - 1st Asst. Engr. [Herbert]
H.N. Wood - 1st Asst. Engr. [Horatio]
H.K. Spencer - 2d Asst. Engr. [Henry]
S.J. Call - Surgeon
E.H. Woodruff - Asst. Surgeon
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 25 April 2014, 07:21:23
List of Officers July 14 1901 to October 26 1901

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 26 April 2014, 05:10:26
From above list:
Francis Tuttle - Captain
J.M. Moore - 1st Lieut. [James]
H.G. Hamlet - 2d Lieut. [Harry]
C.W. Cairnes - 2d Lieut. [Charles]
P.H. Scott - 3d Lieut. [Philip]
A.J. Harrison - Chief Engr. [Andrew]
Urban Harvey - 2d Asst. Engr.
A.C. Norman - 2d Asst. Engr. [Albert]
R.N. Hawley - Surgeon
Wm. J. Wheeler - 3d Lieut [William]
T.G. Lewton - 2d Asst. Engr. [Theodore]
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: propriome on 26 April 2014, 05:30:55
Hello Bear!

Nice to see that two of your officers are also on board Unalga ten years later :D

Harry Gabriel Hamlet is Unalga Captain in 1914.
Theodore G. Lewton is Unalga's 1st Lieutenant of Engineers from 1916.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 26 April 2014, 12:51:37
Glad to see them doing well!  :)
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 26 April 2014, 14:28:25
Harry Hamlet, USCG (http://www.uscg.mil/history/people/HGHamletBio.asp)

Theodore G. Lewton (http://www.coastguardchannel.com/spclFeatures/cghistory/people/JHScott.shtml) and http://www.locategrave.org/l/429427/Theodore-Graham-Lewton-CA
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 28 April 2014, 10:18:38
One big happy family  ;D

List of Officers October 27 1901 to April 1902

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 28 April 2014, 16:38:35
Same men as on previous list with the addition of their addresses and some extra names:

E. Crawely
H.M. Broadbent
F.B. Goudey - 3rd Lieut [Frank Goudy]
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 28 April 2014, 17:14:26
You may know about this already, but for Frank B. Goudy and Howard M. Broadbent,
see: http://www.uscg.mil/history/articles/USRCSHistoricalRegister.pdf

Howard Miles Broadbent: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=49219784

Frank B. Goudy: http://www.spanamwar.com/USRCS.htm
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 01 May 2014, 10:21:20
List of Officers  June 1, 1903

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 01 May 2014, 19:44:08
From above:
NameRankAddress/Next of kin?
J[John].F. WildCaptain914 & 1900 McCulloh St. Baltimore, Maryland
C[Claude].S. Cochran2d Lieut.2631 Monmouth Ave. Lod Angeles, Cal.
Ernest E. Mead2d Lieut.Chas Mead, Esq. 495-4 St. So? Boston, Mass.
B[Benjamin].L. Brockway2d LieutC.J. Brockway, Livingstone, Alabama
F[Franklin].B. Harwood3d LieutWife S.W. Harwood, Marion, Mass.
F[Frederick].E. OwenChief EngineerF.E. Owen, Oswego, NY
F[Frank].G. Snyder1st Asst. EngrWife Maria Snyder,Newfield, NY (Route? No. 2)
T[Theodore].G. Lewton1st Asst. Engr.J.G. Lewton, 421-12 St. Portland, Oregon
J.T. WhiteSurgeon
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 07 May 2014, 09:50:05
List of Officers

