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T. Sweeney, cox, being drunk fell overboard, was hauled out and by order of Comd'g Officer, placed in brig for safe keeping.
USS Concord - Crew: S-V (16 Sep 1905 - 04 Nov 1909):-X
Surname Given Name Position Comments Sweeney T. P. BosM 2c 16 Sep 1905 - joined ship from USS Solace. 02 Nov 1905 - rated Act BosM 1c from 01 Nov. 15 Nov 1905 - received perm appt as BosM 2c. 03 Aug 1906 - transferred to USS Ohio.
Can I get a few opinions on the 6PM reading of "Forms of Clouds, by symbols"? Cu.?. ???
T. Sweeny (Cox.) left ship without permission, sent Master at Arms to bring him back and confined him in brig.8PM to Mid.
P.D. Bailey, J. Burns and S. Stuart returned two hours late, stopped liberty 10 days.10:40 PM
Pat'k McCann returned having left ship without permission, stopped liberty for 45 days.
The following liberty men returned A. Wilson, sea., R. Campbell, ch., O. Schimmer, os, and G.Holland os, having overstayed liberty less than 12 hours, stopped liberty 12 days.1:00 AM
J.P. Wood, ch, having left ship without permission stopped liberty 45 days.4 to 8 AM
H. Hink, boy, returned 10 hours overtime stopped liberty 15 days8 AM to 4 PM
E. Williams returned from liberty drunk stopped liberty 30 days4 PM to 8 PM
Sent Master at Arms and Gunner ashore to fetch off W.D. Monahan, P. Shaughnessey and P. Carson. Monahan & Carson returned drunk, stopped liberty 30 days. Shaughnessey having left without permission stopped liberty 45 days.4 PM to 8 PM
Released Thos. Sweeney from confinement.
Captain J.H. Pendleton USMC visited ship.
W. Kelly Cox. disrated to Ord. Sea. for disobedience of orders in leaving boat while in charge.4 to 8PM
Rated W.C. Mitchell, ord. sea, to seaman, from 6th inst.
Put T. Sweeney, Cox., in double irons and confined him in the brig. -deliberate disobedience of orders, and intoxicattion, by order of Comd. Officer.
Rated J.O. Johansen, ord. sea. to seaman.8AM to Merid
Released T. Sweeney, cox., from confinement.
Furnished Green, Master, bk Alaska, with two pair hand and 4 pr. leg irons, crew attempting to desert.
Observed distress signal on Bk Alaska sent officer to investigate and found she wanted tug as she was bumping bottom in 2 3/4 fms. Stmr. Mary D. Hume ran line and attempted to tow her off.- Having lost her rudder, she was unmanageable, and let go hawser, hoisted her jib and ran on the Beach.12:00 Noon
Launch Islam brought alongside skiff from Bk. Alaska, with three men. Issued them rations.1:00PM
sent 1st cutter in charge of 2nd Lieut Bertholf to assist crew and passengers of wrecked Bark Alaska.2:30PM
boat returned, crew and passengers of Alaska came on board in their own boats.4PM to 6PM
The following named persons came on board - - viz -
B. Cogan, master : Greene : L. Williams : Cogan : J.T. Thomas : W.A. Cohill : J. King : P. Assums : D.C. Wilhelm : T. Marston : John Margus : I.M. McCandless : Geo. Gilley : P. Ortes : E. Landy : J. McMaster : C.E. Winsted : E.C. Champion : R.F. Champion : Wm. Fielder : P. Millam : J.T. Thompson : A. Anderson : T.N. Thompson : J.P. Johnson : J. Westlake : T. Slater : W.R. Jenkins : A. Lfogren : J. Ross : T.R. Carlisle : H.B. Watson : T. Kiefe : C.A. Anderson : J.W. Blake : A. Laflin : D. Smith : D. Bark : C. Longe : G. Klecenne : S. Price : and 8 natives from St. Lawrence Island. Issued 40 additional rations
Sent an officer and seaman to guard property on Bark Alaska.
prescribed and furnished medicine to four men from wrecked bark Alaska
All the persons from wrecked bark Alaska except J.P. Johnson, L. Williams and eight natives, left vessel.9:00AM
Lieut. Gamble and P. Bailey, O.S. left vessel to guard property on wrecked bark Alaska.Merid to 4PM
Employed natives with whale boat to do necessary ship's boating, for $10.00 per day and rations.
