Location | Place Name | Name = between Santa Cruz and Porto Rico
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 EbyN 4 30.16 78 76 76 77 bcp Nim 4 2 " 4 30.14 78 76 76 77 " " 5 3 " 5 30.12 78 76 76 77 " " 5 4 " 6 30.12 76 75 75 77 " " 5 5 " 4 30.12 78 75 75 77 bcqp Cum-Nim 5 6 " 4 30.14 78 75 75 77 " " 5 7 " 4 30.16 76 74 74 77 " " 5 8 NE 3-4 30.18 78 74 74 77 " " 5 9 " 4 30.20 80 77 76 77 bc Cum 8 10 " 4 30.20 82 77 76 77 " " 8 11 " 3 30.20 84 78 77 77 " " 8 12 " 3 30.18 84 79 78 77 " " 8
Location | Observed | Latitude = N 17 49 06 | Longitude = W 65 29 00
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud code | Clear Sky | 1 NE 3 30.14 82 78 77 77 bc Cum 6 2 " 3 30.12 82 79 77 77 " " 6 3 " 4 30.10 82 79 77 77 " " 6 4 " 4 30.10 82 79 78 77 " " 6 5 " 4 30.10 80 78 77 77 " " 6 6 " 4 30.12 78 77 76 77 " " 6 7 " 3 30.14 78 77 76 77 " Cum-Nim 6 8 " 3 30.16 80 77 76 77 " " 7 9 " 4 30.16 78 76 76 77 " " 8 10 ENE 5 30.14 78 76 76 77 bcp " 7 11 EbyN 5 30.14 78 75 75 77 bc " 7 12 " 5 30.14 78 75 75 77 " " 6
According to Philip Brohan, the head of our science team:
From the weather point of view this is a great example of the typical daily pattern of observations - you can see the clear diurnal cycle in air temperatures.
Lieut. Comdr. Z. L. Tanner
Friday January 25'th 1884
Commences and until 4 A.M. - Partly cloudy, with occasional passing showers.
Moderate to fresh breeze from E. by N. Steering course S. by W. 1/2 W. until 2.00, then N. by W.
sounding every five miles. P.L. at change of course read 36.5; at end of watch 39.6.
L. M. Garrett.
4 to 8 A.M. - Squally, with fresh breeze from N'd and E'd, Mod. to rough sea.
at 4.15 sounded in 990 fathoms, yellow sand and shells. Run five miles N x W (p.c.)
and sounded (5.40) in 993 fms., same bottom. Run five miles N x W (p.c.) and
sounded (7.15) in 1243 fathoms, same bottom. Av. steam 47. Revols. 57. George
Kershaw, 2 C.F. confined on bread and water until further orders, by order of
Comd'g. Officer, for disobedience of orders. S. H. May.
8 to Merid. - Clear and warm. Gentle to Moderate N.E. breeze. At 8.53 stopped and
sounded (Sigsbee's Machine) in 2188 fathoms, coral sand. Hauled in Pat. log, registering
56.5. Took serial temperatures with Sigsbee's Machine, Small Machine and dredge rope.
Average steam 48. Average revs. 50. A. C. Baker
Merid. to 4 P.M. - Clear and pleasant. Gentle to Moderate breeze from N.E. At 12.50
started ahead on course S.S.W. 1/2 W. (P.L. 56.5). At 1.25 stopped (P.L. 61.5) and sound-
ed in 1345 fms (white coral sand and small shells). At 2.23 started ahead and
and at 3. stopped (P.L. 66.5) and sounded in 789 fms. (white coral sand and minute shells) At
3.25 started ahead. At 4. stopped to sound; P.L. then read 71.5. Av. steam 48. Revs.
49.5. C. J. Boush
4 to 6 P.M. - Partly cloudy. Moderate N.E. breeze. At 4.00 P.L. reading 71.5, sounded
in 578 fms, bottom fine coral sand and foraminifera. Started ahead at 4.20, course S.S.W 1/2 W.