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 07 May 2014, 18:52:26
From above list - July 1st 1904 to Dec 31st 1904
O[Orin].D. MyrickCaptain14 Apr 190436 Wells Ave, Boston, Mass. Dorchester Dist.
O[Oscar].C. HamletCaptain15 Nov 1904
C[Claude].S. Cochran1st Lt.16 May 1903918 - W 16th St. Lod Angeles, Cal.
H[Henry].G. Fisher2d Lt.25 Nov 190438 "I" St. N.E. Washington DC
Ernest E. Mead2d Lt.15 Nov 1904
H[Herman].H. Wolf2d Lt.15 Nov 1904
F[Franklin].B. Harwood2d Lt24 feb 1903Wife S.W. Harwood, Marion, Mass.
F[Francis].R. Shoemaker2d Lt.15 Nov 1904
L[Leon].C. Covell2d Lt.14 Nov 1904
F[Frederick].E. OwenChief Engr4 Apr 1903Owego, New York
J[John].E[Edward]. DorryChief Engr15 Nov 1904
F[Frank].G. Snyder1st Asst. Engr27 Mar 1902Wife Hattie Snyder,Newfield, NY, Route 2
Wm. L. Maxwell2d Asst. Engr18 Mar 1904
James T. WhiteSurgeon27 Apr 19031926 - 21st Ave. Oakland, Cal.
L[Levin].T. JonesChief Engr3 Oct 1904
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 10 May 2014, 07:14:53
There is a change of command, November 17, 1904. The Bear remained in California for most of this year but is now preparing for a voyage to Honolulu

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 10 May 2014, 13:01:43
List of Officers Jan.1 1905 to Jun 30 1905

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 10 May 2014, 17:57:50
From above list
O[Oscar].C. HamletCaptain3446 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal
Ernest E. Mead2d Lieut.c/o Chas. Mead, 495 Fourth Street, South Boston, Mass
H[Herman].H. Wolf2d Lieut.1607 West Tuscarawas St., Canton, Ohio
F[Francis].R. Shoemaker2d Lieut.c/o Virginia Stragland 1401 W. First St., Harrisburg, Pa
L[Leon].C. Covell2d Lieut.c/o L.W. Covell, 1122 G.H.S.E, Washington, DC
J[John].E[Edward]. DorryChief EngrMrs J.E. Dorry, 1203 Desvidora? St, San Francisco, Cal
Wm. L. Maxwell2d Asst. Engr2904 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal
J[Jesse]. W. Glover2d Asst. Engrc/o Dr. W~~ W.E. Glover, 2961 Buchanan St., San Francisco, Cal
James T. WhiteSurgeon1926 - 21st Ave. Oakland, Cal.
C[California]. C. McMillan2d Asst. Engrc/o J.T. McMillan, US Styd~~~ Office, San Francisco, Cal
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 14 May 2014, 09:45:55
List of Officers  July 1 1905 to Dec 31 1905


I see Hamlet is the Captain. Doesn't sound like the right temperament for that job  ;D

Here's the pay list

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 14 May 2014, 10:06:48
And commander on Unalga: http://forum.oldweather.org/index.php?topic=3342.msg82997#msg82997
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 14 May 2014, 10:55:10
Hmm, I guess I misjudged him  ;D
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 14 May 2014, 11:15:48
List of Officers  July 1 1905 to Dec 31 1905


I see Hamlet is the Captain. Doesn't sound like the right temperament for that job  ;D

Good one! I had an officer named J. Bond on the Pioneer once - but then his first name turned out to be John. So disappointing.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Randi on 14 May 2014, 11:24:15
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 19 May 2014, 07:44:59
List of officers 1906

http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USRC%20Bear/vol095/vol095_002_0.jpg ?
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 21 May 2014, 07:29:04
Capt. Tuttle ACS assumed command of this vessel and Capt O C Hamlet, RCS detached authority Dept. orders - April 10th 1906 (WGR)


Capt. Hamlet was helping out transporting refugees from the fire caused by the 1906 earthquake.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 08 June 2014, 08:24:30
List of Officers, Dec. 19, 1907 to June 30, 1908.