Ice becoming heavier, stopped and in attempting to haul whale boat alongside, painter carried away, caught boat with grapnel, in going ahead to clear ice cake, propeller struck boat cutting stern off, lost boat.
U.S.R. steamer Bear, who received us onboard and treated us as well as they could.
Gunner Wm Boundy came on board under the influence of liquor, a bottle of whiskey in his belongings, he having been on detached duty in charge of three men on the Sch. Louisa D. Canfield.6 to 8PM
Holland, and Adams returned on board from Louisa D. Adams being under the influence of liquor.
Dr S.J. Call quarantine officer came on board and requested assistance to prevent landing of passengers before inspection. Sent an officer and ships surgeon to board vessels and prevent landing.
Sent boat with quarantine officer to board Stmr San Pedio and Stmr Santa Anna upon their arrival in port.4AM to 8AM
Loaned quarantine flag to Stmr Santa Anna.8AM to Mer
Received report that 30 persons were wrecked on Bark Hunter and in distress at Cape Romantzoff, and that the Stmr Nome City in trying to rescue them had gone ashore. Sent an officer to investigate report.8AM to Mer
Stmr Aigo arrived, sent an officer to prevent her landing passengers.
Launch returned, Lieut. Bertholf reported Hunters stern stove in and main deck partly broken up. He went inside of sand spit and learned from natives that a steamer had taken ship wrecked persons.
Master of Brig Pitcairn came on board and requested assistance, passengers interfering with the management of his vessel. Informed him that he would be protected.
Note by Comd?g Offr:- Brig. Gen. Randall comd?g Dept of Alaska requested that the ?Bear? proceed to Egg Island to aid in maintaining quarantine of Steamer Alva and Santa Anna, which Lieut. Cochran in command at St Michael reported in danger of being broken, and he had no adequate means of maintaining it. At 1:45 pm started for Egg Island to render the assistance requested.
1900: Measles, the ?Great Sickness,? strikes Alaska Natives
Measles, called ?the Great Sickness,? reached parts of Alaska as much as 50 years earlier, but some Yup?ik, I?upiat, and I?upiaq communities had not been exposed. Now they suffer losses of one-quarter to one-half of their populations.
;D ;D ;D
I hope you didn't trip jumping over to the next month on the calendar. ;)
Stopped off quarantine and sent surgeon to board vessels. Reported no new cases and threatened attempt at escape by passengers of Santa Anna. Sent officer on board to investegate, warn, and disarm passengers.4PM to 9PM
Received on board J Vrutun and E Purley, the latter having had his arm amputated, to be taken to Hospital St Michael.
Sick report:- Brought on board from Unalakleet a man who had accidentally shot himself in right arm with shot gun, between elbow and shoulder, time of accident yesterday afternoon. Bone so shattered and muscular tissue so lacuated that Dr Gambell of reindeer station found amputation necessary, which he performed at 12:00 last night. Patient brought on board at 4 pm and made as comfortable as possible in petty officers quarters.
Sick report:- Kelly and Boswell unfit for duty. Kelly fell down fore hold ladder last night and fractured 9th rib on right side.
Confined J Shaugnessy (fire) in brig on bread and water for insolence and threatening an officer. Gave him an additional five days with one full ration interning for insolence to the Comd'g Offr. Placed gag in prisoners mouth and confined him in double irons for continued insolence.
Received information that an epedemic of measles had broken out at Cape Prince of Wales, that several natives had died and that the children of Mr Lopp missionary at that place were sick. Steamed to Prince of Wales to render assistance. Upon arrival Surgeon Hawley was sent ashore. Upon his return he reported that five natives had died and many were still ill, the children of Mr Lopp improving. Gave such advice and medicine as were necessary.
Disrated Wm Kelly (cox) to (sea) and transferred him to "Manning" for transportation to Marine Hospital Dutch Harbor, to be discharged Sept 8th.