At 4.55, P.L. 76.5, got bottom at 1303 fms., same character as before; went ahead on
course at 5.45 P.L. at end of watch 78.5. Revs. 50. Steam 47. L. M. Garrett.
6 to 8 P.M. - Pleasant, with Mod. N.E. breeze. At 6.24 sounded in 2017 fathoms (coral
and shells). At 7.40 began taking serial temps. Avr. Steam 48. Revs. 52.
S. H. May.
8 P.M. to Midnight. - Partially clear. Passing shower second hour. Fresh breeze from N'd and
E'd. Took serial temperatures with Sigsbee's Machine. At 10.10 started ahead, course S.E. by S.
Made fore and aft sail. Put over pat. log registering 82. At end of watch pat. log read 93.9.
Average steam 48. Average revs. 48. A C Baker
Seaton Schroeder
Lieut. U.S.N.
... Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm ...
Location | Place Name | Name = Making passage to and anchored off Jolo, Island of Jolo, P.I.
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 EbyN 2 29.66 82 80 78 82 bc Cum 4 2 E 2 29.64 82 80 78 82 " " 5 3 " 2 29.64 82 80 78 82 " " 3 4 ESE 2 29.65 81 80 78 82 " A-Cum 3 5 " 2 29.65 81 80 78 82 " " 1 6 " 2 29.67 80 80 78 82 " " 5 7 " 2 29.68 81 79 78 82 " Cum 2 8 " 1 29.68 82 80 78 82 " " 2 9 " 1 29.70 81 81 79 82 " " 3 10 " 1 29.71 81 84 81 82 " Cir 4 11 " 1 29.70 82 85 82 82 " Cir-Cum 4 12 " 1 29.66 82 87 83 82 " " 3
Location | Port Name | Name = Jolo, Island of Jolo, P.I.
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud code | Clear Sky | 1 E 1 29.64 83 89 83 84 bc Cir-Cum 2 2 " 1 29.63 82 96 88 84 " " 3 3 Variable 0-1 29.61 84 101 91 83 " " 4 4 NE 1 29.61 84 100 91 82 " " 5 5 Variable 1 29.63 83 87 83 80 " Cum-Nim 7 6 " 0-1 29.65 82 84 81 80 " " 7 7 " 0-1 29.65 82 82 80 80 " Cum 4 8 " 0-1 29.65 82 80 78 80 " " 4 9 " 0-1 29.67 79 77 76 80 bcm Cir-Str 3 10 " 0-1 29.69 79 76 75 79 " " 3 11 " 0-1 29.69 78 76 75 79 bm None 0 12 " 0-1 29.68 78 75 74 79 " " 0
According to Philip Brohan, the head of our science team:
From the weather point of view this is a great example of the typical daily pattern of observations - you can see the clear diurnal cycle in air and water temperatures, with the air temperature changing much more than the water temperature. On this page you can see the interaction between clouds and temperature, with the air cooling fast late in the day when the clouds clear.
Lieut.-Commander M. Johnston
Thursday, March 5th 1908
Commences and until 4 am. - Partly cloudy but pleasant. Light
breezes from E by N, East and ESE. Barometer about steady.
Ship steaming full speed on course. E by N (PSC). Steam 74.5; revs.
77.7 F. R. Hazard
Chief Boatswain, USN.
4 to 8 am. - Clear and pleasant. Light breezes to light airs from ESE.
Barometer rising. Steaming full speed on course E by N (PSC).
At 5:50 sighted the islands of Pangatorang, North Ubion and
Malicot, and at 6:03 changed course to NE by E (PSC), p.l. 16.7
At 6:20 changed course to E by N (PSC), p.l. 19.0 Stopped both engines
at 6:25 and at 6:36 went ahead half speed on both engines. At
6:27 changed course to E 3/4 S (PSC), p.l. 20.3. Went ahead full speed
at 6:45. At 8:00 changed course to SE by E 1/2 E (PSC), p.l. 32.0. Steam
78.2; revs. 81.6 T. M. Cassidy
Boatswain, USN.