Complement of Enlisted Force  with pay rates

More information on crew at commissioning
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 11 June 2014, 05:31:03
List of officers, July 1st - Dec 31st 1908:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 15 June 2014, 10:26:04
List of officers, Jan 1st - June 30th 1909:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 18 June 2014, 15:17:49
List of officers, July 1st - Dec 31st 1909:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 01 July 2014, 17:14:56
List of officers, Jan 1st - June 30th 1910:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 09 July 2014, 14:53:14
List of officers, July 1st - Dec 31st 1910:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 14 July 2014, 10:35:30
Officers Jan- June 1910
E[Ellsworth].P. BertholfCaptainMrs. E.P. Bertholf, 953 Madison St., Oakland, Calif - Tel. 4142 Oakland
Chas. F. Nash1st Lt. of Engrs.Mrs. C.F. Nash, Albatross Inn, 3rd & Elm Streets, San Diego, Calif
Wm. J. Wheeler1st LieutS.V. Wheeler, Morristown, Tennesse
Geo. C. Alexander2nd LieutMrs. G.C. Alexander, Charlemagne Apts., Geary ~~ * Van Ness, San Francisco, Calif.
E[Edward].D[Darlington]. Jones2nd LieutW.G. Jones, Williamsburg, Virginia
Harvey F. Johnson2nd Lt.of EngrsMrs W.F. Farrell, Brookhaven, Mass.
S[Sidney].B. Orne3rd Lt.of EngrsZina Orne, Booth Bay Harbor, Maine
J[John].S. Baylis3rd LieutMrs. John E. Baylis, Farmer's Ave., Springfield, L.I., N.Y.
C[Clarence].J. Curtis2nd Lt.of Engrs
J[John].P. Gray2nd Lieut1329 Shunk St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
S.C. HotchkissAsst. Surgeon USPH & MHS
Judson ThurberBoatswainMrs. J. Thurber, 1269 64th Street, Oakland, Calif - Tel Home 6243
E.E. GoldGunnerD.J. Lewis, Indiana Harbor, Indiana
J.M. TaverndCarpenterMrs. J.M. Tavernd, 121 York St., San Fransisco, Calif
A.T. JohnsonMachinist527 28th St., Oakland, Calif

(*Charlemagne Apartments are on Geary St near Van Ness Ave but I can't make the ~~ read anything like that!)
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 14 July 2014, 10:48:14
Officers July - Dec 1910
E[Ellsworth].P. BertholfCaptain"The Peralta", 13th & Jackson Sts., Oakland, California
Chas. F. Nash1st Lt. of Engrs.112 S. Pitt St., Alexandria, Virginia
Wm. J. Wheeler1st LieutS.V. Wheeler, Morristown, Tenn.
C[Clarence].J. Curtis2nd Lt.of EngrsE.B. Murray, Ballston Lake, N.Y. - R.F.D #1
E[Edward].D[Darlington] Jones2nd LieutW.G. Jones, Williamsburg, Virginia
Harvey F. Johnson2nd Lt.of EngrsMrs W.F. Farrell, Brookhaven, Mass.
J[John].P. Gray2nd Lieut1329 Shunk St., Philadelphia, Penn
J[John].S. Baylis3rd LieutMrs. John E. Baylis, Farhrer's Ave., Springfield, L.I., N.Y.
S.C. HotchkissAsst. Surg.Mrs. Helen J. Hotchkiss, Sylvania, Ohio
Judson ThurberBoatswainMrs. J. Thurber, 1269 64th Street, Oakland, Calif - Tel Home 6243
E.E. GoldGunnerD.J. Lewis, Indiana Harbor, Indiana
J.M. TaverndCarpenterMrs. J.M. Tavernd, 121 York St., San Fransisco, Calif
J. AxelsonMachinist2001 Van ness Ave., San Francisco, Calif
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Craig on 21 July 2014, 16:32:22
List of Officers Jan - Jun 1911

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 23 July 2014, 10:26:36
From above list
J[James].G. BallingerCaptain"The Ashforth", 4th and Ash Sts., San Diego, California
Chas. F. NashFirst Lieutenant of Engineers112 S. Pitt St., Alexandria, Virginia
Wm. J. WheelerFirst LieutenantS.V. Wheeler, Morristown, Tenn.
C[Clarence].J. CurtisSecond Lieutenant of EngineersE.B. Murray, Ballston Lake, N.Y. - R.F.D #1
E[Edward].D[Darlington] JonesSecond LieutenantW.G. Jones, Williamsburg, Virginia, Box #64
Harvey F. JohnsonSecond Lieutenant of EngineersMrs W.F. Farrell, Brookhaven, Miss.
J[John].P. GraySecond Lieutenant1329 Shunk St., Philadelphia, Pa;"The Ashforth", 4th and Ash Sts., San Diego, Cal
J[John].S. BaylisThird LieutenantMrs. John E. Baylis, Farmers' Ave., Springfield, L.I., N.Y.
B[Benjamin].C. ThornCadet (Third Lieut of Engineers)Greenport, Suffolk Co., ~, NY
J[Jeremiah].A. StarrCadet (Third Lieutenant)444 E~~ St. New York, NY
S[Samuel].M. RockFirst Lieutenant of Engineers336 ~~ Avenue, Homestead, Pa
N[Norman].B. HallSecond Lieutenant of EngineersMr Thos Hall, PO Box 86, ~~~, New Jersey
W.F. DraperAsst. Surgeon USPH & MHSMr William B Draper, 160 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands, Mass; Mrs Hassen I. Draper, 408 Jefferson Ave., ~~, Mich.
Judson ThurberBoatswainMrs. J. Thurber, 1269 64th Street, Oakland, Cal., Home #6243
E.E. GoldGunnerD.J. Lewis, Indiana Harbor, Indiana
J.M. TaverndCarpenter121 York St., San Fransisco, Cal
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 26 July 2014, 17:30:14
List of Officers, July - Dec 1911:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 31 July 2014, 03:21:56
List of Officers, Jan - June 1912:

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: tastiger on 03 August 2014, 06:35:01
List of Officers July First to December 31st 1911 (again apparently)

Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 03 August 2014, 06:55:30
Jan - June 1912
J[James].G. BallingerCaptain"The Ashforth", San Diego, Calif.
E[Edward].D[Darlington] JonesSecond Lieut.W.G. Jones, Williamsburg, Pa.
J[John].S. BaylisSecond Lieut.Marley, Md.
B[Benjamin].C. ThornThird Lieut of EngineersGreenport, Suffolk Co., Long Island, NY
J[Jeremiah].A. StarrThird Lieutenant#444 E170 Street, New York, NY
S[Samuel].M. RockFirst Lieut. of Engineers#336 11th Avenue, Homestead, Pa
N[Norman].B. HallSecond Lieut. of EngineersMr Thos. S. Hall, PO Box 86, ~~~, N.J.
Philip H. ScottFirst LieutGordonsville, Va.
H[Harry].L. BoydFirst Lieut. of Engrs.Fallview Apartments, Bloom St. and Mackison Ave., Baltimore, Md.
R[Ralph].W. DempwolfSecond Lieut.#288 Cottage Hill Ave., York, Pa.
H[Henry].C[Charles]. RoachThird Lieut of Engineers#57 Parker Street, New Bedford, Mass.
J.A. WatkinsAsst. Surgeon USPH & MHSSlidell, La.
Judson ThurberBoatswainMrs. Judson Thurber, #1269 64th Street, Emeryville, Cal.
E.E. GoldGunnerD.J. Lewis, Indiana Harbor, Ind.
R. GrassowCarpenterMrs. L. Grassow, Rostock, Germany
J. AxelsonMachinistMr HE Baalack, #342 Attener St., San Francisco, Cal.
J. PetersonGunner(~)Mrs. J. Peterson, #1274 Ocean Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: Hanibal94 on 03 August 2014, 19:16:45
List of Officers, 28th April - 30th October 1892 (I just got sent back twenty years!)


(The logbook itself goes on until 13th December 1892)
Title: Re: Bear -- Crew Lists
Post by: jil on 10 August 2014, 04:29:50
From above list:

M.A. Healy - Captain
Geo. E. McConnell - 1st Lieutenant
H[Howard].M. Broadbent - 2nd Lieutenant
D[David].H. Jarvis - 2nd Lieutenant
C[Chester].M. White - 3rd Lieutenant
Horace Hassell - Chief Engr.
A[Alfred].L. Broadbent - 1st Asst. Engr.
F[Fred].R. Falkenstein - 2nd Asst. Engr.
Otto Noss - Surgeon
S.J. Call - Surgeon