8 am until Meridian. - Clear and pleasant weather. Light airs
from ESE. Barometer falling. Steaming full speed on course SE by E 1/2 E
(PSC) until 8:43, then various courses rounding Usada Island.
At 9:15 Scientific parties left ship in prahm and yawl. At 9:17
went ahead full speed on various courses. At 9:50 stopped and took
sounding, getting bottom at 318 fms. Then put over 12' Agassiz trawl
veering to 400 fms. wire and towed 20 minutes. Trawl up at 11:06.
At 11:10 went ahead half speed, standing toward Usada Island, pick-
ing up prahm and yawl with scientific parties. At 11:38 went
ahead full speed on course E 7/8 S (PSC). Commanding officer
awarded following punishments: B. Reilly, Oil., 23 hours over
time, 3rd class; J. Blake, Sea., stealing out of the galley and
assaulting wardroom cook, 5 days double irons on the berth deck.
F W Metters
Boatswain, USN.
Meridian to Midnight. - Clear and pleasant. Light airs from East and
NE to variable. Barometer falling until 4:00, then rising. Steaming
full speed on course E 7/8 S (PSC). At 1:55 changed to East (PSC). At
2:25 stopped and sounded in 171 fms. water. Ahead full speed on
various courses at 2:30. At 2:35 Stopped and sounded in 186 fms.
Put over 9' A.-B. harrow trawl and towed 6 minutes. Ahead
full speed on course ENE (PSC) at 3:15. At 3:45 stopped and sounded
in 20 fms., put over same trawl and towed 6 minutes. Ahead full
speed on various courses at 4:00. Came to anchor off Jolo in 11
fms. water, 45 fms. chain on stbd. anchor, at 4:20. Health - and
Customs Officers made usual boarding visits. Aide of the
Commanding Officer of Jolo called on the Commanding Officer of
this vessel. Received mail. F. R. Hazard
Chief Boatswain, USN.
B. Barthalow,
Lieutenant, U.S.N.
Location | Port Name | Name = Alameda, California
Date = 15/02/1916
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud Code | Clear Sky | 1 Calm 0 30.33 61 54 53 47 bz None 0 2 " 0 30.33 60 54 53 47 " " 0 3 " 0 30.33 59 54 53 47 " " 0 4 " 0 30.33 59 53 52 47 " " 0 5 " 0 30.33 59 53 52 47 bcz Cir-Str 1 6 " 0 30.34 58 53 52 47 " " 1 7 " 0 30.34 57 54 52 47 " " 1 8 " 0 30.34 60 57 54 48 " " 1 9 " 0 30.35 61 59 56 48 " " 1 10 " 0 30.36 63 61 58 49 " " 1 11 NE 1-2 30.35 67 63 60 50 " " 1 12
Hour | Wind Dir | Force | Bar Height | Ther Attached | Dry| Wet | Water | Weather Code | Cloud code | Clear Sky | 1 NE 1 30.30 70 71 63 51 bcz Cir-Str 1 2 " 1 30.25 72 72 64 51 " " 2 3 " 1 30.24 73 74 67 52 " " 2 4 Calm 0 30.23 73 74 67 52 " " 2 5 " 0 30.23 73 73 65 52 " " 1 6 " 0 30.23 72 69 63 51 " " 1 7 " 0 30.23 70 63 60 51 " " 1 8 " 0 30.22 68 62 59 50 " " 1 9 " 0 30.24 67 62 59 49 " " 1 10 " 0 30.24 65 60 58 48 " " 2 11 " 0 30.25 63 58 56 48 " " 2 12 " 0 30.26 61 54 54 48 " " 2
According to Philip Brohan, the head of our science team:
From the weather point of view this is a great example of the typical daily pattern of observations - you can see the clear diurnal cycle in air and water temperatures, with the air temperature changing much more than the water temperature.
Commences and until 9:00 a.m.
Carried out morning routine. Liberty party returned;
no absentees. R. Beckwith, MM1C, returned from seven
days leave. Crew engaged in scaling and painting
chain locker and fore hold. Received stores in gen-
eral mess.
J D Glick
Boatswain, U.S.N.
9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Crew engaged in ship's work. G.R.Grant, Sea., was
transferred to the PROMETHEUS inexchange with P. A.
Jarvis, Sea. Received stores in deck department from
Supply Officer, Navy Yard, Mare Island, via water
barge # 25. Medical Officer commenced vaccinating
officers and crew. Pay Officer left the ship on duty
for Mare Island Navy Yard.Enlisted C.A.Frazer, C.P.,
for four years. P.A.Jarvis, Sea., reported on board
from the PROMETHEUS with bag and hammock.
B H Shepley
Chief Boatswain, U.S.N.
4:00 p.m. until Midnight.
Sent liberty party ashore. Inspected ship at 10:00 p.
J D Glick
Boatswain, U.S.N.
Received and inspected following commissary stores:
38 lbs bread from Fisher's Bakery
J D Glick
Boatswain, U.S.N.
40 lbs rib steak from Cal. Co-Operative Meat Co.
20 " Hamburger " Central Meat Co,
100 " sweet potatoes " A.Levy & J.Zentner Co.
B H Shepley
Chief Boatswain, U.S.N.
J. J. Hannigan. B. H. Shepley.
Lt-Commander, U.S.N., Commanding. Chief Boatswain, U.S.N., Navigator
Coal Passer - Changed from Coal Heaver 1893; changed to Fire 3c 1917.
As oil became the primary fuel in use in the Navy the rating of Coal Passer was no longer needed and it was changed to Fireman in 1917.
Hour | | Wind Dir | | Force | | Bar Height | | Ther Attached | | Dry| | Wet | | Water | | Weather Code | | Cloud Code | | Clear Sky | |
1 | SbyW | 3-4 | 30 12 | 52 | 50 | 53 | o | Cum-Str | 10 | |
2 | SSW | 4 | 30 12 | 53 | 51 | 54 | " | A-Str | 10 | |
3 | SW | 4 | 30 12 | 53 | 51 | 54 | od | " | 10 | |
4 | " | 4 | 30 12 | 53 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
5 | SSW | 3-4 | 30 14 | 53 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
6 | " | 3-4 | 30 13 | 53 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
7 | " | 3 | 30 14 | 53 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
8 | SbyW | 3 | 30 14 | 54 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
9 | " | 3 | 30 15 | 54 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
10 | " | 3 | 30 16 | 54 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 10 | |
11 | " | 3 | 30 17 | 54 | 51 | 55 | " | " | 9 | |
12 | " | 3 | 30 18 | 54 | 52 | 55 | " | Cum-Nim | 10 |
Hour | | Wind Dir | | Force | | Bar Height | | Ther Attached | | Dry| | Wet | | Water | | Weather Code | | Cloud code | | Clear Sky | |
1 | SbyW | 4 | 30 18 | 54 | 53 | 57 | ow | Fr N + S Cu | 10 | |
2 | " | 3-4 | 30 19 | 55 | 53 | 58 | " | Fr N | 10 | |
3 | " | 3 | 30 17 | 55 | 53 | 57 | oc | Fr N + S Cu | 10 | |
4 | " | 2-3 | 30 16 | 56 | 53 | 57 | ocw | " | 10 | |
5 | " | 3 | 30 16 | 55 | 53 | 56 | " | " | 10 | |
6 | " | 2-3 | 30 16 | 56 | 53 | 57 | " | " | 10 | |
7 | " | 2-3 | 30 14 | 56 | 54 | 57 | od | Cum-Str | 10 | |
8 | " | 2-3 | 30 16 | 56 | 54 | 57 | " | Cum-Nim | 10 | |
9 | " | 2-3 | 30 15 | 55 | 53 | 57 | op | Nim | 9 | |
10 | " | 2-3 | 30 16 | 56 | 53 | 57 | bc | " | 9 | |
11 | " | 2 | 30 16 | 55 | 53 | 57 | " | A-Cum | 7 | |
12 | " | 2 | 30 16 | 55 | 52 | 56 | " | " | 7 |